The rules for playing hide and seek for children are brief. Hide and seek rules

Hide and seek is actually the first game a baby starts playing. This is a game that involves not just manipulation of an object, but interaction with another person, communication with him.

For a baby there is no concept of time or permanence of objects. If mom is gone, it's gone forever. Moreover, leaving is equivalent to losing eye contact. Therefore, the first hide and seek is a game of “peek-a-boo”, when the mother covers her eyes with her hands (hides), and then finds herself. What brings joy to a baby is not hiding, but finding his mother and restoring contact with her. The baby feels joy that his mother has not gone anywhere.

Over time, the child begins to cover his face with his hands or a diaper, hiding from his mother. Hide and seek in such early age- This is a way to constantly strengthen the connection with your mother.

The baby also learns the principle of the permanence of the world. For the child's psyche, the world disappears when the child closes his eyes. “I don’t see you, that means you don’t exist” is a formula for a baby’s thinking. The game of hide and seek just helps you overcome this formula and understand that the world remains the same even when you are not looking at it.

Hide and seek after a year

When the child has already grown up a little, it is possible to come up with many options for hide and seek. This includes hiding an object in your hand (“Guess in which hand”), and finding a treasure hidden somewhere in the apartment, and hide-and-seek with your mother, and much more, for which the parents’ imagination is enough.

As with a baby, it gives a child great joy to find or be found. The child's thinking develops. Hide and seek helps him with this: after all, you need to set yourself a goal (search for an object or mother) and achieve it, which is not always easy, you need to put in effort and effort. Thus, hide and seek helps shape processes and develop the child’s perseverance.

But the most important thing is that hide and seek is a time of active positive communication with mom. Saturating a child's life with such positive emotions very useful for his development.

Hide and seek during the period of adaptation to kindergarten

Separately, I would like to say about the benefits of playing hide and seek when a child is sent to kindergarten. Some time before the child starts attending preschool, it is better to start playing hide and seek with him. In this case, it is the moment of finding the mother that is important. With the help of this game, the child’s subconscious develops the confidence that his mother will definitely be found and that she will not disappear forever. This is exactly what a child faces when he comes to kindergarten. Before this, he was always at home with his mother, but now she leaves. The child begins to get nervous that his mother will forget about him and leave him forever. By playing hide and seek with the child at home, the mother helps in a symbolic way to cope with this anxiety.

Hide and seek in preschool age

Children 3-6 years old are already playing hide and seek with each other. The game becomes quite complicated: the leader appears (the one who is looking for all the hidden ones) and the rules of the game. Like any other group game at this age, hide and seek teaches children to interact with each other and negotiate. After all, each team has its own rules of the game. In some groups of children it is enough to simply find the one who is hiding, while for other children you need to run faster than him to the appointed place, etc. The rules need to be agreed upon. Each individual child learns to follow the agreed upon rules. If he doesn't do this, other guys simply won't play with him.

Also, hide and seek at this age is taught to show leadership qualities. This refers to the one who proposes the game, acts as the first leader, or initiates changes in the rules. Therefore, if parents want to cultivate leadership qualities in a child, they should draw his attention to these points: where he can take initiative in a team.

Yesterday only 3 people came to the circle.
Varya will go to school in a year.
Milan this year.
And Seva finished first grade.

The lesson was held outside.
On the kindergarten playground.

Drew the hopscotch ten
They jumped on the cells in forward order, in reverse order, on even cells, on odd cells, on diagonal ones, etc.

I suggested playing hide and seek.
As it turned out, the children did not know how to hide, be cunning and determine the shortest distance,
to have time to reach the place where you can get caught

Therefore, I first told in detail which side of the veranda it is better to hide from, and from which corner it is closer to run.
And then she showed how it’s done.

The game of hide and seek became a hit activity, and the children did not want to leave.

I realized that playing hide and seek is very important not only in terms of psychology, gross motor skills, reaction speed, etc.
Play is important for the development of geometric concepts.

What a pity that the teachers in kindergarten They practically don’t play hide and seek with children.
And mothers at playgrounds rarely find company for their child to play hide and seek.

But hide and seek under a game parachute has completely different goals, the guys learn to work as a team.

Thanks to Zhenya Katz for the idea!

Children love to play hide and seek. This is a popular game among children of all ages, which our parents also played. The little ones are delighted when mother covers her face with her palms and says “peek-a-boo”, then removes her hands, thereby showing that she has been found! Older children play with each other, coming up with different variations of the game of hide and seek.

Rules of the game

To start playing hide and seek, you need to assign roles.

Firstly, with the help of a counting rhyme, one leader is determined who will look for those who will hide. The counting table could be like this: “A cuckoo walked past the net, and behind it were small children, everyone shouted “kukumak”, remove one fist.” This game can be played by two people, but why? more people, the more interesting.

Secondly, the participants determine how long the leader will count while the rest are hiding. And a place for tapping is selected, to which the leader and the one he found will need to run.

The game has started

The leader counts, the players are hiding. When the time is up, the presenter shouts - “One, two, three, four, five, I’m going to look!” If the presenter cannot find anyone for a long time, then he is given hints by quietly shouting “Ku-ku”!

And so the leader finds the hiding person, shouts out his name and together they race to the point of teasing. If the player who was found does not have time to reach first, then he becomes the leader.

Sometimes it can be difficult to captivate a child with something, and especially for this we have prepared an article that will help you with this.

How to play hide and seek in minecraft

You can also play hide and seek in the popular game Minecraft.

The principle of the game remains the same, but the actions take place in virtual world. Teams are assembled, a specific map is developed, and the server determines which team you will be on - those who are hiding or those who are looking.

The first team is searching, it is called Hider, and the other is hiding - Seeker. The task of the latter is to hide as best as possible; 15 seconds are allotted for this. When the player is found, they try to kill him. If he is killed, then he becomes the one who seeks.

Hide and seek is a game where some players hide while others try to find them. It is very simple, but over the years a lot has appeared different types. Whichever one you choose (and we'll look at several), all you need is a few friends, places to hide, and spy skills.


Part 1

rules of the game
  1. Select players. The most important thing in “hide and seek” is to find those willing to play. There should be at least two of them. Although, the more players, the better.

    • If the players of different ages, then take this into account. Those who are younger can fit anywhere, but they don't always choose the best seats and have a reduced attention span.
  2. Discuss the rules of the game. If this is not done, then instead of the game there will simply be chaotic running, broken figurines, or one of the younger ones will get stuck in washing machine. Or everyone will run away from the house when the driver starts looking. Close all rooms where family and personal belongings are stored - attics and parents' bedrooms. Or allow them to hide there only under certain conditions: “don’t turn everything upside down and don’t jump on the bed.”

    • Make sure everyone remains safe and sound. No one should fall from trees or climb onto roofs. Make it a rule to only hide in places where two people can fit.
    • Very soon you will learn about the types of games. Now just discuss the most basic things - who is hiding, who is leading, where to hide, how long to count, etc.
  3. Find a suitable location. It's more fun outside, but when it rains, it's better to play indoors. It is important to define the boundaries of the area for the game so that no one runs too far away. This is a game of hide and seek, not a marathon!

    • If you're playing with your parents, they better be aware of what's going on. They won't be thrilled to find out you're hiding in the garage, under the porch, or in the shower, where they'll have to jump after you.
    • Try to play in different places each time. If you always do it in the same place, then everyone will know the most good places and they will find you quickly.

    Part 2

    start of the game (Traditional version)
    1. Determine who is "leading". There are many methods for deciding who will “lead”, for example: the youngest can “lead” first; someone who has a birthday soon or the rhyme “One potato, two potatoes.” You can also draw cards with numbers from a hat - the one with number 1 will “lead” first.

      • If one of the players is older, then it is better for him to “lead”. Younger participants in the game do not have such experience. Attention spans change with age and older players can easily beat younger opponents.
    2. Start the game. Once it has been decided who is "leading", he or she must close their eyes and begin counting to 10. Or to 20, 50 or 100; You can also sing a song or recite a rhyme. Anything that can kill time while everyone else is hiding will do! The most important thing is that everyone knows how much time they have left!

      • Make sure the driver is not cheating! The eyes should be covered with the hands and the head should be turned towards the corner. No peeping!
    3. Hide quickly! Those who do not "lead" must run away and look for a secluded place while he counts. The “driver” has no right to see who ran where. Try not to make noise when hiding, otherwise the “driver” will be able to determine the direction by ear.

      • Once you have taken refuge in your shelter, sit as quietly as possible. Don't give yourself away! If you make noise, even the most secluded place will not save you.
    4. Start looking. As soon as the count is over, after the words “Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault,” immediately start searching. Use your eyes for this And ears. As soon as you see someone, hurry to tarnish him.

      • If desired, hidden players can change places. Hide where you are already looked- Very good idea. It's called strategy.
      • If after searching someone could not be found and he did not return home, then the “driver” must give a clear signal that the game is over. Shout - and after that it will become clear that you can go out.
        • You can also shout “Everyone is free” or “Alle, Alle auch sind frei”, which means “Come out”.
    5. It's time to change the driver. It will be the one who was found first. You can start a new round immediately after the first player found, or find everyone first and then start again.

      • This can also be controlled. If the “driver” does not find anyone after three attempts, then it is better to replace him. Let everyone have a chance to hide!

    Part 3

    different types of games
    1. Game on the main base. Now it has become more difficult to hide and search. The driver and players are the same, but you need to not only hide, but also have time return to base. And don't get caught! They will have to take risks and leave the shelter while the driver looks for them. This is a more intense version.

      • Those who are hiding do not know what is happening around them. They should all go back to how they will be tarnished. Or they will lose!
    2. Game with several drivers. Those hiding who have been found must also help in the search. And at the end of the game, 4 people are already looking for the last player!

      • The game also begins with one “driver”, who is gradually joined by the others.
      • The first player to be "tarnished" will look for the others in the next round, which will begin immediately after everyone has been found.
    3. Jailbreak. This adds even more spice. Those who wish to play must go to the "prison". Usually it's just a room or an entrance. The driver's goal is to put everyone in prison. But those who are free can free others from prison! To do this, you need to get there and not be caught.

      • Those freed can go back into hiding or simply enjoy their newfound freedom. If someone is in prison and someone is hiding, act on the same principles. If you wish, you can add some other interesting elements!
    4. Sardines. It's hide and seek inside out. Only hiding one player, the others are looking for him. The one who finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then everyone else in turn. The game ends when the last player joins the others. Usually by this time they really do resemble a can of sardines!

      • Sardines are often played in the dark. It's much more fun to catch a friend and ask, "Are you a sardine?" If he answers yes, join us!
    5. Search. This game is similar to jailbreak, but it's more of a group game. Two teams play (preferably 4 people or more), each with its own base. Each team must hide at the base another team, while the other is on their base. The team that runs the fastest to the enemy base without losses wins.

      • This game is good to play in parks. And even better when it gets dark! Just to start, make sure you keep in touch with each other so no one gets lost. People need to know when the game is over!
    • There are many different strategies. It's best to hide in plain sight. For example, if there is a table near the base, then you can hide under it: they are unlikely to look for you there, and you will have a chance to return to the base.
    • If you have small children, play with them right in the house. They will be happy to find you.
    • Don't hide in hard-to-reach places. Kids may get scared if they don't find you nearby.
    • Hide in places where it seems impossible to do so at first glance (for example: in the office under the bathroom sink). But first, make sure you don't get SERIOUSLY hurt and destroy everything in your path.
    • Try not to cast a shadow. It can be in the form of a dog, a cat, but not a person.

Play this wonderful and popular game You can do it anywhere - at home, in the yard, in the forest or park. All participants in the game must agree before the start of the game boundaries of the territory, beyond which no one can hide.

Titles: Hide and Seek, Kuluchki

Rules of the game Hide and Seek

The game starts when using drawing lots or counting rhymes the driver is selected - “ water", then the place where the game begins is determined and where it will be necessary to " get caught" The driver turns to the wall (corner, door, pillar), closes his eyes and begins to count. Depending on the age of the children, you can count from 10 to 50. Usually up to 20 is enough. After that, the water turns and says:

One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look!
Whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault!

The leader’s task is to look for (“kulyuchki”, hence another name for the game - “kulyuchki”) those hidden, and, having found them, return and knock on the wall near which he was counting:

Knocks and knocks, I see Masha, she is behind the tree.

The task of those hiding is to try to overtake the leader or wait for him to go in the other direction and be caught first - then they are considered not found. They should run up to the wall and shout loudly

Knock-knock for yourself!

The one who was caught first is told “ The first hen closes her eyes”, which means that the one who was caught first will lead in the next round of the game.

Often found and caught players, out of boredom, begin to help those who have not yet been found with special hints, chanting in unison:

Axe, axe,
sit like a thief
and don't look into the yard
(option: don’t go for a walk in the yard)!

which means “the leader is nearby, sit and keep your head down!” Or

Saw, drank,
fly like an arrow!

“The presenter has gone in the other direction, you can run out and catch him in time!” You can also make sure that the presenter does not stand in one place, but is actively looking for players, while shouting

Don’t cook the porridge on the spot!

It’s especially fun if the driver makes a mistake with the player’s name, tapping him, then the players shout “ Signs - hide and seek(or hide-and-seek signs)!” and the whole game starts again with the same driver. The first player found who is caught by the water becomes the water himself in the next game. In some variants of the game, the last player can catch himself and all previously found players by knocking on the wall and saying " Knock-knock for everyone" In this case, the leader remains the same and the game starts over, but often this is very offensive for the driver and this rule is canceled.

If a new player appears who wants to join the game, they shout:

Zai-zai-get out,
The new guy is whining!