Buy Rhm. Skorpion G (premium tank): review (guide), characteristics, penetration zones

This is a German anti-tank self-propelled gun artillery installation VIII level.

There is a small guide on this page Rheinmetall Skorpion g. On this moment one of the best premium tanks, and tank destroyers at their own level. It appeared in the game relatively recently and immediately aroused considerable interest among tankers. The vehicle is very similar to its pumpable counterpart - the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffentrager with a standard gun, but has its own unique features.

7 reasons to buy Rheinmetall Skorpion G:

  1. Unique camouflage.
  2. The alpha strike of the installed gun is 490 units per shot, penetration by 246 mm armor-piercing shells and 311 mm sub-caliber shells.
  3. Excellent accuracy, dispersion per 100 meters is 0.3 and aiming time is 2.1 seconds (about 5 rounds per minute).
  4. Good specific power - 17 hp. per ton.
  5. A tower that helps in battle on different maps.
  6. Ideal profitability - you can earn up to 100,000 credits per battle.
  7. Not a bad speed - up to 60 km/h forward and 20 km/h back.

The vertical aiming angles on the Scorpio are not the best, 7 degrees down. There is no point in talking about armor, just a couple of facts - maximum armor is 30 mm. On this technique we are a classic landmine receiver. The disadvantage is also the visibility, 360 meters, but you can increase this value by training the crew, using optics and handing a bar of dark chocolate to your guys, or girls.


+ good power density, good speed;
+ a weapon with good armor penetration and one-time damage;
+ good accuracy;
+ armored cabin with full rotation;
+ All-season camouflage set by default.


- lack of armor as such;
- open armored cabin;
- mediocre rate of fire;
- mediocre ammunition size;
- mediocre UVN;
- disgusting agility of the tower and the ship itself;
- large size and high visibility;
- mediocre gun stabilization.

Rheinmetall Skorpion g is a farm tank that anyone can master World player of Tanks.

Good luck on the battlefields!

Together with the development of the Panther, there were studies on the possible preparation of combat models of tank destroyers on the Panther chassis, and with large sizes Pz 3 and Pz 2, with the installation of a larger and more powerful weapon. At the beginning of 1943, Rheinmetall began developing drawings and creating self-propelled gun, where, according to documents, the 12.8 cm Skorpion was described in 1943. Prototype The car was never released from the drawings.
At the end of 1944, the German higher command decided to reduce and abandon the possible development of the Skorpion tank destroyer on the Panther chassis, after which the companies were asked to take on other new projects.

Price Rheinmetall Skorpion G

Sales of Rheinmetall Skorpion G began on the European server (EU), approximate period declared from today until 09/02/2016. IN three different a variation for the EU server, where the minimum price is just under 40 euros. You can see European prices in the image below.
Scorpio G should go on sale on the Russian market from August 19 and most likely until the end of August 2016. The approximate minimum price will be 1,900 rubles for the tank itself and permanent sand camouflage with a scorpion image,

Various sales packages with Rheinmetall Skorpion G will likely be presented.

How to play Rheinmetall Skorpion G

Even if you look closely at single-tier tank destroyers, you can see that the dispersion per 100 meters is 0.3 m (like the Tier 10 medium tank E50 M); gun aiming speed is 2.1 seconds the best indicator at your level; DPM is also not maximum at the average level, but it is 2410 damage in a minute. The overview is small and amounts to only 360 meters, and single-level tank destroyers cannot particularly boast of this, with the exception of Ferdinand. German Scorpio stat values ​​are camouflage in motion 7,87 — 1.2% , on the spot 11.6 — 1.77% . German scorpion camouflage is included and adds a factor 4% to disguise. The sore point of Skorpion G is the gun stabilizer, which must be treated with the available additional world of tanks modules.

Perks Rheinmetall Skorpion G

The crew of the Rheinmetall Skorpion G consists of four tankers, all according to the standard: the tank commander, who is also the infector, the driver, the gunner and the radio operator. Due to lack of reservation the best option For leveling up, researching a skill is considered " Disguise"to all crew members with the exception of the commander, perk for him" Sixth Sense" is intended.

It’s probably best to go not according to the standard, but for a more active mode “ Coated optics"will increase the visibility of the tank regardless of its current state (stationary or on the move); for faster aiming of the gun we will need " Reinforced aiming drives", A " Gun rammer» will increase the DPM value of the tank's gun.

Brief summary of the Rheinmetall Skorpion G tank

German Scorpio G shows himself with positive side with a quick change of firing lines, fleeting support of allied tanks. The rotating turret will allow you to fire at the enemy regardless of the tank’s location on the terrain, eliminating the need to rotate the hull and without exposing yourself. Skorpion G has a mediocre visibility of 360 meters, but do not forget that this is a tank destroyer. The UVN guns were not particularly pleasing, which deprived the scorpion of advantageous positions on the maps.

Regarding farming the tank, it’s a difficult question depending on the amount of damage dealt to the enemy based on your own exposure. Read more in , who was directly involved in the development and implementation of the game.

Video Rheinmetall Skorpion G

The guide will be based on personal impressions. Currently, according to unofficial statistics, this PT is owned by 59,000 people. Which is quite small, even though the tank has promotional status. At the same time, according to the same statistics, the M56 "Scorpion" tank in World of Tanks is in 6th place in terms of victory percentage among all anti-tank self-propelled guns seventh level, that is, it cannot be called a bad car.


Now it’s worth briefly touching on the list of characteristics of the tank presented above:

  • Durability: 820 HP.
  • Specific power: 28 hp/t.
  • Maximum speed: forward 45 km/h and 17 km/h back.
  • Chassis turning speed: 40 degrees/s.
  • Armor penetration: 219/275/45 mm.
  • Damage: 240/240/320 Hp.
  • Damage per minute: 1920 HP/min.
  • Ammunition: 60 pcs.

M56 "Scorpion" is an American premium vehicle of the seventh level, which has a turret with incomplete rotation. The total angle of rotation of the turret is 60 degrees, which is a plus, while it rotates quite slowly and sometimes it’s easier to tighten the tank’s hull, fortunately time allows.

As for the crew, the Scorpion consists of four people:

  • Commander (Radio Operator).
  • Gunner.
  • Driver mechanic.
  • Charging.

Unfortunately, this fact may cause some difficulties when upgrading the crew on this tank, since many upgraded tank destroyers have a second loader and radio operator, which makes this matter much easier.


One of the features of the tank is the 1 mm thick circular hull armor. The most protected area is, of course, the tower with 5 mm of armor. Accordingly, it will not be possible to tank enemy shots, since the vehicle absorbs all enemy shells without exception. Of course, it is possible that sometimes it will not penetrate the armor of our tank. However, if high explosive shell large caliber, then you should be especially afraid of him. After all, even if it falls nearby, it can cause serious damage. Also, due to the small dimensions of the tank, along with ordinary damage, critical damage to the crew and internal modules will often be received. This will be very noticeable when you find yourself at the bottom of the list, where you will end up quite often.

How to play

The most effective thing at this PT is to play from distance and disguise. The M56 "Scorpion" has good camouflage performance at the level, which can be further enhanced with a camouflage net and camouflage. This will allow you to play quite effectively from the bushes, remaining undetected for a long time, even when playing against levels nine. In this case, you need to be careful and keep a safe distance from the enemy. At a greater distance, it is much more difficult to hit Scorpio, especially if you play from the terrain. The small size and good declination angles of the gun make it quite comfortable to shoot at the enemy at long distances. The visibility of 350 meters spoils all sniper ambitions in the M56 "Scorpion". It’s a stretch to call it normal; you definitely need to carry a stereo tube with you.

By mobility

Without armor, the weight of the tank is slightly more than seven tons, combined with an engine power of 200 hp. With. It turns out that the PT starts briskly from a standstill and spins at one point quite well too. The specific speed, which is 45 km/h, is upsetting; it feels like someone is holding a tank. And the reverse speed of 17 km/h is also disappointing; after a shot it’s hard to roll back to cover.

About the weapon

Excellent armor penetration for the seventh level, the main shell allows you to penetrate even “nines”, but if penetration is not enough, then gold shells with a penetration of 275 come to the rescue. Gold shells here are cumulative, which is not very good, since they are not capable of causing damage , hitting the tracks or tank screens. The gun has excellent vertical aiming angles, dropping to -10 and rising to +15. The accuracy of 0.33 allows for fairly accurate shooting over long distances. The scatter caused by the movement of the chassis greatly limits the game; it is almost impossible to shoot on the move. To shoot accurately, you need to stop. The main drawback of the gun is its rate of fire. With a one-time damage of 240, the stock gun takes 7.8 seconds to reload. According to DPM, the tank loses to some level seven tanks by about 400 damage.

Ammunition 60 pcs. It is worth equipping it mainly with AP shells; you should take 10 for heavily armored opponents and a couple of land mines to shoot down a grapple.

Additional equipment and gear

The equipment for this tank is standard: a first aid kit, a repair kit and, of course, a fire extinguisher.

On the M56 Scorpio it is necessary to install:

1. Stereo tube - this will increase your visibility when stationary. It makes no sense to install coated optics because of the standstill gameplay.

2. Gun rammer - will reduce the reload time of the gun.

3. Camouflage net - will increase stealth while stationary.

Also, to increase camouflage, camouflage should be applied to the tank.


The result is a well-balanced, inexpensive premium vehicle at level seven, which copes well with the main task - farming silver. Due to its good penetration in battle, gold is rarely used, and hence the good performance of silver with average damage dealt. Approximately 40-50 thousand per battle will be taken out by the M56 Scorpion.

Scorpion World of Tank- this is a high-precision anti... Stop! This is not the world of animals, but the world famous online game World of Tanks, in which players can personally experience military equipment from World War II and more! What kind of scorpions could there be here? You will also say that cockroaches run around on battlefields! This is the impression that a new German tank destroyer Rheinmetall Skorpion G, for beginners, or those who have not yet played WoT. But you and I clearly know how huge the “animal” world is in this game, and we will not be surprised by such a name, but will immediately begin to study the features of this premium tank, which, by the way, can be purchased in our store website by clicking on the link with a 100% guarantee of receipt.

ScorpionG tank with a "sting"
At first glance it seems that tankScorpion is pitiful and insignificant in comparison with other similar equipment, since it has no armor at all. A landmine that hits the turret turns the tank inside out. Even cardboard would apparently be much stronger than this combat unit. But if you think about it and remember that after the introduction of “golden” shells into the game, armor solves almost nothing, then why does it need it, especially having good camouflage and an excellent 128 mm gun. Just imagine, the average damage per shot is 490 units, with a penetration of 246-311 mm, depending on the type of projectile. Due to this, TankScorpion with its “sting” it annihilates any enemy of the same level with 2-3 shots. Do you think that with tanks of the ninth or tenth level, everything will be somehow different? Calm down, the breakdown and accuracy are quite enough to successfully attack unwary high-level vehicles, without fear of getting out of the spotlight ahead of time.

What sets Skorpion G apart from similar equipment:
Old-timers will say that buy scorpion tank It's possible, but its damage is nothing special. Upgradable tank destroyers such as Ferdinand or Jagdpanther II can boast the same indicators. And they will be right, but not one hundred percent. After all, in addition to one-time damage WITHscorpioG tank has excellent stabilization, which allows it to make accurate shots from virtually any distance. In addition, having good camouflage and mobility, this self-propelled gun will be able to suddenly appear, inflict impressive damage, and at the same time hide from enemy eyes. Changing a flank, knocking down a capture from a base, or quickly catching a lost enemy is as easy as shelling pears for the German Scorpio.

360° turn
Scorpion World ofTank has another very significant feature. Its tower can rotate around its axis. In other words, in order to target your enemy, you do not need to turn the tank (as on the Yaga or Fed), thereby losing precious camouflage and aiming time. For a tank destroyer, 360° turret rotation is a huge plus, which significantly affects the overall outcome of the battle and combat effectiveness.

How to play Scorp:
Without armor, it is better not to go to the front line, but to carefully play from the middle or long distance. Those who have already managed tankScorpio buy, you should have noticed that he is a little tall. Therefore, despite its excellent camouflage and visibility, it is better to play the position from the farthest line, since from an average distance particularly sighted opponents will be able to detect it. In addition, if you know that the enemy will be able to detect you, it is better to change your location so that after firing a shot you can immediately roll back behind cover.

Currently in premium store from Wargaming, buy scorpion tank is not possible, but in our premium store website it is possible to purchase this tank destroyer; to do this, you need to follow the WoT link, because today this tank is the best premium vehicle for farming.

The German level eight tank tank Rheinmetall Scorpion G has many advantages, thanks to which many players in the WOT universe dream of buying Scorpion G in World of Tanks. The main and undeniable advantage of this representative of premium tanks is ideal profitability. This the best choice for farming and great gift for those who want to earn credits and mine silver. In many of its characteristics, this machine is similar to the pumpable analogue of the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffentrager.


There are indeed many reasons to buy a Scorpio G. These include unique camouflage, good alpha strike and penetration, and excellent accuracy. All this, coupled with a small spread, will allow you to quickly hit your opponents and emerge victorious from a head-on collision. Plus, the car is quite maneuverable and dynamic. The maximum speed on the battlefield reaches 60 km/h forward and 20 km/h in reverse. The rotating tower will be an excellent help in any battle and will give you many chances to emerge victorious from a fight with the enemy. The advantages also include good specific power, which is 17 hp. per ton.


When planning to buy a Scorpio tank, do not forget about its disadvantages. It is necessary to constantly keep in mind all the shortcomings of this representative of German elite equipment in order to compensate for them as much as possible with installation additional modules and equipment. This list includes such characteristics as almost completely absent armor. Don't expect this premium tank to withstand the onslaught of heavier opponents. In addition, the Rheinmetall Scorpion G has a rather modest overview and is not very comfortable UVNs. Don't forget that this premium tank has a full-fledged battle level. Get ready to fight opponents of a higher rank and actively resist their onslaught.

How to play?

Before you buy Scorpio G, familiarize yourself with the optimal tactics on the battlefield. This will allow you to understand whether this representative of elite equipment is suitable for you. Experienced players recommend staying on the second line on this tank. Try to be among the first to arrive at the scene, take an advantageous position in order to freely fire at the enemy while he is still moving away. Still, it’s not worth getting into trouble. If possible, do not get caught in the glare and leave yourself the opportunity to retreat. Thanks to its dynamism, you can easily change location. By wisely using all the features of this popular vehicle in the World of Tanks universe, you can greatly influence the outcome of the battle and make a significant contribution to the victory of your team.

Where can I buy?

To buy a Scorpio tank or any other representative of elite equipment, you can go to the official WOT store. However, the prices there are quite high and do not suit most players. What awaits you here is not a bonus code for Scorpio G, but goods in the form of gifts. We offer a huge range of luxury products. Our premium World of Tanks store will allow you to buy not only tanks, but also gold and premium accounts for the required number of days. We regularly arrange promotions and special offers, thanks to which you can buy the product you are interested in even cheaper. Buy elite products and win!