Cain and Abel story old testament. Who are Cain and Abel

Name: Cain

Country: Land of Nod

Creator: Old Testament

Activity: the first man born on Earth, fratricide

Marital status: married

Cain: Character Story

The man who committed the first murder in the world could not get lost in history. The name of the main sinner is engraved in the Bible and will forever remain in the hearing. True, the reason for the murder still remains a mystery. Cain was held responsible for the licentiousness and intemperance of the human race. It is impossible to imagine how much the man disappointed his own family.

The history of Cain

The first mention of the eldest son is found in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis, where the secret of the birth of the first people on Earth is revealed. It also briefly tells the story of the first murder and the exile of Eve's firstborn.

In the fifth chapter of the Book of Genesis, the name of the fratricidal sinner no longer appears. This attitude towards the characters of Scripture causes a lot of controversy among theologians. Word of God scholars claim that a portion of the Bible is missing that deals with the life of a sinner after the exile. There is no reliable evidence for the theory put forward.

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there are post-biblical traditions dedicated to the illustrious brothers, but they are all based on the Old Testament and subjectively reveal the topic of why Cain killed. Despite the significance of the figure of the fratricide for several religions, the Bible contains almost no information about the first earthly sinner.


Cain is the first man born on Earth. The eldest son of Eve (according to followers of Kabbalah and Gnosticism, the son of the angel Samael and Eve) chose agriculture as his life’s work. Cain's younger brother, Abel, took a different path and became interested in raising sheep. Both men revered God and regularly made offerings to the Almighty.

At the next sacrifice, God rejected Cain's sacrifice, but Abel's was accepted. The unequal attitude of the Almighty towards the children of Adam hurt Cain. In a fit of emotion, the first person on Earth kills his younger brother:

“And while they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him.”

Ancient scriptures claim that Cain did not know how to commit murder. The young man remembered the act of sacrificing a sheep that Abel performed, and also cut his brother’s throat. According to another version, during a quarrel between the brothers, crows flew into the field. One of the birds killed the other with a stone. Cain exactly repeated the behavior of the raven.

As punishment, God banished Cain to the land of Nod, a territory located east of Eden. Finally, the Lord placed a seal on Cain’s forehead, which depicted the first letter of the name of the Most High. Marked with a mark, Cain wandered the earth and met a woman who in the future became the wife of a sinner. The name of Cain's beloved is unknown. Soon the man had a son. Cain, Enoch's father, founded a city in honor of his firstborn:

“And he built a city; and he named the city after the name of his son, Enoch.”

Theologians adhere to three options for the death of Cain. The first - a man died under the rubble of his own house. The second theory is that the first killer on Earth died during Flood.

A third theory states that Cain died at the hands of his own descendant. Blind Lamech (grandson in the seventh generation) went hunting with his son. The young man directed his father’s hand towards the horns visible from behind the tree. Lamech shot an arrow and hit Cain in the head (God gave the man not only a seal, but also horns). Realizing his mistake, Lamech killed his own son.

Cain in religion

The story of the first murder on Earth is exploited in many religions, but has different interpretation. In Christianity and Islam, the cause of Abel's death is considered to be Cain's envy. Unlike his younger brother, the man made sacrifices formally. Cain did not experience a true sense of faith and righteousness, so the Lord preferred Abel's offerings.

The Jews believe that Abel deserved death for killing an animal. The herdsman who sacrificed a sheep acted no less disgustingly than Cain. In later versions, the interpretation of Abel’s death is considered more broadly - Cain was not only a fratricide, but also a deceiver. The murder was preceded by a fight in which Abel won. Humiliated Cain asked for help, and when he received it, he killed a relative. Another theory was put forward by Rabbi E. Essas:

“They were two brothers. And this meant that the world did not belong entirely to any of them. And Cain committed murder."

Besides classic options, there are more extravagant versions. It is theorized that the legend of Cain and Abel demonstrates the conflict between the agricultural and pastoral rhythms of life.

Radical-minded representatives of religious movements believe that Eve was the cause of the murder. The only representative of the opposite sex was not only a mother, but also a lover of men. Therefore, the name of Cain's wife is not mentioned anywhere. Torn by feelings of jealousy, Eve's firstborn got rid of his rival.

Film adaptations

The biography of a fratricide is an intriguing basis for a film. Screenwriters prefer to exploit the biblical motif, adding their own vision of the situation.

A striking example– TV series “Supernatural”. In one of the episodes, the main characters encounter a biblical character. Only Cain appears before the audience not at all bad guy. A man killed his brother to save his soul. Abel goes to heaven, and the older brother becomes a powerful demon. The role of the servant of Lucifer went to actor Timothy Omundson.

The creators of the series "Lucifer" have their own vision of Cain's life after the death of Abel. Having wandered the Earth for hundreds of years, the fratricide occupies the post of police lieutenant in Los Angeles. A man fights crime, making amends for his sins before the Lord. The image of the immortal policeman was embodied on the screen.

The film Noah, released in 2014, reminds the viewer of a classic interpretation of the biblical story. Before telling the legend of, the director recalls Cain, who became the founder of human vices. The role of the fratricide was played by Johannes Høikur Johannesson.

  • The meaning of the name of the first person on Earth is diverse. The word "Cain" may come from the verb "kana" and mean "to produce." Or the name of the fratricide comes from the word “blacksmith”.
  • The legend claims that Cain is 3 years older than Abel. The first-born took up farming at the age of 12.
  • According to researchers and philosophers, Cain's wife (if we discard thoughts about Eve) was sister men. The names most often mentioned are Sawa and Avana.

According to the Holy Scriptures, Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve. The name of the eldest son is Cain, and the youngest son is Abel. Cain lived in agricultural work, and Abel was a shepherd. Once two brothers made an offering to the Lord: Cain brought a handful of grown fruits, and Abel brought the best lamb from his flock. However, the Lord was pleased with Abel’s offering, but he did not even pay attention to Cain’s offering. All this greatly upset Cain; Because of this, he began to feel jealous of his own brother.

The Lord saw something bad and told Cain: “When you conceived a terrible thing, then why did you bow your head and not look into your eyes? When something pushes you to commit evil, then resist this demonic obsession, don’t do it.”

But Cain didn't listen good advice, the jealousy and bitterness lurking at their own were very strong sibling.

Cain advised his brother to take a walk in the field, where he killed Abel. But suddenly the voice of the Lord was heard, he asked Cain where his brother Abel was. To which he replied that he did not know, he was not obliged to be his brother’s watchman. However, the Lord already knew about tragic death Abel. The Lord asked what he had done? After all, now the blood of his brother turns to the Lord from the earth. And from that moment on, Cain was cursed.

The earth will stop giving him its fruits. And he himself will wander around the world and will not find peace for himself. Then Cain answered the Lord that his sin was very great, and there was no forgiveness for him. That the Lord is driving him out of his country. And he must wander around, and anyone he meets on the way can finish him off. After which the Lord marked Cain with a special badge so that when they met him, they would not harm him. This mark was called the “Seal of Cain.”

It seems that here the Lord forgets that the entire population of the earth is Cain with his relatives, and Cain has no one to meet. But taking into account the fact that the first people on earth, as the Holy Scripture says, lived for about nine centuries, the Lord already knew then that the descendants of Adam and Eve would populate the earth very quickly, so Cain could have met many of his relatives throughout his life . Holy Scripture does not define the “Seal of Cain”, for this reason you can express your opinion and considerations.

This life of two brothers may mean something different for everyone, but it clearly shows and makes it clear that envy is a bad feeling and does not lead to good. Sometimes, due to envy and more, fratricide can occur.

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The story of Cain and Abel. Picture for the story

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When were Cain and Ebel born?

Cain and Evel (Abel) are the children of the first man, Adam, and his wife Chava (in the Russian version - Eve).

The first man Adam was created by the Almighty on the sixth day of Creation, on Rosh Hashanah - the first day of the month of Tishrei ( Bereshit 1:27, 31; Rosh Hashanah 10b; Zohar 1, 37a).

Both day (daylight hours) and night (dark time of day) contain 12 hours. At the third hour of that day, the Almighty “made man from the dust of the earth” ( Bereshit 2:7), forming the corresponding organs, cavities and limbs ( Sanhedrin 38b; Seder Hadorot). And at the fourth hour the Creator “breathed a life-giving soul into his nostrils, and the man came to life” ( Bereshit 2:7; Sanhedrin 38b).

At the seventh hour of the day, the Almighty “took one of the parts” of the sleeping man and “transformed this part ... into a woman” ( Bereshit 2:21-22).

In answering the question when Cain and Ebel were born, the opinions of the sages were divided.

Some believe that Cain and Evel were born before the expulsion [from Gan Eden - the Garden of Eden. Editor's note.], and others - what after. For example, in the book Sefer Yuhasin the opinion is given that Cain was born in the 15th year from the Creation of the World, and Evel - in the 30th.

However, commentators often cite Haggadah from the treatise Sanhedrin (38 b), from which it follows that Cain and Evel were born on the first Friday, at the eighth hour [see. on the website: What is Haggadah].

At the eighth hour of the day, Adam and his other “half”, named by him in the holy language Isha(Woman), entered into intimacy. Adam and Isha “went up to the bed together, and came down from it in four” (Sanhedrin 38b) - as a result of their closeness, twins were born at the same hour: a boy who received the name Cain (Bereshit 4:1), and girl ( Rashi, Bereshit 4:1). Somewhat later, the woman gave birth to three more twins: a boy named Evel (Bereshit 4:2), and his two sisters ( Bereshit the servant 22:2-3; Rashi, Bereshit 4:1; Tosafot, Sanhedrin 38b).


As a result of the sin committed by the first man, [...] on the twelfth and last hour of that day, the Creator decided to expel Adam from the Garden of Eden ( Sanhedrin 38b). At the end of Shabbat, the Creator expelled Adam from the garden ( Bereshit 3:23-24).

Subsequently, for one hundred and thirty years, he [Adam] remained in fasting and repentance, abstaining from intimacy with his wife ( Eruvin 18b). Adam hoped to atone for the death sentence imposed on him and his descendants. But it was impossible to correct what he had done even with complete repentance, because his sin had already led to irreversible changes in the spiritual state of the Universe ( Mikhtav meEliyahu 2, p. 85).

During this time, Adam's sons married their sisters - the Almighty showed mercy to his creatures by allowing that generation a similar inbreeding marriage in order to “build” the world, as it is said ( Tehilim 89:3): “Peace is built by good will” ( Yerushalmi, Yevamot 11:1, Korban haeda). Cain married his sister Kelmana, and Evel married Belvira (Abravanel , Bereshit 4:1; Seder Hadorot).

Cain tilled the land, and Ebel tended the flocks ( Bereshit 4:2).

In the fortieth year from the Creation of the world, on the fifteenth day of the month Nissan, the sons of Adam, following his advice, made sacrifices to the Almighty: Cain laid flaxseed on the altar, and Ebel - the best sheep from his flock. The Creator accepted only Evel’s sacrifice, but “was not pleased with Cain and his gift” ( Bereshit 4:5; Tanhuma, Bereshit 9; Pirkei Derabi Eliezer 21; Yalkut Shimoni, Bereshit 35).

Bearing a grudge, Cain invited his brother to divide the world: he took all the land for himself, and Evel took the herds. And immediately a quarrel broke out between them, caused by the fact that Ebel led his herd through Cain’s arable land. Cain reproached Ebel for grazing his cattle on his land. And Evel reproached his brother for dressing in clothes made from the skins of his sheep ( Bereshit servant 22:7; Tanhuma, Bereshit 9; Sefer Ayashar). Another reason for the conflict was that Cain sought to take away Evel’s wife, who was the most beautiful of all the sisters ( Pirkei Derabi Eliezer 21).

In the fight, Cain dealt a fatal blow to Evel ( Bereshit 4:8) - and Adam mourned his son (Pirkei derabi Eliezer 21).

With the death of Evel, another historical opportunity was missed: after all, Adam was worthy that the twelve tribes of Israel would come from him, but after the death of Evel, the Most High said: “I gave him only two sons, and one of them killed the other - how could I can I produce twelve tribes from him?!” ( Bereshit the servant 24:5).

Cain had many children, and the land gradually began to be populated ( Bereshit 4:17-22).

In the one hundred and thirtieth year from the Creation of the world, Cain was killed by his descendant Lemekh, who mistakenly mistook him for an animal in the forest ( Bereshit 4:23, Rashi; Yagel Libeinu 11) [ - editor's note.].

After the death of his second son, Adam "knew his wife again" ( Bereshit 4:25), and they had a son, Sheth. And after Sheth they had many more children ( Bereshit 5:4; Seder Hadorot).

It's finished greatest crime. Abel and Cain - the story of the first murder. At that time, the newly created world was still young, but no longer innocent. Human nature was damaged by original sin, and man, born in the image and likeness of the Creator, crossed out his likeness in himself.

Human vices are the culprits of all crimes

Cain and Abel is a story that has since been repeated countless times, in a wide variety of versions. There will be a long line of endless lines of murderers and their victims. If you think about it, you can call victims both those who fell at the hands of a criminal and those who committed this crime. The latter, as a rule, are victims of their dark spiritual passions. The greed, anger, envy and other creatures of Satan seething in them are the true culprits of crimes.

Expelled from Paradise

But let's return to the pages of the Bible, on which the story of Cain and Abel appears before us. After Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, they found themselves in a world that was very similar to the one where we all live. The similarity was that, like us, its inhabitants became mortal, subject to disease and old age, and for the first time learned what suffering is. Besides, there was nothing free in this world; everything had to be earned through hard work. Soon their sons were born - Cain and Abel.

The story told in the Bible begins with each of them choosing their own career in life. The eldest - Cain - became a farmer, and his younger brother Abel - a shepherd. The brothers had no doubts in matters of faith, since the existence of God seemed to them obvious reality, and when the time came for the sacrifice, each of them began it with a sincere desire to please the Almighty. Both laid the fruits of their labors on the altar: Cain - the firstfruits of the harvest, and Abel - the firstborn lamb from his flock.

Abel and Cain: the story of a rejected victim

It is not possible for us to comprehend the motives why the Lord preferred Abel’s sacrifice to the sacrifice made by his elder brother, but this is exactly what happened. Cain, instead of humbly bowing before the will of God, was filled with envy and a feeling of wounded pride. He even darkened his face and changed in appearance. It is said that the Lord tried to reason with him and turn away evil thoughts. He literally warns him that sin awaits a person who does not do good, but even in this case he must find the strength to refrain from it.

Abel and Cain - the story of man's responsibility for his actions. Temptations await each of us at some point in our lives, but it is one thing to desire something, and quite another to give free rein to our desires. Cain allowed the sin that had arisen in his soul to completely take control of him. Choosing a moment when, in his opinion, there were no witnesses, he killed Abel.

Any murder is a sin, but shedding the blood of a brother is doubly sinful. Apparently, the feeling of anger clouded Cain’s mind so much that it did not even occur to him that there was no place in the world where he could hide from the eyes of the all-seeing God. Wasn't there at that time scary moment nearby people, but the Spirit of God was invisibly present.

Last chance to repent

The crime was committed, but the all-merciful Lord does not deprive the unfortunate Cain last hope for forgiveness. With your question: “Where is Abel, your brother?” - he gives him the opportunity to admit what he did and repent. But sin had already completely taken possession of the murderer. Answering that he does not know where his brother is, he lies to God himself, thereby finally breaking with him. Abel and Cain is the story of two brothers, related by blood, but so different in their mental structure. Half-brothers who became symbols of righteousness and sin. This storyline will find endless continuation in the world.

Punishment is severe and inevitable

As punishment, the Lord curses Cain and dooms him to eternal wanderings on earth and eternal rejection. He even marks the killer with a special mark, which is called the seal of Cain, so that everyone he meets knows who is in front of him and does not dare to take his despicable life from him. Contains deep philosophical meaning biblical story about Cain and Abel. Who killed whom is a vulgar simplification of the problem inherent in this passage of Scripture. In this case, the motivating reasons that prompted the crime are important, the consciousness of responsibility for one’s actions and the duty of resistance to sin, as well as the inevitability of retribution for what one has done.

One of the chapters of the Bible tells about the brothers Cain and Abel - the eldest and younger sons Adam and Eve. It is known that the older brother killed the younger one - this was the first murder in history of one person by another. Rereading the pages of the Holy Book, a person never receives an answer to the question: ? Banished from Paradise for committing sin, Adam and Eve found themselves in a world similar to the one people live in today. For the first time they learned about the suffering of people; in this world everyone was mortal. They had an eldest son, Cain, and then a younger son, Abel.

Each of them chose their own path in life. Cain began to cultivate the land and grow grain on it, Abel tended sheep. Both sincerely worshiped the Almighty. When the time came to confirm their love for the Creator by making a sacrifice to him, both did it without hesitation. Cain placed the beginnings of the harvest on the sacrificial place, Abel brought a young lamb. But the Almighty accepted only Abel’s gift; sacred fire descended on his gift and smoke rose straight into the sky. From Cain's sacrifice, smoke spread across the ground. Cain showed no humility and was filled with anger. His face changed and became gloomy. Seeing this, the Lord began to admonish Cain to come to terms with his will and not commit evil deeds.

But Cain's mind was clouded, he thought only about revenge for the insult. Having cunningly lured Abel to a deserted place, Cain kills his brother. And there is no remorse for your actions. Cain thinks only about how to hide the crime he committed from everyone. He even forgets that the Lord sees everything and knows about all his actions. The merciful God gives him the opportunity to repent by asking where Abel is. But repentance does not happen. Cain replies that he is not obliged to keep an eye on his brother. Having lied to the Lord, he is rejected by him. As punishment, the Lord puts the mark of immortality on him, which makes him an eternal wanderer. Cains are now called vile people, capable of base acts.

Why did Cain kill his brother Abel? Cain did not understand the choice of the Almighty; Abel was not guilty of Cain. Many believe that Cain was driven by a feeling of envy of his brother, who had a softer disposition than may have endeared him to God. This assumption coincides with the opinion of adherents of the Muslim faith.

There are other assumptions Why did Cain kill his brother Abel?. Christianity claims that Abel lived according to righteous laws, therefore his gift was accepted by the Lord. Cain's thoughts were evil. There was no sincere love for the Almighty in his sacrifice. Therefore his sacrifice was rejected. The test to which the Lord subjected Cain confirmed the malice and envy of his character. He could not overcome his pride, submit to the will of God, which was the cause of the tragedy.

The stories told in the Holy Scriptures are confirmed by life. IN different situations a person is faced with a choice whether to succumb to temptation and commit a vile act, or to be merciful to his neighbor, forgiving him of human weaknesses. There is an assumption that Abel was much stronger than his brother physically. After Cain attacked Abel, Cain began to beg for mercy. Merciful Abel released his brother, and he killed him.

But no matter what versions and assumptions about Why did Cain kill his brother Abel, did not exist, the conclusion suggests itself that Cain’s feeling of envy towards Abel is main reason fratricide. After reading the first few dozen chapters of Holy Scripture, we learn the secret of the origin of man, delve deeper into our inner world. The secrets of the creation of plants, animals and, most importantly, humans are revealed to us.