Caused why the prefix at. Methodological development on the topic: Methodological development

If you have difficulty choosing between pre- and pre-, then in this article we will try to collect and summarize all the information related to this topic. First of all, the spelling of prefixes depends on the meaning that they carry through their use in each specific case. There are, of course, exceptions, but we will talk about them a little later. If you previously had difficulties regarding this point, then after reading the article you will definitely be a little more savvy in the grammar of the Great and Mighty Russian language.


So, what meanings can words with the prefixes pre- and pre- carry? First, we will analyze the prefix pri- because it has several semantic loads. Namely:

  • Approaching any object, adding any part to something (attach, screw, run, buy, etc.).
  • Completion of any action (reconcile, prepare, train, etc.).
  • Not completing any action or performing it partially (hold, open, sit down, etc.).
  • The proximity of objects in space in relation to each other (seaside, coastal, homestead, etc.).
  • Also used in verbs with the suffixes -iva, -yva (sentence, dance, attach, etc.).

As we can see, the prefix pri- has many meanings in Russian. The console still has much fewer of them. But it is also necessary to know and remember them:

  • In nouns, it denotes a high degree of quality of the named object or animate person (pretty, very funny, kind, etc.).
  • With a verb, the prefix pre- means an action that manifests itself to the highest degree (exaggerate, exalt, succeed, etc.).
  • And, finally, if in a word it is close in meaning to (to block, interrupt, refract, etc.).

Thus, in order to be sure that the spelling of the prefix will be correct in a particular word, you need to know its exact meaning. If you are still not sure what it means, you can use explanatory dictionary.

Dahl's or Ozhegov's dictionaries are perfect for this.

Worth remembering

And yet, as with any rule, there are moments that do not obey this very rule. Sometimes the use of pre- and pre- prefixes may have nothing to do with what the word means. Such words should simply be remembered or carried out a full etymological analysis.

In words that came to us from other languages, the spelling of the prefix should be clarified only with the help of a spelling dictionary. Here are examples of such words: president, primacy, notorious, swear, preamble and many others. Many words imply the use of both prefixes. But depending on the choice and meaning of the word, and possibly the entire phrase, it will change dramatically. For example: bow - bow down, transgress - begin, abide - arrive, successor - successor and a number of others. Sometimes the prefix, through certain changes, has become part of the root: nature, adventure, invitation.

This rule, like any other, requires some time to study. But it’s worth noting that cramming it is not at all necessary. After all, if your lexicon is quite extensive, then making a choice between the prefixes pre- and priv- in the Russian language is not at all difficult.

If you still have difficulties, you can try to write a short essay. Choose any topic that interests you and try to use as many of these prefixes as possible. And after that, check yourself using a dictionary or the Internet. And if the result does not suit you, you can do this regularly at certain intervals until the use of the correct console occurs by itself.

check yourself

And yet, the article is aimed at consolidating the rules for using the prefixes pre- and pre-. Therefore, we were pleased to make a selection of words that, in our opinion, may cause difficulties in choosing the right prefix. After reading the article, try to fill in the missing letter for each word from the list below:

Pr_bautka, pr_amursky, pr_shelet, pr_rogative, pr_underworld, pr_sidium, pr_miera, break, pr_serve, pr_parat, preventive, pro_huge, pr_fect, pr_fairy tale, notorious, pr_madonna, burn, pr_lake, food, passion, torn, crushed, image, increase, betrayer, pr_list, pr_vatization.

We hope this article turned out to be really useful and you completed our little test 100%. If suddenly not, then you can find many on your own interesting exercises and tests on bookstore shelves or on the Internet.

Spelling prefixes is one of the most difficult topics in Russian spelling. This especially applies to the spelling of the prefixes pre- and pri-, which are sometimes very difficult to distinguish.

Prefix PRE-

The spelling of prefixes depends on the meaning that this morpheme gives to the word.

The prefix is ​​used if the meaning of the morpheme is close to the meaning of the prefix re-.

In addition, the meaning of the prefix pre- may be synonymous with the word “very”.

Let's give examples : to be fed up - to be very satiated, very bad - very bad, to block - to block, to transform - to remake, to change the image.

Prefix PRI-

The prefix pri-, according to this rule, is written in several cases:

  • approximation (to arrive, to arrive);
  • accession (stick, attach);
  • territorial proximity (school, seaside);
  • incomplete action (sit down, embellish).

Special cases of writing pre and at

In some cases, using this rule is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary, because the vowel in the prefix helps to distinguish the meaning.

Here are some examples:

  • bend the knee - bend a branch;
  • break the law - get down to business;
  • to be perplexed - to arrive at the station;
  • passing difficulties - visiting servants;
  • to betray friends - to attach importance.

There are a number of words in which the prefix has largely lost its meaning or has become part of the root. These words need to be remembered or looked up in the dictionary: nature, reason, device, obstacle, contradict, etc.

Prefixes in words of foreign language origin

Morphemes that sound like pre- and pre- are also found in other languages, including Latin, from which we borrow many terms. Such words cannot be verified using this rule. You need to either remember them or clarify the spelling using a dictionary.

Here are some examples: president, privilege, preamble, primitive, priority, private, prestige, premiere.

How to distinguish pre- from pre-

To write a prefix correctly, you must first try to determine its meaning:

  • if the meaning is close to “re” or “very”, write pre-;
  • if it has the meaning of approach, annexation, territorial proximity and incomplete action, write at-;
  • If you cannot confidently determine the spelling of a prefix or a foreign word, turn to a dictionary for help.

Here are some examples:

  • turn- the prefix is ​​close in meaning to the prefix pere-, because this word means “to remake”, so we write pre-;
  • bizarre- slightly strange, close in meaning to the incompleteness of the action, therefore with-;
  • reptile- it is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix, so it is wiser to look in the dictionary.

Words with the prefixes pre- and pri- are very often found in our speech, so difficult cases are worth remembering. To do this, you can use mnemonic formulas. For example, like this: "The aged reptile pursued the criminal."

What have we learned?

The spelling of prefixes depends on their meaning. The prefix pre is used if it is close in meaning to the prefix re- or the word “very”. The prefix at - is appropriate in the case where the word has the meaning of approaching (to arrive), joining (to screw), territorial proximity (school), incompleteness of action (to open slightly). The spelling of a number of words (foreign words and those whose meaning is unclear) must be memorized or clarified in the dictionary.

Spelling words with prefixes PRE- and PRI-

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: WORST, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.


1. Korotkov didn’t hear, although he kept his ear to keyhole. (M. Bulgakov, "Diaboliada")
2. Dasha climbed onto the stove with difficulty, covered herself with her coat, and pulled up her legs. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
3. So, I got down and went to my unit. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
4. Overcoming a headache, he got ready for the last fight. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
5. This Kuzma Kuzmich, while still in the carriage, was looking at Dasha - somehow he liked her. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
6. The siskin was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly swaying and shaking. (According to I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
7. He pushed his hat to the back of his head, holding the rifle. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
8. Instead of sunflowers, luring the sun into the small windows of the huts, only rotten stems stick out. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
9. At that moment the boat was sailing. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
10. Let grief give you strength. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
11. Isn’t this property based on the fact that they have fewer traces of nobility than we do? (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
12. But I cannot feel inferior, the last of all. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
13. Why assume in advance that I am an enemy? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
14. You will have to give up all your habits; there, alone, you will have to work... (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
15. I, despite numerous flaws, have never known misfortune. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
16. Further service record is enclosed with the passport. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
17. At that moment A.V. entered the room, and the conversation stopped. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
18. Insarov read Elena’s note and immediately began to put his room in order. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
19. Agrippina walked as if tied, step by step - behind her husband. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
20. I know a nasty tavern where they will give us a nasty little lunch. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
21. Kuzma Kuzmich lined up on the bench under the stove and also couldn’t fall asleep right away - he muttered, smacking his lips. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
22. And you talk to him and look at him at the same time. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
23. Ivan Ilyich, without moving, opened his eyelids just a little. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
24. The expression in her eyes was charming. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
25. Even if you have seven spans in your forehead, you haven’t mastered science, and you will always make a mistake. (According to A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
26. And the girl is written badly. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
27. I advise you, my friend, to botanize: this is the best thing you can think of. (According to I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
28. You seem to be clever man: Why should we pretend? (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
29. And good men will definitely cheat your father. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
30. The singer surrendered to the wave that lifted her, her face was transformed. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
31. Bring him to me, I’ll interrogate him myself. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
32. Elena could no longer carelessly indulge in the feeling of her happiness. (I. Turgenev, “On the Eve”)
33. She put the lamp on the table, turned off the light, and sat down. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)
34. And N.P. took out the notorious brochure from the back pocket of his coat. (I. Turgenev, “Fathers and Sons”)
35. There he saw her for the first time, she seemed to him as red as spring. (A. Tolstoy, “Walking through torment”)

The exercise was prepared by D. Zhuzhleva and B. A. Panov (“League of Schools”).

Almost every person wants to write correctly. But the Russian language is very complex, and it is not always possible to understand what spelling of this word will be correct. In this article we will once again recall the rule on pre- and pre-.

Pre- and pre-

  1. First, let's look at how the prefix pri- is written.

    This prefix gives words the following meaning:

    • Spatial proximity, contiguity. Examples would be the following words: coastal, homestead, front-line, seaside, Dnieper region.
    • Addition, approximation, accession. Examples of words are: tie, fasten, drive, freeze, bring.
    • Incomplete action. Examples of words: lie down, sit down, calm down, open slightly, attach.
    • Bringing an action to completion, to some specific result. Examples would be the words: muffle (completely muffle), finish off, invent, find, kill.
    • Performing an action in one’s own interests, enhanced manifestation of action. Examples of words: lure, take a closer look, dress up, listen, hide.
    • Related action. Examples: dance, whisper.
  2. We continue to study the pre- and pre- prefixes. The rule about the prefix pre-.

    This prefix will be written in the following cases:

    • The words mean the ultimate degree of action, exceeding any boundary or highest degree of quality. Examples of words include the following: exceed, lovely, exaggerate, pretty, extol.
    • When the prefix pre- has the meaning of the prefix re-. Examples of words: transgress, block.

Additional Information

This rule has an addition. Spelling in, pre- in special cases:

  1. The origin of the prefix is ​​Old Slavonic. In Russian, it will correspond to a prefix that has the full vowel combination re-. Compare: barrier - partition, transgress - step over, perverted - inverted.
  2. Words with the prefixes pre- and come are similar in sound and different in meaning. It is necessary to distinguish in which case which prefix to write. For example, for comparison, the following words: bow a branch and bow your head, close the door and make it a reality, a coming neighbor and a passing moment.
  3. There are words in which the former prefixes are no longer distinguished. Examples would be the words: object, abhor, limit, device, order, primitive.
  4. Very often it is difficult to distinguish between the meanings of words: multiply (add some a small amount of) and multiply (multiply very much). It is necessary to distinguish this.
  5. In borrowed words, it is possible to write both pri- and pre-. As a rule, these elements are not considered prefixes. Examples: preamble, presidium, privilege, priority, president, prima donna.

You and I learned a very important rule in the Russian language - the spelling of the prefixes pre-, pri-.

To decide how to correctly write the prefixes pre- and pri-, you need to learn to distinguish what lexical meaning they give to a particular word. This is in most cases.

Because there are also words that you just need to remember or check in a dictionary.

Pre- and pre-. Their semantics

1. The prefix pre- means:

a) The highest degree of quality (action) with the meaning “very” or “very”. For example: very much, exaggerate, elderly.

b) The meaning of the prefix pre- is almost the same as that of the morpheme re-. For example: overcome (overpower), block (block), transform (rebuild).

2. The prefix pri- means:

a) Adding to something. For example: additional payment, addition.

b) Approaching or being close to something. For example: suburb, coastal.

c) An action that occurs at the same time as another action. For example: sing and dance.

d) Incompleteness of action. For example: open slightly, sit down.

e) The perfect form of a verb formed from the imperfect, if its meaning does not change. For example: beat-nail, think-invent.

More examples

Eloquently demonstrate the need (for correct spelling words) distinguish what the prefixes pre- and pri- mean, examples given below. Despise (shelter) and despise (consider insignificant, unworthy), arrive (arrive) and abide (be somewhere), give (add) and betray (change), receiver (apparatus that receives electric current, etc.) and successor ( heir), proceed (begin) and transgress (violate), pretend (cover) and implement (carry out in reality).

However, there are words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- have an unclear meaning. For example: freedom, neglect, habit, welcome, sentence, adventure, picky, apply, decent, swear. This also applies to words of foreign origin: privilege, drug, president, priority. Their spelling should be checked in a dictionary or memorized. In addition, there is a group of words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- were previously identified as a separate morpheme, but now they are not. These include: subject, advantage, limit, contradict, preclude, deceive, obstacle, punctuation (signs), bicker, obstacle, satiate, notorious, stumbling, abhor, fastidious, device, order, comely, primitive, decent, take communion, claim , affection, reason.

Spelling: prefixes pre- and pr-

The rule again depends on the semantics of these morphemes.

Meaning of prefixes


The prefix pre- means:

"very", "very"

prosper, calm, fine, downplay

the same as the prefix pere- (“in a different way”, “through”)

undergo, transformation, transitory

The prefix gives the following meaning:


dowry, profit, appendage


arrival, affection, counter

incompleteness of action

lift, hold, smooth, press

formation of the perfect form of the verb from the imperfect while maintaining the meaning of the word

run, sew, invent

action happening at the same time as another

to smack, to smack, to smack

doing something in the interests of someone

save, hide, embellish