The history of the creation of the Apple logo. Origin of the Apple logo

Secret meanings, which do not exist. Some associate the bitten apple with original sin. According to another version, the logo was created in memory of the founder of computer science, Alan Turing, who died with a bitten apple in his hand. Despite this, the designer who developed the logo has a rational explanation for this choice.

Specialist Rob Yanov, who created the color Apple logo, told Logo Design Love why the company's 1977 logo looked the way it did.

1977 Apple logo creator Rob Janow

Logo Design Love: Is the Apple logo the best thing you've ever designed?

Rob Yanov: Yes, nothing compares to this work.

Have you ever asked Jobs why he named the company Apple?

Honestly, no. I know that for a while Steve ate only fruit. He then lived on a ranch or farm in Northern California and maintained an apple orchard (he considered apples the ideal food). He had a list of ideas for what to name the company, and he had to choose one in order to sign all the documents the next day. The name Apple was at the top of the list, and the company's creators could not come up with anything better. Jobs and Wozniak chose this name despite the threat of a lawsuit from Apple Records.

Apple logo 1977

Why is the apple bitten?

Like many stories, the “legend” of the bite has been retold and changed many times. I created a silhouette of an apple, but it needed to be distinguished from other round fruits. Then I did what everyone does with an apple - I “bite” it. It's funny that 10 years after creating the logo, I started seeing stories about why the apple wasn't whole. I must admit, many of these stories are more interesting than mine logical explanation. The fact that people believe in mysterious stories, tells me that the Apple brand means more to them than just their love for the company's devices.

How did Jobs react to the presentation of the logo?

He just smiled, nodded and didn't say anything. I didn't have to describe my idea for long; we both liked it.

You said that the logo consisted of colored stripes to represent the full color of Apple monitors. How did the audience receive it?

The colorful stripes did illustrate the main difference between Apple and its competitors, but they served another function. My biggest challenge was to design a logo that would show that the computer was friendly enough to be brought home and used by the family. At that time (in 1977 - editor's note) computers evoked rather negative associations. I wanted to create a positive connection with Apple devices.

Apple II computer released in 1977

How do you think the logo contributed to the company's success?

The company's success lay in the fact that Steve Jobs knew well what people needed from technology even before they knew about it. He developed standards very high quality, and product design also had great value. Therefore, I feel that the logo did not play a big role in the company's success. People love the Apple brand name because they like the technology of this manufacturer. If they didn’t like the brand name, they wouldn’t put it on the rear window of the car.

Many people know that Apple at the moment- the most expensive brand in the world. But no one knows about the “bitten apple.” Why is it bitten? Who is Ron Wayne? We will learn about this further...


Ron Wayne, Co-Founder of Apple Computers Co.

The first logo was created by Ron Wayne.

At the time, Ron was the third co-founder of Apple, owning 10% of Apple shares. But after 11 days of registration, he sold them for 800 Dollars.

You can call him, forgive the rudeness, a loser. If Apple is now the most valuable brand, then Ron would be a Billionaire at the moment.

Apple Computers Co.'s first logo.

The first logo is not like all subsequent ones. It's something like a work of art. There was Newton on it, and above him was that ominous apple that would change the life of the Physicist, Alchemist, in general - scientist - Isaac Newton.

If you look at the frames of the logo, you will notice a certain inscription: " Newton... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone..."(Newton... The mind that sails alone through strange seas of thought).

Rainbow Apple?

Agree, the first logo was very interesting. But at that time it was of little use for business.

Steve Jobs, Former CEO of Apple

Then Steve Jobs set the task to create a simple, light, memorable logo that would not be associated with fruits or vegetables, but would be associated with Apple.

Rob Yanov, Graphic Designer

And then he turned to Rob Yanov, to graphic designer. He explained how the logo was created on the Revert To Saved blog

Rob bought some apples, put them in a bowl, and thought about how to create a logo. He wanted to eat an apple and bit into it. And then, like Newton, it was as if he had been hit on the head. The similarity of the pronunciation of Byte and Bite (Byte and Bite) also came to his aid.
And Yanov created a new “logo” in a week.

Second logo of Apple Computers Co.

But why is it colorful? There are many myths, such as that the logo was created in honor of Gays, because Apple supports them. But the “logo” was invented a year before the rainbow colors were accepted into the ranks of Gays.

Then what? Why did Rob use Rainbow? Let's figure it out.

It turns out that these six colors were depicted on the "apple" due to the fact that Apple monitors were color and showed these colors.

Black is the color of courage...

The rainbow logo lasted for 22 years. For a very long time. 1998 At that time, Steve, who had been ousted from Apple, returned. At the time, Apple was in a difficult position. Competitors, innovations...

Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President and Designer at Apple

Jonathan Ive, currently known as the Designer, Vice President of Apple and the “Creator” of iOS 7, created the new iMac G3 case.

iMac G3 in several colors

New colorful computers literally pulled Apple out of a cloud of problems. But it’s somehow strange to use colored apples on a colored Mac. Realizing this, Apple abandoned the old logo and adopted the color black.

The third logo of Apple Computers Co.

Since 1998 - The black, dark “logo” of the apple will be with Apple.

Metal and Aluminum - new perfection

2007 Apple begins to launch the first iPhones. And at the same time, he refuses Computers in the name, saying that Apple will create different products for life. And it turns out Apple Computers

We need to create a new logo. So that it is suitable for both the new iPhone and the future iPad. Jonathan Ive, again, came up with a new logo, gray, it looks like a mixture of metal and aluminum with a sheen.

Apple's fourth logo

This “logo” is still used by Apple to this day. In the meantime, we need to wait until Apple thinks of changing its “logo.”

The evolution of the Apple logo

History of the origin and development of the company Apple interests many. Many books have been written and films have been made about this “two Steves” phenomenon, but the riddle of the logo remains unsolved.

There is an assumption that the sign depicted on the Apple logo is nothing more than a “symbol of sin”, which Adam accepted from the hands of Eve in the Garden of Eden, having learned the taste and sweetness of vice. The second, most common, says that a bitten apple is the fruit of knowledge, and every person, “biting” science, learns something new and keeps a little for himself. The third, most unexpected version of the origin of the logo is at the same time the most shocking: a bitten apple means death.

The death of the man who was at the origins of the invention of the computer, who was the first to create an “automatic computing device” in 1947 and came up with the theory of artificial intelligence - Alan Turing(Alan Turing).

This brilliant scientist, who is called "Da Vinci" computer world", committed suicide in 1954 by biting into an apple doped with cyanide. The one-bite fruit was found on his bedside table the morning after his death.

In search of the truth, I plunged into the network and found an interview with the designer Rob Yanov(Rob Janoff), who designed the company logo, in which he shed some light on the mystery of this fact.

Rob Yanov. The designer who created the Apple logo

“I bought a whole bag of apples, put them in a bowl and painted them for a week, trying to simplify the details. Biting into the fruit was part of the experiment, and by complete accident " byte"("bite" - author's note) turned out to be a computer term, and it is not true that it symbolizes the "fruit of knowledge." I cut apples, quartered and cut out shapes, bit with different sides, but I thought the idea of ​​a monochrome apple with a one-sided bite on the right side was the best.”

I would like to note that, according to Rob Yanov, for the work done, which was ordered to him by the advertising agency Rigs McKenna, he did not receive a single word of gratitude: “They didn’t even send a greeting card,” complained the elderly creator of the rainbow logo.

Initially the logo was one color, but Steve Jobs I decided to decorate it with a rainbow. The bright version existed for 23 years, until 1998, until it again became the usual monochrome.

Whatever the original idea for the company symbol was Apple, we already accept all the facts of its creation as a given and another fact of history, since love for the logo is born from love for their products. And already in every bitten apple, carelessly left on the table, we notice something familiar: the Apple logo, and not vice versa. [reverttosaved]

website Logo evolution Apple History The emergence and development of Apple is of interest to many. Many books have been written and films have been made about this “two Steves” phenomenon, but the riddle of the logo remains unsolved. There is an assumption that the sign depicted on the Apple logo is nothing more than a “symbol of sin”, which Adam accepted from the hands of Eve in the Garden of Eden, having tasted...

The first Apple sign was created by Ron Wayne.

According to Steve Jobs, the company got its name from the fruit diet he was on at the time. The apple seemed to him a symbol “funny, spiritual and not humiliating.” But it’s one thing to name a company, and another thing to provide it with a suitable logo.

Ronald is the third co-founder of Apple, and also the biggest loser of the 20th century. He sold his 10 percent stake in the company for $800 just 11 days after registration. If he had not taken this rash step, Ronald would now be one of the wealthiest people in the world with a fortune of $30 billion.

The logo created by Ronald Wayne has nothing in common with the current one. It was a miniature work of art. In the center was the outstanding English scientist Isaac Newton, on whom an apple was about to fall (insight!). In the future, the “Newton theme” will be continued when Apple releases its PDA.

If you enlarge the logo, you will notice that along the border there is text: Newton... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone (Newton... A mind that sails alone through strange seas of thought). This is a line from William Wordsworth's autobiographical poem "The Prelude"

Wayne's work was used for about a year. Steve Jobs then turned to graphic designer Rob Janoff for help. It was necessary to create a simple, modern-looking, well-recognizable logo.

Rob completed this task in about a week. In an interview with the Revert to Saved blog, Yanov talked about how the logo was created. Rob bought apples, put them in a bowl and began to draw, gradually removing unnecessary details. The famous “bite” was made on purpose: the logo had to be drawn so that it would be strongly associated with apples, and not other fruits/vegetables/berries. The similarity of the pronunciation byte/bite (byte/bite) also played into its favor.

Apple's color logo was intended to reflect the fact that the company produces computers with color monitors. The Mac display at that time could display six colors. These colors were precisely indicated on the logo. There is also no pattern in the arrangement of colors. Yanov placed the colors in random order, only green was placed first intentionally.

The logo existed in this form for 22 years. In 1998, Steve Jobs, who had previously been ousted from Apple, returned to the company. Apple was experiencing huge financial problems at the time.

It is clear that a colorful logo on a colored poppy would look stupid. Apple has moved away from using a color logo. So, starting from 1998, we see a laconic monochrome logo.

The monochrome logo lasted until 2000, after which it was replaced by a gray, chrome logo, which lasted until 2007.

Such appearance logo was called Aqua-Themed

Moreover, the approach to using the logo has also changed. If previously a small version of the logo (no larger than 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm in size) was placed on the company’s products, then since 1998 the logo has become larger. The calculation was simple - if they recognize the logo, let them pay attention to it, let it work! Let it shine and attract attention! This approach turned out to be entirely justified and brought very good results. Since 1998, Apple's revenue curve, which had been slowly creeping down, began to sharply climb up.