How to unscrew the base from the cartridge. What to do if the light bulb does not come out of the socket? How to unscrew a light bulb base from a socket using a plastic bottle

Burnout of lamps installed in a suspended ceiling occurs when the lighting is used intensively or installation technologies are violated: loose fixation, non-compliance with wiring connection standards, work performed without the use of special protective gloves, etc. But thanks to the well-thought-out configuration and design of spotlights, removing the lamp and replacing it with a new one is not difficult.

The following types of lamps are used to illuminate the ceiling:

  • Incandescent;
  • Halogen;
  • LED;
  • Luminescent.
Various types lamps and fasteners to the socket.

They differ in power output, heat, economical energy consumption, cost and service life. Regardless of the type of light bulb used in the design of the lamp based on the established GOST standards, the package includes similar parts, knowledge of the structure of which facilitates the dismantling process:

  • The housing, which is located in the inter-ceiling space and is hidden from view, contains wiring and a cartridge;
  • Spring-type “tendril” clamps that securely hold the light bulb in one position and fix it flush with the surface of the ceiling;
  • A glass or plastic cover, which performs a protective and light-diffusing function, protects the lamp from the penetration of dust and moisture;
  • Fixing ring that holds the protective cover on the decorative outer formwork.

When a light bulb burns out, not the entire lamp needs to be replaced, but a part. To do this, you only need to dismantle the fixing ring and the plastic cover. However, during operation, difficulties are caused by the type of lamp to be replaced and the method of attachment to the housing. There are different types of fastenings for lamps to the socket:

  • Threads are a standard type of fixation, most often installed on conventional incandescent lamps;
  • Pins (2 metal guides) that pass through a special groove in the cartridge and with light pressure, if connected correctly, a characteristic click is heard;
  • 90 degree rotating lock.

Dismantling the lamp without removing the housing

Replacement process

To dismantle the light bulb without removing the housing from the ceiling, follow the following instructions:

  • Turn off the power supply;
  • Remove the retaining ring and protective cover;
  • Unscrew the burnt out light bulb counterclockwise;
  • Insert in its place a new one, of the same power and model as the previous one, so that the lighting remains uniform at all light points;
  • Treat the lamp bulb and contacts before installing it in the socket with alcohol or window cleaning liquid, which will extend the service life by removing dust and excess organic particles;
  • Close the cartridge with the lid and secure with the clamping ring;
  • It is important not to touch the lamp with bare hands; it is recommended to use a piece of soft textile or special installation gloves for this purpose.

Another way to replace a light bulb is to completely dismantle the lamp body from the hole in the suspended ceiling by prying up the decorative formwork with a flat-head screwdriver. This provides easier access to the wiring, terminals and transformer. The lamp is inserted by bending the clamping tendrils and placing the housing in the suspended structure. The lampshade is changed in the same way.

Dismantling the lamp with housing

All work is carried out slowly, carefully, trying not to touch the structure’s skin, so as not to damage it, leave marks, dents, or cuts if dismantling is carried out next to the tension fabric.

High-quality replacement and care of lamps by cleaning them with alcohol solutions every six months will extend the life of the lamps and make ceiling lighting effective over a long period of time. You can see an example of dismantling and the process of installing a new spotlight in the video.

Another reason for burnout

Another reason for replacing a light bulb is a burnt-out transformer or power supply. This happens as a result of frequent power surges or incorrectly selected device power. Ideally, the transformer is connected to each installed lamp separately, and the lamps are connected in parallel. This will protect the device from overloading and from burning out all the lamps at once - the principle of a chain reaction.

Tips for reinstallation:

  • It is better to use a low-power electronic transformer for each individual lamp; it is light and compact, suitable for installation on suspended and suspended ceilings, without overloading the structure with its weight;
  • The input voltage of the transformer should be 220 V, the output voltage should be equal to power installed lamp;
Connected transformer
  • Install the transformer at a distance of 20 cm or more from the lamps so that the heat emitted from the lamp does not damage the device, but no more than 3 m from them, otherwise the resistance of the wire will increase, which will lead to a short circuit.

The wiring is connected, observing the poles and phases. An indicator screwdriver will help with this.

Aquaforum - a forum for aquarists and terrariumists > Aquarium and equipment > "Samodelkin" > Technologies > How to unscrew the base of a burnt out light bulb from the socket

View full version: How to unscrew the base of a burnt out light bulb from its socket

12.09.2010, 23:35

It happens that when replacing a burnt-out light bulb, the socket from the old one remains in the socket, and the bulb itself comes off.
In principle, you can turn off the electricity in the house and use pliers to unscrew the base. Or you can do it differently.

Let's take it plastic bottle unscrew the cap and melt the edges of the neck with a lighter so that the neck becomes soft. Of course, there is no need to try it with your hands. Just see it by eye.

We insert the melted neck of the plastic bottle into the light bulb base, hold it for 10-15 seconds and calmly unscrew it without turning off the electricity.

12.09.2010, 23:40

Cool. 5+


12.09.2010, 23:45

Super. Now I’ll try it since the lamp has been lying around for a long time, just for this case)

Hooray!!! It worked) Thanks for the idea) Otherwise I thought that the khan’s lamp was ruined)

Yes, an interesting concept….. We should take note….

13.09.2010, 01:25

however) I once opened it with tweezers)

It happens that the base is filled from the inside with something like cement or ceramics. Then you won’t be able to insert anything special, alas.


13.09.2010, 10:15

I repeatedly twisted the edge of the base with small pliers.

I tried that too. But the base was sitting dead in the lampshadecode27

Well then, one of two things.
Or, if the base is empty, we bend the edge on one side, and it’s a little easier to unscrew the base using the resulting petal.
Or, if it is filled with cement, we hollow out/drill a fairly deep recess in this cement, and then twist it. You can make something like a slot for a screwdriver.

13.09.2010, 10:21

As a rule, the cartridges are collapsible, i.e. the part into which the base is screwed unscrews itself from the socket. They unscrewed it, and there was anything. 🙂

Unfortunately, the Chinese “as a rule” do not always realize this. I came across a cartridge in which the base contact was made not of thin sheet metal, but rather of thick foil, and riveted to the back of the cartridge. The device turned out to be disposable: it withstood literally a couple of cycles of screwing in and unscrewing the lamp.

13.09.2010, 18:25

I hope, not to the detriment of the method proposed by the author, I will add one more. Take a piece of dry coarse laundry soap. Use a knife to make a bar out of it to insert into the cartridge. Insert it into the cartridge, turn and unscrew the remains of the base. I hope everything is clear, but the voltage is yellow. still turn it off before surgery

Somehow I don’t understand a piece of dry coarse laundry soap, what principle is this based on? I just can’t figure it out, in theory it shouldn’t work.

I didn’t even realize what problems were involved in replacing a burnt out light bulb with a fallen off bulb:024::024:
Thank you for fun. And Zadornov is egging on the Americans: 024:: 024:
The Chukchi generally do not change such lamps; they throw them away along with the lamp; the head does not fit into the socket: 024:

13.09.2010, 18:42

Opsis! works great. WHAT SPECIFICALLY is not clear?. The soap must be dry for clarity and so as not to be a conductor. On the household account, to make it cheaper, we can easily cut out the bar with a knife, unlike other forms. Although we still use THIS PIECE later HOZ-VE. The bar, entering the socket, clings to the jagged glass and, when turned, transmits the rotation of the remaining base. Maybe you decided that the lamp cylinder is intact? Then everyone knows how. Another way is to insert pliers into the base and, opening their noses, also unscrew the base.

Ah, well, if I understand it that way. Although soap is usually not strong enough. Usually the bulb falls off when trying to unscrew a rusted-melted-burnt lamp. Then just pliers, or a bottle.

13.09.2010, 18:54

I repeatedly twisted the edge of the base with small pliers.
Similarly, I just made special pliers with sharpened jaws.

I just did Damn I’m a quitter….

great idea, and I do it the old fashioned way, using narrow-nose pliers I grab the edge and twist it out.

12.06.2011, 18:22

I once heard about how NASA spent $1 million to invent and produce pens that could write in orbit. In the USSR they made do with pencils.

The same case. Why come up with something unnecessary when there is technology that has been proven for decades. Turn off the electricity - pliers, tongs, side cutters, fork... anything that allows you to firmly grasp the edge of the base

12.06.2011, 21:33

The electricity turns off, the socket skirt is unscrewed, now you can unscrew the base with your hands, put the socket skirt in place and screw in the light bulb. Turn on the light.

Amused is not the right word. 🙂
I know three ways. In descending order of frequency of use.
1. Using pliers, we brazenly grab the edge (metal) of the remainder of the light bulb base, crushing it, and unscrew it. It always works.
2. The hammer handle is often perfectly inserted into the remains of the light bulb base and unscrewed. Pros - it does not need to be heated, melted, cut, or insulated... There is one minus: you may not have a hammer that fits the light bulbs... I didn’t have one.
3. Unwind the chuck skirt.

It is not always possible, because often the two hands needed for such an operation do not fit in the lampshade.
The electricity in the house was never turned off. It is enough to turn off the switch (if the phase opens, of course).

Have fun, this is not your topic.
You didn’t have to unscrew the base between the floors of racks, where the distance between the aquarium and the next shelf is 13-15 cm. There are dozens of lamps, maybe a hundred, and every other day, every evening, replacement begins. The quality of the lamps is terrible, the bulb comes off, the base is torn with pliers like foil. Half an hour of torment.
Po4talyon knows this better than anyone else.

Abbot, why are you so nervous?
TS didn’t say anything about the horrors you described.

All these are your “offtopic” additions, and the topic is about how to unscrew a stuck light bulb base at home. Read the first post!

On topic. IMHO if "between the floors of the racks, where the distance between the aquarium and the next shelf is 13-15 cm." If a melted plastic bottle fits in, the pliers will somehow squeeze through.

TS, personally, your method was interesting to me primarily for its novelty and surprise, and not for its practical applicability, sorry (unreasonably difficult).

🙂 I could already imagine how someone with a melted bottle runs between dozens of shelves with aquariums, and changes almost hundreds of incandescent light bulbs every evening. Believe me, it's really funny. I wouldn’t brag about this on the forum, but roll up my sleeves and get the wiring in order.
Po4talyon, what was said is not an offense to you. The abbot simply “added fuel to the fire.” 🙂

Ordinary potatoes, take the potatoes, cut them in half and insert them into the base (don’t forget to turn off the electricity), unscrew the base and throw the potatoes into the trash.

Still, the answer to the hidden question of this topic has not yet been given: how many aquarists does it take to replace a light bulb?

Well, if you want to laugh, then here it is:

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How to disassemble a light bulb

  1. Incandescent lamp
  2. How to disassemble a lamp with a socket?
  3. How to disassemble a CFL?
  4. How to disassemble an LED lamp?

A light bulb that has burned out can be used to create a variety of trinkets and other practical tasks. Therefore, you need to be able to disassemble a light bulb. The following equipment will be needed for work:

  • needle nose pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • protective gloves.

The composition of the lamp is as follows: electrodes with a spiral, a glass container and a base. One electrode is connected to the base sleeve, the second to its central contact. There is a spiral on the electrodes. The insulating glass is located between the sleeve and the contact. During the manufacturing process of the lamp, the sleeve is filled with inert gas. This is necessary in order to avoid rapid oxidation and burnout of the coil.

Particular care should be taken when working with fluorescent and energy saving lamps, because they contain toxic mercury vapors. When disassembling such a light bulb, it is important not to break the bulb.

Incandescent lamp

The easiest way to work is with this variety - it does not contain harmful substances inside. To disassemble an incandescent lamp, you need to perform a number of steps:

  • Grab the soldered contact at the bottom. For this, thin-nose pliers are used.
  • Loosen the contact and twist it until the two wires stretched to the filament body break.
  • Remove contact.
  • Break open the base insulation.

    Thin-nose pliers are also used for this.

  • Loosen the light bulb stem and remove it.
  • Together with the leg, remove the hooks, electrodes and filament body.
  • Clean the inside of the lamp with a piece of cloth.

The base insulator is made of thick glass, the leg is made of thinner glass. During work, the difference in thickness should also be taken into account. To prevent fragments from scattering throughout the apartment and causing its residents a lot of inconvenience, it is enough to properly equip workplace. A regular cardboard box lined with a rag or paper sheets works well for this purpose.

After all the “insides” have been taken out of the light bulb, what remains is a container made of heat-resistant glass. You can use it to make a lampshade, frames for crafts, a jar for spices, and even a miniature aquarium. If you pour a flammable liquid inside and attach a wick to it, you can get an original lamp or just an additional source of heat.

For some purposes, a glass with a base is perfect, for others it will only be a hindrance. There are several ways to remove the base:

  • scratch with a glass cutter;
  • dissolve in hydrofluoric acid or a mixture of ammonium nitrate and hydrochloric acid;
  • Bend the base where it connects to the glass and remove the glue. After this, the flask can be pulled out easily.

The connection in incandescent lamps is not particularly strong, so removing the base is usually not difficult.

How to disassemble a lamp with a socket?

In the process of unscrewing the lamp from the socket, it may break or separate from the base. In this case, you will need to disassemble the cartridge, for which you need:

Wear protective gloves. If the light source is located high up, head protection will also come in handy.
Turn off the electricity, check through the no-voltage indicator.
Sweep the floor, clearing it of debris (you can cover it first).
Unscrew the base using needle-nose pliers. Unscrew counterclockwise.
If the light bulb socket does not unscrew, then try loosening it in different sides.
Another way is to spread the pliers, focusing on the inner walls of the base and unscrew it.

The first method is the easiest and most reliable. To make it easier to grab the base with pliers, the edges can be bent slightly with a screwdriver.

How to disassemble a CFL?

The composition of a compact fluorescent lamp differs from a regular lamp; it cannot be disassembled due to the presence of toxic mercury vapor. But it is possible to get to the launch device, i.e. electronic ballast, which is mounted in the housing next to the base. To do this, take a wide flat screwdriver and unfasten the latches.

In old lamps this is problematic, since the plastic is exposed to prolonged exposure high temperature hardens, the latches begin to break. If you can't open it with a screwdriver, you can cut them off by running a knife along the seam several times. This process can be facilitated by using a hair dryer, heating the body with it.

Inside the case there is an electronic ballast, which is connected to the contacts of the base by small wires. In order to find out the malfunction, you must first check the condition of the filaments with a multimeter. On the board they are designated A1-A2 and B1-B2.

Unscrewing a broken light bulb base is very easy.

The problem could also be a blown fuse or damage to the board itself. These are the reasons that most often lead to the breakdown of a fluorescent lamp. But there are others that are much less common - failure of the input limiting resistor, electrolytic capacitor or rectifier diodes.

To eliminate the malfunction, bypassing or replacing parts is usually used. To return the disassembled case to its original state, the cut parts must be glued together.

How to disassemble an LED lamp?

A diode light bulb is usually disassembled for repair, which is quite simple. The diode lamp consists of:

  • housings;
  • base;
  • light diffuser;
  • drivers;
  • LED block.

Troubleshooting begins with checking the voltage supply to the cartridge contacts. If power is present, but the diode does not light, then the problem is not in the socket, but in the light bulb itself. You can check this way: screw any working light bulb into the socket.

If the lamp cannot be repaired, but the diodes themselves are in good working order, they can be used to create a new LED light bulb. In the form of a housing, you can use a regular incandescent lamp. This allows you to save a lot, because a new ice light bulb is expensive.

I made a website about homemade products myself.

How to simply unscrew a broken light bulb from its socket

On our website you will find homemade products; clear instructions will help you easily assemble and use the homemade product you have chosen at home or at work.

How to unscrew a light bulb base from its socket

How to unscrew a light bulb base from a socket using a plastic bottle

Often, when replacing a burnt-out light bulb, an unpleasant situation arises when the bulb falls off the base, but the base itself remains screwed into the socket. To remove it safely, you need to turn off the electricity and try to unscrew it. plinth pliers, or you can use our advice.

For this we need an empty plastic bottle of any size. After unscrewing the cap, heat the edges of the neck of the bottle until it becomes soft. Then just insert the neck into the base of the burnt out lamp, wait a few seconds, and you can unscrew it, even without first turning off the electricity.

How to unscrew a light bulb base from a socket using a champagne cork

We take a regular plug and insert it into the base. And screw it in. Everything is simpler than steamed turnips! And the method is really good.

Here's a video on how to unscrew a light bulb socket from its socket

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  • How to make automatic watering for indoor flowers?
  • Decorating a bottle with fabric and decoupage
  • Cabinet for papers
  • When unscrewing it from the socket, the light bulb sometimes bursts. This is an unpleasant situation, since the lamp will still have to be taken out. This article will discuss how to unscrew a broken light bulb from its socket.

    Causes of the problem

    A lamp in a socket can burst for several reasons:

    1. Sudden voltage drop. In this case, sharp fragments remain in the base. You should be careful when dismantling to avoid injury.
    2. Careless twisting. Excessive force during dismantling is associated not only with carelessness, but also with rust that has formed inside the cartridge. It interferes with twisting. If you put in a little more effort than necessary, the light bulb will burst.
    3. Factory defect.

    Removing the remaining light bulbs should be done very carefully. There is no need to rush anywhere to avoid cutting yourself on pieces of glass or a broken cartridge.


    Before starting work, it is necessary to turn off the power to the lighting fixture. If the wiring was installed with several inputs, the power supply can only be turned off in a specific area. If this is not possible, you will need to disconnect the entire apartment. You should not rely on the switch of a lighting device that has become unusable, since its power supply may initially be incorrectly arranged and interrupt not a phase, but a zero. To illuminate the work area you will need standalone source light (flashlight, mobile phone, candle, etc.).

    Pay attention! The remaining intact central tube in the base will have to be broken before dismantling work.

    There are several options for solving the problem of a broken light bulb socket:


    Use pliers to pry up the edge of the base (without touching the cartridge itself). Rotate this element counterclockwise. Metal often sticks due to rust. In this case, treat the damaged surface with cologne or other alcohol-containing liquid. We wait a few minutes for the rust to soak. After this, we continue to unscrew the part. There is also a method in which the pliers are inserted inside and unclenched, which allows you to unscrew the base.


    This method is not suitable for ceramic products new type. However, the method works in the case of carbolite elements, since they can be disassembled. We unscrew the cartridge very carefully, supporting the base with one hand. We remove the cylinder, dividing it into two parts. As a result, a “skirt” remains in your hands, in which the base is located. Now it will be easier to work, since manipulations are not carried out under suspended ceiling, and on the “ground” - in a convenient mode.

    Plastic bottle

    Heat a regular plastic bottle over an open flame until it melts. Work carefully as otherwise the hot plastic will come into contact with your skin. We direct the heated neck of the bottle into the metal base. We wait for the plastic to harden, and then pull the light bulb out of the socket. The plastic acts as a kind of hook due to the ability of the semi-liquid material to penetrate small cracks and irregularities.

    Champagne cork

    This method repeats the principle described above. Lightly sharpen the edges of the cork with a knife, removing the chamfer. Then insert the plug into the base of the lamp. Next, slowly unscrew the base so that you can then pull it out.


    This method is especially relevant when glass shards protrude from the base. Cut one potato into two parts. We take one of them in our hand and “put” it on pieces of glass. After this, unscrew the base.

    Other ways

    If the base does not unscrew, we use additional options:

    1. Dry rag or newspaper. We twist the material to make it denser. We direct the twist into the cartridge and take out the base.
    2. Special tool. This is the easiest way to unscrew the base. However, to implement it you will need to buy a special device in the store that looks like a clothespin.
    3. Scissors. We insert the scissors into the base. We open the tool so that the sharp edges catch the stuck part. Unscrew the base.
    4. We cut the base into fragments and take them out separately.

    Ways to avoid trouble

    To avoid getting into a situation where you have to look for a way to remove the base, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    1. Do not install light bulbs whose power is greater than the power of the socket or lighting device. The higher the current in the lighting equipment and the brighter the light, the more thermal energy is released during its operation. As a result, the likelihood of lamp rupture increases.
    2. The lamp should “sit” tightly in the socket, but still, when screwing it in, you should not be too zealous.
    3. It is recommended to buy light bulbs from trustworthy sellers. Cheapness most often results in low-quality goods.

    So in the twisting broken light bulb there is nothing complicated about the cartridge. It is only important to work carefully and follow safety rules.

    Many in their lives have encountered a situation where, for certain reasons, a light bulb broke or burst in the base. This situation is unpleasant because now it is necessary to somehow remove the damaged light bulb and replace it with a working one.

    Lamp burst in base

    It is safe and simple way Removing the remains of the light bulb is what this article will focus on.

    Process Features

    The situation in which the bulb base remains screwed in, and its glass bulb is very damaged, is most typical for incandescent lamps. To unscrew it with your own hands correctly and quickly, and also to avoid electrical injury, you need to know the following nuances:

    • First of all, you need to turn off the electricity in the room. Quite often, in a situation where the working light source bursts or breaks, the machine automatically turns off the electricity in the room. Therefore, after removing its remains from the base, you will need to turn on the power to the meter;
    • You will need some tools for the job. Its use in a steam room will be the key to successfully extracting residues with your own hands;
    • To avoid damaging the skin of your hands from fragments, it is better to wear protective gloves just in case. You also need to take care of your eyes, which may get caught in small fragments during the removal process. Therefore, safety glasses will also be useful;
    • There are several extraction methods.

    Pay attention! The choice of method for unscrewing broken light bulbs depends on whether you have the necessary tools in your home.

    It is worth noting that there are several options for removing a damaged light source from the base. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    Method with electricity turned on

    This method does not involve turning off the power. Here your actions will look like this:

    • Unscrew the cap of a plastic bottle;
    • melt the edges of its neck with a lighter until soft;

    Pay attention! During the melting process, do not touch the edges with your hands, otherwise you may get burned.

    Bottle neck melting

    • after that, insert the prepared bottle with the neck into the base of the broken light bulb and wait about 20 seconds;
    • Now you can safely unscrew the cartridge.
    • In this case, when turning on the light, you must turn away from the light source. If the new light bulb is faulty, when it is turned on, it may blink very brightly and stop working. Such a flash can illuminate you for a while if your gaze was directed at it at that moment.
    • As we see, this method Quite easy to implement with your own hands. The main thing here is to carefully handle the neck of the bottle without getting burned.
    • But this method is still rarely used, since it is preferable to turn off the electricity in order to 100% prevent electrical injury.

    Safe twisting options

    First we need to touch on the situation when, without outside help It's unlikely to get by. As a rule, problems arise when there is a closed-type light source. In such a situation, the base often burns to the cartridge contacts.

    Melted cartridge

    And here you cannot always do everything yourself, since the risk of electrical injury or damage to the cartridge is very high. In this case, all you have to do is call a professional electrician.
    Now let's talk about safe twisting options. The first of them is with the help of special means. To remove the base of damaged lamps, there are special tools as in the photo.

    Special tool

    You can also use regular long-nose pliers or thin-nose pliers, which are usually found in your home tool kit.
    You need to work with them as follows:

    • using the selected tool (a type of pliers), grab the edge of the base of the base;
    • bend its edge slightly inward. This will ensure a good grip;
    • Then, using gentle movements, slowly unscrew the base from the socket.

    Pay attention! When unscrewing, pieces of the base may break off. It's OK. Just grab the tool somewhere else.
    This method allows you to quickly and efficiently remove the remaining light source from the socket.

    In addition to tools, the most common medium-sized raw potato can be an excellent helper. The main thing is that it is clean and dry. There is no need to clean the skin. It is used very simply:

    • cut off the top;
    • place it on the remains of the lamp;
    • unscrew it.

    That's it.


    Using various tools and even potatoes, you can easily remove the remains of a burst or broken light bulb from the socket with your own hands. The main thing is to turn off the power to the room before work.

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    Every person in his life finds himself in a situation when a lamp bursts and remains in the socket. Many people do not know what to do in such a situation and use unusual methods that can cause harm. In this article we will tell you what to do if a light bulb bursts, how to unscrew it from the socket, consider the three main methods and tell you the safety rules.

    A light bulb has burst, how to unscrew it from the socket

    Initially, we will tell you the main recommendations that you must follow. If you start to unscrew the lamp and suddenly it bursts, do not rush to do something, time does not push you in such a situation. In fact, unscrewing a broken lamp is quite simple, but initially you need to turn off the lights in the entire house using the machine. If the lamp bursts on a table lamp, then it is enough to simply pull it out of the network.

    Please note that if the lights in the entire house have gone out, you need to get a flashlight to dismantle the light bulb. You can also use a regular mobile phone, the main thing is to find an assistant who will shine for you.

    The light bulb is stuck in the socket, what to do: possible options

    Pliers or pliers

    This method can be called the simplest, just take pliers or pliers, hook the lamp and begin to unscrew it from the socket. There are no difficulties, there is one thing - you can accidentally damage the cartridge. Also find out what programs exist for calculating cable cross-section.

    Therefore, try to do everything carefully; use pliers to grab only the base from the edge. We don't grab other elements, especially if there is glass left. It can fall off and fall on you at any moment.

    Plastic bottle

    This method is considered excellent, but a little complicated. To unscrew a broken light bulb from the socket, you need to do the following:

    Advice! Before inserting the neck into the cartridge, we recommend laying something on the floor; hot plastic can drip onto it at any time. And remember, the plastic may drip onto you, the pain will be terrible, be careful at this stage.


    We RECOMMEND this method, because it is the simplest and safest. To do this, take regular medium-sized potatoes.

    Cut it into two parts; if you take large potatoes, you will only simplify your task. Just remember, you will have to throw it away eventually; you shouldn’t use other fruits, their texture is too soft.

    We insert half a potato into the socket and unscrew the lamp that has burst. As you can see, there are no problems here at all; it’s easier to think of nothing.

    How to unscrew a broken light bulb from its socket video

    We decided to show you a few more basic methods that we found on the Internet. In the article we described only the simplest ones in our opinion. In the video you will find slightly different methods and those that we have already shown you. This way you will clearly understand the sequence of all actions.

    Another great way

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