Climate in different parts of Bulgaria. Water temperature in Bulgaria by month Water temperature in Bulgaria today

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews, in June at Golden Sands 24°C, Burgas 25°C.

Bulgaria is a resort country, which is visited by large crowds of tourists year after year. Most of the territories of Bulgaria are characterized by a temperate continental climate. The climate of Bulgaria is definitely clearly divided into four main seasons, summer, autumn, winter and spring. The Black Sea coast is considered a resort destination in Bulgaria, and the Mediterranean climate dominates on the coast. It is worth noting that winter in Bulgaria is quite warm and comfortable, so in the coldest month of the year – January, the average daytime temperature ranges from -2 to +2°C, while in mountainous areas the daytime temperature in the winter months can drop to -10-15°C. The warmest month of the year is July, during this month the average air temperature is +18+25°C, in the south of the country the thermometer rarely exceeds +30°C, but if the weather is hot, the beaches are filled with vacationers.

In flat areas, the average annual precipitation is around 650 mm, while in mountainous areas the amount of precipitation is much higher, from 800 to 1000 mm of precipitation. The heaviest rainfall occurs in the months of May and June, while the winter month of February receives minimal or no rainfall, as meteorologists call February the driest month of the year. Bulgaria is characterized by a climate that is most suitable and comfortable for recreation, which makes this country attractive to tourists.

Weather in Bulgaria in July: Golden Sands 27°C, Burgas 27°C.

The climate of Bulgaria is in many ways similar to the Ukrainian one - hot summers and cold winters, however, it also has its own distinctive features. Despite the relatively small territory of this country, the climate is still heterogeneous, because there are both mountains and the sea.

August, as well as July in Bulgaria are the warmest months of the year. The sun warms the air to +25..+27 ˚С, light southern and eastern winds blow with sea coolness, and northern and northwestern winds occasionally bring with them small refreshing rains. Dark Bulgarian nights retain the warmth of the passing day; the temperature after sunset and until the morning does not drop below +20..+22 ˚C.

Climate in Bulgaria: Golden Sands

When is the best time to vacation in Bulgaria?

The best time to relax in Bulgaria in the summer by the sea is the first half of August. At this time, the air and sea temperatures are most acceptable, and precipitation is rare. Afterwards it starts to get colder. In July, basking in the sun is also a good time. But in June it is rainy.

The best time for a ski holiday is January and February, when the likelihood of skiing on real snow is greatest. At the same time, severe frosts, even compared to ours, practically never happen there. But the best months for excursions are April and October.

I was passing through and spent one day at this resort. To tell the truth, there is nothing to do here in winter. The weather is nasty, there is a constant light drizzle of intrusive rain, the temperature during the day when it clears can reach +8 degrees. At night, sometimes it even gets down to minuses. There is a strong wind blowing from the sea plus constant rain, so you don’t want to leave the hotel. One thing that pleases me is the vegetation, it is still green. In short - gloomy, dull, wet and cold.

Unfortunately, I ended up in Varna out of season. But January in Bulgaria is not at all like January in Russia. At first the temperature was +15. It feels like the beginning of September, and not winter at all. Of course, it’s very cold to swim in the sea, despite the gently warming sun. Then the weather turned bad and it started raining. And the temperature dropped to a slight minus. Further on, there was more snow and freezing rain, and a piercing cold wind blew from the sea. But there was no one on the beach in such weather.

We went to Bulgaria in winter “by chance”; our friends resold us the tour we won at a price below average, because they didn’t want to go there in winter. Golden Sands is usually windy in January, with temperatures hovering around freezing and no sudden changes. The vacation turns out to be purely excursion. Bulgaria actually has a number of attractions worth seeing. You can experience the pleasure of antiquity and mild winter weather, but you will still need insulated clothes. Swimming is of course excluded, but this is fully compensated by the local flavor.

Bulgaria is one of the most popular European countries where you can relax in both summer and winter. There are all the necessary conditions for a complete and active holiday for all family members.

Holidays in Bulgarian resorts

The most famous resorts in Bulgaria have long been very popular among tourists and travelers from different countries. And the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, is a center of culture, art and architecture. You can get to Bulgaria from Moscow by plane.

Today the most popular resorts in Bulgaria are Nessebar, Sunny Beach, Pomorie, Golden Sands, St. Constantine and Helena, Elenite, Sveti Vlas and Obzor.

Bulgaria in summer

Weather in June. At the beginning of the month there may still be some light rain and a cool wind blowing, but by mid-June the air temperature reaches +25°C .. +30°C during the day and at night it drops to +18°C. In the northern regions of the country, the temperature during the day is about +7°C, and at night it drops to +2°C.

The water temperature in the Black Sea warms up to +23°C and higher, depending on the weather forecast.

The time has come for family beach and sightseeing holidays and therefore the price of tours varies from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles with accommodation in comfortable four or five star hotels in the best resorts in Bulgaria.

Weather in July. The weather in Bulgarian resorts is simply wonderful and the average monthly temperature can vary from +25°C to +35°C. At night it drops to +22°C. In the north of the country, during the day the air temperature may not rise above +10°C and at night it drops to +4°C. The sea water temperature reaches an average of +24°C.

July is the height of the beach season and in Bulgaria there are a lot of children's health resorts with sandy beaches and convenient access to the water. The price of tours during this period can vary from 28,000 to 50,000 rubles and more, depending on the hotel category, flight cost and insurance. Thanks to the well-developed infrastructure, even in a three-star hotel you will receive the highest quality service.

Weather in August. This is the hottest month in Bulgaria and the average monthly temperature can reach +35°C, and at night it drops to +20°C. In the north of the country and in mountainous areas, daytime temperatures may not rise above +12°C, and at night they drop to +5°C. The Black Sea is very warm and the water temperature is around +24°C-+25°C.

The price of tours at this time is quite high and if you purchase a ticket for two from a tour operator, you will have to pay about 35,000-50,000 rubles. But you can also stay in private apartments and it will be much cheaper.

Bulgaria in autumn

Weather in September. In the first month of the velvet season, the air temperature is about +23°C - +25°C and the approach of autumn begins to be felt. At night the temperature drops to around +15°C - +17°C. The Black Sea is still warm and the water temperature is about +21°C... +23°C. Since the school year begins, the price of tours is slightly reduced and a trip for two can be purchased for 30,000-40,000 rubles, depending on the category of the hotel where you will stay, the cost of the flight and insurance.

Weather in October. The average monthly air temperature in the northern regions of the country is usually between +12°C and +14°C, and at night it drops to +7°C. Water temperature is about +17°C. And in the south it may still be warm all month, and the temperature will remain at +20°C.

The water in the Black Sea is already cold and therefore tourists are starting to purchase inexpensive excursion tours. The price of the tours is quite reasonable and therefore a trip for two can be purchased for approximately 28,000-38,000 rubles and more, depending on the class of the hotel, the cost of the flight and insurance.

Weather in November. This is a month with changeable weather and therefore clear and warm days can quickly be replaced by cold winter with wet snow. The average air temperature can be from +9°C - +11°C in the south of the country and not rise above +5°C.

The water temperature in the cold Black Sea does not rise above +10°C.

At this time, Bulgaria is taking a break from tourists and therefore the price of tours is quite low. So, for example, an excursion package for two can be bought for 25,000-30,000 rubles.