Ing ending in English examples. Ending ing

Have you ever wondered why endings are needed in words? With them you have to learn more rules, and the language only becomes more complex.

However, these are required components of any language. Endings connect words in a sentence with each other and indicate their logical connections. With them, serenades sound more lyrical, and you can’t go wrong with the instructions for fragile equipment.

IN English language, unlike Russian, there are only three endings: -s, -ed And -ing. But they have many more cases of use.

Let's take a closer look -ing ending in English. It is added to:

  1. The initial form of the verb to form continuous tenses:
    • Present Continuous: I am water ing the flowers now– I’m watering the flowers now.
    • Past Continuous: Jane was drinking ing tea at 5 o’clock yesterday– Jane was drinking tea at five o’clock yesterday.
    • Future Continuous: We will play ing football from 4 till 6 tomorrow– We will play football tomorrow from 4 to 6.
    • He said that they would be work ing the whole day“He said they would work all day.”

    Please note that all verbs with an ing ending are translated into Russian in imperfect form- answer the question "what to do?". This will give you a hint when doing all kinds of exercises.

    • Present Perfect Continuous: I have been read ing since 3 o'clock– I’ve been reading since three o’clock.
    • Past Perfect Continuous: We had been walking ing for an hour when we saw the city– We had been walking for an hour when we saw the city.
    • Future Perfect Continuous: Children will have been sleeping ing since afternoon when the teacher comes– The children will sleep from noon when the teacher comes.
    • Future-in-the-Past Continuous: Jack said that they would have been written ing the essay for 2 hours when the bell rank John said that they will be writing the essay for two hours when the bell rings.

    Ending -ing always points to duration of action- remember this as well as the fact that London is the capital of England.

  2. Verb to form forms of participle, gerund and infinitive
    • Gerund: I like to be ing praised– I like it when people praise me.
      We are fond of cook ing – We like to cook.
    • Participle: The talk ing boy is my cousin– The talking boy is my cousin.
      Hav ing visited our friends, we went home– After visiting our friends, we went home.
    • Infinitive: I am happy to be dancing ing with you“I’m happy that I’m dancing with you now.”
      We are sorry to have been speaking ing so loudly“We're sorry we spoke so loudly.”
  3. The ing ending is also used for formation of other parts of speech, for example, adjectives: An amus ing TV show- funny show
    A shock ing disaster- shocking disaster
    An interest ing fact- interesting fact
  4. There are also parts of speech in which expressions can end with the ending –ing. But you're in luck - you can be sure that in them it's just part of the word: dur ing - during, during
    sibl ing - brother or sister

As you noticed, at the end –ing There are many uses in English. You are required to stop trembling in your knees and remember that it indicates duration of action, used with imfinite forms of the verb or helps form other parts of speech.

In the English language, word endings play a huge role, although there are not so many of them when compared with the Russian language. They change depending on what tense is used and what role this or that part of speech plays in the sentence. In this article we will look at the rules for writing the ending -ing in English.

Long time

First, let's figure out when to use the ending -ing in English? According to the rules of grammar, this ending is primarily used to form long tenses that depict an action in progress. There are present, past and future continuous tenses. All of them are formed according to the same principle: the auxiliary verb to be in the required form plus a semantic verb that ends in -ing. Examples:

  • I'm walking now. I am walking now. This continuous action is presented in the present tense.
  • I was walking when she returned. When she came back, I was walking. And this continuous action is presented in the past tense.
  • I'll be walking tomorrow at six o'clock. I will be walking tomorrow at six o’clock. And finally, a continuous action in the future tense.

First Communion

Participle 1 has the properties of not only a verb, but also an adjective. According to the rules, the ending -ing in English is written the same way at the end of the first participle. It helps to describe an action that occurs simultaneously with another, expressed by the predicate. Examples:

Look at the woman reading this magazine. Look at the woman reading this magazine. The word “reading” appears as a participle in this sentence.

Adding the -ing ending in English. Rules.

So, it's not enough to just add that ending at the end of a word. Some conditions must be met, for example, pay attention to which letter the word ends with.

If a word ends in -e, then according to the rules, the ending -ing in English displaces the last letter:

Bite - biting, close - closing.

If a word ends with the vowel combination -ie, then the ending is added as follows:

Lie turns into lying, and die becomes dying according to the same principle. That is, -ie is replaced by y and an ending is added at the end of the word.

If the last letter is a consonant with a preceding stressed vowel, then the consonant is doubled:

If a word ends in l, then a variable spelling is possible. This is due to the peculiarities of British English and American.

These were the basic rules for using the -ing ending. They need to be learned and assimilated, because in oral speech it is very often necessary to mention any long-term actions or use participles. It is necessary to use endings correctly, this is the key correct speech and letters.

Ending ing very often used in English. This is perhaps one of the most popular English affixes. But, nevertheless, most students, when faced with the ending ing, feel confused in understanding and translating words with its participation. Today, we will talk about how to finally understand the intricacies of the ending ing and learn to understand, translate and use forms with its participation.

So, if you see a form ending in ing, it could be:

a) participle 1 (Participle 1)

Participle 1 is the first thing that should come to mind when you encounter the ending ing. To translate participle 1 into Russian, you need to ask two questions - “what is he doing?” or “doing what?”

I want to speak to a student sitting over there. – I want to talk to the student sitting (sitting - what is he doing?) over there.

If the question is “what do you do?” does not fit the meaning, then we ask the question “what are we doing?”, for example:

Mr Smith works hard having only five minutes for rest. - Mr. Smith works a lot, having (having - doing what?) only five minutes to rest.

b) gerund (Gerund)

The second thing you should think about when you encounter the ing ending is the gerund. A gerund is essentially a noun that names an action. For example: reading - reading, going - walking, typing - typing, etc.

I like reading English books very much. – I really like reading English books.
I'm not good at swimming. – I’m not a good swimmer (literally: I’m not very good at swimming).

c) a component of one of the long tenses

In the English language there is a group of grammatical tenses, the formation of which involves ending ing. These times are called Continuous, i.e. “long-lasting”. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are formed using certain auxiliary verbs and a semantic verb ending in ing. For example, it is formed using the auxiliary verbs am, is, are and the ending ing, which is added to the main verb. For example:

He is sleeping now. - He is sleeping now.

If you assume that the ending ing encountered is a continuous tense component, then you should first of all pay attention to the other members of the sentence - among them there must be some kind of auxiliary verb. If you have found this auxiliary verb, then your next task is to find out what exactly you encountered during the time. If you found the auxiliary verbs am, is, are, then you have the Present Continuous, which must be translated by asking the questions “what am I doing?”, “what is it doing?”, “what are they doing?” and so on. If the auxiliary verbs include will and be, then you have encountered the tense , and you need to ask the questions “what will I do?”, “what will I do?” and so on. If you see verbs was, were, then you are dealing with , and you should translate the sentence by asking the questions “what did you do?”, “What did you do?”.

The ending ing can also be used to form Perfect Continuous tenses, but these tenses are extremely rare, so we will not consider them in this publication.

So, friends, in this short article we tried to systematize information related to the ending ing and give you practical rules for translating forms with this ending. We hope that now the ending ing has ceased to be an incomprehensible blemish in your English grammar.

Words ending in -ing are constantly found not only in English, but also in Russian: diving, training, marketing and dozens of other borrowings, of which there are more and more every year. What is it? What words does it join to? In what cases is it used?

In this article I will talk about the use of this ending and the varied life of -ing words in English.

Rules for adding -ing endings in English

In English you will often notice that a mysterious -ing appears at the end of a word. He may be part various designs, but they all have one thing in common: the ending -ing is attached only to words denoting action (run, jump, walk, etc.).

In most cases we simply add -ing to the end of the word.

Play (play) + ing = playing.
Talk (talk) + ing = talking.

But there are a couple of exceptions to the rule.

1. If suddenly our action ends in -e, then -ing “eats” this -e.

Bite (bite) + ing = biting.

Hide (hide) + ing = hiding.

2. There are two words starting with -ie where the following change occurs.

Lie (lie or lie) + ing = lying.

Die (die) + ing = dying.

When does this happen and most importantly, why? There are three main cases when we need -ing. Let's look at them in order.

3 uses of -ing ending in English

So, we use this ending in the following cases:

1) -ing as part of continuous tenses

Among the English times there is a whole group of those that have the word Continuous in their name. They are called “continued” because they deal with a process, that is, rather long actions.

These are exactly the tenses that are formed with the help of be (to be) in different forms and actions in -ing.

Let's look at the most commonly used ones.

  • Present Сontinuous(present continious).

It means an action that is happening right now, at the moment of speech. To form it, we use am/is/are + ___ing.

I am watching TV.
I I'm watching TV.

Are you listening to me?
You me are you listening?

I told you in detail about the Present Continuous.

  • Past Сontinuous(past continuous).

Refers to a long action that took place at a certain point in the past. That is, we always specify when exactly: last night, at 10 am on Saturday, and so on. For this time we will need was/were + ___ing.

I was sleeping yesterday at 10 PM.
I slept yesterday at 10 pm.

Today at breakfast we were talking about our upcoming trip.
Today at breakfast We talked about our upcoming trip.

It is also used when we want to show that two actions in the past occurred simultaneously.

We were discussing John when he suddenly entered the room.
We discussed John when he suddenly entered the room.

I found this photo when I was sorting out my grandfather's papers.
I found this photo when sorted it out grandfather's documents.

While Tom was trying to sleep, his neighbors were listening to dance music.
Bye Tom had tried sleep, his neighbors listened dance music.

I was having a shower when you were calling me. (That's why I didn't hear the call.)
I took shower, when you called to me. (That's why I didn't hear the call.)

  • Future Сontinuous(future continuous).

Means a long action that will take place at a certain point in the future. Just as with the past continuous, here you definitely need to specify the time: on Friday at 8, tomorrow at the same time, etc. We build it using will be + ___ing.

Tomorrow at 9 we"ll be dancing in a club!
Tomorrow at 9 we will dance in the club!

I will be having lunch with Prime Minister at this time on Friday.
I will be dining with the Prime Minister at this time on Friday.

These are not all tenses of the Continuous group, but only the most common ones. These should be enough to give an idea of ​​how -ing works within them.

2) -ing to form participles

What is a communion? Take, for example, the action “sleep.” It can be changed so that you get practically a sign: which one? - sleeping. These are words formed from actions, but answering the questions “Which one?” Which? Which? Which?" and there are participles.

In English, such things are formed using -ing. Please note that in Russian you can say “reading” (in this moment), or you can say “read” (in the past). There is no such difference in English; you will understand the tense from the entire sentence.

Also, the -ing form is used after actions that denote perception using the senses: see, hear, feel, smell.

In English, these verbs can be used as abbreviations to shorten sentences. Compare:

A) Fullphrase

She saw that a strange man was climbing into the neighbors’ window.
She saw that an unknown man was climbing into the neighbors’ window.

B) Abbreviateddesign

She saw a strange man climbing into neighbors’ window.
Literally: she saw unknown man climbing into the neighbors window.

I saw him entering the building.
I saw, How is he comes in into the building. (Literally: I saw his those coming in into the building.)

I heard my neighbor singing.
I heard like my neighbor sang. (Literally: I heard your neighbor singing.)

In Russian there are words like “reading, knowing, reasoning” - that is, an action that occurs against the background of some other action: while reading a book, he marked important places with a pencil; Knowing the traffic situation, she drove the car carefully.

In English, such actions are again expressed using -ing.

Three young people walked by laughing and shouting.
Three young men passed by laughing And screaming.

Reading my grandfather's diary I wondered what kind of man he was.
Reading Grandfather's diary I wondered what kind of person he was.

3) -ing when forming a gerund

We've come to the worst part - gerund. What is it? Essentially, this is when we use -ing to turn an action into an object: sing+ing = singing, watch+ing = (watching), etc.

Fashionable foreign words like diving (dive (dive) + ing) and coaching (coach (train) + ing) that came into the Russian language were formed just like this.

So, when is this gerund used?

  • The main character in the sentence

A gerund can be the main character of a sentence! Sometimes in Russian we want to speak about some action. For example: smoking is harmful, eating vegetables is healthy, starting a car in such cold weather was difficult.

In English, all this can be said using -ings.

Calling people in the middle of the night is impolite.
Call It's rude to people in the middle of the night. (Literally: " naming"It's rude to people in the middle of the night.)

Convincing him to believe us was hard.
Convince It was difficult for us to believe him. (Literally: " belief"It was difficult for us to believe him.)

  • Use after prepositions

The ing form is also required after small words like about, without, for, at, with, and so on.

What about going to the cinema together?
What about go to the cinema together? (Literally: what about « walking"to the cinema together?)

He said this without thinking.
He said this Not after thinking. (Literally: he said this without « thinking»)

Some words have their own small word, which you just need to remember: good at (good at some activity), forgive for (forgive for something), etc.

He is very good at running.
He is very Fine succeeds run. (Literally: he is very good V « running»)

She forgave him for coming late.
She forgave him for being late. (Literally: she I forgave his behind « arrival late")

  • Used after specific words

Finally, there are certain words (usually those denoting action) that simply require -ing after them. There is no logic here; they need to be memorized when learning the word itself. The list of such words, by the way, includes quite common actions: enjoy ([ɪn"dʒɔɪ]/[eng`oy] - to enjoy) and suggest (/[saj`est] - to offer someone an idea to do something).

Sarah enjoys meeting new people.
Sarah enjoys meeting new people. (Literally: enjoys « meeting»)

Frank suggested having a break.
Frank offered arrange break. (Literally: offered « arrangement» break)

That's all. We have looked at all the uses of the -ing form in English. Now let's put what we've learned into practice.

Reinforcement task

Put the verbs in brackets in in the required form. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. He (ask) for (take) my pen.
2. (Smoke) is bad for your health.
3. I was (work) when you were (have) the rest.
4. We (sit) in the kitchen (discuss) the news.
5. I have been (study) English for many years.
6. He (suggest) (discuss) the problem together.
7. I (hear) John (talk) to our boss.
8. This (smile) girl on the photo is my sister.

We continue our conversation about endings in English. Today on the agenda is everything you wanted to know about the ending - ing.

Ending - ing — a very important morpheme in word formation in the English language. Those who study English know this ending well. Let's take a closer look at the ending - ing in the English language, how it helps form new words, how it behaves in English grammar and much more. Those who have already become proficient in English will simply repeat the rules again. Beginners will find it interesting and useful to learn something new.

It is worth reminding, friends, that this ending is involved in the formation of continuous tenses of English verbs, that is, Continuous.

  • Present Continuous: She is water ing the flowers nowShewatersflowersNow.
  • Jim was drinking ing coffee at 7 o’clock yesterdayJimyesterdayVsevenhoursdrankcoffee.
  • Future Continuous: They will be played ing tennis from 4 till 6 tomorrowTheywillplayVtennisTomorrowWith4 to 6.
  • Future-in-the-Past Continuous: She said that we would be work ing the whole dayShesaid, WhatWewe willworkwholeday.
  • Present Perfect Continuous: He has been read ing since 3 o'clockHe is reading With three hours.
  • Past Perfect Continuous: They had been walking ing for an hour when they saw the town They walked already hour, When saw city.
  • Future Perfect Continuous: The kids will have been sleeping ing since afternoon when the nurse comesKids There will be sleep With noon, When will come nanny.

In addition to the above advantages of this ending, it should be recalled that it forms the so-called fourth form irregular verbs. You, of course, remember it:

  • To see - saw - seen - see ing

Please note that verbs, using the ending - ing, when translated into Russian, they acquire the meaning of imperfective verbs, that is, not a completed action, but an action that is still ongoing.

-ing ending and other parts of speech

You probably already guessed that the ending - ing participates not only in the formation of verb tenses, but helps to form forms of other parts of speech in English, such as:

  • Participle (gerund): Sue likes be ing praisedSue likes to be praised.
  • Participle: The talk ing girl is my sisterTalkinggirl- mysister.
  • Adjective: An amus ing programfunnybroadcast. An interest ing question - interestingquestion

Read and pronounce -ing correctly!

Friends, the rules for reading this ending with words are as simple as shelling pears! Firstly, there is only one rule, secondly:

Ending - ing always pronounced like nasal [- IN] in which the sound [g] should not be heard.

That's all, dear readers! This is all you need to know about how to correctly read or pronounce such words. In a hurry or out of habit, we often pronounce not, but. However, this is wrong. Follow the correct pronunciation, friends, and you will not be distinguished from a native Englishman.

Well, that's all we wanted to tell you about the end - ing. Learn English fun and with pleasure, then you will definitely succeed!