Beyond Oasis review. Beyond Oasis walkthrough

" STORY OF THOR "(Russian Version)

A wonderful role-playing game on the Mega Drive, which at one time received the title of “best console role-playing game of the year” in Europe.

The prince of the tropical state of Oasis found a strange object on a neighboring island, which he put on his right hand and then... the object spoke! The spirit of its creator Rearl predicted the imminent death of the Oasis at the hands of the Lord of Chaos Agito. But with the help of the found Golden Armlet, Prince Ali is able to prevent misfortune...


1. Weapons

Weapons are divided into three groups: blades, arrows and bombs. The latter differ only in size and explode a couple of seconds after being thrown - they can be picked up and thrown, or hit with a blade on the fly. In addition to ordinary arrows, there are metal ones (they knock over the enemy), fire ones (they set the target on fire) and explosives (ATM). At the beginning of the game, Ali is armed with a dagger, which he handles quite professionally. Other blades (the simple, wide sword, the most powerful “Killer” and the flammable “Omega”) in any situation are only capable of a slashing blow. With a dagger you can stab (press the button briefly), chop (press with a short delay) and use it in special attacks: circular (hold the button and turn the joystick clockwise) and somersault (press forward-back-forward while holding the button).

2. Food

There are 16 types of food, obtained mainly from enemies and, when consumed, supplement the life (HP) and magic (SP) scales by the portion indicated in the menu (from a quarter to the maximum). The elixir is used automatically when the hero dies and completely replenishes both scales, without spoiling the status. Fetishes for summoning Spirits have a greater effect if they are removed from the inventory (START) and activated with a light clot (A) - you will receive both a Spirit and an extremely useful item at the same time!

3. Heart-shaped amulets, stones and other magical objects

The value of the LEVEL column increases when collecting heart-shaped amulets, which sometimes remain at the battle site. At the same time, the maximum vital and magical volumes increase and... your status worsens. It makes sense, because completing the game with a weaker hero is more difficult, and therefore more honorable. The count of enemies and collected gems should be increased, and the time needed to complete the game and the number of resurrections should be minimized. Stones of four types are mostly hidden in caches; collecting them increases the power of the corresponding Spirits, which can also be summoned from them. Four magical items displayed when on this screen help the hero in the world to self-medicate, as well as accumulate magical energy!

4. Island map

The map of the island is given on a fairly small scale, but from it you can still roughly determine your location.

5. Save files

At the beginning of the game you must choose one of four files in which under your name

the game will be saved. If you wish, you can copy and delete the contents of the files, but you will not be able to continue the game you started under a different name! The recording is not available everywhere, and all unimportant enemies will be restored after “downloading”. A temporary file is maintained automatically by the console in case your hero throws off his hooves without the elixir. After the Game Over sign, you will continue the game from the last possible recording location, which will not be noted in the selected file until the next save through the menu.


1. In the Water Temple, the first caches await you (crawl under the arches of the drains) and the first boss. After you chop off his giant claw, he will start drooling profusely - hit him with a running jump. The elixir is activated automatically when you die, restoring both energy scales. The player's status does not suffer in this case.

2. The bubbles emitted by Ditto are intended to put out fires (there are caches of rocks under both bridges over the river), but can also calm the waterfall and, briefly, most enemies. The tornado launched by him has a low efficiency, and therefore the main function of this Spirit will be the transformation of magical energy into vital energy at a rate that becomes more and more profitable with the discovery of stones. Summoning the Spirit, however, is not always possible, so it is preferable to stock up on products that replenish HP.

3. Don't miss the chests with aquamarine in the second hall of the Temple and in the lower left corner of the first pool. You can also replenish your arsenal by breaking a brick wall in a zombie area. By the way, they literally evaporate when they touch fire, but in hand-to-hand combat they can cause a lot of trouble. You should also not hit snakes with a dagger - when you come in from the side, hit them with your feet. Chop all the flying creatures with your blade in a big way. Tasks to open doors are unlikely to bother you, just like simple boss attacks.

4. Just before the fort, breaking the brickwork on the northern wall, you will find yourself in one of the secret zones - which do not fit into storyline sections of increased difficulty with prizes of increased value. This task is to guide the Ifrit-torpedo five circles around the angular “stadium”. Depending on the time shown, one of five caches will open. The only chance to get a crossbow with an endless supply of flaming arrows is to constantly press the A button (preferably if it’s turbo), promptly bringing the Spirit out of the corners. If you hesitate, Ifrit will start giving birth to fire or will go astray...

5. Lead the Spirit along the bottom wall along the top. And if you get the crossbow the first time, don’t forget about the second prize - a fire stone.

6. You will find one stone for both Spirits in the fort. Use arrows to switch inaccessible levers. In the hold, look into the guards' abode - by touch you will find a valuable chest. Gargoyles should be lured to the ground and, running to the side, suppressed with a series of blows.

7. After conjuring the levers in the first hall of the cave, you will receive a stone for both Spirits. From the next hall you should go upstairs. If you want to get the key to the secret door, you will get to it by going left from the same hall and running along the sluggish water at the top of the stream.

At the end of the path there will be two simple riddles: drop bombs from the cliff onto the button to get a ruby ​​in a timely manner, and the door to the boss will open when you light the second torch with an arrow or with the help of the Spirit.

You will receive many more prizes by lighting all the torches or fires in the room or killing all its inhabitants. The brute, although strong, is very clumsy, so feel free to engage in close combat, running away from the attack site in a timely manner.

8. Of the new enemies in the fortresses, only magicians will be encountered. Having attacked, they will disappear, but will soon reappear in the same place. Moving stakes, like any other killing weapon, work equally well on you and on your enemies. In the dead-end room with the snakes you will find a ruby. And in the locked room to the left of the first fortress there are stones for both Spirits.

On the way to the celestial fortress, extract Ditto from the streams running along the walls. And before entering it, walk to the right and jump onto the ledge with the aquamarine.

9. Until you receive the key, do not cross the abyss. It is advisable to deal with the magicians hanging over her in advance. In the battle with the dragon, arm yourself with the “Killer” sword.

10. A lone tree grows in the upper left corner of the forest. With its crown it hides a hatch - the entrance to secret zone. The hundred-story (!) arena will delight any fan of action games: while clearing the square halls of evil spirits, you will have to go down to the very bottom of the dungeon. Having won another victory, you can return up the stairs to the surface if you wish. Every tenth floor you will be greeted by a battle of increased difficulty, after which Ali will be replenished with a quarter of his health scale and given a prize. At first glance, there is no other opportunity to improve your health - the knapsack is out of reach, and you cannot bring the Spirit from the surface either. But you can call him! Ditto - from jumping cakes, Ifrit - from living or created fires, Shadow - from a knight's shell. Considering that the Armlet's energy gradually accumulates, you have a good chance of winning. But don’t lose your head in the fight - no one guarantees that “life-giving” cakes will be common...

Do not spare Omega on powerful enemies; you will receive an endless fiery sword after defeating the Granite Brute again on the hundredth floor. Before this, you will be given stones of all kinds, fetishes for summoning Spirits and an elixir.

On the lawn to the right of the Temple, use “split” to find a passage to the edge with a black stone.

It is hardly possible to get lost in the Temple, two opals lie in plain sight, and you will find a ruby ​​in the room with two buttons behind the stonework.

Another new thing in the enemy camp - hairy flying balls gain mobility with weight loss, so you must first center them and only then hit them.

11. This time we look for the keys to the doors in the sewer. There are two new types of enemies, very insidious - a toothy tentacle, getting rid of its grip is very difficult (move with all your might), and luring it out for an attack is even more difficult; and a green ghost devouring the energy of the summoned Spirit.

Don't be lazy to exterminate the reptiles - you have to find three emeralds and an opal. If you miss anything, you can return here through a hidden “wormhole” on the roof of the palace.

12. The entrance to the cave in front of which the Lord of Chaos made an appointment is located north of the wasteland in front of the teacher's village. But before you go there, check out the boat that took you to the island (emerald), the Water Temple (opal) and the lattice-covered room of the eastern fort (four stones).

As you climb up to the cave, pick up the emeralds on the ledge on the left and in the lower right corner of the viper. At the top of the mountain, take the opal and go right. In the already familiar area, you will find another emerald, a previously inaccessible opal on the other side of the cave (to descend with the flow of water, the Spirit will have to be released, return it from the knight’s shell) and the last secret zone in the upper reaches of the waterfall (a puddle with a post behind the fence). The current here is barely surmountable in places, but after a few tries you'll probably end up with aquamarine, emerald and endless metal arrows. Returning to the cave path, look for a wormhole - you will get opal.

13. The bush in front of the cave grows for a reason. Using Bow as an anchor, destroy the balls floating above the waves for their contents: aquamarine and elixir. Three underground tentacles will give you a ruby. From the found emerald you will re-summon the Spirit for further advancement. In the hall with sparks you will receive an opal, on the screen on the right - another emerald. The passage to the Guardian is opened by pressing the buttons of the Spirits in the order in which they join.

14. A lot of keys and switches should no longer confuse you. Don't avoid enemies so as not to miss keys and prizes. You will get the last ruby ​​on the lawn after the first group of buildings. Aquamarine - in Agito Castle. Use the chimney to move around. In the hall with two pillars, kill all the enemies (those below - with bombs) to take the emerald and the last opal. Finish collecting the emerald stones in the windy corridor in front of the final fight hall. If you missed something, at the place where you appeared in this world there is a “wormhole” to the island of Oasis. To move back, find the same one on the top of the mountain in front of the dating cave.


Pressing the joystick twice in a row in one direction - run; the most powerful directed blow is obtained from a running start.

A - launch of the Armlet ball; using the magic of a summoned Spirit (three options:

single, double fast or long); cancel selection in the menu.

B - use the selected weapon, select an item in the menu;

Special fighting moves with a dagger:

stabbing blow - quickly pressing the B button;

slash - pressing B with a slight delay;

circular attack - hold down the B button and turn the joystick clockwise;

somersault - press up, down, up while holding the B button.

C - in the pressed position - squatting movement; quick press -

START - call the menu, reset an item from the inventory and arsenal.


1. On the screensaver with the inscription “Start”, hold B and press “START”. A table of the top five players will appear.

2. If you are not happy with the status screen, delete its contents by pressing A+B+C+START.

3. If B+START is pressed on the file selection screen, SOUND TEST will appear.

4. There is a lone tree growing in the upper left corner of the eastern forest. With its crown it hides the entrance to a 100-story shaft. During the descent, you will not be able to use objects and special weapons, unless you summon the Water Spirit from the gelatinous jumping cakes. Every tenth floor you will replenish a quarter of your life bar and be awarded a prize. The main prize is an eternal fiery sword!

5. At the exit from the volcano where you found the Shadow, there will be a series of narrow ledges - by jumping from one of them over the southern edge of the screen, you will find yourself in a very windy area, where, at the cost of terrible torment, you can get the eternal ATM crossbow.

6. Go to the shore and wait for the fish. She will jump on you and end up on the shore. Wait until she dies herself (don't hit her!), and there will definitely be a prize in her place.

However, so that you don’t have to wait so long for the fish to die, you can beat it slightly. The main thing is that she has at least some energy left. And then she needs to be allowed to die on her own.

7. Attack with ANY sword: press up, right, down, left, up, down, up, B.

If you press B again at the end of this combination, you get a double hit, and again you get a triple hit.

8. Quickly changing weapons is achieved by simultaneously pressing MODE+B (in the Japanese version - MODE+A). This will replace your weapon with the one in front of it.

9. Special Attacks:

Grand Spin: Hold B, rotate the joystick clockwise, and release B.

Flip Slash: Hold B, press right, left, right, left and release B (opponent on the right). Flash Stab: Press Right, Right, Right, Right, B.

Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor)

Developer: Ancient

Publisher: Sega

Release dates

Sega Mega Drive - March 1995

Plot: In a certain Arab state there lived a prince named Ali. And he had a hobby of exploring all sorts of ancient ruins. And then one day he came across an armlet, and not a simple one, but a gold one. And the spirit came out of him and spoke to Ali - they say, you have been chosen to repel the evil owner of another armlet - a silver one. And a battle broke out, not for life, but for death.

But in order to defeat “Mr. Silver Armband,” you first need to unlock the power of the golden one. And this can only be done in one way - by finding four guardian spirits. This is where Ali's adventures begin.

Gameplay: Everything here is pretty standard.

We explore the ruins, solve puzzles, fight with enemies. One of the features that is worth noting is that in order to call helping spirits, you will need to find an element related to them. For example, a water fairy can be summoned from some puddle, a fiery Ifrit from a fire, and a tree spirit from their plants. There are four spirits in the game: water, fire, wood and shadow. All of them can be strengthened by collecting special gems.

These familiars not only help you deal with enemies, but also serve to solve certain puzzles in order to further advance in the game. Thus, the spirit of water opens secret passages hidden by water and heals the main character, and the spirit of fire destroys ice blocks blocking the path. The shadow allows you to cross abysses, as well as separate the soul from the body to explore the surroundings (for example, only in the astral image can you see cracks in which hidden portals open). And the tree spirit can remove green metal gratings.

Spirits appear for a limited time on the magic scale, which fills until the spirit is summoned. There is no leveling up of EXP or Level in Beyond Oasis; lives can only be increased by finding certain hearts. There are essentially no cities either, except for the initial village and castle. And from Ali's equipment the following are available: food, a map of the island and weapons (swords, crossbows, bombs). But the arsenal can only be used a certain number of times, after which it breaks. Your only constant friend will be your initial dagger, and you will have to be content with it for a long time. One of the most

interesting moments in Beyond Oasis is finding secrets. And, believe me, there are enough of them. The rewards are good, the main of which are endless weapons, but you still have to run hard for them. The game is generally not difficult, except for some boss fights that can make you a little nervous. The controls in the game are a bit like representatives of the beat"em"up genre. There is a jump, a run, combo attacks and powerful attacks by holding the button. Also from

interesting movements Very good. Beyond Oasis is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful games on the Genesis. Good detail, rich colors, colorful specials. effects. The animation of the main character, enemies and bosses is also excellent.

Music: But the music here is quite unique, despite the fact that its author is the famous Yuzo Koshiro (Ys, Streets of Rage, etc.). We can say that the melodies here are more designed to set the desired atmosphere of the game than to please your ears. Although some tracks are still remembered and sound in your head even after you turn off the console.

Note: In 1996, a sequel to the game was released, which is a prequel, exclusively for the Sega Saturn. In Europe it was called The Story of Thor 2, in the USA - The Legend of Oasis. But about him in

Beyond Oasis , known as The Story of Thor in Europe and how The Story of Thor: Hikari wo Tsugu Mono (Japanese) ストーリー オブ トア 〜光を継ぐ者〜 Suto:ri: obu Toa Hikari o Tsugu Mono) in Japan - an action-adventure video game released in 1994 by Sega exclusively for the Mega Drive/Genesis game console. In March and April 2007, the game was re-released on the Wii video game console's Virtual Console service. Included in the collection Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game's music was composed by Yuzo Koshiro, who was also the game's producer.


  • Computer games in alphabetical order
  • Computer games 1994
  • Games for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
  • Games for Virtual Console
  • Games for Windows
  • Steam games
  • Action/RPG
  • Computer games developed in Japan

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    The Story of Thor See what "The Story of Thor" is in other dictionaries:

    - Entwickler Ancient Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia The Story of Thor 2

    - Entwickler Ancient Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia- (conocido en Japón como Thor Seireiohkiden y en Estados Unidos como The Legend of Oasis) es un videojuego para Sega Saturn que salió en 1996, y que es una secuela del juego de Mega Drive The Story of Thor, situándose argumentalmente como una… … Wikipedia Español

    The Story of Thor- Éditeur Sega Développeur Ancient Date de sortie 26 avril 1996 … Wikipédia en Français

- (conocido en Estados Unidos como Beyond Oasis) es un videojuego para Mega Drive publicado por Sega que fue lanzado en 1994. Su desarrolladora fue Ancient, con música compuesta por Yuzo Koshiro. El juego es para un solo jugador. El juego es de… … Wikipedia Español

Beyond Oasis (The Story of Thor: Succesor of The Light) - Sega Genesis

Unusual ending: after taking Dytto, take the Omega sword (see walkthrough). After that, immediately go to the ship without taking Efreet. At the end, when your spirits appear, it will also be there, although you did not take it.


Start - skip the splash screen, start the game, select options, on the selection screen, pause/unpause the game, throw away an item.
A - cancel (on the selection screen and on pause), use a handcuff, summon a spirit, use magic.
B - confirm the choice (on the selection screen and on pause), use weapons, talk to people, pick up objects.
C - skip the screensaver, cancel (on the selection screen and on pause); if you quickly press and release - jump, if you hold - sit down (you won’t be able to sit down while running: even if you hold C, your hero will jump).
X - show/remove the card.
Y - show/hide the weapon selection window.
Z - show/hide the item selection window.


Altknife Bow Bomb
Sword Metal Power
Broad Fire Hyper
Death Atm Bow

There is also an infinite Omega sword and Metal, Fire and Atm Bows. Three of them cause fire damage to the enemy, which has some disadvantages: if you hit an enemy with such a weapon, it will catch fire and can hit you; it also does not harm the flying fire snakes and the dragon in the volcano. For information on how to take them, see the walkthrough.


To use an item you have taken, you need to press B on the item selection screen (Z button).

Item Action
Cheese HP +1/4
Fish HP +1/2
Orange SP +1/4
Apple SP +1/2
Meat HP +3/4
Garlic HPSP+3/4
Cabbage HPSP+1/2
Grapes SP +MAX
Pear SP +3/4
Large mushroom HPSP+MAX
Small mushroom HPSP+1/4
Elixir Fully restores HP and SP, even when your hero dies
Dyt Call Summons Dytto
Efr Call Summons Efreet
Shd Call Summons Shade
Bow Call Summons Bow

Special items that can be used to summon spirits without suitable conditions do not work everywhere. For example, they do not work in the secret dungeon with the Infinite Omega Sword, on the secret island and in some other places, although it is possible to summon a spirit from enemies in the same dungeon.
The better the item, the less often it comes across. Also in the game you can find a heart that will increase your maximum number of lives by 2 and your rank by 1. It is not used, like the items described above, in the selection menu (Z button).
There are also gems in the game: blue, or water, for Dytto; orange, or fire, for Efreet; black for Shade and green for Bow. When you take any gem, your maximum amount of magical powers is increased by 5 and the gem you took is counted, which can be seen in the statistics when paused. However, if you have no magical powers at all, that is, when you have not yet taken Dytto, and the gem is taken, for example, in a dungeon in the forest, the game will not add magical powers to you so that, as you progress through it, you only take gems. for those perfumes that you already have (except for secrets and not taking Efreet, which is not necessary). However, if you take one for which you do not have the spirit, in secret, it will still be credited to you and your magical powers will increase. There are 15 gems of each type, that is, there are 60 in total.

To summon any spirit, you need to press A (use a handcuff) and thereby release a charge into a suitable place for summoning it. By pressing buttons A, B and C at the same time, you abandon the spirit that is with you this moment.

Water Spirit Dytto

Dytto can be summoned from streams, ponds, waterfalls, falling droplets, and jumping "puddles".
"Magic Bubble": Press the A button once to perform this move. Dytto releases a bubble of water that can "freeze" enemies for a short time, remove some waterfalls, and also put out fires.
"Healing": Press A twice to perform this move. Dytto restores some health to you.
"Magic Storm": Hold A for a second, then release. Dytto will turn into a waterspout and rush around the screen, attacking enemies in the process.

Fire Spirit Efreet

Efreet can be summoned from any fire sources: fires, lava, explosions. He also attacks enemies on his own by hitting them with his fist.
"Flame Breath": Press A once to cause your spirit to release fire from its mouth.
"Fireball Attack": Press A twice to make Efreet turn into a fireball.
"Melt Bomber": Hold A for a second, then release to cause Efreet to fire a fiery explosion.

Shadow Spirit Shade

Shade can be summoned from blue and dark crystals, as well as from mirrors or from knights with dark mirror armor (dark purple or gray). It also protects you: if you are hit, you will lose not your lives, but your magical powers, and you will fall from the blow less often; if you fall into an abyss, Shade will catch you and carry you to the place from which you fell.
"Dark Claw": Press A once to use Shade Claws. With their help, you can cling to hooks and move to other sides, as well as attract objects towards you.
"Doppelganger": Hold A for a second, then release to make a doppelganger appear that can move around the screen. At the same time, Ali becomes invulnerable. Used to find hidden portals and to press buttons in hard to reach places or to press two buttons at the same time.

Plant Spirit Bow

Bow can only be summoned from plants. He automatically bites enemies if they are near him. He also breaks bars.
"Bite Attack": Press A to make Bow bite enemies.
"Move Underground": Press A twice to make Bow move to where your hero is standing.
"Poison Pollen": Hold A for a second, then release - Bow will explode, spreading poison that will slow down your enemies.


The first five combinations are for Altknife only.

Knockdown - hold B, release.
Slash - While running, press B, or FORWARD, FORWARD, B.
Round kick - FORWARD, RIGHT, BACK, LEFT, B, or FORWARD, LEFT, BACK, RIGHT, B (or hold B, do the appropriate combination of arrows and release B).
High spinning kick - FORWARD, BACKWARD, FORWARD, B (or hold B, press FORWARD, BACKWARD, FORWARD, release B).
Low spinning kick - LEFT, BACK, RIGHT, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B, or RIGHT, BACK, LEFT, FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, B (or hold B, do the appropriate arrow combination and release B). For two or three hits, press B two or three times respectively.
Super Series - Press the B button many times quickly: Prince Ali will start doing high/low kicks, then do a jump kick.
Strong slash (only for a large sword) - FORWARD + B. The advantages of this blow are that it hits vertically, that is, it can hit snakes and gargoyles in flight, crawling zombies, etc. (the sitting kick is much weaker). If you hit while jumping with a running start, your hero will make a regular strike, without a running start - a slash. Also, if you hit quite quickly (but not as fast as in the super series) with a sword, your hero will alternate between regular and slashing blows.
If you perform a button combination of one low spinning strike with a large sword, your hero will perform a series of five strikes. Super series is suitable for any weapon.


Golden keys open yellow wooden doors;
Green - green metallic;
Red - red metallic;
Blue - blue metallic.
Closed doorways (they are red) open if you light a torch next to them, kill all enemies on that screen, or press a button.


At the very beginning of the game, your hero appears on the southern coast of the island. Go north to the village. Talk to its inhabitants (this is optional) and move on. Soon all the residents will flee. Go a little further and there you will see your first enemies: an ogre, soldiers and several porcupines. Kill the ogre and you will automatically be transported to your teacher's house. Talk to him, and at the end of the conversation he will heal you. Look on the map where the first flag is and go to the castle.

Leave the teacher's house and go left to the next screen. You will find yourself on a bridge. Go left, go through another screen and you will find yourself in the city (by the way, in the northern part of the second screen you can see a chest that cannot be reached yet; remember this place as (1)). Climb the stairs and enter the castle. There are two doors in the north of the castle: go to the right one; in the left you can take some items (the chest that you will see in the southern part of the left room is taken later). Now down, left, then up - you will find yourself in the throne room. Talk to your father (king), and he will give you a task - to find the spirit - and the red key. If you want to learn something about your hero's techniques, read the books in the room whose door is located in the upper right corner of the throne room. Look on the map for the location of the second flag and exit the castle. In order not to go back down, you can go to the very bottom of the throne room (the passage between the two statues), go outside and jump down.

Now return to the village, go right to the next screen, go up the stairs and right again until you see four porcupines around a fire and a ladder. Go down it, go south, go up another staircase and go left to the temple. Kill the soldiers, open the red door at the top and enter the temple.

Water Temple

Take the golden key from the chest, open wooden door and go to the second room. Kill the archers - the door at the top will open and a chest with food will fall. In the third room, go upstairs, kill the ogre and take the golden key from him. You can also take a large sword from the chest on the right side of the room. The left chest can't be reached yet, remember this location as (2). In the fourth room, some strange creatures that look like puddles are jumping. Kill the lilac "puddle" in the upper left corner of the room and take the yellow key. In the next room, a stream of water periodically falls on you. If it hits your hero, he falls and the flow carries him back. To avoid this, time it and jump over the stream. In the sixth room the leader is waiting for you - a large crab with one claw.

First, its claw will “come to life,” then the entire crab. He can jump on you, blow bubbles, and can also grab you with his claw and throw you against the wall. He even touches you if you just touch him (get too close). It's best to destroy the claw first, then he'll just start blowing a bunch of bubbles. You can move away from him - he will jump in your direction - and hit him for a while until he starts blowing bubbles again, or hit him while standing a little to the side.

Once the crab is destroyed, the door on the north side of the room will open. Go through it, go to the blue door - your magical powers will begin to replenish - and open it with the help of a handcuff, go further, go up two stairs, go to the cube and press B. You have summoned the water spirit Dytto. Read the instructions for using his magic. After you have received the spirit, you will appear outside the temple. Look on the map for the location of the next flag: it will point to the castle.

Go to the castle (two screens left, through the village, then two more screens left). Along the way, climb under the bridge that you come out on in the first screen, going from the village to the castle. With the help of your spirit, extinguish the fire (you need to put a bubble into it) - a chest with a water gem for Dytto will fall. Talk to the king and he will give you the task of finding the temple in the Eastern Falls. Look at the map and leave the castle.

Go one screen to the right, then up, then a screen to the right (you can go on water, you can on land). Here, go up and approach the waterfall. Summon the spirit and he will say that he can remove this waterfall. Throw a bubble into the waterfall - it will disappear and open a passage to the temple.

Waterfall Temple

You appear in a room with three bats and three dying fish. Continue into the next room, ignoring the mice and fish. In the second room you will find a lot of bats and black “puddles”, and on the left side there are two chests and a bunch of snakes. Go upstairs to the third room. Go upstairs to the periodically flying fire, wait until it goes out, go further (or you can just crawl under it) and take the golden key from the chest. Jump to the left, go down into the second room, but on the left side. Here you can get an apple and a water gem. Go back and if you want to grab some things, go up the two stairs and break through the secret passage. Crawl into it and take a hundred units of onions (!), albeit ordinary ones. Now get out of there, jump left twice and open the yellow door. Kill the ogre, take the key from him and place the stone on the right on the green button at the top - a fountain on the left will start, with which you can summon Dytto and put out the fire at the top. Open the door and go to the next room. There is a fiery serpent flying here, it is better to kill it so as not to interfere. In the lower left corner you can take a water gem, in the upper right - grapes. Go left and up, click on the lower button - a stone will fall, drag it to the higher button - a passage at the top will open. The boss will be waiting for you here - a giant fiery skull.

Hit him anywhere while he is above the water. After some time, he releases a fiery serpent and goes under water, then appears again. If there are three fire snakes, it will not appear until you kill one or more. After he has half his lives left, his hands will begin to float out of the water from both sides and try to hit you, but so that they do not interfere too much, they can be destroyed.

After defeating him, go to the opened northern passage, remove the blue door using the handcuff, move on, approach the cube and press B. Now you have a second spirit - Efreet. Read the instructions for using his magic. You will now appear outside the temple. Look at the map again: the flag again points to the castle.

On the way to the castle, climb under the bridge south of the waterfall temple and break the crystal either with a weapon or with the help of Efreet (it can be summoned from the fire under the bridge a screen below) - you will receive a fire gem. When you arrive at the castle, talk to the king - he will tell you about some strange groups and will give you the task of following them. Look at the map and hit the road.

First, it is better to stock up on weapons and food, because you will not return to the city or village soon. You can get food in the teacher’s house (you need to take cheese, go out, then come in - the cheese will appear again), and weapons can be found in the castle. Now go to the place where you met the four porcupines around the fire on the way to the water temple (two screens to the right of the village). There is a crystal on the bridge nearby, break it and go upstairs to the next screen. Here, if you want to get some prizes, go up, then, before reaching the stairs, go right, past the broken stairs, into a narrow passage, and up. Break the wall - a passage will open - and go inside.

You will fall into a room in which you need to use your fire spirit for "races". If you don't want to play, there is a portal in the northeast of the room that will take you back. On the north wall of the room there are prizes in this order: elixir, fire gem, Fire bow, Efr Call, cheese. Summon Efreet from any fire and launch him into the hole in the western part of the room using the "Fireball" technique. After the spirit gets there, you will find yourself on the inside of the field, and he will be on the outside. Use the same technique and arrows (for direction ) to advance it (sometimes you can simply move away - it will fly after you; this is done so that it does not fly too far and you do not have to waste time to return it back. Thus, advance it along the arrows located throughout the outside). side of the field. When the spirit passes through the line on the left, you will be counted for a total of five laps. The count of laps is shown at the top of the screen, the time is shown below, and the degree of the prize depends on the time in which you “run” the track. In total, you are given two minutes to complete the entire route; if two minutes have passed and the route has not yet been completed, a portal will appear that will take you outside, and you will not receive any prize. Otherwise, a box with a prize will fall from above and a portal will appear. Below are the prize levels and timings:

Time Degree Subject
1.40 - 2.00 5 Cheese
1.30 - 1.40 4 Elixir
1.20 - 1.30 3 Efr Call
1.10 - 1.20 2 Fire Gem
0 - 1.10 1 Fire Bow

As you can see, if you complete the course in less than a minute and 10 seconds, you will be given a secret weapon - an endless Fire Bow! Once the prize is taken, it disappears (except for the cheese) from the north wall of the room, and if you complete the track in the same time again, you will receive nothing.

Now let's return to the king's task. Summon the water spirit from the water on the left side of the screen, go right and put out the fire on the stairs. Go up the two stairs, jump to the right (or go down the stairs to the right), then go up, left, up, to the next screen. Go up, right, go up two stairs, then up, left, go down, take the green key from the chest, go back up, go left, down, go up the stairs, kill the swordsman and take the remaining golden key from him. Noticed the plant next to the door? Remember this place as (3). Open the door and move on. There are two shooting machines in this room. If you break them (this is not necessary), a chest with a water gem will fall from above. By the way, there is also a grate here that can only be broken by Bow, your 4th spirit. Go to the green door, move the boulder on the button there - a passage will open, go through it. Warriors will immediately attack you, kill them, then take the Metal bow at the top and shoot at the lever (the position of the lever can also be changed using a bomb) on the left side of the room - a passage will open on the right side. An ogre is blocking your path, kill him. If you killed everyone in this room, a chest with a fire gem will fall from above, next to where the bow was. In the next room, shoot the lever with your bow to stop the spears blocking your path. Go right, through the snakes, into the next room. Here, huge boulders roll in two rows from bottom to top: in the left row they are slow and frequent, in the right row they are fast, but less frequent. Keeping to the left lane, run up, then choose your time and run to the right. Go further, go down and kill the warrior with the club - two archers standing nearby will automatically die. If you want to take the orange and bombs, you better do it before killing the club warrior, because after defeating him you will find yourself on a ship.

On the ship

By the way, look if there is a flag on the map (there won't be one). Go up the stairs, move the top lever to the right, go left, down and towards the exit (you don't have to kill the enemies, but they are a big nuisance). Go up the stairs and, if you want to take the ham, kill the enemies and go down. If you don't need it or if you took it, go north, jump off, keep going until you see the Silver Cuff. After talking with him, you will have to fight two gargoyles: red and lilac. The best way to hit them is to wait until they come to the ground and hit them while you have time. After defeating them, you will find yourself on the northeastern shore of the island. Look on the map for the location of the flag.

Go upstairs, go up the two stairs (the chest on the right will be remembered as (4)) and go into the passage into the cave.

Main room
Here you can see three levers at the top. If they are placed correctly, the secret room will be opened. Place the left lever to the left, the other two to the right. After this, a secret room will open and an armadillo will fall on you. There you can take two gems (water and fire). In the main room, go left to another part of it. Go down, kill the bombardier standing above (to do this you need to hit while jumping), so as not to interfere, move the boulder, go up and, if you want a ham, throw a bomb on the button in the hole. Go left, press the button - the fountain below will stop working - and quickly go down and up the stairs, because the button will soon be released. Once up, take the green key and jump down. If you can't get up in time, try throwing a bomb on the button while you run up the stairs. If you don't have bombs, go back to the boulder, move it up to the entrance to the right side of the main room, then a little to the left, then down, then left, to the stairs, lift it up the stairs, and then to the button. If you've moved it too far that you can't get through it, go to the right side of the main room and come back again: it will be in its old place. Kill the warrior with the club to open the passage above. After you have the key, you need to choose where to go: left or up. The path to the left is blocked by a crystal, if you have a weapon to break it, such as bombs, an Omega sword or a Fire bow, then it is better to go left. If you can't break the crystal yet or don't need the secret room behind the blue door, see the description below (in front of the giant).

1st room to the left
Go left, there you will see a green gargoyle. Approach her - she will come to life and turn red, kill her. After this, a stone will fall on the button at the top - the fountain on the stairs will stop working - and armadillos will fall all over the room. Take the golden key upstairs and go to the second room.

2nd room to the left
There is a button on the left side of the room: if it is pressed, rocks will constantly fall onto the stairs above. There is a lever at the bottom with which you can adjust it: when it is turned to the right, the button is pressed, when turned to the left, it is released. First, you can press the button using the lever, go up the stairs, quickly run to the left, jump over the button (it's in your way) and go up the second stairs. However, zombies emerge from the ground and can press the button. You can kill them all, squeeze it out and calmly go upstairs.

3rd room to the left
There is an extinguished fire here. If you light it, a bunch of porcupines and a chest with grapes will fall on top. If you kill all the porcupines, another chest will fall from above - with big mushroom. Go to the next room.

4th room to the left (2nd up)
Here, just open the yellow door and move on.

5th room to the left
Kill all the warriors - the ogre will fall, kill him - a ladder will appear at the top and a passage back will open. The chest you see at the top is taken later.

6th room to the left
If you need the blue key (you don't have to go to the blue door, but you can get something there) go left, jump down, go up the stairs and get it.

Now fall into the whirlpool on the right, then another, and in the 4th room take the green key from the top chest. When you fall down again (you'll be in the first room up), take the golden key from the floating chest. Press the button to stop the stones from falling. Go up, open the green door and move on.

2nd room up (4th room left)
Go through the yellow door.

3rd room up
Take the red key and if you want to quickly get to the red door, go through the blue door.

4th room up
Kill two ogres and two luminous snakes (fire weapons affect them) - two passages will open below and four chests with water and fire gems, Efr Call and Dyt Call will fall. Go to the left passage - you will find yourself in the fifth room to the left. Take the Hyper bombs, jump down, go to the 6th room and open the red door.

7th room to the left
Climb up and drop a bomb on the button - three boxes will fall from above, in the left - a fire gem. Jump to the left and light the right torch next to the door to open it.

If you can't break the crystal or don't need the blue door, go up, jump down, get the yellow key, press the button, go up through the room and get the red key. Here you can summon Efreet from the torches burning next to the blue door. Then all actions are the same as described above.

Now you have to fight with the stone giant. His tactics are as follows: he hits with one or two hands, sometimes jumps (if you are far away, he jumps in your direction), and after he lands, a bunch of stones fall to the place where you just stood (the place where they fall can be recognized by a huge number of shadows). When he has less than half his life, he can turn into a huge boulder and ride across the room. True, sometimes if you hit him while “rolling” like this, he will stop. Wait until he gets ready to strike and then move away. When he hits the void, walk up, hit him and move away again. After defeating him, take the necklace from the chest that fell from above and go into the passage in the northern part of the room and look at the map.

Go all the way to the left (the area with the hook in the ground surrounded by tree stumps, remember as (5)) until you reach the next screen. You will find yourself at the fortress walls. When you see two bombardiers at the top, quickly run up the stairs, then between them so that they blow each other up, and kill the warrior with the club. Now go up the stairs on the right and enter the fortress.


1st room
Five warriors will immediately attack you, kill them, then take the golden key and choose which door to go through.

2nd room on the right (optional)
There are three chests here, one of them contains a golden key (to open the left door in the first room), the other contains cabbage, and the third contains Hyper bombs. True, to take them, you will have to break eight shooting machines.

2nd room on the left
If you want to summon a water spirit, press the button - the fountain will start working, but stones will begin to fall from above. Go left, then down.

3rd room
In this room, you will immediately be attacked by a warrior with a club. Kill him, then take the golden key (watch out for the spikes on the wheels). Go through the yellow door on the upper left.

4th room
Take the yellow and green keys and kill the enemies. If you need the grapes, the large mushroom and the extra blue key, go back to the 3rd room and enter the green door (the green key for the door in the 4th room will be there too). If not, then immediately go through the green door in this room.

5th room
If you have a blue key, but want a second one (for the second door, in another part of the fortress), or you don't have a blue key, go right, then down into the 6th room. If you have the blue key but don't need the second one, go down to the 8th room.

6th room
In this room, snakes crawl along the walls, and in the middle, vertically, there are six spikes on wheels looking into the different sides. Just run down - the spikes will react and go to the left, but will run into snakes - then to the right, then up. Enter the yellow door.

7th room
Just take the water gem and the blue and gold keys from the chests, however, a bombardier will come from below. Return to the 5th room.

5th room
You will appear below. Go up - three cars will fall and a warrior will come running - kill them, go left, down.

8th room
There is a chest with meat in the lower left corner, guarded by an ogre. If you want, kill him, and with him the warriors who arrived in time, but this will not give anything. Go through the blue door at the top.

9th room
As soon as you enter, a bunch of bombs will fall from above, wait until they all explode (although you can immediately run into the next room), then open the yellow door at the top and move on.

10th room
It consists of two corridors. In the first one, two bombardiers will attack you, try so that they do not throw you back into the 9th room with an explosion of bombs (it is better to stick to one of the walls - then the explosion will carry you to the wall next to the door, but not into the door itself). Further, in the second corridor, there will be two archers below and spears in the walls will block your path. Carefully walk through them (or you can crawl) and go outside.

Go down the stairs, go a little to the left and jump down. Go inside the magicians' room. Kill all the magicians - a chest with a red key will fall from above. At the top of the room there is a blue door. If you took the second blue key, then now you will have one left for this door. The only way to get the blue key is to enter the green door in the 3rd room, and the green key for the door is in the 4th. If it does not appear, leave the screen with the fortress to the one where you ended up after leaving the cave, and return back - everything will appear again. Once you are in the room behind the blue door, kill the two warriors with a club; when you go upstairs to take the contents of the chests, two ogres will fall from above - kill them too. In the chests you can find fire and water gems, as well as a broad sword and Dyt Call.
After leaving the magicians' room, jump to the right, go a little to the right, go up two stairs and enter the red door. There will be two red gargoyles here, kill them - a passage will open, move on. Now a bunch of warriors will attack you, you need to kill the main one - the lilac one with the club. Look at the map and go outside.

Go right, then down, exit the fortress, go right, up - you will find yourself in the mountains. Go right, go up two stairs, jump left, go up to the end of the screen, go down two stairs (or jump right twice) and go right to the next screen. If you want to summon a water spirit, go up the stairs nearby and use the stream. Go to the right, to the end of the screen, climb three stairs (after the second one on the left you can take the Death sword) and, if you want, in the place where you need to jump to the left, jump down and take the water gem (in this place the rock protrudes strongly to the south) . After you jump to the left, go up the stairs and go up. Go right, go up the stairs, then left (to get to the chest at the top, you need to go to the very top, go right to the end and jump down - there will be a fire gem), go up the second one, then left again, then the third one, go right and go up the big stairs. You will be at the top.
Go to the right, into another screen, run to the right along the top so that you don't get hit by the spearmen. If you kill them, the enemies will appear again; this will continue as long as the button on the right is released. Carefully pass the fire while the enemies are on the left, or kill them and immediately run to the right while the fire is not burning and press the button. If there are no enemies left, the passage on the right will open. Move on, you just have to kill everyone here. Then three stones will roll towards you, one at the top, the second in the middle, the third at the bottom. Go further, go up the stairs, kill the ogres, pass the spikes on the wheels and press the button - a passage below will open. It’s better to immediately run down, because immediately after pressing the button an ogre will fall and block the passage. On the lower left you can take a wide sword. Go to the right, to another screen, there, break all the shooting cars coming at you so that a passage opens, go further, light all the fires that come along the way (there are three in total). Next, new stakes will begin to appear until they leave you with a narrow path. Kill everyone the gargoyles bring - the stakes will retreat. Next, go right and go up the stairs. Now you need to press two buttons at the same time to open the passage to the portal. To do this, you can attract one of the two ogres that are walking below, wait until the ogre stands on some button, and stand on the other one yourself. You can also use bombs for this (the right ogre always leaves Hyper bombs). Once you are behind the wall, go right and talk to the Silver Cuff. Now you have to fight the leader.
Stones fly out of his mouth, then something like a tongue comes out and tries to bite you. When the leader has half his lives left, his lower jaw will break and he will begin to either suck you in or throw stones, not forgetting to sometimes pull out his “tongue”. Just hit his "tongue" when it comes out until the leader dies. Even if you reach the wall - and he always follows you - he will stop.
After defeating him, you will find yourself in a room with a chest at the top. Take the Warp Device from the chest - an addition to your handcuff that allows you to open spatial portals. Below is one of these portals (looks like an asterisk). Shoot him with the handcuff so that the blast hits the portal instead of flying over it. Enter the opened portal - you will find yourself at that top. Go down to the next screen and look at the map.

Go down the stairs, jump down and go to the left edge of the large piece of wall in the rock. Go down from it, jump down and activate the portal. Enter it - you will find yourself on the left side of the screen. Go left, then, in another screen, go left and down, go up two stairs, go left, go up another staircase, go left and down to the next screen. Be careful: here you can already fall into the abyss, and if you stay in this screen for a long time, an eruption will occur and meteorites will fall on you. Go down to the end, then left, up, right. To miss the ogre guarding the entrance, jump to the right at the top and go through the entrance.

1st room
Go left, go down two stairs, then right, kill the magician standing on a piece of land surrounded by lava, and take the golden key that remains from him. Open the yellow door at the top and go into the second room.

2nd room
Jump to the left twice, take the green key below and jump down. Kill the enemies (bats are not necessary) - a portal will appear in the lower right corner. Enter it - you will appear on that piece of land in the first room where the magician stood with the key. Go to the second room, this time jump down, and from the right edge, open the green door and move on.

3rd room
Go left and kill all the warriors and the fire serpent - a portal will appear on the right, at the entrance. Enter it and take the red key from the chest, go back the same way, go left, go up the stairs and go up.

4th room
Immediately click on the button on the left to activate the platform. Approach the upper edge, jump onto the moving platform, from it to the platform on the left, from that jump to the ground, wait for another platform, from it to the platform on the right, and from that to the ground. Open the red door, where the leader - a huge dragon - is waiting for you.

All of his movements consist of him firing a triple fire shot several times, then launching a stream of fire at you or trying to bite you. Hit him when he tries to bite you or when his head gets close. Fire weapons have no effect on him.

After defeating him, jump onto the moving platform, jump over to the northern part of the room and remove the door using the handcuff. Go further, approach the cube and press B. You have summoned the third spirit - Shade. Read the instructions for using his magic and use the same moving platform to get across southern part rooms. Go to the 4th room, then use Shade to move to the platform to the south, clinging to the hook in the ground, then to the next one and go down to the 3rd room. You will appear at the top of the screen, use the spirit to move to the right, go into the portal, take the fire gem from the chest, enter the other portal and go to the second room. Jump down, enter the portal, which will take you to the first room, enter the second room, but now you will find yourself at the top. Jump left once, grab the hook on the left and go left into a room with a bunch of geysers. Jump down and crawl into the narrow passage at the top - you will find yourself outside. Here, go left all the time until you reach an area with a chest below.

Take the black gem from the chest, then, if you want to take endless bombs, jump from that place to the south - you will find yourself in another screen (in case you don’t want to take bombs, there is a portal there). Make your way to the left, break the cars (it's better to have Shade with you) and go to the next screen. There are four platforms here that disappear when you stand on them. It's best to run and jump onto the first one from the lower ledge, and then continue to run and jump, moving up/down (it's better to slow down at the end). In the next screen you will be hindered by a strong wind, so time it so that the next jump platform is as close as possible. Try to jump to the left edge of the last platform and immediately jump to the ground as it will disappear. Next there will be very slowly moving platforms, but gargoyles will interfere with you. The last screen has two rows of disappearing platforms (except for the top left and bottom right) and a crystal. Be sure to summon the spirit and move to the left (preferably along the top row). Use the spirit to take endless Hyper bombs (Dark Claw move) and another black gem (you won't be able to jump there, as you will be carried away by the wind). Go back the same way and enter the portal.

Continue left until you reach the next screen. Climb the three stairs, talk to the old man twice and look at the map: the flag will point to the castle. A portal star will appear below, activate it.

Enter the portal - you will find yourself on the west coast of the island. Now that you have Shade, you can find some secrets and take things that you couldn't get to yet. Moreover, they are also in the screen in which you are now. Once you enter the portal, you will appear in the northwest of this screen. Go all the way down, then right, go up the stairs, go left, then go up the other stairs, up, and there you can see a chest behind the wooden barriers. To take its contents, you need Shade. Go down to the right and summon the spirit from the black warrior with a club (maybe the armor of this warrior is like a mirror, so you can summon Shade from him), return to that chest, break it with the help of your spirit (button A) - there will be a black gemma - and bring her closer to you using the same technique.

Now, if you want to take the secret weapon, go to the place where you met the warrior with the club (to the right and down from the chest) and use the "Doppelganger" technique - you will see a hidden portal star. Remember where it is, give up the spirit (buttons A + B + C) and use the handcuff to open the portal. Once you enter it, you will find yourself on a small island in the northwest of the map (look at your location on the map). Five warriors will immediately attack you, kill them - the path further will be opened for you. Go further, and the passage will be opened for you only when you kill everyone in this “piece” of the island. If you have killed everyone, as you think, and the passage is still not open, go back a little. Along the way you will come across chests, do not break any of them, otherwise you will not get the secret weapon. Along the way, one warrior with a club will be left with an Omega sword, and then you will meet five lizards who will not attack you. Only if you approach someone or touch them will they attack you. It's better to kill the top one first (it's lighter than the others), because what's left of it is an Atm Bow. This bow is good because in addition to the usual fire damage to the enemy, its arrows explode, although this is also bad for you, because the explosion can hit your hero. At the very end, the two blue lizards will be left with water and fire gems. If you didn't break the chests, two portals will appear at the very top (by the way, if the portals have already appeared and you break the chest below, nothing will happen). Go to the right one - you will find yourself next to a chest and a portal. Take the infinite Atm Bow from the chest and go into the portal - you will find yourself on the west coast.

From the place where the hidden portal was, go upstairs, climb the stairs, then right and into the forest. Go down the stairs, go right, go up, go right, down, go down the two stairs and go right into the city. Go down to the next screen, go further and go into the house. Talk to the child - he will say that in the forest temple there is a creature that eats anything - and look at the map.

Go back to the forest, go up the two stairs and go up. You can see a dark crystal at the top. Go a little to the right, go up the stairs, then right, up, left, into another screen. Go left and, if you want to take another secret weapon, go to the leftmost tree (it stands separately) from above - you will fall into the hole that this tree covers with its crown.

You will find yourself in a dungeon. At the top of the screen is its “floor”; in total you have to go through a hundred of these dungeon rooms. The further you go, the darker the background becomes (more precisely, starting from the 10th, 20th, 40th, 50th and 80th rooms). When you kill all the enemies in a given room, a staircase leading up will appear at the top, and a hole will appear in the middle to the next room. In every tenth room a “leader” awaits you, and it does not depend on which room you fell from. After defeating each leader, a quarter of your lives are restored, a portal appears below, leading to the 1st room, and a chest falls from above next to the portal, and there is a certain item in the chest. In the 10th room there will be three swordsmen, and in the chest there is an elixir. In the 20th - 4 huge "amoebas" (as on the way to the 4th spirit) and Dyt Call. In the 30th - 4 horned hedgehogs and Efr Call. In the 40th - 4 harpies and Shd Call. In the 50th - 4 mages and Bow Call. In the 60th, meteorites will fall on you, just run away from them. After them you will receive a water gem. In the 70th - 2 fire snakes and a fire gem. In the 80th - 10 bats and a black gem. In the 90th - 4 lizards and a green gem. In the last, hundredth room, first you will see a flying light. If you hit him, he will split into two, but he will not lose any lives, so it is better not to touch him for now. A few seconds after you are in the room, a stone giant will fall from above, like in a cave. Kill him - the light will become mortal, kill him too. In the chest that appears, finally take the endless Omega sword.

From the tree, go down, right, down, go right, to another screen, summon Shade and come back. If you go up the stairs and go left, at the bottom you can see a chest surrounded on all sides by trees. To take it, use the Doppelganger move and look under the stairs for a hidden portal. Activate it and enter - you will appear at the top, where you can take the chest. Now, if you don't need the Shade, just jump down on the right side and enter the temple; if you need Shade, jump to the right from the right side, in another screen call the spirit, go back, go up the stairs, go left, go down twice, right and use Shade to get to the other end and enter the temple. If you have already jumped down, but you need a spirit, go down, go down, go up the stairs on the right and go up - you will find yourself in the screen where the crystal was on the left (see description above). In any case, you need to go to the temple.

Forest Temple

All rooms marked with * have unlit torches. They should be lit so that a stone giant appears in the main room.

Main room
Here you have to fight three gargoyles at once. After defeating them, a passage will open to you in the western part of the room.

*1st room to the left
This room has many spikes on wheels, and in the center there is a "chest". It's actually a chest-like monster. Kill him (it’s best to stand between the two vertical spikes on wheels directly below the chest, move a little to attract the spike on the left, and when he returns, hit the chest) - a chest with a golden key for the door in the main room will fall from above. Go back there and open the door.

*1st room to the right
As soon as you enter here, porcupines will start falling from above. There is another yellow door in the upper right corner of the room. Approach it and an ogre will fall from above. Kill him and take the golden key he left behind. Go to the next room.

*2nd room to the right
Kill the enemies, then go up the stairs, summon Shade from the crystal and break this crystal. If you don't have anything that causes fire, you can go to the right, break three cars there and take bombs. There is also another, dark crystal. After you've climbed the stairs, move to the left and grab the golden key. Now go to the third room. To do this, go down and go right.

3rd room to the right
Here, just go upstairs, through the yellow door.

*4th room to the right
Take the blue key from the chest and press the green button - two more chests will appear at the top. Now go back to the second room.

2nd room to the right
Open the blue door and move on.

5th room to the right
This room contains four moving platforms and four unlit fires. There is also a yellow door in the upper left corner of the room, and a closed passage in the upper right. You will appear at the very bottom. Light a fire next to you, move to the “horizontal” platform (moving left/right), and light another fire on the left. Then from the beginning to the “vertical” platform, from it to the “horizontal” one, light a fire on the left, move to the platform between two doors, then to the right, there will be a fire below. After you have lit all the fires, an “amoeba” will appear near them. At first they are large and slow. After they run out of one life, they shrink and become faster - only 4 lives. After you kill them all, a passage will open at the top. If you go to the right of the last fire, you will find yourself in the 4th room, where you need to light the torch and you can take the black gem. It is better to do this before or during the appearance of the "amoebas", but if you have already killed them, go into the opened passage (if you go to the 4th room and return, they will appear again).

*6th room to the right
Just take the golden key (don't forget the torch), go back to the 5th room and open the yellow door on the left.

*7th room to the right
Take the green key, now go back to the 1st room to the left and open the green door.

2nd room to the left
In this room, huge boulders are rolling in two rows, there are stakes in two rows and a chest at the very bottom between them. Take the golden key from the chest and go left. The path to the top is blocked by fire. To remove it, you need Dytto, who can be summoned in the room on the left. Break the crystal and go to the room on the left.

*3rd room to the left
As soon as you enter, “amoebas” will begin to appear from left to right at the top and bottom, there are six of them in total, and the more “right” they are, the larger they are. Kill them - a chest with a red key will fall on the left and drops of water will begin to fall. Summon Dytto from them and go back.

2nd room to the left
Go up the stairs, turn off the fire and go through the yellow door.

*4th room to the left
Kill all the zombies (16 in total) - the passage above will open.

*5th room to the left
Press the button - a narrow passage will open in the 4th room. Return to the 4th room and enter it.

*6th room to the left
Go up the stairs and take the blue key. If you want to take the secret, break the wall in the middle at the top - a narrow passage will open, enter it. Here you need to press two buttons at the same time. This can be done using the Shade Doppelganger technique, or you can throw a bomb on one button and quickly stand on the other. After both buttons are pressed, a chest with a fire gem will fall from above. Return to the fifth room and open the blue door.

*7th room to the left
Take the second red key from the chest and place the boulder on the button - a passage will open in the 7th room to the right (it leads here, to the 7th to the left, but you will appear at the top), now go right (don’t forget about the torch) and into the portal - you will find yourself in the 4th room to the left (where the zombies were), but at the top. Go down to the end, take the black gem, jump off, go to the 7th room to the right and enter the passage that opens. Go up, then left, light the torch, take the red key and enter the teleport - you will appear in the main room.

If you have lit all the torches, a stone giant will fall from above, like in a cave. Now go through the red door, go further, open the second one, where you can summon either Dytto or Shade, and finally, the third one, where the leader is waiting for you.

You will find yourself in a room that is mostly a huge chasm with a small strip of "earth" along its edges. In the center of the abyss there is a ball on which an incomprehensible magician sits, firing energy charges in all directions. Platforms fly around the ball at different distances from it. After some time, the magician materializes some strange round creature Green colour and resembling "amoeba". When it is close to you, it tries to give you an electric shock. If you kill this creature, it will appear again soon. To defeat the leader, you need to destroy the ball. If you hit a magician, when he dies, a new one will appear on top. If you have any bow, especially the Atm Bow, just stand on the edge of the patch and shoot the ball until it is destroyed.

After defeating the enemy, a passage will open in the north of the room. Enter it, remove the blue door with the handcuff, move on, approach the cube and press B. Now you have the fourth spirit - Bow. Read the instructions for using his magic - after that you will find yourself at the entrance to the forest temple - and look at the map: the flag will point to the castle.

First you need to get out of the forest. Go down, jump, go up the stairs to the right, go right, go down twice and go right into the city.

Before going to the castle, you can return to the secrets (remember places (1), (2), and others?). Return to location one (1), which is a screen to the right of the city. To get to the chest, go another screen to the right and to the very top. There you can see a small green lawn, in the center of which there is a hidden portal. Activate it with your cuff and enter - you will find yourself next to a chest containing a black gem.
Now, for place (2) we need Shade. Go from the screen where you activated the portal, up and to the right - you will find yourself in the screen with the waterfall temple. Climb under the bridge and summon the spirit from the crystal. By the way, on the way to place (2), from the village, go down to the very beginning - there will be a chest with a green gem that appeared after you took the Bow. When you reach the third room of the temple, move to the left with the help of the spirit and take the black gem from the chest.
Now go to the place (3), call Bow from the plant, and in the next room have him break the grate at the top (you can move him to it by pressing A twice). Enter the passage and kill all the enemies - four chests with four gems will fall from above, all of them different. By the way, if you now continue the path as when you walked to the ship, then there will be no rolling boulders and enemies in the last room. Other secrets later.

In the city, go down to the next screen, go further and enter the house. Climb through the narrow passage - you will find yourself in a small room with a plant and a grate. Summon Bow - he will break the grate - and go up. This way you will find yourself in the castle, in the room where there was a chest that you could not get to. It will contain a green gem. Jump down and go to the throne room. The Silver Handcuff awaits you there. Approach and he will give you the task of finding a huge cube and throwing you into a stream of water. You will find yourself in a dungeon.


At first, the current will carry you down and you will not be able to move. Then you will find yourself in the main room.

Main room
It consists of two screens: in the first there is a small pond with a narrow passage and a staircase leading to the second screen; in the second there are yellow and green doors and a plant. Climb through the narrow passage and you will find yourself in the sewer. Crawl up, then right and down and enter the 1st room.

1st room
Kill all the zombies - a chest with a golden key will fall from above. Now go back to the main room and open the yellow door, but call Bow first.

2nd room
This room consists of two screens: on the right you will see a dark crystal, on the left - a grate. Let your spirit break it, go back and summon Shade. Go into the opened passage (where there was a grate).

3rd room
It is a body of water on which “puddles” jump and in the middle of which there is a worm. When you are on his line, that is, to the right, left, below or above him and quite close, he crawls out of the ground and tries to bite you - hit him at this time. If he succeeds, he will bite you until you die or make him stop. It will be quite difficult to do this, but try to quickly press the arrow of some direction - after a while you will be free. If you kill him, he will leave behind a green gem. Go into the narrow passage on the upper left and you will find yourself in the sewer. Keep pressing right until you get to the 4th room.

4th room
You may have noticed two passages into this room in the sewer - you entered the lower one (it's on the left in the room). Two or three seconds after you appear, the fire will close both passages, so move away immediately. Kill all the zombies and armadillos - a chest with a green key will fall from above. Then go left and use Shade to break the chests and “pull” their contents towards you. One of them will contain a black gem, the other will contain a blue key. Now summon Dytto, use it to put out the fire and go to the right passage. In the sewer, press left, then, when the current stops carrying you down and you find yourself next to the 1st room, crawl left and up, then down into the main room. Open the green door there.

5th room
It will quickly begin to fill with “puddles”. If you kill them all, a chest with a green gem will fall from above. Enter the narrow passage, and in the sewer, keep right until you get to the next room.

6th room
Here you will see a creature that drains your magical energy if you have a spirit with you. You can hit him only when he does it (or tries to do it); if you don't have spirit, it is just a formless piece. Using Dytto (it can be summoned from the falling droplets on the left), extinguish the fire on the right and go into the passage.

Main room
You will find yourself in the bottom screen on the right side of the room. Put out the fire, move on, put out two more fires, then call Bow from the plant on the left, let him break the grate at the top. Move on.

7th room
This room is located as if outside the 2nd. Break the crystal, go up the stairs and go left to the second screen, go down, stand on the button so that the balls on the left stop appearing again, and move your spirit there. Due to the fact that it moves all the time, even though its base stands still, the button will be either pressed or pressed. Use the Poison Pollen technique so that the button is pressed all the time (Bow will at least disappear, but will expand), and run to the next screen. Go up, right, to the 4th screen of this room, go down the stairs and if you want the green gem, go left, kill the false chest and take it. In the 4th screen, call on Dytto, use it to remove the waterfall covering the blue door, come closer to it so that while your hero is standing, firing a charge from the handcuff, he is not carried down, remove it and enter the opened passage.

Approach the cube and press B. This will cause a portal to appear, which will take you to the throne room. Talk to the king to open the doors to the outside, and look at the map: the flag will point to the mountains.

Exit the castle and go right a screen. Appearing in this screen, you will hear a sound - this is a path leading to the mountains. Go upstairs, go up the stairs, then into the next screen - you will find yourself in the forest. Going up, along the road you can notice a chest on the left. If you want, jump to the left and take the green gem from it, although you will have to return to the city (down the screen, then to the right), and from there to the mountains. Go up all the time, in another screen - already real mountains - too, until you reach a dark crystal. Summon Shade and jump to the right, then go down, to the right, if you want to take the green gem, go down - there will be a chest there. Go upstairs, go up the three stairs and go up another screen. Go left to the end, go up the stairs, then right, use the spirit to get to the other side, then right, up, go up the stairs. Jump to the right, take the black gem, jump down and go up the stairs. If you go up, then to the right, you will find yourself at the fortress. Take the green gem from the chest.

If you want to continue searching for secrets, jump to the right and go right to the next screen. By the way, to get to the top where you just took the green gem, you need to activate the hidden portal, which is located in the center of the narrow passage to the left of the two stairs leading to the red door, although it is already open.
First you need to choose where to go. If you go to place (4), you don’t have to go through the cave again, but enter the hidden portal - you will find yourself at another exit, but without Shade, although it can be summoned from a warrior with a club in the 3rd room of the fortress (see above), which near. It takes a long time to go through the cave to leave the spirit. And if you go straight to (5), you will then find yourself in a completely different place and will have to come back here again. Although, if you have Shd Call and don't mind it, it's better to go to place (4).
Get to the cave, in the cave go down into the screen with water and fall into the whirlpool. If you have Shade, remove it: it will prevent you from falling. After falling four times in this way, you will find yourself in a room with falling stones. Stop them by pressing the button and go to the main room. Summon Shade from the crystal, go right, to the other side of the room, and exit the cave. You are now at place (4). From the entrance to the cave, go a little to the right, cross to the other side with the help of your spirit and take the black gem from the chest. Now use your spirit to find the hidden portal (it's right under the hook). This portal will take you straight to another cave exit.
At place (5), grab onto the hook with the help of the spirit and fall into the whirlpool (you will have to remove the spirit). You'll find yourself in a room with a waterfall at the top and two streams to the left and right. There are various objects in the left stream and in some places there are vertical and horizontal barriers: horizontal - so that the stream does not carry you down all the time, and vertical - so that you cannot get into another part. If you want to take the secret weapon and 50 Omega Sword, discard the two you don't need (or one if you only want the secret weapon or Omega Sword). Go to the left stream (there is nothing on the right), preferably in the center. Stay still and let him carry you down. When you see the green gem below, time it to grab it, then immediately run left to grab the Omega sword. When you find yourself to the left of the barrier and the current begins to carry you away again, stop and just go left. We need to calculate it so that we can take the sword. If you don't stop and keep running, you can take the cabbage. After the sword, if you hold it to the left, you can take the endless Metal bow, and if you run to the right, when the flow carries you (after the sword there is another horizontal barrier), you can take the water gem. But we must take into account that if you take an onion, you cannot take gemma and vice versa. After the bow, you need to hold a little to the left to take the Shd Call, and after it, if you stay about the middle, you will take the elixir. Now hold left to get onto the left horizontal platform. If you want to get into the left stream again, run up and keep to the right until you reach the right stream. Jump into it and run up. Once at the top, you can go to the left stream and pick up the remaining items. When you fall into the whirlpool at the very bottom, you will find yourself at the waterfall temple.

Return to the mountains, to the place where you climbed the stairs and then took the black gem. After the stairs, jump to the left, go left, go up the other stairs and you will see the Silver Cuff and the princess. Talk to him and enter the temple of nothingness.

Temple of Nothingness

1st room
Kill all the enemies, including the bats, so that a passage opens in the north of the room.

2nd room
It is a narrow corridor with small branches along which boulders roll. Escape from the boulders in these branches, then, when they stop for a while, make your way up.

3rd room
Here, a stream of water will periodically fall on you, though not from north to south, but vice versa, that is, it carries you forward, not back. There are also two “amoebas” flying in this room: orange and green. The orange one leaves an elixir, the green one leaves a water gem. If you have Shade, it will prevent you from falling, so to get to the next room, cancel it.

4th room
Kill all the enemies - a ladder will appear at the top. Climb it, kill everyone again - a passage will open at the top.

5th room
This room contains three worms, two chests, and several porcupines. If you kill all the worms, a chest with a fire gem will fall from above. Jump to the left and move on.

6th room
Go left to the end, jumping over streams of water, then up.

7th room
Go upstairs to the next room.

8th room
Here the fire blocks your path. To remove it, return to the 7th room and summon Dytto. Put out the fire, go down the stairs, go up, jumping from island to island, and further.

9th room
Kill the bombardier, summon Shade from the crystal and use it to take the green gem from the chest behind the stones. Now break the crystal (Efreet can be summoned from the fire nearby), go to the 8th room, call Bow and go back. Go down the stairs, then up, break the grate and go right.

10th room
There is a red door in the upper right corner of the room. For now, go down, to the right, into the next room.

11th room
Kill the ogres - a button will appear. Click on it - a platform will start working in the 10th room. Here you can take the green gem from the chest.

10th room
Using the moving platform, make your way down, take the black gem, then left, onto another platform, and down.

12th room
Kill the "amoebas", then go down and press the button so that bombs fall on top of the stones and explode these stones. Climb the stairs and go left - you will find yourself on the right side of the 8th room, next to the chest. Take the red key, go to the 10th room and open the red door.

13th room
To the north of the room is a closed passage and two chests next to it. On the right side of the room, behind the lava, there is a torch. Light it and the passage will open. You can summon Efreet, send him up by pressing A twice, and make him shoot fire in all directions by holding A for a second and releasing.

14th room
If you kill all the enemies, a chest with 30 units of the Death sword will fall from above. On the left side of the room there are items for summoning spirits: a plant (if Bow is with you, it is not there), a dark crystal, fire and a fountain. Go right into another room.

15th room
There are five platforms: on the middle one there is a button, on the rest there are objects for summoning spirits. Click on the button - buttons will appear on other platforms. Press the buttons next to the objects in this order: geyser, fire, crystal, plant (in this order you found the spirits). If you press the wrong button, meteorites will start falling from above. If this happens, go to the 14th room and come back. After all the buttons are pressed, a bridge will appear in the 14th room leading to the leader.

The leader consists of two large open eyes with a third closed at the top; all this moves left and right. Sometimes meteorites will start falling on you from above, sometimes a gravitational ball will appear that will attract you to itself. After the leader has less than half his lives left, he will sometimes stop and shoot a laser beam from his third eye directly in front of him. To defeat him, fire a charge from the handcuff into the left or right eye - the third eye will open - and hit him there.

After the battle with him, you will find yourself in a screen in which stones will first fall. It's better to stand still so they don't hit you. After a while they will stop falling. Go to the right screen. Kill all the enemies on the left side of the screen - a chest with a golden key will fall from above between the stakes. Take the key, go right, then down. At the bottom of the next screen, move the lever to the right so that the fountain on the stairs stops working. Go up the stairs, throw a bomb on the button - a door will open on the left - go down and move the lever back to the left. This is necessary to turn off the fountains in the building. Now call Shade, enter the door, go up there, enter the yellow door - you will find yourself on the roof. Move to another roof, clinging to the hook, and press the button - the water level in the building will drop. Return to the first roof, go through the door, go down and press the button that appears after the water has subsided - a chest with a red key will appear at the top, in the northern part of the room. Now go to the roof again, move to the left and go up. You will find yourself in the screen where you took the golden key before. Go left, then down, into another screen. Here your path will be blocked by fire. To put it out you need Dytto. Return to the previous screen and summon the spirit from the "puddle". Go back, turn off the fire, go down and go left. Here, if you kill everyone, a chest with a fire gem will fall from above. Next, break the crystal on the left and move on. If you want to take Shd Call, throw a bomb at the button - pressing the button causes bombs to fall from above - and go up - a bunch of zombies will come out of the ground. The bombs will blow up the zombies so you don't have to deal with them yourself, although they may hit you and a chest with Shd Call will fall on top. If you don't need this item, just run up. You will now appear in the start screen, only on the left side. Go up to the bridge, kill everyone there (you can call Shade from a warrior with a club) and enter the red door. By the way, as soon as you open it, in the initial screen, on the right side, a portal star will appear leading to the mountains, from where you got to the temple of nothingness (a portal will appear in the mountains leading here).

Agito Castle

In the main room, kill everyone - a chest with a golden key will fall from above, next to the levers. Also light the two torches below and place the lower left lever to the left. Enter the yellow door in the upper left corner of the room. Jump onto the platform in the center of the room and press the button. Go right, jump onto the moving platform, then up, press the button and light the torch. Jump onto the platform on the left, from it to the left, press another button and light the torch. If you have lit all four torches (two in the main room and two in this room), the passage in the upper left corner will open. Enter it. Next there are two passages, you will appear on the left. Go to the right one. Kill the club warrior and summon Shade from the mirror, although it can also be summoned from the warrior. If you kill all the enemies here (to hit the enemies above, do a jump kick), two chests will fall along the edges of the room, the contents of which can be taken from above. If you can't reach the enemies at the top, leave this place for now (you'll come back here later). Go right, then down. In the next room there are two rows of stakes, and below them is a button. “Amoebae” are constantly coming at you from below, and they appear endlessly. To stop their appearance, you need to press the button. This is where Shade and his Doppelganger move will help. Go down and outside. There is a hole outside that leads to the main room. Skip it for now and go right to another screen. Go right and up and take the green key from the chest. Go back and fall down the hole - you'll end up next to a blue door. Place the lever next to you, so the two left levers will be turned to the left, and the two right ones will be turned to the right. If everything is done correctly, the passage in the center will open. Enter it and take the blue key. Now go to the room with the moving platforms (the door in the upper left corner) and enter the green door in the upper right corner of the room - you will find yourself in the magicians' room. After you kill all the magicians, two chests will fall from above and a passage will open at the top. Enter it, place the stones on the left and right on the buttons, and stand on the button in the middle - a dark crystal will appear. Summon Shade and use it to find the hidden portal, activate it and enter. Although, in order not to have to worry about the stones and not to look for this portal, just release the charge as soon as you enter the room. After entering the portal, go left, call Shade, go back, stand on one button and, using the Doppelganger technique, press two buttons at the same time. After this, two chests with a water gem and a red key will fall from above. Now jump up, go into the right passage, then right, down until you come out. Fall down the hole and go through the blue door. Go down, then to the right, call Shade and break one or two of the three crystals (you should leave it just in case). Using your spirit, press the button at the top to make the stakes part, go up, then left. Now you will find yourself in a room with a mirror, but already at the top. If you killed everyone before, there will be chests along the edges of the room. If not and you want to take something, do it now (throw bombs at the warrior with the club below). You can take green and black gems from chests using Shade. Go left, then down and jump off. Go down, call Bow and let him break the bars. Enter the opened passage, go to the right, remove either the crystal or the fire that is preventing you from passing, and go up the stairs. Enemies will come at you from above, and until you press the button at the top, they will not end. Shade can be summoned from the crystal in the previous room, although if you broke it, summon the spirit from the mace warrior. After you kill all the enemies, a chest with a green gem will fall on top next to the button. Enter the red door - the Silver Handcuff will be waiting for you there.

First he will summon gray ogres, a warrior with a club, a lizard and a swordsman. Kill them and better approach him. If you have a big sword, it's best to hold it in the top corner: just hit him until he dies. Sometimes he can jump away - then you won't hit him - sometimes he will call someone who will interfere with you, and sometimes he will try to hit you. After his defeat, he will escape into the passage above. Follow him and you will meet Agito.

Agito is a huge creature standing motionless in some kind of body of water. The only moving part of his body is his neck, and even then it does not always move. First, his tentacle will appear from the water on the left, which will shoot at you. Destroy him and, if there are no other tentacles yet, Agito will begin to move his neck - hit him at this time. After the first tentacle is destroyed, some small green men will start jumping out of the water and explode when they come into contact with you. Destroy three more tentacles - Agito will be vulnerable for quite a long time. Then four more tentacles will appear, and then four more. After this, only little men will come out of the water and you will be able to hit the enemy all the time. After he has less than half his life left, he will start shooting fire at you.

After defeating him, talk not with the Silver Handcuff, but with your older sister. Then they will show you the ending (animated insert), then the credits, and then your game results.

Time Time it took you to complete the game
Rank Number of hearts you took
Max H.P. Maximum amount your lives
Max S.P The maximum amount of your magical powers
Deaths The number of deaths you have had in a given save (or game)
Kills The number of enemies you killed
Jewels Number of gems you found
Class How the game evaluates your achievements

Your class depends on the time you complete, the number of hearts taken, gems found, deaths and enemies killed. Moreover, the more gems you found and killed enemies and the less everything else, the higher your class. If you take all 60 gems (where to get them is written in the walkthrough), beat the game as quickly as possible and do not take a single heart, there is a chance to get the Super Hero class.

If you press A, B or C, you will see the top five players. It will show their time, their number of hearts, enemies killed and gems found. If you press A, B or C again you will be taken to a screen with your results.



Publisher: Sega
Developer: Ancient
Genre: Action Role-Playing
Release Date: Dec 8, 1994 (more)
ESRB Descriptors: Animated Violence


Many years ago, a terrible battle shook the lands of the Kingdom of Oasis. The two strongest magicians Reharl and Agito fought. They received their magical powers from magical armlets. The magicians died and the armlets were considered missing. However, one of them fell into the wrong hands. And I found another main character games, Prince Ali, and now he must learn to control the four spirits and save his kingdom from the invasion of all evil spirits.

Prince Ali, who loves to do excavations, one day discovered a strange armlet. The spirit of the deceased magician, who appeared from the armlet, told him interesting story. After listening to her, Ali understood that the evil that had been driven away many years ago was returning, and only he was able to resist it.
A fairly standard premise for the best console RPG of 1995. The release of Beyond Oasis amazed all RPG fans. It is very similar to another great RPG - Land Stalker.
However, Beyond Oasis took a huge step back in terms of RPG elements. The dialogues have been simplified, only riddles remain.
This upset many role players, but not for long - in everything else she made a breakthrough.
Detailed, beautiful graphics (isometric), excellent sound, interesting plot - there are no complaints. The main part of the game you will fight with enemies and solve interesting riddles.
During the game you will be joined by 4 computer-controlled spirits. They have different abilities that add variety to the game. We recommend it to all gamers.
The Story of Thor (outside the US)


Development Team/Team:

Music Composer
Yuzo Koshiro
Main Program & System Design
Yukio Takahashi
Monster Event & Sound Program
Hideki Koyama
Monster & Visual Program
Akitoshi Kamano
Game Design & Main Planning
Kataru Uchimura
Map Design & Event Design
Tetsuya Kameata
Art Direction & Character Design
Piano Koshiro
Object art & Illustration
Hitoski Ariga
Background Graphic Art
Kiroki Tatemukai
Background Graphic Art
Hajime Chikani
Story & Script writer
Juri Ogama
Producer & Music Composer
Yuzo Koshiro
Tony Van
Product Manager
Jaime Wojick

Secrets and Walkthrough/Secrets

Once in the kingdom of Oasis, two great wizards Reharl and Agito did not share something and, just like people, fought to the death.
Of course, they finished each other off. But they left behind two handcuffs from the armor - gold and silver. One fine day, Prince Ali was digging in the dirt (princes often do this) and dug up a golden handcuff! And as soon as he took it in his hands, a fiery genie appeared out of nowhere. He ordered the Prince to find four spirits and go out to fight with the devilish silver handcuff, which “possesses” the soul of the ill-fated old man.
Why the game is called “The Story of Thor” is a complete mystery, maybe because it sounds better than “The Story of Ali”.
You play the role of Prince Ali, prowling the scrolling screen and trying to find the four magical spirits of the handcuff. From the very beginning you will be amazed by the beautiful animation. Our prince in funny pants moves very fluidly and freely, runs, jumps, crawls.
And how deliciously he splashes into the water!
In general, Ali is not very talkative. In fact, he simply does not say a single word, but communicates with people as if bumping into them and receiving written messages. But Ali doesn’t answer them. But this does not in any way affect the quality of this wonderful action role-playing adventure!
At the very beginning, Ali stumbles upon a group of bandits in a village near his home castle. Several lightning strikes with a dagger, and only the dead are flying around! The longer you advance in the game, the cooler and more dangerous your enemies become - spearmen, giants, zombies, winged demons and other evil spirits!
As the game progresses, you pick up various weapons: bows, crossbows, bombs, swords. You can practically determine which weapon is better against your opponent.
It's simply amazing to fight against beautifully drawn enemies and hear them groan in agony as their energy drops to zero. It's very funny when enemies destroy each other with firebombs or blows of swords.
Spirits are especially useful against the most powerful enemies: the giant spider, the fire-breathing skull and the giant snake monster. But the spirits are with you, and there is nothing to be afraid of.
Of course, this is an action role-playing adventure, but very good level. And like any adventure game, it is full of collecting objects, keys, searching for switches, moving rocks - a lot of intelligence is not required, but fights with enemies compensate for everything, and the game captivates you for a long time.
When you kill enemies, some products are left behind. Choose them, they will be very useful to you:

Bread (bread). Restores a quarter of your Hit Points.
Fish (fish). Restores half of your strike points.
Meat (meat). Restores three quarters of impact points.
Joint (ham). Restores full impact points.
Lemon (lemon). Restores a quarter of magic spell points.
Apple (apple). Restores half of your magic points.
Fruit (fruit). Restores three quarters of magic points.
Grapes (grapes). Maximum magic points.
Cabbage (cabbage). Restores half of your shock and magic points.

In addition to food, you will also find weapons; use them wisely, taking into account the enemy and the availability of ammunition:

Dagger (dagger). You start the game with this weapon. It is not very powerful, but it can be used an unlimited number of times.
Sword (sword). It is longer than a dagger, but after 20 hits you lose it.
Broadsword (sword with a wide blade). It is more powerful than a normal sword and can be used 30 times.
Bow (bow). Excellent at hitting enemies at a distance, but you only have 5 arrows.
Fire bow (fire bow). Shoots fire arrows - instantly kills most enemies.
Bomb (bomb). Throw it at an enemy and it will explode. You can pick up very powerful bombs.

This is a role-playing adventure of a very high level. Like any adventure, it is full of travel, fights with enemies, collecting objects, keys, etc. The game will captivate you for a long time.

Special Moves:

Grand Spin: Press and hold B, rotate the direction key clockwise, release B.
Flip Slash: Press and hold B, press FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, release B.
XTriple Flip (with Ali Dagger):
* For 1 hit, press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN, UP, B.
* For 2 beats, press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN, UP, B, B.
* For 3 beats, press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN, UP, B, B, B.
XSword Barrage (with any sword): Press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, DOWN, UP, B.

Please note: When pressing buttons, be aware of the direction you are facing.

Useful tips

Infinite Omega Sword. Destroy up to a hundred monsters, including bosses in the underground tomb in the forest.
- After you get off the ship, you will enter a cave. If you blow up a small brick under the waterfall, you will receive a crossbow. He will help you defeat the stone guard.
- In the temple where Dyto is, you need to enter and exit several times. You will receive swords.
- If you entered a cave where a man in black stands, you probably noticed a waterfall that pushes you off a cliff. If you can stand on the red stone, you can get Elixir.
- Elixir can also be found in another cave if you knock the troll off the boulder.
- In the castle where the king and queen sit, you can find up to fifty swords.