Love spell for good luck and love. A spell for good luck in general

One of the site’s readers, Natalya, left a comment in which she shared her plot to attract love.

This plot helped her meet her soul mate. This is a conspiracy of the Karelian healer Evdokia, it helps to get rid of loneliness, as well as unhappy love and failures in your personal life. It happens that a woman seems to have a relationship, but it doesn’t bring any joy.

This is an energetic conspiracy, because in order to attract into your life happy love, you should rearrange your energy field in a special way.

It must be learned by heart. It is read in complete silence and solitude, in your home. It is advisable to turn off the telephone and TV and create twilight (but not complete darkness) in the house, regardless of the time of day.

You need to completely relax, close your eyes, ask a Higher Power for help and read the text (you can whisper or silently) seven times in a row. At the same time, it is necessary to present as visibly as possible all the images embedded in it.

Spell to attract love

“My happiness drowned in the river - but the river turned back, flows towards me, returns my happiness.

My joy got lost in the forest - but the dawn has come, the sun has come out, my joy goes into the light of the sun and returns to me.

Every creature of the river, every animal of the forest helps my happiness and joy, they show the way to me.

And the darkness of the night, bringing evil, melted and dissipated, and will never return.

I open the gate, I greet happiness and joy, I let you into the house!

The whole earth, all the forests, all the rivers, all the stars, and the sun and the moon are my helpers, companions, protectors, protect me from troubles, protect my happiness and joy, protect me, help me to be happy.”

After reading the plot seven times, you need to clasp your hands in front of you, intertwining your fingers. In your clasped palms, you need to mentally concentrate the energy that arose in your body when reading the plot. Just feel that it is all concentrated in your palms and apply them to the heart area without releasing your hands. Hold your palms on the heart area for a few seconds, imagining how it flows into the heart center, and then release your palms.

With this gesture, you instill in yourself the energy that attracts love and secure yourself in a new energy state, becoming a kind of magnet for love.

Thanks to Natalya for this plot to attract love. I hope that it will help some of the readers of the site meet their soul mate.

Yes, and don’t forget to be yourself as much as possible, don’t try to please everyone and be good to everyone. When you are who you are, you are most comfortable and most relaxed. And when you are relaxed and calm, you are most attractive to the opposite sex!

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Every person really needs luck in life in order to achieve success and become successful. And you can attract him with the help of magical rituals. Moreover, it is very important that any conspiracy for luck belongs to the means of white magic, so it does not carry negativity and cannot harm.

The main feature of rituals to attract luck in life is, perhaps, their diversity. And the biggest difficulty for a person is the correct choice of ritual in relation to the current situation.

In order to attract good luck to yourself, you first need to choose a room for the ritual. It needs to be carried out general cleaning and, if possible, remove unnecessary things. The ritual is performed early in the morning during the waxing of the moon.

With the appearance of the first ray rising sun You should open the window wide, place a candle on the table and light it.

“The sun is clear and red! Appear from beyond the distant horizon, illuminate the right path for me, God’s Servant (your name), and attract good luck to my home. So that luck always accompanies me in the light of day. My wish will come true, for my will is strong. Amen".

Ritual for life

If you prepare and tune in correctly, you can perform a ritual that will attract good luck to you for life. In this ritual, it is very important to pronounce the spell for luck clearly and without hesitation. That's why better plot learn by heart, but it is permissible to write magic words on a white sheet of paper and periodically peek at it.

For the ritual you need to take thick threads different colors, namely:

  • Blue;
  • Yellow;
  • Green.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room and making sure that no one disturbs you, you need to start slowly braiding your hair.

At the same time the following words are spoken:

“I, Slave (s) of God (s) (my name) will rise at dawn. I’ll cross myself and pray, and then I’ll leave the house. I'll go to high mountain and I will rise to its top. I’ll stand and look at all four sides of the world. On the eastern side I will see a wild black horse grazing in a meadow. Wild temperament he has it, and no one dares to ride him. He never knew either stirrups or reins. And I can tame and tame that horse. The zealous horse will obediently walk under me and wherever I want to take me. My word is true and strong, and my will is strong. I will be lucky and lucky. Amen".

The braided braid should be tied on the wrist of the left hand and worn without taking it off like a bracelet. You should know that breaking the threads will be very dangerous, since in this case the conspiracy begins to act exactly the opposite, that is, the person will be haunted by constant failures. If this happens, then the braid of threads must be removed from the wrist and burned. After this, the ceremony is allowed to be repeated.

Ritual for creating a talisman for good luck

After performing a special ritual, you can create your own talisman for good luck. This can be any item you love, for example, a small toy or decoration.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should pick up the object that you plan to turn into a talisman. Next, you need to try to convey to him all the warmth of your soul, imagining how it flows in streams into the chosen object. After this, you need to turn to the object, ask it to become your protection and attract luck to you in all your affairs.

Then the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“I, Servant of God, will go neither into the field nor into the forest, I will open wide the door or the window in my own house, I will meet on my way neither a swamp nor a sea. But somewhere there I will find the little thing I need, which will become a talisman for me and will attract luck into my life. I will always take care and love you, my talisman, and you keep my soul and heart. Attract wealth to me, but do not allow sadness. May I be lucky forever and ever. Amen".

Everyday conspiracy

There is a ritual that can be performed every day when leaving home. This magical effect will help you choose successful paths to resolve certain issues and meet the people you need.

Standing on the threshold just before leaving the house, you need to say the following words:

“Lord God, Father, protect the Servant of God (your name) from the daily toil and bustle. Don’t let trouble and bad luck come to me, keep me away evil people. Guide me towards happiness. Amen".

After that you can go out the door. If you forgot something, you can't go back. If this is absolutely necessary, then you must repeat the ritual again, but you should remember that the strength of the protective effect will decrease.

This ritual is very powerful. Therefore, you cannot have a negative attitude towards any events that occur during the day that you perceive as failures. Consider that the Lord God is thus protecting you from serious losses and troubles.

In life, people who are lucky are called lucky. And few people think about the fact that a person’s lucky streak is connected with the fact that he attracts good luck to himself with the help of magic.

You can independently feed your energy field with positive energy from time to time using special rituals. Thus, the atmosphere around you will be filled with positivity, which is always associated with luck.

To do this, periodically, on Tuesdays, you need to turn towards the east and pronounce the following words:

“The beautiful cat lived in the house, caught mice and slept a lot. A good demon protected that house from harm. Now I live in this house, a beautiful maiden. I’ll go for a walk and put on a dress embroidered with gold. It's not simple sunlight poured. I will go beautifully among the people, a magic ray will see me out of the gate. He will guide me to a place of light and joy. My beautiful outfit can remove all the nastiness around me. Holy water flows, which means trouble will never happen to me. Both earth and heaven will send good luck to me. Amen".

Conspiracies for good luck are sometimes the most effective way solve the problem and protect yourself from trouble. Special spells that have great strength and energy. When pronouncing them, do not forget that these are just assistants that operate on your subconscious level. By pronouncing a conspiracy, you become more confident in yourself and your victory. Here are the seven most effective conspiracies for all occasions.

Spell for good luck in money

A money spell can be cast in situations involving material wealth, as well as when you receive money. “Money is to me like bees are to honey. Fly and fly, but don’t fly past me.”

Plot for good luck in business

If you have to solve some serious matter, then say to yourself: “I take good luck, leave bad luck.”

Plot for good luck on the road

When getting ready to go, crossing the threshold, say: “I’m going for luck, I’ll come back more beautiful and richer.”

Spell to attract good luck every day

If you need to get support higher powers, then put left palm to the solar plexus and say: “Luck is with me, all the troubles are behind me. As I want, so it will be.”

Spell for good luck in business and work

This plot will help solve business issues: “My guardian angel, love me and don’t leave me. Your word is my word. Prompt, instruct and protect. Amen."

Spell for good luck in love

If you want to attract good luck in love, read the words of the conspiracy before going to bed: “There is love in me, it cannot be taken away. I give it to someone who is nice. And whoever is not kind, God has forgiven him.”

Spell for good luck in trading

If you need to sell something profitably, then this conspiracy will help you: “I give less, I get more.” If you need to buy something, then read this plot: “A good (apartment, car, cottage, whatever you are buying) will find its owner, me (name), and may it serve faithfully for a long time.”

Remember that when working with conspiracies, it is important to feel every word spoken and believe in the fulfillment of your plan. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2014 09:08

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An atheist does not pray, does not say a strong church prayer for love men and women, when he needs one, he simply actively seeks it himself, and he does not subordinate his life religious rites. Nevertheless, he can accept the great provisions of the Torah, with the exception, of course, of the provision about the One Creator, and he can even study traditional texts for his own pleasure, out of philosophical, historical or any other interest. How does a person who believes in God, but does not pray or perform rituals, differ from an unbeliever?

He, of course, believes, but, to put it simply, for him faith is like this or that idea: it comes and goes, and one can doubt and ask questions, such as, for example, whether the Christian prayer for good luck in love? What is faith when you are carried away by the flow of everyday worries? Faith is fragile, intangible and intangible; by itself it cannot organize our daily lives.

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Orthodox prayer for love to the miracle workers Saint Prince Peter and Saint Princess Fevronia of Murom

About the greatness of the saint of God and wonderful miracle workers, the blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, intercessor and guardian of the city of Murom, and about all of us zealous prayer books for the Lord! We come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers to the Lord God for us sinners, and ask from His goodness all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith in justice, hope in goodness, unfeigned love, unshakable piety in good deeds prosperity, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, prosperity of the air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Petition from the Heavenly King the Church of Saints and the entire Russian Empire for peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship your holy relics, overshadow with the grace-filled effect of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their requests for good. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, offered to you today with tenderness, but awaken for us in your dreams to intercede with the Lord, and grant us, with your help, eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever centuries. Amen.

How do they do it? Let's tell you a secret!

Anyone can become lucky. The most ancient needle spells will help you with this, which attract love, luck, money and have a special energetic power! The needle is the most common and most effective item used in magical rituals. A correctly chosen needle spell will help make luck your life partner.

Attracting money and prosperity:

To carry out money ritual using a needle you will need your wallet, a banknote and a thin needle. It is advisable to carry out the ritual during the waxing Moon so that it acts faster and more powerfully. But during another phase of the Moon it will also be effective. The most important thing is that no one knows that you have taken up this action.

The ritual is quite simple: use an empty needle (no thread) to “sew” all four corners of the banknote to your wallet.

Say the following spell:

I sew the money to my wallet: I won’t let my wealth go anywhere. So that every day it grows stronger and brings good to the house above all else. My word is as strong as steel, fulfill it right now! So be it.

After performing this ritual, do not pay with this banknote for seven days, and carefully insert the needle into your clothes so as not to get hurt or lose it. After this period, you can take it out and, if desired, try other money rituals, for example, wallet spells.

Ritual to attract love with a needle:

To carry out the ritual, you will need a needle, two small and preferably absolutely identical sheets of paper and at least one petal of a pink or red flower. This could be a peony, rose or rose petal.

It's best to make sure your sheets are wide enough. Also prepare some thread (pink or red) and some wine. Accordingly, prepare a glass into which you can pour it.

You will need something to write on: a pencil, pen or felt-tip pen. You can use two colors - pink and blue.

Carry out this ritual completely alone, you can even at night by candlelight, but then thread the needle in advance and make the lighting so that you can see how you sew. Disinfect the needle (wipe with a cotton swab and alcohol or hydrogen peroxide). Also wash the petal of the flower you have chosen.

Sit in a room and think about love, prepare mentally for the ritual. Select a suitable lunar day in advance.

Take pieces of paper and draw a heart on them, clearly in the center, so that when you put the paper on top of each other, they coincide. If you have a loved one, then write the names: on one piece of paper - yours, on the other - your passion. Male name you can write blue, and women's - pink (you can do the same with hearts). Thread the needle. To enhance the effect, you can lightly prick your finger and drip blood onto the needle.

Now take a flower petal, dip it into a glass of wine three times and do not shake off any drops. Grasp your needle with the petal and pass it through it three times, right along with the thread.

Say the words:

I cast spells and spells so that love will come to me. Let it be sweet and pleasant, like wine, tender, like a flower, violent, like blood in young body, and we will become inseparable, as if sewn to each other. As soon as I drink wine, the spell will have an effect on both my betrothed and me. Key, lock - my word will be fulfilled on time. So be it.

To complete the plot, sew the pieces of paper superimposed with inscriptions/drawings inside in the center and sew a flower petal into them. Drink all the wine from the glass and place the stitched sheets under your pillow. Keep them until your wish comes true.

How to use a needle to attract good luck:

To begin with, the needle must be charged with the energy of good luck. Clean it three times on your jacket or dip it in water and place it on the windowsill for a day so that it absorbs the luck bestowed by the Sun. To prevent it from getting lost, stick it into a fabric or pincushion.

Before leaving her, say the following spell:

Sunlight will bring me luck and happiness, and save me from troubles and problems. Let a ray of sunshine, like a thread, fall into the needle’s eye and give the needle good luck. So be it.

The spell must be repeated seven times.

After your needle is charged with the energy of the sun, perform the second part of the ritual. It is advisable that it be a sunny day, and if possible you spend it on fresh air. Place it on the top of your head and start moving from left to right, constantly going back.

Do this by saying the words of the conspiracy to attract good luck:

I’ll sew and sew, I’ll summon good luck, I’ll attach it to myself.

After you move the needle over all the designated places, say the consolidation of your spell:

She sewed on a ray of the sun and invited good luck. My word is hard as stone, strong as steel, locked, tightly sewn up. Sun and sky, hear me, it will be according to my word from this day forward.

You can use the needle as usual, but make sure it doesn’t fall into the hands of another housewife. If this happens, the ritual will need to be done again.