What is the name of Raphael’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” weapon? Whose words are “Excellent steel, can’t you tell who gave it to you?” Biography of Raphael the Ninja Turtle Facts about Michelangelo

Raphael- This is the most hot-tempered, quick to kill of the four Turtle brothers. He does not like complex plans and immediately goes into a frontal attack. Raphael uses a pair of sai as his primary weapon, although historically sai have never been used by ninjas since these kobudo weapons first appeared in Okinawa. In Raphael's sais, they are fastened together to form a staff-like weapon. Usually plays the role of " cool guy", however, he has been shown on multiple occasions to actually feel a strong attachment towards his brothers. Armed with two sais. It is customary to attribute to him such character traits as aggression, sullenness and a rebellious spirit. It is noticeable that Raphael is the most strong fighter from Turtles. Although Leonardo was always the most skilled, Raphael is physically stronger than him and he has surpassed Leonardo many times to prove it. Raphael is the favorite Turtle of one of the creators, Kevin Eastman.

Raphael has a somewhat tense relationship with his older brother Leonardo, since he is a generally recognized leader. In general, he seems to enjoy experiencing extreme emotions. He was named after Rafael Santi.

Raphael is consistently portrayed as the most aggressive of all four Turtles. Despite his hot temperament, he has a kind heart and often helps people in trouble. However, he is hostile towards the police, believing them to be bad at their jobs, and takes the law into his own hands to help others, even if it may compromise his family's presence in the city.

Raphael's height and weight (1.52 m, 77 kg) are considered canonical for the films, since they are taken from T Files– a special extra on the DVD with the first film.

Biographical information

Residence: sewer, Chinatown, April's apartment, country house Jones family

Nicknames: Raf, Rafi, Night All-Seeing, hot head, Green Defender, Green Mantle, The Turtle Terror.

Ability Options: speed, agility, strength, stealth, fluent in the art of ninjutsu, master of martial arts, proficient in the art of kobudo, sports qualifications as a world-class master of sports, an expert in the use of sai, and knows how to expand physical abilities through manipulation of the Chi that he was taught Ninja Tribunal. Sarcastic and hot-tempered personality type gives an advantage in ag aggressive sides of the battle.

In the options of weaponry: sai; turtle tecagi; blasters; shurikens (including anti-foot ones); Kama; rat trap; a space sword that cuts satellites; lucky laser lugger; axe-ray; flail; pizza disc; whipping cream gun; ninja harpoon; boxing glove pistol; shuriken-shaped pizza; double yo-yo; a gun in the shape of a bicycle pump; water gun; carving knife; long range rifle; Foot flamethrower; mutant staff; slingshot; two cobra sai; stone knife; beater; thresher; dragon axe; dragon blade; radioactive double crab claw club; subatomic ray gun; super atomic sai; oven and pizza maker; sauce sprayer; piston gun; manrikas; super sai with wings bat; banrai; tonfa; ninja-tech style sai; top; gun; crusher; crossbow; machine gun; ultrasound; armor for Cyberse tee.

Contacts with organizations: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Purple Dragons, Ninja Tribunal.

Physical data

Species: mutated turtle

Gender: male

Height: 145 cm / 153 cm / 158 cm / 165 cm / 170 cm

Weight: 68 kg/ 70 kg/ 82 kg

Bandana color: red

Eye color: brown / black / green / white

Additional andinformation

To the villages: ; ; ; ; ; anime; series ; ; ; m/f; m/f, m/s.

Publishers: Mirage Studios, Archie Comics, Image Comics, Dreamwave, Konami, Ubisoft.

First appearance: first issue of "Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

Creators: Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird

Voice actors:

Rob Paulsen)– m/c 1987-1996, from seasons 1 to 9.

Hal Rayle– m/c 1987-1996, season “Holidays in Europe”.

Michael Gough Gough)– m/c 1987-1996, season 10.

Hiroyuki Shibamoto- anime 1996-1997, Japanese dub m/c 1987-1996.

Sukekiyo Kameyama– m/c 1987—1996, BS2 dub.

Josh Pais– first film (acted and voiced)

Kenn Troum- second film (played)

Laurie Faso– second film (voice)

Matt Hill- third film (played)

Tim Kelleher– third film (voice)

Matt Hill— series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Mutation”

Frank Frankson- m/s 2003-2009

Nolan North– m/f TMNT (2007)

Sebastian Arcelus— m/f “Turtles Forever” (Raphael "87)

Sean Schemmel— m/f “Turtles Forever” (Raphael "84)

Sean Astin— m/c 2012 from Nickelodeon


Mirage Studios

In the original comics, Raphael is the most ambitious, cruel and aggressive of the Turtles.

It was Raphael who was given the task by Splinter to challenge Shredder, and he, infiltrating the security firm of Oroku Saki, killed several thugs. It is clear that he is the most militant, and in his fight with Shredder he killed more than the other Turtles. After Shredder was killed by a grenade, the Turtles returned to their home in the sewers.

Archie Comics

Komi series ksov Archie was released under the title Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures and began in the late 80s with a direct adaptation of such a popular animated series. Subsequently, new issues had their own plot, Raphael changed his costume - during the fight on Stump
In the new arena, he wore a black leotard as opposed to his usual red bandana and knee pads, claiming that it was more appropriate attire for a ninja. It was also his way of expressing his individuality. Raphael eventually abandoned the uniform when it was found to be of no use, and returned to a regular mask and belt. He didn't like traveling in Kadli-Lizun's mouth.

Rafael definitely
e time built a relationship with a fox warrior; in the Archie comics series they were a couple, but in the end they still broke up due to personal differences.

Subsequently, Rafael married a coyote girl, Mezcaal, and together they opened a restaurant called Turtle Island.

This version of Raf, unlike his animated counterpart, displays the hot temper and fearlessness that was more pronounced in the Turtles films.

Publishing House Image Comics

In this series of comics, which made up the third volume, the first two volumes of Mirage comics were taken as canon, Raphael received a facial injury and was disfigured. By After that, he wore one of his hockey masks almost all the time, although over time he switched to just an eye patch. When they kidnapped Raf defended himself in front of his brothers, but in the end he learned the truth that they were involved in the kidnapping. He made a deal with them: the murder of Antoine Puzorelli, in exchange for the girl, but did not fulfill it. Later, Raphael began to wear Shredder armor, trying to psychologically suppress the New York gangs, in a bloody war with which the Foot Clan was involved. He accidentally intervened in a battle between members of the Foot and heavily armed gangsters, and, escaping their pursuit, took refuge in Shredder's old workshop, where he handcrafted armor and weapons for himself in the ninja tradition. He put on a slightly modified version of the armor (it had many more takagi blades and arms, unlike other versions of Shredder's armor), and pretended that he was Shredder in order to gain an advantage over his pursuers. He managed to defeat them, and then, within short period time, he managed to gain control of the New York faction of the Foot Clan and was quite proud of this
m, until the Council of Five, the top of the Japanese faction of the clan, showed up and put him in a duel with Pimiko (allegedly the daughter of Oroku Saki) for the right to control the Foot. Raph overpowered Pimiko, but refused to kill her as the Council wished, thus provoking the Foot to attack them both. The pair escaped but were confronted by the mysterious "Lady Shredder". Pimiko brought the Turtles to help because she considered herself indebted to Raphael for her life. The brothers got involved in the battle and were able to win, but the enemies fled.

The Image comics are not considered canon, so the fourth volume is not related to them.

IDW Publishing


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), 1990

Raphael was played and voiced by Josh Pace, a native of New York's Lower East Side, who had to wear a 40-pound suit to do so. He described being inside the head of the suit, equipped with noisy engines, as being "like being in Grand Central Station during rush hour with a tin can on your head."

In all the films, Raphael behaved more like a similar character from the comics than from the cartoon. He remained grumpy in the films, and leaves periodically in the second film, but he likes the people the team meets. It is also shown that he has a unity with nature, apparently, it calms him.

One evening, while heading home from work, a news reporter was attacked by a group of minors.
x, hired . Raphael threw his sais at the lantern to remove the source of light and in the ensuing darkness, together with his brothers, attacked the criminals and won, tying them up and leaving them to the police.

Raphael lost one of the thrown sais and April took it. At home, Raphael admitted that he had lost the sai and refused to part with it, deciding to take it back, although Splinter was against it. He was delayed for a couple of seconds and they started to fight, but the teacher stopped them and suggested they start meditating. While the Turtles began to dance to the music, Raph took his disguise - a cloak and hat - and headed to the cinema, where he watched the movie "Critters", which he did not like. On his way home, he met two teenagers trying to steal a wallet. He knocked them down and returned the wallet to the victim, and the teenagers got scared and tried to run away. Raphael followed them to the park, where he encountered another law enforcement officer named K, who was also upset about the recent rise in crime. They got into a fight using Casey's weapons, which were actually sports accessories, and Raphael ended up in a trash can. Jones fled, and Rafael tried to pursue him, but was unable to. He returned home angry, where he had to listen to lectures from Splinter once again.

The next day, having found out April's whereabouts, Rafael went to the police station and waited for her there in the hope of getting his lost weapon back. After April finished working on the interview, she went to the subway station, where she was attacked by a gang of Foot ninjas. She tried to defend herself with Raphael's sai, which she had in her purse, but was easily disarmed. Cy took flight, and April rubbed
I lost consciousness. Raphael took his sai as soon as it landed and was now able to defeat April's attackers with its help. Using a subway car to cover his escape, he carried April through the tunnel to his home (for which he received another scolding). The Foot Ninjas followed Raphael and found out where the Turtles' hideout was.

Later, during the live broadcast, April expressed her gratitude to Rafael for saving her, causing him to become embarrassed. Having had a big fight with Raphael, he went for a walk on the rooftops to let off some steam. There, Foot ninjas surrounded him and severely beat him unconscious, before throwing him through the window of an antique store on the floor below. There was nothing he could do while the brothers fought the Foot to protect April.

Once at April's old house, Rafael was placed in a bathtub to avoid dehydration. When he woke up, Leonardo greeted him and apologized for his previous actions. So the brothers made peace.

Raph was one of those who tried to attack Shredder alone at the end of the film, but Shredder easily knocked him down and knocked him to the ground.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)

The turtles attack the night robbers, Raphael removes a bystander - Keno - from the road so that he does not get hurt, later sends him to call the police, and slaps him on the head when he starts talking too much.

In this film, Raf and his brothers behave very cheerfully and love to play the fool, for which they receive a scolding from Splinter. Raf wants to relax, because the threat in the form of Shredder is no longer there, but the teacher insists not to forget that they are ninjas, and tries to return the Turtles from heaven to earth, saying that “this world will never become their world.”

Raphael is tired of being boring and is very annoyed by this turn of events. He supports the idea
Keno with implementation in
, but Splinter rejects her. Raf can’t wait to deal with the Foot and take away the flask with the mutagen from them, which is why he quarrels with and leaves to implement their plan together with Keno. As a result, he falls into the clutches of the Foot and becomes bait for the brothers. However, thanks to this, they rescue Professor Perry, who helps them. At the end of the film, Raph and Keno rescue Shredder's hostage.

Thus, in this film, Raphael finds a friend, a kind of analogue from the comics and animated series of 2003-2009.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, 1993

Raph flared up at the very beginning of the film, after training, not seeing the point in it, being underground all the time, hiding from people. As the film progresses, Raph’s desire to “go free”, away from the dirty, stinking sewer, is increasingly noted.

Later, he receives an insult, which almost causes them to lose their disguise, but in the end they get rid of
this problem when Raphael knocks out two guards.

Description of Rafael from m/s 2003-2009. you can read above, his character has not changed. Now he's terribly annoyed because
behavior of the 1987 Turtles and even compares them to his brother, saying in despair, "Oh my god, now we have five Mikeys!" Mikey, on the contrary, is very happy with his new friends and has fun at the jokes of Raphael "87, who, moreover, often makes comments towards the “camera” (facing the viewer). But the rest of the “old” Turtles are also full of silly humor, which in basically makes them all equal. Raphael’s jokes no longer have the sarcasm that was in the 1987 animated series.

Raf"2003 repeatedly swears at his “younger brothers” and calls them names. When
notices him in the old Turtles' van, Raph feels embarrassed and considers it a disgrace. Having found himself in the world of the Turtles from the first comic, Raf was delighted with the prime Turtles and even tried to elevate himself and his brothers in their eyes, slightly discriminating against the old Turtles, but when Raphael "84 twists him into a ram's horn and gives him a good kick, he cools down and notes that the guy is too hot, to which the old Turtles respond with an expressive look, but Raf does not understand their hint in his direction.

Towards the end, Raf saves the “old ones” and Rafael at once, as a result of which they rush to hug him crying.

Before the Turtles of 2003 and 1987 say goodbye, everyone shakes hands with their “twin” (in this case, Raph - Raphael).

The story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is familiar to almost every child from the nineties. The most amazing thing is that it does not lose its relevance today. Let's remember it as a whole and focus on the most unstoppable and cheerful turtle - Michelangelo.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Project

TMNT, Teenage Mutant - an adapted title for Russia) is a story about a team of turtles - anthropomorphic mutants who master the art of ninjutsu and constantly improve their fighting skills under the guidance of a master (sensei) - the mutated rat Splinter. Throughout the entire series of animated series and parts of films, a team of turtles fights against all sorts of evil forces attacking New York.

Readers of the turtles first learned about them in 1984 in a graphic novel (comic book) published by Mirage Studios. Their creators were young artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

Fame overtook the armored heroes in 1988, when they began to produce toys - figurines of turtles. After this, images of turtles were used anywhere - on T-shirt prints, on toothpaste tubes, on skateboards, etc.

At first, all four heroes were black and white with red armbands. Then, when the story became popular enough, each turtle was given a different color bandana. The red color of the bandage was due to the fact that the species of the heroes before the mutation was a red-eared freshwater turtle.

Turtles in popular culture

Throughout their history, turtles have appeared in:

  • six different comics;
  • four animated series;
  • five feature films and two animated films;
  • one television series.

The last appearance of the heroes on the screen today was the movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, released in 2016.

Based on the story, board and video games (of the “kill them all” genre, fighting games) were released. Since 2010, a thematic publication “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Battle Four” has been published in Russia, each issue of which comes with a set of collectible cards.

In the late eighties, the American company Playmates Toys developed hundreds of action figures of heroes, including the Michelangelo Ninja Turtle toy.

The heroes also appeared on the packaging of many food products: corn flakes, chewing gum, pudding pies, gelatin, Cranchabungas pizza.

In the nineties, a concert tour took place, the heroes of which were musicians dressed as turtles (Raphael - saxophonist/drummer, Donatello - keyboard player, Leonardo - bass guitarist, ninja turtle Michelangelo - guitarist). The playlist consisted of ten songs, among which were: Coming Out of Our Shells!, Pizza Power, April Ballad.

Ninja technique

Ninja, shinobi (忍者 - hiding, hiding) - a medieval Japanese spy, infiltrator, assassin. These people, even in childhood, mastered the technique of ninjutsu, and also had to be able to obtain the most secret data, use any object as a weapon, defend themselves even with their bare hands, be unsurpassed spies, and be sure to understand medicine, acupuncture, and homeopathy. Murders were not the profile of the “demons of the night”; their business was espionage and sabotage.

A mandatory set of ninja equipment is a towel, a container for carrying embers (tsukedake), medicines (yakuhin), a stylus or inkwell with a brush, a kaginawa (“cat”) and a wicker hat.

Weapons used by ninjas:

  • shooting bow;
  • sword (ninja);
  • brushes;
  • spiked rings;
  • kusarigama (sickle, scythe);
  • shuriken (a throwing metal star with spikes; there were also types with a powder charge);
  • makibishi (spikes to stop a mounted enemy);
  • single-shot squeaks;
  • poisons: gyoku-ro - slowly affecting, with an effect after a short period - arsenic, zagarashi-yaku - killing with lightning speed.

Art of Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu - the art of stealth, espionage, sabotage technique, survival technique extreme conditions. In popular culture - martial art Japan. Ninjatsu has its own philosophy, which, in particular, teaches that no one can achieve perfect security; every action violates the harmony of the world, and the one who committed it receives a change of the same magnitude in response.

The teaching of the art of stealth consists of the following blocks:

  • tompo - disguise;
  • fighting the enemy - mastery of the body and weapons;
  • Nimpo-mikkyo is a spiritual practice of achieving new states of consciousness.

Fighting Four

Team Ninja Turtles:

  1. Donatello (hatching July 1) is a turtle named after the Renaissance sculptor Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi. An abstruse guy, a research scientist, but at the same time a “mad” professor. Most conflicts prefer to be resolved peacefully. Purple bandana, wields a pole-bo.
  2. Leonardo (hatching August 12) is the namesake of Leonardo da Vinci. The leader of the brave four, brave, decisive, devoted to his brothers. Strictly respects the laws of honor. Blue mask, weapon - katanas.
  3. Raphael (September 20) - in honor of Rafael Santi. In the first part of the story he was suspicious and aggressive, then the creators made him a philosophizing warrior with a peculiar sense of humor. Red mask, two sai daggers.
  4. Michelangelo (November 24) - Named after the great artist, this turtle is the most carefree, energetic, good-natured and cheerful of the team. He considers himself the most enlightened, because it was he who won the Nexus battle. Michelangelo's weapon from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is nunchucks, his mask is orange.

Michelangelo's personality

Mickey, Mikey is the most cheerful, energetic, fickle and frivolous turtle, a party regular, a party star. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Michelangelo changed during his life large number places of employment - "Party Dude" mainly worked as a children's animator. In any situation, he has a sense of humor and fun, but in an important matter he is always very serious.

The most best friend believes Donatello, appreciates him for his kindness, devotion and wit. He often trains with Rafael, but considers the latter a bore and constantly makes fun of him, which often offends the latter.

Michelangelo's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurine was drawn first. Initially, they wanted to name the warrior with nunchucks Leonardo, but then they suggested a turtle with katanas for this name.

In the feature film about the heroes, it is said that Mikey was the eldest among the brothers, the first to speak (“pizza” is his first word). In the cartoon, however, on the contrary, he seems to be a carefree little brother - this can be judged by the attitude of the other turtles towards him. He is the most innocent and sincere of all the heroes, he has a pure and kind heart.

Facts about Michelangelo

Main characteristics of the hero:

  1. Name: Mike(s), Mike L. Angelo, Kawabanga Carl, Titan Turtle, Miketron 6000.
  2. Date of birth: in the comics of the eighties he was 15, as in films and cartoons until 2008, in the 2007 cartoon he is already 19.
  3. Weight: 65-85 kg.
  4. Height: 145-155 cm.
  5. Bandana: orange, yellow in some series and films.
  6. Places of appearance: comic book magazines "Mirage", "Image", "Archie", "Dreamwave", films "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1,2,3", animated series 1987-1996, 2003-2009, 2012, cartoons "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2007), "Turtles Forever" (2009), television series "New Mutation".

What weapon does Michelangelo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have?

The main weapon is nunchucks, but besides them, the hero uses:

  • chains with hooks;
  • kusarigama;
  • the arts of kobudo and ninjutsu;
  • bow and arrows;
  • throwing knives;
  • blasters;
  • tonfa;
  • manriki-gusari;
  • kama;
  • shurikens;
  • superchucks of the future.

The main combat equipment of Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) is nunchucks. The tool consists of two short sticks connected by a chain. This is a Japanese edged weapon, the main functions of which are strangulation and impact-crushing action.

The technique that Michelangelo must master is called nuntyaku-jusu - these are basically interceptions. Much attention is paid to meditation and working on oneself. With continuous interceptions, it is almost impossible to take away the nunchucks; in addition, the rotational movement of the weapon when changing the angle of movement increases the impact force many times over.

During training, much attention is paid to a counter strike aimed at the attacking arm or leg of the opponent. Techniques of strangulation, pinching, holding, and throwing are also practiced. With nunchucks you can proper preparation Easily disarm an enemy with a pistol, rifle, spear or sword.

Mikey in films and animated series

The image of Michelangelo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (his photo confirms these changes), was transformed depending on the time when the story about the turtles was created:

  • 1987 - optimist, daring, courageous, reckless. But at the same time, he is the most humane and kind, and treats people better than all the brothers. His greatest phobia is embarrassing himself in front of an audience. Likes pizza, comics and watching TV.
  • 2003 - funny funny younger brother- ninja turtle Michelangelo, with his frivolity, bragging, and gaiety, sometimes annoying those around him, especially Raphael. As before, he loves comics and superheroes. In some episodes he is shown to be a rather aggressive brawler.
  • 2012 - the turtle's cheerfulness and kindness are sometimes perceived by those around him as self-confidence and stupidity. However, despite his annoyingness and constant jokes on his brothers, he is a fairly smart character. His idols in these series are The Little Mermaid and Thor.
  • 2014 - in the film, some of Michelangelo's jokes seem completely absurd; he, as before, is the main merry fellow, trying to make friends with people.

Turtle heroes, ninjas, nunchucks, Michelangelo and all his brothers - we tried to cover as broadly as possible information regarding these topics. We hope that the article was useful to you and you learned something new about your favorite story.

Project history

  • In 1985, the young artists were joined by Jim Lawson, which expanded the images of turtles, Ryan Brown, Stephen Murphy, Dan Berger, Craig Farley And Mark Martin.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles owes much of its success to a licensing agent who suggested that Eastman and Laird build on the comic's success by releasing related merchandise. In January, Playmates Toys Inc., a small California company, released turtle toys. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have also made their mark in history. Soon the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were everywhere: from mugs to skateboards, toothbrushes and clothing.
  • Originally, all of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were in black and white, but Eastman suggested drawing only red bandages. However, when turtles became popular in the '80s, Laird and Eastman allowed each turtle to have its own color bandana: only Raphael had a red bandana, Leonardo had a blue one, and two unusual colors - Donatello's purple and Michelangelo's orange.
  • Created based on comics
    • 1 series (1997)
    • 3 animated series (1987, 1996, 2003)
    • 6 different comic series
    • 4 movies:
      • 3 of them are feature films (1989, 1991, 1993), 1 is animated (2007).
  • A new one is being prepared in 2011 feature film about turtles. The exact name is still unknown working title - Untitled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Project.

Main characters

  • ( Splinter) - turtles, who practically replaced their father, a mutant rat. In some versions (comic book, first film adaptation), Splinter is a pet rat who learned the art from his master Hamato Yoshi. In others (cartoon) Splinter - former person Hamato Yoshi, under the influence of a mutagen, turned into a rat-like creature. Splinter's name is a parody of Stick, the mentor.
  • ( Shredder) is an evil ninja master named Oroku Saki, who is the leader of the Foot Clan. Opponent of Splinter and the Turtles. In the comics and the first film adaptation, Shredder is the culprit in the death of Hamato Yoshi, in the 1987 animated series - the mutations of the turtles and Splinter, in the 2003 animated series - the evil one in the morning (alien criminal).
  • April O'Neil ( April O'Neil) - in the first animated series - Channel Six reporter, friend of the Turtles, red-haired beautiful girl. In the second series, a scientist who worked with Baxter Stockman was rescued by the Turtles from robots. In the 2007 full-length cartoon - an archaeologist.
  • Irma- the heroine of the first animated series, an employee of Channel Six. An unattractive, but very amorous girl, April's friend.
  • Casey Jones ( Casey Jones) is a lone hero who has become the turtles' closest friend. Casey fights with sports equipment (baseball bat, golf club, hockey stick, etc.). He wears a goalie's hockey mask to hide his face. Named after the Wild West folk hero, locomotive engineer Casey Jones. He appears only once in the 1987 animated series, but becomes the main character in the 2003 animated series.
  • Krang ( Krang) - a character in the first animated series - an alien from Dimension X, an ally of Shredder. Lives at his station in Dimension X, later in the ice of the Arctic. Looks like a brain with tentacles. Moves by controlling the robot in which it is located. In the 2003 series, Shredder is Krang's body.
  • Bop And Rocksteady ( Bebop and Rocksteady) - characters of the first animated series - a rhinoceros and a mutant boar, Shredder's assistants, former . Role - “stupid henchmen of the main villain.” The names are the names of musical genres, and accordingly.
  • Baxter Stockman- a mad scientist, distinguished by his special hatred of animals, created mouse robots - Mousers, killers of rats and turtles. In the 1987 animated series, he is a psychopath who always interferes with Shredder, Shredder's henchman. In the 2003 animated series, he is a brilliant scientist for whom April used to work.
  • Rat King- a character who appears in several episodes, usually plays the role of an antagonist. Outwardly, he is a man and has power over rats. The image is more likely to correspond than .


Mirage Studios

The cover of the first issue is a parody of Ronin Frank Miller

Premiere of the first issue of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) took place in May. The comic was published in a limited edition of 3,000 copies in newspaper format with black and white drawings on cheap paper by Mirage Studios, a studio run by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The small circulation made this comic a real find for collectors, as a result of which over time the price of the first issue increased several times. Eastman and Laird chose the name "Mirage Studios" for their studio because they did not yet have their own professional art studio when the first issue was published.

Mirage subsequently produced additional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics called Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with art by Ryan Brown and Jim Lawson. These issues were supplements to the main comic series, and filled in gaps in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe.

When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles phenomenon began to spread to other formats (movies, games, etc.), Eastman and Laird had to devote a lot of time to selling licenses and rights to distribute toys, clothing based on famous cartoons, comics, and other merchandise. For this reason, the two artists were unable to participate in the writing and drawing of the monthly comics. Their place was taken by other artists who got the opportunity to show their talent in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe. Various trends that have emerged in individual stories, made the series sketchy and constantly changing. However, later the creators returned the series under their control, and from issue 48 of the original series, comics were published under their supervision and direct participation. After the release of issue 62, the First Volume of the comics was completed, and the subsequent thirteen issues of the Second Volume were published in color. The series then ceased to exist, and Mirage Studios officially announced the end of comic book releases.

TV series

To date, the first 139 episodes are available on


“The Next Mutation” did not find fans and was canceled after the first season, consisting of 26 episodes.

As the Turtles series progressed, programmers tried to make the Turtles as different from each other as possible in terms of their fighting techniques. When Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' popularity waned in the mid-90s, video games based on them changed focus. "" became with familiar characters in the style of "Street Fighter".

Konami also acquired the rights to the 2003 animated series and brought it into video games. The games that came out have the same beat 'em up gameplay. Besides

In this article you will learn:

Raphael from comics, cartoons, games and films about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the most persistent and aggressive of the turtles - a maniac, an anarchist, a hooligan - as many characterize him.

The character was created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. He first appeared in 1984 in Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1.

It was named after Raphael Santi, a Renaissance artist. Wears a red bandana. His favorite weapon is the “sai” pair - piercing edged weapons (resembles a trident, some are used to calling them “forks”), and he also often uses shurikens (“stars”).

Nicknames: Raph, Hot Head, Raphael-san, Night Experience, Night All-Seeing.


  • Raphael's horoscope is Cancer.
  • His height is 1m 57cm.
  • Weight - 82 kg.

Rough turtle with brown eyes and a red bandage.

He is the most temperamental in the turtle team. His weapon is Sai.

Raf is a big fan of wrestling, hockey and golf. Of his favorite books, he prefers "Park" Jurassic» Michael Crichton. From music - Rap, metal, punk.

Rafael has no specific goal in life and this infuriates him. Because of this, all his anger occurs, which spills out on those around him. He envies his brothers who have discipline, peacefulness and intelligence, but Raf does not have this. He seeks freedom like humans, but is forced to languish in the sewer because he is just a turtle.

Raph is cruel to his enemies. Without understanding who is right and who is wrong, he gets into a fight. He is disobedient and considers himself independent. And only when he needs help does he call not his brothers, but his friend, the same goofball Casey Jones.

Rafael loves to be the center of attention. He never sits still. Raf is a maniac - who simply needs to fight evil, otherwise he will fade away.

As a child, Raph had problems with balance and was damn afraid of heights.

Since childhood, Raf's enemy Leonardo, to whom Splinter devoted more time to study. Since Raf is a quarrelsome type, he constantly bullies his older brother and does not always manage to get away without punches.


Raphael grew up in the sewers with his three brothers, and the mutated rat Splinter acted as his father and sensei, who taught them the art of ninja.

For many years, the turtles did not come to the surface until they reached ninja skill and a certain age. The turtles acted as defenders of the city, from the “Legs” clan, which was led by Shredder, Splinter’s old enemy. The first person and friend of the turtles is April O'Neil, whom they saved from robots - Mausers. The second person to visit the turtles' home is Raph's friend, the masked avenger Casey Jones.

When war breaks out with the Legs and the Shredder, the turtles must retreat to Grandma Casey's farm. There Leonardo recovered his mental and physical wounds received after the fight with the Shredder's ninja.

Raphael returned to the city alone and at first he wanted to distribute the Shredder himself, but he could not cope without the help of his brothers. In the decisive battle with the Shredder, Leonardo beheaded the villain.

The war with the Foot Clan did not end there, since the Elite of the clan was not going to stop there.

Soon the turtles decide to live separately from each other. Raphael settled in the cathedral and would be glad not to see his brothers, but troubles with the cyborg Baxter Stockman, who was going to kill April, forced him to return.

Raph's Mastery

  • Well trained in ninjutsu
  • High speed and strength
  • Kobudo Master
  • Master of Stealth Infiltration
  • Double sai master


Raphael had a lover - Niñara, the queen of the foxes, but he had to part with her.

- Don’t you understand? Even if Ninyara agrees to stay with me until the end of her days, you yourself know as well as I what will happen. We are turtles. And turtles live long, much longer than mammals. I will outlive Ninyara by at least four hundred years.
- But your brothers will stay with you.
- Fabulous! And together we will watch the world perish.


Movies Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 - 1993)

In this independent film, Raphael, like in the original comics, constantly argues with Leonardo and jokes with Mikey. In the film, he was ambushed by the Foot Clan and was seriously wounded; after recovering, he and his brothers challenge Shredder.

In the second film, he again fought with the mutated Shredder and won.

In the third film, the turtles traveled back in time to Japan.

Although the films were independent films, they collected quite a bit of money, becoming excellent family film in the 90s. The films did not use graphics and the turtles were portrayed by actors in suits, and their faces were moved using animatronic masks.

TMNT cartoon (2007)

In this cartoon, Raf is tough and hot-tempered. After the turtle team disbanded, he became the Night All-Seer, working with Casey to restore order on the streets.

After Leonardo returns from Africa, Raf enters into battle with him and wins. But their quarrel ends with Leo's kidnapping. Reunited with his brothers, Raf entered into battle with Max Winters' generals.

Movies "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2014 - 2016)

In the reboot of the turtle films, Raphael returned cocky and arrogant, constantly arguing with Leo for leadership. By looking at it, we can say that he is the most powerful and powerful turtle among his brothers. Unlike the other characters, Raf, as usual, is given the most time in the film. Also, unlike the others, Rafael walks barefoot.

In the first film, the hero has a one-on-one battle with the Shredder, but loses. Only by joining forces can the turtles stop the villain.

In the second film, Raf and his brothers try to stop Krang's invasion.

Renaissance artist. He is one of the older brothers. Rafael is a fidget and always rushes forward.

Publication history
Publisher Mirage Studios
Debut Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles#1 (October 1984)
Authors Kevin Eastman
Peter Laird
Character Stats
Position Good
Nicknames Raf, Rafi, Rafi-boy, Hothead, Green Defender, Green Cloak, Raphael-san, Night All-Seeing, Daredevil, Rebel Turtle, Madman, Turtle Terror, Secret weapon, Temperament, Muscles
View Mutant turtle

Animated series 2003
158 cm Animated series 2012
173 cm

Film 2014
195 cm

Animated series 2003
68 kg

Animated series 2012
80 kg
Occupation ninja, fictional vigilante
Teams and organizations
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Casey Jones, April O'Neil, Traximus, Splinter, Batman, Robin, Alfred, Mona Lisa
Shredder, Khan, Agent John Bishop, Krang, Rocksteady and Bebop, Baxter Stockman, Rat King
Special powers
    • Well trained in ninjutsu
    • Excellent physical shape
    • Immense physical strength
    • Violent character
    • Kobudo Master
    • Master of Stealth Infiltration
    • Double sai master

Since 1985 he had his own comic book.

Raphael's personality

  • In comics, stories are most often told from Raphael's point of view. He is always at the center of events and is the second main character.
  • Raphael is distinguished by a violent, impatient character. He does not like to wait and plan; he prefers to immediately launch a frontal attack. This can also be regarded as Raphael’s desire to take the first, most painful blow. If the Turtles encounter any new enemy. then there is no doubt that Raphael will attack him first. Moreover, he never gives up and does not like to run away.
  • Rafael can often be seen practicing punches on a heavy punching bag or doing push-ups. But, unlike Leonardo, who sees the meaning of life in training, for Raphael this is apparently a way to throw out his aggression.
  • Raphael is the physically strongest of the Turtles. He is the only one capable of defeating Leonardo in hand-to-hand combat.
  • However, in the 1987 cartoon, Raphael is one of the funniest. The animated series itself was comedic, and Raphael's jokes were especially emphasized.
  • According to cartoons and comics, Raphael has a friend - Casey Jones; they were united by the idea of ​​exterminating thieves and criminals.

Love and family

In the animated series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” Raphael began an affair with Mona Lisa, a girl who mutated into a lizard. However, Mona Lisa appears in one episode, but this is not the case; in one episode, Mona Lisa flies to earth and remains there. However, according to many fans of the animated series "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", Mona Lisa and Raphael are one of best couples. In the fourth season of the 2012 animated series, Mona Lisa is a member of the alien race of Salamanders and a highly skilled warrior. In the Archie comics (Adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Raphael and Mona Lisa have a baby daughter, Irrilia (#43, Battle for the Future). Quote: "Mona Lisa! I came here as soon as I could! Why didn't you say that we were taking... A-A-A." And then Raphael sees Mona Lisa trying to eat her daughter and saves Irrilia.

Outside of comics


  • In the 1990 film adaptation, Raphael was voiced by Josh Pace. He is hot-tempered and competes with Leonardo. Midway through the film, he is ambushed by the Foot Clan, who seriously wound him (this happens to Leonardo in the original comics and the 2003 and 2012 animated series, as well as in the alternate future). After this, his role in the film faded into the background, although he later recovered. At the end of the film, in the battle against the Shredder, Raphael is the first to get rid of his weapon at the request of the Shredder in order to save Leonardo's life. This shows that Rafael cares about his family and doesn't only think about himself. Raphael also showed a different side to himself when he helped Leonardo recover from his battle with a gang of ninjas in the 2003 animated series.
  • In the second film he was played by Kenn Trome and voiced by Laurie Faso, and in the third film he was played by Matt Hill and voiced by Tim Kelleher. In these films, Raphael is shown to be more grumpy, but still loving to children.
  • In the 2007 TMNT cartoon, Raphael was voiced by Nolan North. Here he is shown more cruel and disappointed in life. Unable to wait for Leonardo to return from the jungles of Central America, Raf violates Splinter's will and becomes the Night All-Seeer, fighting criminals at night and using very harsh methods (his weapon was the manrika chains). When Leonardo returns from Central America, Raf is constantly angry with him, as he feels abandoned by his brother. Leo accidentally meets Raph in the form of the Night All-Seer and confronts him, which Raph doesn't mind at all. During the fight, Leonardo knocks Raphael's helmet off and, recognizing his brother with shock, tries to admonish him. An enraged Raph begins a battle with his brother and wins, but in the process almost kills Leo. Shocked by what he almost did, Raphael runs away in panic.

After this, Leo was kidnapped by the Foot Clan in order to be sent to another dimension instead of the Thirteenth Monster. Raphael runs back to save his brother, but fails and returns home in despair. Raphael confesses to Splinter that he was jealous of Leonardo because he thought he was his teacher's pet. But Splinter explained to him that he loves all his sons. Later, Casey and April come to them, and together they go to save Leonardo. It is Raf who becomes the leader of the squad for this time, and after saving Leo, Raf happily returns his duties to him.