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If you decide to build your own house or cottage, then in addition to traditional houses and standard layouts you should consider alternative options. For example, a hut house can be used as a country house or a home for permanent residence. If you know some of the nuances of these buildings and strictly follow the construction technology, then you will get not only a beautiful and unusual house, but also a comfortable, cozy home.

Features of the structure

Externally, this building resembles a triangular prism laid on one of the side faces. That is, the two facades of the hut house are triangles, and the functions of the side walls are performed by the roof slopes. In fact, the building consists of a frame, which is made of several frames of a triangular configuration. Home distinctive feature structures are the absence of side walls. From the photo you can understand that the gable roof of the building starts directly from the foundation or low base.

Such houses began to be built in the 70s of the last century. Since then, the house in the form of a hut has won many fans and has become very popular. Especially often, structures of this form are erected as a country house, houses for recreation centers and campsites.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Hut houses have many advantages, for which they are so popular. Among the advantages of such buildings, it is worth noting their following qualities:

  1. Easy to install. During the process of building a house, you will not need the help of specialists, because it is quite possible to do all the work yourself.
  2. Since such a house has no walls, the construction time for the structure is the shortest, because you do not need to carry out masonry work or pour concrete to form the walls.
  3. A gable roof that reaches the very foundation or plinth is the most suitable option for regions with humid climate, prolonged rains or an abundance of snow in winter. The thing is that such a roof reliably protects the base and other structures of the house from getting wet in conditions high humidity and abundance of precipitation.
  4. You just need to look at the photos of such houses to understand how harmoniously they fit into any suburban landscape. Such buildings are appropriate in mountainous areas, among tall pine or deciduous forests, in the usual rural areas, among country houses or in an open landscape with low-growing plants.
  5. The price of houses of this type is relatively low, since there are no costs for masonry work or the purchase of mortar, and the foundation for such a light construction can be made lightweight, which will also significantly save money and time.
  6. The triangular building is the best way to save free space on a small summer cottage. Moreover, this configuration of the structure provides a minimum of shadow, so light-loving plants will feel great on your site.
  7. If you want to spend a minimum of effort and money on building a country house or a building for year-round living, then a house in the form of a hut is exactly what you need.

Important: this type of structure was very popular in times Soviet Union, so you should look for ready-made projects and photos of such buildings in publications of that era. When building such a house, do not be afraid to seem old-fashioned, because retro style is always in fashion.

However, the construction of hut houses also has its disadvantages, which are also worth mentioning so that you can put together own opinion about the need to build such a house. So, among the disadvantages of these houses it is worth listing the following points:

  1. Since the main enclosing structure is the roof, the structure's protection from the cold is not very high. To make such a house comfortable in winter, the roof must be carefully insulated.
  2. Due to the fact that the roof slopes form the side walls of the house and taper towards the top, there is a significant loss of usable space inside the house.
  3. A gable roof gets very hot in the summer, because its surface is large. This heat is transferred to the rooms inside the house, so in the heat in such a house it is impossible to do without an air conditioner.
  4. A roof that is too high and steep makes it very difficult to install roofing material.
  5. The rafter structure, due to the large sloping roof, requires the use of elongated non-standard rafters. Such products will have to be made to order from high-quality wood.
  6. The same applies to panoramic glazing (if it is used at the ends of the house). Not only does it need to be ordered, but in addition to this, it is worth using energy-efficient double-glazed windows. It's not cheap.
  7. When creating the interior of a room, due to the sloping walls, you will have to use non-standard approaches and individual furniture.
  8. The seemingly cheapness of a house at first glance can result in high costs for the installation of a high-quality, well-insulated roof.


If you decide to build a hut house with your own hands, then one beautiful photo you are not enough. A carefully developed project is also needed, because considerable attention must be paid to calculating the load-bearing capacity of the rafters.

First of all, you need to prepare the construction site by clearing it of unnecessary green spaces and various garbage. It is worth preparing a storage area for building materials, providing entrances and a temporary structure for storing tools.


The optimal foundation for such a building would be a strip foundation, which can be made from rubble concrete blocks. If you plan to make an open veranda, then you can lay columnar supports under it.

We carry out foundation work in the following order:

  1. After leveling the site for building a house, we lay out the axes of the future structure on the ground. To do this we use cords and pegs.
  2. Next, we dig trenches under all external and internal load-bearing walls.
  3. At the bottom of the trench we make a layer of gravel and sand, which we carefully compact.
  4. After this, we proceed to installing the formwork. We connect the top of the formwork structure with boards so that its width is 30 cm.
  5. Masonry of rubble concrete blocks is done with bandaging of seams using horizontal rows.
  6. The first row of stones is laid dry, compacted and filled with grade 100 concrete.
  7. All subsequent rows must be laid, slightly recessed into the solution that covers the previous row. In this way, we lay the stones until the base rises 23 cm above the ground surface.
  8. When laying the last row, it is necessary to lay the embedded parts for installing the purlins. In this area it is advisable to use a finer foundation aggregate.
  9. After this, the foundation is kept in the formwork for 3 days with regular wetting with water.
  10. After dismantling the formwork, all voids are filled with sand, and a blind area is performed.

Attention: at the stage of installing the foundation, it is worthwhile to provide vents in the basement to ventilate the space under the house.


We install the roof frame on the constructed foundation. To do this, horizontal waterproofing of two layers of roofing material on bitumen mastic is performed on the foundation. The embedded parts are passed through slots made in the waterproofing and filled with bitumen. Load-bearing purlins are attached to them.

We install the frame in the following sequence:

  1. First, pairs of rafter legs are laid out on the ground and connected with ridge caps. The connections are lightly secured with bolts with a diameter of 10 mm.
  2. After this, accurately measure the gap between the free ends, finally fix the beam and tighten the bolts tightly.
  3. We assemble other pairs of rafter legs in the same way.
  4. Next, first of all, we install the outer pairs of rafter legs on the load-bearing purlins, those that form the pediments of the front and rear facades.
  5. We check the verticality of the elements using a plumb line and fix them with supports. We connect the lower corners with metal plates and bolts with a diameter of 12 mm.
  6. We mount the ridge board to the frame using nails.
  7. We place all other rafter pairs under the ridge and install them with equal spacing between the outer pairs.
  8. Temporary supports can be removed after wind bracing has been secured in the upper part of the rafter structure. In this way we connect three frames on both edges.


In numerous photos on the Internet you can see that any material can be used as a roofing covering for such a house: soft tiles, slate, metal tiles, corrugated sheets, etc. In our case, we will use slate sheets.

We install the roofing as follows:

  1. First we make the sheathing. To do this, we attach 30x40 mm beams across the rafters in increments of 40-50 cm.
  2. We extend these beams beyond the boundaries of the outer frames by half a meter. This will give us a roof overhang.
  3. We spread roofing felt over the sheathing, and fasten the slate on top of it using nails with rubber gaskets. We begin work from the bottom of the roof, moving towards the ridge. This way the roofing sheets will overlap each other.
  4. We cover the ridge part with a strip of roofing material.
  5. From the inside, between the rafters we lay thermal insulation material (mineral or basalt wool).
  6. We cover the entire structure with a vapor barrier membrane, which we fix with a stapler to the rafters.
  7. We line the bottom of the roof with wood sheet material, plasterboard or clapboard.


We carry out floor manufacturing work in the following sequence:

  1. We lay the logs on the purlins of the rafter frames in increments of 0.5 m. We fasten them with nails.
  2. At the bottom, we attach cranial bars to the side surface of the log.
  3. We lay roughing boards on these bars.
  4. We cover the entire structure with a waterproofing film on top so that it goes around the joists. We fasten the film with a stapler to the beams.
  5. We place heat-insulating material in the gaps between the beams so that it is flush with the surface of the joists.
  6. We cover the top of the floor with a vapor barrier membrane and fasten it to the joists with a stapler. We overlap the edges of the film and additionally fix the junction with tape.
  7. Now you can lay subfloor boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB.

After installing window and door units and laying utilities, you can begin interior finishing work.

Fans of forays into nature and spending the night near a pond will find it useful to know about the construction of a hut. After all, sometimes it is not possible to spend the night in a car, there is no tent or sleeping bag available, so in this situation you can make a hut yourself from scrap materials for a comfortable overnight stay. This shelter will protect you from inclement weather. Forest shelters differ in the degree of complexity and construction time.

1) How to make a lean-to hut

This is a hut with one slope covered, which serves as a wall. With its help you can escape from the rays of the sun, strong wind and light drizzling rain. It can also be used in cooking. In the summer months you can spend the night in a hut, but it will not be entirely comfortable.

  • You can build a lean-to type from two stakes dug into the ground; their height should be about 2 meters. There must be branches at the ends of these stakes in order to install a crossbar between them. Then place the poles vertically and secure them at intervals of 30 cm.
  • Attach transverse branches to the installed poles.
  • After constructing the frame, you need to start building the shelter. This can be done from coniferous branches, leaves, grass.
  • It is better to make this type of hut near a fallen tree, after first making sure that the device is reliable. Cut off branches that stick out and interfere with a comfortable stay in the structure.

2) How to make a gable hut

This type of construction is considered more reliable and comfortable. Its principle is the same, but the poles are installed on both sides. In this case, one part will be completely closed, and the second will include an opening for entry.

  • Such a shelter will protect from rain if its thickness is at least 20 cm, and the slope of the pole is 45 degrees from the ground.
  • If you have protective material, for example, tarpaulin or film, you can build a shelter from the existing covering. Then maximum protection from weather conditions will be provided.
  • To provide heat inside the structure, you can build combined covering, which consists of plant materials found in the forest, as well as an awning. Thanks to this, thermal insulation indicators will increase, and precipitation will not get inside the structure.
  • To build a hut, you can choose any wood, for example, oak, birch, rowan and others. If the weather is rainy, then you need to make a ditch and a channel for water near the structure.

3) How to make a circular hut

Such a hut is built around a tree, which is the base. A strong and even trunk must be cleared of branches.
Next, find the poles leaning against the circular base. To make the structure stronger, you need to connect the poles horizontal jumpers. Then we lay the covering on the frame.

This is a fairly light type of shelter, which has the only drawback - the tree standing in it will interfere with being inside.

4) How to make a fabric hut

To make a fabric hut you need:

  • dense fabric that measures 3 by 5 meters;
  • two stakes located two meters from each other;
  • rope ;
  • devices for securing the device to the ground.

First you need to pull the rope between the wooden stakes and secure them. Then hang the fabric on a stretched rope. Next, you need to fix the fabric to the floor. This is possible using loops on the fabric and driving hooks into the ground.

5) How to make a hut from climbing plants

This is the most complex type of hut. To create it you will need:

  • PVC pipes or long branches,
  • vegetation that climbs;
  • rope .

Remember that the hut will only be ready in a few months. Install three pipes in the form of a triangle. Then connect them with a rope. Then sow the seeds around the structure. When the plants begin to grow, they must be laid out on pipes towards the top of the hut, connecting the ends. Use the remaining fabric to make a roof and attach a rope to the center. Fix the resulting structure on a tree or in any convenient place for games. This method is characterized by its mobility, because the structure can be moved.

There are a lot of ways to build a hut; you need to choose a specific option depending on your goals. But a do-it-yourself structure will cost significantly less than any tent. In addition, spending time in a self-built shelter is much more pleasant.

All children love nooks and crannies. Only in solitude can you give free rein to your imagination and go on an exciting journey through imaginary worlds. That is why children often build homemade houses from pillows, blankets and other improvised materials. But if you want your child to feel like a brave traveler or the hero of his favorite fairy tale, give him a hut. Moreover, making a hut for children with your own hands is quite easy, but the child will be able to fill his leisure time with exciting games. Today “Dream House” will share with its readers ideas for building children’s huts that can be installed both in the children’s room and outside.

Making a hut for children yourself - some interesting ideas

1. Sheet and rope

To make a hut, just stretch a rope between the trees, throw a sheet over it and secure its edges with wooden pegs or other suitable means. To make the child comfortable, lay soft blankets or blankets on the ground. And even though there is nothing supernatural in such a “structure,” a child’s imagination can fill it with an exciting story. A homemade hut for children on the street will give a lot of interesting games and, moreover, will protect babies from solar overheating.

When choosing a place for a hut, give preference to darkened and level areas.

2. A hut made of gymnastic hoop and fabric

An ordinary gymnastic hoop can be an excellent basis for a children's hut. It is enough to sew a long fabric to the hoop and hang it in a horizontal position, for example, from a tree branch at such a height that the edges of the fabric reach the ground. Alternatively, you can simply throw a large piece of thick fabric over the hoop, build a cone-shaped roof and secure the frame at a convenient level. Then, to hang the hut you only need a reliable strap or ribbon.

3. Hut made of branches

Probably every child dreams of trip around the world, dangerous adventures and exciting travels. You can help a child realize his cherished dream without going beyond your own summer cottage. Since brave travelers prefer to sleep not in a warm bed, but in a hut made of tree branches, made with their own hands, the baby will certainly be delighted with such a gift.

But how to make a children's hut from branches? There are several interesting options:

  • Firstly, you can build a hut from flexible and long branches left after pruning trees and. To begin, collect as many branches as possible and select the largest specimens. At the site of the future hut, draw a circle and dig branches around its circumference, tilting them so that they create a cone-shaped frame. Install only two branches at a fairly wide distance from each other, because they will serve as the entrance to the future hut. Make sure the branches are firmly installed and supplement them with remaining material. It’s okay if the walls of the hut are “transparent” - being in such a house, the baby will still feel like, at least, Robinson Crusoe.
  • Secondly, you can make a “living” hut by decorating it with foliage and plants. If you are not in a hurry to build a miracle house, plant climbing plants around the perimeter of the frame, for example, grapes, bindweed, etc., which, as they grow, will beautifully entwine the walls of the hut. If you want to give your child a holiday “here and now,” simply cover the frame of the hut with branches and greenery.

4. Wigwam hut in the nursery and outside

A wigwam hut is a traditional Indian home. This structure has a cone shape and a strong structure. Previously, the Indians built their homes using thick branches, which were then covered with thick canvas fabric. We can also make a children's hut based on the wigwam principle. To do this, you need to select 5-7 flexible but strong twigs, and then install them in the shape of a polyhedron or semicircle. The tops of the twigs should be connected in such a way that they fit together like flowers in a bouquet, overlapping each other. At the junction, the twigs must be secured with a strong rope or a piece of fabric.

If you are installing your teepee outside, dig the bases of the twigs into the ground a little. If the wigwam will be located indoors, tie transverse rods at the bottom of the structure that will secure the structure.

After this, decorate the wigwam with fabric. Most often, triangles are formed between the nearby twigs of the hut, so you just need to cut out pieces of fabric in this shape and sew them around the frame. However, it is much more beautiful if the wigwam hut is decorated with a specially sewn cover, to create which you will need to carefully measure the height of the frame and the width of each part.

5. Gable hut

By making a simple structure from several wooden slats, you can create a beautiful gable hut or hut-tent. The most important thing in this structure is to choose the right fabric. If you are setting up a hut in the yard, it is best to use tent fabric that does not fade from the sun and does not deform due to high humidity. If the structure is located in a child’s room, cotton or any other natural material will do.

Indoor huts

If you are not confident in your abilities or simply do not want to waste time making a homemade hut, you can purchase a ready-made structure. For example, beautiful and easy-to-play huts are produced by the Swedish IKEA brand. Such structures are suitable not only for games, but also for... In addition, the branded hut will certainly become the main decoration of the children's room.

You can also use a stylized awning or a roof over a bed as a hut. This accessory will not only give your baby a world of exciting games, but will also provide him with a sound and restful sleep.