Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov: “God gives a child when people are ready for it. Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth, as she named her daughter, extract, birth message Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk who was born

Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk became parents on October 13. The artists hid the imminent addition to the family for a long time, but later they finally posted a photograph showing the legs of their newborn daughter. Now the young father is trying to spend as much free time as possible at home to support his wife and monitor the baby’s development.

Alexey and Yulia do not want to show the girl’s face before the christening, but on the air of the “Secret to a Million” program, the artist still told who the heiress looks like.

“Sometimes she turns her head so much that she looks like Yulia, but my eastern blood still prevailed. The daughter is dark and has brown eyes. Of course, my wife is now completely absorbed in motherhood, but we are looking for a nanny. It’s difficult to quickly find a person to whom you can entrust a child. That’s why now Yulia is being helped by her mother,” said the artist.

Every day Chumakov tries to quickly resolve work issues in order to return home to his wife and child. The man said that Yulia tries to keep him informed of the baby’s first successes, so she often sends photos and videos of the girl to the new father.

According to Alexey, his wife tolerated the pregnancy well. Kovalchuk did not suffer from toxicosis, she did not have serious mood swings.

“I see that Yulia wants to take care of the child, she is happy to learn the basics of motherhood. But the fact is that she is an active popular artist, so she won’t be able to do without an assistant,” the man said.

It was important for the star couple that fans and friends were not aware of the pregnancy. In an interview for the “Secret to a Million” program, Yulia admitted that even relatives learned about the imminent addition to the family only a few months later. According to her, only she and Alexei and the doctor were aware of the joyful event.

Now Chumakov feels absolutely happy, because he has long dreamed of a child. However, the artist regrets that his mother was not able to see her granddaughter. Communicating with Lera Kudryavtseva, the man spoke for the first time about the causes of his mother’s death.

“We still don't know how this happened. Apparently the dentist introduced the hepatitis virus into her blood. My mother never drank, I have never seen her with a glass of wine in my entire life, but here it is. Against the background of hepatitis, cirrhosis began to develop. We fought for her life for about six years, but in the end the disease turned out to be stronger,” the artist said about the most difficult period of his life.

The musician admitted that after his mother was diagnosed, he did not sleep peacefully for a single night. At any moment he could be called to the hospital and reported about bleeding or other complications. Remembering that difficult period, Chumakov could not hold back his tears.

The artist’s father also appeared in the studio, caring for his sick wife every day for six years. Now Georgiy Georgievich lives in Moscow and writes to his son several times every day. If he doesn’t get in touch for a long time, Alexey starts to worry and calls his dad.

The musician’s relative recalled that when they first met, they immediately accepted Yulia Kovalchuk as a member of the family. He called the singer his daughter, and now he always enjoys communicating with her.

According to the singer, Julia was always with him, supported him and tried to distract him from sad thoughts. Chumakov admitted that he cheated on his former passions, but Kovalchuk turned his ideas about relationships upside down. Now he is faithful to his wife and is happy that they have finally become parents.

Today on the Internet, mainly in social networks, one topic was raised: Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth! Indeed, this event is long-awaited and very pleasant not only for young parents, but also for all fans of the singer. Yulia Kovalchuk, together with her husband Alexei Chumakov, recently admitted that for several years they have had to listen to the fact that they still have not thought about procreation, because they have long been old enough to become parents. They said that they always had their own point of view, and even the opinions of their favorite fans did not interest them.

When to give birth or adopt a baby is a personal matter for each person, and outside opinions are not taken into account at all. Julia and her husband were always looking for the right moment to give birth to a child. Her pregnancy was caused by a great desire to be loved and loving parents, and not constant gossip and reproaches from fans. They did not want to live for someone, adapt to the wishes of other people, they did not listen to advice. And then came the exciting and long-lasting at the moment— Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child in 2017. There is no official confirmation yet, but all fans are sincerely confident that Yulia wanted her last photo to make it clear to everyone that she has already become a happy mother.

Since the singer never advertised her relationship and, moreover, hid her pregnancy until the very end, no one knew about the exact date of her due date. Today there are a lot of comments online with the words: “Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a child.” Fans always watched the singer very carefully, wishing her in the comments a quick and less painful birth, as well as a healthy baby. Julia probably reads all this, but does not react in any way, which makes the fans even more panicky.

Today, Yulia Kovalchuk added a photo in white underwear, in which her belly is not visible. And then immediately comments poured in with congratulations for the singer. Julia wrote under the photo that she just loves trying on new underwear, and that this has nothing to do with childbirth. It is difficult to determine from the photo who Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to and when. But all fans hope that soon the singer will post on her page stating that their assumptions were correct. Fans claim that they are incredibly happy for Yulia and Alexei, and want to believe that she really has already become a mother.

Some subscribers confidently declare that Julia gave birth to a girl. They justify their assumptions by the fact that at the time of pregnancy the singer changed her facial features and became even more tender and feminine. Also, experienced mothers could not help but notice the shape of the belly. She fully corresponded to the fact that Julia carries a charming daughter inside her. Journalists are not distracted from their work for a minute; they want to prove with facts that the fans’ assumptions were correct. All that remains is to wait for the photo to appear on Instagram of the singer with her child.

Pregnancy Kovalchuk

Yulia Kovalchuk never liked to talk about her personal life, she gladly devoted her fans to all working moments, shared her creativity, but always believed that her personal life concerned only her and her husband. That is why fans learned about Julia’s pregnancy shortly before the birth itself. Today you can see amazing news on the Internet - Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child. For some inactive fans, this news was truly shocking, because if you did not personally follow the lives of Kovalchuk and her husband, it would be difficult to find out about pregnancy.

Even from the first months of pregnancy, when the singer diligently hid her situation, she was sure that these 9 months would be the happiest, simplest and most memorable for her. Kovalchuk was in good health, and even went on stage until her position could be hidden under her outfits. Her cheerfulness, her husband’s love and her favorite business were enough to feel confident and not be afraid of complications and other problems.

The birth of her first child at 34 is considered late, but this fact did not bother the singer at all. She was confident that she and her husband would cope.

Julia always tried to hide her position under wide dresses; she did not show photos in which her stomach was visible to the naked eye. And for some time she managed to hide everything, if not for attentive and curious journalists. They added a photo from 2017 with a belly, where it is clear that Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant.

There was no longer any point in hiding her situation, because journalists would still be able to expose the singer after going to social parties. Even in the fifth month, the singer confidently went on stage, but tried to hide her position behind wide pants and blouses. And it’s worth noting that she succeeded, because fans only recently found out about the pregnancy.

Rest Kovalchuk during pregnancy

Throughout her pregnancy, the singer rested and worked; she felt the strength to travel abroad, go on stage and give fans her creativity. Shortly before giving birth, the singer added a photo to her Instagram page in which she drinks champagne from a glass. Under the photo, Julia wrote: “High spirits.” This photo shocked all her fans; they quickly began writing comments with questions about the singer’s pregnancy.

Some suggested that she was not pregnant at all, while others could not compare her position and drinking alcohol. Others did not stop discussing the pregnancy of Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband Alexei Chumakov.

The singer felt great and could afford later pregnancy relax with a glass of champagne. There was no threat to her health and the health of the baby, because she regularly had examinations with a doctor, took care of her health, and nourished her body with everything essential vitamins to maintain the normal development of the baby.

The last months of Yulia Kovalchuk's pregnancy

As already mentioned, the singer’s pregnancy proceeded without any problems or deviations. Yulia could afford to travel, despite the fact that after the sixth month of pregnancy, doctors categorically prohibit flights. Despite this, until the ninth month Kovalchuk and her husband were in Spain. She absolutely loves this country; the singer noted many advantages for herself, namely:

  • beautiful architecture and the opportunity to enjoy pleasant air;
  • professional doctors to whom Julia was ready to entrust herself and the baby during childbirth;
  • quiet and relaxing holiday outside of noisy Moscow;
  • the opportunity to forget about all work issues and calmly prepare for childbirth.

Julia added a photo on her Instagram in which she stands on the seashore, enjoying sea ​​waves And clean air. She wrote on her page that she was very careful about her situation, which is why she left dirty Moscow to find herself in a real fairy tale, collect her thoughts and prepare for childbirth. Her husband is not visible in the photo, so subscribers assumed that Alexey had a lot of work in Russia, and he could not leave Moscow for a holiday in Spain. There were also suggestions that the singer’s birth would take place there.

The stars have their own house in Spain, where they planned to live after giving birth. and Alexey Chumakov have been expecting a child for several years, so they always wanted that during childbirth and immediately after they would have comfortable living conditions, peace and quiet, allowing them to enjoy the new addition to the family. Until the last moment, they planned to give birth to the baby in Spain, but then they finally decided to return to Moscow.

Julia risked her position very much, surviving the flight. But, fortunately, everything worked out. Alexey's career forced them to return to Moscow; new TV season, so he simply could not be in Spain at that time.

In order not to leave his wife and newborn child, they together decided to return to the capital. She did not tell anyone exactly in which maternity hospital the singer would give birth. Even curious and professional journalists failed to declassify this moment.

Marriage of Yulia Kovalchuk

Fans have been watching the married couple Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov for several years now, and only after so many years did the singer decide to give her husband a child. It is worth noting that the couple have been together for 10 years, and their marriage began only in 2013. For many fans, the couple of Yulia and Alexei is considered an example of love and understanding.

There has already been a lot of gossip on the Internet that their marriage is on the verge of separation, but, fortunately, this is not the case.

The singer's pregnancy changed everything, they began to spend more time with each other, visit more social events, plan the future and choose a name for your baby.

Yulia and Alexey have been married for 5 years, and it is difficult to call their family inferior. Everyone knows that stars have little time for their personal life; for them, work comes first. But this family has its own views on life and priorities. They are ready to be exemplary parents, spend time with their baby and family, and pay more attention to him. All fans are convinced that this is exactly what will happen.

Fans do not stop discussing the topic that allegedly Julia has already given birth to a baby, she is simply hiding this event, as well as her pregnancy. Journalists also have not yet been able to confirm the assumptions with facts, but they may well assume that Yulia will hide such a grandiose event for another month. Yulia’s husband, Alexey Chumakov, also does not give out any information; his page on the social network never shows his personal life, which further misleads fans.

Julia's late pregnancy, what is this connected with?

Since childhood, Yulia Kovalchuk was an energetic child who tried to achieve everything he wanted in life. Already a singer, there was no limit to perfection for Yulia. She put her career first because she wanted to realize herself as much as possible. famous person, and only then build your personal life. But, at the age of 24, Julia met her current husband, adding him to her life. Now, in addition to her favorite job, there was also a beloved man.

For a long time they did not bring up the topic of starting a real family, and even after the wedding they did not immediately plan for a baby.

Since their careers were quite busy, the young family did not want to infringe on their baby’s attention or give him up to nannies while spending time at work. And now, when Yulia is 34 and Alexey is 36 years old, they have already reached heights in their careers, gained popularity, become famous and loved.

It's time to think about the most important thing - having a child. Since Yulia and Alexey are secretive personalities and do not like to talk about their family relationships, it is very difficult to find out the truth about when they started thinking about having a baby.

As soon as I became known information that Julia was expecting a child, all fans felt incredible joy for this family. This can be understood from numerous comments. We can only hope that Kovalchuk and Chumakov really became parents, and that Yulia will soon confirm all the assumptions.

Fans are really looking forward to photos with the child, tracking all updates on social networks, hoping to be the first to find out if Yulia Kovalchuk has given birth. Journalists, in turn, do not take their eyes off the singer, hoping to be the first to get exclusive news and bring it to the mass reader.


I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment is no longer needed; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs in the morning with groceries to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have there’s even a kettle in the room. There’s also an apartment hotel... it’s certainly super... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give this 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles)... and where is there 2 more times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old... and how much money should we budget for food... per day.... entertainment, I looked at the prices a little... I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to budget 15 (one trip to the aquarium 700+700 I don’t know how much for children it’s probably 500=1900, there’s also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if it makes sense to go to the water park...., also tell me, I want to leave 2 days for Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to wander back and forth for 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late departure, and this will most likely need to be paid for another 2 days... Tell us how you plan your vacation based on money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family. but it’s 4 days, and I think we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that’s with tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad But this time we her We are not considering Yes, but...I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... Half of our country is like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rainbow dreams, I walked with my wonderful obedient dog, watched TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a little puppy, has turned into big crocodile, which chewed up all the walls. On the street he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was given to the woman who was leaving him on May 9. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. Slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.



I've been suffering for over a week now... Yesterday we booked tickets to Adler from June 20 to July 2. Arrival early in the morning, departure late in the evening. But more on that later... The apartment is no longer needed; they are very far from the sea. Of course there are, but the price there is one and a half times higher. Guest house... but those in my price category are 14-17 thousand for 7 days, very budget modest, but they have a shared kitchen... which means you can cook and save a little money on a cafe. (but here Of course there are inconveniences, they are all on the 1st floors, you need to go downstairs in the morning with groceries to cook and bring the finished food up again (if you suddenly get a room on the 3rd-4th floor) There are even a couple of hotels with breakfast up to 20 thousand, but they don’t have there’s even a kettle in the room. There’s also an apartment hotel... it’s certainly super... and the kitchen in the room and the rooms themselves are better... but the price tag is immediately higher by 6-7 thousand... so it turns out I’m paying for the presence of a kitchen 7 thousand, but I buy groceries myself.. or I give this 7 thousand to the hotel, but for this money I only get breakfast (yes, the average cost of breakfast in a hotel is 250-300 rubles)... and where is there 2 more times a day, with the condition that our child is 4 years old... and how much money should we budget for food... per day.... entertainment, I looked at the prices a little... I realized that 10 thousand is not enough, you need to budget 15 (one trip to the aquarium 700+700 I don’t know how much for children it’s probably 500=1900, there’s also a dolphinarium, I’m also wondering if it makes sense to go to the water park...., also tell me, I want to leave 2 days for Krasnaya Polyana, so I don’t have to wander back and forth for 50 km. That's where I found a hotel with breakfast and dinner for 2000 rubles per day. You can even get lunch there for 450 rubles. I also add the amount for early and late departure, and this will most likely need to be paid for another 2 days... Tell us how you plan your vacation based on money.... Since we were only in Minsk as a family. but it’s 4 days, and I think we spent a lot (about 30 thousand, but that’s with tickets and accommodation) I’ve never been to our south (well, only in childhood) When I was single, it was only abroad But this time we her We are not considering Yes, but...I won’t go deeper. Those who consider themselves poor.... you can count and pass by... Half of our country is like this.... Sunshine to everyone.... for those who don’t mind, I’m waiting for advice.


Daughter of a minister without portfolio

Hi all. A small preface: in January, succumbing to a spiritual impulse, I adopted a puppy from a shelter. We already had a dog before, I knew what a responsibility it was, there were no problems with it. In my rosy dreams, I was walking with my wonderful obedient dog, watching TV, stroking him behind the ear, etc. etc.
And now about the problem. Now he is 7 months old, a small puppy, who has turned into a large crocodile that has chewed up all the walls. On the street he absolutely does not listen to me, despite the help of a dog handler, he does not stop going to the toilet at home, although the diapers have long been removed and he goes outside. I am well aware that this is my problem - I cannot find an approach to him, but I no longer have enough patience. And so I think: not to spoil his and my psyche and find new owners or continue trying to become a leader.


Mom sawmill

I adopted a cat from the shelter. He is only 1.5 months old. Despite his tiny age, he suffered a lot. He was given to the woman who was leaving him on May 9. The eyes were festered, bleeding, dirty, flea-infested.
I'm at home now. Goes to the tray. Incredibly affectionate and active. He purrs when he plays and eats. Slept with me and sang songs all night!)
We have an adult cat, Russian Blue. Strict aristocrat, spoiled. He despises the kitten, growls, hisses, but does not touch it.
Question for the experienced. I feed the kitten boiled breast and kefir. Doesn't drink milk. The kitten accidentally ate dry food from an adult cat and vomited. What else can you feed?
I begged my daughter for oatmeal, she was afraid to give it. She fed me chicken.
And one more thing, please recommend a name for the kitten.
Just not Ryzhik and not Peach.
Thank you.


We became parents for the first time in mid-September this year. For the first time, Chumakov decided to publicly reveal why he and his wife took so long to have a child. The singer told details of his personal life to the host of the show “Secret for a Million” Lera Kudryavtseva. For example, Alexey dispelled rumors that he and his wife allegedly could not have children due to health problems.

Chumakov said that they didn’t have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child. According to the artist, due to their heavy workload, they previously had no time to even think about having offspring. However, years ago, after seriously talking about this topic, they decided to start by taking care of their health, seeing doctors and, of course, having a good rest.

Alexey Chumakov said that his daughter looks more like him than Yulia Kovalchuk

Having learned about pregnancy, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov made a decision: they would not tell anyone about it, not even their closest people. Star couple was afraid possible complications during pregnancy. As a result, Julia spent nine months calmly until her daughter was born. However, as Alexey explained in the show “Secret for a Million,” they are still not going to show their daughter to the public, at least until the christening. Moreover, the couple also decided not to name the girl for now. But the singer did tell some details. For example, he admitted that he was present at the birth. And I am sure that it could not have been otherwise.

Lera Kudryavtseva’s program showed footage of a happy young dad, Alexei Chumakov, walking near a pond with a stroller. Looking tenderly into the stroller, the singer said that, in his opinion, his daughter was more like him: “Some features sometimes slip through: once - Julia. Sometimes it will turn around - exactly me. Part of Yulin's nose, part - my. Some kind of symbiosis is so beautiful. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes will probably definitely be brown».

“Million Dollar Secret”: Alexey Chumakov

Let us remind you that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013, although they have been living together for ten years. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself very happy woman, because there is a strong shoulder nearby: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I remember in time: “No, I can’t do this on my own!” We had a stage in our lives when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adapt. As soon as I began to give in, he began to give in too.”