Boris Livanov Jr. biography. Boris Livanov - who is he and what is he famous for? Text prepared by Andrey Goncharov

The popular director, actor, screenwriter Vasily Livanov built an ideal career, was famous throughout the world and received many worthy awards. But fate took away his happiness in family life. His middle son Boris derailed everything he had achieved and caused a lot of pain to his daughter Eva and his parents.

The popularity of Vasily Borisovich Livanov brought only professional happiness. In his personal life, everything was not so smooth. Son Boris Livanov brought a lot of suffering to his parents. In an interview, the director admitted that he was afraid of his own middle son.

Boris Livanov could have become happy, because he grew up in a family of intellectuals. He graduated from school in Moscow, then went to Oxford language school to England. After returning, he wrote scripts, poetry, and performed theatrical roles. But he never became famous. The guy showed aggression, was angry at his parents, at his professional failure. He began to go on a drinking binge. Acquaintances and neighbors whispered that his uncontrolled actions would end in a stabbing. On New Year's Day, a 34-year-old man killed his drinking companion with an ax, beating him in the entrance and jumping on his head. The ax was never found; his wife Ekaterina threw it away. Boris killed because of jealousy. Before the holiday, the man quarreled with his girlfriend Natalya, who forbids drinking alcohol, and went to his ex-girlfriend- Ekaterina.

Before meeting Ekaterina, Boris did not drink, but after meeting him he began coming to the university drunk and ended up in the police custody because of a fight with the girl’s boyfriends. Soon they were both expelled from the university. The couple got married because of Catherine's pregnancy. They had a daughter, Eva, with serious hearing problems. Vasily Livanov and his wife paid for the operation and bought a hearing aid for the girl. The life of Boris and Catherine has not changed. Vasily Borisovich's wife wanted to obtain guardianship over Eva, but she could not; her son refused. In 2003, she filed a complaint with the police because Boris threatened her. During the scandal with his mother, he was drunk at home, Eva was sitting in tears, and Katya was handcuffed so that she would not leave Boris.

After a while, Boris divorced Catherine and Eva remained with him. Boris killed a man and received a prison sentence of 9 years, which was later reduced to 8. Eva returned to her mother. The elder Livanovs fought with Catherine for guardianship rights, and nevertheless formalized them 4 years later with the consent of Boris. After prison, Boris moved to the Livanovs' dacha, wrote a book and kept a family archive. He began a relationship with actress Maria Golubkina, and in 2017 with his university friend Angelina Frolova. Boris gave his daughter to Catherine.

Vasily Livanov: biography of the famous film director, screenwriter and writer

Vasily Borisovich Livanov was born on July 19, 1935 in the capital of Russia. Parents people's artist Soviet Union were Boris Nikolaevich Livanov (1904-1972) and Evgenia Kazimirovna Livanova (1907-1978). Kachalov, Dovzhenko, Pasternak, Tarkhanov, Konchalovsky constantly came to visit them. Studied at Moscow Secondary art school at the USSR Academy of Arts and graduated from it in 1954. Later he graduated from the Theater School. Shchukin in 1958, Higher courses in directing at the State Cinema of the USSR in the workshop of Mikhail Romm, in 1966.

In 1966-1973. He worked at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio as a production director. Vasily Borisovich voiced approximately 300 characters in cartoons. He was the co-author of the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians” and “In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians” with Yu. Entin and G. Gladkov. The actor gained popularity due to his role as Sherlock Holmes in the serial film “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.” From 1979 to 1986, four films in two series and one in three were shot with his participation. In 1986, the film “My Favorite Clown” directed by Yuri Kushnerev based on a story written by Vasily Livanov appeared on the screens. Gradually he stopped working as an actor, only occasionally doing voice acting. He played Don Quixote in Don Quixote Returns (1997), and he was also a screenwriter and producer there. He received the role of Professor Stravinsky in the TV series “The Master and Margarita” by V. Bortko (2005). The last movie for Vasily Borisovich was “Bear Hunt” directed by V. Nikolaev (2007).

Vasily Livanov: awards and personal life of a popular director and actor

Vasily Borisovich had two marriages. The first wife was Alina Vladimirovna Engelhardt in 1958, the daughter of the famous biochemist V. Engelhardt. Their daughter Anna was born in 1963. The ex-spouses divorced in 1970.

The second wife in 1972 was Elena Artemyevna Livanova, an animator. They had two sons - Boris (April 2, 1974) and Nikolai (1984). From his two sons, Vasily has two granddaughters, Eva and Alisa. From his daughter Anastasia there are two grandchildren.

Son Boris appeared in the family of actor Vasily Livanov and his artist wife in 1974. It seemed that with such intelligent parents, Boris was destined for a brilliant future. However, fate decreed otherwise. Livanov Jr. crippled his life with his own hands. Abuse alcoholic drinks brought him to the dock.

Unlucky son

Since childhood, Boris Livanov has been surrounded by the country's most famous actors and directors. He often went to filming with his father. In particular, Boris visited film set the world famous Soviet series “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”. In the film, Livanov Jr. brilliantly played the role of a street child who begged the detective for a cigar. It seemed that with such inclinations, Boris was simply destined to become an artist. But it didn’t work out.
After graduating from school, the young man actually entered the Shchukin School, but Boris took his studies lightly. Often he did not even show up for classes. In the end (not without the participation of his father) Livanov transferred to GITIS, but the story of absenteeism repeated itself there. Boris never managed to graduate from any university. One of the reasons for Livanov Jr.’s poor academic performance was his addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Handcuffs and ax

Over the years, the situation only got worse. Despite the fact that Boris started his own family, he did not give up his old habits. When Livanov’s daughter was barely a year old, he, while intoxicated, handcuffed his wife to the radiator. Boris's mother Elena Livanova came running to her daughter-in-law's rescue. However, the drunken man attacked her, threatening her with violence. Elena Artemyevna wrote a statement to the police, but soon forgave her son. She hoped that he would eventually come to his senses.
6 years after this story, Boris committed a more terrible crime. Able again alcohol intoxication Boris Livanov killed a man. IN New Year's Eve In 2009, while visiting, he hacked to death the owner of the apartment with an ax. The court sentenced Boris Livanov to 9 years in prison. He was sent to serve his sentence in a maximum security colony located in the Voronezh region.

Is it all the wife's fault?

Boris Livanov's stay behind bars did not bring peace to either members of his own family or his parents. The fact is that after Boris was taken into custody, his wife Catherine began in every possible way to prevent her daughter Eva from communicating with her grandparents. They, in turn, argued that it was Catherine who took an active part in their son’s alcoholism. The Livanovs confidently stated that Ekaterina herself suffered from addiction, and therefore she could not be trusted to raise a child. Soon, Catherine was deprived of parental rights and sent for treatment. Eva stayed with Vasily and Elena Livanov.
In 2014, thanks to the petitions of his parents, Boris Livanov was released early. Little Eva, together with her grandparents, met her father from prison. Boris Livanov served only a little more than half of his sentence. Although, as Vasily Borisovich reported, in the colony his son was actively involved in creativity: he wrote poetry, made films and even organized a television studio. It was precisely because of his good behavior that Boris was released on parole.

Parents don't believe

Despite the punishment that has already been accomplished, Vasily Livanov continues to make assumptions that his son is not guilty of anything. According to Livanov Sr., the victim’s blood contained lethal dose alcohol, and therefore he could not have died from an ax blow.
In addition, as the artist stated, Boris, contrary to the statements of the investigator, never confessed to anything. He simply could not do this, since he remembered absolutely nothing. Neither Vasily Borisovich nor his wife believe that their son could do something like that.

Vasily Livanov is one of the most famous and beloved post-Soviet space actors. His main popularity was brought to him by his role as Sherlock Holmes, familiar to us from the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle.

The role of the famous detective from Baker Street was performed by him so talentedly that in 2006, Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain decided to award him the Order British Empire. Before him, only two of our fellow countrymen were awarded such an award.

In the life of the famous actor there were many awards, fame and titles. But, as often happens, fate dealt a blow to the very vulnerable spot, his family. Vasily Borisovich was married twice, the first time to Alina Engelhardt, the daughter of an eminent professor, who gave birth to a girl; two sons were born as a result of the second marriage.

At the beginning of 2009, a misfortune happened - he was accused of murder Boris Livanov is the son of Vasily Livanov. Photo and articles about this news filled all the newspapers.

It would seem that Boris, who was born in the family of the legendary actor, has good opportunities for a bright future. After finishing school, he continued his education at Oxford. Having returned, he performs on the theater stage, tries his hand at writing poetry and scripts. However, he fails to surpass his father's glory. All this, according to the people around him, leads to resentment towards his parents, aggressive behavior. There were many scandals in the press of that time due to Boris's drinking habits.

According to the family, they themselves repeatedly had to suffer from their son’s drunken excesses.

Intoxicated son of Vasily Livanov Boris, lost control over himself, could attack his mother or father with his fists, threatening them with violence.
In 2003, Elena, the wife of Vasily Livanov, filed a police report against her son. According to her, Boris, who was in a state of intoxication, handcuffed his wife to the radiator, and then, when his mother came into his apartment, he tried to attack her.

According to allegations married couple elder Livanovs, the life of their offspring went awry, precisely under the influence of Boris’s first lover, Ekaterina. In their opinion, before meeting her, Boris led a moderate lifestyle, but soon began to show aggression, appeared at the institute in drunk. In the end, they and the girl were expelled from the institute, and after a while Katya became pregnant, and they decided to legitimize their relationship.

Soon they had a girl, the child was named Eva and she discovered hearing problems. According to her grandparents, due to problems with alcohol, her mother cannot provide her with proper care, and therefore the Livanovs paid for an expensive operation for their granddaughter and purchased a hearing aid. Scandals often occurred in the young family and eventually, in 2005, it all ended in divorce.

In 2009, the Livanov family experienced terrible tragedy, on the night of New Year, being in a state of heavy drinking, Boris kills his drinking companion.

For this crime, the younger Livanov was sentenced to 9 years. Boris himself denies his guilt, claiming that he does not remember anything that happened that evening. His parents repeatedly petitioned for a mitigation of the sentence and tried to appeal the verdict. Largely thanks to the efforts of his father, who refused to believe in his guilt, he was released after 4 years and 5 months, having served only part of his sentence.

Last Wednesday, the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow, following the suit of actor Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena, limited their ex-daughter-in-law V parental rights due to chronic alcoholism. The ex-wife of the son of the legendary performer of the role of Sherlock Holmes, Ekaterina Khrustaleva, was sent to compulsory treatment, and the actor’s 10-year-old granddaughter Eva was placed under the care of her grandparents.

The fight for the girl’s fate went on in court for more than four years, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reports. Livanov and his wife first tried to obtain the right to raise Eva immediately after the sentence imposed on their son. In December 2009, Boris Livanov was sentenced to nine years in prison for killing a man in a fight. Later, the Moscow City Court reduced the term to eight years.

36-year-old Boris Livanov killed his acquaintance Igor Khromov as a result of a domestic conflict on New Year's Eve. Then the actor's son quarreled with common-law wife Natasha and went to ex-wife Katya in Khimki. In the morning of January 1, they put their daughter to bed and went to visit. In the morning, Livanov quarreled with Khromov on the landing, beat him brutally, and then hacked his chest with a kitchen hatchet.

According to neighbors, the killer continued to strike the victim even when he was already lying motionless. At the same time, Livanov shouted to him “Get up, soldier!”, hit his head on the steel corner of the elevator cabin and jumped on his head. The actor's son was detained without delay.

Almost immediately after the verdict, Ekaterina Livanova filed a lawsuit demanding that she and her daughter be moved into a Moscow apartment ex-husband in 1st Ambulatory passage. In 2011, the court upheld the claims. In turn, Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena filed a counterclaim demanding that their ex-daughter-in-law be limited in parental rights and that their granddaughter Eva be transferred to them for upbringing. This claim was also rejected by the judge at that time.

According to the KP, all this time Catherine blackmailed her ex-husband’s parents, telling them that if they wanted to see their granddaughter, they had to give her their son’s apartment.

After six months, the mother will be able to ask for a review of the decision

According to the Livanovs' lawyer Yulia Kaygorodova, the diagnosis " chronic alcoholism"was diagnosed to the mother of the actor's granddaughter back in 2000. During the trial in court, the narcologist stated that there were no grounds for removing the diagnosis. Her refusal to obey the decision of the Moscow City Court, made in 2010, also played against Ekaterina in the process. The woman never passed the mandatory examination by a narcologist and psychiatrist, Life News reports.

The lawyer noted that in six months, Ekaterina has the right to file a review of the case. In order for the mother to return her daughter, she will have to prove that she has reformed, stopped abusing alcohol and got a job. In the meantime, the woman will be treated forcibly. At the same time, she is allowed to see her daughter, who will live with her grandparents.

Vasily Livanov and his wife are going to take care of the girl’s health. Eva has early childhood hearing problems, she has already undergone one operation, after which she began to hear better. The actor’s granddaughter studies and lives in one of the capital’s boarding schools. Her mother took her home only twice a week.

Boris Livanov, son of the best Sherlock Holmes of all times and peoples, famous actor Vasily Livanov, found guilty of murder by the court of the city of Khimki Igor Khromov and was sentenced to 9 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony, reported official representative investigation department Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of Russia for the Moscow region Yulia Zhukova. "The investigation had a good evidence base, and despite the efforts of his father and wife, who refused to cooperate with the investigation, the criminal case was brought to court,” Yulia Zhukova told reporters and summed up: “In our opinion, the decision is fair.”

According to Zhukova, the verdict has not entered into legal force and, in accordance with the law, it can be appealed to a higher authority within ten days after its announcement. If cassation appeal will be filed, the verdict will not come into force until it is considered. According to lawyers, the court gave Boris Livanov the wrong severe punishment, since Part 1 of Article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment of up to 15 years in prison.

As reported Russian media, 74 years old Vasily Livanov He was taking what had happened very hard and tried to help his son as best he could - he hired the best Moscow lawyers, regularly visited Boris in the pre-trial detention center and attended almost all court hearings. The lawyers tried very hard. They even developed a cunning move, trying to convince the court that there was no murder of Igor Khromov at all, and that he died, they say, not from his wounds, but on his own initiative - as a result of alcohol poisoning. “The knife wounds that were inflicted on Khromov were not fatal, but the dose of alcohol he took was lethal,” quotes a statement in court from a medical expert brought in by Livanov’s lawyers. The publication writes, citing an examination, that 7-8 ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of the murdered Igor Khromov, despite the fact that already 4-5 ppm can lead to death. In addition, the expert argued that due to intoxication, Khromov’s blood did not clot well and that’s why he died. However, all these arguments did not impress the court and 35-year-old Boris Livanov was found guilty of the murder of Igor Khromov and will spend 9 years in a maximum security colony. As the publication writes, Vasily Livanov, after listening to the verdict, approached the cage in which Boris was located and through the bars silently shook his son’s hand. “Dad, we’ll see you again,” Boris said, after which the saddened Sherlock Holmes - Vasily Livanov left the meeting room.

"Synthesis of News" recalls that the crime of which Boris Livanov was accused occurred on New Year's Eve, January 1, 2009, in the town of Khimki near Moscow. As the Free Press writes, Boris Livanov and his wife Ekaterina celebrated the New Year in the apartment of their 38-year-old friend Elena Gorokhova. In the company of guests was also Igor Khromov, with whom Boris had a conflict. During the quarrel, Boris Livanov grabbed a knife and took Khromov to the landing. There he punched his victim several times in the body, and then stabbed him three times in the chest and neck. Igor Khromov died on the spot from his injuries. According to the publication, immediately after the crime, Ekaterina Livanova threw the knife out the window and it disappeared in the snow. The police with metal detectors searched all the snowdrifts around the house, but the murder weapon was never found.

Boris Livanov, born in 1974, was detained on the same day by police officers who arrived at the scene on suspicion of murdering Igor Khromov, born in 1979. On January 3, the Khimki City Court decided to arrest Boris Livanov and take him into custody during the investigation.

Vasily Livanov reacted very painfully to the fuss that the press created after the detention of his son. “Starting from January 1, 2009, a bacchanalia of publications was unleashed in the media due to the fact that my eldest son Boris Livanov became a defendant in a criminal case,” Vasily Livanov said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Someone named by a source in law enforcement agencies, gave the press information of an investigative nature back on January 1, when the investigation had not yet actually begun, and no witnesses had even been identified." A brilliant performer of the world's greatest Sherlock Holmes also stated that he considers his son an adult and independent citizen who has been living separately from his parental family for a long time and, naturally, must be responsible for his actions and deeds without any connection with my name as his parent.