Erogenous zones in Scorpios. Sexual horoscope of Joanna Wolfock - Scorpio


The Athos Society consists of two of the most influential vice-governors - Vasily Kichedzhi and Igor Divinsky (the latter is the executive director of the Russian Athos Society).

Vice-Governor Vladimir Lavlentsev is connected with the “Athos people” and newly appointed heads of district administrations - Primorsky (Nikolai Tsed), Kurortny ( former manager party “For Holy Rus'” Alexey Kuimov), Nevsky (Konstantin Serov). Poltavchenko's deputy in Moscow was Tax Service Major General Alexander Gromov. Recently, his son Ivan headed the Committee on Informatization and Communications of the St. Petersburg government. The influence of the “Athos people” on the selection and placement of personnel dates back to Putin’s second term.


On September 18, 2005, the Moscow City Hall was founded"Board of Trustees charitable foundation support of Russian shrines on Holy Mount Athos." The then Patriarch Alexy II, the representative of the President of Russia in the Central Federal District G. S. Poltavchenko and the mayor of Moscow Yu. M. Luzhkov were elected co-chairs of the Council. The board of trustees included the Minister of Foreign Affairs S.V. Lavrov, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry E.M. Primakov, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank V.N. Melnikov, CEO Rosoboronexport S.V. Chemezov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AvtoVAZ V.V. Artyakov, President of OJSC Oil Company Rosneft S.M. Bogdanchikov, President of JSFC Sistema OJSC V.P. Evtushenkov, Chairman of the Board Directors of LLC NGK Itera I.V. Makarov and other politicians and businessmen.

Other influential officials are also associated with the Athos Society and businessmen - Vladimir Putin's judo partners Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, chairman of the board of trustees of St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin.

The attitude of the “Orthodox security officers” towards the Russian Orthodox Church is complex. They know too much about the past of the episcopate and about the order within the dioceses. Local hierarchs are not trusted.

The first “Athos” governor was not even Georgy Poltavchenko, and Igor Slyunyaev. From 2007 to 2012, he headed the Kostroma region, which is part of the Central Federal District. In the last elections ruling party and the president received sensationally few votes in the region (“ United Russia" - 30.74% Vladimir Putin - 52.78%). Slyunyaev resigned, but did not get lost - and a few months later he became a minister regional development. His first deputy, Nikolai Tsed, as already mentioned, moved to St. Petersburg.


What connects all these people with Athos? We spoke on condition of anonymity with several Orthodox priests and received this answer.

The attitude of “Orthodox security officers” towards the Russian Orthodox Church is complex. They know too much about the past of the episcopate and about the order within the dioceses. Local hierarchs are not trusted. The already mentioned Kostroma governor Slyunyaev fought tooth and nail with the influential and popular Archbishop of Kostroma and Galich Alexander. What irritated the governor in Alexander was his charisma and independence. As a result, Slyunyaev won. By decision of the Patriarch, Archbishop Alexander left the Kostroma region and headed the Astana diocese in Kazakhstan.

Newly converted officials will not be like ordinary citizens, contact the police on occasion or spend a vacation in Sochi. And they need a special faith - not exactly the same as that of the electorate, but with special priests. If for the oligarchs and officials associated with them London, Nice, Courchevel, Sardinia became the clubbing places, then for high-ranking officials in the church - Athos, the Temple Mount. A trip there is like Hajj for Muslims.

Athos monasteries are not subordinate to Patriarch Kirill, they formally belong to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. It turns out - Orthodoxy, but not Russian. Imported version. Businessmen prefer to keep money abroad and invest in property. And Orthodox officials should trust their secrets to Greek confessors.

To Athos and the Greeks among the Russians Orthodox people and the Synod at one time had many complaints. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote: “The primates of Orthodoxy in Constantinople may stoop to intrigue, petty curses, excommunications, incorrect councils, etc., and perhaps they will fall to heresy - and all this because national reasons, because of national insults and irritations."

Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow about the monasteries of Mount Athos: “These monasteries take a lot of money out of Russia through their collectors. And the fact that Russians sometimes go to Athos not for the right reasons (such as, for example, because they can more quickly obtain monasticism and the priesthood) and attract Russian capital there to buy cells and monasteries and for their maintenance does not deserve encouragement.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia even sent to Mount Athos gunboat "Donets" to suppress the movement of the "Imyaslavtsy" - Orthodox sectarians. Bishop Paphnutius of Perm denied the authenticity of the famous “belt of the Virgin Mary” and believed that the Mother of God spent her last years not in Athos, but in Jerusalem or Ephesus. Old Believers consider the Athonite Greeks to be the initiators of Nikon’s reforms and the schism of the Russian Church.

But does it matter? Mountains, air, holy springs, delicious Mediterranean food, relics, legends, a personal confessor. No beggars, or obese priests in Maybachs, or crowds of praying pensioners and state employees. Luxury Orthodoxy. Closed club. Like Yeltsin’s tennis players or judokas under Putin.


Kirill Kopeikin, archpriest, director of the Scientific and Theological Center of St. Petersburg State University, candidate of theology:

“I myself was in the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos. Arriving there, it’s as if you find yourself in medieval Byzantium. These are Orthodox monasteries, we have Eucharistic communion - we can take communion together, perform the sacraments together. We can serve each other - when clergy from Greece come to us, they serve in our church, and we serve in theirs. We have no differences. Only women are not allowed on Mount Athos.

Why is Athos popular here? A person has a craving for the sacred. You can't feed the soul with sausage. What is the meaning of church sacraments? Something happens in them that we ourselves do not understand. But this something gives us the strength to cope with difficulties.

I think if a person is engaged, for example, in business- he lives very difficult life, he has to solve a lot of issues every day. And his soul needs help. Naturally, he asks himself the question - where could he find this help? Herodotus also wrote that the world is structured in such a way that the most amazing things are located on the very edge of the Ecumene. A person is inclined to think - and not only now, it has always been so - that somewhere far away it is probably better, that everything is “not the same” here.

I don’t think that, for example, Valaam is worse in terms of intensity of spiritual life, than Athos, I know some of the monks of Valaam. But it always seems to a person that the present is somewhere far away. Although what is a monastery: the most important thing there is communication with God. Therefore, in places such as Athos, Valaam, the presence of God is felt in much to a greater extent than here with us."


Those interested in life in Smolny have long known that among the top of the city government there are so-called “Athos residents.” This is the name of everyone who belongs to the Russian Athos society.

ABOUT The society is formally purely religious, but in fact its purpose is much broader - you just have to look at the personal composition, writes

The founders are advisor to the governor Konstantin Goloshchapov (also called “Putin’s massage therapist”) and vice-governor Igor Divinsky. The head of the company's board of trustees is the Governor of St. Petersburg himself, Georgy Poltavchenko. The society includes two former vice-governors of the Northern capital - Vasily Kichedzhi and Vladimir Lavlentsev, as well as the Kaluga governor Anatoly Artamonov, the head of the committee on informatization of the St. Petersburg mayor's office Ivan Gromov and not only...

A sign of belonging to society is a wooden Athonite rosary on the wrist. In September, journalists photographed them closely on the hand of Vice-Governor Lavlentsev.

The fact that the entire St. Petersburg power elite are members of almost one secret society, makes me think. We even have a term - “Orthodox Chekism”. They all often travel to Greece to the holy Mount Athos, and there are rumors that not only issues of faith are resolved there in a secluded setting. There is talk about helicopter VIP tours,” Andrey Pivovarov, co-chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of RPR-Parnas, told Interlocutor. - Our governor also spent his last vacation in October of this year on Mount Athos.

Goloshchapov stood at the origins of the Russian Athos Society. It arose in 2005 - immediately after Vladimir Putin visited the Holy Mountain. With the assistance of the Russian Athos Society, the relics of various saints and the Belt were brought to Russia Holy Mother of God. The society is actively involved in the restoration of temples on Mount Athos. In January 2014, the authorities had difficulty hushing up a scandal involving the “voluntary-forced” collection of donations for the needs of the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos - from road and utility organizations in St. Petersburg.

It was this winter, which is traditionally a test for St. Petersburg. We collected 17 million rubles, which could be used for an equally charitable purpose - the improvement of the city,” Krasimir Vranski, coordinator of the “Beautiful Petersburg” movement, told Interlocutor.

The road workers and utility workers were subordinate to the “Athos resident”, the then vice-governor Lavlentsev. The director of the Center enterprise, who listed less than others, was even promptly fired for the “sin of greed” (although according to the official version, he left voluntarily).
When this publication was being prepared, Russian Athonite society removed the names of the participants from its website, adding even more mystery and secrecy to its image...

The Athos monasteries are not subordinate to Patriarch Kirill; they formally belong to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. It turns out - Orthodoxy, but not Russian. Imported version. Businessmen prefer to keep money abroad and invest in property. And Orthodox officials should trust their secrets to Greek confessors, writes

At one time, the Russian Orthodox people and the Synod had many complaints against Athos and the Greeks. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote: “The leaders of Orthodoxy in Constantinople may degrade themselves to intrigue, petty curses, excommunications, incorrect councils, etc., and perhaps they will fall to heresy - and all this because of national reasons, because of national insults and irritations "

Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow about the Athonite monasteries: “These monasteries take a lot of money out of Russia through their collectors. And the fact that Russians sometimes go to Athos not for the right reasons (such as, for example, because they can more quickly obtain monasticism and the priesthood) and attract Russian capital there to buy cells and monasteries and for their maintenance does not deserve encouragement.”

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia even sent the Donets boat to Afonukanonerskaya to suppress the movement of the “Imyaslavtsy” - Orthodox sectarians. Bishop Paphnutius of Perm denied the authenticity of the famous “belt of the Mother of God” and believed that the Mother of God spent her last years not in Athos, but in Jerusalem or Ephesus. Old Believers consider the Athonite Greeks to be the initiators of Nikon’s reforms and the schism of the Russian Church.

Let's say right away that erogenous zones are dispersed throughout Scorpio's body. They are true lovers and admirers of sexual pleasures. With the help of sex, they solve even the most complex problems. Especially in family relationships

Erogenous zones of Scorpio - where?

If they have love for their partner, they enjoy sex and give intense pleasure. But if something doesn’t go well in a relationship, sex for Scorpios becomes both punishment and encouragement. Scorpios, like no one else, are characterized by violent reconciliation precisely through sex.

Scorpios will never show any of their next partners exactly where he feels good. Especially if we're talking about about Scorpio women. They give pleasure by intuitively sensing their partner. Therefore, it is important for them that their partner can also feel their body and needs.

With men, circumstances are a little different - they always enjoy sex, so it is not always important for them that his erogenous zones are involved.

As for partners, they enjoy at least the fact that they have sex with the most passionate representative of the zodiac. It really does affect them in that way. Therefore, they are ready for all sexual adventures that Scorpios can think of.

How to find erogenous zones in a Scorpio woman

In general, Scorpio's erogenous zones are scattered throughout the body. Scorpios are very sensitive to any touch. They are lovers of contrast and for them sex with ice or in the shower is one of their favorite things. Despite the fact that Scorpio's entire body is a continuous erogenous zone, he knows how to excite himself with just thoughts about sex. Weak point Scorpios are the genitals.

Even the slightest touch can excite a Scorpio. Scorpio women are simply crazy when their partners begin their caresses from the neck, smoothly moving to the chest and below.

This period of waiting for the partner to reach her vagina really turns the Scorpio woman on. When covering a woman’s body with tender kisses, you should not miss a single millimeter - then she will be completely in your power. And these are rare moments, because... she prefers to be in control of the situation.

How to find erogenous zones in a Scorpio man

If we talk about Scorpio men, everything is much simpler for them. They glow with passion just at the thought that a woman can touch the head of his penis with her lips. And when this really happens, he will be ready to attack his partner like a hungry beast.

If you use your nails and scratch a man’s stomach and back a little, or caress his penis and gently touch his nipples, be sure that sex can last longer than usual.

In seventh heaven when his girlfriend caressed and kissed his navel. Of course, everyone men the most important erogenous zone is the penis and surrounding areas. They start with a half-turn, you just have to touch him... strokes his back, kisses his neck or earlobes. In general, if you do not take into account the most important erogenous zone belonging to everyone men without exception - the penis, then everything else depends on the individual person. All that remains is to recommend...

You can make up for it, armed with our advice. And one fine day you will feel that your caresses are driving your man crazy... EROGENIC ZONES FACES AND HEADS Every love game begins with kisses - light and tender or deep and fiery. ...tickling attack. This rule, by the way, applies to any part of the body. EROGENIC ZONES BREASTS There is no need to explain to a woman how sensitive her breasts are. What are they experiencing? men with such caresses? "Of course, I'm not Schwarzenegger, but still...

Forces someone else to pretend to be frigid? You, of course, have heard more than once that the main erogenous zone human brain. This statement is very positive from a psychological point of view... man enters a woman, she feels good, and she drives her partner crazy with sweet convulsions. High sensitivity of mucous membranes! A woman's body, as a rule, is not very abundantly covered with hair. Where there is the least vegetation, and the skin is very delicate and almost translucent, there are erogenous ...

zones Developmental sexology “professed” an extremely mechanistic approach, attaching decisive importance erogenous zones . Nobody has “canceled” them; they actually exist among women and men . They are very individual. How to “calculate” them? [ ... won't leave the house without a bra. So far we have talked about women. Yes, their nature has endowed them more generously erogenous zones men, however

are not alien to sensual pleasures and also love when various parts of their body are caressed. Therefore, much of the above can be recommended... . Nobody has “canceled” them; they actually exist among women and Look at the matter from the other side. Are there many in the world? ready to solve complex problems independently, without prodding or prompting life problems ? It's sad to admit this, but there are few of them. And if your Scorpion belongs to those who take full responsibility upon themselves...right? In order to respect and love even more Scorpio men, it’s enough to see him in action when clouds have gathered over him. While others