What names are suitable for Aries? Name by zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 - April 20) is considered the first sign in the zodiac. People of this sign are characterized by such traits as activity, mobility, and initiative. Therefore, if your baby was born under the sign of Aries, be prepared for the fact that your child will require quite a lot of time and attention.

Aries children are active, curious and diligently learn everything new. They may be inappropriately stubborn, but this same stubbornness sometimes helps them a lot on the way to achieving their goal. An Aries child may begin to show his intractable character early. Try to strictly follow the routine to teach your baby order. Don't limit motor activity Aries baby, but try to direct her in the direction you need.

When choosing a name for an Aries child, the stars recommend paying attention to those given in the following list. If you want to smooth out the restlessness and stubbornness of your Aries baby, avoid names with growling and hard consonants, especially if they are present in the middle and last names.

Male names:

Augustus (Latin for “majestic”)

Alexander (Greek: “courageous”)

Alexey (Greek “protector”)

Andrew (Greek: “courageous”, “brave”)

Arkady (from the Greek Arcadia - the idyllic country of shepherds)

Arseny (Greek “courageous”)

Artem (Greek “healthy”)

Arthur (Celtic for "mighty bear")

Athanasius (Greek: “immortal”)

Valery (Latin for “strong”)

George (Greek “farmer”)

Egor (Greek “farmer”)

Makar (Greek “happy”)

Marat (Arabic for “desired”)

Mark (Latin for “hammer”)

Nicholas (Greek: “conqueror of nations”)

Oleg (Scandinavian “sacred”)

Osip (Hebrew “rescuer”)

Prokhor (Greek “choirmaster”, “leader”)

Rostislav (Old Slavic “increasing glory”)

Ruslan (Turkic “lion”)

Saveliy (Hebrew: “begged from God”)

Eldar (Slavic “struggling”)

Yuri (glorious form of the Greek “farmer”)

Jan (West Slavic for "Ivan")

Yaroslav (Slavic “ardent glory”)

Female names:

Agatha (Greek “good”)

Agnia (Latin for “immaculate”)

Adelaide (ancient German "noble daughter")

Alevtina (Greek: “alien to evil”)

Alexandra (Greek “protector”)

Alina (ancient German “noble”)

Alice (English: "noble class")

Alla (Greek “other”)

Anastasia (Greek: “resurrected”)

Antonina (Greek: “acquiring in return”)

Arina (Greek "peace")

Valeria (Latin for “strong”)

Varvara (Greek “foreigner”)

Galina (Greek “serenity”)

Catherine (Greek “pure”)

Zemfira (Arabic for “rebellious”)

Zoe (Greek "life")

Inga (Old Norse “winter”)

Kira (Greek "lady")

Larisa (Greek “pleasant”, Lat. “seagull”)

Marianna (Latin for “sea”)

Marina (Latin for “sea”)

Nadezhda (Old Slavonic "hope")

Oksana (Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia, Greek “foreigner”)

Olesya (Belarusian “forest”)

Raisa (Greek: “submissive”)

Regina (Latin for "queen")

Svetlana (Old Slavonic “bright”)

Yaroslav (Old Slavonic “ardent glory”)

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Aries boys are born between March 21 and April 20. Boys born under the constellation Aries will be energetic and cheerful. WITH early childhood an Aries boy will be demanding, impatient and selfish. You always need to tinker with such a boy, since an excess of energy is very often directed into negative activities. As a teenager, an Aries boy will be able to safely leave home for for a long time, forgetting about responsibilities and duties. The aggressiveness of an Aries teenager can only be pacified with love; reciprocal aggression will cause irritation in him. Therefore, parents with such children should be firm, but affectionate.

Aries boys are leaders in all companies, because they are always filled with fresh ideas and energy. At the same time, Aries always bring everything to the end. They are not boring, but very tiring people. Aries will not allow anyone to hinder their independence, suppress their enthusiasm and energy, or control them. When choosing names for an Aries boy, you need to consider the fact that there are three types of Aries.

1st type - Aries of the first decade, born between March 21 and March 31. As a rule, they are impatient and undisciplined people, and many of them are prone to exaggeration. They are very demanding, unapproachable, do not know how to sympathize with people and are sometimes tactless and aggressive. Aries boys of the first type need to choose soft, tender names.

2nd type - Aries of the second decade, born between April 1 and April 11. These are very nimble, temperamental boys; they make good pioneers and entrepreneurs, thanks to their confidence and willfulness. For Aries of the second type, a sense of duty comes first; from childhood they expect fame and recognition rather than money and convenience. Aries of the second type will achieve a lot because they have natural qualities leader. Aries boys of the second type should be given sonorous, strong names, so you can strengthen them positive qualities.

Aries of the third type are very emotional and passionate, artistic and creative people. In addition, Aries of the third type are very hospitable, generous, and kind. Aries boys of the third type need to be given sonorous, melodious names.

Best names for an Aries boy

Alan - "from the name of the Alan tribe." Main character traits: activity, sociability, passion.

Aristarchus - "the best boss." Main character traits: determination, firmness, ambition.

Vyacheslav - “most glorious”. Main character traits: activity, directness, friendliness.

Gregory - "awake". Main character traits: determination, assertiveness, impulsiveness.

Ephraim - "fruitful". Main character traits: sensitivity, perseverance, sensitivity.

Mstislav - "glorious in revenge." Main character traits: depth of feelings, thoughtfulness, impulsiveness.

Nestor - "who returned home." Main character traits: independence, emotionality, impulsiveness.

Timur - "iron". Main character traits: activity, passion, sensitivity.

Thaddeus - "gift of God." Main character traits: curiosity, determination, passion.

A baby born under the sign of Aries immediately has qualities that can be characterized this sign. In order to direct the child’s development in the right direction, emphasize strengths his personality, as well as smooth out his shortcomings, special attention It is worth paying attention to choosing a name for the first fire sign on the zodiac circle.

A distinctive character trait of any Aries is their impulsiveness. This is one of the most impatient signs; if Aries comes up with an idea, then all his strength will be thrown into its implementation, right here and now. They are straightforward in their thoughts and actions. They are not the best strategists; they have difficulty making mistakes several steps ahead. At the same time, Aries are very responsive, they have sincere kindness, and most importantly, they have the opportunity to enjoy the little things. Aries are charismatic and have a good sense of humor. It is often easy to communicate with Aries, and time flies when talking. The right name can work wonders, so let's take a closer look Aries zodiac sign names.

Astrologer's advice: When observing the stars late in the evening or at night, there is a chance to read the answers to various questions, even without having additional knowledge. Take advantage of this opportunity in difficult situations.

Women's Aries zodiac sign names
Aries women have quite developed masculinity. Despite their outward charm and attractiveness, they can exhibit traits that are more often characteristic of men: determination and steadfastness, faith in themselves and in their goals.

Anyone who has ever communicated with a woman, a representative of this fire sign, could grasp these qualities, since they lie on the surface. The right name for an Aries girl can balance her out. characteristic features, make her a more feminine and airy girl. Please note the following names.

Names for Aries girls: Agafya, Augustina, Alena, Alice, Alla, Valeria, Eva, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Zoya, Olesya, Raisa, Regina, Karina, Marina, Nadezhda, Nika, Larisa, Yulia and Yaroslava.

Aries girls who are named by these names grow into more balanced individuals. They are able to cope with their inner fire, suppress, or manifest their “masculine” qualities at the right time and in the right situations.

Astrologer's advice: Without a doubt, take into account that a personal horoscope from an astrologer provides as much information as possible, which is impossible to obtain from general characteristics. Order.

Men's Aries zodiac sign names
Aries men are selfish by nature, attractive to the opposite sex, and have good communication skills. Representatives of the strong half of humanity under the sign of Aries are very demanding of themselves and those around them. Aries men are diligent and faithful, you can rely on them and be sure that they will not let you down. However, do not forget about their impulsiveness. A correctly chosen name can balance the very contradictory character traits of an Aries man. Therefore, we recommend that you take a closer look at the following names.
Names for Aries boys: Andrey, Arthur, Artemy, Artyom, Akseny, Alexander, Alexey, Georgy, Grigory, Boris, Valery, Vladimir, Igor, Oleg, Ruslan, Stepan, Nikolay, Yuri and Yaroslav.

Aries boys with similar names grow into men with noble manners and an inner core.

The constellation Aries opens the zodiac circle and coincides with spring equinox, renewal of nature. People born under this sign have enormous potential; they do not know the word “impossible.” Their activity and determination are able to overcome any obstacles, but at the same time they have phenomenal stubbornness, are extremely straightforward and very vain. Correctly chosen names for Aries, suitable for their energy and character traits, will help preserve and strengthen positive qualities, and at the same time soften those aspects of their nature that can cause hostility from others.

Female Names for Aries

Women with the names of Aries are the most self-sufficient and independent, they have a sense of self-worth. Their emotional excitability is due to the fact that they tend to listen to their inner self more than to the voice of reason. Women named Aries are deeply romantic and sensitive natures who cannot live without love and experiences. They are quite stubborn and willful, and therefore cannot tolerate comments and objections. With such women, you will never know what boredom is, but you will experience a feeling of jealousy in relation to you more than once.

Women with the name Aries are quite difficult to win, since their ideal chosen one should be distinguished by special energy: with elements of strength, masculinity and even aggression. They need partners who can surpass them in spiritual and physical power. However, they will not tolerate it if their partner suppresses their feelings. If a man decides to have a relationship with a woman named Aries, then he must take into account that over time he will either have to submit to her influence or completely sever all ties.

  • Renata

Male Names for Aries

For women, men whose names are ruled by Aries are desirable candidates for husbands. They stand out due to their radiant appearance, noble manners and impeccable behavior. They know how to please a woman and have the gift of communicating with people. However, their main drawback is the high demands they place on their partner. Next to them, such men want to see a beautiful, well-groomed woman who is endowed with the most best qualities character, masterfully manages the kitchen, and is also capable of driving him crazy in bed.

If you want to impress an Aries man, you will need to be extremely polite but decisive, maintain a soft tone, but be extremely honest. Keep in mind that such men are very vulnerable and sensitive, so what is said accidentally offensive word may turn them away from you forever. Therefore, show courtesy, respect and trust when communicating with him. A man named Aries will demand mental strength from you, which will be invested in the development of his business. In addition, his partner must be in harmony with him both physically and spiritually.

Aries male names The male names of Aries are: Arkady, Ariy, Aron, Andrey, Adam, Anzhey, Alexander, Alexey, Abel, Artem, Arthur, Arseny, Azary, Avdey, Boris, Bogdan, Vladimir, Valery, Gury, German, Gabriel, Egor, Gorislav, Ruslan, Radoslav, Rodion, Rostislav, Radiy, Svyatoslav, Yuri, Stepan, Yaroslav.

Soap women! Pay attention to these names: the men listed above are the most desirable candidates for husbands. Their advantages: radiant appearance, noble manners, almost impeccable behavior.

The disadvantage of such men is the very high demands that they place on their potential chosen one. Future wife must, firstly, be beautiful, secondly, have a wonderful character, thirdly, be an excellent cook, and fourthly, a wonderful lover. Women with manners can impress such a man socialite.

A man named Aries is open and straightforward, loyal to his family, and takes care of his wife and children. As a rule, such representatives of the stronger sex have sufficient energy reserves to compete with other “macho men” who unexpectedly appear on the “horizon” of their beloved lady.

In any situation, a man will strive to be first, to prove to everyone his leadership and superiority. However, as they say, there are no advantages without disadvantages: men with the name Aries often suffer from selfishness.

If a woman remains loved and desired by a man, then such marriage bonds can last a lifetime. Aries female names The female names of Aries are: Aprilia, Agnia, Aina, Agata, Alla, Alexandra, Arina, Alisa, Alena, Adele, Anisya, Aida, Asta, Aza, Asteria, Anastasia, Valeria, Angela, Vassa, Vasilisa, Varvara, Borislava, Gertrude, Galina, Ekaterina, Zlata, Daria, Zhanna, Larisa, Ruslana, Raisa, Rada, Lydia, Nadezhda, Eliza, Elvira, Yaroslava.

Women named Aries are distinguished by independence and independence. Most of these representatives of the fair sex are emotionally excitable and listen to their subconscious better than to their mind. Women named Aries are sensitive and romantic, love and experiences form a significant part of their lives.

The disadvantage of such women is associated with their willfulness and excessive persistence. Therefore, dear ladies cannot tolerate any comments or objections addressed to them.

With women bearing the name Aries, you will definitely never get bored, but you will also be jealous more than once. Not everyone will be able to win such a woman: a man must have sufficient energy, and even be a little aggressive.