Dinosaurs and animals coloring pages for boys. Coloring pages with famous lizards

From the pages of our website you can download the site or print children's coloring pages for the most different topics both for boys and for girls . In this material you will find interesting contour pictures for coloring , which depict different dinosaurs.

This theme of contour pictures for coloring is especially popular among boys in age group from 7 to 9 years. It's no secret that mysterious creatures, who lived on our planet Earth millions of years ago, are of particular interest to children. Teach your child about these incredible ancient animals.

Before as print coloring pages for a boy with pictures of different dinosaurs, let's briefly get acquainted with interesting information about these extinct prehistoric reptiles:

▪ The most gigantic dinosaur that lived on our planet is considered the Supersaurus vivianae. The total body length of the Supersaurus is 34 meters, weight - 40 tons and height - up to 10 meters. He lived at the end of the Jurassic period (approximately 145 million years ago) on the territory of the North American continent.

Some other types of dinosaurs are of impressive size (30-33 m in length): Alamosaurus, Argentinosaurus, Diplodocus, Thuriasaurus, Puertasaurus, Xinjiantitan, Brachiosaurus;

▪ these amazing lizards belong to the class of reptiles. Most of the extinct lizards lived on land, but there were also waterfowl species: Mosasaurus, Liopleurodon, Pliosaurus, Meganeusaurus, Plesiosaur. And the sky is in Jurassic period conquered by winged reptiles: Pterodactyl, Pteranodon, Quetzalcoatlus, Rhamphorhynchus, Pterosaur;

▪ The types of reptiles that lived side by side with dinosaurs and have survived to this day include crocodiles and turtles. These creatures have practically not changed in appearance since those ancient times;

▪ Dinosaurs went extinct approximately 65 million years ago. Scientists still cannot name the exact cause of the death of these amazing creatures, who lived on Earth for more than 100 million years. It is believed that the main reason for the extinction of dinosaurs and many other animals that inhabited our planet in those days is climate change. Only those creatures survived that adapted to the new living conditions.


Dear Parents! Has your child already colored some dinosaur outline pictures? Please send to email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you need JavaScript enabled to view photos of coloring pages and we will definitely publish them here!

Dinosaurs got their name in the 19th century from the Greek words “terrible” and “lizard”. Despite the fact that the last of the ancient lizards became extinct about 64 million years ago, much earlier than the appearance of the first human ancestors, these creatures are perhaps of the greatest interest to people. Dinosaurs were the rightful masters of the planet for a very long period - more than 160 million years. They dominated both on earth and above it - in the air and even in the sea, there were a huge number of their types and sizes - the largest were several tens of meters in length.

Dinosaur coloring pages for kids

This page contains over 60 coloring pages featuring a wide variety of dinosaurs. There are images of dinosaurs that lived on land, coloring pages of pterosaurs - flying reptiles, and also coloring pages of ichthyosaurs - marine reptiles.

1. Brachiosaurus.

The Brachiosaurus depicted in the first coloring page is a herbivorous dinosaur, long considered the tallest among them.

  • Translated from ancient Greek, its name means “shouldered lizard.”
  • This dinosaur was up to 13 meters high, and its neck was 8 meters long.
  • The brachiosaurus weighed more than 35 tons.
  • The long neck allowed the brachiosaurus to feed on leaves tall trees, which were his main food.

2. Dimetrodon.

In the second dinosaur coloring page you will see Dimetrodon. This creature was a predator and had a characteristic sail on its back.

  • There are 13 known species of Dimetrodon ranging in size from 1.5 to 4.3 meters in length.
  • The sail on the back served the dinosaur for thermoregulation.
  • Dimetrodons were not picky eaters and ate absolutely any animals (including dinosaurs) that they could handle.

3. Plateosaurus.

Plateosaurs moved in whole herds along the shores of reservoirs, where there was a large number of vegetation for their food.

  • The length of the Plateosaurus reached 10 meters and weight 700 kg.
  • He had a pear-shaped body and Long neck, while the head is small and narrow.
  • Plateosaurs chewed food poorly and swallowed stones that ground it in the stomach.

4. Coelophysis baury.

Coelophysis, depicted in the fourth coloring page, was small predatory dinosaur. Its bones were empty inside, which is how the lizard got its name (from the ancient Greek “empty form”).

  • Coelophysis is small compared to other dinosaurs - its weight barely reached 30 kg.
  • Coelophysis ran quickly and hunted in groups.
  • They moved on their hind legs, and the front legs were short, but very tenacious.

5. Diplodocus.

Of all the dinosaurs presented in our coloring pages, Diplodocus is the largest. In general, it is the largest among the dinosaurs that have been studied from complete skeletons found.

  • The length of this giant could exceed 30 meters, and its weight was 20 tons.
  • Despite the more than impressive size of Diplodocus, its brain was simply tiny - no more than a chicken egg.
  • With help long tail the dinosaur kept its balance and defended itself from its few enemies.

6. Pterodactyl.

Flying lizards are represented in coloring pages by the pterodactyl and its subspecies the pteranodon. By the way, there is an interesting educational cartoon about pteranodons - “Dinosaur Train”, see the coloring pages with the characters. These were the largest creatures in history that could fly.

  • The sizes of these dinosaurs are completely different: the most small view was the size of a small bird, and the wingspan of the largest of them was as much as 16 meters.
  • During the day, pterodactyls circled in the air in search of food, which consisted of fish, lizards and other small reptiles.
  • At night, the lizards slept on tree branches upside down, clinging to their paws, like bats.
  • Flying dinosaurs had a fairly well-developed brain.

You can download or print these and many other dinosaur coloring pages for free. Coloring images of these long-extinct animals will help the child imagine what happened on Earth tens and even hundreds of millions of years ago, long before humans appeared here.

Dinosaurs are one of the most popular animals in popular culture. Toys, stickers, coloring books, movies, computer games– almost any area of ​​modern art cannot do without dinosaurs. Such an abundant supply, as is known, arises due to corresponding demand. Dinosaurs are actually popular and beloved creatures by everyone, especially the male half of humanity.

What attracts people to them? Some are due to the exceptional antiquity of these creatures, others are due to the diversity of species, and others are due to their strength and power. For a long time giant lizards were the masters of the entire planet, they conquered the land, water elements, heaven... For example, pterodactyls were the largest flying creatures in the entire Earth's history.

Coloring pages with famous lizards

Coloring pages with dinosaurs attract both children and adults. Depending on the detail and degree of plausibility, there are both simple drawings for the youngest (3, 4 years old), and complex ones designed for an older audience (from 5 years old). Coloring pages develop imagination and creative imagination, you can always color prehistoric monster not in its “natural” colors (as it presents them to us modern science), and choose something unusual. In addition, similar drawings - great way get to know your pets better: images for printing and coloring include different types dinosaurs.

How to color dinosaurs?

In this case, we will offer you only some recommendations, since there is no clear answer to this question. Dozens of people lived on Earth various types dinosaurs, each of which had external differences and features. In addition, even scientists cannot always reliably determine what a particular species looked like. For example, the famous Tyrannosaurus rex is depicted in pictures in shades of gray, green or brown.