Where is the Orinoco River located on the world map. Orinoco: "Paradise River"

- one of the largest rivers in the world, occupying an honorable third place in length in South America. The Orinoco crosses the territory of Venezuela and then flows into the waters of the Atlantic. The total length of the river is more than two thousand kilometers.

The Orinoco River Delta is unique in its kind, because it is the largest in the whole world. There are many branches, each of which has its own special color of water and rich aquatic fauna. Breeds in the river delta large number species of birds, and along the banks of the Orinoco there are many traditional Indian villages.

In the waters of the river there are such exotic animals as Amazonian dolphins or Orinoco crocodiles. The shores are home to a huge number of wading birds: wood storks, scarlet ibises, ducks, kites, herons, hawks and many others. In the swampy areas of the river you can find capybaras - large relatives of guinea pigs, large cats such as jaguars, ocelots or pumas, as well as white-tailed deer and even large anacondas.

The banks of the Orinoco River are also the traditional place of residence of most of the indigenous Indian population of Venezuela. Basically, these are Indians of tribes not the most large sizes- from 10 to 30 thousand people. It is extremely difficult to meet people of the European type here, but you can meet representatives of the Guayacho, Guajiro, Yaruro, Tamanuki, Makiritare, Yanomami and Warao tribes.

Orinoco Rivers on the map

Cities on the banks of the Orinoco River (list)

  • Ciudad Guayana
  • San Felix
  • Puerto Ordaz
  • Ciudad Bolivar
  • Santa Barbara
  • Puerto Ayacucho

The emergence of cities in the Orinoco River basin dates back to the mid-20th century. That's when mining began here iron ore and other minerals. But usually all these towns are small and stand only on high places- to protect against possible floods in the Guiana Highlands. At the confluence of the Orinoco and Caroni rivers stands the largest city here - Ciudad Guayana. Populated by almost a million inhabitants, it includes two settlements: old town San Felix and new city- Puerto Ordaz.

The Orinoco River is one of the largest rivers South America. Its length is 2410 km, and the drainage basin area covers 880 thousand square meters. km. Moreover, 76.3% of the area is in Venezuela, and the rest is in Colombia. The water flow bends around Venezuela in a wide arc and flows into the Atlantic Ocean near the island of Trinidad, forming at the mouth huge delta. This is the most important transport route in northern South America.

From source to mouth

The river flow begins its path on the Parima mountain range (Guiana Plateau) at an altitude of 1047 meters above sea level. These are the foothills of Mount Delgado Chalbaud. The ridge serves as a natural watershed between the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. The source is located in Venezuela very close to the border with Brazil.

The path of the water flow is an ellipsoidal arc that goes around the Guiana Plateau from the west. The entire river is divided into 4 sections different lengths. These are upper, middle, lower and delta.

Orinoco River on the map of South America

Upper section has a length of approximately 250 km. It stretches from the source to the rapids of Raudalis de Guajaribos. It is a mountainous area and the water flows in a northwest direction.

Middle section is approximately 750 km long. For the first 480 km, the river flows west until the confluence of such rivers as the Atabapo from the east and the Guaviare from the west. Near the city of San Fernando de Atabapo, the water flow turns north and flows 270 km along the Venezuela-Colombia border. Near the city of Puerto Carreño, the lower section begins after the confluence of the Meta rivers from the west and Puerto Carreño from the east.

Lower section reaches a length of almost 1000 km. It is characterized by a well-developed floodplain, and the water moves in a northeast direction. This section ends near the city of Barrancas.

Delta has a length of 200 km. Its area is 41 thousand square meters. km. At its widest point its width reaches 370 km. It is a whole network of narrow rivers and streams flowing to the ocean among swampy forests.

Bird's eye view of the river delta

During the rainy season, the river can flood up to 22 km wide. Moreover, the depth in some places reaches 100 meters. But in dry season The water level drops, and many islands appear on the river surface, and some channels turn into lakes.

Amazon connection

From the Orinoco you can get to the Amazon, since there is a natural connection between the two water basins. It is carried out through the Casiquiare River (326 km long). It is a branch of the river we are considering in its upper section, flows south and flows into the Rio Negro. This deep stream is a tributary of the Amazon.


The water stream is navigable along most of its length. Ocean-going ships, due to dredging of the bottom, reach the city of Ciudad Bolivar. It is 435 km upstream from the coast. River boats carry cargo to Puerto Ayacucho.

Pink river dolphin

Animal world

The river is home to river dolphins and giant otters. Also home to one of the rarest reptiles in the world, the Orinoco crocodile. There are more than 1000 species of fish. Some of them live only in brackish or salt water near the mouth. Black piranhas and cardinal tetras are also common in the water. The latter fish is very popular in home aquariums, but its original homeland is the Rio Negro, which once again confirms its connection with the Amazon.


In 1926, rich deposits of iron ore were discovered in the river area. Its mass production began in the second half of the last century. River sediments contain tar (oil) sand. In the future it may become a source of oil production.

There are still such settlements along the banks.

Historical background

The Orinoco River was first officially documented by Columbus in August 1498 during his 3rd voyage. The delta and tributaries up to the Meta River were explored in the 16th century by a German expedition led by Ambrosius Ehinger. In 1531, Diego de Ordaz sailed from the confluence of the Meta tributary to the mouth. In 1800, Alexander von Humboldt, who explored the basin, reported pink river dolphins. Singer Enya created the song "Orinoco Flow", dedicated to the exotic river flowing along northern lands South America.

Orinoco (Orinoco; in the language of the local Tamanak Indians Orinuku, literally - river)

river in South America, in Venezuela and Colombia. Length (according to various sources) from 2500 to 2730 km, pool area 1086 thousand. km 2. It originates on the western slopes of the Serra Parima mountains, in the southwestern part of the Guiana Plateau, flows through the Guiana Lowland, flows into Atlantic Ocean, forming a delta. Main tributaries: on the right - Ventuari, Caura, Caroni; from the left - Guaviare, Vichada, Meta, Arauca, Apure. In the upper reaches, the river separates from the O. on the left. Casiquiare, along the bed of which about 1/3 of the flow goes into the river basin. Amazon (see Bifurcation of rivers). To the mouth of the river Meta O. flows through mountainous and hilly terrain, forming rapids and rapids, especially in the area between the mouths of the river. Vichada and Meta. In the middle reaches, the O. turns into full-flowing river up to 1-1.5 wide km, in some places - up to 3 km, depth - 10-20 m and more. Wide (3-10 km) the valley narrows in places, forming the so-called. angosturas; the last of these narrowings is located in the lower reaches, in the area of ​​​​the city of Ciudad Bolivar, after which the river flows through a wide valley to the mouth, branching into large number sleeves and ducts. In the Barrancas area (200 km from the sea) begins extensive (about 20 thousand. km 2) the swampy delta of O., extending along sea ​​coast by about 300 km. In the delta section, the river is divided into 36 branches and many channels. The main branches are: Manamo (far left), Macareo (navigable along it), Araguao, Merejana, Boca Grande (right and largest; its width is 15-20 km).

O. has predominantly rain power. Water levels and flows fluctuate dramatically throughout the year. In the lower reaches, near the city of Ciudad Bolivar, the flood begins in the 2nd half of April - early May, in September the level reaches its greatest height, after which a gradual decline is observed until March - April, when the level is lowest. Near the mouth of the river. Meta water rises - 8-10 m, near Ciudad Bolivar - 10-15 m above low horizons. Sea tides spread up the river to the city of Ciudad Bolivar. At spring tide the level increase is about 2 m. The average annual water flow at the top of the delta is about 29 thousand. m 3 /sec, annual flow about 915 km 3. During periods of very powerful floods, the maximum water flow reaches 50-55 thousand. m 3 /sec and more. During the dry season (November - April) in low-water years, water consumption decreases to 5-7 thousand. m 3 /sec. Solid waste is about 45 million. T per year. The total length of shipping routes in the O. basin is about 12 thousand. km. Ocean-going vessels with a draft of up to 8 m rise to Ciudad Bolivar (about 400 km from the mouth). During the rainy season, river boats rise to the river. Guaviare (with breaks at the rapids). The right tributaries of the O. are suitable for navigation only in the lower reaches; the left tributaries are navigable for most of the year. The hydroelectric resources of the island are still poorly used; A hydroelectric power station system is being built (1974) on the river. Caroni. Main cities: Santa Barbara, Puerto Ayacucho, Ciudad Bolivar, Puerto Ordaz (Venezuela); Puerto Carreño (Colombia).

In 1498, Columbus reached one of the mouth branches of the O. In 1499, members of the Spanish expedition A. Ojeda and A. Vespucci are believed to have seen one of the branches of the O. In 1531, the Spanish conquistador Diego Ordaz first climbed the O. to the mouth of the river. Meta and followed a small section of its flow. At the beginning of 1800, the German scientist A. Humboldt, together with the French botanist E. Bonpland, traveled through the Ocean and established a connection between the systems of the Ocean and the Amazon. The origins of O. were discovered by a Franco-Venezuelan expedition in 1951.

Lit.: Grelier J., Aux sources de l "Orénoque, P., 1954; Gómez P. R., La hoya hidrográfica del Orinoco y la Orinoquia Colombiana, "Boletin de la Sociedad Geografica de Colombia", 1960, v. 18, no. 65; Perrin P ., Caractéristiques des rivières vénézuéliennes, “Revue de géographie Alpine”, 1969, v. 2.

A. P. Muranov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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The Orinoco Delta is one of the most picturesque places in South America. For unearthly beauty these places Christopher Columbus, who explored New World at the end of the 15th century, called the Orinoco “paradise river”.

The delta of this river occupies a huge area - about 25 thousand square kilometers, second only to such water giants as the Ganges, Amazon, Lena, Mississippi. Thanks to its incredibly rich and colorful flora and fauna, the Orinoco Delta is no less impressive than such most beautiful places planets like the Colored Rocks of China, the Sea of ​​Stars (Maldives), Turkish Cappadocia or the beaches of White Harbor in Australia.

Most of the river flows through Venezuela. Although research on the Orinoco began quite a long time ago (back in the 16th century spanish conquistadors visited these places in search of the mythical Eldorado), for a long time it remained unknown where this grandiose water artery. Only in the 50s of the last century it was possible to establish that its source is located near Mount Delgado Chalbaud, on the border of Venezuela with Brazil.

It is noteworthy that most of the rivers in the Orinoco Delta have an unusual color of water. Depending on the composition of the bottom soil and the characteristics of coastal vegetation, the color of the water varies from light yellow, almost white, to dark coffee and even inky black. At the same time, a strange pattern is noted: the lighter the color of the water, the more A variety of insects and aquatic animals live in the river and coastal zone.

One of the most remarkable plants growing along the banks of the river is the Moriche palm. Local residents make cellulose from tall (up to 30 meters) smooth trunks of palm trees, use them in the construction of huts, and eat the core.

Of greatest interest to tourists are the numerous national parks, located near Orinoco: El Avila, La Mucuy, Henri Pittier, Los Nevados and others. They are home to an incredible variety of bird and animal species, including ibises, flamingos, hawks, parrots, jaguars, pumas, large snakes planets - anacondas and even an endangered species of reptile - Orinoco crocodiles. For many years, these reptiles were mercilessly exterminated by poachers for their beautiful skins. Currently, there are no more than 250 individuals left; the species is listed in the Red Book.

Particularly popular National Park Sierra Nevada, where you can not only admire the beauty of nature, but also fly a delta or paraglider, and also take rock climbing lessons.

One of the main attractions of these places is Turtle Mountain. According to local legends, it was at the foot of this mysterious hill that the Universe was born. The Aborigines consider this mountain sacred. It is strictly forbidden to touch its surface, much less climb the mountain - you can only admire this natural miracle from afar.

Not only the beauty of nature, but also the opportunity to plunge into amazing world The distinctive Indian tribes, not corrupted by civilization, attract tourists to the Orinoco coast. Most of Venezuela's indigenous inhabitants live along the banks of the river. These are Indians of such small tribes as Guayacho, Guajiro, Tamanuki, Yanomami, Yaruro and others.

Rivers on the map

Perhaps the most famous people The people who inhabit these places are the Varao Indians, who spend almost their entire lives on the water. They live in huts built on stilts directly above the water, and their main method of transportation remains the canoe today. Even the name of the tribe - “Varao” - translated means “man in a boat”. The Indians of the tribe are very friendly; visitors to the village on the water will be shown traditional household items, introduced to the customs and culture of the tribe, and treated to dishes local cuisine. Canoe tours accompanied by Warao guides, who organize excursions through the jungle, as well as piranha hunting, are incredibly popular among tourists.

The climate on the Orinoco coast is humid and hot. Average annual temperature about 25-26°, it rains very often. The driest months of the year are January, February, March. It is during this period that it is recommended to plan a trip to the Orinoco Delta.

The Orinoco River Delta is one of the most wonderful places in Venezuela. It is formed by the Orinoco and Apure rivers, flowing from the foothills of the Andes.

This one is unique nature reserve, covering an area of ​​over 25 thousand square kilometers, has several different ecosystems: evergreen rain-forest, swampy and savannah forests, mangroves and never-drying freshwater swamps. The changing seasons in the Orinoco Delta are a unique spectacle.

Rich in plants and animals, the Orinoco River Delta is of particular interest to tourists who love travel and wildlife excursions. Activities such as piranha fishing and caiman hunting will not keep thrill-seekers bored, and getting to know the locals will give you the opportunity to learn more about their life and purchase handmade souvenirs from them.

Carrao River

The Carrao River is a tributary of another river, the Caroni (which, in turn, flows into the Orinoco). Thanks to its picturesque views, the Carrao River is very popular among tourists. Another undeniable reason for the increased attention to Carrao is the fact that the Churun ​​River flows into it, on which Angel is located - the world's highest free-falling waterfall (its height is 978 meters).

Rafting on the Carrao River is not only a tourist activity, but also one of the main ways to get to remote areas of Venezuela. Carrao is surrounded impenetrable jungle, through which it is impossible to build roads.