Where is Doctor Lisa? Doctor Lisa

26/12/2016 - 17:37

Elizaveta Glinka biography, photo, family, personal life of Doctor Lisa. The tragedy in the Black Sea with the Tu-154 airliner ended the lives of 92 people - 84 passengers and 8 crew members. Among the passengers on the ill-fated flight to Syria was Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, known throughout the world as Doctor Lisa. Initially, information about Glinka’s death was not confirmed - she was not on the passenger list. Soon her husband, Gleb Glebovich Glinka, announced her death.

Elizaveta Glinka biography, photo, family, personal life of Doctor Lisa. Glinka Elizaveta Petrovna was born in Moscow on February 20, 1962. Her parents were famous people. Dad was a military man, and mother, Galina Ivanovna Poskrebysheva, was a famous TV presenter and nutritionist. In 1986, Elizaveta completed her studies at Moscow State Medical Institute. Pirogov and received the specialty of a resuscitator-anesthesiologist for children.

In the same year, together with her husband Gleb Glebovich Glinka, an American lawyer of Russian origin, she flew to the USA to permanent place residence, where in 1991 she received another higher education - palliative medicine. In the USA, Elizaveta Petrovna was introduced to the work of hospices, to which she devoted 5 years.

In 2007, Glinka returned to Russia because of her seriously ill mother. Later she opened charitable foundation in Moscow - “Fair Aid”, sponsored by the State Duma party “A Just Russia”. This foundation provides medical care and financial support to cancer patients, low-income patients, and the homeless. Every week, representatives of the foundation go to Paveletsky Station, where they distribute medicine and food to homeless people. During military operations in the southeast of Ukraine, Glinka provided assistance to residents of the LPR and DPR.

Elizaveta Glinka biography, photo, family, personal life of Doctor Lisa. Elizaveta Petrovna’s husband is an American lawyer Gleb Glebovich Glinka, who has Russian roots. His father is a Russian poet and famous critic Gleb Aleksandrovich Glinka. Has three sons Konstantin, Alexey and Ilya. Ilya is adopted son Gleb Glebovich and Elizaveta Petrovna. They are all on at the moment live in the USA.

Doctor Lisa to the rescue

From sunny Luganda they report http://lifenews.ru/news/159300
"A special team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with the help of Doctor Lisa, transported sick children from Donbass
The head of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa, helped organize the transportation of young patients from Donbass. A special team of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations transported 17 seriously ill children with various diagnoses, including heart disease, from eastern Ukraine. This time, there are no patients among the patients wounded during the fighting. Two victims of the clashes remained in Donetsk, Dr. Lisa hopes to pick them up soon.
In total, during the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Dr. Lisa took 189 people from the self-proclaimed republics to Russia, most of them children. Among those who are helped by the Elizaveta Glinka Foundation are not only those affected by clashes and bombings, but also simply people with serious illnesses who cannot receive qualified help in the Donbass.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia invariably provides assistance to Dr. Lisa’s foundation. After the children are loaded from the plane into ambulances, they will be taken to medical institutions in the Russian capital."

The question is certainly interesting, why patients cannot now receive normal care in Donetsk, one of the largest cities in Ukraine...
Just a couple of years ago, before the Russian World came there, you could get any medical help there...
But Oldfisher is even more interested in something else...
The patients were transported from Donetsk by an aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Russian budget money...
Then they will all be taken to Moscow hospitals to be treated at the expense of the Russians...
But it is believed that a certain Doctor Lisa saved and cured them all...
The plane of the Ministry of Emergency Situations could not take off without Dr. Lisa???
Or hospitals in Moscow would not be able to treat without her???
In general, I’ve been hearing this expression Doctor Lisa for a long time, it means someone is madly promoting my auntie...
Let's find out what kind of Mother Teresa of the Russian World this is...
When back in 1962 in Moscow, a girl named Liza Sidorova was born into the family of father Petya Sidorov and mother Galya Poskrebysheva, no one could have imagined that this would be the future savior of Russian children from the bloodthirsty Judeo-Bender junta in Ukraine...
To correctly understand the nationality of Liza Sidorova, it’s a good idea to look at the photo of her mother Galina Poskrebysheva (1935-2008), a nutritionist...

I have no doubt that dad Petya Sidorov was there too...
Then Liza Stidorova grew up and married Gleb Glinka, about whom all that is known is that he is the son of some literary critic, in 1986. graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute and in the same year, together with her husband, immigrated to the USA....
1986 - it was still a very strong USSR, Gorbachev had just come to power, only very terry Jews were released to the West...
But probably in the case of Liza Glinka, she was already striving to build the Russian World in America...
She was an ardent patriot since childhood...
Naturally, Gleb and Lisa Glinka officially renounced Soviet citizenship upon immigration, but received American citizenship...
Those. main philanthropist in Russia today - American...
But let’s continue to observe the life path of the defender of the Russian World in Luganda, the American doctor Lisa...
In the dashing 90s, Liza Glinka surfaced on the territory former USSR, but not in Russia, but in Kyiv in Ukraine...
That's where she was in 1999. founded a hospice at an oncology hospital in Kyiv...
Probably, before sucking on the Russian budget, madam warmed up on the Ukrainian budget...
At the same time, she created her first hospice fund, “Vera”...
When the topic of hospices in Ukraine was mastered, Dr. Lisa finally found some solutions in Moscow...
"In 2007, she founded the “Fair Help” charitable foundation in Moscow, sponsored by the “Fair Russia” party. The foundation provides financial support and medical care to dying cancer patients, low-income non-cancer patients, and the homeless. In 2010, Elizaveta Glinka, on her own behalf, collected material assistance for the benefit of victims of forest fires."
It's clear...
In the 2000s, Dr. Lisa was noticed by Putin’s loving old friend Sergei Mironov and organized and began to sponsor her new fund through my party...
In 2007 Dr. Lisa already has a foundation in Moscow, and in 2010. she is already collecting money with all her might for the benefit of fire victims...
Whoever collected money in their favor that year was a very sweet topic...
But finest hour American citizen Elizaveta Glinka struck in 2014, when Russia went to build the Russian World in Crimea and Luganda...
American citizen Doctor Lisa has developed frantic activity in supporting Putin’s anti-American course, in the construction of the Russian World there...
"Together with the current supporter Russian authorities and President Vladimir Putin, the All-Russian Popular Front organized the march and rally “We are United” in the center of Moscow on November 4, 2014, in which all parliamentary (United Russia, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, SR) and non-parliamentary (Civic Platform, Right Cause) will take part ", Labor Party, "Patriots of Russia", Agrarian Party and "Greens"). According to Glinka herself: “the purpose of the action is to demonstrate that we are for unity and peace, that we must be able to negotiate, and if society does not know how to listen to each other, then tragedies like in Donbass happen,” and also: “a reminder of unity of the Russian people, about the need for their unification. Nowadays a very difficult situation is developing around Russia. These are both sanctions and unsubstantiated accusations."
And this is said by a lady who left the then united USSR with her husband back in 1986...
"At the end of October 2014, Elizaveta Glinka gave an interview to the Pravmir portal. The text of the interview was published on the portal. According to a quote from it, reprinted by the website of the Dozhd TV channel, Glinka allegedly said: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I claim that there are no Russian troops there, whether someone likes to hear it or not. There is a militia and there are Ukrainian troops who are sorting things out among themselves. coming civil war, this was also recognized by the UN."
In short, the American doctor Lisa believes that the Luganda army was formed exclusively from local teachers and miners who bought machine guns and tanks at Voentorg...
But now from there the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations regularly takes patients to Moscow, but it is believed that it is an American from the Russian World, Doctor Lisa, who takes them...
At the same time, she also has direct access to Himself as a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights...
In general, what is it like, a US citizen sits on the Council under the President of Russia???
And if she was also given Russian citizenship, then on what basis, she had not been a citizen of the USSR since 1986!!!
Millions of Russians cannot obtain Russian citizenship only because at the beginning of 1992 they were registered in the USSR, but outside the RSFSR...
And the lady who left in 1986. to America, then in the 90s she lived in Ukraine and came to Russia only in 2007, this citizenship was given without any problems???
Based on what???
The mystery of the Russian World...

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka “Doctor Lisa” Russian public figure and human rights activist. Philanthropist, resuscitator by training, specialist in the field of palliative medicine, executive director of the International public organization “Fair Aid”. Member of the Russian Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

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Biography Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka (widely known under the pseudonym Doctor Lisa) was born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow into a military family. In 1986, Elizaveta Glinka graduated from the Second Pirogov Medical Institute, receiving a diploma in the specialty “pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist.” During my studies I worked in intensive care unit one of the Moscow clinics. In the same year, Glinka emigrated to the United States with her husband, a successful American lawyer with Russian roots, Gleb Glinka, and 3 sons, one of whom was adopted.

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In America, Glinka, at the initiative of her husband, began working in a hospice and, in her own words, was shocked human attitude to hopeless patients in these institutions (“These people are happy,” Glinka later recalled. “They have the opportunity to say goodbye to their relatives and get something important from life”). In 1991, Glinka received a second medical education, having graduated from Dartmouth Medical School with a degree in palliative medicine: doctors in this specialty provide symptomatic care to incurable patients, primarily with cancer. In 1999 in Kyiv she founded the first hospice at the Kyiv Cancer Hospital.

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In 2007, when her mother fell ill, Glinka moved to Moscow. In July of the same year, she founded the Fair Aid charity foundation and became its executive director. The organization was engaged in helping low-income patients and other socially vulnerable categories of the population, including people without specific place residence. Since 2007, every week on Wednesdays, the foundation’s volunteers went to the Paveletsky railway station in Moscow, where they distributed food, clothing and medicine to the homeless, and also provided them with medical assistance. In 2012, more than 50 low-income families were under the care of Fair Aid.

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In August 2010, the Fair Aid Foundation organized a collection of assistance for victims of forest fires covering various regions of the country. In the winter of 2010-2011, for freezing people, the foundation founded by Glinka organized heating points for the homeless and collected tens of kilograms humanitarian aid. In 2012, help from Dr. Lisa’s foundation went to flood-stricken Krymsk.

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When the conflict began in Donbass, Elizaveta Glinka, of course, did not stand aside. In fact, from the very beginning of the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine, Elizaveta Glinka has been constantly visiting this region on humanitarian missions - donating medicine and food to hospitals, and also evacuating sick children.

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In total, from March 2014 to the present day, Dr. Lisa has visited Donbass 16 times. During this time, about 160 children were taken away. At the end of August 2015, Glinka opened a “House of Mercy” in Moscow for families with children who have already undergone treatment but need rehabilitation.

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Since 2015, during the war in Syria, Elizaveta Glinka has repeatedly visited the country on humanitarian missions - she was involved in the delivery and distribution of medicines, organizing the provision of medical care civilian population Syria.

Elizaveta Glinka- Russian public figure, human rights activist and philanthropist. Also known as Doctor Lisa.

Biography of Elizaveta Glinka

Elizaveta Glinka born on February 20, 1962 in Moscow. Elizabeth's father Petr Sidorov- military man, and mother - Galina Poskrebyshev a - nutritionist, culinary specialist and TV presenter. Elizabeth’s family also included two of her cousins, who were left without parents.

After graduating from school, Elizaveta entered the 2nd Moscow State University medical school in the direction of “pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist”. In 1986 she graduated from college, after which she married Gleb Glebovich Glinka and in 1990 she left for the USA. In the USA, Elizaveta received a second higher education in palliative medicine. While living in the USA, Glinka became acquainted with the work of hospices and began collaborating with them.

In the mid-1990s, Elizaveta returned to Russia, where, together with her husband, she took part in the opening of a doctor Vera Millionshchikova First Moscow Hospice. In 1999, Elizaveta and her husband went to Ukraine, where they opened a hospice at the Kyiv Cancer Hospital.

In 2007, Elizabeth founded the international public organization in Moscow under the name “Fair Aid”, sponsored by the “Fair Russia” party. The organization's activities are to provide material support and medical care to people suffering from cancer, the poor and the homeless.

In 2010 Glinka collected material assistance for victims of forest fires.

In 2012, she organized a collection of donations for flood victims in Krymsk. With its help, we managed to collect more than 16 million rubles.

In 2014, with the beginning of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, Elizabeth took part in providing assistance to citizens living in the territories of the DPR and LPR. In the same year, together with the All-Russian People's Fund, Glinka organized the “We are United” rally, which took place in the center of Moscow.

Since 2015, Dr. Lisa has repeatedly visited Syria on humanitarian missions.

On December 25, 2016, Elizabeth tragically died in a plane crash near Sochi. She accompanied the party on board the plane medicines to Syria and for the Tishreen University Hospital in Latakia. She was identified by DNA testing in early 2017.

After her death, Elizaveta Glinka was awarded the medal “25 Years of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” for active interaction with customs authorities and the medal “For Purity of Thoughts and Nobility of Deeds” for her invaluable contribution to the triumph of Goodness and Peace on earth.

In 2018 it became known that the director Oksana Karas plans to make a film about Elizaveta Glinka called "Doctor Lisa", main role in which actress Chulpan Khamatova will perform.

Personal life of Elizaveta Glinka

Elizaveta Glinka was married to Gleb Glebovich Glinka. Gleb's father is a Russian poet and literary critic Gleb Alexandrovich Glinka. Grandfather Gleb was a Russian journalist, publicist, literary critic Alexander Sergeevich Glinka, who published under a pseudonym Volzhsky. Gleb Glebovich lives in the USA, where he practices law.

Elizaveta and Gleb have three children: sons Konstantin, Alexey and foster Ilya. For now Konstantin And Alexey live in the USA with their father, and Ilya- in Saratov.

Elizaveta Glinka adhered to Orthodox religious beliefs. I have always been against euthanasia.

30 years old family happiness, three children and hundreds of lives saved

Much more will be written and said about Elizaveta Glinka. Everything she did to save people’s lives can only be overestimated or correctly appreciated by those whom she helped. Dr. Lisa always spoke with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm about her activities and the work of the Fair Aid Foundation, but almost never talked about her personal life. Meanwhile, Elizaveta and Gleb Glinka lived together for 30 happy years.

Elizaveta Glinka in her youth.

An exhibition of expressionists was held at the House of Artists in Moscow, where Elizaveta met her future husband, Gleb Glinka. Young Lisa asked a stranger for a lighter, and he asked her for her phone number. The man was much older than her and seemed very old to her. But in response to a request to call, for some reason she agreed. When asked about a date, she said that she had an exam in forensic medicine.

Moscow, mid-1980s.

He met her at the morgue and was shocked by the difference between Russian and American morgues. Gleb Glinka was Russian by birth, but was born and raised in America. Nevertheless, he was always drawn to his historical homeland.

Lawyer Gleb Glinka.

According to Gleb Glebovich, within a week after they met, they both knew that they would definitely get married and live together all their lives. She always liked strong men. Elizaveta Petrovna was attracted not by physical strength, but by the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them. If the man was still smart and educated, then she could well fall in love with him. Gleb Glebovich Glinka studied and brilliantly graduated from college English literature, and then law school, with the same excellent grades. Much later, already in Russia at the age of 60, he passed the Russian bar exam and also excellently.

Elizaveta Glinka in her youth.

He was ready to stay in Russia, next to his chosen one, but Lisa just laughed: “You will be lost here!” In 1986, she graduated from the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute and received the profession of pediatric resuscitator-anesthesiologist. And until 1990 they lived in Moscow, then they left for America together, along with their eldest son Konstantin.

With Gleb and Lisa in their Vermont home. From left to right: Olga Okudzhava, Antonina Iskander, Lisa, Gleb, poet Naum Korzhavin, playwright and director Sergei Kokovkin, Fazil Iskander, Bulat Okudzhava. 1992

In America, Elizaveta Glinka graduated from medical school with a specialty in palliative medicine. Gleb Glebovich advised her to pay attention to the hospice, which was located not far from their home. Lisa began to help hopeless patients. She spent five years studying how hospices operate and what difficulties they face. And at the same time I understood that it is possible and necessary to alleviate people’s suffering.

First parachute jump, July 2009.

Later they will return to Russia at the request of Elizabeth, spend 2 years in Kyiv due to Gleb’s contract. And everywhere Doctor Lisa will help people. In Moscow, already having two sons, she will work with the First Moscow Hospice, and in Kyiv she will create her first hospice. The most amazing thing is that Gleb Glinka will always support his wife in everything. He, like no one else, understood: helping those in need was as natural a need for her as breathing.

Elizaveta and Gleb Glinka with their son.

When Dr. Lisa’s mother fell into a coma and was in the Burdenko clinic, Elizaveta Glinka bought meat every day, especially mom's favorite, cooked it, ground it into a paste so that it could be fed from a tube. She knew that her mother couldn’t taste cooked food, but nevertheless, for two and a half years, she came to the hospital twice a day and fed her mother, holding her hand. This was all she was.

With husband Gleb and son Alyosha, Vermont, 1991.

Gleb and Elizaveta raised two sons. But a third boy appeared in their family - Ilya. He was adopted in infancy, but when the boy was 13 years old, his adoptive mother died. When Doctor Lisa began to tell her husband about the fate of the boy, he immediately realized: he would become their son. He again supported his wife in her decision.

Gleb Glinka.

He could probably prohibit his wife from engaging in her activities. Elizaveta Glinka herself spoke of her readiness to stop working if it interfered with her family. But Gleb Glebovich believed that he had no moral right to do so.

Gleb and Elizaveta with children.

She loved her family and did not like to talk about them in interviews. She wanted to protect her loved ones from publicity, especially when threats began to be made against her. Dr. Lisa tried to spend weekends with her family under any circumstances. The only time she changed this habit was on December 25, 2016.

Doctor Lisa.

It was difficult for Gleb Glebovich to give gifts to his wife. New thing literally in a couple of weeks you could see it on someone you knew or even on her ward from the Paveletsky station, where Dr. Lisa fed and treated the homeless. And again he did not protest. But she couldn’t help it and was even proud that her charges looked better than other homeless people.
When she first went to the conflict zone in Donbass to save seriously ill children, he realized how dangerous it was. But she again went at the behest of her heart to where she was needed.

Doctor Lisa.

On December 25, 2016, she boarded a plane bound for Syria. Doctor Lisa was carrying medicine for the university hospital. She will never return from this flight.
Gleb Glinka still cannot come to terms with the loss. He refuses to accept the fact that his beloved will never be around again. He will write in the afterword to her book: “I shared my life with her...”