Interesting facts from the life of Tsiolkovsky. Personal life and biography of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky short biography is set out in this article and can be supplemented.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky short biography

Born into the family of a forester in the village of Izhevskoye, Ryazan Province, in 1857 on September 5. After suffering from scarlet fever in childhood, he almost completely lost his hearing; Deafness did not allow him to continue his studies at school, and from the age of 14 he studied independently.

From 16 to 19 years old he lived in Moscow, studied physical and mathematical sciences in the secondary and high school. In 1879, he passed the exams for the title of teacher as an external student and in 1880 was appointed teacher of arithmetic and geometry at the Borovsk district school in the Kaluga province.

For 12 years, Tsiolkovsky lived and worked in Borovsk, teaching arithmetic and geometry. There he married Varvara Evgrafovna Sokolova, who became his faithful assistant and advisor.

While teaching, Tsiolkovsky began to engage in scientific work.
Almost all of the works of this great inventor were devoted to jet vehicles, airplanes, airships, and many other aerodynamic studies.

It is worth especially noting that it was Konstantin Eduardovich who completely owned new idea for those times of construction of an airplane with a metal casing and frame. In addition, in 1898, Tsiolkovsky became the first Russian citizen to independently develop and build a wind tunnel, which later began to be used in many flying machines.

The passion to understand the sky and space prompted Konstantin Eduardovich to write more than four hundred works, which are known only to a small circle of his admirers.

Among other things, thanks to the unique and thoughtful proposals of this great researcher, today almost all military artillery uses trestles for launching volley fire. In addition, it was Tsiolkovsky who thought of a way to refuel missiles during their actual flight.

Scientific activity occupied everything free time Tsiolkovsky, but the main work for many years was still teaching. His lessons aroused students' interest and gave them practical skills and knowledge. Only in November 1921, at the age of 64, Tsiolkovsky left his teaching job.

After the Great October Revolution socialist revolution his scientific activity received government support. In 1918, Tsiolkovsky was elected a member of the Socialist Academy. In 1921, Tsiolkovsky was assigned an increased personal pension.


1857, September 17 (5)- In the village of Izhevskoye, Ryazan province, a son, Konstantin, was born into the family of the district forester Eduard Ignatievich Tsiolkovsky and his wife Maria Ivanovna (nee Yumasheva).

1858, summer- The Tsiolkovsky family moves to Ryazan.

1867, winter- Konstantin loses his hearing after suffering from scarlet fever.

1868, autumn- The Tsiolkovsky family moves to Vyatka (now Kirov).

1869, autumn- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky enters the Vyatka men's gymnasium.

1870, autumn- Death of mother.

1873, summer - 1876, October- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lives in Moscow and is engaged in self-education. Acquaintance with the cosmist philosopher N. F. Fedorov.

1876, end of October- Return to Vyatka.

1878, summer- Tsiolkovsky’s father retires, and the family moves to Ryazan.

1879, September- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky takes exams for the title of teacher in district schools as an external student; in October received a certificate giving the right to teach.

1880, January- Received an appointment in the city of Borovsk, Kaluga province, and began teaching arithmetic and geometry at the Borovsk district school.

1880, August 20- Wedding with Varvara Evgrafovna Sokolova (November 5, 1857 - August 20, 1940).

1880–1883 - First written scientific works: “Theory of gases”, “Duration of radiation from the Sun”, “Free space”, “Mechanics like a changing organism”.

1887, spring- Speech at a meeting of the Society of Natural History Lovers in the Great Hall of the Polytechnic Museum with a report on a metal controlled balloon. Meeting Professor A.G. Stoletov, who provided the young scientist with important moral support.

1887, April- Fire in the house where Tsiolkovsky lived; the family loses all acquired property, the scientist loses his library, instruments and laboratory equipment.

1890, October- The VII (aeronautical) department of the Russian Technical Society at its meeting gave a negative assessment to the project of a metal balloon (airship) presented by Tsiolkovsky, and rejected the scientist’s request to allocate funds for the construction of an experimental model.

1891, second half- Tsiolkovsky’s first works - “The pressure of a liquid on a plane moving uniformly in it”, “How to protect fragile and delicate things from shocks and blows” - were published in the Proceedings of the Physical Sciences Department of the Society of Natural History Amateurs.

1892, February- Tsiolkovsky and his family move to Kaluga. Start of teaching at the Kaluga district school.

1892, spring- Publication of the scientist’s first book - “Controllable Metal Balloon”.

1893–1894 - Publication of works: “Metal controlled balloon” (2nd part), “Gravity as main source world energy", science fiction story "On the Moon", "Is a metal balloon possible?", "Airplane, or Bird-like (aviation) flying machine."

1895, spring- The book “Dreams of Earth and Sky” has been published.

1896 -Start of work in the field of rocket dynamics. First drafts of the article “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments.” Continuation of the design of a metal airship.

1897, autumn- On own funds built the world's first wind tunnel and began experiments to study air resistance. I contacted the physics department of the Russian Physical-Chemical Society with a message about the discovery and a request for financial support. I received an answer about the futility of the project and a refusal of financial assistance.

1897 - The journal “Scientific Review” (No. 7) published the article “Duration of solar emission. Pressure inside stars (the Sun) and their compression due to the elasticity of matter.” The beginning of creative collaboration with the magazine publisher, educational writer and philosopher M. M. Filippov.

1898, December- Writes a treatise “ Scientific Basics religion”, which marked the beginning of an extensive cycle of subsequent God-seeking works.

1899, February- Starts teaching physics at the Kaluga Diocesan Women's School, combining this with work at the Kaluga District School.

1900, January - Russian Academy Sciences decides to allocate financial assistance in the amount of 470 rubles to continue experiments in aerodynamics.

1900, August- Resigns from service at the Kaluga district school due to completely disturbed health. From now on, Tsiolkovsky's teaching activities are connected with the diocesan school - right up to the liquidation of the latter by decision of the Soviet authorities.

1900 - The journal “Scientific Review” (No. 12) publishes a review article by Tsiolkovsky “Advances in Aeronautics of the 19th Century.”

1901, December- Preparation of a report on experiments on air resistance carried out using a wind tunnel. The report, later sent to the Academy of Sciences, was not properly assessed and was not published.

1902, April - July- Preparing for publication the article “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments” (in two parts).

1903, January- Beginning of work on the philosophical work “Ethics, or Natural Foundations of Morality.”

1903, May- The journal “Scientific Review” (No. 5) publishes the first part of Tsiolkovsky’s article “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments.”

1904, May- Purchase of his own house in Kaluga (now the Memorial House-Museum of K. E. Tsiolkovsky).

1909–1911 - Obtaining patents for his inventions related to the method of joining metal sheets for the purpose of constructing the shell of an airship of variable volume - in Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, France, Russia, Austria and the USA.

1911, end - 1912, beginning- The journal "Bulletin of Aeronautics" (editor - B. N. Vorobyov) in seven issues publishes the second part (and a summary of the first part) of the article "Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments."

1914, April 8-13- Participation in the III All-Russian Aeronautical Congress, held in St. Petersburg. Presentation of a report on a metal airship (the report was read by P. P. Canning due to Tsiolkovsky’s illness and at his request).

1914, April- Meeting a 17-year-old student of the Kaluga Real School, Alexander Chizhevsky.

1915, January- Appeals to the Main Department of Agriculture and Land Management with a request to take ownership of a plot of government land in the Black Sea province.

1914–1916 -Among others, the following works were written and published: “Nirvana”, “The Second Law of Thermodynamics”, additions to the first and second parts of “Exploration of World Spaces with Reactive Instruments”, “Earth Formation and solar systems", "Common alphabet and language", "Knowledge and its dissemination", "Grief and genius".

1917–1918 -Work on philosophical and sociological treatises “The Ideal System of Life”, “Human Properties”, “Science and Faith”, “The Adventures of the Atom”.

1917, December- Speaks at the newly created People's University with a series of lectures on issues of philosophy and the “social structure of humanity.”

1918 - The magazine “Nature and People” in No. 2–14 publishes the science fiction story “Outside the Earth”.

1918, July 1- Dismissed from the Kaluga Diocesan Women's School due to the liquidation of the latter.

1918, August 25- Elected as a competitive member of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences.

1918, November 1- Accepted as a teacher at the 6th Kaluga Unified Labor Soviet School.

1918- The work “Genius Among People” was published.

1919, February- Appeals to the command of the Southern Front and the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs with a proposal to build an airship for the needs of the Red Army.

1919, May 30- A commission consisting of professors Zhukovsky, Vetchinkin and others gives a negative conclusion regarding the feasibility of building a metal airship designed by Tsiolkovsky.

1919, summer- Autobiographical notes “Fate, rock, destiny” were written.

1919, November 17- Arrested by the Extraordinary Commission and escorted to Moscow to the Lubyanka investigative prison.

1920, autumn- Attempts to move to permanent place residence in Kyiv.

1920, October 25- The Kaluga Gubernia Economic Council reported to Kyiv that it was impossible for Tsiolkovsky to move due to health reasons.

1920 -The release of a separate edition of the science fiction story “Outside the Earth” (the magazine publication of 1916 was not completed).

1921, June 20- Hired to work in the technical bureau of the Kaluga Gubernia Economic Council as a design technician.

1921, August 1- Transferred to the position of consultant technical issues Kaluga Gubernia Economic Council.

1921, November 9- The Small Council of People's Commissars, with the participation of V.I. Lenin, adopted a resolution: “In view of the special merits of the scientific inventor and aviation specialist K.E. Tsiolkovsky in the field of scientific development of aviation issues, assign him a lifelong pension in the amount of 500,000 rubles. per month."

1923, August 23- Gives a lecture in Moscow to students at the Air Force Academy.

1923, November-December- Publication of the brochure “Rocket in outer space"with a foreword by A. L. Chizhevsky, in which K. E. Tsiolkovsky’s priority in the field of rocket technology is defended.

1924 -Publishing the brochure “The History of My Corrugated Metal Airship.”

1924, April- Publishes a review of A. L. Chizhevsky’s book “Physical Factors of the Historical Process” in the regional newspaper “Commune”.

1925, May 3- Participates in a debate at the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow on the topic “Tsiolkovsky’s metal airship and how to build it.”

1925–1935 - Daily work on theoretical and cost estimates, consulting and modeling of a metal airship of our own design; persistent struggle to bring an idea to life.

1926 - In issue No. 14 of the Ogonyok magazine, Tsiolkovsky’s article “The History of My Airship” is published with a portrait of the author.

1927 -The brochure “The Universal Human Alphabet, Spelling and Language” was published.

1928 - Ogonyok magazine (No. 14) publishes the autobiography of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, written by A. L. Chizhevsky and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founder of astronautics.

1928 - Brochures are published in Kaluga: “The Will of the Universe” (with the appendix of the essay “Unknown Intelligent Forces”), “Self-Love, or True Self-Love”, “Mind and Passions”.

1929, autumn(presumably) - Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga is visited by S.P. Korolev, the future designer of Soviet rocket and space systems, with the help of which the first artificial Earth satellite and the first manned flight into space were launched.

1930 -Publication of the work “Scientific Ethics”.

1932, September- Tsiolkovsky is being celebrated throughout the country on the occasion of his 75th birthday.

1932, summer - autumn- Consulting on the film “Space Voyage” and working on the “Space Travel Album”.

1933, May 2- Writes a letter of appeal to “My friends” and begins to send out unpublished philosophical notes.

1934 -Two volumes of “Selected Works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky” have been published: Book. 1. “All-metal airship”; Book 2. "Jet propulsion."

1935, September 21- Buried in the Country Garden (since 1936, renamed the Park named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky).

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Russian and Soviet self-taught scientist, inventor and researcher in the field of aerodynamics and aeronautics, founder of modern cosmonautics.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born on September 5 (17), 1857 in the family of the district forester Eduard Ignatievich Tsiolkovsky (1820-1881), who lived in the village of Spassky district, Ryazan province. In 1866 he suffered from scarlet fever, due to which he almost lost his hearing.

In 1869-1871, K. E. Tsiolkovsky studied at the Vyatka men's gymnasium. In 1871, due to deafness, he was forced to leave the educational institution and began self-education.

In 1873, K. E. Tsiolkovsky made an attempt to enter the Higher Technical School in, which ended in failure. However, he remained in the city, deciding to continue his education on his own. In 1873-1876, K. E. Tsiolkovsky lived in, studied at the Chertkovsky Public Library (later transferred to the building of the Rumyantsev Museum), where he met. In three years I mastered the gymnasium curriculum and part of the university curriculum. Upon his return in 1876-1878, he was engaged in tutoring and showed the abilities of a talented teacher.

In 1879, at the 1st Ryazan Gymnasium, K. E. Tsiolkovsky successfully passed the external examination for the right to occupy the position of teacher in district schools. Based on the results of the exam, he received a referral from the Ministry of Education to the city of Kaluga province, where he went at the beginning of 1880.

In 1880-1892, K. E. Tsiolkovsky served as a teacher of arithmetic and geometry at the Borovsky district school. He advanced quite successfully in his career, and by 1889 he received the rank of collegiate assessor. His first scientific research dates back to the period of work in Borovsk. In 1881, K. E. Tsiolkovsky independently developed the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases and sent this work to the Russian Physical-Chemical Society, which noted the author’s “great abilities and hard work.” Since 1885, he dealt primarily with issues of aeronautics.

In 1892, K. E. Tsiolkovsky was transferred to service in, where he lived until the end of his days. Until 1917, he taught physics and mathematics at the city gymnasium and the diocesan women's school. His conscientious work was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus, 3rd degree (1906) and St. Anne, 3rd degree (1911).

In parallel with his teaching activities, K. E. Tsiolkovsky was engaged in research in the field of theoretical and experimental aerodynamics, and developed a project for an all-metal airship. In 1897, the scientist created the first wind tunnel in Russia, developed an experimental technique in it, conducted and described experiments with the simplest models.

By 1896, K. E. Tsiolkovsky created a mathematical theory of jet propulsion. His article “Exploration of world spaces using jet instruments” (1903) became the world's first scientific work on the theory of jet propulsion and the theory of astronautics. In it, he substantiated the real possibility of using jet instruments for interplanetary communications, laid the foundations of the theory of rockets and liquid rocket engines.

After the October Revolution of 1917, K. E. Tsiolkovsky participated in the work of the Proletarian University in. At this time, he worked hard and fruitfully to create a theory of jet flight and developed a design for a gas turbine engine. He was the first to theoretically solve the problem of landing a spacecraft on the surface of planets without an atmosphere. In 1926-1929, K. E. Tsiolkovsky developed the theory of multi-stage rockets, in 1932 - the theory of jet aircraft flight in the stratosphere and design schemes for aircraft for flight at hypersonic speeds. In 1927, he published the theory and design of a hovercraft train.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky became the founder of the theory of interplanetary communications. His research was the first to show the possibility of reaching cosmic speeds and the feasibility of interplanetary flights. He was the first to study the issue of a rocket - an artificial satellite of the Earth and the creation of near-Earth orbital stations as artificial settlements that use the energy of the Sun and serve as intermediate bases for interplanetary communications. K. E. Tsiolkovsky was the first to solve the problem of the movement of a rocket in a non-uniform gravitational field and considered the influence of the atmosphere on the flight of a rocket, and also calculated the necessary fuel reserves to overcome the resistance forces of the Earth's air shell.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky also gained fame as a talented popularizer, the author of philosophical and artistic works (“On the Moon,” “Dreams of Earth and Sky,” “Outside the Earth,” etc.), who developed issues of cosmic philosophy and ethics.

The scientific work of K. E. Tsiolkovsky enjoyed the patronage of the Soviet government. All conditions for creative activity were created for him. In 1918, the scientist was elected to the number of competing members of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences (since 1924 - the Communist Academy), and since 1921 he was awarded a lifetime pension for services to domestic and world science. For “special merits in the field of inventions of great importance for the economic power and defense of the USSR,” K. E. Tsiolkovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1932.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky died in

K. E. Tsiolkovsky is a world-renowned Soviet researcher and promoter of space exploration.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is a scientist and inventor, a pioneer in the field of space exploration. He is the “father” of modern astronautics. The first Russian scientist to become famous in the field of aeronautics and aeronautics, a man without whom it is impossible to imagine astronautics.

Tsiolkovsky's discoveries made a significant contribution to the development of science; he is known as the developer of a model of a rocket capable of conquering outer space. He believed in the possibility of establishing human settlements in space.

From the biography of K. E. Tsiolkovsky:

The biography of the scientist is a vivid example of his dedication to his work and perseverance in achieving his goal, despite difficult life circumstances.

The future great scientist was born on September 17, 1857 in the Ryazan province, in the village of Izhevskoye, not far from Ryazan.

Father Eduard Ignatievich worked as a forester and was, as his son recalled, from an impoverished noble family, and mother Maria Ivanovna came from a family of small landowners; she ran a household.

Three years after the birth of the future scientist, his family, due to difficulties encountered by his father at work, moved to Ryazan.

Konstantin and his brothers’ initial education (reading, writing and basic arithmetic) was handled by their mother. In 1868, the family moved to Vyatka, where Konstantin and his younger brother Ignatius became students at the men's gymnasium. Education was difficult, the main reason for this was deafness - a consequence of scarlet fever, which the boy suffered at the age of 9. In the same year, a great loss occurred in the Tsiolkovsky family: Konstantin’s beloved older brother, Dmitry, died. And a year later, unexpectedly for everyone, my mother passed away.

The family tragedy had a negative impact on Kostya’s studies; Tsiolkovsky was often punished for all sorts of pranks in class, and his deafness began to progress sharply, increasingly isolating the young man from society.

In 1873, Tsiolkovsky was expelled from the gymnasium. He never studied anywhere else, preferring to pursue his education independently, because books generously provided knowledge and never reproached him for anything. At this time, the guy became interested in scientific and technical creativity, even designed a lathe at home.

Parents of K. E. Tsiolklevsky

At the age of 16, Konstantin, with the light hand of his father, who believed in his son’s abilities, moved to Moscow, where he unsuccessfully tried to enter the Higher Technical School. Failure did not break the young man, and for three years he independently studied such sciences as astronomy, mechanics, chemistry, mathematics, communicating with others using a hearing aid.

The young man visited the Chertkovsky public library every day; It was there that he met Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, one of the founders of Russian cosmism. This outstanding man replaced all the teachers put together for the young man.

Life in the capital turned out to be unaffordable for Tsiolkovsky, and he spent all his savings on books and instruments, so in 1876 he returned to Vyatka, where he began to earn money by tutoring and private lessons in physics and mathematics. Upon returning home, Tsiolkovsky’s vision deteriorated greatly due to hard work and difficult conditions, and he began to wear glasses. Students came to Tsiolkovsky, who established himself as a highly qualified teacher, with great eagerness. When teaching lessons, the teacher used methods developed by himself, among which visual demonstration was key.

For geometry lessons, Tsiolkovsky made models of polyhedra from paper, and together with his students he conducted experiments in physics. Konstantin Eduardovich has earned the reputation of a teacher who explains the material in a clear, accessible language: his classes were always interesting.

In 1876, Ignatius, Constantine’s brother, died, which was a very big blow for the scientist.

In 1878, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky and his family changed their place of residence to Ryazan. There he successfully passed the exams to obtain a teacher's diploma and got a job at a school in the city of Borovsk. At the local district school, despite the considerable distance from the main scientific centers, Tsiolkovsky actively conducted research in the field of aerodynamics. He created the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases, sending the available data to the Russian Physical-Chemical Society, to which he received a response from Mendeleev that this discovery had been made a quarter of a century ago.

The young scientist was very shocked by this circumstance; his talent was taken into account in St. Petersburg. One of the main problems that occupied Tsiolkovsky’s thoughts was the theory of balloons. The scientist developed his own version of the design of this aircraft, characterized by a thin metal shell. Tsiolkovsky outlined his thoughts in his work of 1885-1886. "Theory and experience of the balloon."

In 1880, Tsiolkovsky married Varvara Evgrafovna Sokolova, the daughter of the owner of the room in which he lived for some time. Tsiolkovsky's children from this marriage: sons Ignatius, Ivan, Alexander and daughter Sophia.

In January 1881, Konstantin's father died. Later, a terrible incident occurred in his life - a fire in 1887, which destroyed everything: modules, drawings, acquired property. Only the sewing machine survived. This event was a heavy blow for Tsiolkovsky.

In 1892, Tsiolkovsky moved to Kaluga. There he also got a job as a teacher of geometry and arithmetic, while simultaneously studying astronautics and aeronautics, and built a tunnel in which he checked aircraft.

It was in Kaluga that Tsiolkovsky wrote the main works on space biology, the theory of jet propulsion and medicine, while at the same time continuing to study the theory of the metal airship.

Konstantin did not have enough personal funds to conduct research, so he turned to the Physicochemical Society for financial assistance, which did not consider it necessary to financially support the scientist.

Konstantin is refused and spends his family savings on his work. Money was spent on the construction of about a hundred prototypes. Subsequent news of Tsiolkovsky's successful experiments nevertheless prompted the Physicochemical Society to allocate him 470 rubles. The scientist invested all this money into improving the properties of the tunnel.

Space irresistibly attracts Tsiolkovsky, he writes a lot. Begins fundamental work on "Exploration of outer space using a jet engine." Konstantin Tsiolkovsky pays increasing attention to the study of space.

The year 1895 was marked by the publication of Tsiolkovsky’s book “Dreams of Earth and Sky,” and a year later he began work on a new book: “Exploration of Outer Space Using a Jet Engine,” which focused on rocket engines, cargo transportation in space, and fuel features.

The beginning of the new, twentieth century was difficult for Konstantin: money was no longer allocated to continue important research for science, his son Ignatius committed suicide in 1902, five years later, when the river flooded, the scientist’s house was flooded, many exhibits, structures and unique calculations. It seemed that all the elements of nature were set against Tsiolkovsky. By the way, in 2001, a strong fire occurred on the Russian ship Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, destroying everything inside (as in 1887, when the scientist’s house burned down).

The life of a scientist became a little easier with the advent of Soviet power. The Russian Society of Lovers of World Studies gave him a pension, which practically prevented him from starving to death. After all, the Socialist Academy did not accept the scientist into its ranks in 1919, thereby leaving him without a livelihood. In November 1919, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was arrested, taken to Lubyanka and released a few weeks later thanks to the petition of a certain high-ranking party member.

In 1923, another son, Alexander, died, who decided to take his own life. The Soviet authorities remembered Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the same year, after the publication of G. Oberth, a German physicist, on space flight and rocket engines. During this period, the living conditions of the Soviet scientist changed dramatically. The leadership of the Soviet Union paid attention to all his achievements, provided comfortable conditions for fruitful work, and assigned him a personal lifelong pension.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, whose discoveries made a huge contribution to the study of astronautics, died in his native Kaluga on September 19, 1935 from stomach cancer.

Key dates in the biography of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

*1880 Married in a church marriage to V. Sokolova.

*1896 began to study the dynamics of rocket motion.

*In the period from 1909 to 1911 - received official patents related to the construction of airships in the countries of the Old and New Worlds and Russia.

*1918 Becomes a member of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences. Continues teaching at the Kaluga Unified Labor Soviet School.

*1919 The commission does not accept the project of an airship for arming the Soviet army. He wrote the autobiography “Fate, Fate, Destiny.” Spent several weeks in prison at Lubyanka.

*1929 met with a colleague in rocket science, Sergei Korolev.

Scientific achievements of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

1.Creation of the country's first aerodynamic laboratory and wind tunnel.

2.A balloon that can be controlled, an airship made of solid metal - developed by Tsiolkovsky.

3. Proposed a new design for an engine with gas turbine traction.

4.More than four hundred works on the theory of rocketry.

5.Development of methods for studying the aerodynamic properties of aircraft.

6. Presentation of the strict theory of jet propulsion and proof of the need to use rockets for space travel.

7. Developed a rocket launch from an inclined level.

8. This development was used in artillery installations of the Katyusha type.

9.Worked on justifying the possibility of traveling into space.

10. Seriously studied real interstellar travel.

Interesting facts from the life of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

1. As a 14-year-old teenager, he made a lathe. A year later I made a balloon.

2. At the age of 16, Tsiolkovsky was expelled from the gymnasium. He never studied anywhere else, but pursued his education independently: books generously gave him knowledge.

3. With his own money, Tsiolkovsky created about a hundred different models of aircraft and tested them.

4. News of Tsiolkovsky’s successful experiments nevertheless prompted the Physicochemical Society to allocate him 470 rubles, which the scientist spent on the invention of an improved wind tunnel.

5. The only thing that survived the fire in Tsiolkovsky’s house was a sewing machine.

6. During the flood, the scientist’s house was flooded, many exhibits, structures and unique calculations were destroyed.

7. Tsiolkovsky’s two sons committed suicide at different times.

8. Tsiolkovsky is a self-taught scientist who substantiated the idea that rockets should be used for space flights.

9. He sincerely believed that humanity would reach such a level of development that it would be able to populate the vastness of the Universe.

10. Inspired by the ideas of the great inventor, A. Belyaev wrote a novel in the science fiction genre called “KETS Star”.

Quotes and sayings by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

1. “Glimpses of serious mental consciousness appeared while reading. At the age of 14, I decided to read arithmetic, and everything there seemed to me completely clear and understandable. From that time on, I realized that books are a simple thing and quite accessible to me.”

2. “The main motive of my life is to do something useful for people, not to live my life in vain, to advance humanity at least a little forward. That's why I was interested in what gave me neither bread nor strength. But I hope that my work, maybe soon, or maybe in the distant future, will give society mountains of bread and an abyss of power.”

3. “Abyss of discoveries and wisdom await us. We will live to receive them and reign in the Universe, like other immortals.”

4. “The planet is the cradle of reason, but you cannot live forever in the cradle.”

5. “Inevitably, they come first: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. They are followed by scientific calculation and, in the end, execution crowns thought.”

6. “New ideas must be supported. Few have such value, but it is a very precious quality of people.”

7. “People penetrate the solar system, manage it like a mistress in a house: will then the secrets of the world be revealed? Not at all! Just as examining a pebble or shell will not reveal the secrets of the ocean.”

8. In his science fiction story “On the Moon,” Tsiolkovsky wrote: “It was impossible to delay any longer: the heat was hellish; at least outside, in illuminated places, the stone soil became so hot that it was necessary to tie rather thick wooden planks under the boots. In our haste, we dropped glass and pottery, but it did not break - the weight was so weak.” According to many, the scientist accurately described the lunar atmosphere.

9. “Time may exist, but we do not know where to look for it. If time exists in nature, then it has not yet been discovered.”

10. “Death is one of the illusions of the weak human mind. It does not exist, because the existence of an atom in inorganic matter is not marked by memory and time, the latter seems to not exist. The many existences of the atom in organic form merge into one subjectively continuous and happy life - happy, since there is no other.”

11. “The fear of natural death will be destroyed from a deep knowledge of nature.”

12. “Now, on the contrary, I am tormented by the thought: did my labors pay for the bread that I ate for 77 years? Therefore, all my life I aspired to peasant agriculture, so that I could literally eat my own bread.”

Monument to K. E. Tsiolkovsky in Moscow

photo from the Internet

Date of birth: September 17, 1857
Date of death: September 19, 1935
Place of birth: the village of Izhevskoye, Ryazan Province.

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky- scientist and inventor. Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich(Konstanty Ciołkowski) – pioneer in the field of space exploration, scientist. He is the “father” of modern astronautics. The first Russian scientist to become famous in the field of aeronautics and aeronautics. He believed in the possibility of establishing human settlements in space.

Konstantin first saw the light of day on September 17, 1857 in a little-known village, which was located near Ryazan. Tsiolkovsky's father served in forestry. Mother, Maria Yumasheva, came from small landed nobility, and, in accordance with the customs of that time, took care of the household.

At the beginning of 1868, she moved from the village to a larger city, Vyatka. Kostya began studying at the gymnasium. The boy had difficulty studying because he was deaf after scarlet fever. In 1873, the teenager stopped studying due to expulsion. The lack of schooling did not prevent him from studying the exact sciences all his life.

As a 16-year-old teenager, Konstantin goes to the capital. There he devoted himself to the altar of natural sciences and mechanics for several years. To be a full-fledged member of society, he uses a hearing aid. Studying, renting housing and food in Moscow were financially prohibitive for the young man. And in 1876, a young, well-educated scientist decides to return back to the province, to his father.

To support himself, the young man earns money by teaching algebra and geometry privately. The talented teacher did not experience a shortage of students, because... has proven itself to be excellent.

This experience was not in vain, because soon the scientist and his relatives moved to Ryazan. Here he finally receives a diploma, which allows him to start teaching in Borovsk.

The district school where Tsiolkovsky taught was located far from St. Petersburg and Moscow, centers of science. Despite this, Konstantin begins scientific work in the field of aerodynamics. He is the creator of the kinetic theory. He sends the figures obtained as a result of the experiments to the Russian Phys.-Chem. society. The response letter from Mendeleev shocks him - it turns out that this discovery had already been made a quarter of a century ago. But Konstantin’s calculations were appreciated in St. Petersburg.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a promising scientist went to live in Kaluga. He teaches and continues to work in aerospace and astronautics. It was here that he built a tunnel in which the aerodynamic features of the constructed devices could be tested. All this costs money, and Konstantin turns to the Physics and Chemical Society with a request for funding. Receives a refusal and spends family savings on his work. Money was spent on the construction of about a hundred prototypes. Having learned about this, the Society allocates almost 500 rubles to the researcher. The scientist invested all this money into improving the properties of the tunnel.

Space irresistibly attracts Tsiolkovsky, he writes a lot. Begins fundamental work on "Exploration of outer space using a jet engine."
The early 1900s brought a lot of troubles. In 1902, the scientist’s son, Ignat, committed suicide. After 5 years, the Oka overflowed its banks, flooding the unique machines and calculations of the scientist located in a single instance. The Physics and Chemical Society remained indifferent to the work and problems of Konstantin Eduardovich, and did not allocate a penny to continue the work.

After the advent of Soviet power, Tsiolkovsky received a salary from the Russian Society of World Studies Amateurs. It came as a surprise to everyone that two years after the revolution the scientist was arrested. By a lucky coincidence, someone from the top of the party stood up for him and the scientist was released.

In 1921, the space explorer finally received the recognition he deserved from the new authorities. He is given a lifetime allowance.

In September 1935, Konstantin Eduardovich died from a malignant disease.

Achievements of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

More than 400 works on the theory of rocket construction.
Seriously engaged in the study of real interstellar travel.
A controllable balloon, an airship made of solid metal, was developed by Tsiolkovsky.
He justified that only rockets are capable of comic travel.
Developed the launch of a rocket from an inclined level. This development was used in Katyusha-type artillery mounts.
He proposed a new design for an engine with gas turbine traction.

Dates of the biography of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

September 17, 1857 - born in Ryazan Province.
In 1880 he got married in church to V. Sokolova.
In the period from 1880 to 1883 he published scientific works “Duration of Radiation of the Sun”, “Mechanics of a Likely Changing Organism”, “Free Space”. He began teaching at the district school.
1896 began to study the dynamics of rocket motion.
In the period from 1909 to 1911, he received official patents related to the construction of airships in the countries of the Old and New Worlds and Russia.
1918 Becomes a member of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences. Continues teaching at the Kaluga Unified Labor Soviet School.
1919 The commission does not accept the project of an airship for arming the Soviet army. He wrote the autobiography “Fate, Fate, Destiny.” Spent several weeks in prison at Lubyanka.
1929 met with a colleague in rocket science, Sergei Korolev.
On September 19, 1935, he died from a malignant disease.

Interesting facts of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky:

Inspired by the ideas of the great inventor, A. Belyaev wrote a novel in the science fiction genre called “KETS Star”.
As a 14-year-old teenager, he made a lathe. A year later I made a balloon.
The only thing that survived the fire in Tsiolkovsky's house was a sewing machine.