How to learn to play kicking well. Online game Swara (Seka) for real money

Seka (Moscow fool)

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 32 or 36
Number of players: 2 - 10
Card seniority: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: dial more points.
Rules of the game. The card game Seka is a very popular card game and can be played online on many sites. The rules of the game in Sekou are as follows. The first dealer is determined by lot, then the players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 3 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table and is untouchable until the next deal. After this, players count their points. Cost of cards in points: ace - 11 points; king, queen, jack, 10 - 10 points; the remaining cards are at their face value. Points are counted according to the following rules: points are counted on cards of the same suit; the points of cards of the same rank are calculated, where the lowest combination of three aces is equal to 13 points (by agreement, a combination of three cards is higher than a combination of cards of the same suit). After this, each player bets the agreed amount of money. The first player to bet is the one sitting to the left of the dealer. The player makes any bet or passes. If a player passes, he discards all his cards into the deck. When the first bet is made, all other players place a bet in a clockwise direction. The bet must be no less than the previous one and no more than the maximum. The last bet is called the "pass amount" or "pass". Players place bets until there are no cards left in the hands of two players. In this case, one of these players has the right to open cards provided that he bets a passing amount. The player with the most points wins. If the players have the same number of points, then in this case the stake is played in the next hand, and this situation is called “seka” or “swara”. Other players can join the quarrel if they bet an amount equal to one third of this stake. Next the game is on according to the same scheme. In the end, the player with more points wins.

As is widely known, gambling in the USSR was prohibited by law. And, naturally, no one (or almost no one) observed this law - like a whole bunch of other Soviet laws. Gambling was played in every yard, right at the table in the middle of the yard, without hiding from anyone and without fear of anyone. The players were not thieves or bandits - just ordinary men from the surrounding houses - welders, mechanics, excavator operators and other proletariat. Something like this:

Sometimes a local police officer came to the table, then, out of respect for him, the cards were removed for a while. After he left, everything continued. Naturally, only grown men played like that. The teenagers were hiding in various kinds kindergartens, thickets of bushes, in winter - in entrances, basements and attics. They played for hours, someone lost and left, others came to take his place, someone immediately came just to “watch”. The rates were completely different: from a kopeck to a ruble and higher, and among young people they were often much steeper than among adults. Once, on a particularly unlucky day for me, I lost my entire college scholarship that I had just received (thirty-seven rubles) in an hour and a half in the gazebo kindergarten, where our “yard” campaign gathered. The total amount of money that changed hands that evening was measured in hundreds of rubles. Grown men played for less money - after all, they also had to somehow report to their wives and then live on something for a month.

There were three main games played in my native Krasnoyarsk:
-- the most common is AZO
-- the next one is "21", also known as "Point"
- and the most difficult one - "Seka". “Sekou” was played in few places, but still played...
The fastest way to win (and lose) money was in "AZO". In this game, in general, in my opinion, nothing depends on the player - everything is determined by the initial distribution of cards. In general, an ideal game for a sharpie. Although I don’t remember any outright cheaters in our yard. There were those who won more often, there were those who won less often, but there were no such people about whom they would say that it would be better not to sit down with him. In "21" it was already necessary play- choose a strategy, size up your opponent, bluff - so it was less common. Even more difficult is "Seka" - it was played very rarely. Although compared to the so-called "commercial games", the same preference, all these three games are not just simple, they are primitive. They are not designed for pleasure from the PROCESS of the game, but only for WIN, for EXCITATION. Here are their rules, judge for yourself:

Rules of the game "AZO"
Azo is played with a deck of 27 card sheets (any one suit is excluded). They deal 3 cards. The dealer and those sitting to his left must play, no matter what cards they have in their hands. The rest have the right to choose: play, pass, or, discarding unsuitable cards, replace them with others taken from the top of the deck. The trump cards are placed near the deck. Before the distribution, a pot (initial stake) is usually set, containing the money of only the player who is on the left side of the dealer. The player who placed the highest bet during the bet starts the game first.

The betting is as follows: the player to the left of the one who bet can double the initial bid, thereby equalizing his bet (as they say, to reconcile). The fact is that the money that makes up the initial bank and the money of other players at this stage are related as 1:2. But then the initial move, as well as all further trading, belongs to the one who first put money on the line. This player has the right to bet an amount higher than twice the bet that makes up the bet, several times. His money forms a bank, and he himself receives the right of primacy in trade and the possibility of a new entry. The player can stop the game by discarding the cards, or place the first bet along with a new one added to it and play them in azo (the so-called new distribution, hence the name of this action - azo). Then the first bet is made by the player on his left side. After all this, the initiative passes to the participant located to the left of the dealer (i.e., to the one who first bet).

A situation may arise in which all players equalize it (pacify it). Then he is allowed to raise the bet twice more, after which he must continue playing. The draw goes like this - with The one next to the dealer moves from any card, each in turn puts a card on it in a suit, if there is no suit, then a trump card. The highest card takes the trick. . The one who takes at least two tricks wins the game.Whoever wins the hand is entitled to a new one.

Rules of the game "SEKA"
It is played with a standard deck (36 sheets), sometimes with a preference deck (32 sheets, without sevens). The game begins with the distribution of cards - three cards to each player. Then, to confirm participation in the game, each player bets a pre-agreed amount. The turn begins with the player who sits to the left of the banker. He, like everyone else, has the right to play dark or bright, while making a bet no less than the passing amount (the last bet made). The next player, according to the rules of the game, when playing bright, must place a bet twice as much as the player playing dark, or also play dark, equalizing or raising the bet at his discretion. After the first round, players have the right to reveal each other's cards. Opening occurs as follows: having leveled or raised the previous bet, the player says that he is opening one of the players. When revealing another player's cards, no one else should see the cards, not even the owner of the cards if he is playing blind. Afterwards, the player who applied for the opening falls if he has a losing combination or says that the player he opened fell if he has a winning combination. If the combinations are equal in points, then the player who applied for the opening falls.
The game continues until there are 2 people left at the table. They try to raise rates to a maximum (pre-agreed) amount. If one of the players compares the bet, then the cards are hidden and the points are compared. Whoever wins takes the bank. If two players have the same number of points at the end of the game, then “Swara” is declared. The cards are dealt again and the pot is played between these two players. Each other player can take part in the fight by putting half of the bank's amount into the bank.
Scoring occurs according to the following rules:
-- cards of the same suit, for example, nine and queen of clubs; the indicated combination is worth nineteen points; if the player also has a third card in his hands of a club suit, for example a ten, then three cards are involved in the combination at once, and the combination is worth twenty-nine points;
-- cards of the same denomination; for example two aces, this combination is worth twenty-two points; or three eights, worth twenty-four points. Of the various combinations, the one whose value is higher is older.

Rules of the game "21(POINT)"
The dealer (banker) is determined by lot, then they deal in turn. Cost of cards in points: ace - 1 point or 11 points; king - 4 points; queen - 3 points; jack - 2 points; the remaining cards are at their face value. The deck is carefully shuffled and removed by the player to the left of the banker. The banker announces the amount: “There are 10 rubles in the bank,” you can bet any amount into the bank. Next, each player is dealt one card face down, the banker deals the last card to himself and opens it, showing it to everyone. Bottom card The banker opens the remaining deck and places it face up on top of the deck. The player who received the card cannot refuse to play; he must play the pot, and only then leave the game. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the banker. The player names the bet he wants to play for this round, but which does not exceed the amount of money that is in the bank. For example, there are 10 rubles in the bank. The player says: “I’m going for 5 rubles” and asks the banker for one card. If a player does not have enough points to score 21 points, then he asks for another card. A player who scores 21 points immediately declares this and withdraws his winnings from the bank. If a player scores more than 21 points, then he is obliged to show his cards and pay the debt to the bank (the player pays double for concealing a bust). The banker is the last to announce what he is doing and then all players reveal their cards. The player who scores the most points wins. If the number of points is the same, then the bets made by the players are returned to them. The player who lost puts his loss into the pot and the game continues. The banker places the cards played face down on top of the deck after each player, then takes a card from below and continues the game with the next player. If the bank is broken by one of the players, then the cards for banking are passed to the next player on the left.

I managed to lose seven years of my life in this, excuse me, bullshit - from the years from eleven to eighteen. How much time was wasted on this crap, and how much money was lost over the years... And only my St. Petersburg informal friends were able to explain to me the charm INTELLIGENT GAME in front of pure excitement. So I got hooked on preference, and then bridge. But that's the NEXT story...

Have you, my dear friends, ever played gambling? If you played, which games and with whom?

Card game "seka" gambling card game, which is extremely popular in Eastern Europe. The scandalous story “Moscow - Petushki” by the wonderful Russian writer Venedikt Erofeev made this game famous among wide circles of intellectuals, especially drinkers.

Rules of the game "sec"

From 2 to 10 people can participate. Used deck in 32 or 36 cards. Players receive 3 cards (one per deal) and then count their points. Cost of cards in points: ace 11 points, from king up to ten - 10 points, the rest - according to their merit. If you decide to add to the deck joker, then the player can assign any value to it. Sometimes a six is ​​used instead of a joker, called a check in this game in card jargon. Scoring rules must be carefully discussed before the start of the game. They must be observed very strictly. For example:

The number of points on cards of the same suit is counted;

The points of cards of the same value are counted. The highest combination is 3 aces - 13 points;

By agreement, a combination of three cards is higher than a combination of cards of the same suit.

Each player bets an agreed amount of money. A game “without ceiling” (without restrictions) is very rare. The first bet is made by the player sitting to the left of the dealer. He can make any bribe or say " pass". True, when passing, he must discard his cards into the deck. The deck is placed in the center of the table.

Until the next deal, it is considered inviolable. When the bet is made, the second player begins to play. He makes a bet no less than the previous one, but no more than the maximum. The bet following the one made is called a "pass" or "pass". The last bet is called the "pass amount" or "pass". Bets are made until cards remain in the hands of two players.

One of these remaining players has the right to reveal his cards - that is, "show up" - for comparison with the opponent's cards. In this case, the player bets the passing amount. The one who has more points in his hands wins. If the number of points for both opponents (the revealer and the partner) is the same, then a situation is created that is called a “fight” or “quarrel”. In this case, the stake is played in the next hand. The remaining participants can “enter into a quarrel” provided that they have made a bet in the amount of half the stake. If it turns out that 3 players have the same number of points, then the fourth, if he wants to join the “quarrel,” must bet an amount equal to one third of this stake. Sometimes the game of sex is played in the dark. Players place bets without looking at the cards. In this case, the passing amount doubles.

Swara (Seka) is the most popular gambling game in the USSR, which was also called Russian poker. Indeed, the game contains such elements as bluffing, trading and card combinations.

Since Seka is spread throughout the Union, the game was constantly transformed and had slight differences in the rules. At that time, the game Sek had such names as Svara, Trinka, Trynka, Drynka, Two sheets, Three sheets and many others.

Swara (Seka) rules and game process

There are many variations of the game, but we will describe the one that is currently played on the Internet.

A deck of 36 sheets is used. The game takes place from 2 to 6 players.
— Before the hand begins, all players place a mandatory bet in the pot.
— Each player is dealt 3 cards; the remaining cards in the deck do not participate in the game
— The game process begins, the trade is opened by the player to the left of the dealer
- He may not look at his cards (dark) and then the player next to him, in order to continue the game, must also darken or double the bet
— If a player looks at the cards and makes a bet, the next one after him can either pass, support (bet the same amount), or raise the bet
— The game sets a ceiling above which the bet cannot be raised. The game can be won without showing cards by placing a large bet in Bluff and forcing opponents to fold
— If at the end of the auction there are two players left who did not pass, then they reveal their cards and compare the combinations. The one who scores the most points wins.
Each card has a certain number of points, but only those cards that are included in the combination are counted. (A combination can consist of one, two or three cards)
Card denominations:
Aces - 11 points each
Kings - 10 points each
Ladies - 10 points each
Jacks - 10 points each
Tens - 10 points each
Nines - 9 points each
Eights - 8 points each
Sevens - 7 points each
Sixes - 6 points each
Joker - six of crosses, Ace of diamonds - 11 points

Combinations are made up of cards either by suit or by face value, for example the hand Ace(spas), Ace(clubs), 8(clubs) has two combinations Ace(spas), Ace(clubs) - 22 points and Ace(clubs), 8(clubs) ) - 19 points. Naturally, a stronger combination will be used for calculation. The Joker can be a card of any suit and is worth 11 points.

The situation when, after showing the cards, two players have the same number of points is called Swara. In this case, the game bank remains untouched, and the cards are dealt to these players again. Other players can also compete for this bank (buy in), but to do this they must replenish it by half the current value.

Where to play Swara (Sekou) online for money?

There are not many places on the Internet where you can play Swara for real money. One such resource is HrapGame. The site offers only two games for money - Snoring and Swara, and Snoring is played much more actively.
In the second you can sit down various types tables - with a minimum contribution from 50 to 5000 rubles. By the way, you can top up your account using payment systems such as Visa/Mastercard, WebMoney, QiWi, etc.
A pleasant surprise for new players will be the fact that for registration you will receive no deposit bonus 100 rubles.

Seka is a game of betting and trading. The goal of the game is to win the full pot by forcing all opponents to fold their cards into the deck through bets and showdowns. The game is played with a deck of 36 cards ranging from sixes to aces. Cards from six to ten are valued at face value (for example, six - 6 points, seven - 7 points,..., ten - 10 points), jack, queen and king - 10 points, ace - 11 points. When three cards of the same rank are dropped, the sum of points is equal to the sum of all cards (for example, 777 - 21 points, QQQ - 30 points, AAA - 33 points, etc.). This is scoring by rank. The exception is a combination of three sixes, which has a maximum score of 34. The score of any combination of cards that includes two aces is always 22, regardless of the suits of the aces. In other cases, points are calculated by adding up cards of the same suit and choosing the highest total. This is scoring by suit. The game has a joker. His role is played by the seven of clubs. When scoring by rank, the joker replaces the missing card of the required rank. When scoring by suit, a joker has a value of 11 points. The game begins with a mandatory bet from all players. Afterwards, players are dealt 3 cards each. All participants see only their cards. A transcript of the player's own combination is displayed on the control panel.

View the goal of the game in Seka:

Belota is a game based on an agreement between the players or the so-called announcement. At the beginning of the game, you play everything from the game and receive 5 cards per base on the coito tryabva and determine how to announce the claim and announce it. Announcement of the keys for playing and determining how much more power there is on the card for all the games. Directly from the announcement, it’s different and maximizes the whole point, so all the selection can be done and we got a trace of the edge on the distribution. For an announcement on without goats and all goats, the maximum amount is 26 tons (this includes additional announcements, but you can play and they will allocate time for the game - terza, quantum, fifth, belot, etc.). The trace of the edge on the distribution was made, as the selection announced the announcement of a better point, then that one is the winner and is recorded for the tova. Soil novo razdavane, kato igrata priklyuchva kogato unite selection reaching up to 151 tons.

When the player's turn passes, he takes part in the auction. Depending on the game mode chosen by the player and the balance of chips in his account, some of the following actions become available to him:

1. Fall - discard cards into the deck, thereby voluntarily ceasing to participate in the current game.
2. Raise – make a higher bet than the previous player.
3. Show up - compare your cards with the cards of the previous player. This action is not available on the first round of betting. When performing this action, the player places a bet equal to the previous player's bet.
4. Support - make a bet equal to the bet of the previous player and thereby continue your participation in the current game.
5. Look - see your cards, thereby exiting the “dark” game mode (described below). This action is only available to darkening players.

Each action, except for the “Fall” and “Look” actions, is accompanied by a bet into the bank. The bet in the game is determined by the player independently, but it cannot be less than the bet of the previous player.
From above, the bet is limited by the maximum value (ceiling). During the game, the player needs to monitor the number of his chips so that a situation does not arise when they become insufficient to support the previous player’s bet. In this case, the player is automatically eliminated from the current game (while maintaining his seat at the table) and loses all bet chips. The winner of the game is the player who has the strongest combination among the opponents, or the one who is left alone in the game, forcing the rest of the participants out of the game with the help of bets.

Game "in the dark"
The essence of the dark game is that the darkening players do not see their cards as long as they continue to darken. The advantage of playing "dark" is that the darkening player forces the non-darkening players (players who know their cards) to pay twice their bet. Dark players compensate for their lack of knowledge of cards with a material equivalent. Players who know their cards, if they want to knock the game “dark,” just need to bet 1 more than the bet of the last darkening player.

In this case, all darkening players will automatically see their cards and continue playing as normal (not darkening). During his turn, the darkening player can look at his cards, thus switching to normal game mode.

After the first round of betting, players can open up - compare their points with the player’s points according to right hand Push. During this action, the cards of the revealed player are not visible to the opponent, and the computer automatically compares his points with the opponent’s points and leaves the participant with the stronger combination in the game.

If the sum of the player's points that shows up is equal to the sum of the opponent's points, then the player that shows up is eliminated from the game. If the opponent wins the game, a quarrel arises between him and the eliminated player - an additional game to determine the winner. The initiators of the quarrel can agree among themselves and divide the bank equally, thereby avoiding an additional party. In addition to the initiators of the swara, the following can also take part in it:

Players who reach the end of the game and have the same number of points as the winner;
players who did not reach the end of the game, but are ready to pay half the bank for participation in the fight;
outside players who are willing to pay a full bank for participation in the quarrel (in development);

During a fight, the rules of the game are no different from a regular game, the only exception being the absence of a “dark” game. The winner of the swara is determined in the same way as in a regular game.
During a fight, it is possible for a situation to be repeated when the winner has the same number of points as one of the players. In this case, depending on the decision of players with the same points, a new fight may begin, and so on.