Akathist the inexhaustible chalice in modern Russian. Prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon can save you from alcoholism

M hi to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox website “Family and Faith”!

IN You are on the website page dedicated to the Akathist according to the agreement before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”. Before this image, they pray for healing of the following spiritual diseases:

ABOUT those suffering from drunkenness, drug addiction and gambling addiction.

WITH The defensive reading of the akathist by agreement has great boldness before our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother! Let us offer our heartfelt prayers for those suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction or gambling addiction, so that the Lord, by the strength of our joint petition, will grant physical and mental health to those for whom we offer our conciliar prayer.

D To take part in the akathist by agreement of the Mother of God in front of the icon of Her Inexhaustible Chalice, read it with us on Saturdays at 20:00 Moscow time. If you are unable to read the akathist at the specified time, you can add it to the evening prayer rule.


D Dear brothers and sisters, to increase the fruits of prayer, you can send a note to the Temple on Sorokoust with your name (as well as the names of those for whom you pray). The priest, for forty days, will offer special prayers for you while removing a particle from the prosphora.

P The donation for one name is 300 rubles. (Only names of baptized people are allowed.)

Note to the Temple on Sorokoust:

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Prayer to the Holy Spirit

C Heavenly Arya, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.


WITH Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Read three times, with sign of the cross and a bow from the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

P Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.
Lord, have mercy. (Thrice).
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

ABOUT Our dear, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it Your name yes he will come Your kingdom, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Akathist to the Mother of God before the Icon of Her “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Kontakion 1


Ikos 1

A angels and righteous multitudes constantly glorify Thee, the Queen Theotokos, intercessor for the many-sinful Christian race, mired in lawlessness and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation You grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which we see like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land ; To one of these images, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, we fall, from the depths of our hearts, we cry out to You:
Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people. Rejoice, you who cleanse our sins through sorrows; Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through sorrow. Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons; Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of them. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna.

Kontakion 2

IN coming, O Most Holy Lady, the sorrows of the heart, the torment of the soul, the sincere repentance of people obsessed with the destructive vice of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of the most wonderful image of Your “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and all falling to Him with faith and a contrite heart, having received healing from their grave illness, from the depths of their souls they cry out to God: Allelua.

Ikos 2

R Having realized the threefold appearance of the Venerable Varlaam and his command to go on a journey to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, a certain man, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, found there in the monastery your holy icon called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. We, seeing this concern for us sinners, cry out to Ti with reverence:
Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious guide, showing them the path of salvation. Rejoice, our all-good teacher, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, for teaching us gratitude for all Your good deeds. Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions; rejoice, good intentions conducive.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 3

WITH The silt of the Most High and the grace of the Lady strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, although he was weakened by his property, went to the city of Serpukhov, the command of the Mother of God spoken through the Monk Varlaam, fulfilling. Having come to this city, you found an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, you were healed of your illness, mental and physical, and from the depths of your soul you cried out to God in gratitude: Alleluah.

Ikos 3

AND a greater, inexhaustible source, an inexhaustible chalice of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but also all Orthodox Christians from other cities and towns, flowing to Your wonderful image, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” and before this, having received healing, with falling, grateful lips they cry out to You:
Rejoice, font, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup, through which we may receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical infirmities; Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers. Rejoice, you who are helpful in giving every need to those who ask; Rejoice, you who give countless bounties to everyone. Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercy to us; Rejoice, you who show mercy to the fallen.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 4

B Those who have dubious thoughts inside, but who flow with sincere repentance to Your ineffable mercy, are possessed by a passion for pianism, receive healing, and from the depths of their hearts cry out to our Savior born of You: Allelua.

Ikos 4

WITH The Lord heard the grave sorrows, the cries and cries of wives, elders, children, whose relatives are overwhelmed by a pianistic passion, giving them, O Lady, Your icon, from whom all those who flow find consolation and spiritual joy, and cry out to Thee with tears:
Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world; Rejoice, cup that draws us joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers; Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, blessed protection of those who flow to You; Rejoice, consolation and amusement for those who mourn. Rejoice, thou who calmest the excitement of the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 5

I to the godly star, your honorable icon you showed us, Lady of the world, even as we see, praying to you with heartfelt faith, the Mother of God, we say: Heal those who suffer from drunkenness and other mental and physical illnesses, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Allelua.

Ikos 5

IN coming glorious miracles and wonderful signs, occurring not only from Your icon, the Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from the images copied in the likeness of this icon, falling to them, we humbly cry out to You:
Rejoice, quickly presenting helper to those who diligently flock to You; Rejoice, merciful hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, having shown the glory of your miracles within the boundaries of Moscow. Rejoice, for all who require an infinite treasure of healing; Rejoice, O all-powerful patroness of those who labor in sobriety. Rejoice, good companion who wages war against the world, the flesh, the devil and drunkenness; Rejoice, zealous intercessor in the world of piously living people.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 6

P confessing Thy miracles, Mother of God, from Thy icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, we pray to Thee, Most Pure One, with tears: deliver us all from addiction to wine and from the fall of sin, teach us abstinence, striving to sing to God: Allelua.

Ikos 6

IN You shone in the light of Divine glory, Virgin Mary, on the child, the eternal God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is seen in a vessel, as if in an inexhaustible cup, before you, as we see You depicted on your icon, the “Inexhaustible Cup”, mysteriously called, from the non-exhaustible You grant deliverance from drunken passion to those who come with faith; for this reason, with tears, we offer You silent voices:
Rejoice, for in You the council of angels and the human race rejoice and triumph; Rejoice, for Your glory surpasses the praises of earth and heaven. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, the Lamb you gave birth to, always to eat and never to be consumed, wonderfully showing us. Rejoice, Cup of life and immortality, who leads us to the gates of eternal life; Rejoice, filling thirsty souls with the source of incorruption and joy. Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not abandon the most despised and rejected; Rejoice, thou who by Thy mercy snatches away the hopeless from the pit of destruction.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 7

X Therefore, a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from the disease of drunkenness, decorate Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 7

N We see a new miracle, O Lady, from Your holy icon; a certain servant of God Stefan, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, resorting to Your maternal intercession, got rid of his serious illness, and thanking You, decorate Your icon with beautiful gifts, and falling to it, with tears he cried out to You like this:
Rejoice, Life-Giving Source of healings; Rejoice, Heavenly Cup of Divine gifts. Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing; Rejoice, sea, drowning all our passions. Rejoice, thou who, under the weight of the sin of drunkenness, raises Thy hand to the mothers of those who fall; Rejoice, you who do not reject gifts of gratitude. Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth the hearts of pious people; Rejoice, all good things that fulfill our requests.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 8

WITH It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how the icon of Your holy “Inexhaustible Chalice” of Divine healing exudes a miracle. We, who believe in Your word, Lady, spoken to Your first-written icon: “Let the grace of the One who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon,” we believe that this icon of Yours also exudes Your grace. Let us kiss the same one who reverently worships, crying out to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 8

IN All people who suffer from the disease of drunkenness place their hope in Thee, the Lady. Bow down to our weaknesses and passions, who will lead us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not you, Lady; For this reason, I bowed my knee before Your most pure image and cried out to You:
Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners; Rejoice, you who send down Your heavenly help to those who call upon You. Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners; Rejoice, you who encourage the desperate and hopeless. Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, you who console patient sufferers with gifts of grace. Rejoice, healer of our ailments, mental and physical; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 9

IN Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted to the sinful human race a firm Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our weaknesses, and frees us from the bitter illness of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 9

IN The children of mankind are perplexed to praise the glorious appearance of the icon, Lady, Thy icon; below we, sinners, from our vile lips can bring worthy praise to our Intercessor. Moreover, the countless miracles revealed by Your icon, having seen, rejoicing in soul and heart, we say to You:
Rejoice, you who flow miracles from Your sacred face; Rejoice, thou who quickly deliverest from troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, you who put to shame those who reject You; Rejoice, you who preserve those who come to You from all evil. Rejoice, through Your gentle radiance you disperse the darkness of sin and the darkness of our passions; Rejoice, filling our souls with love for You and Your Son. Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance; Rejoice, zealous intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 10

WITH Although many who suffer from the disease of drunkenness have been given to shepherd your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, so that all, possessed by this passion, flow to your miraculous image, and, having received healing, cry out to God in tenderness: Allelua.

Ikos 10

WITH Thou art a shadow and shield, O Mother of God, to people suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and to all who zealously flock to Thee, and reverently venerate Thy holy icon. For the Lord has given us this gift of good things to help and heal us from destructive passions, and hereby inspires us to sing to You:
Rejoice, quenching our desperate hopes and sorrows; Rejoice, healing of mental and physical illnesses. Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, you who enlighten our unworthiness with your grace. Rejoice, thou who clothest our corruptible clay into incorruption; Rejoice, strengthening our prayers through Your intercession. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in our weakness; Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions that surrounds us.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 11

P Our humble devotion, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away Your face from those who despair and suffer from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 11

WITH We see Thee in the wind-receiving lamp, O Most Holy Virgin, for Thy holy image with the rays of Thy grace drives away the darkness of sin and guides those who call Thee with faith on the bright path of virtues:
Rejoice, through Your intercession you deliver us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world; Rejoice, you who help us ward off the battles of carnal passions. Rejoice, you who put the thought of good in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening our guilty conscience. Rejoice, you who deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, calling to sincere repentance and admonition. Rejoice, softening the souls of all the embittered; Rejoice, for those who call upon You for help and those who glorify Your name, saving.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 12

B The grace of God inherent in Your icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, the destitute, widows and old women, and especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and they do not in vain depart, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receiving healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Allelua.

Ikos 12

P Knowing Your miracles and great mercy, revealed to people obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, we pray to You, Lady, save and have mercy, and guide us on the right path, and do not abandon us, who seek Your protection and call to You:
Rejoice, you who strive to abstain from the sin of drunkenness for all; Rejoice, freeing me from addiction to wine with the dew of Your mercy. Rejoice, constant healing for those suffering from the grave sin of drunkenness; Rejoice, you are a quick helper to those in need of passion. Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted; Rejoice, great is the joy of the complacent. Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, you who exalt the humble and desire salvation for all.
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 13
(read three times)

ABOUT Most merciful Mother of our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! Hear our present prayer and deliver us from all ailments, mental and physical, especially the freedom of Your servants (names) suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that they may not perish in evil, but may those saved by You cry out to God everlastingly: Allelua.

Ikos 1
(read again)

A angels and righteous multitudes constantly glorify Thee, the Queen Theotokos, intercessor for the many-sinful Christian race, mired in lawlessness and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation You grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which we see like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land ; To one of these images, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” we fall and cry out from the depths of our hearts: Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people. Rejoice, you who cleanse our sins through sorrows; Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through sorrow. Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons; Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of them. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 1
(also read again)

AND chosen and wondrous deliverance has been granted to us, - Your honest image, Lady Theotokos, as having been delivered by its appearance from mental and physical ailments and sorrowful circumstances, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. But You, Lady, whom we call the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” bow graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries, and grant deliverance to those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that we may cry out to You with faith:
Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

ABOUT most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us, wives, children, mothers and those obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for this, for the sake of our mother, the Church of Christ, and for the salvation of our fallen brothers, sisters and relatives, heal. O merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Thy Son, Christ our God, that He may forgive us our sins and not turn His mercy away from His people, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Receive, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of orphaned and wretched children, those abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall to Thy icon, and may this cry of ours, through Thy prayers, come to the throne Almighty. Cover and keep us from crafty deception and all the snares of the enemy. In the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer by agreement

G Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, You said with Your most pure lips: “Truly I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Heavenly Father, for where there are two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Your words are immutable, O Lord, Your mercy is unconditional and Your love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to You: grant to us, Your servants: (your names), and to all those who are now offering a conciliar prayer with us, whose names, Lord, You Yourself know, who agreed to ask You: (petition)- we pray to You for the fulfillment of our request. But let it be not as we want, but as You, Lord, may Your will be done forever. Amen.

Worthy to eat

D It is fitting that You are truly blessed, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, the real Mother of God.

May the Lord fulfill our requests through prayers and intercession Holy Mother of God, for the good of saving our immortal soul!

God bless you!


Father Dimitri, bless me, R.B. Irina to read an akathist in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon for father Vyacheslav, who suffers from alcoholism. Thank you


  1. Hello, Irina!

    We also bring to your attention that Father Dimitry Sinyavin, due to his busy schedule (and he is the rector of two churches, Kazan and Trinity), unfortunately no longer works on our website. Priest Nikifor Zakharov answers the questions.
    God bless you!
    Sincerely, Administration of the site “FAMILY AND FAITH”.


Father Dimitri, bless me, R.B. Valentin to read an akathist in front of the icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for father Anatoly, brother Sergei, husband Maxim, who suffers from alcoholism. Thank you


  1. Hello, Valentina!
    On our website, the rules for reading Prayers by Agreement, Akathists by Agreement and the Home Magpie have been changed. If we previously recommended our visitors to take a blessing for reading prayers and akathists from priest Dimitry Sinyavin, now there is no need to take a blessing. Russian Orthodox Church gives a general permission blessing for reading prayers and akathists for many days. Therefore, if you wish to join the prayers by agreement and the Home Magpie, then you just need to start reading the rule you have chosen at the specified time - with us.
    We also bring to your attention that Father Dimitry Sinyavin, due to his busy schedule (and he is the rector of two churches, Kazan and Trinity), unfortunately no longer works on our website. Priest Nikifor Zakharov answers the questions.
    God bless you!
    Sincerely, Administration of the site “FAMILY AND FAITH”.


Troparion, tone 4

Today we are returning to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, giving true hearts the heavenly Inexhaustible Chalice of His mercy and showing miracles to faithful people. Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: Most merciful Lady, heal our ailments and passions, begging Your Son Christ our God to save our souls.


Kontakion 1

We have been granted a chosen and wondrous deliverance - Your honorable image, Lady Theotokos, as having been delivered by its appearance from mental, physical and sorrowful ailments, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. But You, Lady, whom we call the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” bow graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries, and grant deliverance to those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that we may cry out to You with faith:

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Ikos 1

The hosts of angels and righteous people constantly glorify You, the Queen Mother of God, the Intercessor for the sinful generation of Christians, mired in lawlessness and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation you grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which we see like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land ; To one of these images, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, falling, from the depths of the heart we cry out to You:

Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divine

Rejoice, constant surprise of people.

Rejoice, you who cleanse our sins with sorrow;

Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through sorrow.

Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons;

Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of them.

Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God;

Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna.

Kontakion 2

Seeing, O Most Holy Lady, the sorrows of the heart, the torments of the soul, the sincere repentance of people obsessed with the destructive vice of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of the most wonderful image of Your “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and everyone falling to Him with faith and a contrite heart, having received healing from their grave illness, from the depths of their souls they cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Understanding the threefold appearance of the Venerable Varlaam and his command to travel to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, a certain man, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, found there in the monastery your holy icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. We, seeing this concern for us sinners, cry out to Ti with reverence:

Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners;

Rejoice, perspicacious Guide, showing them the path of salvation.

Rejoice, our All-Good Teacher, who attracts us with Your love;

Rejoice, for teaching us gratitude for all Your good deeds.

Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy;

Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope.

Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions;

Rejoice, you who promote good intentions.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High and the grace of the Lady strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, although in a weakened state, went to the city of Serpukhov, fulfilling the command of the Mother of God spoken through the Monk Varlaam. Having come to this city, you found an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, you were healed of your illness, mental and physical, and from the depths of your soul you cried out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessing an inexhaustible source, an inexhaustible chalice of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but also all Orthodox Christians from other cities and towns, flowing to Your wonderful image, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” and before this, having received healing, falling, grateful lips cry out to You:

Rejoice, font, in which all our sorrows are immersed;

Rejoice, cup, through which we receive the joy of our salvation.

Rejoice, healer of our infirmities, mental and physical;

Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers.

Rejoice, O useful giver of those who ask for every need;

Rejoice, you who give countless bounties to everyone.

Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercy to us;

Rejoice, you who show mercy to the fallen.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 4

Having a storm of doubtful thoughts inside, but flowing with sincere repentance to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a drunken passion, they receive healing, and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to our Savior born of You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the grave sorrows, the cries and cries of wives, elders, children, whose relatives are overwhelmed by a drunken passion, He gave them, Lady, Your icon, from everything else that flows, they find consolation and spiritual joy, and they cry out to You with tears:

Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world;

Rejoice, cup that draws us joy from the source of immortality.

Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers;

Rejoice, hopeless Hope.

Rejoice, blessed protection of those who flow to You;

Rejoice, you who bring joy and joy to those who mourn.

Rejoice, thou who calmest the excitement of the passion of drunkenness;

Rejoice, you extend your helping hand to those in need.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 5

Like a godly star, an honorable icon of Yours, You have shown us, O Lady of the world, and we, as a spectator, praying with faith to You, Mother of God, say: Heal through drunkenness and other illnesses of soul and body those who suffer, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing glorious miracles and wonderful signs, which occur not only from Your icon, Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from the images copied in the likeness of this icon, falling to them, we humbly cry out to You:

Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who diligently flow to You;

Rejoice, merciful Hearer of our prayers.

Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing;

Rejoice, having shown the glory of Your miracles within the boundaries of Moscow.

Rejoice, for all who require an infinite treasure of healing;

Rejoice, O omnipotent Patroness of those who labor in sobriety.

Rejoice, good Helper who wages war against the world, the flesh, the devil and drunkenness;

Rejoice, zealous Intercessor in the world of piously living people.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 6

Preaching Your miracles, Mother of God, from Your icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” called, the ever-present, we pray to You, Most Pure One, with tears: deliver us all from addiction to wine and from the fall of sin, teach us abstinence, striving to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone forth in the radiance of Divine glory, O Virgin of the Mother of God, beholding the Child, the Eternal God, our Lord Jesus Christ. And in a vessel, like in an inexhaustible chalice, there lies ahead, just as we see You depicted on Your icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, mysteriously called, from something other than deliverance from drunken passion to those who come with faith, for this reason, with tears, we bring to You the silent voices:

Rejoice, for in You the council of angels and the human race rejoice and triumph;

Rejoice, for Your glory surpasses the praises of earth and heaven.

Rejoice, you who reveal to us the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel;

Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the Lamb born of Thee, who is always consuming and never dependent, who wonderfully shows us.

Rejoice, cup of life and immortality, who leads us to the gates of eternal life;

Rejoice, you who feed thirsting souls with the source of incorruption and joy.

Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not abandon the most despised and rejected;

Rejoice, thou who by Thy mercy snatcheth away the hopeless from the pit of destruction.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 7

Although a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from the disease of drunkenness, decorate Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We see a new miracle, O Lady, from Thy holy icon: a certain servant of God Stefan, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, resorting to Thy maternal intercession, got rid of his grave illness, and thanking Thee, adorned Thy icon with splendid gifts, and falling upon it, he cried out with tears. Tacos for you:

Rejoice, Life-Giving Source of healings;

Rejoice, heavenly cup of Divine gifts.

Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing;

Rejoice, sea, drowning all our passions.

Rejoice, thou who, under the weight of the sin of drunkenness, raises Thy hand to the mothers of those who fall;

Rejoice, you who do not reject gifts of gratitude.

Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth the hearts of pious people;

Rejoice, you who fulfill all our good requests.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how your holy icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” of Divine healings, exudes a miracle. We, who believe in Your word, Lady, spoken to Your first-written icon: “The grace of the One who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon,” we believe that this icon of Yours also exudes Your grace. In the same way, reverently worshiping, we kiss you, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

People who suffer from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in You, the Lady, Bow down to our weaknesses and passions, who will lead us sinners from the pit of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not You, the Lady; For this reason, we bow our knees before Your most pure image, crying out to You:

Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners;

Rejoice, you who send down Your heavenly help to those who call upon You.

Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners;

Rejoice, you who encourage the desperate and hopeless.

Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness;

Rejoice, you who console patient sufferers with gifts of grace.

Rejoice, healer of our ailments, mental and physical;

Rejoice, you who teach us to despise the vain joys of this world.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted to the sinful human race a firm Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities, and frees us from the bitter illness of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of humanity are perplexed to praise the glorious appearance of the icon, Lady, Thy icon; below we, sinners, from our vile lips can bring worthy praise to our Intercessor. Moreover, the countless miracles revealed by Your icon, having seen, rejoicing in my soul and heart, I say to You:

Rejoice, you who flow miracles from Your sacred face;

Rejoice, thou who quickly deliverest from troubles and sorrows.

Rejoice, you who put to shame those who reject You;

Rejoice, you who preserve those who come to You from all evil.

Rejoice, through Your gentle radiance you disperse the darkness of sin and the darkness of our passions;

Rejoice, filling our souls with love for You and Your Son.

Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance;

Rejoice, zealous Intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 10

Although You have granted Your wondrous icon, the Mother of God, to save many who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, all of them, possessed by this passion, flow to Your miraculous image, and, having received healing, cry out to God in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and to all who zealously flock to Thee, and reverently venerate Thy holy icon. For the Lord, the Giver, has given us this good gift to help and heal us from destructive passions, and hereby inspires us to sing to You:

Rejoice, quenching our desperate hopes and sorrows;

Rejoice, healing of mental and physical illnesses.

Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity;

Rejoice, you who enlighten our unworthiness with Your grace.

Rejoice, thou who clothest our corruptible clay into incorruption;

Rejoice, strengthening our prayers through Your intercession.

Rejoice, you who strengthen us in our weakness;

Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions that surrounds us.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 11

Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away Your face from those who despair and suffer from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see Thee as a light-receiving candle, O Most Holy Virgin, for Thy holy image, with the rays of Thy grace, drives away the darkness of sin and guides those who call Thee with faith on the bright path of virtues:

Rejoice, through Your intercession you deliver us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world;

Rejoice, you who help us ward off the battles of carnal passions.

Rejoice, you who put the thought of good in our hearts;

Rejoice, enlightening our bad conscience.

Rejoice, you who deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness;

Rejoice, calling to sincere repentance and admonition.

Rejoice, softening the souls of all the embittered;

Rejoice, for those who call upon You for help and those who glorify Your name, saving.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 12

The grace of God inherent in Your icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, the destitute, widows and old women, and especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and do not in vain depart, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receiving the benefits of Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles and great mercy to people obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, we pray to You, Lady, save and have mercy, and guide us on the right path, and do not abandon us, who seek Your protection and call to You:

Rejoice, you who strive to abstain from the sin of drunkenness for all;

Rejoice, thou who freest from addiction to wine by the dew of Thy mercy.

Rejoice, constant healing for those suffering from the grave sin of drunkenness;

Rejoice, quick Helper to those in need of passion.

Rejoice, wonderful encouragement for the faint-hearted;

Rejoice, great joy of the complacent.

Rejoice, Rejoice, humbler of the proud;

Rejoice, elevating the humble and desiring salvation for all.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 13

O Most Gracious Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! Hear our present prayer and deliver us from all ailments, mental and physical, especially the freedom of Your servants (their names) who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, so that they may not perish in evil, but may they, saved by You, ever cry out to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angelic rites...” and the 1st kontakion “Selected and wondrous...”


O Most Gracious Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers - and heal those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and heal our fallen brothers and sisters and relatives. O Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn away His mercy from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover us and keep us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, and in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers, deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen.

They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the healing of those possessed by the disease of passion: drunkenness, smoking and drug addiction.

Kontakion 1

The chosen and wondrous deliverance has been granted to us, - Your honest image, Lady Theotokos, as if by its appearance we were delivered from mental and physical ailments and sorrowful circumstances, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. But You, Lady, whom we call the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” bow down graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries, and grant deliverance to those suffering from the ailment of drunkenness, and let us cry to You with faith: Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Ikos 1

The ranks of angels and hosts of righteous people constantly glorify Thee, the Queen Theotokos, intercessor for the many-sinful Christian race, mired in iniquity and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation You grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which are like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land. We look to one of these images, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, falling, from the depths of our hearts we cry out to Thee: Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people. Rejoice, who cleanses our sins with sorrows, Rejoice, who heals our infirmities with sorrows. Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons; Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the manifestation of them. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Most Holy Lady of heartache, mental anguish, sincere repentance of people obsessed with the destructive vice of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of the most wonderful image of Your “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and everyone falling to Him with faith and a contrite heart, having received healing from a serious illness. their illness from the depths of their souls they cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Understanding the threefold appearance of the Venerable Varlaam and his command to travel to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, a certain man, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, found there in the monastery your holy icon called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. We, seeing such care for us sinners, cry out to Ti with reverence: Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious guide, showing them the path of salvation. Rejoice, our all-good teacher, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, for teaching us thanksgiving for all Your blessings. Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions; Rejoice, you who promote good intentions. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High and the grace of the Lady strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, his legs weakened, went to the city of Serpukhov, fulfilling the command of the Mother of God through the Monk Varlaam. Having come to this city, you found an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, you were healed of your mental and physical illness, and from the depths of your soul you cried out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessing an inexhaustible source, an inexhaustible cup of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but also all Orthodox Christians from other cities and towns, flowing to Your wonderful image “The Inexhaustible Cup” called, and before this, having received healing, falling down, grateful lips cry out to You: Rejoice, the font, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup, with it we will receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical infirmities; Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers. Rejoice, thou who art useful and helpful to those who ask for all needs; Rejoice, you who give countless bounties to everyone. Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercy to us; Rejoice, you who show mercy to the fallen. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 4

Those with a storm of dubious thoughts, but with sincere repentance flowing to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a passion for pianism, receive healing, and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to our Savior born of You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the grave sorrows, the cries and cries of wives, elders, children, whose relatives are overwhelmed by a pianistic passion, He gave them, O Lady, Thy icon, from which all those who flow find consolation and spiritual joy, and cry out to Thee with tears: Rejoice, Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world; Rejoice at the cup, which draws us joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers; Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, blessed protection of those who flow to You; Rejoice, consolation and amusement for those who mourn. Rejoice, thou who calmest the excitement of the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 5

As You showed us the God-bearing star, Your venerable icon, O Lady of the world, even as we see, praying to You with heartfelt faith, the Mother of God, we say: Heal those who suffer from drunkenness and other mental and physical illnesses, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the glorious miracles and wonderful signs that happen not only from Your icon, Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from the likeness of this icon, copied images falling to them, we humbly cry out to You: Rejoice, quickly presenting helper to those who zealously flow to You; Rejoice, merciful hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, having shown the glory of your miracles within the boundaries of Moscow. Rejoice, for all who require an infinite treasure of healing; Rejoice, O omnipotent Patroness of those who labor in sobriety. Rejoice, good companion who wages war against the world, the flesh, the devil and drunkenness; Rejoice, Zealous Intercessor in the world of piously living people. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 6

Preaching Your miracles, Mother of God, from Your icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, called the “by-day”, we pray to You, Most Pure One, with tears: Deliver us all from addiction to wine and from the fall of sin, teach us abstinence, striving to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone in the light of Divine glory, Virgin Mary, on the Child, the Eternal God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is standing in a vessel, as if in an inexhaustible chalice, before you, as we see You depicted on your icon, “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, mysteriously called, from inexhaustible deliverance from the passion of drunkenness you grant to those who flow with faith: for this reason, with tears, we bring to You silent voices: Rejoice, for in You the council of angels and the human race rejoice and triumph; Rejoice, for Your glory surpasses the praises of earth and heaven. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, the Lamb born by You, always poisonous and never dependent, marvelously showing us. Rejoice, Cup of immortal life, who leads us to the gates of eternal life; Rejoice, source of incorruption and joy for thirsty souls, watering, Rejoice, innumerable goodness that does not leave the most despised. and the outcasts; Rejoice, thou who by Thy mercy snatches away the hopeless from the pit of destruction. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 7

Although a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from the disease of drunkenness, decorate Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We see a new miracle, O Lady, from Thy icon, holy one; suffering from the disease of drunkenness, a certain servant of God Stefan, resorting to Your maternal intercession, got rid of his serious illness, and thanking You, decorate Your icon with beautiful gifts, and falling to it, with tears, he cried out to You like this: Rejoice, Life-Giving Source of healings; Rejoice, Heavenly Cup of Divine gifts. Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing; Rejoice, sea, drowning all our passions. Rejoice, thou who, under the weight of the sin of drunkenness, raises Thy hand to the mothers of those who fall; Rejoice, you who do not reject gifts of gratitude. Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth the hearts of pious people; Rejoice, you who fulfill all our good requests. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how your holy icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” of Divine healings, exudes a miracle. We, who believe in Your word, Lady, spoken to Your first-written icon: “The grace of the One who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon,” we believe that this icon of Yours also exudes Your grace. To those who reverently worship, we kiss you, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

People suffering from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in Thee, the Lady. Bow down to our weaknesses and our passions, who will lead us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not you, Lady, for this sake, bowed your knee before Your Most Pure Image crying out to You: Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners; Rejoice, you who send down Your heavenly help to those who call upon You. Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners; Rejoice, you who encourage the desperate and hopeless. Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice to the patient sufferers with the grace-filled gifts that comfort you. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted to the sinful human race a firm Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities, and frees us from the bitter illness of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful neti to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of humanity are perplexed to praise the glorious appearance of Your icon, O Lady. Below we, sinners, from our vile lips will be able to bring worthy praise to our Intercessor. Moreover, having seen the countless miracles revealed by Your icon, rejoice in your soul and heart, we say to You: Rejoice, you who flow miracles from Your sacred face; Rejoice, thou who quickly deliverest from troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, you who put to shame those who reject You; Rejoice, you who preserve those who come to You from all evil. Rejoice, through Your gentle radiance you disperse the darkness of sin and the darkness of our passions; Rejoice, filling our souls with love for You and Your Son. Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance; Rejoice, zealous Intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 10

Although You have granted the salvation of many who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, may all, possessed by this passion, flock to Your miraculous image, and having received healing, cry out to God in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and to all who zealously flock to Thee and reverently venerate Thy holy icon. For the Lord has given us this gift of good things to help us and heal us from destructive passions, and hereby inspires us to sing to You: Rejoice, quenching our desperate Hopes and sorrows; Rejoice, healing of mental and physical illnesses. Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, you who enlighten our unworthiness with your grace. Rejoice, thou who clothest our corruptible clay into incorruption; Rejoice, strengthening our prayers through Your intercession. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in our weakness; Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions that surrounds us. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 11

Our humble singing from the fullness of love and zeal offered to You, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away Your face from those who despair and suffer from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see Thee as a light-receiving candle, O Most Holy Virgin, for Thy holy image, with the rays of Thy grace, drives away the darkness of sin and instructs on the bright path of virtues, with faith those who call Thee are as follows: Rejoice, through Thy intercession redeeming us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world; Rejoice, helping us to ward off the battles of carnal passions. Rejoice, you who put the thought of good in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening our unclean conscience. Rejoice, you who deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, calling to sincere repentance and admonition. Rejoice, softening the souls of all the embittered; Rejoice, for those who call upon You for help and those who glorify Your name, saving. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 12

The grace of God, inherent in Your icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, attracts to her, Lady, all the mourning, the destitute, widows and old women, and especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and do not depart in vain, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receiving the goals of Your miraculous image. All-merciful, they sing in gratitude to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles and great mercy to people possessed by the passion of drunkenness revealed, we pray to You, Lady, save and have mercy, and guide us on the right path, and do not abandon us, who seek Your protection and call to You: Rejoice, you who struggle to abstain from the sin of drunkenness for all; Rejoice, freeing me from addiction to wine with the dew of Your mercy. Rejoice, constant healing for those suffering from the grave sin of drunkenness; Rejoice, Ambulance to those in need of passion. Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted; Rejoice, great is the joy of the complacent. Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, you who exalt the humble and desire salvation for all. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 13

O Most Gracious Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! Hear our prayer today and deliver us from all mental and physical ailments, especially; Free Your servants (names) who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, so that they may not perish in evil, but may those saved by You cry out to God forever: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Troparion, tone 4:
Today we are the harbinger of faithfulness to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, filling the hearts of the faithful with the heavenly Inexhaustible Chalice of Her mercy, and showing miracles to the faithful. Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: O Lady of Mercy, heal our ailments and passions, begging Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

We have been granted a chosen and wondrous deliverance - Your honorable image, Lady Theotokos, as having been delivered by its appearance from mental and physical ailments and sorrowful circumstances, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. You, the Lady, whom we call the Inexhaustible Chalice, bow down graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries, and grant deliverance to those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that with faith we cry to Thee: Rejoice, Lady, the Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Oh, Most Merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but mercifully hear us: wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, the orphaned and the poor, abandoned as lost, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the disease of drunkenness

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servants ( namename) by the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Thy servants ( namename). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Venerable Moses Murin

Troparion, tone 8:
In you, Father, it is known that you were saved in the image: accept the Cross that you followed Christ, and you taught in action to despise the flesh, for it passes away; In the same way, O Reverend Moses, your spirit will rejoice with the angels.

Kontakion, tone 4:
Having killed the murine mules and spat on the faces of the demons, you mentally shone like the sun is bright, guiding our souls with the light of your life and teaching.

ABOUT, great power repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but then you were horrified by your sins, grieved over them, and in repentance came to the monastery, and there, in great lamentation for your former iniquities and in difficult deeds, you spent your days until your death, and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles. Oh, reverend, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servant of God who prays to you (names), drawn to destruction by indulging in the immeasurable consumption of wine, harmful to the soul and body. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, holy Moses, the Lord Christ, so that He, the Merciful, does not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate (names), who were overcome by the destructive passion of drunkenness, because we are all God’s creatures and have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, help them, stretch out your hand, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from wine drinking, so that they, renewed, in sobriety and a bright mind, they loved abstinence and piety, and eternally glorified the All-Good God, who always saves His creatures. Amen.

Saint's Prayer righteous John Kronstadt

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant ( Name), seduced by the flattery of the womb and carnal merriment. Grant him ( Name), to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen.

To get rid of the passion of drunkenness, it is also recommended to read chapter 15 of the Gospel of John daily.

Saint Boniface the Merciful

Troparion, tone 4:
The rule of faith and the image of meekness and abstinence as a teacher show you to your flock as the truth of things: for this reason you have acquired high humility, rich in poverty. Father Hierarch Boniface, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:
Divine thunder, spiritual trumpet, faith to the planter and cutter of heresies, saint of the Trinity, great saint Bonifatius, always standing with the angels, pray unceasingly for all of us.

Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates ( names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be placed in a winepress and to invite the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking from their addiction to it ( names), heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to quickly endure this temptation, return them to health and sober life, direct them to the path of work, instill in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-harming addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were awarded a shameless peaceful death and eternal light the endless Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Originless Father and with His Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface

Oh, holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, bringing from my heart prayer singing, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil with your prayers to God: for I tried a lot to escape his wicked snares, but I was caught in the trap of sin and I am firmly dragged away from him, I cannot get rid of him unless you appear to me, the circumstances are bitter for the one who endures, and many attempts have been made repent, but lie before God. For this reason, I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils by your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy Martyr Boniface

Troparion, tone 4:
Martyrs were sent to the class, you were a true martyr, having suffered for Christ most powerfully, all-validated, but you returned with the might of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface, pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Kontakion, tone 4:
You brought the immaculate sanctification to You without permission, Who from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wanted to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.

Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, overcome by the serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for whose sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, and may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end, day and night, in Him awake and give a good answer about Him to the terrible judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling to your icon, and may this cry of ours come with prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"


Icon of the Mother of God “INEXHAUSTABLE CHALICE”

Kontakion 1

A chosen and wondrous deliverance has been granted to us,Your image is honest, Lady Theotokos,as if, through his appearance, he was freed from mental and physical ailmentsand sorrowful circumstances,We offer thanksgiving praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor.You, Lady, whom we call the “Inexhaustible Chalice”,bow down graciously to our sighsand a heartfelt cry,and grant deliverance to those suffering from the disease of drunkenness,Let us cry out to You with faith:Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice,quenching our spiritual thirst.

Ikos 1

The angelic ranks and hosts of righteous people constantly glorify Thee, the Queen Theotokos, intercessor for the many-sinful Christian race, mired in lawlessness and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation You grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which are like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land we see; To one of these images, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, falling, from the depths of the heart we cry out to You:

Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people.Rejoice, you who cleanse our sins through sorrows; Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through sorrow. Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons; Rejoice, the manifestation of their sorrowful hearts makes our hearts glad. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the sorrow of the heart, the torment of the soul, the sincere repentance of people obsessed with the destructive vice of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of the most wonderful image of Your “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and everyone fell to Him with faith and a contrite heart, having received healing from a serious illness. their illness, from the depths of their souls they cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Understanding the threefold appearance of the Venerable Varlaam and his command to travel to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, a certain man, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, found there in the monastery your holy icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. We, seeing such care for us sinners, cry out to Ti with reverence:

Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious guide, showing them the path of salvation. Rejoice, our all-merciful mentor, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, who teaches us gratitude for all Your good deeds. Rejoice, who transforms our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, you who destroy our destructive passions; Rejoice, you who promote good intentions. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High and the grace of the Lady strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, his legs weakened by his property, went to the city of Serpukhov, the command of the Mother of God spoken through the Monk Varlaam, fulfilling. Having come to this city, you found an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, you were healed from your mental and physical illness, and from the depths of your soul you cried out to God in gratitude: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessing an inexhaustible source, an inexhaustible chalice of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but also all Orthodox Christians from other cities and towns, flowing to Your wonderful image, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” and before this, having received healing, with falling, grateful lips they cry out to You:

Rejoice, font, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup, with it we will receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical infirmities; Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers. Rejoice, you who are helpful in giving every need to those who ask; Rejoice, you who give countless bounties to everyone. Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercy to us; Rejoice, you who show mercy to the fallen. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 4

Those with a storm of doubtful thoughts, but with sincere repentance flowing to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a passion for pianism, receive healing, and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to our Savior born of You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the grievous sorrows, the cries and cries of wives, elders, children, whose relatives are overwhelmed by a drunken passion, He gave them, Lady, Your icon, from which all those who flow find consolation and spiritual joy and cry out to Thee with tears:

Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world; Rejoice, cup that draws us joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers; Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, blessed protection of those who flow to You; Rejoice, consolation and amusement for those who mourn. Rejoice, thou who calmest the excitement of the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 5

As You showed us the God-bearing star, Your honorable icon, O Lady of the world, so we see, praying to You with heartfelt faith, the Mother of God, saying: Heal through drunkenness and other illnesses of soul and body those who suffer, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the glorious miracles and wonderful signs that happen not only from Your icon, the Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from the images copied in the likeness of this icon, falling to them, we humbly cry out to You:

Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who zealously flow to You; Rejoice, merciful hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, having shown the glory of Your miracles within the boundaries of Moscow. Rejoice, for all who require an infinite treasure of healing; Rejoice, O omnipotent Patroness of those who labor in sobriety. Rejoice, good Helper who wages war against the world, the flesh, the devil and drunkenness; Rejoice, zealous Intercessor in the world of piously living people. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 6

Preaching Your miracles, Mother of God, from Your icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, we pray to You, Most Pure One, with tears: Deliver us all from addiction to wine and from the fall of sin, teach us abstinence, striving to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You shone in the light of Divine glory, the Virgin Mary, on the Child, the Eternal God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands before us in a vessel, as if in an inexhaustible chalice, as we see You depicted on your icon, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” mysteriously called, from inexhaustible deliverance from the passion of a piano you give to those who flow with faith: for this reason, with tears, we bring you silent voices:

Rejoice, for in You the council of angels and the human race rejoice and triumph; Rejoice, for Your glory surpasses the praises of earth and heaven. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the Lamb born of Thee, who is always consuming and never dependent, marvelously showing us. Rejoice, cup of life and immortality, who leads us to the gates of eternal life; Rejoice, filling thirsty souls with the source of incorruption and joy. Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not abandon the most despised and rejected; Rejoice, thou who by Thy mercy snatches away the hopeless from the pit of destruction. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 7

Although a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from the disease of drunkenness, decorate Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We see a new miracle, Lady, from Thy holy icon: a certain servant of God Stefan, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, resorting to Thy maternal intercession, got rid of his grave illness, and, thanking Thee, adorned Thy icon with splendid gifts, and, falling to it, with cry out to you with tears:

Rejoice, Life-Giving Source of healings; Rejoice, heavenly cup of Divine gifts. Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing; Rejoice, sea, drowning all our passions. Rejoice, thou who, under the weight of the sin of drunkenness, raises Thy hand to the mothers of those who fall; Rejoice, you who do not reject gifts of gratitude. Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth the hearts of pious people; Rejoice, you who fulfill all our good requests. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 8

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how the icon of Your holy “Inexhaustible Chalice” of Divine healing exudes a miracle. But we, believing Your word, Lady, spoken to Your first-written icon: “Let the grace of the One who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon,” we believe that this icon of Yours also exudes Your grace. Let us also kiss you reverently, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

People suffering from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in Thee, the Lady. Bow down to our infirmities and passions, for who will lead us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not You, Lady, for this sake, bow the knee before Your most pure image, crying out to You:

Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners; Rejoice, you who send down Your heavenly help to those who call upon You. Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners; Rejoice, you who encourage the desperate and hopeless. Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, you who console patient sufferers with gifts of grace. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical ailments; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted to the sinful human race a firm Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities and frees us from the bitter illness of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The leaders of humanity are perplexed to praise the glorious appearance of Your icon, O Lady. Below we, sinners, from our vile lips will be able to bring worthy praise to our Intercessor. Moreover, the countless miracles revealed by Your icon, having seen, rejoicing in soul and heart, we say to You:

Rejoice, you who flow miracles from Your sacred face; Rejoice, thou who quickly deliverest from troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, you who put to shame those who reject You; Rejoice, you who preserve those who come to You from all evil. Rejoice, through Your gentle radiance you disperse the darkness of sin and the darkness of our passions; Rejoice, filling our souls with love for You and Your Son. Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance; Rejoice, zealous intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 10

Although You have granted Your wondrous icon, the Mother of God, to save many who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, all of them, possessed by this passion, flow to Your miraculous image and, having received healing, cry out to God in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and to all who zealously flock to Thee and reverently venerate Thy holy icon. For the Lord has given us this gift of good things to help and heal us from destructive passions, and hereby inspires us to sing to You:

Rejoice, quenching our desperate hopes and sorrows; Rejoice, healing of mental and physical illnesses. Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, you who enlighten our unworthiness with your grace. Rejoice, thou who clothest our corruptible clay into incorruption; Rejoice, strengthening our prayers through Your intercession. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in our weakness; Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions that surrounds us. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 11

Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away Your face from those who despair and suffer from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

We see Thee as a light-receiving candle, O Most Holy Virgin, for Thy holy image with the rays of Thy grace drives away the darkness of sin and guides those who call Thee with faith onto the bright path of virtues:

Rejoice, through Your intercession you deliver us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world; Rejoice, helping us to ward off the battles of carnal passions. Rejoice, you who put the thought of good in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening our guilty conscience. Rejoice, you who deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, calling to sincere repentance and admonition. Rejoice, softening the souls of all the embittered; Rejoice, for those who call upon You for help and those who glorify Your name, saving. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 12

The grace of God inherent in Your icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, the destitute, widows and old women, and especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and they do not in vain depart, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receiving healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your miracles and great mercy to people obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, we pray to You, Lady, save and have mercy, and guide us on the right path, and do not abandon us, who seek Your protection and call to You:

Rejoice, you who strive for abstinence from the sin of drunkenness of all; Rejoice, freeing me from addiction to wine with the dew of Your mercy. Rejoice, constant healing for those suffering from the grave sin of drunkenness; Rejoice, quick Helper to those in need of passion. Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted; Rejoice, great is the joy of the complacent. Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, elevating the humble and desiring salvation for all. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 13

Oh, most merciful Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! Hear our present prayer and deliver us from all mental and physical ailments, especially the freedom of Your servants suffering from the disease of drunkenness(names) May they not perish in evil, but may those saved by You cry out to God everlastingly: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and 1st kontakion)

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Today we are the harbinger of faith / to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, / watering the faithful’s hearts / with the heavenly inexhaustible cup of Her mercy / and showing miracles to the faithful. / Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: / Most merciful Lady, / heal our ailments and passions, / beseeching Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

Thy belly became the holy Table, / having the Heavenly Bread, / Christ our God, / from what is worthless, no one who eats poison dies, / as everyone said, the Mother of God, the Nourisher.

Kontakion 1
The chosen and wondrous deliverance has been granted to us, - Your honest image, Lady Theotokos, as if by its appearance we were delivered from mental and physical ailments and sorrowful circumstances, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. But You, Lady, whom we call the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” bow down graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries, and grant deliverance to those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and let us cry out to You with faith: Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Ikos 1
The hosts of angels and righteous people constantly glorify Thee, the Queen Theotokos, intercessor for the sinful Christian race, mired in lawlessness and abiding in sins, for for consolation and salvation You grant them Your mercy through Your many-named miraculous icons, which we see like the stars of heaven throughout our entire land. ; To one of these images, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” called, falling, from the depths of our hearts we cry out to You: Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people. Rejoice, you who cleanse our sins through sorrows; Rejoice, you who heal our infirmities through sorrow. Rejoice, You who send Your mercy to us from above through Your miraculous icons; Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of them. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all with God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 2
Seeing, O Most Holy Lady, the sorrows of the heart, the torment of the soul, the sincere repentance of people obsessed with the destructive vice of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of the most wonderful image of Your “Inexhaustible Chalice”, and everyone falling to Him with faith and a contrite heart, having received healing from their grave illness, from the depths of their souls they cry out to God: Allelua.

Ikos 2
Understanding the threefold appearance of the Venerable Varlaam and his command to travel to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, a certain man, obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, found there in the monastery your holy icon called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. We, seeing this concern for us sinners, cry out to Ti with reverence: Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious guide, showing them the path of salvation. Rejoice, our all-good teacher, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, for teaching us gratitude for all Your good deeds. Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions; Rejoice, you who promote good intentions. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High and the grace of the Lady strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, although he was weakened by his property, went to the city of Serpukhov, the command of the Mother of God spoken through the Monk Varlaam, fulfilling. Having come to this city, you found an icon of the Most Pure Mother of God, you were healed of your illness, mental and physical, and from the depths of your soul you cried out to God in gratitude: Alleluah.

Ikos 3
Possessing an inexhaustible source, an inexhaustible chalice of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but also all Orthodox Christians from other cities and towns, flowing to Your wonderful image, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” and before this, having received healing, falling down, with grateful lips they cry out to You: Rejoice, font, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup, through which we may receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, healer of our mental and physical infirmities; Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers. Rejoice, you who are helpful in giving every need to those who ask; Rejoice, you who give countless bounties to everyone. Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercy to us; Rejoice, you who show mercy to the fallen. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 4
Those who have a storm of dubious thoughts, but with sincere repentance, flowing to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a drunken passion, receive healing, and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to our Savior born of You: Allelua.

Ikos 4
Hearing the grievous sorrows, the cries and cries of wives, elders, children, whose relatives are overwhelmed by a pianistic passion, He gave them, Lady, Your icon, from which all those who flow find consolation and spiritual joy, and cry out to Thee with tears: Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to The Lamb who takes away the sins of the world; Rejoice, cup that draws us joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers; Rejoice, hopeless hope. Rejoice, blessed protection of those who flow to You; Rejoice, consolation and amusement for those who mourn. Rejoice, thou who calmest the excitement of the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 5
Like a godly star, an honorable icon of Yours, You showed us, O Lady of the world, even as we see, praying to You with heartfelt faith, the Mother of God, we say: Heal those who suffer from drunkenness and other mental and physical illnesses, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 5
Seeing the glorious miracles and wonderful signs that happen not only from Your icon, the Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from the likeness of this icon, copied images falling to them, we humbly cry out to You: Rejoice, quickly presenting helper to those who zealously flow to You; Rejoice, merciful hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, having shown the glory of your miracles within the boundaries of Moscow. Rejoice, for all who require an infinite treasure of healing; Rejoice, O all-powerful patroness of those who labor in sobriety. Rejoice, good companion who wages war against the world, the flesh, the devil and drunkenness; Rejoice, zealous intercessor in the world of piously living people. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 6
Preaching Your miracles, Mother of God, from Your icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”, we pray to You, Most Pure One, with tears: deliver us all from addiction to wine and from the fall of sin, teach us abstinence, striving to sing to God: Allelua.

Ikos 6
You shone in the light of Divine glory, Virgin Mary, on the child, the eternal God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is seen in a vessel, as if in an inexhaustible cup, before you, as we see You depicted on your icon, the “Inexhaustible Cup” mysteriously called, from the non-exhaustible You grant deliverance from drunken passion to those who come with faith, for this reason with tears we offer You silent voices: Rejoice, for in You the council of angels and the human race rejoice and triumph; Rejoice, for Your glory surpasses the praises of earth and heaven. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the Lamb born of Thee, who is always consuming and never dependent, marvelously showing us. Rejoice, Cup of life and immortality, who leads us to the gates of eternal life; Rejoice, filling thirsty souls with the source of incorruption and joy. Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not abandon the most despised and rejected; Rejoice, thou who by Thy mercy snatches away the hopeless from the pit of destruction. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 7
Although a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from the disease of drunkenness, decorate Your wonderful icon, the Mother of God, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 7
We see a new miracle, O Lady, from Your holy icon; suffering from the disease of drunkenness, a certain servant of God Stefan, resorting to Your maternal intercession, got rid of his serious illness, and thanking You, decorate Your icon with beautiful gifts, and falling to it, with tears, he cried out to You like this: Rejoice, Life-Giving Source of healings; Rejoice, Heavenly Cup of Divine gifts. Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing; Rejoice, sea, drowning all our passions. Rejoice, thou who, under the weight of the sin of drunkenness, raises Thy hand to the mothers of those who fall; Rejoice, you who do not reject gifts of gratitude. Rejoice, thou who gladdeneth the hearts of pious people; Rejoice, all good things that fulfill our requests. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 8
It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how the icon of Your holy “Inexhaustible Chalice” of Divine healing exudes a miracle. We, who believe in Your word, Lady, spoken to Your first-written icon: “Let the grace of the One who was born of Me and Mine be with this icon,” we believe that this icon of Yours also exudes Your grace. Let us kiss the same one who reverently worships, crying out to God: Alleluah.

Ikos 8
People suffering from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in Thee, the Lady. Bow down to our weaknesses and passions, who will lead us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not you, Lady; For this reason, I bowed my knee before Your most pure image and cried out to You: Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of sinners; Rejoice, you who send down Your heavenly help to those who call upon You. Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners; Rejoice, you who encourage the desperate and hopeless. Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those obsessed with the passion of drunkenness; Rejoice, you who console patient sufferers with gifts of grace. Rejoice, healer of our ailments, mental and physical; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 9
Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted to the sinful human race a firm Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities, and frees us from the bitter illness of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing to God: Allelua.

Ikos 9
The branches of humanity are perplexed to praise the glorious appearance of the icon, Lady, Thy icon; below we, sinners, from our vile lips can bring worthy praise to our Intercessor. Moreover, the innumerable miracles revealed by Your icon, having seen, rejoicing in soul and heart, we say to You: Rejoice, flowing miracles from Your sacred face; Rejoice, thou who quickly deliverest from troubles and sorrows. Rejoice, you who put to shame those who reject You; Rejoice, you who preserve those who come to You from all evil. Rejoice, through Your gentle radiance you disperse the darkness of sin and the darkness of our passions; Rejoice, filling our souls with love for You and Your Son. Rejoice, you who wisely guide us on the path of repentance; Rejoice, zealous intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 10
Although You have granted Your wondrous icon, the Mother of God, to save many who suffer from the disease of drunkenness, all of them, possessed by this passion, flow to Your miraculous image, and, having received healing, cry out to God in tenderness: Allelua.

Ikos 10
Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and to all who zealously flock to Thee, and reverently venerate Thy holy icon. For the Lord has given us this gift of good things to help us and heal us from destructive passions, and hereby inspires us to sing to You: Rejoice, quenching our desperate hopes and sorrows; Rejoice, healing of mental and physical illnesses. Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, you who enlighten our unworthiness with your grace. Rejoice, thou who clothest our corruptible clay into incorruption; Rejoice, strengthening our prayers through Your intercession. Rejoice, you who strengthen us in our weakness; Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions that surrounds us. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 11
Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, O Pure One, and do not turn away Your face from those who despair and suffer from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may worthily and righteously sing to God: Allelua.

Ikos 11
We see Thee as a light-receiving candle, O Most Holy Virgin, for Thy holy image with the rays of Thy grace drives away the darkness of sin and instructs those who call Thee with faith on the bright path of virtues: Rejoice, through Thy intercession you deliver us from the vanity of this much-rebellious world; Rejoice, helping us to ward off the battles of carnal passions. Rejoice, you who put the thought of good in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening our guilty conscience. Rejoice, you who deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, calling to sincere repentance and admonition. Rejoice, softening the souls of all the embittered; Rejoice, for those who call upon You for help and those who glorify Your name, saving. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 12
The grace of God inherent in Your icon, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, the destitute, widows and old women, and especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and they do not in vain depart, O Most Pure One, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but endlessly receiving healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Allelua.

Ikos 12
Singing Your miracles and great mercy to people possessed by the passion of drunkenness, revealed, we pray to You, Lady, save and have mercy, and guide us on the right path, and do not abandon us, who seek Your protection and call to You: Rejoice, abstinence from the sin of drunkenness for all ascetic; Rejoice, freeing me from addiction to wine with the dew of Your mercy. Rejoice, constant healing for those suffering from the grave sin of drunkenness; Rejoice, you are a quick helper to those in need of passion. Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted; Rejoice, great is the joy of the complacent. Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, you who exalt the humble and desire salvation for all. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Kontakion 13
O most merciful Mother of our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! Hear our present prayer and deliver us from all ailments, mental and physical, especially the freedom of Your servants (names) suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that they may not perish in evil, but may those saved by You cry out to God everlastingly: Allelua.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1.

O most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and heal the grave illness of drunkenness among those who are obsessed and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of our fallen brothers and sisters and relatives.
O Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.
Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the Throne of the Most High.
Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeal without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen.