Animal gazelle. Daursky Reserve

Mongolian gazelle (Procapra gutturosa), a mammal of the bovid family, one of 3 species of the genus living in Central Asia. Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, Red Data Book of the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug as an endangered species.

A small, densely built antelope with thin legs. The head is large, with a high facial part. In winter, the color of the body is sandy-gray with a light belly and “mirror”; in summer, the general background is yellowish-sandy. Males have lyre-shaped horns 20-29 cm long. The size of the gazelle is similar to the Siberian roe deer, but is more massive and not so long-legged. Males have a height at the withers of 73-80 cm, and at the rump 75-83 cm, females are 2-4 cm lower. In autumn, the weight of males reaches 32-47 kg, females - 26-34 kg.

The southeast of Transbaikalia is the only place in the country where dzeren live permanently, in addition, often in winter time Herds of migrants coming from Mongolia appear here. Dzeren are not found in other parts of the country, although at the end of the 20th century. their entries into the steppe regions of Tuva and Altai were noted, and until the mid-20th century. they lived there permanently. There are still many gazelles in Mongolia, where they live mainly in the east. In China, the species has almost disappeared, although during years of extreme migrations, antelopes sometimes penetrate there from Mongolia, overcoming the wire fences built along the border.

The main habitats of the species are steppes. Antelopes occupy all types of steppe landscapes, do not avoid fallow lands and mowing areas, and in winter they are found in shelterbelts and forest edges. When visiting watering places, they enter floodplain bushes and reed thickets. The gazelle is a highly gregarious animal, with high numbers it often forms herds of up to 3-5 thousand individuals, briefly gathering up to 30-50 thousand heads. However, most of the year they live in smaller herds - from several tens to several hundred. In the summer - during the calving period, as well as during the rut, they are divided into small groups and are often found alone. The rut takes place in December. At the beginning of the rut, males drive immature young people out of the herds and divide areas and females among themselves, forming harem groups. Cubs appear, as a rule, in the last ten days of June - the first ten days of July. To breed, females gather every year in the same relatively small areas, called “maternity hospitals” by scientists. Each female brings one young gazelle, twins account for only 2-4%. Females become sexually mature at 1.5 years, and males at 2.5 years. During the summer, while the cubs are growing, gazelles live near the “maternity hospitals”, gradually gathering in large herds. In September - October, seasonal migrations begin or, if the herds are very large, long-distance migrations, during which the animals move far from their summer habitats. The range of such movements can reach 300 km or more. Seasonal movements of gazelles allow them not only to use pastures extremely economically, but also to disperse, finding best conditions for life in extreme periods.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the main outpost of gazelle habitat is Daursky Reserve. Here they, after complete extermination in the 1960-70s, reappeared in the early 1990s. and began to multiply. Thanks to the reserve on Russian territory Some of the migrant gazelles that came from Mongolia in harsh January 2001 survived. Of the 40-70 thousand antelopes that entered Transbaikalia, about 1-1.5 thousand remained by the summer. The rest died or returned to Mongolia. At first, the number of migrants fell, but since 2003 it has stabilized and began to grow. By this time, there were practically no Mongolian gazelle left outside the Daursky Nature Reserve. In the fall of 2008, more than 1,100 gazelles already lived in the reserve and its immediate surroundings. By this time, about 8-8.5 thousand more individuals settled to the east of the reserve. Antelopes moved from Mongolia due to drought. These events initiated work to create the “Dzeren Valley” federal reserve in the southern part of Transbaikalia and Borzinsky districts. To restore the species in other parts of Transbaikalia and the country, as well as to form a genetic reserve, it is imperative to create a semi-free herd of gazelle, by building for this purpose a large enclosure complex.

In Transbaikalia, the Mongolian gazelle has been known since ancient times and was more often called “zeren”, sometimes “dzeren”, “dzeren” or “zoothed antelope”.

The Mongolian gazelle, as its name suggests, lives mainly in the semi-deserts and steppes of Mongolia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, he inhabited the Chui and Kurai steppes in Altai, Buryatia and Transbaikalia.

It was widespread in China. At the end of the twentieth century, in the territories of Russia and China there was a significant reduction in the number of these animals.

The Mongolian gazelle or large-breasted antelope has a sandy-gray color in winter, and in summer its coat acquires a yellowish-sandy tint, gradually turning into a white underside.

Shedding occurs twice a year, in spring and autumn. In the cold season, animals have coarse and long hair, and summer fur is short and sparse. The height of males at the withers reaches eighty centimeters, and body weight does not exceed forty-seven kilograms. Females are slightly smaller than males. Their height is about four centimeters smaller, and their weight is about thirty-four kilograms.

Males have horns on their heads, while females do not have them at all. Mongolian gazelles are characterized by a thick neck and a “crop” (larynx) protruding forward like a hump. They have perfectly developed eyesight. The gazelle distinguishes small objects at a distance of up to fifty meters, and can see moving vehicles several kilometers away.

When danger approaches, antelopes notify other individuals by sharply blowing air through their nose, and can also stomp loudly with their front paws. They run away only if there is real danger. The main natural enemy of the gazelle is the wolf. A lone predator can only attack a crippled or sick antelope. But if they unite in flocks, their capabilities increase significantly. You can also note such predators as the golden eagle, fox, steppe eagle and corsac fox.

The toothed antelope is another name for the Mongolian gazelle.

Practically all year round The goat antelope lives in herds ranging from several dozen to two to three thousand individuals. Moreover, the leaders of this huge horde are, as a rule, adult females. In December, during the rutting season, and in July, during calving, the large herd is divided into small groups. Females are ready to breed at two years of age. The duration of pregnancy is twenty-seven weeks. A large number of females gather together on certain territory and form a kind of “maternity hospital”. As a rule, they give birth to one, or less often, two cubs, weighing no more than four kilograms. After about twelve days, the baby is ready to follow its mother.

Dzeren are very active animals.

The mobile Mongolian gazelle is characterized by seasonal migration, sometimes even over considerable distances. In autumn they unite in numerous herds and leave summer pastures. One of the main reasons for migration is excessive snow cover and ice crust, which make it difficult to obtain food. Dzeren feed on grasses, shoots of bushes and leaves. Preference is given to such herbs as cinquefoil, snake grass, feather grass, twig grass, onion, wormwood, etc.

Dzeren - very rare species.

The life expectancy of females and males of goitered antelopes is not the same. Females live up to ten years, and males, a maximum of six. In this regard, females predominate in the herd.

The gazelle, or as it is often called, the goat antelope, is one of the animals that are included in the Red Book under the status of a type that has almost completely disappeared from the territory of Russia. Unfortunately, industrial interest in this species animals at one time led to the fact that the type almost completely disappeared from this territory.

The gazelle is a small, slender and even light antelope. Light because its weight does not exceed 30 kilograms and its length is about half a meter. They also have a tail - only 10 centimeters, but very mobile. The legs of antelopes are quite strong, but at the same time thin. This body design allows them to easily and quickly cover long distances and run away from danger.

Males are slightly different from females - they have a small protrusion in the area in the throat called a crop, and horns. Females do not have horns. Both the former and the latter have a sandy-yellow color, and closer to the belly it becomes lighter, almost white.

The horns of gazelles are relatively small - only 30 centimeters in height. At the base they are almost black, and closer to the top they become lighter. They are slightly twisted in shape. The height at the withers does not exceed half a meter.

Habitat and lifestyle

This type of antelope considers the steppe plains to be its optimal location, but it also sometimes enters mountain plateaus. On at the moment the animal mainly lives in Mongolia and China. And even in the last century, dzeren was on the territory of Russia in quite large quantities– they could be found in Altai, Eastern Transbaikalia and Tyva. At that time thousands of herds of these animals lived peacefully here. Nowadays, in these territories, antelope can be found very rarely, and then only during their migration.

In Russia, dzeren disappeared due to the negative impact of several factors. So, during the Second World War they were caught en masse for meat. Before this, the decrease in their numbers was due to hunting, and only for fun - it was not difficult to catch up with an antelope in a car, and the animal died from bullets, car wheels, or simply from fear.

The development of the agricultural industry also played an important role in all this - the plowing of the steppes reduced the areas suitable for living and reduced the amount of food supplies. As for the natural factors reducing the number of animals, these are predators and cold winters.

In 1961, fishing for dzeren was completely prohibited, but the situation did not improve.

The mating season begins in late autumn and lasts almost until January. At this time, males leave the herd, and females gradually join them. Thus, a “harem” is obtained from one male and 5-10 females.

Pregnancy lasts approximately six months, so the cubs are born in the warm season. 1-2 babies are born, who by six months become almost adults.


The gazelle is an animal that does not like solitude and lives only in a herd, consisting of several hundred or several thousand individuals. By their nature, animals are quite active - they quickly move from one place to another.

They feed mainly on various grains and grass. As for water, in the warm season, when the food is juicy, they can do without it for some time. They graze mainly in the early morning and evening, but prefer to rest during the day.

It is especially difficult for antelopes in winter, when it is almost impossible to get food from under the snow and ice. According to statistics, there are currently about 1 million individuals of this species in the world, but almost all of them live in Mongolia and China.

Niramin - Dec 3rd, 2015

The graceful, swift steppe wanderer of the gazelle (Procapra gutturosa) is found in Eastern Mongolia. In winter, during the period of migrations, it wanders into Southern Transbaikalia. Herds, sometimes reaching up to 1 thousand heads, are constantly moving. Dzerens sometimes travel hundreds of kilometers a day. And only childbirth stops the females for a short time.

Steppe antelope, the “thick gazelle”, also called the gazelle, can reach up to 1.5 m in length and weigh up to 30-40 kg. They have a very short, fluffy, light tail and original lyre-shaped horns. At night, the eyes of females glow greenish-yellow, while those of males glow reddish-yellow. The voice resembles the abrupt bark of a fox. This gazelle prefers to feed on herbaceous plants; in drought it can do without water; it is quite content with the moisture contained in the grass it eats.

The species is disappearing and is listed in the Red Book.

The dzeren runs at a gallop, periodically jumping high into the air.

Once in the Matad steppe, the density of newborn gazelle calves per 1 km2 was 25 individuals. Then about 20 thousand females gathered together in a kind of “maternity hospital”.

In male gazelles from the sides upper lip grow back long hair, very reminiscent of a mustache.

Graceful gazelles easily pick up speed up to 60 – 65 km/h.

Dzeren are true defenders of nature. These animals do not completely destroy plants, so steppe vegetation can be reborn more than once a year.

In the photos below you can see what zerens look like:

Photo: Dzeren Mongolsky

Video: Trailer for the film “Run, Dzeren, Run!”

Video: Wolves and gazelle Wolf vs Mongolian gazelle

see also 9.4.2. Rots Dzereny-Rgosarga

Mongolian gazelle - Prosarga gutturosa

(The gazelle gallops very quickly, jumping high up from time to time while running. The track is in the form of a pointed heart, 6-7 cm long and about 4 cm wide, reminiscent of the track of a domestic sheep, but more graceful, with longer step (from 40 cm to a meter, jumping up to 7 m). Usually the tracks are located almost in one line. The eyes glow greenish-yellow (in females) or reddish-yellow (in males) at night. The voice of the males is a jerky bark, from a distance reminiscent of a fox barking.

It lives in the dry steppes and semi-deserts of Eastern Mongolia, during the period of migrations (usually in winter) it enters the Southern Transbaikalia, and sometimes breeds in the area of ​​the Daursky Nature Reserve.

It lives in herds (20-30 animals in summer, up to 1000 or more in autumn and winter). It makes large migrations, walking up to hundreds of kilometers a day. Only during childbirth do females remain in one place for about a week. Feeds on herbaceous plants. In spring and summer it prefers cereals, in early autumn - wild onions, and in winter also wormwood and solyanka. Even at the end of summer, when the grasses dry out and the heat reaches 35°C, the gazelle can do without a watering hole, being content with the moisture contained in the grass.

The rut is at the beginning of winter, at which time the males make loud barking calls and occasionally “fence” with their horns. Fierce fights are very rare, with males butting heads, trying to push each other. In June-July, females gather in maternity hospitals, sometimes up to 1000 in one place. The newborn (almost always alone) at first lies open, pressed to the ground, and only after a week leaves with the mother. Unfortunately, visits of gazelle to our country are now very rare, since thousand-year migration routes are disrupted by a line of wire fences along the border. Listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Table 33 173 - saiga (173a - male in summer, 173b - male in winter, 173c - female with cub, 173d - running herd); 174-Mongolian gazelle (male in summer); 175 - goitered gazelle (175a - male in summer, 175b - male in winter, 175c - female with cub, 175d - running herd); 176 - goral (176a, 176b - color variants of males, 176c - female with cub); 177 - chamois (177a - in summer, 177b - in winter, 177c - baby).

  • - artiodactyl family. bovids. Dl. up to 1.5 m. Males have horns long. up to 28 cm. In Asia, until the end of the 1950s. lived in Vost. Transbaikalia, but never met again. Preserved in national parks and reserves...

    Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - or goat antelope - a species of antelope found in Mongolia, in the steppes between China and Tibet, to Lake. Kuku Nor, and in the south. parts eastern Siberia. Only the male has horns; they are dirty gray...

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  • - zeren, an ungulate animal of the gazelle genus of the bovid family. Slim body...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - an artiodactyl animal of the bovid family. Length up to 1.5 m. Males have horns up to 28 cm long. In Asia, until the end of the 1950s. lived in Vost. Transbaikalia, but never met again...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - dzeren "a type of southern antelope - saiga", Siberian, Mongolian. , from Kalm. zērn̥ "antelope, roe deer"; see Ramstedt, KWb. 474; JSFOu 38, 17...

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  • - ...

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  • - ...

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  • - dzer "...
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  • - gazelle antelope from the genus of gazelles, found in Ch. arr. to the center Asia, in Russia - to the southeast. Altai; is under guard...

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