Space battles (BattleSpace): game review. Battle Space

All spaceships and the planets in the game are depicted as realistically as possible.

Battle Space is a military economic strategy MMO with a science fiction theme. This is a huge adventure space for those who love the theme of space and space battles.

The game Battlespace appeared on the Internet in 2012 and during this time managed to capture the hearts of many users. To start playing, you must complete a quick free registration.

Then you must join the Alliance and start completing certain strategic objectives using different weapons.

If you move gradually forward, earning money, then sooner or later you can become the head of an alliance, which will significantly expand your horizons and achieve great success in battles.

According to the plot of the game, you are one of those people who were able to escape after a huge disaster. You have to start new life, build a city and ensure its defense.

The game is primarily intended for those who do not like to spend a lot of time on one game, as well as those who want to take a break from work for a while. The fact is that all actions in the game take very little time. This includes the creation of objects, scientific research, mining, fleet construction, and space battles. By completing tasks, you will earn points and receive important resources that will help you level up.

Read all about this browser-based MMORTS and its capabilities in the Battle Space review.

Game plot

Space battles are a fairly universal project that will be attractive to many.

The plot of Battle Space takes place in 2240, when a failed experiment with the planet's gravity led to catastrophic consequences as the beginning of the destruction process earth's crust.

Fully aware of the danger of making a mistake, humanity created an organization main goal which became the survival of the entire race. The organization is called ORDER and is made up of the best minds in the world.

Millions of scientists were involved in the organization, but they were unable to correct the situation. The earth is doomed. The panic of the people led to anarchy and destruction of all institutions.

During the intense work of restoring the earth's crust, scientists had no doubt that something even worse could happen, so a “dispersal” plan was developed. The essence of the plan was to evacuate the inhabitants of the Earth to different parts of space in order to find planets suitable for living beings.

When the situation in the world got out of control, anarchy undermined the infrastructure and the organization issued a directive for the immediate evacuation of all its members.

The game begins many years after the story told above.

Description of the gameplay

You have the opportunity to acquire and master the most different types weapons.

After short registration you will be asked to select a planet, give it a name and immediately take the place of its future owner.

On the planet you will meet a robot very similar to the well-known Valli. The mechanical assistant will quickly introduce you to the game, he will give advice and reveal many tricks, offering various exciting missions from simple to complex. The first few days you will collect resources, build infrastructure on the planet, get to know your neighbors and fight pirates.

You will then move on to learning technologies that allow you to build a fleet. The game will become much more exciting, thanks to the fact that you will be able to wage wars, rob neighbors, join alliances and build colonies.

In Battle Space, as in any strategy, you need to keep track of the money received and spent. The game offers a very moderate donation, but you can safely play without donating.

Like all Free2Play games, Battle Space has its own in-game store, where the main currency is a material called "Kuid". You can get it by completing quests, inviting friends to the game, or buy it for real money.

Your planet should be well fortified, which means you should build strong defense in the form of a fortress and other structures that will save your settlers from attacks and attacks by enemy ships.

You can purchase additional spaceships with which you can patrol space near your planet to prevent invasions at an early stage.

You will also need to purchase missiles that will contribute to effective defense against enemy aggression.

There are three main types of resources in the game:

  • Metal,
  • Crystal,
  • Deuterium.

Using these elements you can build entire spaceships. In addition, you will be able to build high-rise buildings, but they require energy to maintain them.

Once you have mastered one planet, you will be asked to visit other planets. It is quite natural that you will have enemies, and these will be not only people, but also other creatures that you will have to not only destroy, but also enslave. However, some of them can become your allies and, therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Video trailer


As in all strategy games, you will need resources that can be found in the wilds of other planets and galaxies.

So, in the game Space Battles you can colonize planets, create your own fleet (the number of spacecraft is not limited!), engage in space shootouts with enemy ships and much more.

If we talk about graphics, they are at an excellent level. The game is filled beautiful stars and planets. The developers give you the opportunity to fly on a spaceship, from where you can see all this beauty.

The game has many bright and colorful scenes, as well as excellent sound effects, which are sometimes so realistic that they can even cause real fears during missions.

But until you play it yourself, you will not understand all the subtleties and delights of the game. Only once you start playing, you will see all your advantages and differences. So, if you like space strategies, then register and go ahead!

. The background of the game plot takes us to the future, in which scientists are conducting experiments with magnetic field lands, violated it. In connection with this, there was a threat of destruction of the planet and, as a consequence, the disappearance of the native planet. An urgent decision was made to equip several groups of spacecraft and send them to different corners deep space, in the hope that at least one of the groups will find a habitable planet. You enter the game "Space Battles" upon the arrival of the colonizer's ship in the designated star system. You have to revive the former greatness of human civilization.

In the game "Space Battles" (BattleSpace) you have to colonize a habitable planet, which will become the starting point for your space expansion. After arranging the planet and building the main production buildings on it, you discover that you are far from alone and numerous life forms live and develop in the neighborhood, with which you will have to establish contact. Over time, you also discover that other groups of space colonizers sent from earth also successfully reached the planets and began their development there.

Resources in the Space Battles game are presented in the form of metal, crystals and deuterium. There are good reserves of these elements on your planet, but this is not enough for continued development and you must direct your gaze towards other planets. And since all the colonialist groups that set off from earth settled, by cosmic standards, not far from each other, this means that military clashes and space battles are inevitable. Register in BattleSpace and build your space empire.

Screenshots for the game:

How did it all start? Where did the events taking place in the online game Space Battles begin? Where did the development into space, and not into self-improvement, come from? It's not entirely clear. History says that when the year 2240 arrived, people faced the question of preserving themselves, since the possibility of complete extinction of the population arose. This happened because scientists overdid their experiments, and the Earth began to fall apart. The population was urgently loaded onto ships and sent to different ends of the universe to search for planets on which they could be accommodated. Unfortunately, it was not possible to maintain communication between the ships, so none of the expeditions was able to establish what happened to its brothers. Everyone was speculating. People were scattered and could not communicate. After that, fifteen centuries passed, one and a half thousand years flew by. And it is from this moment that all the action in the online game Space Battles will begin.

Naturally, in order to play the online game Space Battles you will have to register. The procedure is easy and tastefully furnished, respecting the color and ambience. And after you complete this procedure, the final question will be space system and the planet, which you will then have to work on. In principle, nothing changes from your choice except your location in the universe. Accordingly, there are different realities of the struggle for resources. And if a friend invited you, it’s better to join him, it will be easier to start developing in the online game Space Battles.

First, you will have to remember how to invent tactics and development strategies in strategies. You will have to start by arranging your planet. To equip means to organize the extraction of mineral resources, build the required number of power plants, plan the immediate costs so that it does not turn out that you have nothing to extract resources for. Then it’s time to build storage facilities and expand bins where excess resources will be stored. And only then, when the bins become thick enough, should you begin to build your own shipyard in order to be able to go into space. After all, this is where all the events of the online game Space Battles take place.

And once you get out into Big Space, you will start playing a real space strategy game. This is where full development and full-scale play begins. You will have to build a large fleet so that you can explore new territories, repel attacks and attack your neighbors yourself in the online game Space Battles, participate in attacks on clans and join one of the clans yourself in order to receive and provide help. And constantly improve your technical base. Only this way and no other way, because otherwise you may find yourself on the margins of society. By the way, you will also have to take care of resources regularly so as not to experience any problems with development.

Among other things, the online game Space Battles has a training system that is very interestingly thought out. You can always ask in the general chat what you should do next, and they will definitely tell you in which direction to move. This benefits tippers as you can reward them with bonuses that will help them in the game. Although if you are even a little familiar with browser games, online game Space Battles will not confuse you - everything is very clear.

There are also two currencies in the game - these are ordinary galactic credits and the so-called kuids. Credits are the most common currency in the game. And quids are the equivalent of real. True, you can get Quids not only for real money, but by winning or inviting other participants. It is noteworthy that the infusion of Quids does not change the balance of the game. You can achieve everything yourself, without using real money. There is absolutely no difference between what you will have in the game and what you can buy. Of course, buy faster. But... There is no imbalance. And this makes me happy. Therefore, the online game Space Battles is a worthy candidate among space strategies and every fan of this genre should try it.

Experiments with gravity do not lead to anything good. Earthlings were convinced of this when a group of scientists, with their experiments, began the process of destruction of the earth's crust. By 2240, almost all living organisms had died, and the human race was on the brink of death. To rectify the situation, an organization called the Order was created, which included the most prominent scientists, politicians and researchers. They came to the conclusion that it was too late to do anything, the planet was doomed and they needed to look for a new home.

The search for a new shelter lasted for for many years. People explored and populated planets, built cities and extracted resources, and, in general, established their lives in other worlds. Over time, residents different planets began to compete with each other, sometimes everything ended before it began, but more often the confrontation developed into full-scale battles of space fleets. It is not surprising that the planets have turned into military bases, and people into heavily armed warriors.

Screenshots from the browser game Battle Space

Type: Browser online game
Genre: Military space strategy
Release date: 2008
Developer: BattleSpace team
Publisher: BattleSpace team
Official website:

In browser strategy Battle Space you become the owner of your own military base on one of the planets of your choice. You must develop your base, build and improve production and mining buildings, conduct scientific research, extract resources and repel enemy attacks.

Despite all the apparent complexity, playing Battle Space is very interesting and if you spend a little time completing the tutorial missions, you will understand this yourself. The very first building should be solar panels, otherwise you will not be able to build mines for the extraction of crystal, metal and deuterium, and these are the main building materials. Construction and improvement of buildings require not only a certain amount of time and useful resources, but also the presence of certain technologies, for example, to build a first level Nanite Factory, a Robot Factory is required and computer technology, developed to the tenth level. Metal and crystals are primarily needed for the construction of buildings and spaceships, for conducting scientific research The main resource is deuterium.

Because Battle Space space military strategy, do not forget about the construction of the space fleet; everything necessary for its creation can be found in the Shipyard tab. There are various combat, reconnaissance, and transport ships: spy satellites, light fighters, cruisers, battleships and bombers, there is even a Death Star capable of destroying not only spaceships, but also small planets. The construction of such a formidable weapon can take several weeks of real time and require a huge amount of resources. But it's worth it, because in a PvP-oriented game there is nothing better than defeat and plunder military base another player, and even impose a tribute on him.

If you are a fan of space strategies and are passionate about the Sci-Fi genre, then be sure to try playing Battle Space ( Space battles), this browser game can become your favorite entertainment for many months.

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Review of the game Space Battles

This game is dedicated to space, made in the strategic genre. The Space Battles game is completely free, the game world is available immediately after a quick registration on the official website.

The backstory of the entire game is especially interesting. The game action takes place in the distant future, in 2240. The plot is structured in such a way that by this time humanity is practically on the verge of extinction. There is only one reason for this - various experiments with the natural world. People want to survive, this is only possible in one way - they need to explore star space, they need to look for planets that are suitable for existence human race. The best minds were involved in the stellar project; expeditions were sent to almost all galactic directions. A certain amount of time passed, planets for life were discovered, but the expeditions lost contact with each other.

After registering in the Space Battles game, the gamer will be given one of these planets. The character has a desert landscape at his disposal; there is nothing on it at all. That is, the player will build his own planet from scratch, from scratch, equip it with infrastructure, and create his own fleet.

Since this game is a strategy game, you will have to devote a lot of time to construction craft and military affairs. First, power plants must be built so that energy can be extracted, then mines are developed - work without minerals is problematic. Of course, you should also think about defense right away; it is recommended to install at least several guns.

As part of the second stage, it is necessary to build a fleet. It is needed as a means of protecting one’s own corner of the universe, while with the help of the fleet it will be possible to scout unfamiliar outer space. The fleet is also needed to attack neighboring planets.

Of course, at first new world will be under protection, a kind of immunity - given time You can’t lose, you should actively develop your own planet and work on your fleet. It will be possible to rob neighbors in the future.

In this game, it is important to control your resources, monitor your balance, and pay attention to those objects that are scarce. You can add colonies to your empire, but only when the planet is reliably equipped.

The graphics in the game Space Battles are made in 2D format, many game moments are displayed in the form of text. Information regarding battles is also displayed in text form.

Space battles, 5.8 out of 10 based on 4 ratings