Strange plane crashes: where do planes disappear? The most mysterious disappearance of an aircraft in aviation history.

Our world is filled with a variety of secrets and mysteries that no science can yet explain. Despite the development of civilization, in many ways we still do not understand all the laws of the Universe and therefore we are often faced with inexplicable and sometimes even mystical facts of the existence of otherworldly forces. And some anomalies began to occur precisely when man learned to fly, or, to be more precise, launched into the sky. There are many mysterious facts, associated with these miracles of technology, and some cases in which missing aircraft appear are presented in this article.

Malaysia Airlines MH370

The plane that disappeared while flying flight MH370 attracted a lot of attention at the time. Millions of people from all over the world watched this event. On March 8, 2014, the flight took off from the Malaysian airport located in Kuala Lumpur and was supposed to head to Beijing. There were about 300 passengers and crew members on board, and to this day no one is able to answer what happened to this flight.

Having flown approximately 220 kilometers from the country's coast, the plane disappeared from radar. This happened about an hour later, when the car took off. The missing Malaysia-Beijing plane is still being searched for, but so far no wreckage or traces of passengers or crew have been found.

Amelia Earhart

One of the most famous events in the world is considered to be one that occurred in 1937. Then an American woman named Amelia Earhart set off in her two-seater monoplane, which was called the Electra, on a journey over Pacific Ocean. She took off in the area of ​​Howland Island with the goal of flying around the world and disappeared. This woman was very famous because she was the first of the fair sex to decide to overcome the distance over the Atlantic Ocean.

Many researchers are still trying to find out the fate of the girl. There are a lot of theories about this, and not all of them look plausible. Long years people tried to find evidence of her crash or cunning, but so far, neither the wreckage of her aircraft nor she herself have been found. Today, this case is one of the mysteries called “Secrets of the missing planes.”

Authorities declared her dead two years after the incident. But some historians still believe that she is alive.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

The most mysterious and enigmatic place on the planet is considered to be the territory called This is a rather large space between Florida and Puerto Rico. It was in this area that most of the mysterious disappearances occurred, not only of planes, but also of ships. One of the most sensational cases involving missing planes occurred on December 5, 1945. It is believed that it was from this moment that the whole mystification of this place began. Then there was a training mission for torpedo bombers. The five planes took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with an experienced instructor in tow.

An hour and a half after the start of the mission, the pilots contacted the dispatcher, reporting the loss of a landmark. They couldn't figure out where they were, and the terrain they saw didn't look like what they were supposed to be seeing. The pilots also mentioned that their compasses did not work and were completely out of order. There was a noticeable deterioration in the weather, and since the shore was not visible, the pilots decided to land on the water surface. After this, neither the missing planes nor their crews were found. Even more mystical was the fact that one of the planes that was sent to find the five torpedo bombers also disappeared without a trace.

Star Dust and the mysterious Morse code

Back in August 1947, British South American Airways flew its Star Dust aircraft from Argentina to Chile. The flight took place from Buenos Aires and the plane was supposed to land in the city of Santiago. But the flight never reached its destination. Before the plane disappeared into the Andes Mountains, the pilot managed to send a message that later raised more questions than could have been the case. Using Morse code, the radio operator sent a strange message "STENDEC", which is still not solved.

The attention to this aircraft was special, because after its disappearance it was possible to find out more about the passengers. There were six of them and four crew members. But who they were is worthy of a real conspiracy theory. On board were:

  • two businessmen who decided to go on a tour and find new clients;
  • a stern-looking Englishman, a courier at the British embassy, ​​there is a theory that he was transporting secret documents;
  • a German woman who decided to return to her homeland after losing her husband, and most likely she was a criminal during the war;
  • a Palestinian who reportedly carries a diamond in the lining of his jacket;
  • a representative of a tire company, its sales agent, a former mentor to one of the European monarchs.

These citizens and the strange, mysterious message caused a real storm in the press, because taking this into account, many theories and hoaxes can be created.

The solution to the disappearance of Star Dust

The mystery of this event was revealed only in 2000, when several climbers accidentally found a piece of an airplane engine. And when the expedition went there, they were able to establish the reason for the disappearance of the plane. Apparently, the pilot, making his calculations, made a mistake with their position and, deciding that they had already flown over the mountains, began to descend. The aircraft skin is not capable of withstanding long time at high altitude, so due to the pressure, the radio operator's attention could be confused and his message could mean a "descent" command. And when the plane crashed into the mountains, it provoked an avalanche, which hid aircraft from prying eyes for half a century.

The Mystery of Flight 191

Here we're talking about not about one, but about several incidents, the connecting link of which is the flight number. The crash of American Airlines Flight 191 is considered one of the worst accidents in US aviation history. Just a couple of minutes after takeoff, the plane carrying just under 300 people crashed at the Chicago airfield.

Also in 1967, in another incident, an experimental aircraft carrying Flight 191 crashed, killing the pilot. And in 2012, the crew of JetBlue Airways Flight 191 had a real panic attack that the passengers had to contain. Based on this data, many airlines have decided to exclude this flight number from their flight schedules.

The Mystery of Flight 914

Probably one of the most controversial legends in aviation is the unidentified mystery - flight 914. Many skeptics argue that this is a canard, an invention of the yellow press. But in fact, there is neither confirmation nor worthy refutation of this story.

In 1955, a DC-4 flew from New York to Miami. There were 57 passengers and a crew of pilots on board. There is evidence that the same plane appeared on the runway of one of the airports in Venezuela. According to some reports, there is information that the pilot of the ghost flight contacted airport employees and there is a recording of their conversation.

A sign that something was wrong was that a fairly old plane began to land on the runway, which was not visible on the radar. After establishing communication between the pilot and the airport, it was possible to find out what kind of flight it was and how many passengers were on board. The pilot's voice was quite confused and frightened. The controller said where the plane was, and after that there was silence. And it’s not surprising, because the distance between the original destination and this airport is very large. When they reported over the communications what the time difference was, the pilots got scared and flew away. As the ground crew approached, one of the pilots waved a folder at them, from which a small 1955 calendar flew out. It is believed that information on the Flight 914 case is partially classified.

Missing planes (according to military testimony)

  1. The first case recorded by the military occurred in 1945. Then the young sergeant was supposed to transfer the plane from Kansas to Puerto Rico, but did not land at its destination. The search for the guy and the plane was unsuccessful.
  2. In 1947, a military transport plane disappeared Marine Corps USA. There were 32 passengers on board. The wreckage of the plane was found, but the bodies of the passengers and crew were not.
  3. In 1965, a military transport plane with spare parts for equipment on board disappeared. He disappeared a hundred miles before landing.
  4. In 1972, a twin-engine private plane carrying several politicians disappeared. The last time the pilot made contact was 12 minutes after the start of the flight. Despite the extensive searches that were carried out, no information could be found.
  5. In 1978, a carrier-based attack aircraft disappeared without a trace in the Gulf of Mexico.


These are not all cases of missing planes. Many countries appear in materials marked “airplane missing.” Indonesia is among them. In fact, anything can happen in the sky. You can find stories that include the plane that disappeared on March 8, and many others. Scientists have been developing theories regarding the influence of magnetic field earth and space-time gaps. Only one thing is clear, as soon as the first aircraft took off into the air, not at all small objects began to disappear. And many of them are under very strange circumstances.

Plane crashes, alas, are not uncommon - whether due to pilot error, weather conditions or a technical malfunction, a plane can crash. Usually the pilot manages to inform the air traffic controller about the problem or send an SOS signal, but in history there have been cases when communication with the aircraft was lost for some unknown reason. And sometimes no traces of the crash could be found later...

Link 19, missing from radar

On December 5, 1945, five American Avenger naval torpedo bombers, making up Flight 19, set off on a training flight. They had to fly over the Bermuda Triangle area. Flight commander Charles Taylor managed to report via radio that the aeronautical instruments had malfunctioned and all five aircraft were flying in the wrong direction. Then a storm began and radio contact was lost. Five planes also disappeared, as did the rescue seaplane sent to search for them.

The pilot of the Star Ariel plane showed no signs of concern, but never made it to its destination

In 1949, an Avro Tudor Mark IV passenger plane, known as the Star Ariel, flew from Kindley Field in Bermuda to Kingston in Jamaica. There were seven crew members and 13 passengers on board, and the weather that day was beautiful. The aircraft's captain, John McPee, contacted Kingston Airport twice, and both of his messages were completely normal, that is, there was no sign of problems. However, the plane never reached Kingston and dozens of ships and planes were sent to search for it. But they couldn't find anything.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people on board

The plane was making an international flight from Malaysia to China on March 8, 2014. About an hour after takeoff, he contacted air traffic control - at that moment the plane was flying over the South China Sea. He never made contact again, and soon disappeared from the radar screens. But it was detected by a military radar - and, apparently, the plane began to deviate from the planned course. As a result, he disappeared from this radar too. 12 crew members and 227 passengers are presumed dead in the accident, but the actual cause of the accident is unknown.

Pan Am Flight 7 - plane wreckage and bodies of poisoned passengers found in the ocean carbon monoxide

In 1957, Pan Am Flight 7 was world famous for its international and extremely luxurious travel. On one of these flights - from California to Hawaii - the Boeing Stratocruiser disappeared without a trace. Search teams were immediately created and for five days they worked tirelessly. Finally, the crash site was found. For some reason it happened at a considerable distance from the plotted course. In addition, when an autopsy was performed on the bodies found, it turned out that the people were poisoned by carbon monoxide. There was speculation that the disaster was an insurance fraud.

Star Dust and his latest mysterious message

British South American Airways' Star Dust transport plane took off from Buenos Aires on August 2, 1947 at 1:46 p.m. The flight proceeded without complications and at 17:41 the airport dispatcher in Santiago received a message (transmitted in Morse code) that the plane would arrive at 17:45. There was only one oddity in this message: the last word STENDEC, which no one understood or could decipher. The plane did not land at the airport at the designated time, and a multi-day search did not yield any results. Only in 1998 its fragments were found in the Argentine Andes. Apparently, he started declining too early.

The mysterious disappearance of a BK7 Stratojet with nuclear cargo on board

In 1956, a B47 Stratojet bomber disappeared without a trace while flying over Mediterranean Sea. There were three officers on board air force USA and two nuclear bombs. Nobody knows what exactly happened. In total, throughout US history, the United States has lost 11 nuclear weapons in approximately this way.

Paul Redfern's plane has gone missing - there are reports of a certain "white" living in the jungle

Paul Redfern was an American musician and pilot. During the summer of 1927, Redfern decided to attempt to fly from Brunswick in Georgia to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. For that time, the flight distance was enormous and no one had ever overcome such a distance in a solo flight. A few hours after takeoff, Redfern's plane was spotted by a Norwegian cargo ship. Redfern got in touch with the Norwegians and asked how far it was to the nearest land. Redfern's plane was later seen by a fisherman off the coast of Venezuela. However, Redfern did not make it to Rio de Janeiro: he disappeared somewhere along the way. Countless search parties were organized in an attempt to locate the plane's wreckage, but Redfern was never found. However, people appeared who claimed to have seen white man, who resembles Redfern in appearance, who lived in the jungle with a local tribe.

Glenn Miller's plane disappears over the English Channel

Alton Glenn Miller is an American trombonist and leader of one of the best swing orchestras of the late 30s and early 40s. After the United States entered the war, Glenn Miller decided to enlist as a volunteer in the navy, but his application was rejected because he was already beyond conscription age. Then he proposed creating an army orchestra to raise the morale of the soldiers - and this proposal was accepted. From 1942 to 1944, Glenn Miller led the Army Band and gave concerts at Allied military bases. On December 15, 1944, Miller flew to already liberated Paris to prepare a Christmas concert there. He was flying in a small single-engine plane, and there was thick fog in the air. Unfortunately, Glenn Miller's plane never made it to France, getting lost somewhere over the English Channel. The crash site could not be found.

Amelia Earhart's plane goes missing

Amelia Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and the first woman to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean and set many other aviation records. In 1936, Earhart began planning a flight around the world, and in 1937, she and her crew took off from Auckland. On June 2, 1937, Earhart's plane disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. They immediately started looking for her. In fact, this search was the first such large-scale and expensive maritime search in US history. When the official search was abandoned, Earhart's husband financed his own search - but it also yielded no results.

Boeing 727-223 was hijacked by two men - and was never seen again

In 2003, a Boeing 727-223 was hijacked at Quatro de Fevereiro airport in Angola. According to the official version, two men entered it. One of them was named Ben Charles Padilla and he was an American pilot and flight engineer, and the second was John Mikel Mutantu and he was a mechanic from the Republic of the Congo. Both specialists worked at the airport, preparing the planes for takeoff. When the Boeing suddenly took off, airport management tried to contact it, but these attempts were unsuccessful. In addition, the tracking transponders were turned off, so the aircraft could not be tracked. He headed towards the Atlantic Ocean, and what happened next - history is silent.

Flight TAM-52 suddenly disappeared from radar

In 1974 it happened mysterious disappearance a Douglas DC-4 aircraft operated by Transporte Aereo Militar (TAM). TAM-52 was a civilian Bolivian Air Force flight en route from Santa Rosa to La Paz. It was an unscheduled passenger flight and there were 21 other people on board the plane, in addition to three crew members. The plane suddenly disappeared from radar and the crash site could not be found.

Missing Boeing 707-323C carrying paintings worth more than a million dollars

On January 30, 1979, a Varig Boeing 707-323C disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while on a cargo flight. It was an international flight from Japan to Rio de Janeiro with a stop in Los Angeles. On board were six crew members and expensive cargo: 153 paintings by the famous Japanese-Brazilian artist Manabu Mabe, the value of which was estimated at $1,240,000. Literally half an hour after takeoff, contact with the aircraft was lost. This incident is considered one of the most mysterious cases in the history of aviation.

Star Tiger plane disappears en route to Bermuda
Star Tiger was an Avro Tudor IV passenger aircraft that disappeared while flying from Santa Maria (Azores) to Bermuda in 1948. The plane was flown by Captain Brian McMillan, the weather conditions that day were very unfavorable - strong wind and rain. We had already had to wait one day in Santa Maria, and time was running out, so the captain decided to fly. A little earlier, another plane took off, flown by Frank Griffin, and Griffin later said that he and McMillan kept in touch. Both planes deviated slightly from the route, but then leveled off. As a result, Griffin landed his plane, and Star Tiger disappeared without a trace - without a single sound or SOS signal. The wreckage was never found.

Disappearance of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501

In 1950, Northwest Orient Airlines flew Res 2501 from New York to Seattle. There were three crew members and 55 passengers on board. This happened in the Lake Michigan area: the plane first requested permission to descend to 2,500 feet, and then disappeared from radar. Needless to say, they later looked for it in Lake Michigan almost with a magnifying glass, but did not find a single piece of debris.

Before disappearing, the Skyways passenger plane sent an SOS message that ended abruptly

In 1953, a Skyways passenger plane flew from the UK to Jamaica. There were six crew members and 33 passengers on board, including military personnel and their families. Over the North Atlantic, he suddenly disappeared, managing to send only an abruptly interrupted message for help. Search operations did not yield any results. The result of the investigation was urgent recommendations for more thorough maintenance of aircraft, as well as ensuring the necessary rest for the crew.

New wreck found off the coast of Mozambique

The mysterious disappearance of planes gives rise to many rumors, arguments and theories. It would seem that in the 21st century with the advent modern technologies It is not difficult to track a huge aircraft. However, they continue to disappear, raising new questions.

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

From time to time, reports surface in the media about the discovery of the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which disappeared during mysterious circumstances March 8, 2014. On Thursday, March 24, Australian Transport Minister Darren Chester said that aircraft debris discovered off the coast of Mozambique in March almost certainly belonged to the missing Boeing 777.

Last July, a fragment of a wing was found on Reunion Island. The French prosecutor's office confirmed that it belongs to the missing plane. In December, Australian authorities said the missing Boeing 777 could be located in the southern part of the search zone in the Indian Ocean.

Boeing 777 route based on military radar data

According to the official version of the investigation, the plane was hijacked by unknown persons who had good aviation training. However, this version has many inconsistencies.

In particular, there was not a single suspicious person on board, and no group claimed responsibility. In addition, the plane flew for seven hours in an unknown direction instead of announcing the hostage situation.

There were other versions of the plane’s disappearance: a bomb on board, the pilot’s suicide, control interception from the ground, depressurization of the cabin, but none of them were confirmed.

Boeing 727-223 hijacking

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is not the only plane crash that has left many questions in its wake. In 2003, a strange incident occurred at the Angola airport.

Ben Charles Padilla, a certified flight engineer and aircraft mechanic with a private pilot's license, and his assistant John Mikel Mutantu were repairing a Boeing 727-223 aircraft.

Boeing 727-223

The plane belonged to the American airline Aerospace Sales & Leasing and was leased from Angolan Airlines at the time of its disappearance.

Suddenly, the plane disappeared along with its employees, none of whom were active pilots. According to the official version, the plane was hijacked by a flight engineer and his assistant, but the law-abiding Padilla only had a private pilot's license, and the assistant could not fly the plane.

According to one version, Padilla was hired by the United States to return the plane; according to another, both technicians were kept on board by force. After that, no one saw either the plane or the people.

Missing Amelia Earhart

In 1937, the monoplane in which the famous pilot Amelia Earhart tried to fly along the equator disappeared without a trace. Earth. However, during one of the flight sections, communication with the pilot was interrupted.

Amelia Earhart, Los Angeles, 1928

The search operation for Amelia Earhart was the largest and most expensive in the history of the American Navy, but it did not bring results.

Various versions of the reasons for the plane's disappearance have been put forward - from its abduction by the Japanese to landing on a desert island. There are even those who believe that Earhart returned home, changed her name and began to live a quiet, ordinary life. One way or another, the search for her plane continues to this day, and the exact reasons for the disappearance have not been established.

Boeing 707 disappearance

The disappearance of the Boeing 707 in 1979 is also a mystery that still cannot be solved. The Boeing 707-323C cargo flight was carrying six crew and cargo, including 153 paintings by Japanese-Brazilian artist Manabu Mabe.

Boeing 707-323C

The cost of the paintings was $1,240,000. While flying over the Pacific Ocean, the plane did not make contact. No one saw him again.

The aircraft did not issue distress signals before disappearing. No debris or oil stains from fuel were found. Among the versions of what happened were the depressurization of the plane, an attack by collectors, a navigation error, an attack by Soviet fighters and others.

However, all these versions had many inconsistencies. In history civil aviation This case is considered one of the most mysterious.

Disappearance of L-1049 over the Pacific Ocean

The disappearance of L-1049 over the Pacific Ocean in 1962 was the largest unexplained tragedy of the 20th century in terms of the number of people involved. The plane was flying from the Marianas to the Philippine Islands, but two and a half hours after departure, communication with it stopped.

Lockheed L-1049H

Large-scale searches have yielded no results. All 107 people on board were declared dead.

According to testimony from the crew of the tanker, which was in the area of ​​​​the alleged disappearance, an explosion of an unknown substance occurred in the air air object. According to the official version, L-1049 exploded, but no debris was found in an area of ​​144,000 square miles. Thus, there is no evidence that the sailors from the tanker observed the crash of the missing plane.

These are not all cases of mysterious disappearances. At the same time, in a strange way, the scenario is repeated in the same details, differing from other cases only in the duration of the time intervals. The plane takes off, and after some time, first communication with the crew disappears, and then the display of the ship’s trajectory on the controllers’ radars disappears. Searches sometimes end with the discovery of debris, and sometimes with nothing.

At the same time, all alternative versions are immediately swept aside and classified, leaving ordinary citizens with only questions.

Where do the planes go? We may never know the answer to this question. In the entire history of aviation, more than enough aircraft have disappeared, and there is not a single solved disappearance. And the next loss of a plane will simply be added to the list of similar phenomena.

Do not think that stories about missing planes are just myths and fiction. Such cases still occur regularly, despite the fact that, as it seems, every piece of the sky is covered by radar networks. However, planes sometimes still do not reach their destination, and some of them are never found.

Strange disappearances

Cases of missing planes are some of the most mysterious and mysterious in the history of aviation. For example, in 1947, a transport plane flying from Argentina to Chile disappeared without a trace. The Star Dust board, immediately before its disappearance, transmitted a very strange message to the ground, the meaning of which is still unclear.

For half a century nothing was known about his fate. Search teams managed to discover it only in the late 90s. The wreckage of the plane ended up in the Argentine Andes, in the area of ​​Tupungato Peak. A thorough investigation showed that the cause of his death was a collision with the ground.

Ghost plane

Even more frightening are the stories when missing aircraft began to appear from time to time in the places where they disappeared. For example, in 1955, a plane with 57 passengers on board, flying from New York to Miami, disappeared without a trace. After a long and fruitless search, everyone on board was officially declared dead.

Almost 40 years after this tragedy, a ghost plane landed in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas as if nothing had happened. Eyewitnesses claim that the plane did not spend long on the runway. The pilot of the plane talked to the dispatchers, was surprised at the date they told him, and then lifted the aircraft with passengers into the air and this time disappeared forever. There is still no rational explanation for this mysterious story.

Pilot suicide

The subtitle contains only one version of what happened to the missing Malaysian airline plane, which disappeared in 2014. Until now, nothing is known about the fate of the 239 passengers and crew members.

Today, the following versions are also considered: capture by terrorists, technical malfunction; new theories still appear regularly.

It is reliably known that the plane disappeared from radar approximately an hour after it left Kuala Lumpur. He was flying to China, but five hours after takeoff he was declared missing. IN last time on radars it was marked over the territory of southern Vietnam. It soon became clear that for unknown reasons, 4 hours after departure, he found himself hundreds of kilometers from the intended route. At the same time, he significantly changed the height to a lower one. All this indicated that it was most likely impossible to talk about equipment failure, and the deviation from the route was deliberate.

Later information appeared that the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean off the coast of Australia. But so far it has not been possible to officially identify the wreckage.

Hijacking in Uganda

Another case of a missing plane occurred in Uganda. The Boeing was stolen from the international airport in the capital Luanda. And this happened under very strange circumstances.

Flight engineer Padilla and private pilot Mutantu were on board at the time. None of them knew how to fly such an aircraft. However, when they boarded the aircraft, the plane began to move chaotically along the runway. It then took off with the lights off. Neither the plane nor the two men were seen again.

Incident in Vietnam

Often mysterious disappearances aircraft occur during hostilities. Many associate this with the machinations of enemy aircraft, but some details cannot be explained by anything.

At the very beginning of the Vietnam War, an American plane carrying soldiers and officers disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. At the time of the mysterious incident, there were 107 passengers and crew members on board.

The plane was refueled in Guam and flew to the Philippines, but never reached its destination. It disappeared over the Pacific Ocean, but no bodies or wreckage were ever found.

An hour after the plane last made contact, an explosion was seen in the sky. The message came from an American tanker. It has not yet been possible to find out whether it was sabotage, an enemy missile or a technical malfunction.

Glenn Miller's last flight

The question of where planes disappear has long been of concern to many who are interested in this topic. No less mysteriously, passengers who flew on them often disappear. And sometimes they become world famous people.

The most famous and misterious story This kind of thing happened to American jazzman Glenn Miller. In December 1944, he was on a British plane from England to Paris to give another concert. The crew of the aircraft were called legends of aviation, only the best at that time served in the British Air Force. Therefore, there was no doubt about their professionalism. However, the plane in which Miller was flying never arrived at its destination.

The jazzman, who joined the army at 38, was already too old to be drafted but was at the height of his popularity. Therefore, he was willingly accepted as a musician who supported the spirit of the soldiers, and was even given the rank of major.

According to the official version, the plane disappeared from radar in bad weather when flying over the English Channel. However, there were many other versions.

Some claimed that it was shot down by the German Air Force, others that the plane did land in Paris, and Miller became a victim of the Parisian traitors. Already in the 90s, one German journalist put forward a completely fantastic version. As if Miller died in the arms of a French prostitute, and the Americans thus decided to hide the truth.

Perhaps the most plausible explanation for what happened was given by British Air Force navigator Fred Shaw. According to his version, Miller's death was fatal accident. Most likely, his plane was hit by bombs dropped by British aircraft after an unsuccessful raid on Germany.

Trip around the world

Going around the world is always a dangerous and risky activity. This is confirmed by the story of the first female pilot, Amelia Earhart. She was the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean alone, and in 1937 she went around the world.

She was assisted in this by navigator Fred Noonan. Contact with them was lost in the area of ​​Howland Island, located above the Pacific Ocean. Their searches yielded no results. According to the official version set forth by the American government, they ran out of fuel. But there are other opinions.

There is a version that Earhart was a secret agent, so she made an emergency landing on an island occupied by the Japanese. There she was taken prisoner. Some believe that she returned to the United States alive and well and changed her name.

However, there is reliable evidence that indicates that Earhart's plane made an emergency landing on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. There they found themselves isolated. The International Historic Aircraft Restoration Task Force has been investigating since 1989. They managed to find many finds that could belong to Earhart and her navigator. Some members of the group are convinced that this is precisely the case of a missing plane that was found many years later.

The investigation is still not completed.

Bermuda Triangle

A bunch of mysterious stories associated with the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. In 1945, an entire squadron of American bombers disappeared over this place, which many consider paranormal.

They took off from the air base to learn how to navigate over water. As a result, the planes disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, and with them 14 men who were on board at that time.

Events developed rapidly. Just two hours after departure from the base, the squadron commander transmitted information that the compasses had failed and they were unable to accurately determine their location. Such malfunctions affected all aircraft. Attempts to get out of this situation continued for two hours. After this, the squadron commander ordered all crew members to jump out of their aircraft because they were running out of fuel.

The plane that went to search for them also disappeared. There were 13 other people on board. A tanker located off the coast of Florida reported an explosion, which was noticed 20 minutes later when a rescue plane went to the rescue.

Over the next few days, the square in which the aircraft disappeared was examined far and wide, but no traces of the missing aircraft could be found.

Lost art

In 1979, a misfortune befell a Brazilian plane transporting works of art. Their value was so high that they are valued at approximately one million dollars. The Boeing took off from Tokyo and was heading to Rio de Janeiro.

On board were one and a half hundred paintings by the famous Brazilian painter Manubo Mabe. What happened to the plane remains unclear. They are even considering an air robbery.

Rain and frost

Heavy rain and frost are cited as the reasons for the loss of another airliner. In 1951, a Canadian airline plane transported American soldiers and officers from Vancouver to Tokyo. He disappeared without a trace somewhere in the Alaska region.

Along the way, the plane encountered bad weather conditions. Chilling frost and heavy rain, very low visibility - no more than 150 meters. This data turned out to be the last that the pilots managed to transmit to air traffic controllers on the ground. After that they no longer contacted each other.

Six crew members, all Canadians, and 31 passengers were missing. These included both military and American civilian government employees.

Engine problems

Technical malfunctions are often reported shortly before planes go missing, but these versions are not always confirmed. In 1964, a DC-4 plane disappeared off Wake Island in the central Pacific Ocean.

The last time the pilot made contact, he reported engine problems. At this time, he was 800 kilometers from Los Angeles, from where he took off. Searchers who went to help found only a suspicious oil slick. There were no further traces of the plane or crew members.

As you can see, usually the disappearance of aircraft without a trace can be explained by technical malfunctions and bad weather conditions. But sometimes something happens that defies any reasonable explanation.

As a result, one Boeing, 12 crew members and 227 passengers disappeared. The news of the missing plane immediately spread throughout the world. For those who are not in the know: on March 8, 2014, a Boeing 777-200ER aircraft belonging to Malaysia Airlines unfortunately did not reach its destination. At night, contact with the airliner was lost, after which it deviated significantly from its course and was in the air for about 7 hours. And then he completely disappeared from radar screens.

Boeing was traveling on flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) to Beijing (PRC). After his disappearance, he was never found. On the evening of March 24, 2014, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced that the search for the missing was fruitless. Therefore, it was concluded that the plane crashed in the southern part Indian Ocean. And everyone on board died.

It would seem, how can an entire Boeing with a crowd of people on board get lost? Maybe. And believe me, he was not the only one who disappeared without a trace. Such incidents happen all the time. We will tell you about some of them.

Boeing 727

On May 25, 2003, the American airline Aerospace Sales & Leasing was left without a Boeing 727-223. All because the plane was hijacked from Cuatro de Fevereiro airport. At the time of the theft, the airliner was leased from Angolan Airlines. The Boeing was faulty, and two people worked to fix it: Ben Charles Padilla, a certified flight engineer and aircraft mechanic with a private pilot's license, and his assistant John Mikel Mutantu.

On the morning of May 25, both the plane and its repairmen were gone. There is an opinion that Angola did not pay lease payments. Therefore, the Americans hired the guys to return the airliner back to the USA.


Vietnam War

March 6, 1962 during Vietnam War 96 passengers and 11 American crew traveled from California to Vietnam on US Air Force Flight 739. Along the way, they refueled in Guam, and then flew to military base in the Philippines. But they never arrived.

A tanker located nearby received information that an explosion had occurred in the sky. Nobody knows whether our plane took off. But he, like the passengers, still cannot be found.

Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller is the most talented British leader of one of the best swing orchestras of all time. On December 15, 1944, in England, he boarded a plane that was supposed to land in Paris. But this never happened. Flying over the English Channel in bad weather, an aircraft carrying passengers and crew crashed. But some believe they were attacked by the Nazis. Others claim that Glenn Miller did fly to Paris, but was captured by the Germans. In any case, there was not a trace left of the musician.


Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart was the first female pilot to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. But the story doesn't have a very happy ending. When she flew over the Pacific Ocean (near Howland Island), contact with Earhart was lost. No one ever heard anything more from her.

Amelia is believed to have run out of fuel. Therefore, she did not even reach Howland Island. There are even crazier theories: supposedly she was a secret agent, flying on a mission to Japan, where she was discovered and imprisoned. The most pleasant version: Earhart returned home, changed her name and began to live a quiet, ordinary life.

There are witnesses who claim to have seen her plane land on desert island Nikumaroro. This version was tested in 1989. Human bones, women's cosmetics, shoes and a jar of freckle cream were found on the island. Strange to say the least.


Bermuda Triangle

On December 5, 1945, a squadron of five aircraft was conducting a navigation exercise when it disappeared while flying over the Bermuda Triangle. It consisted of 14 people. Two hours after the start of the flight, the commander reported that his compass was broken. The result is that he cannot determine his location. Then the rest of the planes followed suit.

After another two hours, strange, confusing messages began to arrive. The last of them is the order of the chief to abandon the planes (they are running out of fuel). An hour later, a U.S. Navy air rescuer set off to search for the squadron. But, unfortunately, I didn’t find anything. A tanker that happened to be nearby reported that it saw an explosion 20 minutes before the departure of assistance for the squadron.

Hundreds of ships and planes were searching for the missing pilots. They searched thousands of miles but found nothing.