Scientists: new evidence of the existence of aliens has been found. UFO photos - real or fictitious evidence of the existence of aliens

The first mentions of encounters with aliens and the existence of mysterious UFOs began to appear several hundred years ago. The photographs became convincing confirmation of their presence on our planet. For the first time, photographs of unidentified flying objects began to be published in XIX century. Photos of UFOs arouse interest among ufologists and make people seriously think about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, although their authenticity cannot be proven 100%

"Organic" UFO in Canada

In the summer of 2017, Canadian photographer Ken Rice was shooting outdoors and saw a mysterious anomaly in the sky. The unidentified flying object photographed by Ken appears to resemble a brown disk with pointed spikes on its sides.

The photographer himself talks about the discovery: “At 8 pm I was photographing nature near the Colonel Sam Drive highway. This thing appeared in the sky just out of nowhere. She hung in place for two minutes. But then it accelerated sharply and disappeared into the clouds. I don’t think it was a bird or an animal because it flew over the horizon in a split second.”

Rice shared photographs of UFOs with Canadian ufologists. Experts said that they had never seen anything like this before. Now the photographs are being studied by researchers from the USA and Canada. They are trying to determine what exactly the photographer photographed: an alien aircraft or an animal unknown to science.

What secrets does the Apollo program hide?

In 2013, NASA published open access Photos taken during the Apollo program from 1969 to 1972. Everyone had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them and see in detail how flights to the Moon took place. The pictures, of course, caused a serious stir among experts trying to prove the existence of UFOs.

Ufologist Valentin Degterev, who is searching for real UFO photos in Russia, is sure that all photos are seriously censored. He carefully studied the photographs and is sure that he found evidence of the existence of intelligent beings, alien aircraft and their base on the Moon.

In several photographs he noticed a ship following Apollo. The specialist is sure that American astronauts couldn't help but notice him. The UFO that pursued Apollo was about 10 times its size.

“NASA tried to hide a lot from people. In several pictures they were clearly trying to cover up the mysterious object. It is believed that this photo shows an alien base. In another photo, a large ship is visible near the lander. The photo was specially illuminated. But NASA couldn’t completely remove the contours of the ship,” Degterev said.

Photos of UFOs and real aliens are posted by users from different parts of the world. Scotland was no exception. In the town of Falkirk, above the Kelpie statue, made in the form of a pair of horse heads, eyewitnesses managed to photograph a glowing aircraft.

Despite the fact that we have been told all our lives that the pyramids were built by slaves, their special location forces proponents of the theory of alien contact to advance their assumptions in this regard. If we take a closer look, we can see that all the pyramids of Giza were built at the intersection of the longest lines of latitude and longitude. Given the age of the pyramids, at the time of their construction the Egyptians had a vague knowledge of the shape of the planet. How can one explain such a strange arrangement of the pyramids? Just luck or outside interference?

4 Vimanas

The ancient Indian epic represented by the Mahabharata and Ramayana described great battle which occurred in the skies over India. It was attended by combatants aircraft- the so-called “vimanas”, unknown beings, nuclear bombs and explosions caused by weapons so powerful that they most likely belonged to another world. There are only two options for explaining the events described: perhaps in this way the ancient Indians tried to explain the nature of thunderstorms and storms, or what was described actually happened and was extraterrestrial origin.

3 Sarcophagus of Pakal<

The Great Pacal was a well-known ruler of the city of Palenque who reigned in the seventh century AD. After his death, according to local traditions, he was buried in the Temple of the Inscriptions in an intricate sarcophagus. This sarcophagus has become one of the main subjects of research devoted to the study of Mayan culture, in addition, it has become one of the main evidence of the existence of aliens. Many believe that Pacal is depicted in one of the paintings covering the sarcophagus, where he leaves the planet in spaceship, controlling its progress and breathing through an oxygen tube connected to the mouth.

2 Puma Punku

The Puma Punku complex is located in the highlands of Bolivia. It includes ancient ruins and giant blocks covered in intricate carvings scattered across the ground. These ruins are more than a thousand years old, but the fact is that the tools with which it would be possible to create such drawings simply did not exist then. This fact became the main evidence of alien intervention in the affairs of earthlings.

1 Nazca Drawings

It is common knowledge that the Nazca paintings of Peru were created by people who lived there between 300 BC and 800 AD. The lines make up various images of animals and geometric shapes, but the main feature of this place is that you can only see them while high in the air. The question arises: who used them? The lines were drawn long before the first airplanes appeared, and in ancient Mayan times there were no semblances of flying machines. This suggests that the drawings were probably drawn for “someone” who was flying past, and perhaps served as landing marks.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Today we continue the theme of aliens. Purpose of this article− correctly answer the question: do aliens really exist, provide facts and prove the existence of aliens. But before you start reading this article, we suggest you familiarize yourself with this one:

Do aliens exist? Definitely - yes, aliens and extraterrestrials actually exist, they have visited and are visiting our planet. They know about the existence of alien structures: secret world government, space agencies, high-ranking politicians and some military personnel. This information is kept strictly confidential.

3 facts that prove the existence of an alien nation

Here are a few facts that will help answer the question - do aliens really exist?

1 fact of the existence of aliens.

Pyramids. The most famous are the Egyptian pyramids - a place that some researchers consider well studied, others say that over the years of research we have not come one iota closer to solving the construction of the structures. Every year questions are added to which no one gives a definitive correct answer.

  • Why location Egyptian pyramids in the Giza region corresponds to the location of the stars of the constellation Orion?
  • Why did the builders disguise the principle of building the pyramids?
  • What kind of energy is generated in the pyramids?
  • How did multi-ton megaliths move?
  • Why is the location of all the earth's pyramids united into a single complex and strictly systematized?
  • Are the pyramids earth clones or vice versa?

Researchers are looking for answers and warn that soon human history will have to be completely rewritten.

In 2002, the whole world was looking forward to solving the mystery of the pyramids in Giza, when the National Geographic TV channel team began an operation to open the secret door of the Cheops pyramid, which had been approaching for 10 years. The drill carefully made a hole in the slab, clearing the passage for the camera. Everyone's anticipation ended in fiasco again. Behind the door there was a new door, and even with a crack, which no one was ready to open.

If we are not able to understand the principle of structures, the method of construction, what can we say about people who lived hundreds of years BC. There is no information or drawings confirming the construction of the pyramids by the Egyptians, there are no additional roads, complex technological systems to unravel how the blocks were delivered to the construction site and hoisted tens of meters into the air.

All over the Earth there are pyramidal complexes, subject to strict mathematical calculations. In Tibet, E. Muldashev discovered hundreds of pyramid-shaped structures and monuments, oriented to the cardinal points, located within the radius of the mysterious Mount Kailash.

In the Chinese province of Shaanxi, a grandiose city of pyramids was discovered in the middle of the last century. The highest of them (300 m) is 2 times higher than the Cheops pyramid! The authorities of the Chinese Republic do not allow foreign researchers to study the ancient monuments, and also modestly talk about successes. Buddhist monks claim that the pyramids were built a long time ago, when China was ruled by emperors - “the sons of the Gods, who descended to earth on fiery metal dragons.”

For the first time in the spring of 2006, on the slope of the Vysocica hill (Bosnia), geologists discovered processed and polished stone blocks that lined the supposed pyramid. Insufficient funding did not allow us to give full information about what is hidden behind the layer of earth, but historian Semir Osmancik has no doubt that this is a pyramid, since its slopes are 30°, and underneath there are voids reminiscent of underground corridors. Despite the fact that people appeared here seven thousand years ago, they were not able to create such a monumental structure.

The earth's pyramids suggest that it is impossible to build them using primitive slave labor, although there are 30 different hypotheses for their construction. This requires advanced technology, a powerful production base and knowledge that to modern man not available.

Video: Aliens really exist

2 the fact of the existence of aliens.

Pictograms in the margins. Before 1980, few people except local farmers had heard of geometrically regular anomalies occurring in fields of wheat or other grains. But today the circles are clearly recognized as a supernatural phenomenon, the result of the work of aliens trying unsuccessfully to establish contact between our civilizations. There is even a science - geoglyphology - that studies such a controversial phenomenon.

On November 16, 1974, an attempt was made to contact aliens by sending an encrypted message into space, to the constellation Hercules. On August 20, 2001, a giant pictogram appeared near the British Observatory. It depicted a man and a humanoid with big head and long arms.

A year later, the message was repeated, but they could not decipher it completely, so the dialogue did not work out. Is it any wonder that there has been no real contact between civilizations if we cannot understand each other at the most primitive level. confirm that aliens exist and they talk to people who are able to tune in to the high vibrations of alien structures.

Crop circles have been documented in 40 countries. If we discard the games of adults in drawing circles to attract attention, 90% of the incomprehensible remains - how did pictograms appear? Modern drawings are complex, reaching hundreds of meters. They depict animals, hieroglyphs, mathematical equations, DNA spirals, and intricate signs that no one can clearly read yet.

The alien origin of the circles is confirmed by the stacking of the ears. The ears in the drawings are neatly bent (crushed), ornately twisted, but not broken. In the same pictogram there are ears of grain twisted into different sides, or in layers, which is impossible for a person to do. Moreover, errors are excluded: all figures are mathematically accurate and flawless. Currently, we do not have a single technology to imitate even a single hieroglyph.

3 the fact of the existence of aliens.

Mysterious caves of China. 26 years ago, in the province of Zhejiang (China), local residents decided to drain a reservoir after discovering an entrance to a cave at the bottom after finishing work. The discovery was reported to the authorities, and soon they discovered 36 grottoes of incredible beauty and architectural complexity, carved into solid rock at a depth of 30 meters.

Steps, passages, bridges, columns are technically processed, and all the walls of the halls are evenly covered with parallel carved lines, reminiscent of the pattern that remains after a mining machine. But this association is based only on our human experience, because scientists cannot explain the appearance of drawings on such grandiose structures.

The version about the hand-made labor of slaves is excluded by the scale of construction. Over the years of excavations, it was not possible to find any tools or any records of unusual project, there are no access structures, there are no millions of cubic meters of removed underground rock. It seems that the aliens stopped on Earth for a week, and in order to have somewhere to live, they built themselves a small temporary “dugout”.

What we bow our heads to in grandeur and beauty did not take much time from the intergalactic guests. Technology allowed them to build housing quickly, decorating the walls with various animals that they saw here: horses, birds, fish. Having rested, they left the Earth, never to remember or return, and not expecting that a person would one day reach the grottoes and begin to fantasize about a grandiose plan that never existed.

The grottoes are unusually well preserved in unfavorable conditions humid environment and did not acquire vegetation and fish. One of the versions - special kind energy generated by underground structures.

The researchers note that the rooms have excellent acoustics. Concerts staged for experimental purposes in underground multi-tiered tunnels confirm that they were not carved spontaneously, but relying on complex acoustic calculations (difficult for us).

For those who claim that the Longue Grottoes were built by ancient people, we recommend trying to recruit a team of like-minded people, arm yourself with a digging stick, a stone chisel, and build at least one analogue of an underground cave.

For two decades, not a single question has been answered: who, for what purpose, for how long, and with what technologies built large-scale structures. And the answer lies on the surface - only aliens could give us such an architectural riddle.

Do you think humans are the only intelligent beings in the Universe? On this issue, debates between skeptics and believers are still ongoing, and the final verdict has not yet been made. Some people are convinced that aliens have visited our planet throughout its history. Stories of UFO sightings and alien abductions are very popular.

Is there really life beyond our planet? And what do these creatures look like? Are they dangerous? There are still no answers to these questions. But some stories, videos and published articles confirm the fact that aliens are very real. Moreover, it is even written about them in the Bible. We invite you to take a look at our selection of evidence that alien creatures still exist and they have even visited Earth more than once.

Richard Hoover, a NASA scientist, announced on March 4, 2011 that fossils of cyanobacteria had been found in carbon-bearing meteorites from space. He published a document where it was said that as a result of studying meteorites under a microscope, bacteria were found in them, tiny single-celled organisms, the structure of which was different from terrestrial representatives. It was also proposed that the found microorganisms be considered evidence of the existence of life in outer space.

Astronauts traveling aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft asked NASA about the location of S-4B (the rocket's position in space), even though it had detached 2 days earlier. This happened because the astronauts noticed that something was following them in space. Buzz Aldrin reported this incident. There have also been reports of astronauts being chased by aliens during their lunar landings.

This happened in 2004, when astronomers noticed a strange object in outer space. They named him Buffy, but scientifically 2004 XR190. This one dwarf planet a very strange orbit with an inclination of 47 degrees to the ecliptic plane. Some researchers suggest that Buffy is an alien sentinel center created to study the behavior of earthly inhabitants.

The unusual stone, named after the explorer John J. Williams who found it in 1998, still haunts scientists. This stone contains a built-in element, the purpose of which is unclear, but appearance it resembles a plug from electrical appliances. Scientists were able to determine the approximate age of the stone – 100,000 years. It is assumed that Enigmalite is of extraterrestrial origin.

A strange artifact was found in Vladivostok (Russia). The gear wheel was “pressed” into a piece of coal, which a local resident was going to use to heat his house. When the find was examined, it was discovered that it consisted almost entirely of aluminum and was made artificially. The gear wheel is 300 million years old. This shocked scientists, since something similar was created by man only in 1825. It is believed that this is one of the parts of an alien spaceship that appeared on Earth a long time ago.

In February 2003 NASA launched the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The project used a giant telescope to study different areas of the sky that had never received radio signals. It is worth noting that almost 200 areas of the sky were checked, and in one of them a high-frequency radio signal was detected, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life near the earth.

This event took place in 1940, when there was talk that several spaceships with aliens on board had been found in the United States. All of them except one named EBE (extra biological entity) were dead. After 13 years, huge objects flew towards earth's surface. Scientists decided that these were asteroids, but when they came closer, they saw that they were spaceships. As part of the PLATO project, communication was established with the aliens and they allegedly told the president to destroy everything nuclear weapons on globe, but the president refused. This project was never resumed.

Several reports have been written about Area 51, a classified US base for the study of alien life. Some researchers have reported that this area contains the remains of unidentified flying objects, as well as the bodies of aliens. And they even say that one of the aliens is still alive. He supposedly arrived on Earth with his group in a spaceship with the goal of capturing the planet, but fell behind the others.

The Betz family was stunned by the discovery of a mysterious silver sphere while they were surveying the aftermath of a forest fire. The family reported that the mysterious ball responded to music and melodies and could roll on its own and return to its original position. The sphere also glowed more in sunny weather. However, the US Navy later analyzed the sphere and concluded that it was an ordinary stainless steel ball. But then one day rustling sounds began to play from inside the mysterious sphere and everyone in the house was horrified when they saw windows and doors slamming at night. It is believed that this may be an extraterrestrial object that was sent by aliens to burn down the forests.

"Wow" signal

This event occurred in August 1977, when a radio telescope detected an unusual radio pulse that lasted about 37 seconds. It came from somewhere in the area of ​​the constellation Sagittarius and showed several signals that had not yet been heard on Earth. Radio signals were on high frequencies(1420.356 MHz), prohibited on our planet. This frequency is the most likely for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. This signal has still not been explained, but it is believed that it was created by someone in outer space to destroy radio communication technology inside the Earth (which, as you can see, failed).

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The question of whether aliens exist has worried humanity for years. many years. Enough time has passed since people began to study space, but even today no one is able to definitively confirm or refute the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. If there is no other life outside our planet, then how can we explain the appearance of mysterious objects in the sky? And why are there no photographs and videos proving the presence of aliens on Earth? Today no one can give unambiguous answers to these questions.

The birth of interest in UFOs

People started talking about aliens seriously in the 19th century. It was at this time that the first mentions of strange creatures visiting the Earth appeared. However, at that time no one called them aliens, and the cars in which they flew to our planet were UFOs. The question of whether there were aliens was of little concern to people in those days.

What fell near Roswell?

They began to study in detail the question of the possibility of the existence of intelligent life beyond the Earth in the middle of the last century. In 1947, information appeared in the media about the crash of an unidentified aircraft near the American city of Roswell (New Mexico). It was even rumored that the bodies of aliens in the UFO fell into the hands of the military. The news caused an unprecedented stir in society, but the American authorities managed to calm the public by declaring that it was not a flying saucer that fell near Roswell, but a weather balloon. But many were skeptical about this statement, being confident that an object of extraterrestrial origin crashed in New Mexico, and the US government hid this information and classified it from others.

What is behind the Roswell incident?

Was there contact with aliens back in 1947? History is silent about this, but over time, news of the UFO crash has acquired new rumors. Witnesses of the crash of an unidentified object said that they noticed scattered bodies of aliens around the plate. Their number, according to different indications, ranged from three to five. The governor of New Mexico claimed to have seen four small male creatures after the disaster, three of whom were dead. They all had large heads, huge eyes, and thin mouths. The administrator of the Roswell hospital also said that she looked at the bodies of dead aliens and remembers exactly that they had 4 fingers on their hands. There was also an eyewitness who claimed to have personally observed the surviving alien when he was in a military hospital. In addition, some military personnel who took part in cordoning off the disaster site admitted over time that they promised not to disclose to anyone what they saw near Roswell.

The testimony of eyewitnesses to the disaster largely coincided, but the US government never confirmed the version of a UFO crash in New Mexico. People interested in whether aliens exist have not received an answer to their question to this day. It is unknown what happened to the surviving alien, if he actually existed. The story of the fall of the mysterious object was called the Roswell incident and to this day attracts researchers of the unusual.

Contacts of ancient people with aliens: versions

Modern ufologists cannot fully confirm or deny the fact of the existence of intelligent life on other planets. But they have a lot of indirect evidence of the presence of mysterious creatures on Earth. Many scientists today are convinced that most ancient artifacts (Mayan complexes, pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge, huge stone balls in Costa Rica, etc.) are of alien origin. They motivate their version by the fact that in ancient times humanity did not have the technologies and devices that would allow them to create such structures.

Did ancient people have contact with aliens? Ufologists, having examined drawings that are several thousand years old, are inclined to believe that aliens used to actively visit our planet and repeatedly caught the eye of people. Otherwise why among the samples ancient art Are there so many images of creatures with large heads and short bodies? Scientists are sure that unusual people are aliens, because people in ancient times sketched everything that surrounded them. But it is clear that this is only an assumption, since ancient images cannot be direct evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth.

Modern UFO eyewitnesses

If we can only guess about the visits of the inhabitants of other planets of the Earth in ancient times, then how should we treat the statements of our contemporaries who prove that they saw a UFO? News that flying saucers, spherical, cone-shaped or cylindrical objects have been spotted somewhere, constantly excite the minds of fans of the unknown. Could there really be doubts about whether aliens exist after this? Photos of UFOs taken by eyewitnesses are available to anyone today. They recorded mysterious aircraft or an incomprehensible glow in the sky. However, it often turns out that the captured object in the photograph is a cloud, satellite or aircraft of an unusual design, and the mysterious light and flashes are ordinary atmospheric phenomenon. But it is possible that some photographs actually contain flying objects of extraterrestrial origin.

Encounters with aliens

What about people who claim to have come into contact with aliens and even been abducted by them? Practice shows that such statements are most often made by mentally ill people and should not be taken seriously. Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations are usually endowed with great intelligence, so even if they visit Earth, they are unlikely to come into contact with humans and thereby reveal their existence. But even against the backdrop of such disappointing conclusions, ufologists do not cease to carefully study all the information about UFOs and aliens that they receive. It is not known whether there are aliens on Earth, but scientists tend to believe that there are guests from other civilizations on our planet and even have their own bases here, one of which is located in Crimea.

So should you believe in aliens?

Thanks to science fiction writers and films, people have formed the opinion that the alien looks like a man short with a large head, huge dark eyes, loose skin and no genitals. But no one knows who representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations really look like. How can you tell if there are aliens? Photo mysterious creatures appear every now and then in the media mass media, but the authenticity of these photographs is questioned by scientists.

Many are sure that ufologists today have much more information about aliens than it seems to ordinary citizens. However, all information relating to life outside our planet is classified and therefore not available to the general public. One can only guess about the plausibility of this version. Only one thing is obvious: scientists today cannot or do not want to answer the question of whether aliens exist.