The most talented Japanese actors. Historical figures of Japan Park Min Young

Japan- the land of the Rising Sun, separated from the continent by the Yellow and Seas of Japan world of exotics: kimono, bansai, geisha, samurai, hara-kiri, judo, sumo, anime, sake, sushi, Fuji, sakura,… in the end, Toyota and Mitsubishi. It seems this list can go on forever.

A land of contrasts, where latest achievements science and technology are adjacent to magnificent castles and temples from the samurai era.

The geographical isolation of the Japanese archipelago was determined by the character traits of its population: calmness and restraint, but at the same time enormous willpower (you must admit, not every one of us would decide to commit ritual hara-kiri as revenge worst enemy); a penchant for contemplation (it’s not for nothing that one of the favorite activities of the Japanese is “hanami” - watching the falling cherry blossoms), but at the same time a certain lightness and playfulness, which can be seen in the Japanese anime we all love.

The official religions of Japan are Shinto and Buddhism. In practice, it is quite difficult to determine any clear line between them, perhaps this is why the Japanese say that each of them is born a Shintoist and dies a Buddhist.

Japanese- a language spoken by about 125 million residents of Japan, as well as descendants of the Japanese who migrated in the first half of the 20th century. to other countries: to the USA, including Hawaiian Islands(more than 800 thousand), Brazil (approx. 400 thousand), Peru (more than 100 thousand), China, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, etc.

This language is mysterious, like Japan itself, its family ties have long been controversial; now most researchers recognize it as related to the Altai languages ​​- Korean, Tungus-Manchu, Mongolian, Turkic. There is a hypothesis about its relationship with Austronesian ( Malayo-Polynesian) languages. During the historical period Japanese was significantly influenced Chinese language, and in recent decades - English.

Famous Japanese Stars: Takeshi Kitano, Haruki Murakami, Yasunari Kawabata, Junichiro Koizumi, Utada Hikaru.

Famous people of Japan:

- famous Japanese director, actor, screenwriter, as well as writer, poet and artist. He has starred in such films as “Johnny Mnemonic”, “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence”, “Zatoichi”, “Kukijiro”, “Five of Five”, “Boiling Point”, “Tokyo Eyes”, “Battle Royale” and is also a director, screenwriter and editor of the films “Fireworks”, “Dolls”, “The Guys Are Coming Back”, etc.

Kurosawa Akira (1910–1998)

- Japanese film director, one of the leading representatives of the humanistic direction of art of the 20th century. World fame Kurosawa brought the film “Rashomon”, based on the works of R. Akutagawa “The Rashomon Gate” and “In the Thicket”. The film's innovative storytelling (the story of rape and murder is told from four different points of view) won the Grand Prix at the Venice Golden Lion Film Festival and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film of the Year.

Murakami Haruki(born 1949)

- Japanese writer who gained great popularity in the West in recent years. In April 1974, he wrote his first novel, Hear the Wind Sing, which won the National Book Award for New Authors. This book, along with the novels "Pinball 73" and "Sheep Hunt", made up the "Rat Trilogy". In addition, we all know his novels such as “Norwegian Wood”, “Underground”, “My Beloved Companion” and “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle”.

Takada Kenzo(born 1940)

- a brilliant oriental designer, whom everyone knows only by name and is called “the most European of all Japanese fashion designers.” Kenzo's favorite motifs are flowers and leaves, and even his most famous perfumes are in a leaf bottle. The designer loves prints in the form of animal skins, variations on the tartan theme and bold color combinations. Takada introduced simple, even slightly childish silhouettes into fashion - knee-length shorts, mini-coats, sweater dresses, huge berets and, of course, kimono sleeves. The national Japanese costume generally became the initial basis for the designer’s work, but Kenzo drew inspiration not only from the history of the kimono. In his work, he reinterprets Spanish boleros, traditional Austrian jackets, Indian trousers, and Chinese tunics. Today, Kenzo is considered “the only Master who can weave into a single stylistic thread all the nuances of perception that a person possesses.”

Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972)

- one of the most talented Japanese writers of the twentieth century. His stories and novels “Beasts and Birds”, “Snow Country”, “The Thousand-Winged Crane” and others have been translated into many languages ​​and enjoy the constant love of readers. In 1968 he was awarded Nobel Prize for "writing skill that expresses with great feeling the essence of Japanese thought."

is a J-pop singer who is now popular in Japan, as well as among anime fans around the world. Writes songs in Japanese and English languages. Her first album, First Love, sold 9 million copies in Japan. In addition, Utada is also known in the United States under the pseudonym

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In front of the Emperor's Palace in Tokyo stands a monument to the fearless commander Kusunoki Masashige in armor riding on a war horse, ready to serve his master forever. The image of this samurai was actively used in Japan from 1868 until the end of World War II. And even now he remains the most likable person in the history of Japan. During the Great Pacific War, kamikaze squads chose Kusunoki Masashige as their patron saint; they considered themselves his spiritual heirs and sacrificed their lives for their homeland and the emperor, as Kusunoki Masashige did in his time. For his devotion to the Imperial throne, Kusunoki Masashige was nicknamed Prince Dainan.

Kusunoki Masashige (1294 - 1336) - an outstanding Japanese commander. He came from a noble and wealthy samurai family in the Kawachi province. His family had the right to mine cinnabar, which contains mercury, and sold the mined ore in Kyoto. Since childhood, Masashige participated in the military campaigns of his father, who often fought with his neighbors, and acquired indispensable military experience in these clashes. Back in early childhood his parents sent him to study at the Shingon School monastery, where he thoroughly studied military art yamabushi. Masashige then continued his military education under the guidance of a family that kept the secrets of classical military science China. From the combination of the art of fighting Yamabushi and Chinese military art, one of the most important schools of Japanese military science was born, which included ninjutsu. It was the most advanced school of martial arts in Japan. Kusunoki Masashige did not become a master hand-to-hand combat, but turned into a wonderful tactician and strategist. It was said about him that Kusunoki Masashige was able to control troops without leaving his tent. He was one of the most active participants in the Kemmu Restoration (1333-1336), and was appointed governor of the province of Kawachi. In 1336, at the Battle of Minatogawa, near present-day Kobe, Masashige's troops engaged the Ashikaga army. After many hours of battle, military luck began to lean towards Ashikaga. Then, leaving the battle, Masashige and his brother Masasue committed suicide, the brothers pierced each other with swords. More than seventy relatives and servants followed their example. Kusunoki Masashige went down in history as a symbol of unbreakable devotion to the imperial family and military talent.

In the history of Japan, Kusunoki Masashige is considered an outstanding expert in military science. There is a sword that is considered national treasure and which belonged to Kusunoki Masashige. This sword is called Koryu Kagemitsu, on its blade there are relief engravings, on one side there is a kurikara dragon, and on the other - Sanskrit signs. Kurikara represents a dragon wrapped around a sword and consists of the main deities of the Shingon school Dainichi Nyorai, Fudo Myo, and sea ​​dragon Kurikara-ryuo, who are united in body and spirit and entwine the sword of justice with evil faces. The Koryu Kagemitsu sword indicates that Kusunoki Masashige believed in Buddhism.

(1893-1945), naval figure.

Iwakura Tomomi(1825-1883), prince - prominent statesman Japan.


Izaki Matome, Japanese naval leader, vice admiral. From Nov. 1941 to Nov. 1943, in the battles for Guadalcanal, he commanded a support group, which included the 30th destroyer division (light cruiser Jintsu, destroyers Makatsuki and Yukikaze) and the 16th destroyer division (Hamakaze, Kiyunami, " Yugure"). In 1944 he was appointed commander of the 1st division of battleships, at the head of which, as part of the fleet of Admiral T. Kurita, he participated in the battle for the Philippines and in the battle in Leyte Gulf.


Ii Naosuke(1815-1860), Japanese statesman.

Iida Shojiro(1888 - ?), military leader.

Iimura Yo(1888-?), Japanese military leader, lieutenant general. In 1930-32, military attaché in Ankara. In 1932-33, inspector of the Academy of the General Staff, in 1933 head of the General Staff department. In 1935 he commanded the 61st Infantry Regiment. In 1938-39 deputy chief, in 1939 and 1943-44 chief of the Academy of the General Staff. In 1939-40, Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army. In 1941 director of the Institute of Military Research. In 1941-43 he commanded the troops of the 5th Army operating in Manchuria. 16.3.1944 appointed chief of staff of the Southern Army. In 1944-45 commander of the 2nd Front in Indonesia. Since June 1945, commander of the Tokyo Defense Army and the Tokyo Military District. In September. 1945 dismissed.

Iinuna Yokusai(1782-1865). Scientist. Iinuna studied Dutch scientific works(rangaku) ​​in Edo. He is credited with using Western botanical works in herbal medicine (honzogaku). In 1856, he compiled a 20-volume botanical atlas (Somoku zusetsu), in which he described 1215 plant species, classifying them according to the Linnaean system, and not in the traditional Japanese way. *


Ikkyu Sojun(1391-1481). Zen Buddhist monk of the Rinzai school.

Ike Taiga(1723-1776). Artist and calligrapher of high literary style. Taiga was born and lived in Kyoto, where he first studied the Tosa style, but soon became interested in the Nanga (Southern School) style. He studied with the pioneers of literary style in Japan, Yanagisawa Kien and Sakaki Hyakusen. While studying finger writing, Taiga focused on the Chinese style, including such sources as the painting textbook The Mustard Seed Garden, while also studying Zen and calligraphy. *

Ikeda Hayato(1899-?), Japanese politician and statesman.


Imamura Hiroshi(1887 - 1968), military leader


Ingen(1592-1673). Founder of the Obaku school of Zen Buddhism in Japan. Chinese monk Ingen studied Zen Buddhism in China and then went to Japan in 1654. In 1658, Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna granted Ingen land at Uji, near Kyoto, on which he built Mampukuji, the seat of the Obaku school. The Obaku Zen teaching combines the practice of nembuiu and esoteric Buddhist rituals. Ingen's abilities as a calligrapher popularized the Obaku calligraphic style. *

Inoguti Toshihara(1896-1944), naval figure.

Ino Zakusui(1655-1715). Doctor and chemist. Ino studied medicinal herbs (honzogaku) ​​as well as the properties of about 2000 plants listed in the Chinese text on medicinal herbs. He is best known for his work Shobutsu Ruisan, a 1,000-volume work on medicinal herbs. Having begun this work in 1697, he managed to write 362 volumes. The remaining books were completed by his students, supported by the shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune. *

Ino Takadaka(1745-1818). Geographer and cartographer of the Edo period. Accurately measured the length of the meridian using Japanese methods. Eno's most important work was mapping Japan, based on his own research and travels around the country. *

Inoue Kaoru(1835-1915), Japanese statesman.

Inoue Kiyoshi(1913-?), Japanese historian.

Inoue Shigeyoshi(1889-1975), naval figure

Inukai Tsuyoshi(20.IV.1855 - 15.V.1932) - Japanese politician. Since the 90s of the 19th century, he occupied a prominent position in various bourgeois-landowner parties. Since 1929 - leader of the seiyukai party. In December 1931 - May 1932 - Prime Minister. The Inukai government completed the occupation of Northeast China and pursued a policy of increased inflation within the country. Killed by a group of fascist “young officers” during the putsch on May 15, 1932. ( Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 6. INDRA - CARACAS. 1965).


Yoshihito, Yoshihito, throne name Taisho(1879-1926), Emperor of Japan.


Ippen(1239-1289). Buddhist monk of the Pure Land. Ippen began studying Buddhism at the age of nine, when he came to the Tendai Enryakuji monastery on Mount Hiei. Three years later he went to Kyushu to study Pure Land Buddhism. After a short stay away from religious life, Ippen became a traveling priest. After deep religious experiences, he founded Ji-shu (School of Burden) in 1276. Ippen later developed an ecstatic dance form in praise of Amida Buddha. Despite the opposition of the Tendai school, Ippen taught this type of religious dance to his students. It is said that before his death, Ippen destroyed all his written works, leaving nothing for future generations. *


Ishibashi Tanzan(b. 1884), Japanese statesman and politician.

Ishii Kikujiro(1866-1945), Viscount - a major Japanese diplomat.

Ishii Shiro(25.6.1882-1959), military leader.

Ishihara Kanyi(1889 - 1949), Japanese military leader, lieutenant general. In 1933 he commanded the 4th Infantry Regiment. In 1935 he headed the Operations Department of the General Staff, and in 1937 he became the head of the entire department. He was involved in planning military operations in China. In 1937 he was appointed deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army. In 1937-1938, commander of the Manchurian garrison zone, one of the most influential Japanese officers in Manchukuo. In 1938 he retired. In 1939 he returned to service and was appointed commander of the 16th division. Retired since 1941.

Isogai Rensuke(1886 - 1967), Japanese military leader. From 1937 he commanded the 10th Infantry Division stationed in Manchuria. On January 19, 1942, after the creation of the General Government in Hong Kong, he was placed at its head. I. was entrusted with the tasks of territorial defense and military administrative control. The garrison of Hong Kong was transferred to the subordination of I. (3 infantry battalion), operationally subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Forces in China. Surrendered to British troops. After the war, he was accused of committing war crimes and sentenced to life imprisonment.


Itagaki Seishiro(1885 - 12/23/1948), Japanese military leader.

Itagaki Taisuke(1837-1919), Japanese politician.

Ichikawa Shoichi(1892-1945), leader of the Japanese labor movement.

Ito Genboku(1800-1871). An outstanding doctor. He studied Western medicine with Philipp Franz von Siebold. In 1826, he founded a school of Western science, where he taught many scientists and doctors. In 1858 he was appointed physician to the shogun. Genboku established a vaccination center in Edo and was the first Japanese physician to administer smallpox vaccine. *

Ito Zakuchu(1716-1800). Artist and printer. The son of a wealthy shopkeeper, Zakuchu lived and worked in Kyoto near the markets. He specialized in elegant depictions of birds that roamed his garden. He belonged to the Kano school, but was influenced by Chinese academic painters of the Yuan and Ming dynasties, whose works were present in the collections of Shokokuji. Having settled in this temple after 1788, Zakuchu began writing works on Buddhist themes and scenes from life in Shokokuji. Enjoyed relatively little fame and was rediscovered only in late XIX century. *

Ito Jinsai(1627-1705). Confucian philosopher (Japan).

Ito Keisuke(1803-1901). Doctor and botanist. Ito specialized in the study medicinal herbs(honzoku). Using Carl Peter Thanberg's Flora Japonica, a gift from Philipp Franz von Siebold, as a model, Taisei honzo meiso was written in 1829. This book uses Latin plant names arranged according to Linnaeus' classification. *

Ito Seiichi(1890-1945), naval figure.

Ito Hirobumi(1841-1909), Japanese statesman.

Ito Yuko- admiral in the 19th century.

Ihara Saikaku(1642 -1693). Writer and poet. Saikaku was one of the most significant authors of the Edo period. See Chapter 8, Language and Literature. *


Yokoyama Isamu(1889 - ?), Japanese military leader, lieutenant general. In 1929-32, head of the Planning Department of the Research Council. In 1933-34, head of the department of the Economic and Mobilization Directorate of the War Ministry. From 1934 commander of the 2nd regiment, in 1936-37 chief of staff of the 6th division. In 1937 he headed the Planning Directorate, and in 1939 - the 1st Directorate of the Research Council. In 1939 he was appointed commander of the 1st Division. Since 1941 commander of the 4th Army in Manchuria. Since March 1943, commander of the 11th Army in China. On November 22, 1944 he was transferred to the post of commander of the Western Army stationed on the Japanese Islands. In 1945, the army was transformed into the 16th Front, deployed on Ryukyu Island.