Morocco: where it is located, description of the country, tips for tourists. Moroccan resorts

Many people simply cannot imagine traveling around Morocco without relaxing at sea. And rightly so, because the Moroccan coast of the Atlantic Ocean is ideal for a beach holiday. You can swim here from May to October, and near almost any coastal city you will find great opportunities for sunbathing and swimming.

Agadir is traditionally considered the best place for a seaside holiday in Morocco. The weather is here all year round favorable, in winter the air temperature does not drop below + 22°C, and in summer the Canary Current prevents the heat from taking over the city and its surroundings. In Agadir you will find 13 km of excellent beach, suitable for both adults and children. There are excellent opportunities for surfing and other types of water activities. There are many equipment rental points here, and the price does not exceed 100 MAD per hour.

And, tired of lounging on the beach, you can go on one of the fairly inexpensive (no more than 10 USD) city excursions or have fun in a nightclub. Agadir also has excellent seafood cuisine, with an abundance of seafood. The atmosphere in the city is quite European, surprising after the conservative Marrakesh and Fez.

If you're looking for a more traditional destination than Agadir while touring Morocco with a beach holiday planned, look no further than Essaouira. The ancient fort city on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean is much more consistent with ideas about Arab city. You can stay here not only in a modern hotel, but also in a classic Moroccan riad in the medina. Near the city walls there is a luxurious beach. But the regular strong winds and high waves make it not very popular among swimmers.

But fans of surfing and others aquatic species sportsmen will feel at home here. It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to go outside the beach in swimsuits or shorts. Morocco is a Muslim country, and it is necessary to respect its foundations, despite all the loyalty to foreigners.

There is a special corner in Morocco that can be safely called a real kingdom of beach holidays. The huge Mazagan Beach Resort is located 20 km from El Jadida. This hotel has every kind of entertainment you can think of. If you are tired of walking through ancient medinas and want to devote several days of travel to a comfortable and relaxing holiday on the beaches of Morocco - you should check it out. True, the prices in this unique place are very high.

On the Moroccan coast there is another unique resort place - Oualidia Lagoon. Travelers with children especially love the lagoon. You won't find a better place for a relaxing family holiday on the beaches of Morocco. The waters of the lagoon warm up very quickly, which is especially comfortable given the general coolness of the Atlantic Ocean. But you should avoid traveling here in August. The beaches will be crowded and you won't be able to fully relax.

In business and noisy Casablanca, there are good beaches right in the city. Access to these city beaches is free, and the service is excellent. Surfers will also find this section Atlantic coast Morocco.

The current capital of Morocco, the city of Rabat, is also located on the ocean coast. There are beaches near the capital, among them Shkirat beach is especially famous. So you can soak up the sand and plunge into the ocean waves right next to the main city of Morocco.

If you are striving not for the coolness of the ocean waves, but for the gentle warmth Mediterranean Sea, then your path lies in Tangier. The beach of this city goes directly into the waters of this sea. The strip of soft sand will appeal to all sunbathers. fresh air. And for a holiday with kids, this is an almost ideal place.

Fans of windsurfing and kiting can also go to Dakhla, in Western Sahara. This is one of best places in Morocco for active water sports, and it will not leave anyone indifferent. And for magnificent ocean scenery, devoid of human influence, you should head to Legzira Beach. There are no hotels or other infrastructure there, but you will remember the spectacle for a long time.

Read more about beach resorts You can find out about Morocco on the pages of our website dedicated to them.

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Morocco It is washed in the north by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar separates Morocco from mainland Europe. Borders with Algeria. The southeastern border in the Sahara Desert is not precisely defined. On the northern coast of Morocco are the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.

In the center of Morocco there is a group of mountains: the Middle Atlas and the High Atlas. The highest point is the snow-capped peak of Jebel Toub Kal (4165 m). The main rivers of the country: Muluya, which flows into the Mediterranean Sea, and Cebu, which flows into Atlantic Ocean.

Morocco Airport

Agadir Al Massira Airport

Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport

Marrakech Menara Airport

Rabat Sale Airport

Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport

Hotels Morocco 1 - 5 stars

Weather in Morocco

On Mediterranean coast The country's climate is mild, subtropical, temperatures in summer reach +30°-35°C. In the south - more continental climate, with hot summers and cool winters. It rains mainly in the winter months.

In the north western part countries have a great influence air masses from the Atlantic Ocean - the climate here is cooler, and daily temperature changes are significantly lower than in the rest of the country. Precipitation ranges from 500-1000 mm. per year in the north to less than 200 mm. per year in the south. It rains mainly in the winter months.

Language of Morocco

Official language: Arabic

In mountainous regions, local dialects are used. French is most often used as the second main language. Next come Spanish and English. Spanish especially common in the vicinity of Fez.

Currency of Morocco

International name: MAD

The Moroccan dirham is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 200, 100, 50 and 20 dirhams, as well as coins in 5, 1 dirham and 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes. In the southern regions and in some places in the highland villages of the Atlas, the monetary unit rial (1/20 of a dirham) is still in use.

Dirhams are not convertible, export of currency is prohibited, so exchange immediately large sums not recommended. You can exchange currency in banks, large hotels and some large restaurants, as well as in specialized exchange offices at airports. Currency exchange on the street and in unlicensed exchange offices is prohibited. The exchange rate is quite stable, it is the same throughout the country and is set by the state. ATMs are quite common and are located mainly near large retail outlets and banks.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and most large stores; private merchants are extremely reluctant to work with them. American Express travel checks are accepted almost everywhere; checks from other systems are less readily cashed.

Visa to Morocco

Facilitated entry regime

Introduced on June 13, 2005 visa-free regime visiting Morocco for Russian citizens. To enter, it is enough to present a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the country. You should have return tickets and sufficient funds for your stay in Morocco.

Customs restrictions in Morocco

When exporting unspent currency, you must have a bank certificate of exchange. You can bring into the country no more than one bottle of spirits and one bottle of wine, no more than 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars and 250 g of tobacco.

The export of objects and things of historical and artistic value without special permission is prohibited. There is a restriction on the import of professional photographic equipment (this does not apply to amateur photographic equipment). For the import of pagers or mobile phones You must obtain special permission before departure (it is impossible to obtain such permission locally).

Mains voltage: 220V


It is customary to give a small tip, but often. In restaurants and hotels, even if tips are included in the bill, it is customary to pay an additional 10% of the bill value. Tips are given personally to the person who served you.

Shopping in Morocco

As in others eastern countries, in Morocco it is customary to bargain. Therefore, do not hesitate to go for souvenirs to the oriental bazaar and bargain until exhaustion. Each city in Morocco has its own favorite crafts that the locals practice.

In Essaouira, it is better to buy souvenirs (paintings, leather lamps), national clothes and thuja products. In larger salons the quality is higher, but the price is appropriate. In Medina, everything in the shops is 30-50% cheaper, but the quality is lower. In Casablanca, European items from famous fashion houses are sold at half the price. Smuggled watches of famous brands - from 10 to 50 USD. In Fez - souvenirs, gold. In Rabat - souvenirs, carpets, leather. In Marrakesh, prices are higher and there are many European goods.


Tourists often bring traditional oriental shoes with curved toes made of soft leather, as well as leather bags, wallets and belts. You can also purchase traditional Moroccan carpets, openwork gold and silver jewelry in the Spanish-Moorish style.

Office hours

Banks are open on weekdays from 8.30 to 11.15 and from 14.15 to 16. Saturday and Sunday are closed. During Ramadan, banks are open from 8.30 am to 2 pm. Opening hours may vary depending on the internal policy of the bank.

Store opening hours are not constant; many owners set them at their own discretion. The main trade takes place in markets, which are usually open all daylight hours.


During Ramadan (December to February) it is forbidden to drink and eat before sunset, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol (even for tourists), shops are open during the day with reduced working hours or not at all.

It is customary to eat with your hands, 3 fingers right hand, folded into pieces. You should not touch food with your left hand, which is considered “unclean.” At the beginning of the meal, a bowl of hot "rose" water is often served to wash the hands. Bread, as a symbol of prosperity, should be consumed sparingly and with dignity.


There are a lot of pickpockets in Morocco, so you should take the usual safety measures - do not carry a wallet in clothing pockets that are easily accessible from the outside, cameras and handbags only on your belt, do not leave anything in the car, or park cars only in guarded parking lots, specially served by security guards (must have uniforms). tokens).

Under no circumstances is it recommended to enter into any negotiations or business relations with persons pursuing tourists. You should not follow the advice, suggestions and “friendly” recommendations of the local population. You should not believe statements about the absence of a bus, about cheaper souvenirs in a separate shop, about out of tickets, and so on.

Country code: +212

Geographic top level domain


You cannot drink tap water or water offered by water carriers on the streets - only bottled water. In many modern hotels, tap water is quite safe, but it has a composition of microelements that is unusual for the European stomach, which can cause digestive upset.

Emergency numbers

Ambulance - 15
Police - 19
Fire service - 15
Gendarmerie and roadside assistance - 177

Morocco is an Arabic-speaking country in northwest Africa. Morocco borders Algeria to the east and Mauritania to the south and southeast. The entire western part of this state warm waters The Atlantic Ocean and here you can find stunningly beautiful beaches on the shores of picturesque bays. In the north the country has access to the Mediterranean Sea. The capital of Morocco is the ancient city of Rabat, but the most famous settlement here is Casablanca - a city unique in its architecture, full of ancient houses made of white stone.

Don't be surprised to see in Casablanca local girls in miniskirts. Casablanca differs from traditional ideas about an Arab city and is more reminiscent in spirit of cities in southern Europe.
Morocco also has land borders with Western Sahara, but does not recognize it because the government considers the land of this state to be part of Morocco. In the north of this North African state there is a border with Spain, which owns semi-enclaves right on the coast of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Where is Morocco and what can tourists see here?

The center of attraction for tourists from all over the world in Morocco is its beaches and rich architectural heritage. Both can be enjoyed in abundance in the city of Casablanca. Despite the fact that Islam is very widespread in Morocco, Casablanca is quite modern city with a cosmopolitan appearance. Upon arrival in Casablanca, first of all, you can visit Old town, the so-called Medina. The value of the Medina is in its monolithic appearance, where you can stroll among narrow streets and alleys surrounded by markets and street vendors.

Even in Morocco seasoned traveler You may be pleasantly surprised by the lack of intrusiveness among local merchants and residents in general. But when accepting a treat from someone, you need to be careful and drink only bottled water.
The houses in Medina are built of white sandstone, and the name of the city itself translates as “City of White Houses.”

The best beaches in Morocco are in the city of Agadir, where there are clear blue seas and beautiful sunsets. For surfers, we can recommend the beach in Taghazout, which is 20 minutes away by bus from Agadir.

How to get to Morocco from Russia

Regular flights from Moscow are operated by Royal airline Air Maroc. Departures are made three times a week from Sheremetyevo Airport. Other flight options to Morocco include Lufthansa connecting in Frankfurt and Air France connecting in Paris. The flight time from Moscow will be about six hours, and with connecting flights in Europe you will have to spend another three to four hours. For a visit for tourist purposes (up to 90 days), a visa is not required for Russian citizens. There is also no consular fee.

The land behind which the sun sets is what ancient Arab geographers called Morocco. Nature has not been stingy with this country. After swimming in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in just two hours by car you can already ride alpine skiing. In the west of Morocco there are oceanic plains, in the north and in the central part there are mountain ranges, and in the south and east there are deserts. Between the mountain ranges, rivers that dry up in summer have made their way through narrow gorges. The calmness of these rivers is deceptive: during the autumn rains they turn into dangerous streams.

The flora of Morocco does not correspond much to the image of a country adjacent to the Sahara. On the coast it is subtropical, but as you rise into the mountains, first deciduous and then coniferous forests. In areas with high humidity, even cedar groves have been preserved. Overall, forests occupy approximately one tenth of Morocco's territory.

The country's northernmost mountain range is the Reef. It stretches along the Mediterranean Sea and is somewhat reminiscent of the Carpathians. Even at the beginning of our century, lions were found in these places. The Atlantic valleys of the kingdom are protected from the hot breath of the Sahara by the mountain ranges of the High and Middle Atlas and Anti-Atlas. It is in these mountains, whose peaks reach 4,000 meters, that intensive construction of tourist complexes is now underway. One of the main riches of the kingdom is the Atlantic Ocean washing its shores. And it's not just about the fish. Magnificent sandy beaches - this is the real gold mine, moreover, not developed at all. Length of ocean coastal strip including Western Sahara, it is about two and a half thousand kilometers.

The population of Morocco consists of two main ethnic groups- Berbers, who are considered the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa, and Arabs who settled on these lands during the era of Arab conquests. Tourists do not need to know Arabic or Berber, but European languages may come in handy. It just so happens that in the north of Morocco in the market they can tell you the price of a product in Spanish, in the central part - in French, and in the south, around Agadir - even in German.

Rabat, which was once a simple military settlement, is today the administrative center of the country. However, the economic capital of the kingdom is undoubtedly Casablanca, immortalized by the heroes of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in the film of the same name. Approximately five million people now live in Casablanca. It is hard to believe that just eighty-five years ago its population was only twenty thousand inhabitants. On the very shore of the ocean is the main attraction of Casablanca - the Hassan II Mosque. Its minaret rises 200 meters above the city. This mosque is the second largest in the world after the mosque in Mecca: twenty-five thousand people can pray in it at the same time and another eighty thousand can be accommodated on the outer esplanades.

Another famous Moroccan city - the ancient capital of the country, Marrakesh - is hidden in an oasis near the spurs of the High Atlas. There are few tourists here in the summer - it’s too hot, but in the fall, winter and spring, older Europeans like to come here on vacation. They are attracted by the amazing constancy of temperature - about twenty degrees Celsius. It is no coincidence that for many years King Hassan II of Morocco has chosen Marrakech as his winter residence.

On the other side of the High Atlas lies the city of Ouarzazate. It attracts adventure lovers like a magnet. Tourist routes along the Moroccan Sahara begin from here, and the route of the famous Paris-Dakar rally passes nearby. Another attraction of the city is the ideal natural conditions for filming adventure films. If you see a desert in a French film, it was most likely filmed near Ouarzazate.

A unique civilization that has absorbed the culture of the peoples who have inhabited Morocco since ancient times, diverse terrain, climate and geographical proximity to European continent created the unique face of this country.

Sergey Babkin Photos by J. A. Bertrand