Why do you dream about railroad tracks? Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dreamer dream about about a railway in a dream?

Railroad - Seeing a railroad in a dream means that in reality you will soon have a long trip or business trip. Being a railway worker yourself means a quarrel with your boss or troubles at work.

A train - to the upcoming concern for one of your relatives, to travel in it - a serious offer of cooperation awaits you.

If in a dream a train rushing at speed suddenly brakes or derails, this is a sign of your mistake, a wrong decision.

Being on a train that crashed means that you have to sacrifice your principles, go against your will in order to achieve your goal.

Hurry to the train - to the news, to arrive at the final destination - to achieve your goal.

Seeing a locomotive in a dream means that due to family contradictions you will have difficult communication with relatives.

An electric train means that soon you will meet a new acquaintance that will dramatically change your future life.

A railway depot means that you will receive help from those you didn’t even count on; being inside it means upcoming troubles and anxiety. The driver you dreamed of is a symbol of the slow but sure achievement of the results of your work.

Seeing a railroad worker with a crowbar in a dream means that your competitors or ill-wishers are trying to harm you, so you need to make a lot of effort to resist them.

Seeing yourself in a carriage compartment means that you have to go on a long trip to solve personal problems or on family issues.

Miller's Dream Book

Railway - you will soon understand that your business needs special attention, as enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams railway- this means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time.

Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream means betrayal in your affairs.

Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs.

Seeing in a dream railway tracks, flooded clean water, means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do women dream about the Railway?

If a railroad appears in a dream, it’s time to pay attention special attention your affairs: your enemies are trying to take the initiative into their own hands. A blockage on a railway track means betrayal in business.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about the Railway

Railway – If you dreamed of a railway, the dream means that after some time you will be overcome by uncertainty and doubts related to your ability to sexually satisfy your partner. You will probably want to change a lot in your life, and above all in the sexual sphere. You should not act impulsively and thoughtlessly - in the future everything will be resolved by itself.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Railway in a dream?

A railroad in a dream means a distant road will fall on you or some unexpected guests will arrive.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about using the Railway according to spiritual sources?

Railway – Travel

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream about the Railway in a dream?

Seeing a railway in a dream - Profitable travel

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Railway from your dream

Railway, rails - A symbol of the spiritual path, a strictly defined direction of development and life course that does not allow any personal freedom of action. Railway – unlike a regular road, it was laid earlier, it is straight and level. And therefore, if you move along it, it will report the most favorable or forced course of the circumstances and affairs of the sleeper.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Railway in a dream

Railroad - someone is testing your partner’s loyalty to the limit. Minor squabbles in the family are possible, but overall your family happiness strong. The railway is an opportunity. A barrier on the railway track is an obstacle in business; walking on rails is skillful management of affairs. You dreamed of the Railway - expansion of necessary business connections. Walking on sleepers means lack of ambition. Walking on rails means skillfully managing your business. Traveling by train is an important proposition. Thanks to your skill, you will achieve great success in your profession.

Imagine the dreamed railway in all its details. Take your time and look at the rails, the locomotive, the carriages... It is advisable to see the train in reality the day after sleep.

Dream Book of Arnold Mindell

If you dream of a railway in a dream

Railroad - as soon as you hesitate, your enemies will seize the initiative; you will fade into the background, your profits can be examined under a microscope; you must have full knowledge of the information; He who owns information owns the world.

The railway seems to be blocked or the tracks have been dismantled - your business partners will resort to betrayal for the sake of quick profit; They will justify their unworthy act by some of your old sins - but you should not take their excuses seriously. It’s as if you are walking on sleepers - grueling work awaits you; Fatigue and anxiety for loved ones - this is your usual state for the next few days. You walk on rails, you balance as you go - you will succeed in business; you know how to conduct business so skillfully that you even find a way out of situations in which others give up or, conversely, raise their hands and meekly give up. The rails seem to be overgrown with grass, or water is flooding them - the misfortune that will happen will be short-lived.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does it mean if you dreamed about the Railway?

Railway - to increase the level of skill and great success in the profession. Imagine the railway tracks in detail: consider the rails and sleepers. Imagine that a large train is walking along the tracks. He approaches a large station, where there are many railway tracks, on which you see a variety of trains, both freight and passenger. You step out onto the platform and board the train, which takes you to where you have always wanted to go.

Creative dream book

What does a railway mean to a dreamer?

A railroad in a dream represents the way we want to go through life. We can choose either the direct path or the roundabout one. A single track road assumes that only one path is available to us, while multiple paths assume large selection opportunities. WITH psychological point from a dream about a railway - advice to stick to one goal (which belongs to a group of people). Previously, the appearance of the railway was interpreted as an opportunity to ignore obstacles, go around them or ram them on the track. From a spiritual point of view, the railway involves a chosen direction, which is usually somewhat straight forward.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Seeing a railway worker in uniform in a dream means a long journey to work.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Railway, railway worker - to a train crash (to rumors of a train crash).

For those born in September, October, November, December

The railway is a trip.

Seen in a dream, it is interpreted as the direction of life. If the road is straight, then life path will be exactly the same - without shying from side to side, without unnecessary " lyrical digressions” and painful questions “What should I do?” and “Who is to blame?”

Whether such a life will be interesting is another question. Some may find it too bland. Someone will be completely satisfied. But a dream is a dream, and you don’t have to choose.

Railway rails seen in a dream - how given direction, which you follow through life. There are no potholes or potholes, which means that the path to success and happiness is straight. But you can’t turn away from this path - the rails are iron.
If you dreamed rail marks, but for some reason without a railway, get ready for change. If you are already, and it is difficult to pick up speed, it means that you will have serious worries about some enterprise that will have to become the main source of your financial well-being.
Interference on the rails, which does not allow the train to move forward, warns the person seeing the dream that a traitor has appeared in his environment and he is carrying out destructive work against your business.
Regarding intimate sphere, then nothing good can be expected from the rails: the lovers will most likely diverge.

Interpretation of the dream: “Runaway rails seen in a dream mean a quick trip, sleepers mean the risk of being late to where they are waiting for you” (“Summer Dream Book”).

A passenger train seen in a dream prepares you for a trip in reality. Moreover, it will take place very soon if the train you saw in your dream is fast.
A train in a dream is a signal for the sleeper that it needs to be taken seriously take care of official business. Perhaps you have given yourself some indulgences, and now a swarm of envious people and ill-wishers are ready to “pawn” you and, if possible, to deceive you. The train is a kind of new round of your life. If the train I saw you in the distance, it means changes in your life will not happen very soon. Have time to prepare for them. But if you see a train on the platform or are sitting inside and waiting for departure, then change is practically on your doorstep.
The train means your concern for your family and friends. If you saw in a dream the entire train, including the locomotive, this means that there is no unanimity among your relatives, and you will have difficult communication with your relatives on some issues that are important to you and everyone.

An electric train seen in a dream promises you an interesting introduction to the prospect of changes in your personal life.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you saw a train in a dream, wait for an interesting invitation that will open up new perspectives for you” (“Modern Dream Book”).

Don't like the top bunks on trains? That's right. This is also in a dream not the best best option . If you are sleeping and see yourself in a compartment, on the top bunk, it means that in reality you will be sent on a business trip with a not very pleasant assignment and with a not very good travel companion, and besides, you will waste your money in vain. But if fellow traveler will be nice to you, then the dream will mean that in real life you will find a person who can be for you for many years faithful comrade and reliable support.
And a few more interpretations of dreams about carriages:

  • freight car - to a deterioration in financial well-being,
  • an empty carriage - to self-flagellation and loneliness,
  • a crowded carriage - to slow down the progress of your business,
  • an uncoupled carriage on the rails - to the suspension of your business,
  • large number carriages - to a long life.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you saw yourself entering the carriage, it means you are returning to usual life, the course of which was disrupted” (“Tsvetkov’s Dream Book”).

A toy road is often dreamed of by those who in real life are busy with an unloved job and have not been able to realize all their talents and capabilities. If you see yourself as a child with a train and carriages in your hands, it means that in reality you are unhappy with the current situation, but changing it is not in your power. Dream interpreters believe that after such a dream a person should postpone the most important matters for a while, so as not to be disappointed in their results.

Interpretation of the dream: “A toy road in a dream is a model of the structure of your consciousness” (“Psychoanalytic Dream Book”).

Dream interpreters believe that a risky crossing of railway tracks means some kind of revolution in human behavior: he went against the grain, breaks stereotypes. But the dream does not answer the question of whether all this will end in success or failure.
If you run across the tracks dangerously close to an oncoming train, it means that tedious, hopeless work awaits you ahead, and this worries you.
If in a dream you took advantage of crossing the railway tracks, it means that in reality you are a “knight at a crossroads”, doubting everything before making any decision.

Interpretation of the dream: “Crossing railroad tracks means entering a period of anxiety and hard labor” (“Miller’s Dream Book”).

Follow the paths

If in a dream you confidently walk straight along the railway tracks, great news awaits you and good performance at work.

Walking towards a train means you are getting involved in a risky but promising enterprise.

You walk along the rails, but from time to time you slip onto them - this means that there are obstacles on the way to your intended goal and they must be overcome. But you don’t give up, but, on the contrary, you get down to business even stronger and more passionately.

Interpretation of the dream: “If you walked on rails in a dream, it means you will achieve happiness in life” (“Big Dream Book”).

This dream is mirror image happening in reality. Something is very disturbing, oppressive, and failure follows failure. , in which in a dream, should not scare you: this dream only promises the help that relatives and friends will offer you.
Some dream books consider a dream about a train accident as the onset of health problems. Prevent trouble by going to the doctor.

Interpretation of the dream: “Seen in a dream train accident calls for abandoning the planned grandiose plan so that it does not end in irreparable misfortune” (“Dream Book of the 20th Century”).

Build a railway

A creative dream (you are building a railroad) is actually destructive and means that you are organizing for one of your enemies obstacles on the way to their goals.
And another interpretation option: if in a dream you are building a railway, then in real life get ready to receive a very interesting, career-promising offer.

Interpretation of the dream: “Building a railway means prosperity” (“ Newest dream book G. Ivanova).

This dream means the approach of the “black line” in your life. Obviously, you made some mistake, or the decision you made turned out to be wrong. Admit that this is so, and it will be much easier for you to correct the situation.
In the interpretation of this dream, it is very important whether you were a direct participant in the events or observed the tragedy from the side. If you were on the train, which means you have to “step on the throat of your own song” and sacrifice some of your principles for the sake of your intended goal. If you watched what was happening from the outside, indifferently, it means that in real life you are ready to be cowardly in the name of the same great goal.

Interpretation of the dream: “A derailed train means that in reality fortune will turn away from you” (“Hasse’s Dream Book”).

According to Freud

According to Freud's Dream Book, watching a train in a dream means a quick change of sexual partner.

You go from carriage to carriage - they are waiting for you fleeting novels.

If in a dream you entered a carriage, it means that after a period of searching and dissatisfaction with yourself, you will return to your normal life. Get out of the car - get ready for changes in real life. Missing the train means that you had a great chance that you missed.

According to Vanga

“Vanga’s Dream Book” interprets the dream of a train as a symbol of melancholy. The dream book compares a train passing you with changes in life that you are not happy about, moreover - sad and disappointed. And the longer the train, the longer this period of despondency and melancholy will last. But if there is no end in sight to the composition, this may portend long life a person who has just recovered from a serious illness.
If the person sleeping in a dream acts as a train passenger, then the dream is considered. And here we must try to retain all its details in memory in order to interpret it more accurately.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a railway, it means that you will soon discover that your business needs special attention, since your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there.

Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream means betrayal in your affairs.

Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs.

Seeing railway tracks flooded with clear water in a dream means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Family dream book

The railroad is a sign that you should pay special attention to your affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative.

The girl dreamed of a railway - she had a pleasant journey ahead of her.

Walking on rails in a dream means you will achieve great happiness.

We saw railway tracks flooded with clear water - your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A railroad and rails in a dream symbolize certain circumstances that you cannot change.

Driving or walking along the railway without any particular difficulties is a sign that in some matter you should trust fate and not worry in vain.

Difficulties along the way are a warning that the things you are about to undertake do not promise to be easy.

A train accident in a dream urges you to abandon some planned business, otherwise it may end in irreparable disaster.

Why do you dream about the railway?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Railway - to long journey, business trip.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Spring dream book

Railway worker - To see a railway worker in uniform in a dream means a long journey to work.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Summer dream book

Railway worker - Seeing a railway worker in a dream means a train crash (rumours about a train crash).

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A railroad in a dream portends a profitable trip at someone else’s expense. If in a dream you are driving along it, it means that pretty soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and you will resolutely begin to eliminate these obstacles.

Dreaming about a railway station means that in the coming days you will have to use public transport services.

For a young girl to see herself at a train station in a dream means that she will happily go to her friends vacationing outside the city and have great fun with them there.

Seen in a dream railway crossing- symbolizes your desire for a new goal, which will encounter significant obstacles and difficulties. Walking on sleepers in a dream foretells the intensification of your activities in a new direction, which will bring immediate success and high income.

Railway arrow - means that in at the moment you stand at a crossroads in life, turn the switch - make the final choice.

Crossing the railway tracks in front of a rapidly approaching train means the onset of an alarming period in your life, full of painstaking but low-income work.

Driving across a railway bridge over a large, endless river in a dream means that a temporary decline in your affairs will be replaced by a sharp rise. Seeing yourself in a dream as a conductor of a railway carriage - in reality you will have to turn to your closest neighbors for a small service.

If you dream that you are riding a train through an absolutely hopeless railway tunnel, this means that you will soon be involved in an unusual enterprise that will result in sad events or endless troubles for you.

Walking along an underground railway passage in a dream - you will never be able to solve the mystery that you are already working on for a long time you're scratching your head.

Getting lost in such a transition means that you will step on a path that will not lead you to success, but will distance you from it.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing a railway in a dream – Profitable travel

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were traveling on a railroad, you will soon be able to find out the cause of your failures and eliminate it.

If you dreamed of a railway station, this means that in the near future you will be using public transport services.

If you dreamed of a railroad crossing, you will encounter significant obstacles on your way to achieving your goal.

If you dreamed that you were walking on railroad sleepers, you are about to change your field of activity and have immediate success.

If you dreamed of a railroad switch, it means that at the moment you are standing at a crossroads in life; turn the switch - it’s time to make a final decision.

If you dreamed that you were crossing the railway tracks in front of an approaching train, this means that turbulent times will soon come in your life, danger is possible.

If you dreamed that you were crossing a railway bridge over a river, this means that a temporary decline in your business will be replaced by a sharp rise.

If you dream that you are riding a train through a railway tunnel, this means that you will soon be drawn into an adventure that could end very badly.

If you dream that you are walking along an underground railway track, this means that you will never be able to solve the mystery that has been tormenting you.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If a railway appears in a dream, it is time to pay special attention to your affairs: your enemies are trying to take the initiative into their own hands.

A barricade on a railway track means betrayal in the business sphere.

If you are walking along sleepers on a railway track, a time of anxiety and exhausting work awaits you ahead.

Walking on rails is a sign that you will achieve great happiness through skillful management of affairs.

If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a great time there.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Azar's Dream Book

The railway is a journey.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Modern dream book

If you dream about a railroad, you will find that your affairs need close attention, as enemies are trying to take power over you.

For a girl to see a railway in a dream, it means a trip on which she will go to visit friends.

Seeing obstacles on the road indicates foul play towards you.

Crossing the intersection of paths means the onset of a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream predicts that in real life you will achieve happiness by skillfully managing your affairs.

Seeing rails flooded with clean water in a dream foretells that you will experience failure for a while, but you, like a phoenix, will rise again from the ashes.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

The railway is a profitable journey.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a railway - there is a certain path ahead; way “into oneself” / to remain alone.

Lokomotiv - feeling bad among friends and acquaintances.

Traveling by rail is a long journey, there will be obstacles and dangers; great danger from love and for love.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The railway is a symbol of the spiritual path, a strictly defined direction of development and life course that does not allow any personal freedom of action.

The railway, unlike a regular road, was laid earlier, it is straight and level. And therefore, if you move along it, it will report the most favorable or forced course of the circumstances and affairs of the sleeper.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does a railroad mean in a dream - Thanks to your skill, you will achieve great success in your profession. Imagine the dreamed railway in all its details. Take your time and look at the rails, the locomotive, the carriages... It is advisable to see the train in reality the day after sleep.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Modern dream book

Railway – Profitable travel

Why do you dream about the railway?

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Railway - see also Train, Trip. 1. A railroad in a dream means how we walk through life. We can choose either the direct path or the roundabout one. A single track road suggests that there is only one path available to us, while multiple paths suggest a wide range of possibilities. 2. From a psychological point of view, a dream about a railroad is advice to stick to one goal (which belongs to a group of people). Previously, the appearance of the railway was interpreted as an opportunity to ignore obstacles, go around them or ram them on the track. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the railway implies a chosen direction, which is usually somewhat straight forward.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of the Railway - You dreamed of the Railway - as soon as you gape, your enemies will seize the initiative; you will fade into the background, your profits can be examined under a microscope; you must have full knowledge of the information; He who owns information owns the world. A girl dreams of a railway - a pleasant journey awaits this girl - either to friends or in the company of friends; one of these friends is her future husband. The railway seems to be blocked or the tracks have been dismantled - your business partners will resort to betrayal for the sake of quick profit; They will justify their unworthy act by some of your old sins - however, you should not take their excuses seriously. It’s as if you are walking on sleepers - grueling work awaits you; Fatigue and anxiety for loved ones - this is your usual state for the next few days. You walk on rails, you balance as you go - you will succeed in business; you know how to conduct business so skillfully that you find a way out even of situations in which others give up or, conversely, raise their hands and meekly give up. The rails seem to be overgrown with grass, or water is flooding them - the misfortune that will happen will be short-lived.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What does the Railway mean in a dream - to increase the level of skill and great success in the profession. Imagine the railway tracks in detail: consider the rails and sleepers. Imagine that a large train is walking along the tracks. He approaches a large station, where there are many railway tracks, on which you see a variety of trains, both freight and passenger. You step out onto the platform and board the train, which takes you to where you have always wanted to go.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Women's dream book

Railway – If a railway appears in a dream, it is time to pay special attention to your affairs: your enemies are trying to take the initiative into their own hands. A blockage on a railway track means betrayal in business. If you are walking along the sleepers on the railway track, a time of anxiety and exhausting work awaits you ahead. Walking on rails is a sign that you will achieve great happiness through skillful management of affairs. If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a great time there.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Magic dream book

You dreamed of the Railway - expansion of necessary business connections. Walking on sleepers means lack of ambition. Walking on rails means skillfully managing your business. Traveling by train is an important proposition.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

The railway is an opportunity. Obstruction on the railway track - obstacles in business; walking on rails is skillful management of affairs.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Dream book of the future

Railroad - a pleasant, profitable journey awaits you.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, the railway warns you that your competitors are not asleep, and if you are not active, you may suffer losses.

Walking along it means good luck and joy await you.

If you dream that you are stomping on sleepers, you will do something new that will bring you not only success, but also considerable material benefit.

If you try to jump the tracks in front of an oncoming train, vanity and worries await you, you will put in a lot of effort, but you will get scanty results.

A dream in which you saw a railway crossing speaks of your great desire to radically change something in your life, but something will interfere with you.

Being on a train that crashed means that you have to give up your principles, go against your will in order to achieve your goal.

Hurry to the train - to the news, to arrive at the final destination - to achieve your goal.

Seeing a locomotive in a dream means that due to family contradictions you will have difficult communication with relatives.

Seeing an electric train in a dream means that soon you will meet a new acquaintance that will dramatically change your future life.

Seeing a railway depot in a dream means that you will receive help from those you didn’t even count on; being inside it means upcoming troubles and anxiety.

The driver you dreamed about is a symbol of the slow but sure achievement of the results of your work.

Seeing a railroad worker with a crowbar in a dream means that your competitors or ill-wishers are trying to harm you, so you need to make a lot of effort to resist them.

Why do you dream about the railway?

Ukrainian dream book

A railroad in a dream means a distant road will fall on you or some unexpected guests will arrive.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream means exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

23 lunar day

Sleep most often immerses the sleeper in a tense atmosphere with scary or unpleasant pictures. Such dreams do not always bring negative value: often events with a good semantic connotation are hidden behind them.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

April 28

A dream is a mirror reflection of events from the past of the sleeper. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, important decisions. Such dreams have nothing to do with the future.

If you dream of a railway, it means that you will soon discover that your business needs special attention, since your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there.

Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream means betrayal in your affairs.

Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs.

Seeing railway tracks flooded with clear water in a dream means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Railroad

A railroad in a dream foreshadows a profitable trip at someone else's expense. If in a dream you are driving along it, it means that pretty soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and you will resolutely begin to eliminate these obstacles.

A dream about a railway station suggests that in the coming days you will have to use public transport services.

For a young girl to see herself at a train station in a dream means that she will happily go to her friends vacationing outside the city and have great fun with them there.

A railroad crossing seen in a dream symbolizes your desire for a new goal, which will encounter significant obstacles and difficulties. Walking on sleepers in a dream foreshadows the intensification of your activities in a new direction, which will bring immediate success and high income.

A railway arrow means that at the moment you are standing at a crossroads in life; moving the arrow means making the final choice.

Crossing the railway tracks in front of a rapidly approaching train means the onset of an alarming period in your life, full of painstaking but low-income work.

Driving across a railway bridge over a large, endless river in a dream means that a temporary decline in your affairs will be replaced by a sharp rise. Seeing yourself in a dream as a conductor of a railway carriage means in reality you will have to turn to your closest neighbors for a small favor.

If you dream that you are riding a train through an absolutely hopeless railway tunnel, this means that you will soon be involved in an unusual enterprise that will result in sad events or endless troubles for you. Walking through an underground railway passage in a dream means you will never be able to solve the mystery that you have been puzzling over for a long time. Getting lost in such a transition means that you will step on a path that will not lead you to success, but will distance you from it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Railway in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about the Railway?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Railway mean?

If you see a railroad, that is, railroad tracks, then this symbol may mean an upcoming, but not very desirable trip. If you are walking along the railroad tracks in a dream, then this dream portends great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs. If you see trains on the railway that are going somewhere, then this is a sign of sadness and the danger of missing something important, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had, read on if you want to find out why you dream about the Railway.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Railway according to the dream book?

A sign that you should pay special attention to your affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative. The girl dreamed of a railway - she had a pleasant journey ahead of her. Walking on rails in a dream means you will achieve great happiness. If you saw railway tracks flooded with clear water, your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.

Dreamed of a railway - If you dreamed that you were quickly racing on a train along a railway, this is the path to a fast career.

Spring Dream Interpreter

According to the dream book, what does Railway mean in a dream? If in a dream you are traveling by train, electric train or tram and suddenly the railway breaks off, this means that your life will soon end.

Railcar - riding a railcar on a railcar - to a slowly moving business.

Rails - to a change of plans.

Railway sleepers - to a distant road.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Railway - You are on the way to changes in your personal life.

A trolley on a railway - In a dream, a trolley is rapidly rolling along the rails - to a railway accident.

Railroad rails - Your paths may diverge, you urgently need to change tactics.

Railway sleepers - To leg disease.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Railcar - Seeing yourself on a railcar - the unknown awaits you.

Rails - The trip will take place not very far.

Railway sleeper - You will be late for a very important date for you.

Everyday dream book

Seeing the Railway in a dream:

Seeing a railroad in a dream means that rapid changes will soon occur in your life. If you had a dream in which you are traveling along a straight railway in a fast train, then you can say that great luck awaits you.

For example, rapid ascent along career ladder, or meeting new and interesting people, who can become your patrons and help in any situations in which their help is needed.

If you dreamed of a railway that does not go straight, but meanders, then in real life you will have to overcome a large number of obstacles before you reach your goal.

If you dreamed that you small child and in a dream you play with the railroad, rolling a locomotive along it, then in reality you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, but at the same time you cannot change anything.

All your efforts will soon be wasted, no matter how and how much time you spend on solving your problems - the result will be zero. Therefore, it is not recommended to take active actions in the near future - it is better to wait for a more favorable moment to resolve important issues.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dream about the Railway, what is it for?

To see in a dream If you dream of a railway, this portends a profitable journey at someone else’s expense.

If in a dream you are traveling on a railway, then very soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and you will decisively begin to eliminate these obstacles.

Big dream book

Why does the dreamer dream about the Railway, interpretation:

If you dream of a railroad, then this is a sign that you should pay special attention to your affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative.

If a girl dreamed of a railway, then she would have a pleasant journey.

If you walked along a railway in a dream, then you will achieve great happiness.

If you dreamed of railway tracks flooded with clean water, then your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.