Amur tigers in a zoo in China. Fat Amur tigers: something strange is happening in a Chinese reserve

Editorial Faktrum shares with the reader photographs of fat tigers and hopes that they will soon return to normal.

In the main zoo of the Chinese city of Harbin today you can see tigers that weigh several times their normal weight.

All photos in post: © AsiaWire

According to the zoo workers themselves, the predators simply gained fat for the winter, almost like bears, and by spring the excess weight will go away on its own

However, zoologists sounded the alarm. World Animal Protection President Will Travers said these tigers need urgent help.

Travers believes that the tigers are either very seriously ill, or, despite all the prohibitions, they were fed by visitors to the Harbin Zoo.

Now the Harbin Zoo is home to about eight hundred Amur tigers, whose weight significantly exceeds the norm.

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Editorial Faktrum shares with the reader photographs of fat tigers and hopes that they will soon return to normal.

In the main zoo of the Chinese city of Harbin today you can see tigers that weigh several times their normal weight.

All photos in post: © AsiaWire

According to the zoo workers themselves, the predators simply gained fat for the winter, almost like bears, and by spring the excess weight will go away on its own

However, zoologists sounded the alarm. World Animal Protection President Will Travers said these tigers need urgent help.

Travers believes that the tigers are either very seriously ill, or, despite all the prohibitions, they were fed by visitors to the Harbin Zoo.

Now the Harbin Zoo is home to about eight hundred Amur tigers, whose weight significantly exceeds the norm.

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Despite the widespread image of a monkey with a banana in its hand, you should not feed monkeys bananas. In nature, they rarely get such a delicacy, which contains a lot of fructose, sucrose and starch. Giving an animal these fruits is the same as feeding them cakes and chocolate, veterinarians say. Bananas damage monkeys' teeth, cause obesity, and increase the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Their intestinal systems are designed to digest fibrous foods, but bananas, on the other hand, contain almost no fiber.

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Photos of fattened Siberian tigers from China natural park Harbin provinces are extremely popular on the Internet. Why? Because everyone loves cats. And the mustachioed striped ones don't look like wild animals, namely like cats. Fat, lazy, homely!

Many joke that tigers ate too much during the Chinese New Year holidays. Others compare them to grandchildren whose grandmother came to visit. But in this case, even the grandmother would have noted that the grandchildren were slightly out of shape.

Many are also worried about the health of huge predators. However, zoo staff assure that the dangers for giant cats overweight does not carry. This is peculiar defense mechanism from the harsh Far Eastern winter. Tigers, like bears, specially eat up during cold weather so as not to freeze so much and always have a reserve of energy. And the tiger park in China is trying to recreate for them exactly natural conditions with frosts down to -20 degrees. True, biologists did not take into account the situation that cats move less in captivity, so they urgently put them on a diet. They promise to restore the beauty and shape of the animals by summer.


The Harbin Amur Tiger Park covers an area of ​​ten thousand square kilometers near the Chinese-Russian border. It was created to preserve the population of these big cats. The park is now home to approximately 800 endangered species. In conditions wildlife There are only 500 Amur tigers left, mostly in Russia.


Someone will ask the question: “Why preserve a tiger or some kind of shelduck? Is the existence of hundreds of animals in the Ussuri forest really so important for a person?”

Yes, very important! It is important because any species of animal - giraffe, mouse or stork - is a unique creation of nature, with mysteries of behavior, with its own way of life and body structure. You can recreate a lost car, restore a house, a factory, a city, or restore a monument based on descriptions. It is impossible to re-design a lost animal! Only plush and nylon toys can be made in his likeness...

Seeing a school of flying cranes in the spring; hear the singing of nightingales, quails, cuckoos; accidentally scare off an elk in the forest and know that somewhere in Ussuri taiga walking around alive, not a stuffed tiger - this is the great joy of life!

We must fight for this joy before it is too late.

Amur tigers living in the zoo in the Chinese city of Harbin have gained a lot of weight, which visitors could not help but notice. Overweight animals have become less mobile and spend most of their time in a lying position. Zoo staff noted that weight gain is associated with in winter when many animals gain weight. According to them, by spring the predators should return to their normal form. A completely different opinion on this matter is international organization Animal Protection Foundation Born Free Foundation, which believes that tigers urgently need help.

According to Born Free Foundation President Will Travers, excess weight is the result of poor diet, poor attitude and harsh living conditions. According to visitors, the tigers became fat due to the fact that they were often fed by tourists, and writer and traveler Jarryd Salem noted that in this zoo, where about 800 Amur tigers are kept, the employees themselves overfeed the animals with chicken, goat and beef .

I traveled to China, where I stayed for a week and returned to my homeland. Specialists from the Amur Tiger Center continue to monitor the movements of the predator using a collar with a GPS module, which the tiger was equipped with upon release.

According to experts, on October 22, 2018, the tiger swam across the Amur River and ended up in China. “Fortunately for Saikhan, in a week he did not have time to behave badly and returned safely to the territory of Russia, and is now moving towards the places where he lived for the last three months,” he said general manager Center "Amur Tiger" Sergey Aramilev. – According to information from our colleagues, Saikhan managed to kill a ram, appear on a video recording device to farmers and leave a mark 10 meters from the dog, but did not touch it. To put it bluntly, exemplary behavior."

It should be noted that the beginning of partnership relations between Russia and China in the field of conservation of Amur tigers and leopards was laid on November 10, 1997, when the Protocol between the Government was signed Russian Federation and the Government of China People's Republic about tiger conservation. According to joint research between the two countries, recent years approximately 40% of Amur tigers living in the border areas of China and Russia undergo active cross-border movements.

From October 24 to 26, 2018, an international forum on the conservation of the Amur tiger and leopard was held in Harbin. Representatives of Russia, China and other countries of the world exchanged experience in protecting wild animals, focusing on special attention transboundary cooperation in the conservation of Amur tigers and leopards.

"Currently, China is creating a Northeast national park tiger and leopard, whose territory borders the “Land of the Leopard”. It is important to reach agreements on joint security and scientific activity. Therefore, we invited our colleagues from China to visit the Land of the Leopard and continue discussing ways of cooperation for their further presentation to the governments of both countries,” comments the director of the Land of the Leopard National Park, Viktor Bardyuk.

Center "Amur Tiger"– autonomous non-profit organization, created by Russian geographical society in 2013 on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The objectives of the Center are to study, preserve and increase the population of the Amur tiger in Russia through the implementation of environmental, scientific, educational, cultural and educational projects.

"Land of the Leopard"national park, created in the Primorsky Territory in 2012. Main goal project - to preserve and restore the population Far Eastern leopard, the rarest large cat in the world, the number of which in Russia, according to the latest data, is 84 individuals. In addition, another cat listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature lives here - the Amur tiger.