Interview with Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk. The first general interview with Fedor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva

Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk gave the first joint interview and took part in a photo shoot for the May issue of the magazine.

Fans were eagerly awaiting the release of the glossy to learn more about the personal lives of the artists, because the couple always tried not to comment on their relationship, arguing that personal life is just that: private. However, in the interview they still had to lift the veil of secrecy a little.

So, Bondarchuk told what impression Andreeva made on him at the first meeting, which took place during the play “No. 13D”. According to Fedor, the young actress really stood out on stage and was interesting to watch.

“Paulina on stage combined beauty, comedy and cosmic speed. In general, in my opinion, she has a rare theatrical texture.”

The director also shared what attracted him most about the actress, and also noted her main qualities that he admires: “They wrote about such girls in novels. Not of our century. Dignity, decency, honesty are not for them empty words. We need to ask Polly what books she grew up reading. And we laugh with her all the time.”

Of course, an affair with a famous director leaves a certain imprint, followed by rumors and speculation. Paulina herself said that from the moment she appeared with Fedor on the red carpet of Kinotavr, the girl began to learn a lot of new things about herself.

“I instantly turned out to be a mediocre actress, it turned out that I had a lot of physical disabilities: everyone was sharply excited by the shape of my ears, for example, psychics on the Internet began to massively predict the future for us, fortune-tellers, astrologers, palmists, mystics of all kinds - no one remained in side. Do you understand what madness has begun?”

By the way, their first joint appearance at a film festival was a very thoughtful move, as Bondarchuk claims, they simply did not want to live in gossip, and they decided to make a worthy statement about themselves.

“We didn’t want to live in gossip, speculation and gossip, so we decided to adequately show that we are a couple. We didn’t calculate what we would wear, whether or not we would hold hands, how we would look at each other, the very fact of our first time going out together was important to us.”

Now that all the rumors have been dispelled, the lovers are simply enjoying each other, although they don’t have to see each other often and can only snatch an hour for a date. One way or another, Paulina claims that she has become happy and in love, and both artists prefer to adhere to the rule: “Happiness loves silence.”

Publication from L "OFFICIEL RUSSIA (@lofficielrussia) Apr 19 2017 at 5:04 PDT

Usually, news of someone's breakup rarely makes anyone happy.

However, the message that Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva have separated and do not live together caused a lot of positive feedback.

Has this couple really broken up? And why is the public delighted with this information?

About what Fedor and Paulina are cooking this summer on Lake Como, next to George Clooney's villa, has been reported repeatedly. However, time passed, and nothing was heard about the wedding ceremony.

The situation was explained by one of the couple’s friends. According to him, Andreeva was upset that she did not get the female role in the film “Attraction,” which Bondarchuk directed. There, as everyone remembers, Irina Starshenbaum ended up playing, and it was her participation in the film that raised it in all the ratings.

According to the source, at first Fedor promised the role to Paulina, but then succumbed to the persuasion of actor Alexander Petrov, with whom Starshenbaum is now dating.

“After this story they separated. They don’t live together at all and, in fact, don’t even date. What a wedding this is!” - shared this knowledgeable source.

Of course, the news was immediately picked up by literally all Internet portals. Journalists rushed to check how true this information was. And then a lot of rather strange details emerged...


As you know, at one time the divorce of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk was very difficult for their son Sergei. They say that he generally set an ultimatum: if the wedding with his young lady (the age difference is more than 20 years!) takes place, he will stop communicating with his father altogether.

So, it was Sergei who told reporters that his parents actually meet all the time, preferring for some reason not to advertise this fact.

The situation with the couple was even more confused by Fyodor’s mother, actress Irina Skobtseva. When journalists called her asking whether the wedding with Paulina would eventually take place, she at first showered her with compliments on the girl’s talent, youth and beauty. And then she unexpectedly announced that, it turns out, her son did not officially divorce Svetlana and they continue to be considered husband and wife. But a year and a half has passed since the news of the separation was announced!

Maybe this is precisely why Svetlana, who seems to be like an abandoned wife, should be killed and show grief, and be very, very happy?


And many were also alarmed by the joint interview Bondarchuk and Andreeva gave to the same magazine. Paulina unexpectedly announced that her relationship with Fedor... had dramatically complicated her life. Like, before they were interested in her as an actress, but now everyone only needs personal details.

Another source close to the couple told us that it was this moment that became one of the main reasons for the separation. After all, Paulina, a very ambitious young lady, had no doubt: an affair (and subsequently marriage) with one of today’s most successful directors and producers would instantly guarantee her leading roles everywhere. But it turned out exactly the opposite: for some reason Fedor himself was in no hurry to offer her prominent roles in his projects, and “foreign” directors are now simply afraid of her!

There is another, almost radical version of what is actually happening in this couple. As one source from acting circles told us on condition of anonymity, there was no romance... at all.

When it became known about the separation of Svetlana and Fedor, Paulina’s name was slipped to the public by one well-known “yellow” publication. Bondarchuk and Andreeva laughed at the journalists’ invention, but then decided: why not? I mean, why not play this game?

For her this is excellent PR, for him it is a great way to stroke his pride. But Fyodor and Paulina never lived together and never even discussed this possibility.


But here's what's surprising. Unexpectedly, the news of the separation of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva became a reason for rejoicing for a considerable number of people. A very accurate explanation of this was given by one of the director’s fans:

“Yes, of course, Paulina is very beautiful girl And talented actress. But we all understand that the years are not favorable for women. And therefore, many in the history of the Bondarchuks’ separation were on Svetlana’s side: after all, she spent a quarter of a century with Fedor, was nearby both during the beginning of his career and his rapid rise.”

Many immediately remembered interviews with various famous girls, where they talked about long-standing romances with Fedor. And that Svetlana at one time stoically endured her husband’s infidelities. So, maybe now Fedor, having posed with his young lady, will eventually return to the one who has been next to him all these years?

Well, while the secular capital was discussing the news, why Andreeva and Bondarchuk actually decided to break up, the couple appeared at the premiere of the film Rezo Gigineishvili"Hostages." Paulina and Fedor held hands, smiled dazzlingly at the lenses of photo and television cameras...

By the way, Svetlana Bondarchuk also appeared here. Alone, but also with a dazzling smile. So the continuation of the exciting story about “ high relations" should!


The novel between Fyodor Bondarchuk and actress Paulina Andreeva is one of the most discussed in Russian cinema. Beautiful and promising and successful director in mature age- such a story can cause skepticism among many. Is it possible that this true love, and how will this romantic story end?

Paulina Andreeva

Ekaterina Olegovna Andreeva was born in Leningrad on October 12, 1988. I dreamed of being an actress since school. And her dream came true: she entered the Moscow Art Theater School and successfully graduated. After graduation, she changed her name Ekaterina to Paulina and began playing in the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. She is a talented actress, critics are very favorable to her. And this is confirmed by the fact that they started talking about her even before the announcement of her relationship with Fyodor Bondarchuk. Her most striking roles were the following:

  • in the television series “The Thaw”;
  • the film "Locust";
  • TV series "Method";
  • series "Dark World";
  • series "Gregory R.";
  • film "Shot".

Paulina quickly gained fame even without the help of an eminent boyfriend.

She has established herself as a versatile actress. Many are especially impressed by her performance on the theater stage, since she devotes herself to the role without reserve. Many note its bright and dramatic beauty. Vladimir Mashkov, and now the well-known Fyodor Bondarchuk, could not resist the combination of these qualities.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich was born on May 9, 1967 in Moscow, in the family of director Sergei Bondarchuk and actress Irina Skobtseva. I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and devote my life to cinema. He first appeared on screens in 1986, in his father’s film “Boris Godunov”, in the role of Godunov’s son, Tsarevich Fyodor.

Despite the fact that Fedor actively played and plays in films, most people perceive him not as an actor, but as a director. As of 2017, he has only 10 films to his name, in which he acted as a director. But as a producer he acted in 41 films and acted as an actor in 71 films. But he is especially famous as the director of the following films:

  • "9th company";
  • "Inhabited Island";
  • series " Quiet Don"(TV version);
  • "Stalingrad";
  • "Attraction".

His face became recognizable throughout Russia after participating in the top-rating show “The Armchair” on Channel One. After this success, he was the host of two more TV shows: “Cinema in Details” and “You are a Supermodel.”

Fedor understood that only by directing and acting big money Not everyone manages to make money in Russia. And so, at the same time, he decided to start a film business. The company Art Pictures, founded by him in 1991 together with a friend, initially produced video clips, but by 2002 it had grown to produce feature films.

Co student years and until recently was married to Svetlana Bondarchuk. In their marriage they had a daughter, Varvara.

Love story

In his interview with L'Officie magazine, Fedor said that he first saw her on the theater stage, and then on the screen. And later they met in person, but they do not want to talk about how exactly the acquaintance happened.

For the first time, Fedor and Paulina appeared in public together as a couple in 2016 at Kinotavr. As Fedor himself explained, their decision to show everyone that they were a couple was deliberate. Paulina's parents are conservative, and he didn't want to put her in an awkward position. Therefore, he officially left his wife and with this exit showed that Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk were not having an affair, but that everything was serious. But they categorically refuse to discuss their life together.


Despite skepticism that Paulina needed Fedor to star in his films, they did not collaborate specifically as a director and an actress. True, his film company is filming some of the films in which Paulina played. But out of the 13 films in which she played, there were only two films: “Myths” and “Sleepers”. But Fedor notes that as an actress he is very impressed with her.

IN lately they began to play together in films as actors. For example, in the film “Myths” by Alexander Molochnikov. And in the series “Demon of the Revolution” they actually played lovers. Oddly enough, it turned out to be difficult for them to play lovers, since their love is not a game, and such roles turn out to be a display of personal and intimate emotions on the big screen.

Lovers try to strictly distinguish between working relationships and love. When they work on a film, they are not lovers, but professionals.

Relation to their romance

After Fyodor Bondarchuk announced that after 25 years of marriage he and Svetlana were divorcing, a flurry of accusations rained down on him. Their essence was that he destroyed his marriage because of temporary lust for a young actress. To which he stated that they had not lived with Svetlana as husband and wife for several years, and all their social appearances during this period were fiction, an appearance happy marriage to avoid gossip. But now that he has fallen in love, he does not want to hide his girlfriend and is ready to go for a divorce.

In many photos, Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk look at each other with such tenderness and passion that you immediately believe in their relationship. After all, despite the fact that Fedor is already 50 years old, he remains an attractive man. He takes care of himself, has an excellent figure and dress style. It is likely that Paulina really liked him, because some girls like older and wiser men, especially since they have so many common interests. Why Fedora might like Paulina is even more obvious: she is a young, beautiful girl, a talented actress, and you could easily lose your head over someone like that.

Future plans

Immediately after the start of their relationship, there was talk about the wedding of Fyodor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva at the end of the summer of 2017. But the wedding has not yet taken place. Recently, rumors leaked that the couple broke up due to... main role in his new film “Attraction”, Fedor gave it to another actress. But after some time, the lovers appeared at the premiere of this film and looked like a very happy couple.

Paulina Andreeva and Fyodor Bondarchuk themselves do not talk about their romance, but they appear together at all events and clearly hug each other around the waist. All those crumbs of information about their romance that the press manages to grab are recorded from the words of others. For example, from Fedor’s mother Irina Skobtseva or their mutual friends.