Documents for a driving instructor. Driving instructor - the essence of the profession, what a driving instructor should be

Publication date 03/12/2013 04:49

Are you a good driver? Have you taught many of your friends and they were satisfied? Maybe it’s worth changing your profession to a more profitable one that is always in demand? Have you ever thought about becoming a driving instructor?

Of course, for such a decisive step you will need not only to draw up a whole package of relevant documents, become more disciplined and responsible, but also, most likely, to re-equip your car. Doesn't it scare you? Are you ready to do all this to achieve your goal? Then let's start in order.

How to become a driving instructor? What does it take to get your first students?

A couple of years ago, I finally decided to fulfill my dream and learn to drive a car. The most difficult thing was finding a suitable teacher. Of course, there are plenty of driving schools in my city. But, nevertheless, very often, unfortunately, one hears about what kind of torture practical classes turn into, how would-be teachers yell at their already adult and long-established students. This, to be honest, was very frightening. I pathologically cannot stand it when people raise their voices at me and I prefer to enjoy everything I do, especially for my own money.

I asked my friends and, in the end, they recommended me a private teacher. Dozens of newcomers sought to learn from him, and given the fact that an individual driving instructor receives a salary depending on the number of students, it means, you understand, it is profitable to be a good specialist.

Who can become him? According to the requirements put forward, such a person must have no less than three years of driving experience, then, of course, he must have a car equipped with any gearbox (although sometimes cars are rented by the driving school administration). No less important are pedagogical abilities (preferably, of course, having a special education), well-developed diction and the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly.

How to become a driving instructor at a driving school?

If you decide to work as an instructor in some nearby driving school, then the task is greatly simplified. The only thing you will need to decide is how exactly you are going to teach, i.e. in a government car or in your own car. No matter what you choose, there will be both advantages and disadvantages. As we know, there is no ideal job.

By car driving school. You will be faced with the fact that the salary will be quite modest, but, according to experienced ones, it is usually made up for the theft of gasoline that is insignificant and unnoticed by management, as well as additional, already individual, classes during overtime, or rewards for trying to “slightly a little help when passing the traffic police exams. By your own car. Here, in addition to the funds allocated for gasoline, the driving school will also financially cover all costs for repairs and re-equipment. It turns out that the salary will be higher. Again, private lessons and “help” have not been canceled.

Self-employed private instructor. How profitable is this?

Now this is more interesting, right? It seemed, well, what could be simpler than posting an ad like this: “An experienced driver offers private driving lessons. I’ll teach you how to drive your own car, feeling the clutch and feeling the dimensions!”

It is guaranteed that even if you yourself don’t really know how to drive, 3-4 clients (and most likely, these will be women) a month will still call you back and inquire about such lessons, the main thing is to present yourself more beautifully. It seems that everything is quite simple, however, it is illegal. Those. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, even if you ask your neighbor to weld you additional pedals so that you can brake at any second, and attach the “U” badge, you will still face a significant fine.

How to become a driving instructor and register everything correctly?

You will need a special certificate giving you the right to engage in this type of teaching activity. To obtain it, you must contact ROSTO (DOSAAF). Modify your car properly. And don’t forget to take the entire package of documents from the service. You will need it in order to register an already converted vehicle.

Before getting our licenses, we all underwent training at a driving school, where we had to study with a driving instructor. But have you ever thought about who has the right to teach driving and whether additional training is necessary for this? In fact, working as a driving instructor is available to almost every driver, and for such an activity you can choose two paths at once, which we are going to tell you about below.

Two main ways to become a driving instructor

Only a naive person can think that in order to become a driving instructor, it is enough to simply learn how to drive a car professionally. In practice, to this skill it is also necessary to add the ability to tactfully and as clearly as possible explain how to do this to your students. And of course, working as a driving instructor is also unlikely to suit hot-tempered and impatient people, since the students are different, and some have to spend several months just so that they learn the location of the brake and gas pedals.

Interesting to know! The first driving school in Russia appeared only in 1906 and it was called the “Imperial School of Drivers.” Around the same years, the first driving school appeared in Germany.

But if you have firmly decided that such an activity can become your profession, then you will have to make another important choice - which path of training to become a driving instructor to choose. But there are two ways, and each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Training to become a driving instructor at a driving school

Essentially This is the easiest way to get and realize the profession of a driving instructor. It is clear that upon arrival at the driving school you will not be immediately registered as a full-time employee. If working as a driving instructor is new to you, then you will first have to undergo special training, after which you will be able to become a specialist in this field.

As a result of employment, you become part of the driving school staff, each of whom is assigned their own responsibilities and assigned a certain number of students. It is worth understanding that in this case, driving instructors can conduct not only practical training “while driving”, but also give lectures and take theoretical exams. Therefore, in addition to mastering the steering wheel, you will have to thoroughly master the traffic rules and learn how to convey information to listeners in an accessible manner.

Private driving instructor

This is another option for working as a driving instructor if you have the rights and a desire to teach others. In this option, there are two more varieties - working legally and illegally. We cannot recommend the second case to you, since for such activities the criminal code of any country provides not only punishment in the form of a fine, but even arrest for a period of 4 to 6 months, or imprisonment for 1 year. Agree, the prospect is not the most desirable, therefore, even if at first you do not want to rush with registration and want to check whether you will have clients, in the future it is still worth planning to obtain an official license and register with the tax authorities.

Important!Official private transportation, although it requires the payment of taxes, also provides the advantage of experience, since you will work as individual entrepreneur. Therefore, if you want to work for yourself, you still shouldn’t deceive the state and expose yourself to the risk of getting a criminal record.

What does it take to become a driving instructor at a driving school?

Almost anyone can become a driving instructor if they have a license to drive category B cars. You don’t have to undergo special training to become a driving instructor, but in order to start a private practice and teach others, you still need to fulfill a number of mandatory rules:

You can become a driving instructor only after reaching 21 years of age;

Have a driver's license of the category in which you want to teach (at least you must have category "B");

Have three years of accident-free driving experience;

Do not have a precedent of deprivation of driving license in the last three years in your biography.

Having fulfilled all the requirements for a driving instructor, you have the opportunity to enroll in instructor courses at a driving school, upon completion of which you will acquire the status of a qualified specialist.

Interesting fact! IN North Korea You can only get a license if your professional responsibilities call for you to drive a car. In all other cases, residents of this country do not need rights, since they do not have the right to own private transport.

Instructor courses

How to become a driving instructor at a driving school? Of course, sign up for courses. The duration of such training is short-term and will take you only 2-2.5 weeks. Training is required to obtain a driving instructor certificate. However, for each category of driver's license you will have to take a different course. These instructor courses focus on the following:

give future instructors the knowledge of how to properly communicate with students, what to pay attention to when teaching beginners and those who simply decided to refresh their knowledge;

Theoretical foundations of driving, rules traffic And legislative framework which is useful for every driver to know;

Improving future instructors' own practical driving skills.

As drivers, it will be useful for future instructors to become familiar with how to behave on especially congested roads, that is, in situations where even the most experienced drivers make serious mistakes. Thus, the course provides very valuable and practical knowledge and skills, without which it will be much more difficult to work as a driving instructor.

What documents need to be prepared before starting the training? To submit an application to a driving school that you want to take a driving instructor course, you must also additionally prepare mandatory documents, which include:

- passport;

Driver's license with the required categories;

A medical certificate stating that your health condition allows you to drive;

Certificate of Master of Industrial Driving Training (MPOV), if you are going to take repeated courses to obtain the right to teach driving of another category of cars;

Two photographs in 3\4 format.

Choosing a driving school for work

This is the most important task, especially if you live in big city and you do have a choice. It is worth choosing the largest driving schools, which are in greatest demand among those wishing to learn driving. Similar information can be obtained from the driving school itself: if they have people queuing to start training, rest assured that they will be happy to hire a new instructor and provide him with the required number of students.

It would also be useful to obtain information about what kind of vehicle fleet the school has, whether there are cars with only manual transmissions or automatic ones, at what sites and in what part of the city practical classes are held. The comfort of your work will depend on all these factors. Please note that if a driving school has a very small fleet of vehicles, and its employees offer you to convert your car into a training one, then in this case it would be better to choose the option with business registration and private driving training.

Private instructor: who has the right to teach driving outside of a driving school?

What does it take to become a driving instructor outside of a driving school? If you want to work legally, you will again have to take courses at a driving school and obtain an MPOV certificate. It will not be possible to become a driving instructor, even if YOU HAVE a license, but no certificate, since this will already be a violation of the law. But, in addition to gaining knowledge, you will need to take care of one more important task - preparing the car and taking care of paperwork.

How to convert a car into a training car?

If the requirements for a car driving instructor are not extremely complex, then the requirements for the car itself, on which he is going to train clients, are very serious. It is impossible to convert an ordinary passenger car into a training car without the help of specialists. In addition to technical changes, you will also have to take care of entering the relevant data into the vehicle registration certificate.

If you decide to convert your “iron horse”, you will have to perform the following steps:

1. Go to the traffic police to submit an application about your desire to make structural changes to the car you own.

2. Find specialists in the city who install a second pair of pedals in a car. Experienced instructors advise installing cable pedals in such a situation, which will help slow down the wear of the car. This procedure is quite expensive, but nothing can be done about it. Upon completion of the work, ask the specialists to provide you with documents with which you can register the changes made to the design of the car.

3. Purchase and install “Student” signs on your car.

4. Register the updated car with the traffic police and pick up the technical passport.

License to teach

According to the law, only driving schools need a license to teach driving. If you are going to engage only in private training, after which you will issue driver’s licenses to your students state standard– you do not need to obtain a license.

The only document that you must have is a certificate that allows you to conduct training (we have already talked about it above). With this certificate you can go to the tax office and register as an entrepreneur.

Tax registration procedure

Usually such a task takes a minimum of time. Having in hand the technical passport of your converted car, your driver’s license and MPOV certificate, you can safely go to the tax office to register an individual entrepreneur. Besides specified documents To become a private driving instructor, you will need to bring with you:

- passport;

Identification code;

Certificate of income.

Working as a driving instructor at a driving school or working for yourself: which is better to choose?

If everything has now become clear on how to become a driving instructor, then which path to choose is not entirely clear. Each described option has both its pros and cons, which cannot be ignored. What are the advantages of working in a driving school?

1. You don’t have to look for clients for training on your own, you don’t spend money on advertising, and you don’t have to work on your own reputation. The driving school takes on all these obligations.

2. There is no need to convert your own car into a training one, since every driving school should have such cars, and they will simply be provided to you to fulfill your job obligations.

3. Working as a driving instructor at a driving school also does not require any money spent on fuel, since the driving school again takes care of this. True, some private instructors also do not spend money on fuel, including its cost in payment for their services, which is quite rational.

4. Repairing a car is again not the concern of the school's driving instructor, even if it was damaged during his lesson.

The only disadvantage of this option is the small salary that instructors receive. Often, in addition to their main job, they still look for clients and work with them outside of school in a regular car. In principle, if you choose this approach, you can also earn considerable income.

But let's move on to the advantages of working as a private driving instructor. In fact, all the advantages of working in a driving school are the disadvantages of working as a private instructor. In this case, you will have to obtain a license, register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur, remodel your car and think about how and where to find clients and convince them to do business with you.

But be that as it may, all the money paid by the client, minus taxes, will go only into your pocket. Therefore, if you take this matter seriously, invest money in advertising and your car, your earnings can be very substantial, which will compensate for all costs (both monetary and moral).

We hope you have no more questions about how to become a driving instructor. To do this, you can choose one of two ways, the implementation of which we have described in detail for you. In any case, the main thing is to remember that you have chosen a very responsible profession, and now road safety and the education of drivers will depend on you.

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Hello, dear car enthusiast!

In this article you will learn what requirements apply to a driving instructor and how to become a driving instructor.

So, the following requirements are imposed on the driving instructor:

1. Driving experience of at least 3 years.

2. Availability of a driving instructor certificate.

3. Availability of a car with installed duplicate pedals and registered according to the law.

4. Registration of individual entrepreneur if necessary.

And now in more detail.

Before you get a profession as a driving instructor, think carefully!!! Auto instructor works with people and must be able to cope with their emotions. In addition, the driving instructor must have a teaching streak.

Here you need to correctly explain to the student all the subtleties. Moreover, each person should have his own approach. You need to be able to repeat the same thing many times and different languages so that people can understand better. Believe me, the work is not easy.

You also need to carefully analyze your region. For example, in Voronezh this niche is overcrowded, and it is quite difficult to get a job as an instructor. Moreover, our instructor works like an ox, and his salary is not very big. But in Lipetsk, this matter is simpler, there are not enough instructors.

1. So, the first thing you will need is driver's license Category “B” with at least three years of experience.

2. It is necessary to unlearn special courses for driving instructors. Such courses are not available everywhere; you need to find out specifically in each region. The cost of training is about 5,000 rubles. As a result, you will be given a driving instructor certificate, with which you can already teach driving.

If you apply for a driving school that has its own cars, then that’s basically it. If you will only be hired to work with a car, then see the next point.

3. It is necessary to equip and re-register your car. First, you must go to your traffic police department and ask for special permission to install duplicate pedals. The traffic police may require a certificate stating that you are being hired as a driving instructor and therefore you are re-registering your car. But perhaps this certificate will not be needed, it is different everywhere.

After you have received a certificate from the traffic police, you can install duplicate pedals. Pedals are not installed everywhere; this service has yet to be found. The cost fluctuates around 8,000-12,000 rubles. Along with the pedals, you will be given a pack of documents, which will need to be submitted to the traffic police to re-register the documents.

P.S. Only a driving instructor can teach driving! Otherwise, a fine will be imposed on the student and teacher who is not properly registered.

  • driving lessons
  • requirements for a driving instructor
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If you decide to thank the instructor who taught you to drive and give him a memorable gift, you can give preference to some automotive-themed items.

Surely your driving instructor has a personal car, so you can buy a new car recorder for him. Keep in mind that the cost of such a gift will be several thousand rubles. You can also buy for this person a GPRS navigator, a car TV, a new radio or a USB adapter for a flash drive.

Another option for a themed gift for an instructor are car mats, seat or steering wheel covers, a massager for the driver’s seat, a fragrance, a keychain with an emblem for keys, or a pendant attached to the windshield. In addition, you can give preference to car cushions that are placed near the rear window. There are funny inscriptions on the pillows, such as “I park where I want”, “If you drive more quietly, you will go further”, “Don’t hang on my tail”, etc.

When buying a gift for a driving instructor, you can order a T-shirt, mug, cap or other accessory from a photo studio with the inscription “To the best driving instructor from grateful students.” An alternative could be similar items with other inscriptions or automotive themes.

You can also use a custom-made cake as a gift for a driving instructor. Wishes are written on it and a training car is depicted. However, such a gift will not become memorable, so it is better to use it as an addition to the main present.

Standard gifts for driving instructors

If you decide to give your driving instructor a standard memorable gift, you can thank him with a bottle of expensive elite alcohol and a box of chocolates or a bar of dark chocolate.

The option of presenting the instructor with a bouquet of flowers cannot be ruled out. This gift is quite suitable not only for women, but also for men. But the flowers included in the bouquet should be different. These could be delphiniums, callas or irises. If you know that the instructor is good with indoor flowers, you can give him a yucca palm or cactus. Such a gift will be creative and memorable. An additional bottle of champagne will also please your driving instructor.

If you are passionate about cars, have teaching talent and a good vestibular system, then you may well become a driving instructor.

Your friend or family member has enrolled in driving school. But often school lessons driving is not enough to feel confident behind the wheel. If you want to act as an instructor, you should consider some points to ensure that your classes are effective and, most importantly, safe.


First of all, keep in mind that traffic rules require driving on roads only when accompanied by a professional instructor and equipped with additional brake and clutch pedals. Therefore, yours must take place in a safe place where there are no pedestrians, other cars or traffic police inspectors.

Elements that you can help master are starting off, taxiing, turns, U-turns, starting on a hill, driving, parking. Try to remain calm and equanimous in any situation. One of the main disadvantages of bad driving instructors is lack of restraint and nervousness.

You, unlike a driving school instructor, do not have the means to quickly stop the car. Therefore, be as careful as possible. Classes should be conducted with a manual transmission. If your ward does not have initial driving skills, it is better to drive at first speed without using the gas pedal. To do this, you need to depress the clutch, move the shift lever to the first gear position, and then slowly and smoothly release the clutch. The car will start moving at a speed of 4-5 km/h.

To complete the training elements, it is necessary to delimit the area. If you don't have exam stands like in a driving school, use available materials - for example, empty boxes.

The “snake” exercise will help you practice your steering technique at the initial stage. To do this, place the exam stands at a distance of about five meters from each other. The student must go around all the posts without touching them.

Pay close attention to reversing. How well the student masters it depends on how he will park in the future. It’s great if by the end of the lesson your student can drive the “snake” in reverse.

Practice turns in three, five, seven steps. Gradually reduce the width of the corridor in which the turn is made, bringing it to 5 meters. It is also necessary to master entering the box in reverse, turning left and right, and parallel parking in reverse.

Eat useful exercise, which helps you feel the dimensions of the car. Place some object on the ground - an empty pack of cigarettes, matches, a sheet of paper. Let the student run over this object first with the left wheel of the car, then with the right one. You can run over from different positions - turning, turning.

When choosing a gift for a man, you can doubt for a long time and wonder what he will like. There is a way out of this situation - to present something related to his occupation or hobbies. For example, you can name several items that will definitely be useful to a car enthusiast or driver.


Practical gifts include a wallet for car documents. There are usually all sorts of compartments for all important papers. A wallet with a compartment for a passport is also convenient. Made from leather or a material with an interesting texture, this wallet looks great.

Another useful gift is a breathalyzer for individual use. It may be useful in difficult situation and will help you save a lot of money. The main thing is to choose a model that is easy to use and reliable.

Gifts that are relevant for the driver also include car seat covers, all kinds of tool sets, and cell phone stands. Electronic communicators will be very useful for communication on the go. In general, you can give any device to maintain comfort and safety when driving on the road.

If you do not understand various technical devices, you can choose a gift for the driver in the form of items with automobile symbols. These could be logos of car brands. This includes sets of travel utensils. You can even pick up a picture of a car.

Teach driving at a driving school or practice private practice is possible only if you have a certificate for the right to learn to drive vehicles. Get this certificate Persons of any gender with at least 3 years of driving experience can apply. It doesn’t matter whether you officially work at a driving school or not.

I learned to drive, like many village boys, when I was still a teenager. Having not yet received his license, he himself taught the boys on his father’s wreck in exchange for various little things. So I learned to explain patiently until the person gets it. In the army he was a driver, and in civilian life he became a taxi driver. When the child was born, I decided to do something calmer, and my friends advised me to look into a driving school. The path “taxi driver - driving instructor” is quite popular. But many become instructors “from the street.”

How to become a driving instructor?

There is a list of formal requirements for an instructor. This includes having a driver's license; driving experience of at least 3 years; education not lower than secondary; certificate of completion of instructor courses. If you don’t have a certificate, but you have everything else, plus a specially equipped car, then you can become a private driving instructor.

To obtain this certificate, you must take a driving instructor course. They help refresh your memory of basic knowledge, and also provide information specifically for working with beginners, the basics of pedagogy and other little things. The courses are paid, about 10-15 thousand rubles.

Then you can search for vacancies on websites, but I would advise not to waste time, but to call schools directly and inquire. I called, and already at the third school I was invited for an interview.

What does a good driving instructor need?

First of all, experience. Not the number of years for show or tens of thousands of “known” kilometers, but good, strong experience. Of course, no serious accidents due to his fault, deprivation of rights, violations of traffic rules... in this case, he simply will not be allowed to study.

And with experience comes a feeling for the car, the ability to make small repairs “on the spot” with your own hands, and knowledge of the secrets of moving around the city, legal ones, of course!

A desire to work in this profession is a must. Not because you like to turn the wheel - for this you can be a truck driver, a bus driver, and a courier. But because I want to teach people.

And here is the ability to teach. If you taught your wife, friend or son to drive, it doesn’t mean anything. You know your family and friends, but strangers are different! And girls who were bought a little red car, or boys who have been able to do everything for a long time and only need a piece of paper, and pensioners who want to catch up...

It is very important to have endurance. In a critical situation, do not scare the student with screams, but clearly and quickly solve the problem.

The instructor must also remember that he is a model of behavior for the student. Don’t smoke in the car, don’t look at your phone, don’t yell obscenities at other drivers. Do not enter into conflicts - he is responsible not only for himself, but also for the student in the salon.

What does your work day look like?

I get up at 6 am, have breakfast, go to the garage, go through a medical examination, get waybill, I meet a student - and it begins.... It all depends on the specific student. We can go to the city or practice the program at the race track. Then one shift ends and another begins, with a different student, based on his knowledge and needs.

If you tell it like this, then the working day looks dull and monotonous. In fact, I don’t notice boredom and routine: different people, there are both funny incidents and acute situations, after which the adrenaline just boils (unfortunately!). I will never forget my student, a retired pediatrician, who decided to take up car travel around the region. Dashingly learned all the rules, mastered the car - and drove around the city, loudly and childishly swearing at all the violators.

Pros and cons of being a driving instructor?

New people, interesting – and sometimes useful! – acquaintances and connections. This is the biggest plus.

Minus - . In polite society they don’t talk about this, but I would like to warn novice instructors about the prevention of hemorrhoids. You also have to breathe in exhaust fumes, which also doesn’t add to your health.

What stereotypes about instructors have you encountered?

The most offensive is the supposedly huge salaries for simply sitting next to the student. You already understand that this is not just sitting next to each other. But salaries... In Moscow, an instructor is promised about 50 thousand rubles, in the provinces - about 20 thousand. Salary depends on the school. In large ones, well-stocked with clients, you can actually earn money (I just get 40 thousand), but in small schools or in unpopular categories, don’t expect anything significant.

What is the difference between a private instructor and a school one?

This is for those who already feel confident. Personally, I want to work as an instructor at a driving school for a few more years and only then switch to private training.

The advantages of a driving school are the presence of a government-owned car, the management takes care of the supply of students, and a stable salary. Disadvantages: the salary is small, the students are different, and you can’t choose your boss either.

The advantages of private instruction are working on your own schedule, the ability to set your own prices. Disadvantages - there is no flow of clients, you need to advertise yourself, look for students. You need to take care of your personal car in good working order, re-equip it (install duplicate clutch and brake pedals) and register it as a training vehicle. And don’t forget the letter “U”! Such modernization is expensive, plus remember about the price of gasoline, the need to constantly maintain “ presentation» car, expenses for related details, registration of individual entrepreneurs...

A private instructor can charge from 500 to 1,500 rubles per hour, or even more, but will you be able to withstand the competition, will you be able to properly advertise yourself and maintain a constant flow of clients? I doubt myself, so for now I work at a driving school.

You can combine private lessons and work at a driving school, but I’m not ready to spend 20 hours in a car, it gets boring.

What should novice instructors be warned about?

There is one little-known point that, unfortunately, some people encounter. There is always competition between driving schools, a struggle for new students. Dirty methods are also used - for example, “fake” reviews. The instructor's name is taken at random from the driving school's website and a devastating review is written about his incompetence, unprofessionalism, and if the review is from a girl, then about his attempts. Management begins to find out whether such a student actually existed, whether this instructor worked in those days, and it often turns out that the review is slanderous. But, as they say, “the spoons were found, but the sediment remained.”

Do not mess with dishonest instructors. “Experienced” colleagues may advise you on how to get additional profit - don’t fall for it! I will not talk about the moral side of the issue, I will only say that all these tricks are known to the managers, and sooner or later such an instructor will be kicked out. If you don't like your salary, resolve the issue with management or change schools.

Be very careful with students. This is funny only in staged videos, jokes or TV series; in reality, everything can end very sadly.

And – this is very important when you teach women! – immediately place emphasis on “teacher” and “student”. In a cramped car, you will often have to touch the student, take him by the arm or shoulder, touch his hip so that he places his foot correctly. If you do not immediately outline the boundaries and boundaries, misunderstandings may arise. Although there are now female instructors in driving schools, so girls are more likely to choose them.