Tricky riddles for children about animals. Funny riddles with a trick for children and adults Birthday trick riddles

The animals played hide and seek and hid according to other people's riddles. Help them unravel, but remember that the answer in rhyme is not always the right one.

He has a big ears,

A long trunk for a shower.

He's a land giant

So this is... a pelican (elephant)

I'll tell you straight away -

I carry children in my bag.

And I'm a champion in jumping,

I am a jumping gray... elephant (kangaroo)

I've been living in the village for a long time,

I'm known there as an alarm clock.

I wake everyone up in the morning,

Bright motley... kangaroo (rooster)

I catch mice in the house

Entertaining the kids.

Tell me, children, out loud,

My name is... rooster (cat)

This beast lives in the forest,

There he roars in the morning.

Collects sweet honey.

This is a clubfoot... ket (bear)

I get along, I get along in the vines,

I can hang by the tail.

I live in hot countries

Because I'm... a bear (monkey)

I'm flying for nectar

In the summer in the clearing.

Everyone calls me for a reason

Light... monkey (butterfly)

She grazed me in the meadow

Granddaughter with grandmother.

I saved some milk

And my name is... butterfly (cow)

I am a fish, and a very angry one,

I attack swimmers.

I'm toothy and stern

Because I'm... a cow (shark)

You will recognize me for yourself -

I walk on the sands with humps.

I eat saxaul shoots,

Because I'm... a shark (camel)

I'll save some nectar,

I’ll take it to the kids’ honeycombs.

And I'm buzzing here and there,

Because I... camel (bee)

In the summer garden with a crunch

I eat the owner's cabbage.

She kept the fluff under the wool,

Because I'm... a bee (goat)

Smart, gray and free,

I'm always hungry in winter.

And for hares I am a thunderstorm,

Because I... goat (wolf)

I live in the forest, in a hollow.

This is a house on a trunk.

I know a lot about nuts

I'm a rodent, baby... wolf (squirrel)

I'm purring at the bowl

There are delicious sausages in a bowl.

I warm my grandmother like a hot water bottle,

Meow-meow, I'm... a squirrel (cat)

I'm flying outside the window in winter,

I chirp forlornly.

Birdie, little yellow baby,

This is a round... cat (tit)

In the mink is my special world,

There I gnaw on the owner's cheese.

I live under the floorboards

Because I... tit (mouse)

It's good to croak in the swamp.

It's cozy there, there's slush everywhere.

There is a wall of reeds there.

And the frog lives... the mouse (frog)

It's so easy to ride me

Small children.

And the horse is my friend,

Because I'm... a frog (pony)

No wonder the ship of the deserts

We call this beast.

Karakum and Sahara

For him it is a home.

There is a hump or two on the back.

Did you guess it? He is... an owl (camel)

Here is my bag under my beak,

It is roomy and deep.

I catch fish in the backwater,

I am a large feathered... pony (pelican)

We hear stomping in the savannah,

We see tusks, a tail and a trunk.

This gray giant -

African... pelican (elephant)

Wild predator, king of beasts,

He squints like a cat.

Take a quick look -

In the arena - ... chicken (lion)

They say: “Moo-moo!

Shall I pour some milk for someone?"

Got it, kids?

These animals are... mice (cows)

He's home, everyone knows him,

Loves to play with a ball.

According to purring champion,

Soft and fluffy... elephant (cat)

Long-eared, timid, fluffy,

Loves to chew cabbage leaves.

He looks like a bunny

So this is a soft... hedgehog (rabbit)

Red ponytail here and there

Flashes among the foliage.

Someone is jumping along the branches,

Collects cones.

And sometimes he lives in a hollow.

Who is this? ... Hippopotamus (squirrel)

My friend's nose is very sensitive,

A friend in need will help.

Can live in the hallway and in the booth,

And in our hallway.

A domestic animal, he is named

Very simple - faithful... elephant (dog)

I stroke the stubborn man's back,

Cheeks, bangs and sides.

He was tired, he was carrying luggage -

Two bales and a rider.

To me "Eeyore!" friend answered,

So it was... a turkey (donkey)

I ate zucchini with a crunch

Trough lady.

Crochet tail and snout,

Dirty pink barrel,

Hoof shoes.

You know the lady a little,

Because it's... a cat (pig)

What kind of animals, yoke,

Silk manes.

And it's not easy to catch up with them

By car "Niva"

It's difficult even for Toyota.

These animals are... hippopotamuses (horses)

I live in a hole in the field,

I love cheese, grits and rinds.

Rye, barley, peas, wheat.

I am a rodent, because I am... a fox! (mouse)

These interesting and fun trick riddles have the wrong answers and it's up to you to correct the answers.

Mind bait

I don't want to deceive

I’ll just teach you to think!

Even though the riddle is a deception,

She is a bait for the mind!

You, my friend, don’t rush -

Think about it and decide:

Yes - not so, and give an answer,

And the secret will be revealed -

Maybe you'll get lost in rhyme,

But you will get to the truth!


Matryoshka doll,

I know your secret!

I'll turn it a little

I will receive the answer:

The lid will open

As if from a casket,

They will suddenly appear

One, two, three faces!

Sister dolls,

How can you tell the difference?

I'll collect nesting dolls,

One, two, three - and no,

And I'll cover it with a lid -

That's the whole secret!

I live overseas

I pick bananas on a palm tree,

I'm cheerful, healthy,

And who am I? Korova (monkey)

I'm beautiful, I'm flying

And in the spring I melt from the sun.

Guess quickly

Who is this? ... Sparrow (Snow)

Like a green log

I've been lying in the water for a long time,

But don't touch the belly

I can eat you! Who am I? ... Frog (Crocodile)

I've been living in the jungle for a long time,

You will see me in the movies:

I'm mustachioed and striped,

And with claws on its paws.

Just think a little

Guess who I am? ... Cat (Tiger)

He carries the house on himself,

He is next to her everywhere,

A house is like a strong shield,

Who's hiding there? - There... hedgehog (turtle)

I love to frolic in the river,

Swimming in a flock, who am I? ... Bird (Fish)

I can catch a fish -

I'll lie in wait in the reeds,

You won't leave me anymore

What's my name? - Fish...ruffe (pike)

Kva-kva-kva - what a song!

What could be more interesting

What could be more fun?

And the frog sings to you...

Built a house between the snags

The prickly ball is a kind... gnome (hedgehog)

I dig the earth with my beak,

But I’m not building a house for myself,

I'm looking for a worm, here!

Guess who I am? ...Mole (Chicken)

I'm a hen's son

I'm a little yellow lump

I'm still just a baby

Well, what's my name? ...Mouse (Chicken)

I'm the first one to get up

Crow - I sing,

I'm wearing a red jacket,

Do you know who I am? - Chicken (Cockerel)

I get up early in the morning,

I'll give everyone milk,

I chew grass across the river,

What's my name? ... Sheep (Cow)

I bark and bite

I'm guarding your house

I always look with all my eyes,

What's my name? ... Goat (Dog)

I'm not afraid to meow

I fight with my claws

Don't scare me in vain!

Who's the bully?...Parrot (Cat)

I live with my mother in a hole,

I gnaw dry crusts,

I'm a little gray baby

Did you find out who I am?... Cat (Mouse)

The nose is like a snout,

The tail is a small hook,

Pink back, white bristles,

And on the forehead there is a rose,

What's my name? ... Goat (Piglet)

Loves to quack and swim,

Splash in the water all day long,

She's a turkey's friend

What's her name? ...Turkey (Duck)

Wings like an eagle's

And he shouts "ga-ha-ha."

It stings, seriously,

Who is this? This is... a duck (goose)

Queen without a crown -

On the fence, like on a throne.

"Kar-kar-kar" she shouts,

So much so that my head hurts!

Shoo! You're a hassle! -

Will I drive away someone?... Magpie (Crow)

Waking up in the morning

Holes the bark of a tree,

Collects worms:

Knock-knock-knock - lunch is ready!

The bird is just great,

What is her name? ... Starling (Woodpecker)

Everyone is afraid of me -

I can bite

I fly and eat -

I'm looking for a victim for myself,

At night I have no time for games,

Guess who I am? ... Tiger (Mosquito)

I plowed the ocean

The captain controlled me

I'm beautiful, white,

They call it "Brave"

The port, of course, is waiting for me.

Who am I? - Liner... plane (steamboat)

I don't eat, I drink

But I don't like Coca-Cola -

I just need gasoline

For both breakfast and dinner,

Along the road I rush forward.

Who am I? - Fast... plane (car)

Mysteries of deception or, as they say differently, riddles with a trick - the most favorite type of riddles for children. It is especially interesting to solve riddles with the whole class or group in kindergarten. Notice how deceptive riddles “confuse” the child, and one of the children will say the wrong answer, while the rest will laugh with pleasure. In this way we will develop in children sense of humor, rhyme, logical thinking.

Trick riddles about natural phenomena and seasons

Everything is dressed in white snow -
So it's coming...

At night every window
Poor lighting...

I'm beautiful, I'm flying
And in the spring I melt from the sun.
Guess quickly
Who is this? ...

Deception riddles about fairy-tale heroes

Friend of animals and friend of children
Good doctor...

He got leeches
I sold Karabasu,
The whole smell of swamp mud,
His name was...

Pinocchio (Duremar)

He walked through the forest boldly,
But the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye.
His name was...

He was on the road for many days
To find your wife,
And the ball helped him,
His name was...

And beautiful and sweet,
It's just too small!
Slender figure
And the name is...

With blue hair
And with huge eyes,
This doll is an actress
And her name is...

He is a big naughty man and a comedian,
He has a house on the roof.
Braggart and arrogant,
And his name is...

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years
Finally saw the light
He has grown a beard,
This kind...

Trick riddles about animals

Crows awake
Dear, kind...

Tall, long-legged,
He's not too lazy to fly -
On a thatched roof
Settled …

Who's about to fly off the flower?

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
Jumps deftly...

A simple question for kids:
Who is the cat afraid of?..

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head.
There is no bird more beautiful than...

Passed by the hive

In the thicket, with my head raised,
howling with hunger...

Daughters and sons
teaches you to grunt...

Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?
Well, of course it is...

Kva-kva-kva - what a song!
What could be more interesting
What could be more fun?
And he sings to you...

Run to the shore quickly!
The toothy one is swimming...

How? Still unknown:
a secret is a secret
this beast is like a traffic light,
its color changes.
In green, yellow... Scare -
and blush...

Ate a bunny and catches the second one
fiery redhead evil...

As soon as the light of day went out,
whined in the dark...

Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet! —
Who raised a cheerful cry?
Don't scare this bird!
Got noisy...

I get up early in the morning,
I'll give everyone milk,
I chew grass across the river,
What's my name? ...

Everyone is afraid of me -
I can bite
I fly and eat -
I'm looking for a victim for myself,
At night I have no time for games,
Guess who I am? ...

I bark and bite
I'm guarding your house
I always look with all my eyes,
What's my name? ...

Mysteries of deception in mathematics (counting)

There are four lions under the tree,
One left, only one left...

Found five berries in the grass
And I ate one, left...

The mouse counts the holes in the cheese:
Three plus two - just...

The bunny went out for a walk
The hare's paws are exactly...

Look at the bird;
The bird's legs are straight...

Trick riddles about children

And capricious and stubborn,
IN kindergarten doesn't want...
(not mother, but daughter)

Hand in hand in the morning
They take you to school...
(not mothers, but children)

In the morning there is drama in every house -
Doesn’t want to eat porridge...
(not mother, but son or daughter)

For vaccinations and injections
Mothers take their children to...
(not to schools, but to clinics)

Dresses and pants for dolls
Always love to sew...
(not boys, but girls)

Deception riddles about sweets

Birthday is around the corner - we baked...

Lada is all wheezing and sneezing:
Ate a lot...

Deception riddles - different

Let's pick up an armful of flowers
And now we will weave...

Old ladies go to the market
Buy for yourself...

All children like funny riddles with a trick, they are fun, but at the same time they are outposts, both real and fictional. Fairy tale characters They are also often characters in tricky mysteries, albeit to a lesser extent.

For children, such riddles are a good workout for the brain; they force them to think, strain their memory, and exercise logical thinking. Children like the fact that riddles are accompanied by very non-standard answers. Such exercises develop intelligence and innovative thinking in children. Such riddles can be made in a kindergarten group, in a classroom or at home, in the evening or at a children's party.

Tricky riddles about nature will definitely appeal to children. They are put together in verse, but the answers do not coincide with what comes to mind according to the rhyme. You will need to think carefully about the answers, because the riddle was composed in order to properly confuse the children.

  • Any girl knows
    What carrot is...


  • The leaves have fallen off the maple tree,
    The trunk became by autumn...


  • I'm beautiful, I'm flying
    And in the spring I melt from the sun.
    Guess quickly
    Who is this? ...


About animals

All children love a variety of animals and it is very interesting for them to solve riddles about them. Each riddle describes the most important and main features of a particular animal, but they want to confuse children with a euphonious rhyme that gives the wrong answer. Try to think about your answers before giving them.

  • You won't find a longer neck.
    Will tear off any branch...


  • From the palm tree down to the palm tree again
    Jumps deftly...


  • Crows awake
    Dear, kind...


About fairy-tale characters

Fairy-tale characters are a separate topic for riddles with a trick. With their help, children are easily interested, but at the same time, the riddles are not so simple, you will need to think logically, think and plot to find the answers.

  • Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,
    He is looking for a magic key.
    He looks terrible
    This is... Doctor Aibolit


  • Riding on the train are Little Red Riding Hood, Ryaba Hen, a fireman and an honest thief. To make time go faster, they all play cards. There are money and cards on the table. The train enters a tunnel, and when it leaves it, the money disappears from the table. Who stole the money?

The fireman stole the money, since everyone else does not exist in nature.

Trick riddles about animals with answers

Funny and cheerful

Funny riddles for children are great entertainment not only in the classroom or in kindergarten, but also when traveling, when you have to wait a long time for something, but you can’t get toys or there’s nowhere to play. Tricky riddles will amuse children and time will fly by.

  • And capricious and stubborn,
    Doesn't want to go to kindergarten...


  • Give me a saucer of milk!
    Murr, lapping his tongue
    Squints at the sour cream
    Who is this?


  • Like in a bus salon
    Jumped into my mom's bag...


On birthday

When a lot of children gather at a holiday, for example, a birthday, you need to think about games and other entertainment. Riddles with a trick will immediately come to the rescue, they are interesting and funny, children will be able to practice logic and have a lot of fun.

  • Big, blue, with horns and full of hares. What it is


  • What happens after the goat turns six years old?

The seventh will go

  • I dig the earth with my beak,
    But I’m not building a house for myself,
    I'm looking for a worm, here!
    Guess who I am?


Poems are deceptions

Cheating rhymes are usually especially popular with children. The rhymes are designed in such a way that you want to give the first answer that comes to mind, but it turns out that it is not correct. To give an answer, you need to think and most often, the answer does not fit the given rhyme.

  • I'm beautiful, I'm flying
    And in the spring I melt from the sun.
    Guess quickly
    Who is this? ...


  • Titus stands in the garden,
    Does not say anything,
    And he doesn’t take it from the garden beds
    And he doesn’t give it to the crows.
    It's stuffed with straw


  • He's home, everyone knows him,

Loves to play with a ball.

According to purring champion,

Soft and fluffy…

Letters of the alphabet from A to Z

Riddle poems about the alphabet can be found on the Internet, or you can also compose them yourself. WE give you poems for the first three letters of the alphabet, and we invite you to compose the rest yourself or even together with your children. This exercise will benefit everyone.

The very first, the most important
This letter is a chapter in the alphabet.
If you meet Aibolit,
Immediately say the letter...

All the lambs know the letter
They just soften it up a little.
I know, and so do you,
What is this letter - the letter...

Wolf, wolf cub and she-wolf
It takes a little learning.
They don't know at all, that's the problem!
What letter did their names begin with?