Alain Delon: “I hate this era, it makes me sick. Alain Delon hates people

Iconic French actor, 82 years old Alain Delon sums up his life and career in an interview that appeared on Thursday, January 11, in French magazine Paris Match.

The former companion of the ex-president of France, Valerie Trierweiler, interviewed the legendary actor; she called this meeting “I, Delon: an interview of my life.”

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The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the great artist’s career. Reflecting on his life, his roles, friends and family, Delon explains his rejection of today's reality:

“Life doesn’t bring me anything anymore. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick.”

“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake,” says the actor. “Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises.” Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets."

“Thank you to Alain Delon for the sincere interview for the special edition of Paris Match,” wrote Valerie Trierweiler on Twitter

Delon talks a little about the failures in his personal life, about difficult relationships with his family. About the women he loved and about friends who are no longer alive. According to him, special meaning The actor has dogs in his life. About fifty of his four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, and it is with them that he wishes to be buried himself.

When asked about the place of women in his life today, Delon replies that he has not yet found “the one.” “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. (...) I could marry a woman only if she was ready to accompany me until the end of my days,” explains Delon.

Alain Delon with Miss France Marine Lorfelin in Cannes, 2013/Getty Images

The actor’s career is far from over: in an interview he talks about last movie, which is directed by Patrice Leconte and stars Alain Delon and Juliette Binoche. However, filming is constantly being postponed. Delon also says that he would like to return to the theater stage.

The last film in which Alain Delon played the role of Caesar, Asterix et Olympic Games"was released in 2008. In the theater he is in last time played in 2013 with his daughter Anouchka Delon, also playing the role of her father on stage.

“I never dreamed of such a career, it happened by itself,” says Alain Delon. “I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But it’s called fate.”

Delon's revelations

Ten interviews

Alain Delon was not deprived of press attention. A dozen books, a bunch of articles have been written about him, and many interviews have been published. I have selected just a few of them to complement my story about the life and films of the French actor.

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10:55 13.01.2018

When you don’t drink cologne and you are already 82 years old, there is no point in being shy and hiding anything, it is better to adopt frankness. The great French actor decided to cut off his shoulder in a frank interview with Paris Match and personally with Valerie Trierweiler, a friend former president France.

The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Alain Delon’s career, and the actor did not stand on ceremony in the conversation at all: “Life doesn’t bring me anything anymore. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick. I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets."

Delon also spoke about failures in his personal life, about relationships with his family, about the women he loved, about the friends he lost. He admitted that now his dogs have become the most important in his life - about fifty four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, he himself wants to be buried there, with them.

Alain Delon admitted that he is still looking for “that” woman: “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. I could only marry a woman if she was willing to accompany me for the rest of my life.”

But to end my career, despite hating everyone and everything, The 82-year-old actor is not going to - now, for example, he is working in a film directed by Patrice Leconte and in which the main female role is played by Juliette Binoche. Delon also admitted that he would like to return to the theater stage: “I am an artist, but not an actor, I did not graduate from the acting academy. I didn't do anything for this. I left school at 14 and then joined the army. I am one of those artists like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura or Burt Lancaster - strong personalities who were featured in films. And I can say, without excessive modesty, that I have succeeded in this profession.”

“I never dreamed of such a career, it just happened. I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But this is called fate,” summed up Alain Delon.

HTML: We recently told you about the beautiful Isabelle Adjani, who starred in Evgeniy Yakovlev’s Russian photo project “The Master and Margarita”. The other day there was a presentation of this exhibition - in Moscow, without Isabelle, but with a great fan of Bulgakov's novel, the legendary Alain Delon. OK! became the only weekly magazine with which the great actor agreed to talk

Photo: Vladimir Gorbel

I admit, I have dreamed of entering the room where Alain Delon is so easily since I was thirteen. From the moment my mother once sat me down in front of the TV with the words: “Now you will see the Movie.” It was Visconti, Rocco and His Brothers. And it was the young and indecently handsome Alain Delon in a duet with the stunning Annie Girardot. Delon is an absolute sex symbol, be it in the 60s or 90s. Surprisingly, even in our time there are girls who don’t care about Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, although it would seem that these are their contemporaries. Delon’s time, on the contrary, has long passed, but many people still make comparisons today: “Well, this guy, of course, is not Alain Delon...” His name has become synonymous with the concept “ handsome man" Unfortunately, it is not synonymous with the concept " good actor", although this is unfair. This fact, of course, upset Alain in his youth: he, a guy from a poor family who won millions of women’s hearts, had great ambitions. And a completely atypical character for a movie star. “There was no stupid vanity, only a gigantic desire to please and be the first - not to be envied, but for one’s own sake!” - said his eternal rival Jean-Paul Belmondo about Delon. A couple of years ago, in an interview with Paris Match, Delon admitted that today he feels like a winner: he and world celebrity, and a producer, and the owner of luxury villas and cars. At the same time, Alain does not hide how... lonely he is. “Women from all over the planet, write me letters!” - asked the famous Frenchman with such beautiful blue eyes, that it is better to strap yourself to a chair so as not to succumb to their magic. Loneliness? This will seem strange, but Alain Delon lived with this all his life - both when, through his own stupidity, he lost Romy Schneider, and when, falling in love with women again and again, for some reason he decided to leave. “I had a terrible childhood, I didn’t know what it was parental love. That’s why I made mistakes so often,” said the actor. There are still those in France who are sure that Alain’s success came thanks to connections with the Marseille mafia. They said a lot about him. That is why, before meeting with the mysterious Delon, it was difficult for me to choose only eight to ten questions - there was no time for more. It is unlikely that I will be able to reveal the secret of one of the most beautiful men of our time in just half an hour. But I still wanted to lift the veil...
Monsieur Delon, at the airport and here at the hotel, paparazzi are watching over you. Not many actors at 74 are attacked like this by journalists...
It sounded like a veiled compliment. ( Smiling.) It turns out I'm still interesting?
If you were offered to participate in the photo project “The Master and Margarita”, what role would you play with the greatest pleasure?
I fell in love with Bulgakov’s novels a long time ago, but... with much greater pleasure I would play in a good Russian film. It's strange why none of your directors offer me this? I have always liked Soviet films - if the Russians make strong films, then they penetrate to the very heart.
Maybe directors don’t offer it because you criticize movies more often than you praise them?
I always scold for business. After the 80s good films almost never appears. For example, you, young lady, were crying over some modern film?
Not as much as with “Rocco”... Although this is not the task of cinema - to make a girl cry?
The task of cinema is to make people perk up and feel something. Don't tell them about social problems in a poorly staged film with clueless actors. By the way, I judge from myself: I, too, can burst into tears in the middle of the film.
Why are old movies still so popular among young viewers?
Are you calling me an old movie?! Old! I should be offended by this word. ( Laughs.) Seriously though, the ideals, it seems to me, are always the same - people want to watch films about love, about strong feelings. But there is no depth in modern cinema. I have a feeling that only two years ago the revival of European cinema began. But it will take at least another ten years to return to the previous level.
You have played in so many films. But if you honestly ask yourself whether you are satisfied in every role you play, what is the answer?
I played everything I wanted. There were some “if onlys” in my career, like everyone else. For example, I would love to play with Marlon Brando - on the same stage, for example. A brilliant actor. But it didn't happen.
Remember the moment when you first felt that producers and directors were calling you to act in films not only because you are beautiful and women are crazy about you, but because you are a really strong actor.
If you expect me to tell you how long I doubted whether I could play or not, this is in vain. Around 1958, I already knew what I could do. There are a lot of handsome guys, in fact. Another thing is that stars nowadays do not have to be beautiful, and therefore anyone can become a star today. Although it shouldn't be that way.
You once asked women to write letters to you. Were there Russian girls among those who responded?
Certainly! It's funny, but a lot of people wrote to me from France fewer women than from Russia or, say, China. The more east the country is, the more I am interesting to women. By the way, I answered almost all the letters then.
Monsieur Delon, I know that you are a wonderful actor. Therefore, I doubt that I will be able to accurately determine whether you will answer my last question honestly or if you are lying. (Delon smiles and signs to continue.) Problems have always arisen in your relationships with beautiful women. What personality trait do you think has hindered you the most?
(After some thought.) the main problem- in me: I am not a clown, not a salesman, not a lawyer. I'm an actor, you know? This means that the woman had to live with a policeman, a detective, a sailor or a businessman. Each time, a piece of the role got used to me, so much so that for a long time I could not get rid of it. And it hurts relationships, it hurts a lot. C'est la vie...

Tatiana Saburenkova

"I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. I will leave this m...
“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. I will leave this world without regrets.”

82-year-old Alain Delon sums up his life and career.

In an interview in the French magazine Paris Match, 82-year-old Alain Delon sums up his life and career. The former president's former companion, Valerie Trierweiler, who spoke with the actor, called this meeting “I, Delon: an interview of my life.” The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the great artist’s career. Reflecting on his life, his roles, friends and family, Delon explains his rejection of today's reality: “Life no longer brings me anything. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick.”

“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets,” says the actor.

Delon talks a little about the failures in his personal life, about difficult relationships with his family. About the women he loved and about friends who are no longer alive. According to him, dogs are of particular importance in the actor’s life. About fifty of his four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, and it is with them that he wishes to be buried himself.

When asked about the place of women in his life today, Delon replies that he has not yet found “the one.” “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. (...) I could marry a woman only if she was ready to accompany me until the end of my days,” explains Delon.

The actor's career is far from over: in an interview he talks about the latest film, which is being directed by Patrice Lecomte, and in which the main roles are played by Alain Delon and Juliette Binoche. However, filming is constantly being postponed. Delon also says that he would like to return to the theater stage.

The last film in which Alain Delon played the role of Caesar, Asterix and the Olympic Games, was released in 2008. He last played in the theater in 2013 with his daughter Anouchka Delon, also playing the role of her father on stage.

“I am an artist, but not an actor, I did not graduate from the acting academy,” Delon recalls, speaking about his profession. “I didn’t do anything for this. At the age of 14 I left school and then joined the army. I am one of those artists like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura or Burt Lancaster - strong personalities who were filmed in films. And I can say, without excessive modesty, that I have succeeded in this profession.”

“I never dreamed of such a career, it happened by itself,” says Alain Delon. “I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But it’s called fate.”

This is how Delon expressed his thoughts in his last interview, we hope that this is just the last one and the artist will continue to delight us with new works.

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