The singer Alsou's husband, businessman Yan Abramov, is starting a mega-project in the Urals. Alsou's wedding: who is Yan Abramov? What does Yan Abramov, Alsou’s husband, do?

Yan Abramov ( full name Yan Rafaelevich Abramov) is a native of Baku. The name day is celebrated on December 4, 1977. He is now 43 years old.

The singer's husband is Yan Abramov

Yan Abramov's father is the famous banker Rafael Abramov. The son followed in his father's footsteps and became a successful and wealthy man.

Ian graduated from high school in Baku. Studying was easy for him, but sometimes he was reprimanded for his behavior. Since childhood, the boy was independent, stubborn, and always had some kind of goal. He was interested in tennis, basketball and football. After graduating from school, Ian’s parents sent him to continue his studies in America. There he mastered Portuguese, English and Spanish.

In 2006, an enviable groom and young millionaire chose his chosen one. At one of the special events, Ian met the Honored Artist of Tatarstan, Alsu Safina (now Alsou Ralifovna Abramovna). In one of the interviews, Alsou told how she met her husband. A friend invited her to a party. Among the guests was Yan Abramov. At first, the businessman seemed to Also to be a serious and uncommunicative person. But when they managed to communicate, the singer changed her mind. She was fascinated by the gallant and interesting conversationalist. That evening Ian played the piano, which completely captivated Alsou. The young people began dating. And after a few months, Ian invited his beloved to become his wife. Gorgeous wedding They played 8 months later, where the entire elite was invited. The newlyweds received gifts in the form of country house in Moscow and a Bentley car. Honeymoon trip The lovers spent time on the island of Fiji.

Wedding photo Alsou and Yana

Ian is proud of his wife. Since 1998 she started her musical career, which was a success. Alsou took part in Eurovision, where she took second place.

In 2006, Yan Abramov had a daughter, Safina. Now the girl is 7 years old. And in 2008, the second daughter Mikella was born.

Despite his wealthy and influential parents, Yan Abramov achieved his position on his own. From childhood, the father taught his son to be independent. In 2001, the young businessman participated in the creation of the Russian-American Council. A little later, together with Konstantin Borov, Abramov headed the publishing house of the magazine “America”. Lately Yan Abramov is the president of the New Technologies Association. Abramov’s main achievement was that, under his leadership, the production of the famous OSA traumatic weapon, which is produced by New Technologies JSC, was established.

For Yan Abramov, family is very important, so everything free time he tries to spend time with his family.

Singer Alsou with her husband Ian Wedding of Alsou and Yan Abramov
Singer Alsou with her husband Yan Abramov Wedding photo of Alsou and Yan

Alsou's wedding: who is Yan Abramov?

Singer's wedding Alsou and her beloved businessman Yana Abramova is scheduled for March 18, but the future newlyweds are still keeping preparations for the celebration in the strictest confidence. However, as well as the details of the personal life of the singer’s betrothed. But Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondents managed to find out interesting details of the upcoming wedding ceremony and the biography of the groom.

Who is he, Yan Abramov

The groom of the charming Alsou is doing something extremely courageous. It's been four years now future son-in-law senator Ralifa Safina is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Weapons Technologies JSC. This company produces perhaps our most famous self-defense weapon called OSA. But it did not save 29-year-old Ian from the spell of singer Alsou.

In what language the enamored businessman proposed to the singer is a mystery. After all, the young man who was born in Baku, studied in the USA and lives in Russia is fluent in three languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. He is also an excellent athlete - he is seriously interested in basketball. Ian inherited his passion for this sport from his father Rafael Abramov, not only a banker, but also the vice-president of the Moscow Basketball Association.

Despite an influential parent, his first serious business Yan Abramov started on his own. In 2001, he was at the forefront of the creation of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council. Together with Konstantin Borov, he published the magazine “America”, after which Yang ceded his share in the magazine to the same “Russian-American Business Cooperation Council”. In addition, today Abramov heads the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association.

There were rumors that Alsou's fiancé had a penchant not only for fireworks, but also for gambling. But Abramov’s close friends insist as one: Ian does not enter the casino at all.

The most eligible bachelor

As for the personal life of Alsou’s future husband, for a long time Yan Abramov was one of our ten most eligible bachelors. They say that even Ksenia Sobchak “hunted” him. He was credited with having affairs with a seductive gymnast Alina Kabaeva and a languid ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Abramov himself commented on his personal life before meeting Alsou as follows:

- As a secular person, I communicate a lot with different people: both businessmen and artists. I am friends, as they say, with half of Moscow. Therefore, I am not surprised by rumors about my novels. I treat my friends with respect and the warmest feelings. However, in the life of every man there can be only one and only beloved girl. For me, my future wife is the only and beloved one.

The cake will arrive directly from Austria

Preparations for the wedding ceremony are underway in full swing. Moreover, specialists all over Europe are working hard on it. The cuisine is planned to be mainly European. And for dessert, a real masterpiece was prepared for numerous guests, which has already been ordered from a famous chef from Austria. Only he is able to build a multi-tiered wedding cake filled with several kilograms of whipped cream, syrup and other delicious ingredients and at the same time keep it low-calorie.

As for the bride's outfit, it was sewn in the studio Yulia Safina, wife of Alsou’s brother. The cut of the dress is classic, the color is ivory. Alsou already brought him home and hid him from prying eyes in the farthest dressing room. In addition to the dress, the bride also “hides” a veil in her closet. To ensure that the newlywed’s bouquet looks harmonious with her dress, florists “sculpt” it from tea-colored flowers. And the groom’s chic suit was made to order in one of the best tailor shops in Italy.

The newlyweds ordered wedding rings from a store in one of the Moscow salons. Alsou's ring is made of white gold and a scattering of diamonds, Yan has a more strict version - without stones.

// "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Yan Abramov born on December 4, 1977 in the oil capital of the USSR - the city of Baku. His father is a famous Russian banker Rafael Abramov.

At the age of 17, after graduating from a regular Baku high school, Ian was sent by his parents to study in the USA. There he learned three foreign languages- English, Spanish and Portuguese, became interested in basketball and started his entrepreneurial activity.

His father's name and money helped young Jan only partly. Yan Abramov made many career achievements on his own. Thus, in 2001, he took part in the creation of the Russian-American Business Cooperation Council. Later he began publishing the magazine “America” (in partnership with Konstantin Borov). Today Abramov is at the head of the Moscow Pyrotechnic Association and holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Technologies JSC (since 2002). It’s interesting that Abramov’s company released the most famous thing in Russia today traumatic weapon"WASP".

Personal life of Yan Abramov

Since March 2006, Yan Abramov has been the husband of singer Alsou. The acquaintance took place a year before the wedding. The young people were introduced by friends. The courtship period was very romantic. Expensive gifts, endless bouquets of flowers... As Alsou said, their first meeting was “like in a movie.” Alsou, not knowing that her friends were taking her to an expensive restaurant, came wearing fashionable ripped jeans. Ian, on the other hand, was impeccably dressed in an expensive suit, his hair gelled. For some time, Alsou felt very embarrassed, but Ian, with his sense of humor and tact, managed to completely liberate the girl.

The businessman spent about $3.5 million on the wedding. The hall where the ceremony took place was decorated with stained glass windows, flowers, and gold columns. However, the young people signed in advance, at the Griboyedovsky registry office, in order to perform the most important part of the event in a narrow circle - only with those closest to them. Yuri Luzhkov personally presented the marriage certificate to the newlyweds.

It is known that the couple received a separate blessing from their spiritual fathers, because they are of different religions: Yang is Jewish, Alsou is Muslim. The couple has three children - two daughters and a son. Safina was born on September 1, 2006, and Michella on April 29, 2008. In 2016, the couple had a son, Rafael. Alsou gave birth to him in an Israeli clinic, the same one in which her youngest daughter was born.

In March 2019, further rumors appeared about the couple’s divorce. The Internet began to discuss their long absence joint photos. However, Alsou and Yan commented on this, saying that their marriage is fine, they just don’t like to appear in public and show their personal lives.

In April 2019, another scandal broke out involving a famous couple. The daughter of Alsou and Yan, Mikella Abramova, became the winner of the show “The Voice. Children-6" on Channel One. The media and public were outraged, and rumors spread that the vote had been “bought” by Mikella’s father. Channel One has begun the procedure for verifying viewers’ SMS voting. The results were published - 56.5% of viewers voted for Mikella, 27.9% for Yerzhan Maxim, and 15.6% of votes were given for Valery Kuzakov. Experts pointed to signs of “abnormal” voting. Channel One promised to check the results for interference and moderation.

Alsou's representative called viewers' versions of falsification a "stupid cliché." She also stated that Mikella had no idea that she would even make it to the super final, so she did not prepare a song for him. Daughter Alsou dreamed of taking part in “The Voice” from the age of five.

The opinions of the singer’s fans and fans of the show “The Voice” were divided. Some consider Mikella’s victory to be unfair and “bought,” while others think that the girl deservedly won and is now being bullied. The media laid part of the blame for her victory on celebrities, who on social networks urged their fans to vote for the girl. Among these stars were

A month ago, singer Alsou and businessman Yan Abramov became winners in the category “The most stylish couple according to HELLO!” They have been married for 8 years, but this is the first time they have agreed to a joint photo shoot.

Everything in the world happens well. This is how it is in the family of singer Alsou and businessman Yan Abramov. In the arithmetic of personal relationships, it happens when one plus one is exactly two, when the union of two people enriches them, filling each life with true meaning. They feel the mood, understand each other at a glance. Perhaps this is love. Alsou herself speaks about this frankly, without coquetry. And you believe her. After all, all those 15 years that we have seen her on stage, she has been true to herself. Alsou's songs today, as at the beginning of her career, are essentially the same in their main intonation - lyrical, sincere and very bright. The same as herself.

Yan Abramov and Alsou

Alsou, several years ago you became “Most Stylish” according to HELLO! This time you won together with your husband. How does it feel?

Thank you! Frankly, being stylish is not at all the purpose of my existence. (Laughs.) But I’m pleased that people like the way I look and the way I dress. And the HELLO! It's definitely flattering to receive! Especially this year, when Ian and I became the most stylish couple for the first time. It’s great that even visually the readers of the magazine perceive us as one whole.

The two of you really always look very harmonious. Does this mean that your tastes coincide in matters of style and fashion?

Now yes. But when we first started dating, we looked very different. Ian was 27, and he wore exclusively suits, always with a tie and a silk scarf. It seemed to me that such a strict, but very gallant image matured him a little. I, on the contrary, dressed like a teenager. I remember he came to our first date in a striped suit, buttoned up with all the buttons, with his hair combed smoothly back. And I’m in torn jeans, sneakers and a baseball cap.

Then you would hardly become the most stylish couple.

Definitely. (Laughs.) But in the eight years that we have been together, everything has changed. We, of course, influenced each other even in this sense. For example, before meeting me, Ian didn’t seem to have a single pair of jeans in his wardrobe. (Smiles.) His style completely reflected his previous state - this man seemed not to relax for a minute. And I even told him: “Take off this suit already, put on something loose, youthful.” And he asked me to wear high-heeled shoes or stylish boots. At that time I was wearing terrible UGG boots, and he, like any man, wanted to see a sophisticated girl next to him. And I myself began to change my wardrobe with pleasure. Moscow, perhaps, had that effect on me?.. Still, here, unlike London, for example, girls at any age like to dress up. I even became everyday life wear stiletto heels. And the most interesting thing is that over time I liked that very first image of Ian, I admire him when he’s wearing a suit, especially a three-piece with a vest. Probably, tastes change with age, and I think that right now Ian and I look most harmoniously together.

Probably, getting to know each other better, you have changed not only externally?

Ian has taught me a lot over the years that we have been together, such as being more attentive to others. I was always surprised by the gratitude and attention with which he treats people. He never forgets goodness, even the smallest. He has a lot of friends, he is ready to help everyone at any time of the day or night. And he doesn’t even need a “thank you” in response.

I recently heard someone say something like this about you: “She loves her husband so much.”

- (Smiles.) Probably because I don’t hide my feelings either from the public or from my husband. Someone behaves differently, someone is afraid of the evil eye, afraid that the husband will “sit on his neck” if he knows that his wife adores him. But I don't. I don't have such complexes. If I love, then I not only talk about it, it can be read in my eyes, my behavior. I won’t tell you now that for the last eight years we have been waking up every morning in heavenly bliss, and an acute feeling of happiness does not leave us every minute. We are people, we argue, we quarrel, anything can happen, but on the whole we have a strong friendly family, largely thanks to Ian. He is a real support in my life. You know, today I feel the same confidence in the future that I felt in childhood and youth thanks to my father. Dad arranged our life in such a way that we - mom, me, brothers - didn’t worry about anything at all. I’m used to the fact that the man decides everything in the family, so this is a very natural and familiar situation. True, I always consult with my husband on all issues - be it raising children, maintaining a home, or even creativity.

By what principle do you choose outfits for yourself, your husband and children?

For me, the process of choosing clothes is quite relaxed: I like it, it suits me, I take it. I don’t think through images, I don’t put together a bow in my head. Maybe because my style is so calm, not ultra-fashionable, rather classic, restrained. I'm not a fashionista, not a shopaholic, I don't buy collections of famous designers. I don't have such a need. I wear what makes me comfortable. Of course, the dress should be beautiful, but I would also like it to be comfortable to stand on stage and sing a three-minute song. Fashion is not the meaning of life, but just an addition to it. Well, tell me, why does a person need 250 bags?! Need new bag, for example, green or red pumps - I went and bought them.

Doesn't Alsou have pumps in all the colors of the rainbow?

I just don't need them. I'm quite happy without them. (Smiles.) Of course, deep down I remain a girl, and I like beautiful dresses, I like to look feminine, like a princess. But definitely not every day.

Are there dresses in your wardrobe that you can't part with?

Yes, several. One Roberto Cavalli concert dress - black and white, which friends and fans still remember - I wore about ten years ago in Jurmala. Maybe someday I’ll appear in it again - I kept the same forms. I carefully store two in a case in the closet wedding dresses. A few more stage outfits that were made especially for me different colors and styles. In the end, I have two daughters growing up, maybe my girls will wear some kind of dress, which in ten years will become almost vintage, to their school graduation, who knows. And so I cleared my wardrobe of dresses a little. Since I wear any outfit no more than two or three times, I have accumulated a lot of formal and weekend clothes. And on the eve of this New Year, we held a charity event - we sold out my stage costumes and evening dresses. The proceeds were sent to orphanage. I really liked the promotion and I think I will repeat it from time to time.

Alsou with daughters Safina and Mikella in the New Year's shoot HELLO!

Shopping is not your hobby, but maybe there are places where you like to buy clothes?

The main thing is not where, but with what mood. If I'm looking for something specific and it's not there, then shopping is just an ordeal. And sometimes, especially on vacation, when you have a lot of free time, it’s nice to walk around the boutiques. Even with my husband. He is so patient in this sense, he can sit on the sofa and calmly wait until I try on everything I want. Ian will not pull me, he will never be indignant, like, why do you need this dress? Or a bag?

Because you don't have 250 bags.

Because he likes to please me. He often brings me something nice from some business trip. And I must say, almost always what is needed, or something very beautiful.

Alsou, summer is coming, how do you plan to spend it?

There are many plans. Firstly, Ian and I are renovating our house. The process took a little longer, but it seems that the finale is soon - I have already chosen the wallpaper. (Smiles.) I’m also finishing work on a long-awaited album with the working title “You are the light.” The record will consist of Russian-language songs. These will mainly be light ballads about happy love. “You are the light” can be an appeal, a declaration of love to anyone - God, a child, a parent, I dedicated the album to everyone who loves.

It’s clear with work plans, but what about rest?

We recently returned from Thailand, where we had a family vacation. Even Ian let himself go from work and was with me and my daughters for three whole weeks. This was a necessary and well-deserved rest for him, he earned it. And we had a wonderful time: we walked, swam in the sea, sunbathed. The girls didn’t leave their dad’s side - they played with him, practically hanging on his neck. (Laughs.) Such moments are very valuable to me; I like to watch these touching scenes a little from the outside. At such moments I am visited by a feeling of all-consuming happiness.

According to the “official version”, Yan Abramov fell in love with his future wife even before they met - he just saw clips of the beauty on TV and her photos. One day young people crossed paths at one of the social events, but the acquaintance did not continue - for several years Alsou and Ian did not communicate or see each other at all.

Alsou herself says that the singer Ariana brought her and her husband together, who specially invited Yan and Alsou to the same party. “She described Ian’s virtues in such a way,” Alsou said in an interview, “that I was intrigued, especially when I remembered that we already knew each other!” Future husband that evening he captivated Alsou with his gallantry and upbringing, as well as his ability to masterfully play the piano.

It is worth noting that Yan Abramov at that time was very, very eligible bachelor. Born in Azerbaijan, studied in the USA, son of a famous banker, chairman of the board of directors of New Weapons Technologies JSC, enjoys sports, speaks three languages ​​perfectly... Agree, all this is impressive. In the early 2000s, there were rumors that Ksenia Sobchak and Anastasia Volochkova were trying to charm Abramov. Who knows?..

But Ian turned his attention to the beautiful Alsou, a girl from a family no less wealthy than himself, who also dances and sings, has excellent taste and an easy-going character.

Million dollar wedding

The lovers did not put off the wedding - just eight months after they met, a grand celebration took place in Moscow with the participation of show business stars, politicians and businessmen. The scale of the event was incredible, even for a celebrity accustomed to the whole world. The marriage certificate was presented to the newlyweds by the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov. It was decided not to order a dress for the bride from famous designers, and sew it in Sister Alsou’s atelier. However, the outfit didn’t lose out at all.

The ceremony itself was very touching - during the exchange of rings, the happy bride even cried. Alsou's dad couldn't help but cry.

Gifts to the bride and groom from their parents were no less luxurious - a Bentley car, country house in the near Moscow region and a penthouse in Moscow. And immediately after the wedding, Alsou and Jan went on their honeymoon to the island of Fiji.

Alsou and Yana's first daughter was born in the USA, six months after the wedding. The star wanted to name the girl Safina (with emphasis on the second syllable) - in honor of her maiden name Safina. And in 2008, two years later, Alsou gave birth to Mikella in one of the Israeli clinics. For a long time the singer kept her daughters away from the world of show business and did not even show their photographs, but quite recently she decided to pose with the grown-up girls for the cover of a glossy magazine.

After the birth of her children, the singer did not hide the fact that, unlike many of her colleagues who often give concerts a couple of weeks after giving birth, she was not going to return from maternity leave soon.

“I won’t be able to work like before,” said the star. “But for several hours at a time I will be able to record in the studio and practice.”

Eastern wisdom

Alsou grew up in a Tatar family, so after marriage she did not have to get used to the dominance of a man - her father and brothers had long taught the star to be especially respectful towards the stronger sex.

When the star got married, Yan Abramov forbade her to perform on corporate parties— the businessman believes that it is impossible to sing to the clink of forks and glasses. So now the singer only gives big official concerts, records songs and shoots videos. The singer once said: “I can’t say that the stage is like a drug for me, that I depend on it. I depend only on my family."

Despite the fact that the media have repeatedly written that Abramov is a real “house builder,” Alsou herself claims that there has never been any conflict about her work with her husband. On the contrary, Jan supports all her endeavors, and she herself does not want to devote more time to her career than to her husband and children.

In an interview, Alsou shared a secret family happiness: “Even though I'm as soft as a stuffed animal, I can be stubborn. It seems to me that in my relationship with my husband I chose the golden mean. I am from a Tatar family and a priori I respect a man and his opinion, but at the same time, I lived abroad for a long time and understand my London feminist girlfriends. I don’t argue with my husband; it’s easier for me to remain silent. And nothing but good attitude I won’t get it from my husband, because he understands that I broke myself a little by keeping silent, and I hope that he appreciates me even more for that.”