Vipnet blocks a network usb printer. VipNet Client - No connection error

The security mode defines the basic rule for filtering open IP traffic. Additional filtering rules for specific IP addresses, protocols, and ports can be configured in the Open Network Filters section.

All IP traffic from a secure network is considered trusted, so security modes do not affect the filtering of secure traffic. By default, any connections to ViPNet network nodes with which this subscriber station has a connection are allowed, regardless of the current security mode.

  • First security mode(block IP packets of all connections). All IP traffic is blocked, regardless of what filtering rules are specified in the Open Network Filters section. This mode provides maximum level computer protection and is equivalent to physically disconnecting the computer from the open network. The subscriber point will be available only to protected network nodes.
  • Second security mode(block all connections except allowed ones). Interaction with any open network resources is impossible without creating a special filtering rule in the Open Network Filters section. By default, only certain types of safe traffic are allowed to allow the computer to obtain an IP address and prepare for the network. Interaction with other ViPNet network nodes is possible without restrictions. This mode is recommended for experienced users who need fine-tuning of the allowed traffic types.
  • Third security mode(pass all outgoing connections except prohibited ones). By default, all connections initiated from your computer are allowed. If the connection is initiated externally and is not allowed certain rules filtering, it will be blocked. It is recommended to use this security mode on subscriber stations that require secure interaction with open resources of a local or external network.

The remaining two security modes should only be used for a short time for testing purposes:

  • Fourth security mode(skip all connections). If the fourth mode is enabled, the computer is not protected from unauthorized access from the network, regardless of what filtering rules are configured in the Open Network Filters section.
  • Fifth security mode(pass IP packets without processing). In this mode, any processing of IP traffic is disabled. There is no log of IP packets. The third security mode is set by default. It provides sufficient level protection and functionality necessary for working on the network.

Changing the security mode

To change the security mode, follow these steps:

  • In the ViPNet Monitor program window, select the “Modes” section on the navigation panel.
  • In the right part of the window, select the required mode for processing open IP packets.
  • If you need to change the processing mode of open IP packets that was set when starting the ViPNet Monitor program and when booting the computer, then select the required mode from the “When the program starts...” drop-down list.
  • Click the "Apply" button.
  • To restore the default security mode (third), click the "Default" button, then click the "Apply" button.

Although the version is already outdated, it Many people use it and naturally encounter problems. To begin with, what is this program for - to communicate with another computer via the Internet, both local network and of course with data protection. And since data protection is ensured, then this program must be installed wisely (we are not installing a browser), where any little thing leads to the impossibility of installation or setting up a connection.

It happens that yesterday they worked fine, but today nothing works.
The first thing we need to remember is, didn’t we install what we did yesterday? There are cases of installing other programs that interfere with those already installed - in this case, the option with de installation (deleted) recently installed program, or rolling back the system to an earlier state where the program was already running.

It was a retreat. Now let’s look at the problem that came our way with the error diagnosis “unauthorized modified files detected”. Searching for this error on the Internet(THE HINT THAT HELPED US) They found out that with a 90% probability there was a light surge or they didn’t wait for the work to complete - they turned off the computer.
It was possible to reanimate simply by getting the archive or files initial configuration to the folder C:\Program Files\InfoTeCS\ViPNet Client\log\data\ses of the ses.cfg file and in addition all the contents in the folder. Hallelujah it worked. We recommend making a copy of the resuscitation program for the future.

But this turned out to be not enough. Mistake " Unauthorized modified files detected "we fixed it, but there was no connection with the VIPnet, we had to work hard, Honestly speaking decently. The fact is that we knew about the strict requirement in VipNet that the computer correspond to the current time; naturally, the local time and the computer time were checked almost second by second.
The support service recommended reinstalling the program (Uninstall, delete the folder with Program Files, reboot, install again) - STANDARD EXCUSE ALL THE WAY OUT. Also not our case. And the second time, a more adequate specialist came across the service - he was not lazy and checked our connection and stated that the TIME ZONE was INCORRECT.

By the way, this is a fairly common problem - and the solution is simple in the settings windows we exhibit right time, remove the transition to winter time and vice versa, disable synchronization with We check our region by time.

Very often people come to our page with a question - vipnet is not included, it’s an error

Several solutions. Firstly, when re-installing, the VIPnet client folder with C:\Program files (x86) must be deleted, you can clean the computer from debris using Ccleaner or other utilities, reboot and re-install.

This might also help- in the VipNet Client Monitor launch window, select “Settings” and perform “Primary initialization”, wait to continue automatic installation. If nothing happens, look in the "Temp" directory for a file like abn_xxxx.dst. If the file is not detected, then all contents are deleted.

The third option can also help, but not in all cases, but it’s worth trying to start with it. This is a system rollback (restoring to a system save point) to the moment when the system was working correctly.

IN lately There has been a general tendency towards the convergence of computer protection programs into a single complex. Firewalls acquire the functions of antiviruses, antiviruses acquire the functions of firewalls. Here in "Outpost" the "anti-spy" function appeared, "Kaspersky" ceased to be just an anti-virus, but also became an anti-hacker, "Panda" catches up and announces the creation of a product of the class Internet Security and so on. But what if the user just needs a firewall without any bells and whistles? It's very simple: use ViPNet Personal Firewall! The program was created by " " and is distributed through " " channels.

ViPNet Personal Firewall is a personal firewall that protects computer resources when working on the Internet. This is a firewall for those who do not need the bells and whistles that abound in its more advanced competitors. It does not have any ad cutting, no mail filtering, no control over the content of visited sites, no anti-spyware, or any other similar functionality extensions. This program is a pure firewall that simply protects well from outside intrusions. Due to the absence additional functions The firewall consumes significantly less system resources. Since ViPNet Personal Firewall supports GPRS and Wi-Fi protocols, it will also be of interest to laptop owners.

However, ViPNet Personal Firewall has one function that is not typical for firewalls - the function of restricting unauthorized access to the computer. After installation, it immediately restores its order: when starting the computer, you need to enter a password to start the system. But the implementation seemed incomprehensible at first: in the password entry window there was a “Cancel” button, by clicking which you can successfully continue starting the system. Why such protection? But the matter turned out to be simpler: such a window appears after installation, and then this button can be canceled through the administrative login to the program. After this, it becomes impossible to start the system without knowing the password. It is theoretically possible to get this password out of the system, but it’s a lot of work! In addition, the password can be placed on external secure electronic keys (eToken, iKey, Touch Memory, SmartCard). Here, for an unauthorized start of a computer, it is impossible to do without serious criminal actions of stealing the key. The password is also required when exiting the lock mode.

The initial settings in the program are quite strict. "Outpost", "Kaspersky" and Panda Internet Security - all of them, after installation, detect the local network themselves, and the computer becomes visible to computers on the local network. In the case of ViPNet Personal Firewall, after installing the firewall, the computer under test became invisible to anyone, even from the local network. And access to the Internet through the Internet gateway of the local network was preserved, and the access of the computer itself to the resources of the local network was preserved. To ensure access to the test computer, you need to create rules, which are created quite simply, right from the “Blocked IP Packets” window, because this is where the addresses of all computers that could not be contacted go, since this is not allowed by the rules and they were perceived as sources of attacks. In order to do this, I didn’t even have to go into the documentation and look for a description of how to allow access. Access can be organized both for the network as a whole and for specific computers on the network.

The main factor of protection against attacks from the network is the operating mode in which the computer simply does not respond to unauthorized requests. In ViPNet Personal Firewall this mode is called “Boomerang” and has two types of operation: soft and hard. All the softness of the “soft” “Boomerang” lies only in the fact that the incoming packet is checked only for the protocol type and IP address, in contrast to the “hard” “Boomerang”, which also checks the address of the port to which the packet arrives.

In total, the program has five operating modes from “Disable driver” to “Block all IP traffic”. When selecting a mode, a hint system is very conveniently implemented: just click on the button with a question mark next to the name of the mode and you will receive help on how the mode works. A very big advantage of these tips is that they are not intended for professionals, but for ordinary users. They not only tell you how the modes differ from each other, but also give advice on how to work with these modes and how you can benefit from their correct alternate use. By the way, detailed and detailed support of users with information when performing actions is a big plus of the program.

Application control in ViPNet Personal Firewall is separated into a separate module, which may not be installed if necessary. For older machines, this separation has a special advantage: you can reduce the load on the computer by separately monitoring network traffic and program network activity. Not in application control module preinstalled programs. That is, Internet Explorer is not automatically whitelisted. I don't think this is a drawback. Those who do not use standard Microsoft products to work on the Web still have to add their favorite Opera or Mozilla, The Bat! or Thunderbird, Miranda or Sim. But those who use it still need to open this list and control the list of programs. So isn't it better to immediately add only what you need?

We were pleasantly surprised by the application control notifications in a different way. In ViPNet Personal Firewall, when it detects applications and processes asking to connect to the network, the notification window displays a quite clear explanation of the role of this process in the operation of the computer. Unfortunately, sometimes this is done in English.

It may be necessary to quickly disconnect a computer from the network as a result of a detected attack. This can be done either with the mouse, through the program icon in the tray, or with hot keys. There is another option: through a special button, which is always located on top of any windows. But this option is already an extreme measure of protection, to which, hopefully, life will not bring you. ViPNet Personal Firewall perfectly implements a log with the ability to quickly and comprehensively filter entries. You can also view the application activity log. Moreover, both from the “black” and from the “white” list. That is, if you wish, you can find out what exactly the program that was allowed to work with the network was doing. The firewall has the ability to create several settings configurations, allowing you to quickly change the parameters of all settings in a few mouse clicks.

ViPNet Client software includes the so-called Application Control- an application that is a small program that runs automatically along with Windows after authorization in ViPNet and controls all programs installed on the computer. Of course, there are no questions about the operation of this program. But in some cases it needs to be disabled. Let's see how quickly we can permanently disable ViPNet Application Control.

How to disable ViPNet Application Control

The need to disable occurs due to constantly pop-up windows with offers Allow or Prohibit the work of programs with the network, which causes certain inconveniences when working at a computer.

To disable ViPNet Application Control, open the settings window, select menu Settings. On the right side, uncheck Automatically start after authorization in ViPNet when Windows starts .

Here - in the section Security Policy in line During application network activity select Allow networking . In line Monitor changes to applicationsDon't control . Click Apply . Close Application Control by right-clicking on the system tray icon. It won't start anymore.