What should a person do if he gets lost? How not to get lost in the forest? What to do if you get lost

We will need: Knowledge of some signs by which it is possible to navigate the cardinal directions Peace and confidence Vigilance Patience

So, we carry out tracking actions and get a 100% result.

Are you lost in the forest? You are afraid of being eaten, if not by mosquitoes, then by bush dwellers. Calm down, bears and wolves, as usual, live where humans rarely step.

Try to get a better feel for the area. Remember that mosses do not grow almost constantly on the north side. As usual, lichens love shade, and in the forest it can be in the south, everything depends on the location of the trees and their density. Ants, as they teach us at school, usually set up apartments in the south. But not all insects understand that their homes must be on this side of the world. Navigating aquatic resources can also be difficult. There may be a river flowing somewhere, but it happens that in order to come even along the flow of a small stream to a populated place, it takes a week, or even a month

Have you discovered a lawn with mushrooms? Stop there, if there is a village nearby (and you came from a certain locality), local residents who understand mushroom places will definitely come to them and find you

Don't shout! You risk losing your voice and losing hope of salvation, even if you hear the noise of a motor somewhere nearby. You won’t have time to run behind the car, and hardly anyone will hear your whisper.

Better listen. It’s quite likely that mushroom pickers are calling to each other somewhere, a train is traveling, etc. Don't rush to vote, though. Local inhabitants who know the forest well may not respond! They are convinced that it is simply impossible to get lost here. than any other rush to the voice

We didn’t have time, we didn’t understand where he was heard from? Was it just a haze? Mark the place where you are at this moment. Mark it with a piece of clothing. Don't take everything out of yourself! You will be able to see a lone forester among the thickets, although he will rush away if a naked woman or a naked man runs after him. The first one can be mistaken for a maniac, and the second one for a murderer. You can leave a message about yourself. Use a sharp object on wood or sand (clay). Don’t try to scrape your nails, they have every chance of becoming possible when you meet someone or something

Choose a direction and don’t forget to leave marks on the trees

Are you hungry? Be patient! Remember that unfamiliar berries, mushrooms and roots are more dangerous than appetite. It’s better to be hungry, but able to walk further, than to be well-fed, but sit in the nearest birch tree for useful time

Believe! Sooner or later they will help you! Wait for this and rely on everything!

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I really want to go into the forest, breathe in the sharp, cold morning air, wander through the most remote and hidden places of the forest, find porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and then be able to return home with a basket without incident.

There are situations when you fall behind the group with whom you were hiking on vacation. Or perhaps you decide to wander around in search of mushroom places alone and lost. Panic, fear? No way! The tips in this article are like this difficult situation will help you survive.

What to do if you get lost

1. Self-control. Restrain your emotions: the adrenaline released into the body in such situations can cloud your consciousness, which will certainly lead to completely unpredictable behavior in the forest and actions that you cannot explain to yourself.

2. Make sure that you are really lost (totally unfamiliar places) and you are alone. It’s good if you are not lost in the forest alone. Anyone who gets lost and spends the night in the forest, of course, feels vulnerable and expects attack from all sides. Agree with your partner about duty. If you know that when you sleep your partner is awake, you will be able to rest much better. Even if you can’t light a fire, you can press your backs against each other and put a backpack on your feet to warm up.

3. Don't forget about your cell phone! There is no connection - “Ay-y” has never been canceled on any terrain.

4. There is a stick at hand, there is a tree trunk (the thicker the better). Knock on it, perhaps they will hear you. After all, the search has already begun.

5. Determine your location in the forest (where you realized that you were lost) with some landmarks for yourself. The main thing is to remember where you were. Try to recall in your memory how, in relation to the position of the sun above the horizon, you began to enter the forest (where the sun was in relation to you - to the right or to the left). Now think about it: the sun moves from left to right and at 13.00 it was strictly in the south. For Russia it’s the same everywhere. Accordingly: at 10:00 am - in the east, and at 16:00 - in the west.

6. Don’t go far (at least 5-6 hours) to hear both movements and noises in the forest. Late in the evening, during fog, it is possible to hear the noise of a train 10 kilometers away. Do not despair if, walking without a landmark, you return to the same place from which you started. In this case, there is no need to repeat attempts to go around the circle again. The best way out from this position, light a large fire of branches with leaves to create smoke and calmly prepare for rest.

7. You have mushrooms in your basket, why not refresh yourself? How to satisfy your hunger without getting poisoned in the forest? It is recommended to eat only what you know. This is a basic safety principle. Nature is quite capable of feeding a lost person. In the forest you can find a lot of fresh shoots, nuts, and young wild garlic.


    In gardens and personal plots, you can choose a warmer place for planting grapes, for example, on the sunny side of the house, garden pavilion, veranda. It is recommended to plant grapes along the border of the site. The vines formed in one line will not take up much space and at the same time will be well lit from all sides. Near buildings, grapes must be placed so that they are not exposed to water flowing from the roofs. On level areas it is necessary to make ridges with good drainage due to drainage furrows. Some gardeners, following the experience of their colleagues from the western regions of the country, dig deep planting holes and fill them with organic fertilizers and fertilized soil. Pits dug in waterproof clay are a kind of closed vessel, which during the period monsoon rains fills with water. In fertile soil, the root system of grapes develops well at first, but as soon as waterlogging begins, it suffocates. Deep holes can play a positive role on soils where good natural drainage, permeable subsoil is provided, or reclamation artificial drainage is possible. Planting grapes

    You can quickly restore an outdated grape bush using the layering method (“katavlak”). For this purpose, healthy vines of a neighboring bush are placed in grooves dug to the place where the dead bush used to grow, and covered with earth. The top is brought to the surface, from which a new bush then grows. Lignified vines are laid on layering in the spring, and green ones - in July. They are not separated from the mother bush for two to three years. A frozen or very old bush can be restored by short pruning to healthy above-ground parts or by pruning to the “black head” of an underground trunk. In the latter case, the underground trunk is freed from the ground and completely cut down. Not far from the surface, new shoots grow from dormant buds, due to which a new bush is formed. Neglected and severely frost-damaged grape bushes are restored due to stronger fatty shoots formed in the lower part of the old wood and the removal of weakened sleeves. But before removing the sleeve, a replacement is formed. Grape care

    A gardener starting to grow grapes needs to thoroughly study the structure of the grapevine and the biology of this interesting plant. Grapes are vine (climbing) plants and require support. But it can spread along the ground and take root, as is observed with Amur grapes in a wild state. The roots and above-ground part of the stem grow quickly, branch strongly and reach large sizes. Under natural conditions, without human intervention, a branched grape bush grows with many vines of different orders, which begins to bear fruit late and produces crops irregularly. In cultivation, grapes are shaped and the bushes are given a shape that is easy to care for, ensuring a high yield of high-quality bunches. Planting lemongrass

    Schisandra chinensis, or schisandra, has several names - lemon tree, red grapes, gomisha (Japanese), cochinta, kozyanta (Nanai), kolchita (Ulch), usimtya (Udege), uchampu (Oroch). In terms of structure, systemic relationship, center of origin and distribution, Schisandra chinensis has nothing in common with the real citrus plant lemon, but all its organs (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers, berries) exude the aroma of lemon, hence the name Schisandra. The schisandra vine that clings or wraps around a support, along with Amur grapes and three types of actinidia, is an original plant of the Far Eastern taiga. Its fruits, like real lemons, are too sour for consumption in fresh, but they have medicinal properties, a pleasant aroma, and this attracted a lot of attention to him. The taste of Schisandra chinensis berries improves somewhat after frost. Local hunters who consume such fruits claim that they relieve fatigue, invigorate the body and improve vision. The consolidated Chinese pharmacopoeia, compiled back in 1596, states: “the fruit of Chinese lemongrass has five tastes, classified as the first category of medicinal substances. The pulp of lemongrass is sour and sweet, the seeds are bitter and astringent, and in general the taste of the fruit is salty. Thus, All five tastes are present in it." Grow lemongrass

Modern man lost in the forest with mobile phone at hand, he immediately enters the search for what to do. And he may find some good advice, the first of which will be: don’t panic.

The work of rescue services is organized in such a way that you can call “112” without using a SIM card, if this is not the territory of your telecom operator. The main thing is that the lost person can explain where he is.

And to do this, you need to be attentive in the forest, be able to notice such signs as the quarter post (and there are special marks on it), remember which highway you went to the forest from, what rivers, lakes, and settlements are nearby. But let's look in order at which actions are best to take and which ones should not be done!

Action Reminder

  • If you realize that you are lost, stop and calmly examine everything you see around you. Listen to the sounds of the forest. The barking of dogs coming from a distance (heard at a distance of 2-3 km), the voices of people, the sounds of operating equipment, railway(a running train can be heard at a distance of up to 10 km) can tell you the direction of travel.
  • May help tall tree, which you can climb on and examine the surroundings from above.
  • If you have reached rescuers and are sure that they are looking for you, it is better to stay in one place and light a fire. The smoke will reveal your location.
  • You can knock on wood with a stick from time to time; these sounds can be heard over long distances.
  • If your cell phone is dead and you have to find your way on your own, try to navigate by the sun: to do this, you need to remember in which direction the nearest settlement is or where you came from. In the early morning the sun is in the east, moves to the south closer to noon, and drops to the west by 19 o'clock. If the night sky is cloudless, you can find the North Star, which will show the direction to the north. The polar star is not the brightest in the entire sky, but the most noticeable in the constellation Ursa Minor, which is shaped like a ladle. The North Star is located at the end of the handle of this bucket. At night, at the risk of getting injured in the dark, you should not move; you can only determine and remember the direction.
  • A reminder if you get lost in the forest suggests that you need to leave evidence of your stay in a particular place: a handkerchief tied to a tree, chocolate packaging, notches in trees, an arrow made of stones, etc.

  • If during inspection you find a trail, determine whether it is an animal trail. The animal trail, of course, will lead you to a watering hole, and from it you can find a stream or river, moving along the flow of which sooner or later you will come to locality. But it’s not worth meeting wild animals again. If the branches of the bushes close in the area of ​​your chest, then the path is an animal one. Be careful!
  • If there is no daylight, you should not move further. Organize your overnight stay: before dark, gather enough fuel to last until the morning, and materials to make a fire. Dig up (or clear) the area of ​​the fire (there should be no flammable materials around the fire for 1-1.5 meters), stock up on water for boiling and drinking and for fire prevention in dry weather.
  • Go to sleep not with your feet or head towards the fire, but with your side, parallel. Each tourist prepares matches in advance to eliminate the risk of getting wet: they cover them with wax top part each match, stores them in a hermetically sealed tin case, stores separately the part of the box suitable for igniting the match head.
  • If your food supplies are running low, you can look for nuts, mushrooms, and catch fish if you have gear and bait. But you should remember that mushrooms are cooked by draining the boiled water twice. And they select those whose names they know for sure as edible.
  • If you are sleeping by the fire, you should not be afraid of an attack from animals; they themselves are afraid of people and fire, and will not attack unless provoked on purpose or by accident. Just be careful and calm.

What not to do

While waiting for rescuers, you should not move around randomly changing directions. It is better to stay in one place or move to where people are if you understand exactly where it is by seeing a power line, gas pipeline and some other precise landmarks.

You should not keep your mobile phone on all the time and explain to relatives who want to talk to you for a long time that the phone may run out of charge before help is on the way and you may actually need the phone.

To the list of what you should not do when lost in the forest, you should add the inadmissibility of drinking unboiled water obtained from natural sources, and immediately eat all the reserves, without distributing them into equal parts for at least the next 3-4 days.

When the food runs out, the forest will not let you disappear. In the summer, you can try cooking burdock root, which tastes like potatoes. We have already mentioned mushrooms; you can’t get enough of berries. In winter, tree bark will do as a last resort. Connoisseurs of edible vegetation will definitely look for wild sorrel, orchis, wood sorrel, young shoots of sorrel, etc. in the summer.

You should not build one large fire; it will be more difficult to maintain than several small ones, which are also easier to see from the outside. Even in the rain, you can find dry leaves and branches in the forest if you look under fallen trees. When throwing branches, try not to block the air supply to the initially weakly smoldering flame. When leaving the parking lot, carefully extinguish the fire.

If you see that it is approaching evening and darkness, stop moving and searching, and start arranging your lodgings for the night. The bedding can be made from spruce branches, and from the branches of other trees - a canopy or hut. They will protect from wind and rain.

You shouldn’t fight sleep; the body needs rest in such a situation. If stress keeps you from sleeping, think that morning will come very soon, and help will appear there.

Having equipped a parking lot, conduct reconnaissance in different directions, each time indicating with symbols addressed to rescuers which direction you are going. Try not to deviate from the intended course and leave signs to return to the parking lot before dark. In films and books about lost people, characters “walk in circles” in the forest. This really happens, because the right leg makes movements with a little greater strength than the left one. If you do not select any landmarks, the movement will not occur in a straight line. As a rule, those who stay in one place and do not confuse their own tracks are found faster. Move away from the parking lot to search only if you are firmly confident in your abilities.

It is impossible not to think through the upcoming steps, because this threatens with unpleasant consequences.

Anyone who prepares for everything in advance will not be afraid if he does get lost in the forest. And it is quite possible to prepare in advance, you just need to follow a few rules:

  • inform all relatives and friends about your plans, it’s even better to familiarize them with a map of the intended route and return time, arrange “control calls” with someone;
  • recharge your cell phone and top up your balance; in addition to your mobile phone, it’s good to have a mechanical watch with you;
  • put a whistle around your neck;
  • dress brighter and take the same clothes in reserve;
  • all the essentials should be in your backpack: matches in a pencil case + wrapped in plastic, a compass, a supply of food (if canned food is hard, stock up on dried meat and fish, they are easy to buy now), water, a first aid kit, a hatchet, a kettle, insect repellent , dry alcohol tablets for ignition.

Quite often, children go into the forest without permission, without informing their parents about it.

To prevent a child from disappearing in the forest, it is worth teaching him:

  • use cell phone, telling you where to call emergency situations: 112 (rescue), 102 (police), 103 ( ambulance, if there is an injury);
  • equip the child’s clothes with reflective elements (on the sleeves and trousers, or let him wear a special vest), in the dark the baby will have a better chance of quick rescue;
  • the child must be sure that the search will not stop until his location is found;
  • conduct conversations about the behavior of wild animals in relation to a person who does not bother them;
  • equip your child with a whistle, let him always have it with him, for this it is enough to accustom him to play moments that everyone is able to invent in their family;
  • Go on hikes with your children, gradually teaching them how to navigate the forest and behave competently.

For lost people, getting lost is always a surprise, so being prepared is very important. good habit. When this happens, neither age nor level physical training don't matter. It is very important in this situation not to become dehydrated and not to lose the will to live. Since childhood, the advice instilled in us that moss grows on the north side of a tree does not work, because there are many reasons why this does not happen. Be sure that even if you can’t call the number (the battery is dead, the phone is lost, etc.), they will find you if at least one relative knows or has an idea where you might have gone.

Rescuers even find travelers who are lagging behind their tourist groups. Only in the summer of 2017, within 24 hours, a teenager was found who had fallen behind a group of St. Petersburg residents in Karelia near the village. Shalsky. In June of the same year, rescuers found a four-year-old boy who had gone offshore into a tent and gotten lost in the forest near Yekaterinburg.

Many other examples can be given. But every mushroom picker, fisherman, and tourist should remember that searches will be useless if a person fails to take care of himself and does not follow the wise advice of experienced people!

On July 27, 2011, rescuers found an 18-year-old girl who was lost and wandered for a month in the Yakut taiga.

The main danger a lost person faces is fear. Even the most persistent people cannot escape from it. At the same time, the release of adrenaline into the blood turns out to be so powerful that the person begins to act absolutely illogically.

Rivers and streams are always a good guide in the forest. In most cases they flow into larger bodies of water. And near large bodies of water there is a high chance of meeting people.

It is also important to remember that you can often find a road or power line in the forest. A lost person needs to stick to them, because they can lead him to civilization

Experts recommend that you always have a knife, matches and a watch with you. Few people know that a watch can replace a compass in the forest. If you point the hour hand at the sun, and divide the angle formed by it and the number 1 in half, then the dividing line will always point exactly south.

People often start to panic because they are walking in circles. However, this is a completely common phenomenon, it is called "focus" right leg". The fact is that one step for people is always shorter than the other, and no matter how hard a person tries to walk straight, he will always be “carried” to the side.

A lighted fire will also be a chance for salvation. Relatives of the missing person or group will most likely inform rescuers about the loss. If the search is carried out from a helicopter, the fire will quickly attract attention.

If you still don’t have any matches with you, you can try to light a fire with a watch glass. Rubbing planks against each other in our area is useless - our climate is too humid for this.

It is also very important to learn not only to look around, but also to listen. Late in the evening, fog falls, pressure rises, which improves audibility. The noise of a train in such conditions can be heard at a distance of 10 kilometers.

The hardest thing is to survive the first night in the forest. Interestingly, children endure this test more easily than adults. Their physical fatigue turns out to be so strong that they simply switch off. Moreover, than older person, the more developed his instinct of self-preservation is. An adult will be alarmed by any sound or rustle. And it is useless to convince him that wild animals themselves are afraid of humans and will never attack first. However, for greater peace of mind, if a person is not alone in the forest, then it is better to sleep alternately.

You need to prepare for an overnight stay in advance, in daylight. You should look for a comfortable dry place and prepare more firewood. You need to put your legs in a backpack, if you have one with you.

As for food, if you approach it wisely in the forest, there should also be no problems. The main thing is to eat only what you know for sure. You can feed yourself in the forest with berries, but you shouldn’t rely on them too much. All berries are low in calories, and in addition, large quantities the stomach will not accept them.

The most satisfying food in the forest is mushrooms. It is best to finely chop and boil in two waters. If you don’t have a pot with you, you can use a tin can. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is enough of this goodness in our forests.

Also in the forest you can eat tree bark and even burdock root. By taste qualities it can replace potatoes, it has a lot of vitamin B. You can also eat dandelions. Its flowers are used to make syrup, salad and soup. If there is no burdock or dandelion under your feet, the bark of birch, willow and poplar is also edible.

A decoction of strawberry leaves, raspberries, mint tincture - these remedies are good for calming the nerves. And celandine juice will heal wounds from mosquito bites.

Russia is a country of forests. About 45 percent of our country's territory is occupied by forests. They are very beautiful and picturesque, and in addition, they are rich in various berries and mushrooms. Every year, millions of people go hiking, not knowing how to avoid getting lost in the forest. Some are attracted by the gifts of nature, others by the opportunity to take a break from noisy cities, some are attracted by beauty, others are looking for extreme sensations. But regardless of the purpose of the trip, do not forget about precautions. Every year, dozens of people get lost in the forests of our country. So as not to tell later scary stories lost in the forest, you must follow a few simple rules.

How to get ready for the forest

1. Before going into the forest, you need to study the area in detail. Tell your relatives and close friends about your plans, mention the place where you are going and when you plan to return. After all, if a person gets lost in the forest, rescuers must know in which area to look.

2. Collect everything you need. The main thing is to have a fully charged phone, matches in a waterproof package, a knife, and you should also take a compass and a flashlight with you. Then the question of how not to get lost in the forest will not be so pressing. Definitely take it drinking water. It is advisable to take a small supply of food. It is better if they are light but high in calories, such as nuts, chocolate or a pack of cookies. If possible, bring medications (for example, adhesive tape, bandages, painkillers).

3. Be sure to choose the right clothes for the hike. It should be comfortable and waterproof. In the forest there is a danger of being bitten by a tick, so it is necessary that the jacket be with long sleeves and the trouser legs tucked into boots. Don't forget about the headdress. It is better if the clothes are light-colored, this will help detect the tick faster. It is also worth purchasing repellents that repel ticks and other insects. Just remember that they can only be applied to clothing and in no case to skin, since these products can cause allergic reactions.

Getting ready correctly is half the battle; you should also behave correctly in the forest and know what to do if you get lost.

When you go into the forest, you often forget about time. Picking mushrooms or berries can be so exciting that at some point you don’t understand where you are and where to go next. A small reminder for someone lost in the forest will help them find a way out without panic. Next, we will try to highlight all the important points.

Lost in the forest, what to do?

Stay. Try to find your tracks and follow them back. If it doesn’t work out, you should calm down and listen, perhaps you will hear the voices of your friends or other people. You can hear the noise of a road, a river flowing nearby, or a train. Sounds are better heard in evening time and on the hills. It is believed that the sound of a passing train can be heard at a distance of 10 kilometers, and the screams of people - 1.5-2 kilometers away.

Cellular and emergency calling

Try calling people you went hiking with, or relatives who stayed at home but know about your trip to the forest. Try not to say a lot of unnecessary words and turn off the phone after finishing the conversation so that the battery does not run out. If there is no telephone network, you need to call 112, the call is always available. Then there are several options for behavior - either stay in place and wait until they find you, or look for the way on your own.

Waiting for help

If you decide to stay put, it would be better to light a fire. It will help you not freeze, and it’s easy to see smoke from the air. It is better to make a fire in an open clearing. To make the smoke stronger, you should throw damp branches or something plastic into the flame. You can climb a tree, tie something bright to the top and shake the tree periodically. If you hear any sounds, shout back. This will help search engines find you faster, and will scare away wild animals. Remember that searching for those lost in the forest is not an easy task; it is important to indicate your location by any means. If you understand that help is not yet close and you should take care of yourself, then you need to go look for civilization.

Location orientation

As children, we were often taught how to navigate the area and how not to get lost in the forest. They said that moss usually grows on the north side of trees, and anthills are located on the south. But nature is changeable, and you should not rely on these signs; it is better to be guided by objective data. Yours will help you in your search

  • Take a closer look. There may be imprints of the soles of a person's shoes on the ground. Having found out the direction of the tracks, follow them. If you notice, walk along them.
  • Listen. Walk in the direction of the sound of water or the noise of cars. Having reached the river, it is better to move along it with the flow. Rivers usually flow into large bodies of water, and there is a chance of meeting people there.
  • Take a sniff. If you smell the smoke of a fire, you need to follow the smell against the wind.

Very often a person is knocked off the right direction walking in circles. pretty simple. The step size of the right leg is different from the left, this leads to the fact that the person seems to be “raking” with one leg. Most often, a person unconsciously turns left. As a result, if you go “straight” without any reference points, you can deviate significantly from the course.

Wild animals

Various dangers can lurk in the forest, including wild animals. They are generally afraid of humans and will not attack first unless teased. When meeting with wild beast you must try to go to a safe distance. If the animal is interested in you, you need to start making noise - screaming, knocking, jumping and waving your arms. If you encounter a wild boar on the way, it is better to scare it either from a large rock or from a tree, since wild boars are very unpredictable and can rush forward out of fear. The main thing is not to run away from the animals, otherwise, obeying their instincts, they will rush after you. It is much more dangerous to meet a wolf on your way. There is no need to make noise with him; on the contrary, you need to speak loudly and calmly, stepping back.


The question often comes up: “If you get lost in the forest, what should you do first?” We have already talked about the designation of the place. Separately, you need to think about nutrition. There are a lot of berries and mushrooms in our forests. Of course, you can eat berries, but you don’t have to rely too much on them; you won’t be able to eat a lot of them, and in small quantities they are not very nutritious. If you know about mushrooms, you should pick them. Otherwise, it’s better not to take risks. It is better to boil the mushrooms in water twice. If you don’t have a pot with you, don’t worry, you can get by with a tin can.

Very nutritious If you find hazel, take some nuts with you in reserve. You can eat tree bark and burdock root, which tastes like potatoes.

Accommodation place

If the search takes a long time and it is getting close to night, you should think about spending the night. It is better to choose a dry place in an open area near water. We need to collect as many dry branches as possible to make a fire so that it burns all night. This will provide the necessary warmth and scare away predators. It's good if there is plastic bag, you can put it on yourself. For an overnight stay it is worth dialing spruce branches, they retain heat better. You can cover yourself with dry leaves. You should go to bed by the fire, stretched out along it.

Make a person fall asleep in stressful situation Of course it's difficult. You need to go to sleep with the thought that in a few hours it will be light again, and the chances of salvation will increase. Do not despair, give in to panic, or lose hope of returning. The main condition for salvation is the desire to survive!