Architecture and sculpture of Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek sculptures

Perhaps in no other country in the world will you find as many ancient monuments as in Greece: the famous Acropolis of Athens and the rotating Temple of Apollo in Delphi, the Theater of Dionysus and the Temple of Zeus, the Tower of the Winds, the Perama Cave and much more...

The white stone ruins here have preserved the memory of the birth of civilization for centuries, turning legends and myths into history. RT has compiled a list of the most interesting attractions that are worth visiting for anyone who decides to travel to this amazing country.



A unique architectural monument, the palace of King Minos, is located on the island of Crete. Legends about this palace have been circulating since ancient times. Visitors have the opportunity to observe a labyrinth of more than a thousand rooms, the walls of which are decorated with frescoes and drawings.

The Athenian Acropolis is an incredibly beautiful hillside building in the center of Athens. It is known that the first temples and buildings appeared in the archaic period. The Greek government has repeatedly carried out restorations to return the place to its original appearance.

The Theater of Dionysus, located on the Acropolis hill, is one of the oldest theaters in the world. It was here that the works of the greatest representatives of ancient Greek literature and drama were first presented to the audience: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes.

The Temple of Nike Apteros is a striking example of classical Greek architectural art. From the site on which the temple is located, you can enjoy a beautiful and impressive panorama of Athens.

The city of Delphi is located in the region of Phocea, on the southwestern slope of the famous Mount Parnassus, near the Gulf of Corinth. IN Ancient Greece the city was a major trade and financial center.

Olympion, or the Temple of Olympian Zeus, is the largest temple in Greece. Its construction began from the 6th century BC. e. until the 2nd century AD e. This monument of ancient Greek architecture is located in Athens, near the Acropolis and the city center. If you believe the legends, the temple was built on the site of the sanctuary of the mythical Deucalion, who was considered the forefather of the entire people of Greece.

Hadrian's Arch was built in the 2nd century AD. in honor of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Ancient architects placed it on the line of the road that connected the Acropolis area and Olympion and went in a south-easterly direction.

The uniqueness of the Panathenaic Stadium lies in the fact that it is the only stadium in the world whose walls are made of white marble. It was here that the first Olympic Games took place in 1896.

The Temple of Hephaestus in Athens is one of the best preserved ancient temples in the world. All columns, pediments, as well as most of the roof have survived to this day.

In ancient times, the Temple of Apollo was of great importance for the culture of Ancient Greece. It was here that the Delphic Oracle was located - a great oracle, where even Alexander the Great himself came to ask for a prophecy.

The Temple of Hephaestus (Hephaestion), or Thesseion, gave rise to many legends associated with its name. According to one version, the temple was dedicated to the son of Zeus and the god of fire Hephaestus, the patron of blacksmithing. According to another version, the temple was named Tesseion - in honor of Theseus, the famous hero of ancient Greek mythology.

Delphi is the most popular among the sacred sites of Ancient Greece. The town is located at the foot of Mount Parnassus - the place where Apollo lived surrounded by muses. Since ancient times, many people specially traveled here from afar to find out the predictions of the famous oracle of Apollo and look into the future.

The huge book depository, built in 132 AD, is impressive in its size. By building the library, Emperor Hadrian gave the Athenians a new cultural center with lecture halls and a lush garden.

The Tower of the Winds is the oldest meteorological monument, its height is 12 meters and its diameter is about 8 meters.

This amazing country has a huge number of historical, cultural, architectural and natural attractions. Tourists from all over the world come to Greece not just to relax on the beaches. Here you can expand your knowledge of how modern Europe was born and formed, a huge part of which belongs to the classical era of Hellenism and pre-Hellenic history and culture.

TOP 20 attractions in Greece

The sights of Greece will also tell you about the birth of the European democratic tradition, the golden era in mythology, literature, sculpture, architecture, theater, sports, etc. Hospitable people who love Russia live in this beautiful country; they are always friendly to Russian tourists. Don’t forget the well-known phrase from Russian cinema: “Greece has everything!”

1. The ancient Greek city of Delphi

This city in ancient times was a religious center for the worship of the god Apollo. According to legend, it is named after his son Delphi. In addition, the city is known for hosting the famous Pythian Games for many centuries. Delphi is included in the UNESCO list. This is a world-class historical and cultural attraction.

Delphi arose approximately 1.6 thousand years BC. and at first Mother Earth was worshiped there. And later the myths of classical Ancient Greece arose, associated with Zeus and the pantheon of gods. During excavations in the second half of the 20th century, here, on the slope of Mount Parnassus, a temple of Apollo, an ancient theater, a stadium, treasuries, etc. were discovered.

2. Medieval city of Rhodes

And this famous Greek landmark dates back to the era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages with its crusading knights. Also this is famous beach resort. The most interesting thing you can see here is the Rhodes Fortress, which was built by the Knights Hospitaller in the 13th century on the site of an ancient acropolis.

Behind the powerful walls of this fortress is the Palace of the Grand Masters, built on the site of the ancient Temple of Helios. In the old town of Rhodes, you can wander along the Street of Knights and plunge into the Middle Ages. There are ancient forts and ports that played a significant role in the history of Rhodes, and much more.

3. Palace of the Grand Masters

It is worth talking separately about such a historical and cultural landmark of the Rhodes Fortress as this Palace. It is also on the UNESCO list, as part of the Rhodes Fortress. This is a very impressive structure, built according to all the rules of medieval fortification.

For many centuries, the Palace of the Grand Masters served as the residence of the leader of the Hospitaller Order, which once controlled the entire Mediterranean. Today, the Palace of the Grand Masters has turned into a huge museum, the exhibits of which tell visitors about the history of the island and the city of Rhodes from Antiquity to the present day.

4. Paleokastritsa Beach

This is a world famous beach and a Greek landmark. It is located on the island of Corfu in the north of the Ionian Sea at the resort of the same name. Tourists can fully enjoy the clearest turquoise water, bright but not burning sun, as well as beautiful olive, lemon and orange groves around.

On Paleokastritsa beach you can have a wonderful rest, it is one of the ten best European beaches, and at the same time get acquainted with the cultural and historical attractions of the island of Corfu, of which there are extremely many here since ancient times.

The Acropolis is business card modern Greek capital. The first thing you should see in this city is the Acropolis of Athens. From here begins an acquaintance with classical Ancient Greece, with its myths and legends, gods and heroes, scientists and philosophers.

It should be noted that on the hill where you can see the Acropolis of Athens today, there was a royal palace back in the Mycenaean era. In the 7th century BC. e. The construction of the most famous temple, the Parthenon, began in the acropolis, and a century later the temple of Athena was erected, of which only the foundation remains today.

During the time when Greece was under the Ottoman yoke, the Acropolis of Athens was a mosque. Later it became an arsenal. At one time, the pasha’s harem was located in one of its temples. The Athenian Acropolis was repeatedly attacked by barbarians and vandals. Today it is a magnificent open-air museum.

Many tourists strive to visit Cape Sounion to see this ancient temple. Once upon a time, the ancient Greek Poseidon, the god of the sea, patronized fishermen and sea ​​travelers, who lived in Attica and all of Hellas. They brought gifts and sacrifices to their god, and he gave them good luck.

The Temple of Poseidon was built in 400 BC. Among scientists there is a version that it was erected by the Atlanteans - the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis. Today, only the ruins of the temple and 12 columns remain. Archaeologists near the temple discovered a huge statue of a man, possibly Poseidon, and several smaller statues.

Olympus is the most high mountain in the country, located on the coast Aegean Sea. But this is not what made her famous. As you know, it was this mountain that the gods of Ancient Greece chose as their place of residence, which is why Olympus acquired a sacred status. The area around the mountain range is today a national reserve.

What mere mortal does not dream of visiting the home of the gods? That is why this mythological landmark of Greece is a favorite among travelers from all over the world. Fortunately, there is also an excellent tourist infrastructure there, incl. ski resort.

8. Santorini Island

This island is considered by many to be the best tourist destination on earth. It is ideal for a family holiday. There are beautiful clean sandy beaches from white to black, houses that look like something out of a fairy tale. Santorini often hosts wedding ceremonies between couples who dream of family life like in a fairy tale.

On such a tiny island huge number attractions. First of all, these are Catholic and orthodox churches, there are about three hundred of them. There are also many ancient ruins of the Minoan era of Greek civilization. Stay in local hotels, sunbathe on the beaches - you will have unforgettable memories.

9. Samaria Gorge

This is a famous natural attraction of the island of Crete. The Samaria Gorge is the largest in Europe, it is named after the ancient village located nearby. This is incredible beautiful place, by visiting which you can take many unique, beautiful photographs.

It’s worth going on a tourist excursion to this gorge to once again appreciate the great Greek past, see the ancient Cretan civilization, be amazed by the beauty of the nature of Crete, its flora and fauna, and get acquainted with the ancient way of life, way of life, customs and traditions of the islanders.

Culture of Ancient Greece

Propylaea of ​​the Athenian Acropolis. Ancient Greece (437-432 BC)

Propylaea of ​​the Athenian Acropolis, architect Mnesicles (437-432 BC), Ancient Greece.

When unexpected wealth fell on the Athenians in 454 - the treasury of the Delian League, directed against Persia, was transported to Athens, Pericles decided to create on the site of what was destroyed by the Persians in 480-479 BC. of the Athenian Acropolis, a new architectural complex is the greatest “miracle of the world”, a new pan-Hellenistic sanctuary, designed to strengthen the leading place of Athens in the Greek world. Using huge cash from the treasury of the union, the involvement of the best craftsmen and architects ensured the birth of one of the most perfect ensembles in world art. Grandiose construction began under the general leadership of the sculptor Phidias. Instead of a simple archaic entrance to the Acropolis, a monumental, solemn gate appears - the Propylaea - with Doric porticoes on different levels and a wide staircase, an inclined corridor, inside framed by an Ionic colonnade supporting the arches of a marble ceiling, where, according to a traveler of the 2nd century AD. Pausanias, golden stars twinkled in the blue sky.

The Propylaea occupied the entire western part hill and consisted of a central building and two side wings of unequal size. The right wing was crowned by a small elegant temple with Ionic columns, built by the architect Kallikrates in honor of the goddess of victory - Nike Apteros (Wingless, so that Victory could not fly away from Athens), decorated with a low bas-relief on the theme of the Greco-Persian wars. However, it's time to cross the magical threshold of the Propylaea to better get to know the world of the Acropolis.

The Parthenon is the temple of Athena Parthenos (Virgin Athena). Ancient Greece (432 BC)

Parthenon - Temple of Athena Parthenos(Virgins of Athens), Ancient Greece - the main structure of the Acropolis of Athens, both in its significance and in size.

Once upon a time, it towered above the entire Acropolis, just as Athens towered above the rest of the states of Greece, representing the embodiment of the glory and power of the Athenian state. This temple was built from Pentelic marble in 447-438 by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates. The sculptural decoration was created by 432 BC. the famous sculptor Phidias and his students. The temple is a Doric peripter with dimensions of 30.89 x 69.54 m with the number of columns 8x17. The noble beauty and harmony of proportions, the amazing plasticity and proportionality of all its forms give rise to a feeling of elation and grandeur. The main decoration of the interior of the temple was the world famous chrysoelephantine statue (made of gold and ivory) of Athena Parthenos, about 12 m high, created by the sculptor Phidias in 438 BC.

Together with Greece, the Parthenon survived all stages of its history. He was and Christian Church Hagia Sophia and Turkish mosque. It was almost completely destroyed by war in the 17th century. And in early XIX century, it lost all its surviving sculpture and reliefs, now scattered throughout European museums. But even today the Parthenon is rightfully considered one of the greatest examples of ancient architecture, a masterpiece of world art and sculpture.

Discus thrower. Ancient Greece (mid-5th century BC)

Discus thrower – a type of antique statue of an athlete throwing a discus, widespread in ancient Greece. The most famous of the statues by the sculptor Myron of Eleuthera in Attica. It is known that Myron lived and worked in Athens and received the title of Athenian citizen; which was considered a great honor. As Pliny writes, Myron studied with Ageladus, an excellent master who worked in Argos, whose students were also Polykleitos and Phidias. The statue was created by him in the middle of the 5th century. BC during the period of transition from the “strict style” to the classical one. The original in bronze has been lost, but 15 Roman copies in marble have survived, testifying to the glory of this work. The best repetition is a statue from the 2nd century AD. from Palazzo Lancellotti, now in the National Museum in Rome. There is also a beautiful torso of the “Discobolus”, a cast of which served as the basis for the successful reconstruction of this famous work. “In “Discoball” Myron takes us into the world of action, where movement suddenly acquired a supreme role, where a person experiences the intoxication of power restrained by balance. In this sense, Myron is the founder of the art of sculpture, just as his contemporary Aeschylus is the creator of dramatic action. Both explored the limits of human strength,” as A. Bonnard noted in his work “Greek Civilization.”

Although the Roman copies of the Discobolus are quite good, the plastic language of Myron himself is lost in them, since a different material is used, there is no sense of freedom and flexibility of forms, a certain frozenness of the entire image is felt, in which all the tension of the athlete’s energy is lost. However, the works of unknown masters close to him in time, inspired by Myron’s motif, have been preserved, still possessing that living plasticity.

Apollo Belvedere. Ancient Greece (IV century BC)

Apollo Belvedere - an antique statue depicting the god Apollo in the form of a young handsome youth shooting from a bow. It was made of bronze during the late classical period, in the middle of the 4th century BC. ancient Greek sculptor Leochares. The statue has not survived, but a Roman copy of it in marble was found in Italy between 1484 and 1492 at Andio near Rome. During the reign of Pope Julius II, in 1506, the statue of Apollo was installed in the antiquarian gallery in the Belvedere Garden in the Vatican. Hence its name.

The tree trunk to support Apollo's right hand was missing in the bronze original; it was added in marble repetition by the copyist. However, the statue was found with its hands broken off. In the 1550s, the Italian sculptor G. Montorsoli, a student of Michelangelo, added additions to both arms.

God Apollo is plastically perfect; the cloak thrown over the shoulder does not hide a single muscle of the torso. But in the image of God - outwardly very impressive - there is no sense of internal significance. Over the years, the fame of the statue grew, and Apollo Belvedere became a symbol of harmony and beauty. But in the story, he has just fired his deadly arrow, which even the almighty Zeus is unable to stop, and now watches as it pierces the victim. Apollo is not at all one of those deities who are distinguished by mercy; on the contrary, he is cold and heartless.

Nike of Samothrace. Ancient Greece (c. 190 BC)

Nike of Samothrace(c. 190 BC) - the famous statue of the Greek goddess Nike, carved from marble by an unknown artist. The right wing of the statue is lost and is a plaster reconstruction. The head and arms of the statue are missing. The height is 3 meters 28 centimeters.

In 1863, on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea, the sculpture of Nike was found by Charles Champoiseau, the French consul and archaeologist. A statue carved from golden Parian marble on the island crowned the altar of sea deities. Researchers believe that an unknown sculptor created Nike as a symbol of the Greek naval victories of the Rhodians over King Antiochus III in 190 BC.

The silhouette of the goddess meeting the sea wind at the bow of the ship is full of swiftness. It is conveyed by the fluttering folds of clothing. The figure, barely hidden by the folds of the adjacent outfit, is perfect. Nike from Samothrace immediately became an icon and symbol of art. This is definitely one of the tops creative life and one of the most famous images. Sculptors and architects turn to the image of the flying goddess; cups and emblems are cast in her form. The statue of Nike of Samothrace, depicting the goddess of victory, shows: not only gods can be immortal.

Attempts were made repeatedly to restore the original position of the goddess’s hands. It is assumed that right hand, raised up, held a cup, wreath or forge. A brush made of the same marble was found in Samothrace in 1950 and is now on display in the Louvre, just behind the statue of Nike. The statue itself is installed at the turn of the Daru staircase, which effectively emphasizes its swiftness and impetus. The right wing of the statue is a reconstruction, exact copy left wing made of plaster. Repeated attempts to restore the hands of the statue were unsuccessful - they all spoiled the masterpiece. These failures force us to admit: Nika is beautiful just like that, perfect in her imperfection.

Venus (Aphrodite) de Milo. Ancient Greece (130-100 BC)

Venus (Aphrodite) de Milo – famous ancient Greek statue from the late Hellenistic period (c. 130-100 BC). Marble original, not a copy, as previously thought. The statue was found by a Greek peasant in his field in two large fragments and many small fragments in 1820 on the island of Milos (in ancient times Melos) in the Aegean Sea. According to an eyewitness, the French navigator Dumont D'Urville, who saw the statue when it was still standing in a peasant's barn, she held an apple in her left raised hand, and with her right she held a flowing robe. Durville spoke about the discovery French Ambassador in Istanbul to the Marquis de Riviere, who, having received the statue in March 1821, presented it to King Louis XVIII. So the statue ended up in Paris, in the Louvre, where it is still on display today.

The hands of the statue were never discovered. The author of this wonderful masterpiece is considered to be Alexander or Agesander from Antioch. Several missing letters from the author's signature on the base do not allow us to establish his name with any certainty. The master probably made the statue in imitation of more ancient, classical examples. Stylistically, the statue belongs to the movement of Hellenistic art, reflecting a return to the Greek classics of the Age of Pericles. The statue successfully combines the majestic monumentality of classical examples with the dynamics of the composition characteristic of Hellenism, although the art of the 2nd century BC, when the statue of Venus was created, was marked by crisis tendencies, a loss of a sense of integrity, nevertheless this particular work, thanks to its sensuality and naturalism, became over time the most famous, beloved, generally recognized symbol of beauty throughout the world.

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– a perfectly preserved Venetian fortress.

Next we will travel to beautiful Macedonia - a unique region of Ancient Greece with fertile soil. In ancient times, more than 3 thousand years ago, this was the center of agriculture of the ancient Greeks. Here you can see a beautiful, in some places untouched wildlife. Armed with backpacks and food supplies, some tourists like to wander these amazing forests, look at mountain rivers and admire waterfalls with the purest river water. According to some estimates, there are about one and a half thousand ancient cultural monuments here. The most famous of them are: Dion, Olinthos, Pela and Platamon.

And finally, Crete is an island that is extremely popular among our tourists. Many people come here not only to relax, but also to admire the ruins and ruins of the ancient Minoan civilization, which disappeared more than 5 centuries ago, but left us with many monuments of their culture, which are known almost all over the world. It was here that the banner palace of the Minotaur was located with its unique labyrinth. In general, here you can endlessly admire windmills, landscapes, runes of ancient cities, as well as unique caves and valleys.

In addition to the Athenian Acropolis, there is also one in Lindos. It is located at an altitude of 116 meters and getting to it on foot is a serious challenge. The Lindos donkey taxi will come to the rescue; for just 5 euros it will take you to your destination. The Acropolis is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:30 to 14:40 (opening hours are extended during high season). Ticket price: 6 euros.

Rhodes is rich in attractions. The Palace of the Knights is the most visited among other architectural and historical monuments of the island. This monumental, impressive building housed the administrative center of the knights (XIV century). However, later, during the Turkish rule, the palace was destroyed by an explosion of gunpowder stored in the basement. It was restored in 1939.

Now it is a museum containing large number stunning in beauty, unique antiques everyday life, jewelry, mosaics dating back to the beginning of Christianity. Unique monuments Greece is literally at every turn here in Rhodes. There is a museum of archeology here. All six of its halls are filled with unique objects that are worth looking at.

The least damaged by time compared to other architectural monuments of this country, the Temple of Athena offers a majestic arcade with 13 unique columns, a grotto-altar for sacrifices, as well as the ruins of an ancient theater. Almost all architectural monuments of Greece are full unexpected surprises. Here, going down the rock, you can see the bow of the ship. Previously, there was a statue of the patron god of sailors, Poseidon.

Being the cradle of civilizations of many nations, Greece has on its territory a huge architectural potential of the past centuries. The architectural monuments of Greece delight the many tourists who visit this truly divine country every year. The architecture of Greece itself reflects the various periods of the country's development, embodied in stone and marble. For visiting tourists, excursions to the sights of Greece begin with an inspection architectural monuments countries.

The most famous of the architectural masterpieces of Greece is the Acropolis of Athens, which is an example of ancient Greek architecture and fits perfectly into the landscape of the area. This is a unique creation of ancient architects, created in the heyday of Athens in 4000-3000 millennium BC. The Acropolis was the most beautiful temple Greece and was erected in honor of the goddess Athena.

The gods of Hellas were the inspiration for the construction of most of the monuments in the western Peloponnese, where tourists can look at another unique masterpiece of architectural art, a temple dedicated to Zeus, the main deity of the Greek pantheon. This is an amazing sight, the temple is surrounded by emerald greenery all the way to Mount Kronos. The remains of the temple testify to its former glory and wealth, even now it impresses visiting tourists.

In the very center of the country, near the Parnassus mountain range, which is located near the city of Delphi, tourists will be able to explore the place where rulers and kings from many countries flocked in ancient times ancient world. This is a Panhellenic temple, where the most famous oracle of ancient Greece arrived; at one time, Athena, Hermes, Dionysus, Poseidon and Apollo were worshiped and sacrificed here.

On the Peloponnesian Peninsula, tourists will be able to admire the Temple of Apollo Epicurius, which was one of the most important temples in antiquity. The architects who built this unique building used many innovative designs and ideas.

The architectural monuments of Greece are not only monuments of antiquity, they are also cultural monuments of early Christianity and the Byzantine Empire, which include the Church of Hagia Sophia, which amazes with its beauty and unique Byzantine frescoes and mosaics. The Church of St. George, which is known as the Rotunda, also attracts a lot of attention from tourists. Tourists for hours cannot tear themselves away from the elegant beauty of these unique religious buildings, which are rightfully included in the UNESCO lists as masterpieces of Greek architectural art.
On the islands of the Aegean and Seas of Marmara, there are also many architectural monuments of Greece, which tourists visit with great interest.