Fallout 4 how to exit windowed mode.

Fallout 4 - the latest part of the legendary series role playing games in the post-apocalypse. This time the developers were Bethesda, which was creating the third part of this series. After release, the game received mixed reviews, but did not leave any fan of the series indifferent. Many new features and interesting mechanics ( new system pumping) appeared specifically in Fallout 4. How to make a window with the game fill the entire screen - read in this article.

Problems with settings

Bethesda is different in that it often releases poorly optimized projects. Because of this, in the first days of release, many players have problems with the settings and stability of the Fallout 4 game. How to make it full screen and how to remove the black screen when loading are two questions that remain relevant to this day, even despite the release large quantity patches and updates for licensed versions.

How to make Fallout 4 full screen? First option

If when you first start the game you find that Fallout 4 opens in windowed mode, then first try the most simple ways solutions to the problem that has arisen. You can also launch the launcher through the folder with installed game. In the root directory of Fallout 4, find the FalloutLauncher.exe file and open it.

When you launch from a shortcut on your desktop, the launcher will open in front of you. This is a system window where you can configure game settings, read about the developers and read the manual. Here you must click on the “Settings” item.

In the settings window, you can select the level of detail, anti-aliasing and screen resolution. By clicking the "Advanced" button you can go to a menu with more subtle and detailed graphics settings. All these settings will come in handy if your computer is too weak for maximum quality. But in this case, we are interested in the checkbox in the “Windowed mode” item in the Fallout 4 settings. How to make it full screen and with good quality, you can find out in the game setup guides. But all operations to change the quality of graphics are carried out in this menu.

So, having unchecked the “Windowed mode” item, launch the game through the launcher using the “Play” button. If Fallout 4 does not start in full screen mode, then let's move on to the second method of solving the problem.

Fallout 4: how to make it full screen? Second way

Launch the game in a window and go to "Settings" in the main menu. Here go to "screen settings". In it, you can switch between windowed, frameless, and full screen modes. To change the mode, you don't even have to restart Fallout 4. How to make the game full screen without losing picture quality? Since the game uses a low resolution in windowed format, you need to change it to a higher one in the settings window from the first method. For comfortable gaming, it is recommended to set the standard resolution for your monitor. Reduce it only if technical parameters your computer is not suitable for maximum graphics settings.

Fallout 4 is the latest installment in the legendary series of role-playing games set in the post-apocalypse. This time the developers were Bethesda, which was creating the third part of this series. After release, the game received mixed reviews, but did not leave any fan of the series indifferent. Many new features and interesting mechanics (a new leveling system) appeared in Fallout 4. Read how to make the game window fill the entire screen in this article.

Problems with settings

Bethesda is different in that it often releases poorly optimized projects. Because of this, in the first days of release, many players have problems with the settings and stability of the Fallout 4 game. How to make it full screen and how to remove the black screen when loading are two questions that remain relevant to this day, even despite the release a large number of patches and updates for licensed versions.

How to make Fallout 4 full screen? First option

If, when you first start the game, you find that Fallout 4 opens in windowed mode, then first try the simplest ways to solve the problem. You can also launch the launcher through the folder with the installed game. In the root directory of Fallout 4, find the FalloutLauncher.exe file and open it.

When you launch from a shortcut on your desktop, the launcher will open in front of you. This is a system window where you can configure game settings, read about the developers and read the manual. Here you must click on the “Settings” item.

In the settings window, you can select the level of detail, anti-aliasing and screen resolution. By clicking the "Advanced" button you can go to a menu with more subtle and detailed graphics settings. All these settings will come in handy if your computer is too weak for maximum quality. But in this case, we are interested in the checkbox in the “Windowed mode” item in the Fallout 4 settings. You can find out how to make it full screen and with good quality in the game setup guides. But all operations to change the quality of graphics are carried out in this menu.

So, having unchecked the “Windowed mode” item, launch the game through the launcher using the “Play” button. If Fallout 4 does not start, then let's move on to the second method of solving the problem.

Fallout 4: how to make it full screen? Second way

Launch the game in a window and go to "Settings" in the main menu. Here go to "screen settings". In it, you can switch between windowed, borderless windowed and full-screen modes. To change the mode, you don't even have to restart Fallout 4. How to make the game full screen without losing picture quality? Since the game uses a low resolution in windowed format, you need to change it to a higher one in the settings window from the first method. For comfortable gaming, it is recommended to set the standard resolution for your monitor. Reduce it only if the technical parameters of your computer are not suitable for maximum graphics settings.

Gamers have discovered that some graphics options in the game menu cannot be changed. As the site learned, shortly after the release, fans found a way to access advanced settings and thereby eliminate possible problems.

Frame Rate Limit (FPS)

Some gamers complained about the 30fps cap, while others talked about the 60fps cap. And while the reasons for this discrepancy are unknown, experts suggest simply removing it by editing the Fallout4Pref.ini settings file. Here you need to find the line iPresentInterval=1 and set the value to 0.

Mouse acceleration

In Fallout 4, mouse acceleration is standard. Those who do not like to play with acceleration need to edit the Fallout4.ini file, which can be found in the documents folder. Here you need to find the Controls section and add the line bMouseAcceleration=0.

Angle of View (FOV)

Those who are not satisfied with the standard viewing angle will have to work a little more. First you need to change the values ​​of fDefaultWorldFOV and fDefault1stPersonFOV in the Fallout.ini file to the desired ones. Then edit the same lines in the Fallout4Prefs.ini file. After this, you need to go to the Steam client folder, to the steamapps/common/fallout4/fallout4 directory and find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file, to which you need to add fDefaultWorldFOV=XX and fDefault1stPersonFOV=XX, where XX are the desired viewing angle values.

Running the game full screen

Gamers who for some reason cannot run the game on full screen, you need to change the Prefs.ini file in the documents/users/mygames/fallout4 folder and the file with the same name at steamapps/common/fallout4. Here you need to set all the values ​​as shown below:

  • bMaximizeWindow=1
  • bBorderless=1
  • bFull Screen=0
  • iSize H=1080
  • iSize W=1920

You can set your own screen resolution values. And owners of monitors with a 4:3 resolution can set the following settings:

  • bFull Screen=1
  • iSize H=1200
  • iSize W=1600

Skip splash screen when loading game

To skip the splash screen, you need to delete the file GameIntro_V3_B.bk2, located in the Steam client folder at steamapps/common/fallout4/data/video. Please note that once a file is deleted, it can only be returned after going through the process of verifying the integrity of the game files on the Steam network.

Setting the screen resolution to 21:9

For those with ultra-wide monitors, to run the game in full screen, you need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the “My Documents” folder. You need to edit the following lines:

  • bTopMostWindow=1
  • bMaximizeWindow=1
  • bBorderless=1
  • bFull Screen=0
  • iSize H=XXXX
  • iSize W=YYYY

Instead of XXXX you need to substitute the horizontal screen resolution, and instead of YYYY - vertical. Then the same trick must be done with the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in the Steam folder. Both files are easiest to find by searching.

Fixing a bug with getting stuck in terminals

You need to change the settings of the Fallout4Prefs file, located in the Steam client folder at steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4. You need to change the following line iPresentInterval=0.

Another way to fix the problem is to switch to screen mode in a window without borders (Window mode, Borderless).

Eliminate mouse movement lag

You need to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file located in the “My Documents” folder and set the following values:

  • iPresentInterval=0
  • bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1

Nvidia graphics card users need to right-click the Nvidia logo on the taskbar in the lower right corner, select System Preferences, 3D Settings, and add the Fallout.exe file to their programs. Here you also need to change:

  • Enable triple buffering
  • Enable Vsync
  • Install maximum quantity pre-rendered frames by 1 (Max frames to render ahead)

The release of Fallout 4 was an unprecedented success - the game was in second place on the list of the most popular games after Dota 2. The game was released on platforms Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.