Spring lines Tvardov analysis. Poems A

“Spring lines” Alexander Tvardovsky

The morning party lay on the road
With a flat, dry cloth.
Slowly, little by little
The sun rises over the hill.

The sun is like a thin hazel tree,
It grew as a copper bush.
The little bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
He woke up in the field and lives...
The joy of sunken ruins,
The joy of an open gate.

Analysis of Tvardovsky’s poem “Spring Lines”

Many poetry lovers associate the work of Alexander Tvardovsky with the events of the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, this poet went to the front as a war correspondent in 1938 and took part first in the Finnish campaign, then in the liberation of western Belarus. Then there were the front roads of the Great Patriotic War, which the poet met in Voronezh. However, few people know that in his soul Tvardovsky, until his death, remained a sensitive lyricist, whose idols were Pushkin and Lermontov, Fet and Nekrasov. It's hard to say how it would have turned out creative path this man, if not for the war. But one thing is indisputable: Tvardovsky’s lyrical works are no less interesting than military poetry.

An example of this is the poem “Spring Lines,” written in 1925 and dedicated to his native village of Zagorye. It was here that the most serene and romantic years of the life of the young poet passed, who learned in simple words convey the beauty of the surrounding world. The poet perceives an ordinary spring morning as a gift from heaven, noting: “Slowly, little by little, the sun rises behind the hill.” The poet compares its rays to a thin hazel tree, the branches of which bend under a light spring breeze. With the first sun rays nature comes to life, because in the morning everyone has their own worries and responsibilities.

“The birdhouse began to speak - a small joyful house,” notes the author, admiring not only the hardworking birds, but also how the world around him is waking up. The sun has already warmed the first thawed patches, and not only the trees and early wildflowers speak of the arrival of spring, but also the wide open gates of rural estates and sun-warmed rubble near houses.
Like many Russian poets, Tvardovsky endows inanimate objects with the qualities of living people, which gives his works amazing imagery. “The frozen farm thawed, the windows shed tears in the sun,” the poet notes. He also never ceases to be amazed at how quickly nature changes. Even in the morning, a sleigh was racing along the snow-covered edge of the forest, “and by noon, the sun was spreading across the field in a great warm spring.”

However, the most accurate and reliable predictor of the change of seasons are the cranes, which, “calling to each other, make a new flight” and return to their homeland from warm weather. southern countries. Their arrival means that the cold will not return, and spring has truly come into its own. A new page of life has been opened, and the amazing author called nature is already beginning her next chronicle of the seasons.

The morning party lay on the road
With a flat, dry cloth.
Slowly, little by little
The sun rises over the hill.

The sun is like a thin hazel tree,
It grew as a copper bush.
The little bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
He woke up in the field and lives...
The joy of sunken ruins,
The joy of an open gate.

(2 votes, average: 4,00 out of 5)

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You are now reading the poem Spring Lines, by the poet Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich

      Spring stitches

      The morning party lay on the road
      With a flat, dry cloth.
      Slowly, little by little
      The sun rises over the hill.

      The sun is like a thin hazel tree,
      It grew as a copper bush.
      The starling spoke -
      Little joyful house.

      Yellow herd of thawed patches
      He woke up in the field and lives...
      The joy of sunken ruins,
      The joy of an open gate...

      The frozen farm has thawed,
      I shed tears in the sunshine of the window.
      And only the frost of the morning
      Lays a road through the mud.

      Only in the morning do the sleighs cut through
      There is silence near the copse.
      And by noon - the sun stretches across the field
      Great warm spring.

      From the blue of a foreign land
      In the calm of the sensitive swamps
      The cranes, calling to each other,
      Making a new flight...


      They breathe with sweaty chests
      Yellow Mane Oats.
      Something warm
      Something ripe
      It's blowing from our lane.

      Give me a bare foot
      Over the thorny stubble.
      Give me a shiny braid
      I'll cut off my stripe.

      Under the oat talk of the fields
      I'll get hot afterwards.
      I'm doubly happy then
      If I work hard enough.

      On the threshing floor under a dark roof
      The sheaves will rest in the stacks.
      The early morning will hear
      How the flails clink.

      There is space and joy in the soul,
      Endless land of happiness...
      The bread is falling like a golden blizzard.
      Hello, New Harvest.

Notice how consistently the poet addressed terrible events Stalin's repressions in poems and poems, as in the most hard time spoke about the hardships that the people are experiencing, first in small retreats, then in full voice (“Terkin in the next world”, “Beyond the distance - the distance”, “By right of memory”). Each of the latest poems contains reflections on the sad pages of our history. For example, the whole chapter “So it was” in the poem “Beyond the Distance is Distance” is devoted to memories.

Let's think together with the poet over the lines:

      When the Kremlin walls
      The living are protected from life,
      Like a formidable spirit he was above us, -
      We didn't know any other names.

      We wondered how else to glorify
      Its in the capital and villages.
      There's no denying it,
      Not to add -
      That's how it was on earth...

      So it was: a quarter of a century
      A call to battle and labor
      The man's name sounded
      Along with the word Motherland.

      It knew no less
      Already entering into those rights,
      What do people of deep faith have?
      Has the name of a Deity.

      And it was just common,
      What is he through the pipe smoke
      I saw everything in the world myself
      And he was in charge of everything like God...

High demands on himself have always distinguished the writer and editor Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. That is why every line evokes trust and a reciprocal feeling of gratitude and appreciation.

      Who else but the poet
      Descendants will not allow us to remain silent.
      Him to a harsh answer
      The court will require a special one.

      I'm not afraid of such a judgment
      And maybe I’ve been waiting for him for a long time,
      Let that word not be mine yet,
      What is most capacious of all, it is given to say.

      Mine is from the heart - not to the wind,
      It is ready for anyone:
      I lived, I was - for everything in the world
      I answer with my head...
      Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

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Religious Beliefs.

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4. Implemented requirements to ensure the security of personal data

4.1. In order to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, the Company implements the following requirements: regulatory documents Russian Federation in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data:

Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 1, 2012 N 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Basic model of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

4.2. The company assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects and identifies threats to the security of personal data. In accordance with identified current threats, the Company applies necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures, including the use of information security tools, detection of unauthorized access, restoration of personal data, establishment of rules for access to personal data, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures applied.

4.3. The Company has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring an adequate level of security for personal data processed as part of the Company's core business, both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and justified in terms of assessing business risks.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky

The morning party lay on the road
With a flat, dry cloth.
Slowly, little by little
The sun rises over the hill.

The sun is like a thin hazel tree,
It grew as a copper bush.
The little bird spoke -
Little joyful house.

Yellow herd of thawed patches
He woke up in the field and lives...
The joy of sunken ruins,
The joy of an open gate.

The frozen farm has thawed,
I shed tears in the sunshine of the window.
And only the frost of the morning
Lays a road through the mud.

Only in the morning do the sleighs cut through
There is silence near the copse.
And by noon - the sun stretches across the field
Great warm spring.

From the blue of a foreign land
In the calm of the sensitive swamps
The cranes, calling to each other,
Making a new flight...

Many poetry lovers associate the work of Alexander Tvardovsky with the events of the Great Patriotic War. Indeed, this poet went to the front as a war correspondent in 1938 and took part first in the Finnish campaign, then in the liberation of western Belarus. Then there were the front roads of the Great Patriotic War, which the poet met in Voronezh. However, few people know that in his soul Tvardovsky, until his death, remained a sensitive lyricist, whose idols were Pushkin and Lermontov, Fet and Nekrasov. It is difficult to say how this person’s creative path would have developed if not for the war. But one thing is indisputable: Tvardovsky’s lyrical works are no less interesting than military poetry.

An example of this is the poem “Spring Lines,” written in 1925 and dedicated to his native village of Zagorye. It was here that the most serene and romantic years of the life of the young poet passed, who learned to convey the beauty of the world around him in simple words. The poet perceives an ordinary spring morning as a gift from heaven, noting: “Slowly, little by little, the sun rises behind the hill.” The poet compares its rays to a thin hazel tree, the branches of which bend under a light spring breeze. With the first rays of the sun, nature comes to life, because in the morning everyone has their own worries and responsibilities.

“The birdhouse has spoken - a small joyful house,” notes the author, admiring not only the hardworking birds, but also how the world around him is waking up. The sun has already warmed the first thawed patches, and not only the trees and early wildflowers speak of the arrival of spring, but also the wide open gates of rural estates and sun-warmed rubble near houses.

Like many Russian poets, Tvardovsky endows inanimate objects with the qualities of living people, which gives his works amazing imagery. “The frozen farm thawed, the windows shed tears in the sun,” the poet notes. He also never ceases to be amazed at how quickly nature changes. Even in the morning, sleighs were racing along the snow-covered edge of the forest, “and by noon, across the field, the sun was drawing a big, warm spring.”

However, the most accurate and reliable predictor of the change of seasons are the cranes, which, “calling to each other, make a new flight” and return to their homeland from warm southern countries. Their arrival means that the cold will not return, and spring has truly come into its own. A new page of life has been opened, and the amazing author called nature is already beginning her next chronicle of the seasons.