Maria Kozhevnikova, a year after giving birth, revealed the name of her third child. PEOPLETALK Exclusive: how Maria Kozhevnikova gets in shape after giving birth Secrets of losing weight to Maria Kozhevnikova

Maria Kozhevnikova became a mother in July; the artist gave birth to her third son. The young woman has gained a lot of weight last pregnancy, however, she is actively losing weight and sharing her successes with fans on Instagram. The star gives advice on how to get back in shape after childbirth. Maria also supports other women in their desire to lose weight.

The actress said that during pregnancy she gained 40 kilograms.

Actress Maria Kozhevnikova in her microblog in social network Instagram posted a photo from two years ago. The actress is simply unrecognizable here - she looks very plump. Kozhevnikova explained: this photo was taken when she weighed 40 kilograms more than now. This was a short period after the second birth.

How many pounds did you gain in previous pregnancies? How did you fight them?

During my first two pregnancies, I gained 40 kilograms. And, anticipating the sarcasm of readers that they say I should have eaten less, I’ll answer right away: I ate within normal limits. Moreover, I excluded from the diet flour and sweets and all those foods that lead to weight gain, especially starting from the seventh month. Until the sixth, my tummy was not visible at all, I did not gain weight, but after that the weight began to grow very quickly, as they explained to me, due to hormonal reasons.

And this process did not depend on the amount of food; moreover, doctors even suspected diabetes. The diagnosis was not confirmed. I was told that this is a feature of my body associated with hormonal levels during pregnancy. So this time I didn’t gain so much – 27 kilograms.

You gained 25 kilograms during pregnancy, how much did you lose immediately after giving birth?

At the end of my pregnancy I had gained 27 kilograms. Well, maybe 4-5 kilograms went away right away when I gave birth. But at first there were still 22-23 left, which were superfluous.

So you've already dropped 17?

Yes, I still have 4 kilograms left. But I'm slowly losing it. I don’t have a goal tomorrow to become the same person I was before pregnancy. Known fact: If you lose weight quickly, you may gain that weight back. The body should not be constantly in a state of shock. It is better to lose it gradually, 200-300 grams per day, so that the skin does not sag. No matter how much you want to instantly look stunning, it’s still a process; nothing will happen with the wave of a magic wand.

Secrets of losing weight by Maria Kozhevnikova:

At first she had a terrible complex because of her obesity, but then she realized that until she stabilized hormonal background, the weight will not go away, and you just need to be patient and eat right. She believes that the psychological side is also important for losing weight: you need to perceive yourself as you are and get rid of complexes;

Maria's diet contains the most healthy foods, rich in vitamins and microelements: fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals, lean fish and meats, herbs, low-fat dairy products. It is worth noting that they should all have a low glycemic index.

Considering how much weight Maria Kozhevnikova lost, it becomes clear that her diet was not too strict, but at the same time brought very significant results.

Rules for losing weight from Maria Kozhevnikova:

You need to eat 5 times a day, but in small portions;

Any fatty and high-calorie foods should be excluded from the diet: baked goods, sweets, fried foods, flour. It was thanks to this that Maria Kozhevnikova lost a lot of weight, because... such food promotes the formation of fat cells;

You need to drink 1.5 liters of pure still water per day.

Menu for the day from Maria Kozhevnikova

Today for breakfast, for example, I had low-calorie cheesecakes, for lunch - chicken soup, for dinner - fish with vegetables. And I snacked on fruits and nuts. A regular glass of kefir is prepared for the night. As you can see, losing weight is delicious and even necessary!

Sports life of Maria Kozhevnikova

The girl also devotes a lot of time to sports. After working day she doesn’t rush home to quickly lie down on the sofa, but goes to a good old gymnastics training session.

Sometimes, instead of going to the gym, she prefers skating, which she gladly shares with her fans on her Instagram.

I think many mothers should take an example from the beautiful Masha, because pregnancy and childbirth are not a reason to give up on yourself!

0 30 August 2017, 15:55

Mariya Kozhevnikova

A little over a month ago, Maria Kozhevnikova visited for the third time. Since then, the actress has not stopped telling her Instagram followers about the details of the pregnancy and the birth itself, because her interesting situation Maria did not advertise almost until the day her son was born. This time the celebrity urged women not to be ashamed of their bodies after childbirth.

During my third pregnancy I gained less than during the previous two, and it was very noticeable!!! +27 vs +40. How? Why? I would really like to tell you this secret, but it’s not there, it’s just not there. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional condition. And my son was born small, only 4 kg. Yes, for me this is everything, since again, 4,600 versus 4 kg is a huge difference for a natural birth. In general, this time the son felt sorry for his mother;) (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved - editor’s note)

More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I’m +13, and I’m gradually going to come to my senses, despite the fact that I can’t fit into my clothes, this, by the way, is the most important incentive!!! Clothes are hanging, but you can’t put them on, it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and will not create stress for it by losing more than 5 kg per month! — Kozhevnikova wrote on the social network, backing up her words with a “not the most successful by Instagram standards” photo:

I'm exhibiting this photo to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with sizes 90-60-90.

Kozhevnikova shared more than just a photo with her subscribers. She said that during this pregnancy she managed to gain as much as 27 kilograms. But this turned out to be a pleasant surprise for her. Before this (during my last pregnancy), the figure varied within 40 kilograms. Then Maria struggled for a long time to stay slim and, by the way, achieved excellent results.

“During my third pregnancy, I gained less than in the previous two, and it was very noticeable!!! +27 vs +40 How? Why? I would really like to tell you this secret, but it’s not there, it’s just not there. The same diet, rhythm of life and emotional state. And my son was born small, only 4 kg. Yes, for me this is everything, since again, 4600 versus 4 kg is a huge difference for a natural birth. In general, this time the son felt sorry for his mother.

More than a month has passed since the birth of my son, and I’m +13, and I’m gradually going to come to my senses, despite the fact that I can’t fit into my clothes, this, by the way, is the most important incentive!!! Clothes are hanging, but you can’t put them on, it’s a shame. But even despite this, I love my body and I won’t create stress for it by losing more than 5 kg per month! Tomorrow I will write a second post about my weight loss, I also remember your questions about stretch marks, I will definitely answer soon and tell you everything.

P.S. I am posting this photo, perhaps not the most successful by Instagram standards, to support women who did not leave the maternity hospital as models with the size “90 60 90″, as is customary on this resource.”

32-year-old Maria Kozhevnikova is the mother of two sons: three-year-old Vanya and two-year-old Maxim. On her Instagram, the actress often posts photographs of children and talks about how they grow. On June 1, the star wrote a post in which she touched on a topic that is relevant for young mothers—weight loss after childbirth.

Maria said that during each pregnancy she gained almost 40 kilograms, but thanks to willpower she was able to overcome excess weight. The actress advises women not to despair if they have gained weight during pregnancy, because motherhood is a great happiness, and you can return to your previous shape if you want.


“I receive a lot of confessions from girls and women about fears that after the birth of a child they will not get into shape, that they will lose their beauty and will never be the same. I’ll make an exception and post a photo in a swimsuit after the birth of my two sons, when I gained almost 40 kg during each pregnancy! Yes, yes, I was not mistaken! + 40 kg. And, of course, someone will say: I should have eaten less, but no, I didn’t eat that much, and my water consumption was within normal limits. And the weight began to grow exponentially from the 7th month... they even checked for diabetes, but, thank God, it was not confirmed, the doctors came to the conclusion that this was a hormonal change in the body. Therefore, dear girls, I want to tell you, this is all nonsense and never mind! You will never experience greater happiness in your life than motherhood! Everything else is nonsense, which can be solved with the help of willpower!” — wrote Kozhevnikova (Spelling and punctuation are copyrighted. — Note edit.).

A year has passed since the birth of the third baby in the family of Maria Kozhevnikova and Evgeniy Vasilyev. During all this time, the actress carefully hid her son from the public eye, without even mentioning his name. And for the first time, the Univer star revealed the secret. Details later in the material.

Together with her husband, Evgeniy, she is raising three children: in 2014, the couple had a son, Ivan, a year later, Maxim, and last year, the Univer star gave her lover another boy. By the way, the name latest actress hidden to this day.

Yesterday, the actress's youngest heir turned one year old. On this holiday in Instagram Kozhevnikov I decided to please my fans. So, the actress shared a series of touching pictures with the baby and told what she named her son.

Please love and favor, Vasily Vasiliev!

The star accompanied the pictures with these words and admitted that she gave the boy a “royal” name. Below are her words.


Son, you are my gift from God! I have learned so much from you in these 365 days. You are the only one in our family who radiates calm, and your gentle look and philosophical attitude delights and touches me. You won’t be outraged, even when your brothers take your toy away, you just take another one. I will never forget how you and I were lying in the hospital with high temperature, and yours was higher - 39.6, I felt so bad that I couldn’t get up, and you sat next to me and looked into my eyes, as if encouraging me, like, Mom, everything is fine, don’t worry about me. You radiate light, even on the street in our village everyone still recognizes the radiant Vasilko from afar! In general, it is a universal happiness to be your mother, and I apparently did something good in this life that the Lord sent me such a gift! My love, my king, that’s exactly how it translates your name! I love you endlessly and will pray to God for you! Live, rejoice, comprehend, achieve, and we are all yours big family, Always near.

The editors WANT to congratulate Maria Kozhevnika on her son’s birthday!

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Photo source: Maria Kozhevnikova’s Instagram