Oak bark - medicinal properties. It's Skin Todak Todak Pack Pore Face Mask - ""A green oak tree sleeps above the green roof of the house

Green verses
All the edges are turning green,
The pond is turning green.
And _______________ frogs
They sing a song.
Christmas tree - a sheaf of _______________ candles,
Moss - _____________________ floor.
And _______________________ grasshopper
I started a song...
Above _________________ roof of the house
________________ oak is sleeping.
Two ____________________ gnomes
We sat down between the pipes.
And plucking ________________ leaf,
The younger dwarf whispers:
“See? Red-haired schoolboy
Walks under the window.
Why doesn't he ________________?
It’s May now... May!”
The older gnome yawns sleepily:
“Tsiz! Don't pester!

1. What part of speech are the missing words?
2. What kind of missing words are missing?

1. Adjective.
2. Neuter.
For each correct answer - 1 point, for an incorrect answer or lack thereof - 0 points.

Read the title of Sasha Cherny’s poem and fill in the missing words.

Green verses
All the edges are turning green,
The pond is turning green.
And green frogs
They sing a song.
Christmas tree - a sheaf of green candles,
Moss is a green floor.
And the green grasshopper
I started a song...
Above the green roof of the house
The green oak is sleeping.
Two green gnomes
We sat down between the pipes.
And plucking a green leaf,
The younger dwarf whispers:
“See? Red-haired schoolboy
Walks under the window.
Why isn't it green?
It’s May now... May!”
The older gnome yawns sleepily:
“Tsiz! Don't pester!
1. For each correct answer - 1 point, for an incorrect answer or lack thereof - 0 points.

Oh, and I’m greedy for all kinds of masks to make my face look beautiful. And today I want to talk about my green gnome - Todak! He first charmed me, and then disappointed me! But first things first!

He came to me from Korea in the form of a sample for 10ml. for 1.2 $ from TesterKorea store

Its full version accommodates 120 ml and costs 7 $ in Korean IMs, for example RoseRoseShop

As always, nothing is clear on the packaging

For some reason, Koreans, as always, the packaging was made disposable, although it pains me to think how big my face would have to be to cover it all up in one go. In general, because The jar itself is plastic with thick walls, and there is no way to grab it with a paperclip - I had to pervert it to store it like this

The mask itself It is a creamy (clay-like) substance of a soft green color. Smell It has a gentle and pleasant apple flavor, while I wear a mask I really enjoy it.

When applied to skin cools nicely ( if there are dry areas on the skin, then they will burn a little, but not for long, and then they will still cool).

Apply easily, lies flat, quite economical. The sample was enough for me for 4 full times (I applied it without skimping, generously and thickly)

I feel good under the mask. I leave it on until it dries, then I wash it off. It washes off very well, without any problems.

The result is quite good: the pores become a little less noticeable(Although the contents, of course, do not go anywhere), no greasy shine and, what pleasantly surprised me, there is slight skin whitening effect. I'm not a fan of gothic skin (yep, red-haired goth!), but in this case I really liked the result. I don’t know if it’s visible in the photo, but in the mirror I can really see it.

In general I I wanted the full version from the very beginning, and she (this version) even settled in the cart for the next order, until they reached me two small but quite significant disadvantages:

1. In one of the applications after the mask I I found a peel on my face- maybe this is a hint to me that I haven’t exfoliated for a long time, or maybe the mask decided that dryness is the key to comfort? IN general fact The fact remains that instead of the stated moisturizing effect, it dries out the skin.

2 . Compound. If I could still forgive this mask for drying (the mask is generally for problem skin intended, and not every time there was a husk), then the composition hit the living. Well, what can I say, here it is (taken from the Gmarket website):

(in 5th place is titanium dioxide - that’s what whitened my skin)

Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben... *then I felt nauseous*... Isobutylparaben, Propylparaben... For what? I loved him so much... But I can’t. I can’t accept such a composition.

And everything started out so well.

(By the way, not all masks from the Todak series are stuffed with parabens. For example, blue and pink contain only Methylparaben at the very end of the composition, maybe I’ll try one of them)

In general, it's up to you!


Thanks for stopping by!

Answer left by: Guest

Well, it would be easy here, you can decide for yourself, so try and it’s better to have your own and a bad assessment than someone else’s and a good one, forgive and decide for yourself or yourself

Answer left by: Guest

Have you ever noticed what happens around you during such a magical time as, for example, the night before Christmas? Then incredible things happen!
... Lying in bed, Dasha could not fall asleep. And then she decided to go down to the hall and look at the gifts that her parents put under the tree after she left. After making sure that they were asleep, the girl tiptoed out of the room and began to go downstairs. And suddenly, next to the Christmas tree, Dasha noticed some sparkling dots. At first the girl thought that it was golden rain shimmering in the light of the moon. But as she came closer, she realized that these were small glowing people with snow-white wings on their backs.
- Who are you?.. No, no, don’t be afraid, I won’t harm you! – Dasha caught herself, seeing that they were worried when they saw her.
- People shouldn't see us! - one of the little men spoke, but Dasha interrupted him:
- I won’t tell anyone, you can trust me.
- Promise! - ordered another man, larger than the first.
- I promise, no one. So who are you? - Dasha asked again.
- We are the Angels of Christmas. We arrive at Christmas to houses where order reigns and there is a beautifully decorated Christmas tree,” explained the first man.
- Why are you doing this? - Dasha was perplexed, looking at the other Angels flying around the Christmas tree.
“Well... we bring peace and happiness to the house,” said the second Angel.
- Oh, how interesting! I would like to be an Angel too!
- Hmm... I think this can be easily arranged for you! - said the smallest angel.
-Yes, you can. But only for this night,” after these words, the biggest Angel showered the girl with golden sparkles, and Dasha began to shrink.
Now she was the size of half a little finger, and the hall seemed like a whole city to her.
- Well, let's fly! Let's show the girl our work! - the big Angel commanded, and everyone flew out of the window.
-Where did we fly? – Dasha asked.
- How to where?! Do good deeds!
Soon the Angels flew into the window of a neighboring house. There, the girl was offended by her mother for something and, turning her back to her, pretended to look at the Christmas tree decorations.
Dasha carefully flew up to her and whispered:
- Hey! Why are you so sad? Now is the holiday! And even more so, you can’t be offended by your parents. You must ask your mother for forgiveness. She's probably not offended by you.
The girl could not see Dasha and the other Angels, so Dasha’s words appeared in her head in the form of thoughts. The girl's face softened. And then she approached her mother and whispered in a crying voice:
- Mommy, forgive me, please, I won’t do this again!
- Well done! “You’re making progress,” the Angel praised Dasha, and they went to the next houses. Dasha helped a lot of people and returned home a few hours later.
- Now you're home. And remember that you must help everyone even when you turn into a girl again. Do more good deeds, and your soul will always be light,” said the biggest Angel and showered the girl with red sparkles.
Returning to her room, Dasha immediately fell asleep. She didn’t tell anyone about the Angels, but she didn’t forget that night before Christmas.

Answer left by: Guest

Everyone knows that grandfather is a verb that is the second assistant of Santa Claus. When Santa Claus gets sick or else the verb often replaces him, he gives gifts. But the verb is quite touchy; it does not bring gifts to those who incorrectly spell, write and conjugate it.

Answer left by: Guest

What is real gratitude? It is this problem that the famous Russian literary critic and publicist I. Ilyin reflects on. In the essay, the author regrets that “ modern humanity does not appreciate what is given to him,” does not want to create and create, but only wants to “manage and enjoy.” I. Ilyin condemns us for greed, envy, and lack of gratitude.
According to the deep conviction of the publicist, it is gratitude, having settled in the souls of Russians, that should cleanse them of envy and hatred and fill their hearts with love and kindness. I. Ilyin is firmly convinced that true gratitude is the response of a living person, loving heart for the benefit shown to him. I completely share the author’s point of view, because gratitude, in my opinion, is a gift that is not given to everyone. We must learn to respond kindly to kindness and love.
Let us recall F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” How much did poor Sonya Marmeladova endure, how much sleepless nights spent in tears until she saw gratitude in Rodion Raskolnikov’s eyes for everything that Sonya did for him. The heroine of the story of the same name by A. Platonov does not have time to thank her adoptive father Yushka.
Finished in Moscow medical school and without waiting for the person dear to her heart, she comes to the village where her father lived. There she learns about his death and remains forever in the village to treat people from the disease from which Yushka died. Maybe this is gratitude? Thanks to the person who taught it. By example adopted daughter Yushki will not only treat people from tuberculosis, but also teach them kindness, joy, and spiritual generosity. Here it is, the response of a living, loving heart to the benefit shown to it.

Quercus) is a genus of shrubs and trees from the beech family. The oak tree is widely renowned for its power and strength, and can reach a height of 50 meters. These trees grow rather slowly, first adding centimeters in height every year, and only then in width.

How long does an oak tree live?

The oak tree is considered a long-liver and is often associated with wisdom and durability. And for good reason. The lifespan of oak is up to 5 centuries, although in history there are specimens that live more than 1000 years.

Description of oak. What does oak look like?

Oak is a deciduous tree. The size of the oak tree is impressive. Average height it is about 35 meters, although sometimes 60 meter giants are found. The thickness of oak can also be quite impressive. The oak trunk is on average about 1.5 m in diameter, covered with dark bark, dotted with cracks, twisting and wrinkled.

The shape of the tree's leaf depends on the type of oak. Oak leaves can be lobed, serrated, pinnate, and others. Oak branches are indirect, curved. This tortuosity is explained by the fact that the oak tree is very responsive to sun rays. As shoots grow, they are drawn towards the light and therefore change direction depending on the period of the year, weather and time of day.

The oak root system is very well developed. Typically, oak roots are huge and go deep into the ground. The oak crown and its shape largely depend on the conditions in which the trees grow. In forests, oak trunks are mostly straight and even, while separately growing plants on the plains spread out very widely. The girth of the crowns of such oak trees is measured in meters. If a tree grew in extreme conditions, for example, with a lack of moisture or under frequent exposure to wind, the crowns of such oaks are deformed and not entirely clear and regular in shape.

Oak flowers

Oak blooms in late spring. Oak flowers are small and green, invisible among the foliage. Male flowers consist only of stamens, female flowers - of a pistil. Male flowers are collected in inflorescences that look like earrings. The female ones are on short stems; they look like green seeds with a red tip. It is from the female oak flowers that acorns grow.

Types of oak

Growing all over the world large number types of oaks. In total there are about 600 of them, although there is evidence that there are no more than 450 of them.

The most popular types of oaks:

  • English oak;
  • Weeping oak;
  • Swamp oak;
  • Sessile oak;
  • Georgian oak;
  • Long-legged oak;
  • Mongolian oak;
  • Chestnut oak.

Where does oak grow?

Most often, oak is found in regions with temperate climate, in the Northern Hemisphere. Although some species of these giants are also found in the tropics, however, only in those places where the air temperature is not very high, mainly in high mountain regions.

Oak trees grow well in rich soils and love intermediate level humidity, but species are known that exist well in swamps, or, conversely, in conditions of lack of moisture.

How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

Oak trees bear fruit starting 30 years after planting. Oak fruits are acorns. Decorative types oaks are quite easily propagated by grafting. The best option for planting an oak tree is in the fall, before the first snow and frost. However, during this period, oak acorns can be eaten by small rodents, so they are often saved until spring and planted when warm days. For planting, you must definitely choose live oak seeds, which consist of yellow cotyledons with a yellow or reddish embryo inside.

How to plant an oak?

An option for planting an oak tree is also to collect sprouting acorns in a park or forest early spring immediately after the snow melts. Such seeds with sprouts can be immediately planted in the ground, taking care that the fragile and not yet strong sprouts do not dry out or break off. Oak seedlings must be protected from weeds and do not forget to water during drought.

The healing properties of oak

The use of oak is quite wide. Oak fruits, oak bark and branches are often used in medicinal purposes. In addition, oak wood, which has a luxurious texture, is highly valued.

Oak bark - medicinal properties

Oak bark, which is used in medicine, is very useful. Oak bark is used to relieve inflammation and is an effective wound healing and astringent. A decoction of oak bark treats stomach diseases, allergies, diseases of the skin, throat, mucous membranes, and is good for gums. Oak acorns also have beneficial properties, they help with diarrhea, stomach bleeding, hernia treatment, burns, skin problems.

Oak bark is collected in the spring for medicinal purposes. The raw materials from young branches and trunks are most valued. After collection, the bark must be dried, but not for long - 2-4 days. For long-term storage, this process must be increased until the bark becomes brittle.