The Internet is not working well, what is the reason. The Internet has become very slow, what should I do?

Every computer owner is familiar with the situation when, for no apparent reason, the Internet suddenly began to work slowly. People solve this problem in different ways. Some go to the provider's representative office and, banging their fists on the table, demand that normal network operation be restored. Others, armed with the advice of friends and recommendations from wise books, are trying to configure the software component of their own computer. In any case, if the Internet is slow, you should not worry, because most often such a problem can be solved.

Connection method

The speed at which data is exchanged with the World Wide Web depends greatly on the technology used. Thus, those users whose computers are connected to the network using a cable (especially an optical cable) very rarely ask the question: “Why is the Internet slow?” A completely different situation is developing in the field of wireless technologies, except for satellite ones. If the Internet is slow, and GPRS, CDMA and other modems are used for communication, then to improve the parameters you need to connect an external antenna, point it at a less loaded base station and always remember that when precipitation the signal quality deteriorates. For stationary computing systems, it is preferable to opt for wired providers, if possible.

Service plan

Sometimes new users who have recently connected their computers to the network begin to notice that their Internet is slow. For example, a neighbor who has entered into an agreement with the same provider downloads the file in much less time. This can be explained very simply: when connecting, you are asked to choose a tariff plan, that is, the ratio of services/cost/speed. More inexpensive ones, accordingly, require lower costs, but do not provide high speeds (though in lately the line is gradually erased). Thus, if you notice that the Internet is working slowly, you need to perform two actions:

Test your network speed on the Speedtest website. Compare the result obtained with the speed stated in the contract;

Choose a different tariff from your provider that offers higher performance, or change the company providing the access service.


One of the characteristics that affects the performance of a communication channel is the amount of delay, sometimes called “ping”. The higher this number, the lower the actual speed. You can determine your ping on the Speedtest website by selecting the testing mode. If the value is more than 200 ms, then you need to check the quality of the connection (connectors, wire), ask the provider’s support service about the reasons for such high delays, and ask to resolve this issue. Please note: for wireless connections, a ping of several hundred units is quite acceptable.

Parallel downloads

Many programs use network communication in the background (updating anti-virus databases). In this case, the total channel performance is divided among all applications. As a result, a situation may arise where the speed of the browser seriously decreases. In other words, don’t be surprised if, while downloading files from torrent trackers, pages in the browser take a long time to open. Maximum performance is possible when one application is running and uses access to network resources.

Today, when the Internet is increasingly woven into our daily life, slow speed connections are an unaffordable luxury for many. Electronic cinema halls, online trading, remote courses and webinars - all this requires a stable high-speed signal. Therefore, if you don’t want to spend hours “admiring” the loading icon, it won’t hurt to figure out why the Internet has become slow and whether something can be done about it. So, the cause of all troubles may be related to:

With autorun settings

Skype, torrents, antivirus - you can’t even imagine how many programs start when you turn on the device. And the operating system, if it is not prohibited from doing so, will clog the channel, trying to download updates that are by and large You may not even need them. This can be treated quite simply - by disabling the auto-update function, which is located in the program or account settings (if we're talking about O Google Play or similar services).

With malware

Even experienced users catch so-called “worms” and “Trojans” in their systems. What can we say about ordinary users who mindlessly follow links, send SMS to download files, and do many other things that put the security of their computers and mobile devices at risk. But every now and then news pops up on the Internet about new viruses (such as Petya or nRansomware), the use of other people’s computers for mining, and other digital “crimes.” Therefore, if your Internet suddenly becomes slow, be sure to scan your PC with an antivirus.

With other users

Are you connecting to the Internet via a WI-FI router? Does the signal speed fluctuate only during certain time periods? Most likely, someone else besides you began to use the communication channel, and it is he who is causing the “braking”. What to do in such a situation? The answer is simple - change the password to connect to the network. Just don’t use the standard “fyva”, “12345678” and similar simple combinations, otherwise you will suffer from slow work You will need to use the Internet all the time.

With artificial restrictions

It also happens that the speed of your Internet is slowed down by the system itself, and intentionally. There may be several reasons for this. For example:

  • For some reason, the site you are trying to open is not liked by your firewall. To solve the problem, it will be enough to add his address to the exclusion list).
  • You are trying to access a site by redirecting through several anonymizers (excluding some nodes from the connection chain will help here).
  • The browser cache is full or the system disk is running out of space. In this case optimal solution- cleaning not only the cache, but also the system as a whole.
  • The settings of the browser being used are set incorrectly, which leads to an internal system conflict. If you are unlucky enough to encounter a similar situation, the best thing to do is to seek help directly from the developers of this software.

Or maybe you just forgot to pay for the Internet or exceeded the allowed download limit? Yes, yes, this is also possible. Some providers prefer not to disconnect users from the system as a whole, but simply limit their maximum connection speed. This can be treated by replenishing your personal account.

With technical problems

If none of the above options suits you, try coming from the other side. The reasons for the low signal speed may well be related to equipment malfunction. So, if your cable or socket is damaged, the router settings are incorrect, or the signal-amplifying antenna is broken, you cannot do without calling a technician.

With a tariff plan

If the Internet starts to slow down immediately after connecting, most likely you have chosen the wrong tariff for your needs. Therefore, before flooding the provider and repairmen with complaints, make sure whether there is actually a problem, or whether the situation with low connection speed is nothing more than the consequences of unreasonably high expectations. To do this, use any program to measure the connection speed between your device and the nearest reliable server. If the results correspond to the declared ones, the only way out is to change the tariff.

With a low level of services provided

Problematic provider is one of the most common reasons slow internet connection. Regular repair work on the line, outdated equipment, large number subscribers (who simply overload the system during rush hour) - the presence of any of these signs - sure sign that the operator needs to be changed. Fortunately, doing this today is not difficult. For example, you can, and the consultant will select a tariff that best suits your wishes.

Has your Internet become slower and now you have very slow Internet? Then you have definitely come to the right address! But, in order to quickly correct the situation, you need to have a clear understanding of what Internet speed depends on. Only in this case can you find weak point and fixing the problem speed up the Internet. So...

What does Internet speed depend on?

First. From the speed provided by your Internet provider, according to your tariff plan. It is unlikely that you will be able to “Jump” above this speed (although this is not a fact, there is one way, but more on that later).

Second. From technical capabilities And correct settings receiving equipment. This refers to modems, routers, antennas, etc. Here the problem can be solved by replacing outdated and low-power equipment, you can also correctly and competently or.

Third. From the speed, power and performance of the computer itself (laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone). In this case, nothing can be changed or corrected, unless you buy a more powerful computer.

In the “old” days (early 2000s), the low speed of dial-up modems was enough for most. Nowadays high-speed Internet has become a necessity. But often, even on an unlimited tariff and broadband connection, the speed suddenly drops. How to find the reason?

Browser and its settings

If the Internet begins to work slowly, then first of all, you need to figure out which specific programs are “slowing it down”. In the minds of many people, the Internet is firmly associated with the browser - the program with which sites are viewed. But they also go online mail program, ICQ and Skype. They also transmit and receive packets of information from their servers and other nodes.

Check their operation and if the speed drops only when working in the browser, then this is the reason. The easiest way to solve the problem is to install another browser or update the already installed one.

For meticulous people, we can suggest sorting out the settings of the old browser. They can go astray for various reasons. You need to look at the “Connection Settings” tab. Here is one of common mistakes in the settings: there is a checkmark next to “Accessing the Internet through a proxy server” and the browser sends all its traffic through an additional server, which affects the loading speed of sites. Try disabling the proxy server and check your Internet speed.

Another reason is plugins that limit the browser speed. Speed ​​limiting options exist in some types of plugins, such as download managers, or the plugin may simply be glitchy. Try disabling all plugins in your browser, restarting it and checking its speed.

Automatic system or program updates

If automatic updating is in the settings operating system, then it can be updated at any time at will. The operating system sometimes loads a ton of information, which is not always needed. During such a download, both the Internet connection and the computer’s operation in general slow down. To avoid such freezes, it is convenient to install all updates manually. This video shows the process of disabling updates for Windows 7:

The following video explains two ways to disable updates in Windows 8:

Many programs like to update automatically: Adobe, Google Chrome, Photoshop. During download throughput channel always decreases - after all, part of the channel is occupied by updates. Disable feature automatic update possible in the program settings.

Virus infection

If you do not have an adequate anti-virus program, then with a high probability you can say: the Internet is working slowly due to the active activity of viruses. Malware, having settled on the hard drive, they begin to download considerable amounts of information and also send spam from the computer. To fight viruses you need a license antivirus program. Unlike other programs, it requires daily updates. Otherwise, the antivirus will be of no use.

When the browser takes a long time to open pages, it is useful to conduct a deep scan not only system disk C:, but also all other drives. Does a good job of checking free utility CureIt from Dr.Web ( and free antivirus program AVZ (

Problem with the router, switch or cable

The problem may be on the side of the equipment through which your computer is connected. Often, due to a power surge in the network, a switch or router may freeze. Try rebooting them by turning the power off and on.

Checking the cable is a little more complicated - it often happens that the cable is damaged due to mechanical impact on it, but such damage cannot be determined by eye. For example, they often stepped on a chair leg or crushed the cable with a door.

To check, it is best to “ring” the cable with a special device - a signal will be passed through the cable and the damage will be determined. This service can be used from computer repair companies or from a support provider.

Interference from outside

If the Internet speed is low only at certain times of the day, or under certain weather conditions - thunderstorms, snow, fog, then most likely the provider’s equipment is to blame. It may not be installed correctly, it may be flooded with water, or it may simply not be able to cope with the load in the evening hours. There are two options here - contact the provider and wait for the problem to be resolved, or change the provider.

If you are using to connect Wi-Fi router, then the reason for the low speed may be interference from a radio or microwave oven - Wi-Fi networks are quite sensitive to such interference. Try switching to a wired connection.

Restrictions from the provider

What to do if you have checked all the above options, but still the speed is lower than stated in the tariff? One of the common reasons is the “secrets” of the provider. Some tariffs have speed limits under certain conditions.

For example, if during the month the user managed to download a certain amount of data. When concluding a contract, the provider must say this, but... Sometimes the user himself forgets about these restrictions. This case needs to be “treated” by changing the tariff. And, possibly, the provider.

Why are torrents downloading slowly?

It happens that the Internet works normally, but the torrent set for download does not download, or does so at a very low speed. Downloading from a torrent resource is not like downloading from a server. On torrent sites, files are downloaded from the computers of other people registered in the system. If a torrent downloads slowly, it means that it is being uploaded slowly from other computers.

What determines the distribution speed? Mainly, on the number of seeds. Seeds are all those users who have the file you need on their computer and who distribute it in the torrent system. The fewer such people there are, the slower the file will load. And vice versa, when a video, audio, book is very popular and is distributed immediately a large number people, then downloading them will be a hassle. If you need to download something rare and large in volume, then it is better to leave this procedure overnight.

We all often use the Internet: download, watch, communicate, download, and so on. When the Internet does not work well, not everyone knows what to do. It is interesting to know the most common reasons why communication speed not only suffers, but may even disappear altogether.

High speed Internet connections are such a joy that became available to “mere mortals” only recently. TO good man always gets used to it quite quickly and therefore the slightest glitch in convenience causes extreme negative emotions. Sooner or later the moment comes when, against our will, the Internet slows down. What to do with this “happiness” and how to regain the joy of quick connection? And everything is actually extremely simple.

Problems can be divided into two main categories: those that depend on you and those to which you are not directly related. Often, an unscrupulous provider fundamentally does not admit his guilt in the drop in speed and blames the client for everything. As a result, debugging specialists are sent to you and, for a certain amount, the privilege of fast data transfer is restored to you. How fair is this? Let's try to figure it out.

It seems like you haven’t changed or done anything, but for some reason the Internet still slows down. What to do if you are not very computer savvy? First of all, check your system for viruses. Perhaps your antivirus database is out of date - update it and run a full scan of your computer. The second reason for the drop in speed may be the antivirus or firewall itself. Many antivirus programs launch a firewall by default. It processes all incoming information in real time. Turn off the screen for a while and try to measure the speed. If you notice changes in better side, then you face a difficult choice: Internet speed versus security. What is more important is up to you to decide. Network programs also greatly affect speed. One pumps, the other “chat”, the third asks every minute, for example, the wind speed. Turn it all off. Now check. We checked. The Internet is still glitchy. What to do in this case? It is not uncommon for unlicensed assemblies - loners, animals and others to malfunction. Such systems are installed on many computers and often create unstable conditions due to which the Internet does not work well. What to do? Just reinstall the OS. Helps. Checked!

Special attention should be paid to proper configuration of equipment, in particular wireless. You don't need much intelligence to hack your neighbor's Wi-Fi. Any school enthusiast without unique abilities will “connect” to your access point. It won’t save you much from trouble, but filtering by MAC address is a direct path to peace of mind.

You have checked everything, you have configured everything, but the problem is the same - the Internet is slow. What to do then? The worst thing is when computer parts are to blame for the “glitches.” This is a direct route to a specialty store. Therefore, check the serviceability of your network card.

Often the reason for the loss of the Internet is a problem with the network or telephone cable. Unfortunately, the rules for its installation are rarely treated with due attention. As a result, it either frays or breaks. It doesn’t hurt to check the connectors on the line. They often come out of the connectors in the splitter (when ADSL connection).

That's how long there are possible reasons, which relieve the provider of all responsibility for the quality of communication. If you have checked all of the above, but the problem remains and the Internet is still slowing down, what should you do then? Feel free to call your provider. Now he will need to figure out why you pay for one tariff, but get something completely incomprehensible. Good luck to you and high speed!