Order monotremes. Basic information: Echids are a family of the order Monotremes.

Yudakova Sofia

What does a platypus look like? What does it eat? What kind of life does he lead? Where does he live? What are the features of reproduction? Is the platypus dangerous? Does he have any enemies? Can the platypus live in captivity? These and other questions are answered in the presentation.



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The work was carried out by Sofya Yudakova, a student of grade 2 of the MBOU “Soschch No. 2 named after. G.V. Kravchenko" Vuktyl, Komi Republic. Teacher Slobodyan E. A. platypus

The goal of my robot: 1. Collect more information about an amazing animal - the platypus. Find out what is special about this mammal. 3. Present the information received in a presentation. 4. Present your work to friends and classmates. 2

The body length of the platypus is 30-40 cm, the tail is 10-15 cm, and it weighs up to 2 kg. Males are larger than females. The body of the platypus is squat, orot-legged; the tail is flattened, similar to the tail of a beaver, but covered with hair, which thins with age. Fat reserves are deposited in the tail of the platypus. 3

Its fur is thick, soft, usually dark brown on the back and reddish or gray on the belly. The head is round. In front, the facial section is extended into a flat beak about 65 mm long and 50 mm wide. The beak is not hard like that of birds, but soft, covered with skin. The oral cavity is expanded into cheek pouches, in which food is stored during feeding. 4

There are no auricles. The eyes and ear openings are located in grooves on the sides of the head. When an animal dives, the edges of these grooves, like the valves of the nostrils, close, so that under water its vision, hearing, and smell are ineffective. However, the skin of the beak is rich in nerve endings, and this provides the platypus with a highly developed sense of touch, which helps the platypus in searching for prey. Looking for it, the platypus continuously moves its head from side to side during underwater hunting. 5

The platypus has five-fingered feet, adapted for both swimming and digging. The membranes on the hind legs are much less developed; For swimming, the platypus does not use its hind legs, like other semi-aquatic animals, but its front legs. The hind legs act as a rudder in the water, and the tail serves as a stabilizer. The gait of the platypus on land is more reminiscent of the gait of a reptile - it places its legs on the sides of the body. 6

Platypus – excellent swimmer, it rows with four webbed feet and a tail and develops enormous speed. He catches food underwater. The hunter brings his prey to the surface behind the cheek, which holds a lot, and eats it there. 7

The platypus is an animal that leads night look life. and stores a supply of food, i.e. snails, larvae and other worms like squirrels in special bags that are located behind his cheeks. 8

The platypus is very sensitive to water pollution. It prefers a water temperature of 25-29.9 °C; not found in brackish water. 9

Its shelter is a short straight hole (up to 10 m long), with two entrances and an internal chamber. One entrance is underwater, the other is located 1.2-3.6 m above the water level, under tree roots or in thickets. The platypus lives along the banks of reservoirs. 10

The platypus is one of the few poisonous mammals. In males, a spur up to 12-15 mm grows on the hind legs, through which the poison passes. Platypus venom can kill small animals. For humans, it is generally not fatal, but it causes very severe pain, and swelling develops at the injection site, which gradually spreads to the entire limb. The pain may continue for many days or even months. 11

Platypus – oviparous mammal animal. 12

The female platypus lays 1-3 (usually 2) eggs deep in the burrow. After 10 days, the cubs hatch and feed on their mother's milk. The female has no nipples; the milk flows down the fur, from where it is licked by the cubs. 13

In nature, the platypus' enemies are few in number. Occasionally, he is attacked by a monitor lizard, a python, and a leopard seal swimming into the rivers. Python Leopard seal Varan 14

The lifespan of platypuses in the wild is unknown. In captivity they live on average 10 years 15

While working on this project, I, of course, learned a lot of interesting things about the platypus. I enjoyed searching for pictures and information about this interesting animal on the Internet. While creating a presentation, I learned how to quickly type and work in PowerPoint program I hope you liked my work! 16

17 Thank you for your attention!

Wikipedia http://lifeglobe.net/blogs/details?id=884 pictures, information http://australia-world.ru/ information Links: 18

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Echidna family ECHIDNA The echidna, a relative of the platypus, is not at all like it. She, like the platypus, is an excellent swimmer, but she does it only for pleasure: she does not know how to dive and get food under water.

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Another important difference: the echidna has a brood pouch, a pocket on its belly where it places its egg. Although the female raises her cubs in a comfortable hole, she can safely leave it - the egg or newborn cub in her pocket is reliably protected from the vicissitudes of fate. At the age of 50 days, the little echidna already leaves the pouch, but for about 5 more months it lives in a hole under the auspices of a caring mother.

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The echidna lives on the ground and feeds on insects, mainly ants and termites. Raking termite mounds with strong paws with hard claws, she extracts insects with a long and sticky tongue. The echidna's body is protected by spines, and in case of danger it curls up into a ball, like an ordinary hedgehog, exposing its prickly back to the enemy.

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WEDDING CEREMONY From May to September, mating season begins for the echidna. At this time, the female echidna is using special attention males. They line up and follow her in single file. The procession is led by the female, and the suitors follow her in order of seniority - the youngest and most inexperienced close the chain. So, in company, echidnas spend a whole month, looking for food together, traveling and relaxing.

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Family of platypus platypus A miracle beast, the platypus seems to be assembled from parts of different animals: its nose is like a duck’s beak, its flat tail looks like it was taken from a beaver with a shovel, its webbed feet look like flippers, but are equipped with powerful claws for digging (when digging, the membrane bends, and when walking, it gathers into folds without interfering with free movement). But despite all the seeming absurdity, this animal is perfectly adapted to the lifestyle that it leads, and has hardly changed over millions of years.

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At night the platypus hunts for small crustaceans, mollusks and other small aquatic life. Its tail-fin and webbed paws help it dive and swim well. The eyes, ears and nostrils of the platypus close tightly in the water, and it finds its prey in the dark underwater with the help of its sensitive “beak”. This leathery “beak” contains electroreceptors that can detect weak electrical impulses emitted by aquatic invertebrates as they move. Reacting to these signals, the platypus quickly finds prey, fills its cheek pouches, and then leisurely eats what it has caught on the shore.

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“Australia theme” - Only in the east there are small areas of ancient (420 million years ago) folding. Length 2375 km. The city of Sydney was founded as a convict colony. Temperatures in Australia increase when moving north towards the equator, rather than south. 1. History of the discovery of Australia. 2. Relief and minerals. 3. Climate and inland waters.

“Australia continent” - There are many plants and animals here that cannot be found on other continents. Indigenous. Australian merino sheep produce over half of the world's total harvest. Australia is the smallest and driest continent on our planet. Person M. Byron. G.P. - The coasts of Australia are very slightly indented. West coast of Australia.

“Natural areas of Australia” - The tallest and fastest growing tree in the world is the eucalyptus. Giant kangaroo - height - 2 m, body weight - up to 90 kg, speed - 20 -80 km / h. The bear is a very picky eater. It feeds on leaves and young shoots of certain species of eucalyptus. Birds 670 species. It feeds on worms, crayfish, eggs. Endemic 90%.

There are 9 presentations in total

Platypuses animals of Australia All about platypuses


For a long time, scientists argued about who the platypus was. Either a bird or an animal. The platypus animal combines the qualities of both.

Beast? After all, it feeds its cubs with milk and has short fur of a brownish-brown color.

Bird? He has a wide beak, like a duck, a cloaca, like all birds, for which he was classified, like an echidna, among monotremes.

Or maybe a reptile or fish? He is an excellent swimmer and his body temperature is low, maybe only 25 degrees. And when walking, he places his paws, like them, on the sides of his body. Some kind of unknown fairy-tale animal. In the end, this unique animal, living only in Australia, was classified as a mammal and called the platypus.

That's what I am!

Appearance Features

Platypuses have a slightly elongated, round body. It ends in a wide and flat tail, like a beaver's. Both the tail and the membranes stretched between the toes of the short paws help it swim. The eyes are quite small. The ears are simple holes. Hearing and vision are poor, but the sense of smell is excellent.

The unusual beak of the platypus has almost nothing in common with the beak of birds. He has the usual jaws of an animal, no teeth. But on the edges of the beak there are such sensitive receptors that they, like sharks, can detect weak electrical vibrations from moving prey. Females are smaller in size, up to 45 cm long, weighing slightly more than 1 kg. Males can weigh up to 2 kg, and their body is elongated up to 60 cm. Females do not give birth to cubs; they, like reptiles, lay eggs. Only they are covered not with a shell, but with a dense cornea. As such, there are no mammary glands. Milk simply flows from special ducts into the fold on the abdomen.

But that's it amazing features The platypuses are not running out.

Males defend themselves from enemies with spurs located on their hind legs. They are approximately 2 cm long, and they are not only sharp, but also contain strong poison.

Poisonous spur of a platypus Lifestyle of platypuses

The entire life of platypuses passes near small, calm rivers with low banks. It is on the shore that they dig a den for themselves, where they live permanently.

These animals are nocturnal and sleep in a hole during the day. They may go into a short period, for 10 days, hibernation before mating season. The purpose of hibernation is most likely to accumulate strength for reproduction.

Platypuses are very careful and rarely show themselves to humans, hiding in burrows.

They go out in search of food early in the morning or closer to night. Basically, they look for food at the bottom of the reservoir, shoveling a mass of silt deposits with their beaks. They capture worms, mollusks, tadpoles, and any crustaceans, but do not eat them right away. They store all living creatures by the cheeks, and then grind them on land with their jaws. The ability to electrolocate helps them not to grab inedible objects.

They live alone and do not form pairs.

The female's tail plays an important role. She uses it to carry soft grass for bedding in the hole, and uses it to cover the entrance to the hole with earth. This way she ensures her safety for 2 weeks while she incubates the eggs.

There are few eggs, one or two. After 7 days, the cubs hatch, also small, about 2 cm. They are completely helpless and blind. It is not clear why, but they are born with teeth that fall out after milk feeding ends.

Little platypuses remain blind for as long as 11 weeks. And they stay in the hole for 4 months. The mother feeds them with milk, only occasionally leaving the hole for food. During this period, she is unusually gluttonous and can eat as much as she weighs. In nature they live for about 10 years. The main enemies are wild dogs dingoes, monitor lizards and pythons. The platypus protects itself from them with its poisonous spur.

For people who hunted platypuses for their skin, the poison is not fatal, but the sting from the spur causes severe pain.

Due to the disturbed ecology, these amazing animals began to disappear, so they are specially bred in nature reserves and zoos.


General information The platypus is a waterfowl mammal of the order Monotreme, living in Australia. This is the only modern representative of the platypus family; together with echidnas, it forms the order of monotremes. This unique animal is one of the symbols of Australia.

The body length of the platypus is 30-40 cm, the tail is 10-15 cm, it weighs up to 2 kg. Males are about a third larger than females. The body of the platypus is squat, short-legged; the tail is flattened, similar to the tail of a beaver, but covered with hair, which noticeably thins with age. Its fur is thick, soft, usually dark brown on the back and reddish or gray on the belly. The head is round. In front, the facial section is extended into a flat beak about 65 mm long and 50 mm wide. The beak is not hard like that of birds, but soft, covered with elastic bare skin. Down at the base of the beak, males have a specific gland that produces a secretion with a musky odor. Young platypuses have 8 teeth, but they are fragile and quickly wear out, giving way to keratinized plates. The platypus has five-fingered feet, adapted for both swimming and digging. The swimming membrane on the front paws protrudes in front of the toes, but can bend in such a way that the claws are exposed, turning the swimming limb into a digging limb. For swimming, the platypus does not use its hind legs, like other semi-aquatic animals, but its front legs. The hind legs act as a rudder in the water, and the tail serves as a stabilizer. The gait of the platypus on land is more reminiscent of the gait of a reptile - it places its legs on the sides of the body. Its nasal openings open on the upper side of its beak. The eyes and ear openings are located in grooves on the sides of the head. When an animal dives, the edges of these grooves, like the valves of the nostrils, close, so that under water its vision, hearing, and smell are ineffective. However, the skin of the beak is rich in nerve endings, and this provides the platypus not only with a highly developed sense of touch, but also with the ability to electrolocate. Electroreceptors in the beak can detect weak electric fields, which arise, for example, when the muscles of crustaceans contract, which helps the platypus in search of prey. Looking for it, the platypus continuously moves its head from side to side during underwater hunting.