The cathedral is in contact. Holy Trinity Cathedral on the social network VKontakte


College students took part in the first service in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Samara.
September 23, 2018 students Liberal Arts College As part of the delegation, headed by the rector of the Volga Orthodox Institute, Archpriest Dimitry Leskin, we visited the Samara St. Sophia Cathedral, located on the Ladya embankment, where the first service took place.
About a thousand believers attended the Sunday service. In total, more than 5 thousand people took part in the celebrations.
The opening of the cathedral was timed to coincide with the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus'. Let us remember that the construction of the cathedral lasted since 2005. The height of the temple is 65 meters.
The Divine Liturgy was led by His Eminence Sergius, Metropolitan of Samara and Tolyatti. The event was attended by the Governor of the Samara Region Dmitry Azarov.
At the end of the service, Vladyka Sergius delivered a sermon in which he congratulated the parishioners on the opening of the shrine. “Let this temple live, decorating our Volga banks and being a testimony Orthodox faith Russian people,” said the Metropolitan. He thanked Governor Dmitry Azarov for his help in the construction of the temple.
The head of the region, congratulating all those present, noted: “With the help of God and the help of all residents of the region, with their participation in the restoration of churches, our land is not only beautified, but also returns to its spiritual roots.”
After the end of the liturgy, a large concert of sacred music took place on the site near the monument to Saint Prince Vladimir.
A Children's Spiritual and Educational Center with a concert hall will operate in the St. Sophia Cathedral. Special attention It is planned to focus on working with children from disadvantaged families. The temple will also have a public library.

From December 23, in order to expand the Orthodox information space in youth circles, the Holy Trinity Cathedral opens an official community in social network"VKontakte".
Here you can get acquainted with the news feed of the cathedral; learn about Sunday school activities; read articles dedicated to the festive event; see photo reports and videos of worship services; participate in discussions of events and current issues; receive advice from priests.

Also here subscribers will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the words of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, will be able to disseminate information about the Divine service and people who need help.

At a meeting with participants of the VI International Festival of Orthodox Media “Faith and Word” His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' noted in his speech: “One of the important elements of the information space is news. Without news there is no information space. In this regard, the question arises: can church news be a factor in attracting people, can they arouse interest in the information space? I am deeply convinced that they can, because the Good News itself, the Gospel, is news not only for each subsequent generation, but even for very many people who know the Gospel well... A church publicist is the same preacher who works on a broader front. Therefore, it is so important that we form a corps of people who would be able to help our contemporaries see the true beauty of the Gospel and build their lives in accordance with this beauty.”

For the first time in the history of Cologne Cathedral, there are light images on its façade. An amazing installation dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

  • Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

  • Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    This has never happened before: from September 26 to 30, the façade of the famous Cologne cathedral, included by UNESCO in the List of World Heritage Sites cultural heritage, for the first time in its history in evening time decorated with a light installation. It is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Its motto is "Dona Nobis Pacem" ("Give us peace!").

  • Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    It was specially decided to carry out such an action as part of the pilgrimage taking place these days in the Cologne Cathedral, and thus draw as much attention to it as possible. more people. Through an unusual light installation, its creators sent a clear message to the whole world: Germany stands against hatred and enmity!

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    “Peace”, “Disarm!”, “Civil courage” - such inscriptions flash on the southern facade of the most famous church in Germany from the portal to the very top. The inscriptions and signs that make up the images on the wall are displayed using approximately two dozen powerful spotlights.

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    Excerpts from Requiem No. 1 in C minor by Luigi Cherubini and the work "Dona Nobis Pacem" ("Give us peace") by Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach) - this is musical accompaniment projection, which starts every evening at 20 o'clock. At the same time, other exciting events take place at the Cologne Cathedral. One of them is the Night of Mystic performance, in which the Liverpool Cathedral Choir takes part.

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    The authors of the project are German artists Detlef Hartung and Georg Trenz. The giant lights they developed with alternating pacifist inscriptions are theirs. business card. The installations created by these masters of media art have already decorated many famous architectural structures.

    Cologne Cathedral as a masterpiece of illumination

    A tandem of artists calls the installation on the façade of Cologne Cathedral “a frank conversation about war and peace.” The performance artists ensured that their chosen combination of space, light and sound would create images that would encourage people to think more deeply about a world without war.

See also:

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    Last time we looked at Cologne Cathedral from the outside. Today let's take a look inside - follow the example of 20-30 thousand people who visit it... every day. This photo was taken in front of the main portal on one of the holidays. During daily services, the main part of the cathedral is closed to tourists - you can only enter the front part, maintaining proper silence.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    This is what the central nave of Cologne Cathedral looks like. Height - 43.35 meters. The height of the two side naves reaches almost 20 meters. The reverberation time in the cathedral, that is, the gradual decrease in sound intensity with multiple (or rather, thousands of) echoes, is as much as 13 seconds.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    If you look at the Gothic vaults for a long time, your head may spin. This photograph shows one of the local organs. There are four of them in the cathedral: two small and two large. They are used during services and organ music concerts.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    The Gothic cathedral was founded in Cologne in 1248 on the site of an old Romanesque church. The need for the construction of a new temple arose after the relics of three kings (or tsars, as they are also called) were brought here from Milan in 1164, who came to venerate the infant Christ with gifts. The golden reliquary for them was made in 1181-1225.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar - this is how they are usually called in the Western European tradition, although the names are not mentioned in the Gospel. In the Orthodox tradition, this plot is called the worship of the Magi - sages from the east. The reliquary is made from oak wood, gold, silver and copper. Total weight is about 500 kilograms. In addition to the three kings, it depicts other biblical saints.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy, and entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and, opening their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.” This is how this scene is depicted on the late Gothic Altar of the Three Kings, created in 1451 by the Cologne master Stefan Lochner by order of the city council.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    Stained glass windows - old and new - attract special attention from visiting photographers. We'll see some of them again. The total area of ​​the windows of this temple is about 10 thousand square meters, which is approximately equal to one football field- if, of course, such a visual comparison is at all appropriate in this case.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    For example, this is what the “Pixel Stained Glass Window” looks like, donated to the temple by Gerhard Richter, a resident of Cologne and the most expensive contemporary German artist. It took the place of stained glass windows destroyed during World War II. Created from 11263 glass squares 80 different colors and shades.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    In the north side nave is this 17th-century figure of the Virgin Mary. There are always many candles burning in front of her, and around her there are numerous gifts for several centuries. Presenting decorations to this image of the Virgin Mary is a long-standing Cologne tradition.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    This reliquary contains material soaked in a drop of the blood of John Paul II. The relic was donated to the cathedral in 2013, but was later stolen. In 2017, the former personal secretary Pope Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz gave Cologne another such relic to replace the lost one. After the canonization of John Paul II, blood samples taken for medical examinations were used to make them.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    As we have already noted, total area The windows of Cologne Cathedral are 10 thousand square meters. Of these, about 1.5 thousand square meters are made up of medieval stained glass windows. This one is dedicated to the mastermind crusades- French monk Bernard of Clairvaux. It was made in 1524-1525.

    Cologne Cathedral inside

    About every tenth visitor to Cologne Cathedral also goes up to the observation deck of the South Tower, for a total of about 600 thousand people a year. To enjoy the view Old town and the outskirts of Cologne, you need to overcome 533 steps...

Playing with light


What books did the Germans read 100 years ago?

How to turn an old dress into a new one and cook “porridge from an axe”? Pattern magazines and recipe books helped the Germans, exhausted by the First World War, get back into the groove of peaceful life. (04/03/2018)