Traffic signs prohibiting parking. Consequences when parking under a “No Stopping” sign

For violation of traffic rules in 2019, quite serious fines are provided. At the same time, it is not so easy to navigate among the numerous road signs. Today we will look in detail at the coverage area of ​​the “No Parking” sign and what its specifics are.

There can be many nuances that arise during the movement. For example, even stopping a car directly under a “no parking” sign will not always constitute a violation of the rules.

Drivers need to know what kind of liability is provided for violating the rules, and when it can be avoided. Of course, it is important to be attentive.

No parking signs are usually installed on areas of the road with heavy traffic, near construction sites, gas pipelines and intersections, as well as in any places where there is a stop. vehicle may pose a potential hazard.

First of all, it is important to understand the essence of the “No Parking” sign.. Motorists often barely distinguish it from the “No Stopping” sign.

The question arises: if parking is prohibited, is stopping allowed? In this case, when we're talking about about the “No Parking” sign, it is necessary to define the word “parking” in this context.

Parking is usually understood as stopping the movement of a vehicle for a time interval exceeding 5 minutes. At the same time, parking is not associated with boarding, disembarking people, or moving luggage.

If we are talking about a “No Stopping” sign, then a short-term stop is already provided for, less than 5 minutes. You can stop under the “No Parking” road sign, but not for long. This is allowed by the rules.

In addition, the vehicle can stop if it is necessary to wait for a passenger, unload or load luggage.

Thus, in accordance with sign 3.28, it is prohibited to park vehicles on the side where the sign is located. You can stay in this area.

These signs are installed on the following sections of the road:

  • where a standing car blocks the movement of pedestrians and cars;
  • where stopped vehicles can reduce the safety of other participants;
  • where a stationary vehicle provokes other drivers to break the rules.

How long can you stand under a no parking sign? According to current regulations: maximum 5 minutes.

Now it's time to determine how the "no parking" sign works. According to the rules, it has the following effect:

  • at intersections with secondary roads;
  • at exits from sites adjacent to the highway;
  • from the mounting location to the end settlement, if there is no intersection;
  • from the sign to the nearest intersection.

Also road sign sometimes installed along with markings.

It is a broken line yellow, goes after the sign along the curb or border of the road, sidewalk. In this case, the sign will be valid throughout the marking until its end.

Additional signage elements can also influence the area of ​​influence of the “No Parking” sign.

Let's look at the types of pointers:

There are also varieties of the “no parking” road sign: with one or two light vertical stripes, which are located inside the crossed-out field.

One of the ways to optimize traffic on the road network is the competent organization of parking space on the roadway. All drivers are familiar with sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)”. The sign itself does not raise any questions, however, according to GOST, its use is only possible with signs additional information and the definition of the parking zone defined by this sign raises some questions.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly determine the parking space indicated by sign 6.4 in various situations.

Parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

A “Parking” sign installed without a sign with a limited coverage area is valid until the nearest intersection. The “Method of vehicle stowage” sign must always be installed with this sign. This combination can be used to indicate a zone paid parking. Do not forget about the prohibition of parking closer than 5 meters to the edge of the roadway being crossed.

Paid parking parallel to the edge of the roadway

  • Parking in your pocket

    To organize parking in a “pocket”, a sign is used with a limitation of the sign’s coverage area and, as noted above, the method of placement must be indicated.

    Please note that parking on the edge of the roadway before and after the “pocket” is not prohibited. Parking is permitted in accordance with general rules stops and parking. At the same time, parking along the sidewalk line is prohibited, since entering and exiting the pocket will become impossible.

    If the sign is installed in the direction of travel with a sign 8.17 “Disabled”, then parking in a place marked with 6.4 Only permitted for disabled people. Blocking the exit, as in the previous case, is prohibited.

    If the sign is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement– it designates a parking space for disabled people. According to GOST, the width of a parking space for disabled people is 3.6 m, that is, 1.8 m from the place where the sign is installed.

    Parking within the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking

    When it is necessary to organize parking in the coverage area of ​​signs prohibiting stopping or parking, it is allowed to use the “Parking” sign with the obligatory use of the “Validity Area” sign. In this case, the coverage area of ​​the prohibiting signs will be limited to the distance indicated on the sign.

    For some reason this moment is not reflected in the picture and at first glance there is a feeling of contradiction in the signs. The possibility of such a limitation of the coverage area of ​​prohibitory signs is prescribed in GOST.

    The coverage area of ​​any of the signs 3.27-3.30 can be reduced by installing at the end of their coverage area repeated signs 3.27-3.30 with plate 8.2.3 (which is preferable) or by using plate 8.2.2 or by installing another sign from the specified list or by installing sign 6.4 “Parking location” with sign 8.2.1 “Validity area”.

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    Methods of regulating traffic on roads include road signs. One of them is Stopping Prohibited (3.27) - a road sign that indicates that stopping a vehicle is prohibited throughout the entire stretch of road it defines. It is also forbidden to park a car in front of it or immediately behind it.

    Description and history

    The road sign has a round shape, a blue background with a red border around the circumference and red stripes intersecting at an angle of 90 degrees - a kind of cross. Thanks to this coloring (valid since 2013), the sign is clearly visible even from afar.

    In the form we are accustomed to today, this road definition appeared in 1973 after the introduction of a standard in the territory Soviet Union. Before this event, the specified road sign was decorated in yellow colors. The rules have been and continue to be regularly amended, but after 2013 they have not yet addressed issues related to this sign. But the size of fines (administrative liability), to the chagrin of those who are not friends with the law, has increased significantly since 2013.

    Interpretation of a road sign

    Sometimes motorists are annoyed when they see that stopping is prohibited. Nothing is done for nothing, especially in approved traffic rules, including those as amended since 2013. This means that on these sections of the road a stopped vehicle can become a serious obstacle, creating emergency situations when drivers of other vehicles will be forced to break the rules when passing (for example, in areas with busy traffic, on too narrow roads, if there is a sharp turn ahead).

    In places indicated by this sign, not only stopping, but also parking (or parking) of vehicles is prohibited.

    In more detail, before or behind the sign it is prohibited:

    • a planned stop of a vehicle for a duration longer than that required for exiting or boarding passengers, loading or unloading cargo, and, of course, parking or parking;
    • any previously planned stop lasting more than 5 minutes.

    In this case, a forced stop or parking is possible if the vehicle breaks down or the driver feels unwell, as well as for other similar reasons. In this case, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights. You will also need and. If all these conditions are met, traffic police officers will not record a violation.

    An exception is also provided for stopping route vehicles. These categories of participants traffic It is allowed to stop in places specially designated for stopping, but not in front of them.

    At the same time, there is no provision for imposing a fine for stopping cars driven by disabled people, if the sign is supplemented with an appropriate plate (8.18) - graphically displayed wheelchair crossed out with a red line.

    Also, the driver should not pay attention to the installed road sign, if a representative of the traffic police slows him down - this will not constitute a violation. So, he is obliged to stop at the place indicated to him by the traffic policeman or traffic police inspector.

    Zone where the traffic sign is valid

    The territory covered by the prohibitory action of the road sign extends to:

    • intersection (this does not include a break in the dividing line, exits from courtyards in populated areas, as well as the exit of a small forest or field road);
    • the place where the settlement ends (if there is no road intersection before the corresponding designation);
    • a road sign has been installed that cancels all previously existing restrictions (3.31).

    One more nuance: stopping (parking) is prohibited only on the side of the road where the sign is posted. For example, if on one side of the road (for example, on the right) with a one-way direction of movement, the driver paid attention to the “stopping is prohibited” sign, then this will not prevent him from stopping on its left side in an acceptable place. Parking here is not regarded as a violation and does not entail penalties.

    Nuances of the sign's action

    The coverage area of ​​road signs can be indicated by using signs together with a sign. So, if there is a sign 8.2.3 under the sign (an arrow that goes down), then this means that stopping before it is prohibited. If these signs are violated, a fine will be imposed on the driver who stopped immediately in front of these signs. But at the same time, stopping directly behind the sign is not prohibited and is not regarded by inspectors as a violation of the rules.

    If there is a sign 8.2.2 under the sign (an arrow going up and digital symbols below it), then this sign indicates the distance within which stops cannot be made. For example, if a sign with a sign (i.e. an additional message with important information), which shows an upward arrow and the number 50 m, then stopping (parking) is prohibited at the indicated interval, starting from the installation site.

    At the same time, it is not prohibited to stop directly in front of him - accordingly, a fine will not be imposed.

    If there is a sign with a double arrow pointing up and down, then this is a reminder to motorists (if the period where the restrictions apply is long) that the ban is still in effect and you cannot stop. That is, parking is prohibited in the place in front of and behind this sign.

    Yellow markings along the curb or along the edge of the road (solid line) - 1.4, this determines the coverage area of ​​the sign installed in front of it. This means that stopping and parking are allowed in front of it or after the end of the marking line. If you do not follow the indicated marks, this is automatically equated to a violation of the rules, which means a fine will follow.

    The zone in which, according to the sign, stopping is prohibited, can be interrupted if there is a parking lot in this place, which is indicated by the corresponding sign (the name of the sign “Parking” was introduced in 2013).

    Types of punishment for offenders

    For violation of traffic rules in the part relating to the prohibition of stopping, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine and detention of the vehicle or a warning (Articles 12.19 and 12.16). The 2013 edition of these articles increased the fine.

    Novice drivers often confuse two signs that are very similar both in appearance and in meaning: Parking is prohibited and Stopping is prohibited. In fact, road sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” prohibits parking, but not stopping.

    What is the difference between a parking lot and a stop? It’s simple: if the car stops for no more than five minutes, or if its stationary state is associated with loading and unloading the car or with boarding and disembarking passengers, then this is interpreted as a stop, not parking, therefore, the indication of the “Parking Prohibited” sign is violated there won't be.

    Like other prohibitory signs, sign 3.28 has a round shape and a red border. However, its background is not white but blue. The circle of the sign is crossed out with a diagonal red line.

    A very important aspect of understanding the requirements of sign 3.28 “No Parking” is an adequate assessment of its coverage area.

    So, the effect of sign 3.28 begins directly at the place of its installation, and its prohibition applies to the following areas:

    • the next intersection in the direction of travel of the vehicle;
    • the end of a populated area marked with the appropriate sign;
    • sign 3.31, indicating the end of the zone of all restrictions;

    The above sections of roads are generally accepted zones in which the majority of prohibition signs expire.

    No Parking sign and additional information signs

    After the above sections of the road have been passed, parking is automatically permitted if there are no other restrictions in force in this area, which are prescribed in section No. 12 of the Road Traffic Regulations.

    The zone of influence of sign 3.28 can be clarified by installing additional information plates and signs, namely:

    Thus, plate 8.2.2, installed together with sign 3.28, indicates the distance over which the action of the signs extends. In other words, parking will be allowed after exactly the number of meters indicated on the sign.

    Sign 3.28 can be installed together with plate 8.2.3. This sign indicates the end of the sign's coverage area. Simply put, the arrow on the sign indicates that the “No Parking” sign is in effect in front of where it is installed.

    If there is a sign 8.2.4 on the road, this tells the driver that he is in at the moment located within the area covered by the “No Parking” sign. This sign is an additional indication of the current restriction on that section of the road where a previously introduced parking ban is already in effect and the ban has not yet been lifted.

    Additional information signs 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 (separately or jointly), which can be installed together with the “No Parking” sign, are used to indicate parking restrictions near squares, buildings, etc. In this case, parking will be prohibited starting from the place where the sign is installed, in the direction in which the arrow points and at the distance indicated on the sign.

    The coverage area of ​​sign 3.28 can be limited using information sign 6.4 “Parking space” and plate 8.2.1, which, if installed together, indicate the place permitted for stopping and parking.

    The traffic rules assume the use of road sign 2.2.8 together with a broken yellow marking line 1.10, applied to the edge of the roadway, on the edge of the sidewalk adjacent to it or on top of the curb. In this case, the markings do not simply prohibit stopping, but indicate the specific coverage area of ​​the “No Parking” sign. That is, the sign is valid only where there is marking.

    The driver must remember that sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed. This is important for those drivers who are looking for a place to park.

    Sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” does not apply to drivers with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as to drivers of vehicles that transport such disabled people. Such vehicles must be equipped special signs"Disabled person".

    Among other things, the sign does not apply to taxis that have a taximeter turned on, as well as to vehicles belonging to the Russian Federal Postal Service.

    Road sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited” is installed not only on highways, so as not to interfere with traffic flow. In cities, it helps avoid traffic congestion. Especially in places where the roads are narrow and unimpeded oncoming traffic is difficult. They are trying to solve this problem in two ways - by increasing the places where parking is allowed, and by increasing the amount of punishment for violations of traffic rules (Rules). To avoid being punished for illegal stopping and parking , you need to understand the difference between prohibitory signs 3.27 and 3.28.

    They look similar in appearance - circle blue(red rim), but inside 3.27 there are two crossed stripes, inside 3.28 there is one. The rules for their operation are different, so you must:

    • understand the difference in definitions given in the first section of the Rules;
    • find out who is prohibited (allowed) from violating the requirements of 3.27;
    • understand how the coverage area of ​​each of these signs is determined;
    • understand the rules for permitted short-term stops.

    General provisions

    Stop - cessation of movement (intentional!) for a time not exceeding five minutes. The rules allow this time to be increased if passengers do not have time to enter or exit the vehicle. An accident or breakdown of a vehicle is an unintentional stop, therefore it is not considered a violation. The road sign “Stopping is prohibited” allows a short-term stop of the vehicle, but prohibits parking. The evidence from the internal video recorder installed in the car will allow you to prove to the traffic police officer that you stopped just recently.

    Parking is a cessation of movement for a long period of time, more than five minutes, not associated with the embarkation (disembarkation) of passengers and the driver. In places marked with symbol 3.28, parking is not prohibited for postal vehicles and vehicles for unloading and unloading goods. Drivers of personal vehicles are allowed to stop in these places, but parking is prohibited.

    Place of installation of prohibition signs

    The “No Stopping” road sign must be installed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 12.4 of the Rules:

    • next to tram tracks, where the passage of cars interferes with trams;
    • before railway crossings, tunnels, overpasses, bridges, if there is a 2 or 1 lane road ahead;
    • in narrow places on roads, when there is a lane of less than 3 meters left for vehicle traffic;
    • before dangerous turns, steep climbs, exits with visibility less than one hundred meters;
    • at intersections, five meters before the edge of the crossed side strip;
    • on the lane for cyclists (mopeds);
    • near public transport stops, including taxis.

    The coverage area of ​​3.27 includes pedestrians, including the 5-meter section in front of the crossing. Stopping locations in the city and on the highway are marked with markings 1.17. It may be absent if, for example, there is a road sign for bus stop 5.16 (taxi 5.18, trolleybus 5.17).


    The “No stopping” rule may not be followed by:

    • route vehicles (buses, trolleybuses...);
    • licensed taxis waiting for customers, but only if the meter is on;
    • disabled drivers of groups 1 and 2;
    • a car with a “wheelchair” sticker carrying a disabled person;
    • Vehicles belonging to the federal postal service.

    Some organizations install “Except for official vehicles” signs along with signs 3.27 and 3.28. It is believed that in this case, the effect of prohibitory signs does not apply to personal cars of the organization’s employees.

    If the sign “Except for official vehicles” is installed without the permission of the traffic police, the road sign is located illegally.

    General rule

    The coverage area of ​​most road signs is from the intersection to the next road intersection or to the exit from the city. This condition is changed by markings, signs with arrows or numbers, or other road signs. The “No Stopping” rule is limited by yellow solid markings 1.4. It marks the edge of the right lane. Sometimes it is applied to the road curb of the sidewalk. In this case, the Rules do not require driving without stopping until the intersection; you can stop where the markings end. The main thing is not to confuse solid yellow with intermittent yellow. Marking 1.10 is accompanied by road sign 3.28.

    Signs inform

    The coverage area of ​​“No Stopping” signs is regulated by the following signs:

    Additional signs

    The “Stopping is prohibited” condition is canceled:

    • road sign 6.4 (supplemented with signs 8.6.1-8.6.9);
    • “the end of all restrictions” 3.31;
    • “end of a populated area” - 5.24.1, 5.24.2, 5.26.

    Currently, proposals are being considered that, according to legislators, will improve the transport situation in cities. Two additions will limit the effect of condition 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited”. The first is to prohibit stopping only for a limited period of time, for example during rush hours. The second is to allow private cars to drive in lanes designated only for public transport at night.

    The rules oblige

    When stopping is prohibited by sign 3.27, you can stop on the left side of the road. You must make a turn without crossing the continuous marking line. It is more difficult to park on the left side when the traffic is one-way. Especially if the road has one lane in each direction, and there is a median in the middle. Then stopping on the left side of each lane is prohibited. In cities, on sections of roads between signs 5.5 and 5.6, turning to the left is allowed.

    In case of a forced stop on the right side of the road, it is necessary to comply with paragraphs 12.6 - 12.8 of the Rules:

    • If possible, move the vehicle off the roadway (to the side of the road when road conditions allow);
    • do not open the car doors if this interferes with the passage of other vehicles;
    • prevent spontaneous movement of the car (put the car on the handbrake);
    • immediately put up an emergency stop sign (30 meters on the highway, 15 in the city);
    • turn on the hazard warning lights.


    The procedure for assigning and the amount of the fine, as before, is determined by Article 12.19 of the Code, but taking into account local regulations:

    • warning;
    • 1500 rubles (most regions of the Russian Federation);
    • 3000 rubles Moscow, St. Petersburg;
    • vehicle detention;
    • sending to a special parking lot;
    • payment for transportation and storage in a special parking lot.

    (up to 5,000 rubles) will be received by the driver for stopping in a place where there is a road sign “Disabled Persons”. Additional punishment will be received if the violation is recorded in a tunnel or at a pedestrian crossing.

    In 2016, the procedure for imposing administrative fines in 2016 changed. Previously, inspectors could record violations using tablets. Now special applications have been released for the mobile devices owned by many pedestrians. Anyone who purchases this application can record a violation of the “no stopping” condition and send a video file to the traffic police database. In this way, they began to fight against violations of traffic and parking rules in residential areas of cities and towns.