Instructions on how to assemble figures from magnetic balls.

Well, here come the first (simplest) versions of the figures from NeoCube A. What can you make from it when you pick it up for the first time? The most basic crafts:

  • ball
  • square
  • triangle
  • a chain (surely everyone was able to do this when they unwound it)

Now we've had some fun, we've done it, and we can move on to more complex things! Namely, to the assembly itself Cube A. And even though the instructions, in principle, already exist, I will write here in more detail!

First of all, let's start collecting Cube one of the most simple elements. First, you need to assemble a chain from the total mass (crumpled up by you), the length of the chain should be equal to the number of balls in NeoCube e, and i.e. 216 balls. After this action, you need to take both ends of this chain in your hands and connect them.

Next, connect the left and right sides of the chain so that its thickness becomes 2 balls. If you manage to connect it so that there is one ball left on top and bottom, don’t be upset! It is not necessary to disassemble the figure to the ground. You just need to carefully pinch off the ball that is getting in the way and put it in the missing place.

After the transformations done, you have a chain whose thickness is 2 balls. Place it on a hard surface and count out 54 balls. It doesn't matter which side you count from. After you have completed the action described above, you will need to separate these counted 54 balls from the chain and leave them in your hands.

The resulting chain of 54 elements must be pulled to the top of the original chain and leaned on the side so that the balls are connected to each other. Attention! There is no need to turn over the chain that was in your hands. This can lead to a change in polarity and incorrect joining of the elements of the two chains.

By connecting both chains you will get one, but already 4 balls wide. Now you will need to count 18 balls from any edge and separate them from the existing chain. A strip 4 balls wide and 18 balls long must be divided lengthwise, i.e. you will get 2 chains 2 balls wide and 18 long.

Having completed the steps described above, you need to attach the resulting two strips on the side to the original one (from which we disconnected the strip of 18 elements). And we will get a strip 6 balls wide and 36 balls long.

The process of creating ours has almost come to an end. cube A! You have very little left.

Cubes, pyramids, balls, hearts, scorpions - these are just a small part of the figures that can be made from magnetic balls. Read on to find out how to do this.

Cube of magnetic balls: who to thank?

In 2014, a cube made of magnetic balls was recognized as one of the most popular toys of the 21st century. Today, representatives of various professions and age groups. However, just 7 years ago, the phrase “Cube made of magnetic balls” was understandable only to students at the University of Pittsburgh - it was within its walls that a new toy was created.

The famous Portal game made from magnetic balls

Chris Red not only found a new use for magnetic balls, but also introduced a fashion for an exciting puzzle. A little imagination - and the first master classes on creating figures from magnetic balls appeared on Youtube. Today their number numbers in the hundreds: from ordinary cubes and pyramids to elegant snowflakes and stars. More on ways to collect magnetic balls below.

There were magnetic balls, but now... just a cube.

For a professional, creating a cube is a breeze. But a beginner will have to show a little imagination. Better yet, use these instructions.

This photo figures made from magnetic balls are fascinating...

The first rule of assembling a cube is to transform chaos into strict consistency. In this case, a long chain is formed from magnetic balls. And in order not to unravel the intricacies of a lump of sticky magnets, you just need to pull one of them. The force of attraction will force all the other balls to follow the example of the first one. When the chain is formed, the first and last need to be connected so that a ribbon consisting of two rows is formed. You need to fold the chain until you get 6 rows.

Next you will need skill: 6 balls on one side of the chain are wrapped around the fingers and placed on the overall chain. The procedure is repeated until a cube is formed (1 side = 6 balls).

Assembling a pyramid of 216 balls

If assembling the cube did not cause any difficulties, there should also be no problems with forming the pyramid. Real masters of this puzzle do it in a few minutes. Equilateral triangles are formed from magnetic balls. 216 balls should make 9 figures different sizes. The triangles are placed one after the other in a row or stacked on top of each other. Ready!

There was a cube of 216 balls, but it became one big neo-ball!

As in the case of a pyramid, 12 figures are formed from magnetic balls (1 figure = 15 balls). They are connected on the sides. That's all the arithmetic!

And a little more imagination.

Neocube (magnetic balls 216)

While browsing the web looking for ideas, I saw this unusual cube. At first I thought it was a device
for physics or chemistry, but then I read the description, instructions, and decided to buy a magnetic cube for my child. After monitoring online stores, the one with the lowest price was selected. The order was delivered on time, I was pleased good quality goods, polite sellers and a good price compared to other stores.

My review of the Neokub puzzle

What is Neocube?

The cube consists of 216 small, magnetic balls. Each magnet is nickel plated to resist scratching and prevent damage. magnetic properties material. The magnet consists of an alloy of iron, boron, and neodymium. It is safe for health and does not cause any allergic reactions, and does not leave mechanical damage.

To be honest, at first I had no idea what the benefit of this puzzle was, other than developing motor skills, but when I started making figures out of balls, all my fatigue after work disappeared somewhere, it was wiped away. The toy helped me relax and relieve tension, some kind of magical property.

As soon as I feel like I’m about to scold someone at home, I immediately go and play with the balls. I even taught my husband to do this. You can’t imagine how pleased my child is with the gift; it replaced his TV and computer. I don’t know how long the excitement will last, but considering that there are a huge number of assembly schemes, I’m sure it will last for a long time.

Attention! The toy contains small details! Keep away from children under 7 years of age!


  • Educational puzzle toy.
  • Consists of magnetic balls of different diameters approximately 0.3–0.7 mm.
  • All balls are in the shape of a circle.
  • The standard number of balls is 216, but you can find toy options with different amounts magnets (27, 1.25, 323, etc.).
  • The total weight of the balls is no more than 100 g (80–85).
  • May be different colors(silver, golden, blue, red, emerald balls).


Having ordered the Neocube, I was glad to see additional balls in the set, because they can roll away somewhere, it’s good that there are spare ones on hand. There is also a storage bag to keep the toy from collecting dust. So, there are 4 things in total:

  • Neocube.
  • 10 spare magnetic balls.
  • Storage jar.
  • Pouch for extra magnets.

What can you make from balloons?

Any magnetic ball with a slight movement of the hand will detach from its neighbor, so from 216 pieces you can make many interesting objects or figures.

Somehow it reminded me of a children's construction set, only in this modern interpretation. My husband and son found many videos on Youtube and began to sculpt “male” figures on their own. The first creation was an ordinary pyramid, but it took a lot of time and patience. In order to make such a “craft” from magnets you need about 200 balls. We make 6 triangles and overlap one on top. Sleight of hand, a little free time, and you can enjoy your creation.

For myself, I chose a star figurine, took 100 balls, but did not use all of them. It seems to be nothing complicated, but thinking and hand motor skills develop, which is especially suitable for a child’s games.

In general, it all depends on your imagination. You can search on the Internet how to make flowers, cars, or animal faces. I offer several video instructions that show step by step how to create neocube figures.

Benefits of Neocube

A magnetic cube made of balls is a puzzle of the modern generation. Previously, people bought Rubik's cubes to develop thinking, but now they buy only this miracle cube made of magnets. If it seems to you that it has no benefit, then you have never held it in your hands or played with it. Just try it, and you will immediately be drawn into the creation of interesting figures, into the process of development. I consider it a useful invention because:

  1. Excellent for developing hand motor skills.
  2. A remedy for idleness.
  3. Makes you think logically.
  4. Develops creative thinking.
  5. Relaxes, relieves stress.
  6. A great activity when you don't know how to pass the time.


  • Develops fine motor skills hands
  • Does not require special storage conditions, just put it in the bag included in the kit and hide it in the box.
  • Does not break, does not tear, does not wear out as quickly as soft or plastic toys.
  • Expands the imagination of both children and adults.
  • It will help you wean yourself from bad habits.
  • Wean you off laziness.


  • The balls need temporary cleaning with a special powder, or any product for magnets or metal.
  • If we compare the price of a Rubik's cube with a Neocube, then the second one, unfortunately, is much more expensive.
  • Do not give to children under 7 years of age to prevent small parts from becoming harmful to health.

I would like to add that the disadvantages are actually relative, because the balls can be easily washed with soap and water. The main thing is to do this at least once a day, after daily use of the toy. If we compare the child’s level of interest in both toys, then my son gave preference to the modern Neocube, and I, in turn, agreed with him. I also believe that the puzzle can become a great gift not only for the child, but also for a colleague or someone close to you.

This is a modern puzzle that combines ease of use and stylish design. The toy is made by analogy with a Rubik's cube, only the neocube has a slightly different operating principle. It consists of 216 balls with magnetic field with the same charge, due to this, each part is easily attracted to each other, allowing you to create the most unimaginable shapes.


Type of neocube

Neocube, namely its balls, are made of neodymium, a rather rare metal. Thanks to its property, the magnetic effect lasts up to half a century. The balls are coated with nickel, which protects them from damage and scratches. For sale is a neocube in a classic square shape.

How to assemble a neocube Having a lot of balls on hand that are in a chaotic order, you can achieve the original look.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Separate one ball from the neocube that sticks out and lower it down. Then do everything with the rest of the balls, lining them up in a chain.
  2. Make a ring from the chain by connecting both ends.
  3. Connect both sides of the ring to create a rectangle.
  4. Detach a small piece of the resulting chain and attach it to the side of the overall figure.
  5. The remaining tail is also separated and attached. The result is a rectangle with 5 rows.
  6. Counting 6 balls from the edge, bend the neocube and press it to the figure. Do this until the cube is completed.

What is neocube used for?

Neocube is capable of developing thinking and imagination. He can teach children to think logically, inventing and creating new figures. In addition, the puzzle perfectly develops hand motor skills.

What shapes can be made from neocube?

The shapes can be different - these are ordinary geometric shapes like a square, a circle, and so on. Also, it's easy to make all kinds of hearts, houses and much more. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and start collecting.


Such a modern puzzle as neocube will certainly appeal to both children and adults. She can keep a person busy long time, help him forget about bad habits and even about the refrigerator. If you want to spend time usefully and with pleasure, then the neocube is perfect for this. Once you pick it up, it will be difficult to resist creating new figures.

Cubes, pyramids, balls, hearts, scorpions - these are just a small part of the figures that can be made from magnetic balls. Read on to find out how to do this.

Cube of magnetic balls: who to thank?

In 2014, a cube made of magnetic balls was recognized as one of the most popular toys of the 21st century. Today, representatives of different professions and age groups are racking their brains with inspiration to create figures from magnetic balls. However, just 7 years ago, the phrase “Cube made of magnetic balls” was understandable only to students at the University of Pittsburgh - it was within its walls that a new toy was created.

The famous Portal game made from magnetic balls

Chris Red not only found a new use for magnetic balls, but also introduced a fashion for an exciting puzzle. A little imagination - and the first master classes on creating figures from magnetic balls appeared on Youtube. Today their number numbers in the hundreds: from ordinary cubes and pyramids to elegant snowflakes and stars. More on ways to collect magnetic balls below.

There were magnetic balls, but now... just a cube.

For a professional, creating a cube is a breeze. But a beginner will have to show a little imagination. Better yet, use these instructions.

This photo of a figure made of magnetic balls is fascinating...

The first rule of assembling a cube is to transform chaos into strict consistency. In this case, a long chain is formed from magnetic balls. And in order not to unravel the intricacies of a lump of sticky magnets, you just need to pull one of them. The force of attraction will force all the other balls to follow the example of the first one. When the chain is formed, the first and last need to be connected so that a ribbon consisting of two rows is formed. You need to fold the chain until you get 6 rows.

Next you will need skill: 6 balls on one side of the chain are wrapped around the fingers and placed on the overall chain. The procedure is repeated until a cube is formed (1 side = 6 balls).

Assembling a pyramid of 216 balls

If assembling the cube did not cause any difficulties, there should also be no problems with forming the pyramid. Real masters of this puzzle do it in a few minutes. Equilateral triangles are formed from magnetic balls. From 216 balls you should get 9 figures of different sizes. The triangles are placed one after the other in a row or stacked on top of each other. Ready!

There was a cube of 216 balls, but it became one big neo-ball!

As in the case of a pyramid, 12 figures are formed from magnetic balls (1 figure = 15 balls). They are connected on the sides. That's all the arithmetic!

And a little more imagination.