Why do you dream of monuments with decoration? "A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Our dreams - are they prophetic? Dreamed visions and events are extremely rarely repeated exactly in reality, but the symbols that we see are always important.

Any object, thing, phenomenon - everything has an interpretation in the dream book, everything is important and significant, and if you pay attention to this, you can learn many secrets about your future. Isn't this tempting? Moreover, there are special symbols that cannot be skipped, since their meaning is most important. This includes the monument.

If you are wondering why you dream about a monument, it’s easy to find out - the dream book knows the answers to the questions. But don’t rush to look for an interpretation until you remember all the details of your dream, because they are the ones that are important! Depending on the details, the type of monument, its condition, your actions and other details, the interpretation of the dream will change.

The dream book describes the following options:

  • See the monument from the side;
  • Admire the beautiful monument;
  • Wait near him, make a date;
  • I dream about how a monument to a person comes to life;
  • I dreamed of the opening of a new monument;
  • Tombstone - to himself;
  • Seeing a grave monument for someone else in a cemetery;
  • Sit at its foot;
  • Erect it in a dream;
  • See your own monument.

Some of these dreams are creepy, some do not evoke any emotions, but this does not matter at all. The main thing is not to confuse anything, take into account all the details and correctly interpret what you dreamed.


What do you associate this symbol with? It is quite poetic in itself, you will agree, and evokes conflicting feelings. These works of art always exude coldness, unshakable eternity, and mystery. Well, in dreams they are completely mysterious, and it is not easy to understand why a monument is dreamed of, based only on intuition. So let's turn to the interpreter!

1. The dream book says that this dream is about dreams and inaction. Are you spending too much time on empty dreams, is life passing you by? It’s nice to be in sad or romantic dreams and forget about reality, but in the meantime you do nothing for your own happiness. Dreams must be fulfilled, and with my own hands and active actions!

2. The dream book interprets a dream in which you admired a beautiful monument as unexpected joy and profit. Soon your affairs will improve, and completely unexpectedly for you, so get ready - a pleasant surprise from fate awaits you, and more than one!

3. If in a dream you made an appointment or a date near a monument, were waiting for something or someone, you should hope for the best in reality. The interpreter hints that if you expect only the bad, then fate will not favor you too much, and faith in the best will bring everything you dream about much closer to you.

4. If you dreamed of a monument that suddenly came to life, began to move, walk or talk - do not be alarmed. The dream is strange, but its meaning is very simple: you are too cold towards others, or maybe towards one person who is trying to gain your favor. It’s worth being softer and opening up to people!

5. Opening a new monument in a dream - good sign. A big, significant event awaits you, something long-awaited. This event will change your life, and only in better side. Just don't be afraid of change!

9. Erecting a monument in a dream is a good sign. You dream about such things to show: you are close to great success. Perhaps you have already achieved something, or maybe you are just at the beginning of your journey, but success is already close. The main thing, the interpreter advises, is not to be overly vain - then everything will work out.

10. Dreaming of your own monument symbolizes peace and a harmonious, pleasant life. A very good period awaits you, relaxation, pleasant activities and good society. You deserve it and you will get it soon!

Be careful and thoughtful when reading the interpreter. Draw the right conclusions and remember that your happiness and the destiny you dream of are only in your hands! Author: Vasilina Serova

If you dream of a monument famous figure- this means that in reality a change in circumstances is coming that will bring you success, benefit and mutual love, if this is a sculpture in full height. Seeing a monument in the form of a bust foreshadows the loss of a dear friend and his imminent funeral.

A dream of a monument with its head crap on birds foreshadows wasted effort, money, and most importantly, lost time. A copper monument that has turned green with age or is overgrown with moss is a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents.

Seeing tombstones while wandering around a cemetery is a harbinger of sadness and melancholy; reading the inscriptions on them means you will be upset by someone’s illness.

Seeing a grave with your monument means a calm existence without worries and worries. Order a monument for yourself - to receive it big money, honors and glory.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Monument

Seeing a marble tombstone in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a person who was dear to you. See interpretation: marble. Sometimes this dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance or the successful resolution of some litigation. Seeing a beautiful marble monument in a dream is a harbinger of success, receiving awards and honors. Sometimes such a dream means that you remember with regret better days of your life. Seeing a marble bust in a dream means that you will be separated from a close friend. Seeing your bust in a dream means that you should limit the flight of your imagination. Sometimes such a dream foretells receiving news about people whom you have almost forgotten.

Seeing an obelisk in a dream means a reminder of some events or people. Seeing an obelisk in a dream and being surprised is a sign of benefit or reward. If you dream that you are on top of an obelisk, then glory and honor await you. See interpretation: fall.

A destroyed obelisk in a dream means that your rash actions will damage the reputation of another person, or such a dream speaks of the collapse of your grandiose plans.

Building a monument in a dream is a sign family happiness, a harbinger of imminent marriage or the birth of children. Seeing it destroyed in a dream means that illness, loss and disagreements in the family await you. See interpretation: gravestone, cemetery.

Seeing a rich tombstone is a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing a tombstone on your grave in a dream is a sign of calm and happy life. A tombstone on a neglected or forgotten grave in a dream is a harbinger of failure and loneliness. See interpretation: bust, statue.

Interpretation of dreams from

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Monument in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Monument” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

If you are trying to immortalize the image of a loved one by creating a monument in his honor- this means the fear of losing support in life, the support provided by a reliable person.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Monument in a dream?

Erect a monument in a dream- means to have success in business.

Seeing a monument in a dream- an omen of a conversation with an important person.

Order a monument for a deceased person- to profit, inheritance and winnings.

Broken monument- to loneliness and sadness.

For a woman to see a bronze statue in a dream- means that there may be complications in the relationship with your future life partner, or that the wedding you are so counting on may not take place.

Marble statue in a dream- symbolizes unfulfilled desires.

Seeing a monument to yourself in a dream- a sign that you overestimate yourself or wealth and honor, to another person- a sign that he will go far in life.

Moving statues- dream of danger and disasters.

A poor person turns into a gold or silver statue in a dream- to wealth, the wealthy - to attacks from enemies or ruin.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a monument in a dream- you don’t want to take into account the opinions of others, because you consider yourself the best, the smartest, the most beautiful and everything you do, you do correctly. With your self-confidence and arrogance, you erect a barrier between yourself and people, you become unattainable for those around you, and you alienate them more and more from yourself. I wouldn't regret it later.

Sit at the foot of the monument- you will think about plans for the future, which, as you would like, should be many times better than today, and even more so yesterday.

Erect a monument- all your thoughts and feelings are subordinated to one great desire: to gain enormous fame, to become famous. But in the pursuit of fame, you do not notice that you are losing something more important: a loved one who lacks your attention. If you don't change your behavior, the person you love will disappear from your life, and no one else will interest you as much.

Dream book for a bitch

The monument is an unexpected great inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A monument in a dream is a sign of ossified and erroneous ideas about someone or something. Most often, such a dream warns of the need for a more sober assessment of a person or situation, otherwise painful disappointments are inevitable.

Monument made of gold or beautifully decorated- indicates that you blindly idealize someone, risking becoming dependent on him.

Monument made of bronze or wood- this is a harbinger of imminent and major disappointment in someone you know.

Broken Monument- suggests that disappointment can lead you to a serious conflict.

Seeing in a dream the bust or head of a monument made of wood or bronze- a sign that you are greatly mistaken about the value of some of your ideas and plans.

Monument to myself- indicates your inflated ambitions. After such a dream, be careful: real life vanity and pride can become a source of major trouble for you.

Dream Interpretation of Health

See your monument- you are overcome by vanity and pride, they are the cause of your problems; see your own tombstone- to a long life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Standing near a monument in a dream famous person - visit some interesting places.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Make a date in a dream near a monument- to break up with your loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a cemetery monument in a dream- It's time for you to remember the dead.

Installing a monument on a grave in a dream- to a serious illness that can result in death.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about a Monument in a dream?

Seeing the monument is a vain labor; see your own- live in peace; gravestone monument- sadness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Monument in a dream?

If you dream of a monument to a famous figure- this means that in reality a change in circumstances is coming that will bring you success, benefit and mutual love, if this is a full-length sculpture. See a monument in the form of a bust- foreshadows the loss of a dear friend and his imminent funeral.

Dreamed of a monument with a head crap on birds- portends wasted effort, money, and most importantly, lost time. A copper monument turned green with age or overgrown with moss- a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents.

Seeing tombstones while wandering through a cemetery- a harbinger of sadness and longing, read the inscriptions on them- you will be upset about someone's illness.

See a grave with your monument- a calm existence without worries and worries. Order yourself a monument- to receive big money, honors and fame.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Monument according to the dream book?

Monument - unfulfilled desires, opportunities, memories.

It comes to life - new perspectives open up.

Seeing yours is a major mistake in something, a failure.

The image of a dream becomes a monument, freezes- oblivion of feelings, desires; breaking up with someone you know.

Shattered - shatter your dreams.

Freud's Dream Book

Any monument is a phallic symbol.

Medieval dream book

See the monuments- portends deception.

French dream book

Seeing a monument in a dream- to sad events.

Admire the beautiful monument- to the unexpected good news, monetary success.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing a monument means receiving an inheritance; overgrown and neglected to see- oblivion.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Monument according to the dream book?

A monument is an unforeseen complication or obstacle for someone. Interference from those in power. Your own death is near.

Tombstone for yourself - for a long life.

For others, think about the meaning of life.

Erotic dream book

If you dream of a memorial monument- a dream foreshadows a love affair or a rather long affair that you will not be able to forget for a long time. Your chosen one(s) will be the true embodiment of your understanding of beauty and sexuality.

If you dream of a monument on a grave- this means that your feeling will not be appreciated, so you will be forced to continue searching for your other half.

Video: Why do you dream about a Monument?


Did you dream about a Monument, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Monument in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed that I came to my grandfather’s grave to clean up, cried a lot, then on the monument I saw a photograph of my grandmother and grandfather. What could this mean? Otherwise I’m afraid for my grandmother now.

    Hello! In reality, there was a conflict between relatives due to the lack of money for a monument to my dad... and today I dreamed that I saw a monument to my dad in the form of a bust in the cemetery... I came up and began to hug and cry... I saw tears flowing from the eyes of the monument and began wipe them.

    as if I had come to the grave of my parents, and instead of a granite monument there was a motley painted ordinary tombstone, I don’t know what it was made of, I began to be indignant at how they changed it without our permission, and my grandmother was alone and said that the church people changed it as God ordered, and the photo was left in the heart by mom and dad in one. We have one monument for two because They are buried in the same grave. but other monuments were also replaced with blue and green tombstones and there was a lot of space around, although in fact it’s very crowded there

    I don’t remember how, but I found myself on the subway platform. I know that my mother is waiting for me at the supermarket, and I need to go to her. But then I meet an old friend of mine (we haven’t talked for about a year). She invites you to visit her. I doubt it, but she persuades me, and I still agree. We get into the carriage and go. At this time, I am overcome by anxiety and doubts, I know that it is a long way to go to her, but I don’t know which station. At this time I notice a list of stations on the wall of the carriage. I decide to myself that if we go further than station such and such, then I will get off and come back. I ask a friend, it turns out that we need to go one station further. I say that I can’t go to her, but the carriage is already on the way, and we have to wait for the next stop. At this time, the train enters the bridge, and I understand that this is happening in my hometown, and the bridge is unknown to me. I'm getting very anxious. The entire time we are driving across the bridge, I am painfully afraid of something. When the train finally stops, I find myself in unknown places. There are quite a lot of people and beautiful monuments there. One I especially remember was a tall pillar with golden statues on top. Even though everything is very beautiful, I am haunted by the thought that it’s time to return.

    My father, I, and some woman were at the cemetery where all the monuments had been broken, we collected them over each grave like a mazaik. Then, when I assembled the last monument, I saw my father and this woman standing behind the fence and she set fire to a rag in his hands. The rag flared up very strongly and blinded him, he began to burn. I ran to him and wanted to put him out, but he ran away from me in the other direction where the grass was also burning on the right and left.

    I dreamed of a monument that stands in Volgograd “Motherland”. But it seemed as if it was rising from the ground and a flame was blazing on one side, and I saw it by chance and watched as it rose and spun around its axis to enormous sizes. What would that mean?))

    I dreamed that my grandmother and I were standing on the grave of a recently deceased aunt and nearby, in the same fence, there was a grave with a monument and a photograph. Like I’m telling someone I don’t remember that this was prepared for the future

    I don’t remember how I ended up at the cemetery, I saw a monument there with a picture of my friend (and I don’t communicate with this person at all and never think about him, I just know her visually) and I was very surprised, because I know that she is quite young. Everyone began to wonder how she died. No one could say, but then I met my class teacher (whom I had also forgotten a hundred years ago) and she told me that Sasha had an accident in her car, drove into a pole, but it was not the collision that killed her, but the wire that fell on her head and gave me an electric shock..... It’s strange that I dreamed about it, because in real life I don’t remember these people at all, but in the dream I was very worried about her death...

    I dreamed of my friend, he died 2 years ago and hanged himself. So I saw his place of death and there were a lot of things in the blood and he said that we didn’t see a lot. Then his place in the cemetery, it was as if I was talking to a monument, I saw a rosary of his monument and a photo on it. There was no feeling of anxiety, but it was very painful to realize that nothing could be changed.

    We sold the house 3 months ago and I dreamed that in this old house I was standing in the yard and I saw a monument with a photographer of my mother (my mother died in 1989, I had never dreamed about it before, in general, if during this time I dreamed about it a couple of times and that’s all ) and I tell someone, in my opinion, it was my uncle, my mother’s husband sister they are all alive, look at the monument good mom they (meaning the new owners) the monument looks like a marble one and mom seems to be smiling on it

    It’s as if I’m approaching a monument where my grandfather and grandmother are already buried, and on this monument next to there is some stranger’s grandmother with an angry face. And I tell my mother, if this grandmother were alive, she would kill me.

    Good afternoon, I had a dream where I was standing at my own monument, and the stone sculpture of the monument slowly began to turn towards me and make a movement in my direction and was trying to say something.

    I dreamed of a temple, I was standing in it with my friend, there were a lot of lit candles in it and priests in expensive golden robes, but somehow they weren’t ours, they looked more like Catholic popes! Then I dreamed of a plowed field in the summer, then I dreamed of a cemetery, we were cutting off a monument in it, half of it was covered with dust and there was a road next to the cemetery, people were walking, a lot of people, it was day, lunch, it was shining bright sun, but the cemetery was in the shade among the oak trees. I also dreamed about my grandfather’s house.

    I saw in a dream a monument (in the dream it seemed that it was someone close) of a woman, about 40 years old, a photo or table with the image of the deceased was turned upside down and someone told me that she was buried, turned the other way, like the photo on the monument as a sign of her communion with some like-minded sisters. All around I saw dark yellow sand, green trees, it was day outside, that is, it was light. I wasn’t scared, and I still didn’t understand who was next to me.

    in a dream I doubted where the true reality is, this is the first time... I rented my apartment, where I found myself in a broken wall, a corridor, I reached the room there, and began to argue with myself whether I had three or two rooms, but in the end I was happy and began to think about who to rent it to... soon I started looking for something about the previous residents, and found photographs, the thought came to me whether I could guess whether the people in the photo were dead... the first and second - autumn, park, leaves all around, people on the bench... third, leaves, same park, and there is a tombstone - a black monument with the date 24 2016... and I went back, there I met people in the corridor, they said that the corridor was common... I apologized, said that I understood and went... the dream was very vivid...

    I somehow flew, and rose higher and higher. And almost hitting a tree, she flew in the other direction, and there she found a giant statue (it was in the city). I don’t remember who, but it seems to me more like a Lenin monument. But I was very afraid and wanted to get down from heaven, because... I'm afraid of heights.

    I dreamed that they wanted to raise a monument on my father’s grave, it seemed to have sagged a lot over many years, and now I’m digging on the grave so that I could lay meter slats, and then install a monument on them, I see how I take the earth in my hands. What could such a dream mean?

    in a dream I was in a cemetery and saw a place where there were several grave monuments, all the dead were relatives of my son-in-law. they really all died. his mother died six months ago. in a dream I saw her monument, although in reality I was not at the cemetery. The most important thing is that in a dream, next to her monument, I saw a monument to my father. At the same time, in a dream, I said that she took him with her. Now I'm worried about my son-in-law.

    On Easter night, I dreamed that I was somewhere on a hill near the ancient ruins of some building with collapsed stone steps descending to the sea. There was bright green grass around. I was looking at a man’s bust, very time-worn (almost without a nose), where it stood date 169? And then I enter the hall-room, all densely hung with large paintings, similar to icons, on the ceiling and floor and on the partitions inside. Some guy in white socks and black slippers walks past these paintings, written. on the material (they sagged under his feet) The guy looked like a Greek.

    I dreamed of two tombstones, but I didn’t see one and seemed to know that it was nearby, and the second saw and there were photos of three people on it, but there was only one grave and it seemed like there were some people, but I saw them so vaguely (I just knew that they were there and there was no one near the second one, who did not see

    I dreamed of a monument to a person dear to me (Darina, she died on September 3, 2014), that they should erect a monument to her, it was all black, without any inscriptions, just her silhouette, full length (to the knees), and drawn on on the black stone everything was somehow golden (possibly gold), I don’t remember the rest. What could this mean?

    I dreamed on the night of September 16 that I was standing at a large statue. The base of the statue is approximately human height, the statue itself is also human height, and this statue is my husband. I see this picture as if from the outside, like a film frame. I see that suddenly there is a black cape on my shoulders, I shudder in horror, then the cape also suddenly disappears. Then I see a shot that next to me are standing another boy and a girl, about 5 years old each, and we all seem to be petrified and connected to each other in a chain in a terrible way: each of us, regardless of gender, has the penis of the person standing next to us in his mouth (children too): I have my husband’s penis in my mouth, he has nothing in his mouth. In a dream about this picture, I experience horror and wake up. The statue of the husband is dark marsh color. In life, he and I have two adult sons.

    Hello! I dreamed that my husband and I came to a cemetery, it was near the road, I didn’t see any crosses, it was such an empty cemetery. But I clearly knew that we had come to see a relative, I even called him in a dream, I don’t remember, mother or grandmother, and I don’t know which of us either. Moreover, we did not come to the grave, we did not even approach it. We chose an empty place and began to assemble a small angel monument so that we could install it later. We brought the parts of the monument with us in a bag and began gluing them together. I knew that we would be putting up a slab and this monument. Then I woke up. Thank you.

    I walked around the cemetery, I don’t remember exactly who I was with, but at the graves the tombstones lay knocked down, as if they had been mixed, on my dad’s grave there was a completely different monument, I ran and looked for his slab

    A small room with red-orange walls, and there were many, many monuments of people I didn’t know. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems I wanted to put flowers but couldn’t! because the monuments stood too close to each other. After some time, we looked at these monuments, and they became 3 times larger in size. This is where the dream ended.

    My dream is that it’s as if I died in a plane crash with my 4th nephew, but in fact I survived and am walking along some field and I see this monument and my mother tells me in a dream that the monument was already ordered for two and points to him, and I was scared (

Having your own tombstone in a dream is a fairly common occurrence. And yet the dreamer can’t wait to find out why this ominous symbol is being dreamed about. The dream book is encouraging that such a frightening image does not always mean negative. Often it foreshadows deliverance from unnecessary worries. The tombstone of a familiar person who is actually alive warns that he is in trouble.

Own burial

When you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, pay attention to it appearance. An abandoned grave represents a feeling of loneliness and hopelessness. Well-groomed portends that the one who cares about you will give you an unexpected holiday.

Interpreter Longo considers devastated graves, destroyed crosses and obelisks to be an extremely unfavorable sign. These are harbingers of shame and complete collapse. If you managed to catch the vandals at the crime scene, the dream suggests that nervous system sleeping in critical condition.

It’s interesting to know why you dream of a tombstone with your name on it. The universal dream book reassures that the sleeper is not in danger of anything bad. Most likely, an equally unexpected meeting or an amazing event awaits him in reality.

If you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, illuminated by a radiance, in the near future you will hear news that will bring considerable comfort.

Miller's dream book believes that if you happen to see your tombstone in a dream, in reality it will soon become clear that your alarming premonitions turned out to be groundless. In particular, the interpretation of dreams concerns concerns about health.

Activities in the cemetery

Miller's dream book also explains why one dreams of kissing a tombstone. What you see in a dream means that negative premonitions, unfortunately, are destined to come true. At the same time, a reward awaits the dreamer who passes the test with honor and dignity.

There is another explanation for why you dream of kissing an obelisk. French dream book sees in this gesture a favorable symbol of completion black stripe, a harbinger of prosperity and advancement in business.

If you dreamed of installing a memorial sign on the grave of a really living person, he is in danger of trouble. The sleeper, on the contrary, expects success, most likely in the field of professional achievements.

This is by no means the only interpretation of dreams, which means dreaming of a tombstone with the name of a living person. In reality, your friend is in danger or in an extremely difficult situation. It is possible that your help will be needed.

According to Miller’s dream book, if you dreamed that you were putting the name of a living person on a tombstone with your own hands, your relationship with the person mentioned will soon end.

What do the tombstones tell you?

If you dreamed that you found a mass grave with your name on the tombstone in the list of those buried, the dream book warns that in real life you may be treated inappropriately or bad rumors may be spread.

The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that the one who dreamed of a tombstone, in reality, bitterly regrets unrealized plans and lost opportunities, and also repents that he did not always treat those dear to him well.

The nameless cross indicates excessive attachment to the past, which has long become a burden for the dreamer, however, he does not want to break it.

If you dreamed of reading the inscriptions on a tombstone, the prophecy of Nostradamus promises that you will make new friends.

If you happen to while away the time on a cemetery bench, enjoying peace, solitude and silence, in reality you will find a way to find peace.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a marble monument in a dream means that you will soon hear about the death of a person who was dear to you. See marble.

Sometimes this dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance or the successful resolution of some litigation. Seeing a beautiful marble monument in a dream is a harbinger of success, receiving awards and honors. Sometimes such a dream means that you remember with regret the best days of your life. Seeing a marble bust in a dream means that you will be separated from a close friend. Seeing your bust in a dream means that you should limit the flight of your imagination. Sometimes such a dream foretells receiving news about people whom you have almost forgotten.

Seeing an obelisk in a dream means a reminder of some events or people. Seeing an obelisk in a dream and being surprised is a sign of benefit or reward. If you dream that you are on top of an obelisk, then glory and honor await you. See fall.

A destroyed obelisk in a dream means that your rash actions will damage the reputation of another person, or such a dream speaks of the collapse of your grandiose plans.

Building a monument in a dream is a sign of family happiness, a harbinger of imminent marriage or the birth of children. Seeing it destroyed in a dream means that illness, loss and disagreements in the family await you. See why you dream about a cemetery.

Seeing a rich tombstone is a harbinger of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing a tombstone on your grave in a dream is a sign of a calm and happy life. A tombstone on a neglected or forgotten grave in a dream is a harbinger of failure and loneliness. See bust, statue.

Why do you dream about a monument according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a monument (sculpture), success, benefit and mutual love await you. Bust portends loss loved one. A monument polluted by birds is a waste of effort and money. A copper monument that has turned green with age or is overgrown with moss is a sign of oblivion and inattention to parents. Looking at tombstones while wandering around a cemetery is a harbinger of sadness and melancholy. Reading inscriptions on monuments means you will be upset by someone’s illness. Seeing a grave with your monument means a calm existence without worries and worries. Ordering a monument for yourself means receiving a lot of money, honors and fame.

Why do you dream about a monument according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a monument, you will receive an inheritance; if you dreamed of a tombstone - to an illness, but not fatal; if you dreamed of an overgrown monument - to domestic troubles; if you dreamed of your own monument - to peace and tranquility in the soul; if you dreamed of a broken monument, it means sadness.