How to develop sarcasm. What is sarcasm - how to learn sarcasm and irony? Features of the construction and use of sarcastic expressions


How to remove plastic plaster?

Plastic plaster is more difficult to remove than regular plaster. It is several times stronger and more elastic. To accurately cut plastic plaster, it is convenient to use a special oscillating saw. It looks like a grinder saw and can be frightening to the patient.

First, the cutting line is marked.

The traumatologist shows the patient that even if the saw touches the skin, it will not cut it, and in the worst case, it will leave a weak white trail as if holding a fingernail. To be convincing, the safety of the saw is demonstrated by yourself.

When making a cut, a metal spatula is used for protection, which, if possible, is placed under the plaster cut line.

After carefully cutting all layers of plaster, the edges are moved apart by the hands of the traumatologist.

The patient's leg is not released enough and there is a danger of damaging the skin with sharp edges when removing the limb from the plaster. For ease of removal, another cut is made with an oscillatory saw.

The front part of the cast is removed. Special hydrophobic wool under the plastic cast is cut with scissors with a beak that protects the patient's skin from damage.

In the area of ​​the ankle joint and especially in the area of ​​the ankles, the contact of the plaster with the patient’s leg is most dense. When applying plaster, the traumatologist tries in these places to maximally adapt the immobilization to the configuration of the limb. The ankles are the main points of fixation in the bandage. This makes it difficult to remove the polymer bandage. Wolf beak tongs are used to separate the plastic from the leg. The traumatologist carefully bends and gradually breaks the bandage.

The most difficult section of the plaster is cut at the level of the ankle joint. After the final cut, the traumatologist moves the edges of the cast apart and the leg is removed.

The skin is wiped with alcohol to remove old skin and combat odor.

Plastic plaster with its advantages (lightness, strength, automatic modeling of the limb, the ability to wet, including swimming in the sea) is not widely used, mainly due to poverty.

It is irrational to apply plastic plaster in case of an unstable fracture, when it is likely that the plaster cast will have to be redone several times.

Tags: plastic plaster
Description for the announcement:
Start of activity (date): 01/28/2013
Created by (ID): 6
Keywords: plastic plaster, plastic plaster + on the leg, medical plastic plaster, + how to remove plastic plaster, plastic plaster reviews, photo plastic plaster, plastic plaster + on the leg photo, plastic plaster + on the leg price, plastic plaster + on the ankle, where possible apply plastic plaster, allergy + to plastic plaster,

Removing the cast is a long-awaited moment, although it represents some stress. The picture of a healed, pale, bluish-colored limb, as if treated with talcum powder, does not bring any pleasure. You can learn how to properly remove plaster from this article.

Instructions for removing plaster

  1. First, you need to get permission from your doctor. You can remove the plaster yourself only if you are sure that it has fused and the necessary time has expired. This can be done if you cannot see a traumatologist (for example, you live far away). If possible, take an x-ray to ensure proper fusion. IN exceptional case You can remove the plaster yourself for simple and closed fractures. But if there has been a displacement, and even more so an operation involving fixation of bone fragments with knitting needles or plates, in order to properly remove the plaster, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.
  2. It is necessary to sit the patient down and calm him down. Explain the course of the upcoming manipulation. Use a special stand, under no circumstances rush, be careful and consistent. Remember, you need to be extremely careful with a plastered limb, since the hand in long-term “imprisonment” has atrophied and weakened quite a lot, so a sudden movement is quite unpleasant and painful, the epithelial cells cannot exfoliate well.
  3. Soak warm clean water, apply a wet towel to it, let it soak and soften for about 15-20 minutes. Then take clean scissors with rounded ends and slowly cut the bandages and plaster. We divide it into several parts depending on the size, carefully free the peripheral part of the limb.
  4. After, you should wipe with clean water with a small amount of alcohol, or even better - carry out exfoliating and massage procedures using a soft one. Dry the skin with blotting movements using an individual towel and lubricate it with a moisturizer, preferably with natural chamomile extract.
  5. Be sure to take a control x-ray. If it shows that everything is fine, then the joints should be gradually developed. It happens that swelling occurs, after wearing a bandage, the affected area needs to be lubricated with Troxevasin ointment. If your leg has been injured, you need to wear an elastic bandage for three weeks. Drug therapy is prescribed, drugs containing calcium. Also proper diet: rich in calcium - milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese, kefir, strong meat broths. A therapeutic course of physical education is carried out to restore the functioning of muscles and bones.

On average, the bone fusion process takes up to 25 days. With comminuted fractures, the recovery process takes longer, since the bone is initially pulled out, and only then a plaster cast is applied.

People of retirement age can wear a cast for up to three months, since bone tissue restoration occurs much more slowly with age. The duration of wearing a cast can be affected by various diseases that disrupt the formation of bone tissue or interfere with mineral metabolism. For example, with collagenopathy, the recovery time for damaged bones increases at least twice.

The patient can remove the plaster applied by the therapist at home. However, this can only happen with the direct instructions of the attending physician. He should recommend to the patient the exact date for removing the plaster. In addition, after removing the plaster, the patient must undergo a follow-up examination and, if necessary, undergo rehabilitation procedures. In most...

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Unfortunately, our life is not as simple as we would like. And sometimes there are very often fractures and bruises. And we have to apply plaster. What is gypsum? It is basically a finely ground powder. Often, plaster is applied for one month in traumatology.

And now, a month later, we have to go to remove the plaster. Some people live far away, some are at work day and night, and some are just lazy. So I have to film it at home, but the question just arises. How to remove plaster, and correctly? After expiration given period It is necessary to undergo additional examination to be sure that all the bones have fused and all the joints are in place.

After removing the plaster, examinations are also necessary, just in case. And whether you want it or not, you’ll have to go to the emergency room. Only because the broken bone will not immediately begin to perform its direct functions. She needs to warm up and get out of the state of atrophy. You can take a complex from a specialist...

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The cast should be removed only after the fracture has completely healed (this can be determined using an x-ray). It is better if a doctor frees the leg from the cast, however, if necessary, the procedure can be carried out independently.

When removing plaster at home, you should not saw it or rip it dry, as there is a high risk of injury. It is better to first soak the dried bandage and then carefully remove it using scissors.


When preparing to remove a cast from your leg at home, you need to consider the following:

The procedure will be quite long and laborious. The entire process may take several hours. If possible, you should use the help of a third party. This reduces the chance of injury. Wet plaster will get dirty. Therefore, it is better to carry out the procedure in the bathroom or prepare a place in another room in advance (for example, cover the bed and surrounding areas with polyethylene). It is most convenient to use scissors with...

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When is the cast removed?

In most cases, plaster is applied by a traumatologist for a period of at least one month. The process of bone restoration after a fracture often depends on the age of the patient. The older the person, the longer the recovery period takes. On average, the bone fusion process takes up to 25 days. With comminuted fractures, the recovery process takes longer, since the bone is initially pulled out, and then a cast is applied. People of retirement age can wear a cast for up to three months, since bone tissue restoration occurs much more slowly with age. The duration of wearing a cast can be affected by various diseases that disrupt the formation of bone tissue or interfere with mineral metabolism. For example, with collagenopathy, the recovery period for damaged bones increases at least twice.

The reality in Russia is that some phenomena cannot be responded to except with humor. Therefore, the question of how to learn sarcasm is by no means an idle one. Therefore, let's look at how to master this simple weapon against adversity. After all, if you make a joke (even if it’s bitter and gloomy), life won’t be so boring anymore.

How to learn sarcasm?

1. Reading is a necessary basis for any ironist. Only outwardly, jesters and comedians are shallow people. In fact, humor is an intellectual quality of a person. It is the mind that reveals to a person the funny side of reality, however, at the same time, the heart must slam shut so as not to let in the horrors of life and the world. To build up your intellectual muscles, you need to read a lot and generally be an enthusiastic person.

2. Watch comedians perform. If a person really wants to be funny, then he should watch the performances of his colleagues. Let the neophyte absorb what the masters are doing, perhaps it will help him.

3. Write down jokes and well-aimed one-liners. Yes, nothing can be done. High-quality humor requires everyday work. MM. Zoshchenko said that when he became a professional writer, he had to record everything: jokes, jokes, plots. The basic rule here is that the best spontaneous joke is the one that is well prepared.

4. Harmony of time, place and facial expression. The latter must be impenetrably serious for maximum effect. Let's look at the other two parameters. A born humorist subtly senses the mood of the audience and the atmosphere. The joke should be at the right place and time. Thus, if you can combine all three parameters, the satirist is guaranteed success.

5. You can’t repeat yourself. There are people with the same joke. Of course, it’s better not to become like that. In general, what can you say about a person who in his entire life has been honored with only one practical joke? That's right, nothing good. Therefore, you need to take notes and think through jokes if there is a suitable occasion and audience.

6. Humor should be decent and not hurt other people's feelings. This means not making fun of others' appearance, political or religious leanings.

If I had to choose a topic for my blog today, I wouldn't choose creativity. To be honest, this is some kind of nonsense. In terms of the fact that there is no scientific basis, no evidence base, sit and invent methods one by one, fifty a day... and in general. I would choose something more complex, scientific and precise, such as "pentagons covering the surface without breaks", microbiology, or... sarcasm. This is where there is room for creativity, this is where the gap is flesh! WTF?!

It’s simple, “sarcasm” is translated from Greek “σαρκασμός” - “tear the flesh.” But we understand what sarcasm is, and that “flesh” has nothing to do with it, it’s a metaphor. And everyone knows about caustic ridicule and the highest degree of irony, based simultaneously on increasing the contrast between the implied and the expressed, and the immediate deliberate exposure of the implied. This is sarcasm.

But where is the development of creativity here?!

Sarcasm and creativity

You won’t believe it, but the connection between them is so close that the first cannot exist without the second. Sarcasm is the fight against hostile and stupid phenomena of the world through ridicule. Creativity is a struggle against the ordinariness of the world. Those. Sarcasm is caustic creativity.

It is inherent in journalism, polemics, oratory and fiction. And we can find its early examples in the works of Demosthenes, Cicero and Juvenal. We can, right? Shall we find it?

And how does it work?

Harvard Business School researchers Francesca Gino, Li Huang and Adam Galinsky studied sarcasm (!) and came to the conclusion that:

  • Sarcasm, while an initiator of conflict, is also a catalyst for creativity.
  • Common forms of sarcasm promote creativity through abstract thinking for both!
  • Using sarcasm in your “confided circle” creativity increases without becoming a conflict

They surveyed 300 people about their creative skills. After the sarcastic conversation, the participants performed the tasks much better. The conclusion suggests itself - a sarcastic conversation activates the ability to think abstractly! Bingo. Think abstractly, abstract yourself from the problem, look at it from the other side, see its weakness, punch it in the groin, done!

That is, in order for you to cope with your task, you can try:
– fall into sarcasm with someone without thinking about your problem (the decision will be delayed)
– make an evil joke about your problem or yourself (the solution can be quick)

Pitfalls of sarcasm

Sarcasm only works if people are capable of it." read"- otherwise it will worsen the relationship, even to the point of fighting. As psychologist Michael West said: "There is much more effective ways increase creativity, which is also less detrimental to the work atmosphere.”.

Small recommendations for noobs practicing sarcasm:
- do not use sarcasm in an aggressive environment
- if your sarcasm is directed towards a specific person, carefully monitor his behavior
“Don’t overuse sarcasm, guys,” Andrey whispers in delirium from the fourth ward intensive care unit State Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation


They exist, and they also work for your creativity. True, in different ways.

1. Irony
2. Satire
3. Hatred (it is not recommended to get carried away)

Are you ready to make an evil joke about your problem? Get started now. Open a notebook, write everything you think about her, send it to me. I want to laugh.

Section PPP

I've been looking for materials on the topic "Sarcasm" for a long time, and... it's really a cruel joke - no collections of sarcasm, no short films, no TED talks! That's the sarcasm of the situation. But I tried, and here it is.