When did the Moscow Central Circle open? Metro stations under construction

Five months have passed since the opening of traffic on the Moscow Central Circle. Comfortable red electric trains have ceased to be perceived as exotic, but have become a familiar mode of transport for many. But still, not all Muscovites and guests of the capital managed to ride around the entire ring. I had some free time and decided to do full circle.

2. It’s the height of the working day, there are not very many people, but the platforms cannot be called empty either. , transition to the Avtozavodskaya metro station.

3. Swallows come often.

4. Who ordered a taxi to Dubrovka? Today we will go by electric train.

5. Basically, the MCC route passes through industrial areas. There are unexpectedly many hypermarkets and shopping centers along the route.

6. A new Zilart quarter is being built somewhere here.

7. Promised lifehack:
Previously, it was possible to travel along the MCC with a free excursion. I regret that I never got around to getting out. For those who were unable to take the tour, the management of the Moscow Metro promised to launch an audio guide by the end of 2016, unfortunately, I did not find it. I suspect that they never made an audio guide.
But, after searching for information on the Internet, I found a page with a good amateur audio tour. The excursion consists of 30 fragments, carefully divided into stages. It is very convenient to drive and listen to what is outside the window.
The audio tour is a little outdated, since several previously closed stations have opened since the recording, but the information is still useful and interesting. Thanks to the authors!
Link to audio tour of the MCC: https://vk.com/audios-129204178, sit back by the window and enjoy. That's exactly what I did.

8. Shopping complex "Gorod".

9. Don’t forget that the MCC is the brainchild of not only the metro, but also Russian Railways. Therefore, fans of diesel locomotives and other trainspotting will find a lot of interesting things for themselves. If only the windows were cleaner.

10. Some more railway equipment.

11. Hotel “Izmailovo”, the MCC station of the same name is located very close.

12. Note to non-residents.

13. Izmailovo Kremlin. There is a good view of it.

14. Somewhere in the area of ​​the former Cherkizon.

15. It’s interesting to watch not only the city, but also the people.

16. "Elk Island".

17. Another one shopping mall.


19. “Swallow” drives very quietly and smoothly, you can take a little nap. At the same time, at times the electric train accelerates to almost 100 kilometers per hour.

20. The snow is being removed.

21. We reached Vladykino.



24. We pass by the Botanical Garden. From here you can see perfectly.

25. We pass Swallow's Nest.

26. The Sorge platform, named after the famous Soviet intelligence officer.

27. CSKA stadium with a building in the shape of the UEFA Cup.

28. We are approaching Moscow City. Station "Business Center".

29. This station was nicknamed the “Emerald City”. An amazing and awkward architectural solution.

30. We are leaving the City.

31. Moscow is always standing somewhere.


33. Let's move. We see the center of Moscow, Crimean Bridge and a monument to Peter the Great.

34. Moscow city graffiti.

A little more and I get off at the same station where I got off. Travel time is approximately 80 minutes.
This is such a spontaneous excursion. There is an idea to take another ride when it gets warmer, I will need to get ready and wash the window on the train.

By the way, the Museum of Moscow conducts official tours of the MCC.
The ticket price is 300 rubles, the schedule is on the museum website.

If you go on your own, the excursion will be quite cheap; remember that the transfer from the metro to the MCC is free, and the audio tour is available on the Internet. Great option for a walk and getting to know the city, even for those who live in it. You can start and end the excursion anywhere, without depending on anyone.

The history of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway is more than a hundred years old. Back in 1908, the circular route was opened for cargo transportation in 9 directions of Moscow and 1 direction of Oktyabrskaya railways. In 2012, the ring had 12 operating stations.

Now the Moscow Ring Railway is a “light metro” under construction, a new ground mode of transport, integrated into the overall metropolitan system and allowing passengers to make convenient transfers to buses and trams, metro and electric trains.

The opening of the reconstructed tracks is just around the corner, so it’s time to tell Muscovites and guests of our city in more detail about their advantages.

Latest news about the Moscow Ring Railway

  • At a meeting in mid-April 2016, Vladimir Putin was informed that the first Moscow Ring Railway trains would be launched in September 2016. Further work on the construction of the small ring will be concentrated at the transfer points.
  • In the twentieth of December, updated metro maps appeared in the capital's subway, which included the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway. This was done specifically so that passengers could get acquainted with pleasant prospects in advance and plan future routes.
  • At the Moscow Ring Road there will be organized modern system informing passengers via smartphones - for example, a user, being in a specific point in the capital, will be able to receive a message about which station is nearby and how long the train will arrive at it.
  • As reported general manager Moscow Ring Railway Alexey Zotov, train intervals on the Small Ring can be reduced to 2-3 minutes if necessary. In general, trains will run according to the subway schedule - with 6-minute intervals during peak hours and 12-minute intervals at other times.
  • CCTV cameras will be installed at all stops and transport hubs on the Moscow Circle, which will help maintain the proper level of security.
  • Everyone knows that the capital's metro is an architectural monument, striking with its grandeur even people who are accustomed to riding it every day. But there will also be a “light metro” interesting object architecture, however, already modern. Thus, it became known that his stations in evening time will highlight different colors, that under a transparent roof will probably look very interesting.
  • The Moscow Ring Road will be fully adapted for use by people with disabilities. The cash register areas of each station will be equipped with special cash desk for wheelchair users, the height of the window is less than a meter.
The section is constantly updated with up-to-date information.

Moscow Ring Railway in numbers

The small ring is:

  • 54 km railway tracks, and taking into account the entrances and adjacent branches - 145 km;
  • 32 stopping points for future passenger transportation and 12 existing freight stations before the start of global reconstruction;
  • 212 billion rubles., invested in repair work;
  • 20 minutes time saved when traveling around the center of the capital;
  • 300 million passengers who will use the “light metro” by 2025;
  • to 100 pairs compositions per day.

Moscow Ring Railway station diagram on the map

The stations of the Small Ring Railway will be full-fledged transport hubs (TPU). This means that they will house offices, cafes, shops, and shopping malls. At each station there is a transfer to ground public transport.

The Moscow Ring Railway will include 32 stations. Let's divide them into categories.

Stations from which you can only transfer to ground transport

Koptevo, Presnya, Belokamennaya, Sokolinaya Gora, ZIL, Sevastopolskaya, Novopeschanaya, Khodynka, Volgogradskaya, Park of Legends

Stations from which a transfer to the metro is implied

Vladykino, Botanical Garden, Open Highway, Cherkizovo, Izmailovsky Park, Enthusiastov Highway, Ryazanskaya, Dubrovka, Avtozavodskaya, Gagarin Square, Luzhniki, Kutuzovo, Shelepikha, Khoroshevo, Voykovskaya, Okruzhnaya

Stations from which you can transfer to the Russian Railways radial line

Streshnevo, Nikolaevskaya, Yaroslavskaya, Andronovka, Novokhokhlovskaya, Warsaw

Stations that allow transfers to both the metro and the Russian Railways radial line

District, Ryazan, City

Construction plan and when will it open?

The reconstruction of the Small Ring, which will result in high-speed passenger traffic, began in 2011. Previously, it was planned to launch the light metro in four stages. Traffic on the section of the first stage Presnya - Kanatchikovo was going to be launched at the end of 2014, and on the section of the second, third and fourth stages Presnya - Lefortovo - Kanatchikovo - at the end of 2015.

Nevertheless, it was decided not to rush and launch the ring when it was fully ready - the project was too complex and large-scale.

In December 2015, trains on the Moscow Ring Road were supposed to depart in test mode, but as of the third quarter of 2015, the work was 70% completed.

It is expected that no earlier than the fall of 2016, full-fledged passenger transportation will be established on the Small Ring.

Moscow Ring Railway and World Cup 2018

Some time ago, information was announced that the Moscow Ring Road would be reconstructed for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. But now, according to those in charge, traffic along it will be launched in the fall of 2016.

Fares on the Moscow Ring Railway and train intervals

The cost of travel on the Small Ring will be the same as on the subway. The same tariffs and passes will apply here, which, you see, is very convenient for passengers.

Light metro trains will run every 6 minutes.
  • The Moscow Ring Railway is called the “road of the future”. Thanks to it, the “deserted” industrial zones of the capital will find a second wind and will be included in a busy transport ring.
  • The Small Ring will connect the gardening estates of Moscow, which is also very convenient for its guests and residents. We are talking about Sparrow Hills, the Mikhailovo and Streshnevo estates, Botanical Garden, VDNH, national park Elk Island.
  • Trains on the Moscow Ring Railway will be able to accelerate to 120 km/h, so travel is guaranteed. The cabin provides free Wi-Fi, sockets for phones and other gadgets, and a climate control system.
  • The tracks of the Moscow Ring Railway are already called “velvet” - Muscovites will not hear the sound of wheels, and special screens will protect them from excess noise.

Official website of the Moscow Ring Railway

The largest city in Europe, Moscow, is growing and developing year by year. It’s great that in our time we can observe such positive changes as the growth in the number of modern high-quality roads, metro stations and a fundamentally new type of transport that combines the speed and accessibility of the underground with the ability to transfer to buses, trams, and trolleybuses. We are confident that the Small Ring Railway and its trains will quickly gain popularity among residents of the capital, who value time like no one else.

The page presents:

metro map - 2018;

metro fare - 2018;

MCC scheme;

map of the large metro ring;

large metro ring (station opening schedule);

metro map with stations under construction;

schedule for opening new metro stations until 2020.

Metro map 2016-2020

Metro map 2018 with travel time calculation: mosmetro.ru/metro-map/

Moscow metro fare. 2018

All Moscow Metro stations are open for entry and transfer from one line to another daily from 5:30 am to 1 am.

The “Single” ticket allows you to travel by metro, monorail, bus, trolleybus or tram. One trip on a ticket is equal to one pass on any type of transport. The ticket is valid throughout Moscow, including Zone B.


A “Single” ticket with a limit for 1 and 2 trips is valid for 5 days from the date of sale (including the day of sale).
Tickets for 20, 40, 60 trips are valid for 90 days from the date of sale (including the day of sale). It is recommended to book tickets for 20-60 trips on your Troika card!

From July 17, 2017, tickets for 60 trips are sold only on the Troika card!!!

1 55
2 110
20 747
40 1494
60 1765


A “Single” ticket without a travel limit for 1, 3 and 7 days is valid from the moment of the first pass; you must start using it no later than 10 days from the date of sale (including the day of sale). Tickets for 30, 90 and 365 days are sold only on transport map“Troika” and are valid from the moment of recording on the card.

DAY COST, rub.
1 218
3 415
7 830
30 2075
90 5190
365 18900


Tariff "Wallet"

    A trip by metro and monorail - 36 rubles.

    A trip by ground transport - 36 rubles.

    A trip by metro and ground transport at the rate of “90 minutes” with transfers - 56 rubles. From January 2, 2018, “90 minutes” tickets for 1, 2 and 60 trips are no longer sold; tickets are only available on Troika.

You can get "Troika" at the metro ticket offices, at the automated kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans" and at the ticket offices of OJSC "Central PPK" and OJSC "MTPPK". The security deposit for Troika is 50 rubles. The deposit can be returned when returning the card to the cashier.

The card has no expiration date, the money on the card does not expire for 5 years after the last top-up.

Topping up your card is as easy as mobile phone, but without commission and for any amount within 3,000 rubles.
You can replenish the balance of the “Wallet” travel ticket on the “Troika” card at ticket offices and ticket machines of the metro, automated kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans”. “United” and “90 minutes” tickets can be “recorded” on the “Troika” card at the metro ticket offices and automated kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise “Mosgortrans”; "TAT" and "A" tickets at automated kiosks of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

Topping up the balance of a Wallet ticket to a Troika card is available through Aeroexpress ticket offices and at partner terminals:


You can sign up for subscriptions for commuter trains at the ticket offices of commuter stations and railway stations in Moscow and the Moscow region and at ticket machines located at railway stations and marked with information posters.

MCC - Moscow Central Ring.

Opening September 10, 2016!

The Small Ring of the Moscow Railway (MKZD) is more than a hundred years old. Previously, passenger trains ran along it, but over time, the bulk of traffic was transported by goods. The ring served industrial zones, many of which fell into disrepair over time and, at best, were used as warehouses.Now these territories are being reorganized: housing, sports complexes, and social facilities are being built here. Developing industrial zones need good transport connections. On the rails, where previously only freight trains ran, in 10 years up to 300 million people a year will be able to travel. However, the city does not refuse cargo transportation along the Moscow Ring Railway: freight trains will run along the tracks at night. For freight traffic, additional tracks with a length of about 30 kilometers are being laid.



During the first month of operation of the MCC, travel on the Moscow Central Circle will be free. After the end of the starting month of operation, one trip on the MCC will cost 50 rubles, two - 100 rubles, no more than 40 trips - 1,300 rubles, no more than 60 - 1,570 rubles. A travel ticket without a travel limit will cost passengers 210 rubles for a day, 400 rubles for three days, and 800 rubles for seven days.

ABOUT It will be possible to pay for trips using city tickets, such as “Troika” and “United”. Passengers will not have to pay twice: transfers from the Moscow Ring Railway to the metro will be free for one and a half hours. This time should be enough to go down into the subway, and not necessarily to the nearest station.Beneficiaries will retain the right to free travel around the ring. They will be able to use a Muscovite social card. Students and other students will be able to travel on the Moscow Ring Railway using discounted metro cards.


During peak hours, trains will run every six minutes, at other times - at intervals of 11-15 minutes. It will be possible to drive a full circle along the Moscow Ring Road in an hour and a quarter. The new transport circuit will make travel around the capital 20 minutes shorter on average.According to preliminary calculations, travel time between stations will be from 1.6 to 4.2 minutes.The transfer will take a matter of minutes, and 11 stations are organized on the “dry feet” principle. This means that you won’t have to go outside from the stations. A system of covered passages and galleries will protect pedestrians from rain, snow, and cold. And four stations will be from glass walls and roofs to allow natural light in the lobbies.


Motorists will be able to leave their car in intercept parking lots at 13 transport hubs and transfer to public transport. For citizens with limited mobility, elevators, escalators, lifts will be installed, and tactile tiles will be laid.

Big metro ring. Opening schedule

"Business Center" (opened February 26, 2018)

"Petrovsky Park" (opened February 26, 2018)

"CSKA" ("Khodynskoye Pole") (opened February 26, 2018)

"Shelepikha" (opened February 26, 2016)

"Khoroshevskaya" (opened February 26, 2018)

"Aviamotornaya" (2019)

The main thing that needs to be done at the second stage of development of the subway is to build a new ring line - the Third Interchange Circuit. Its length will be 42 km. Total n planned to open bmore than 160 km of new stations.

By 2020, the congestion of the capital's metro should decrease by almost half (By 2020, the capital's metro will increase by 78 stations):

"“We believe that it is this additional circuit that will allow us to relieve the existing lines,” sums up M. Khusnullin. — Passengers will not have to get to the city center to switch to another line.

Among other things, it is through the new ring that the subway is planned to be connected to the Moscow Ring Railway. The main interchange hubs will be the Khoroshevskaya and Nizhegorodskaya Street stations. At the same time, underground and surface trains will run according to an agreed schedule.

“By building the Third Interchange Circuit, we have the opportunity to “string” additional stations onto it, which will be needed when developing new territories,” explains M. Khusnullin. — As soon as we begin to develop the new territory, all the infrastructure will already be prepared.

Ultimately, due to the creation of new underground routes, the congestion of the capital’s metro should be reduced by almost half. If now, during peak hours, up to 8 people per 1 sq. m. are packed into the cars. m, then to 2020 The metro will reach the standard load - about 4.5 people per square meter.".

After construction of the second ring line:

  • Instead of the current 40 minutes it takes to get from the Yugo-Zapadnaya station to Kuntsevskaya, using the second ring you will get there in just 10 minutes!
  • now the journey from Kaluzhskaya to Sevastopolskaya takes 35 minutes, but it will only take 3 minutes;
  • the trip from Sokolniki to Elektrozavodskaya will take only 3 minutes instead of 22 minutes;
  • the route from Kashirskaya to Tekstilshchiki takes 30 minutes, but it will take 2 minutes;
  • The travel time from Rizhskaya to Aviamotornaya is currently 20 minutes, and with the opening of the TPK it will be reduced exactly by half!

Schedule (dates) of openings

Moscow metro stations 2014-2020

Since 2012, the capital has been implementing a metro development program in accordance with Moscow government decree No. 194-PP dated May 4, 2012. As part of the program, the Novokosino, Pyatnitskoye Shosse and Alma-Atinskaya stations were already opened in 2012, and by 2020, more than 155 km of new lines and 75 stations will be built.


"Lesoparkovaya" (opened February 28, 2014)

« Bitsevsky Park "(opened February 27, 2014)

"Spartak" (opened August 27, 2014)

Sokolnicheskaya line:

"Troparevo" (opened)


"Kotelniki" (opened September 21, 2015)

« Butyrskaya

« Fonvizinskaya" (opened in September 2016)

« Petrovsko-Razumovskaya"(opened September 2016)

Sokolnicheskaya line:

"Rumyantsevo" (opened January 18, 2016)


Zamoskvoretskaya line:

« Khovrino" (opened December 31, 2017)

Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line

« Lomonosovsky Prospekt"(opened March 16, 2017)

"Minskaya"(opened March 16, 2017)

« Ramenki » (opened March 16, 2017)


Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line:

« Verkhniye Likhobory"(opened March 22, 2018)

« District » (opened March 22, 2018)

« Seligerskaya "(opened March 22, 2018)

Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line

"Ozernaya" (Ochakovo)(opened August 30, 2018)

"Prokshino" (2020)

"Stolbovo" (2020)

"Filatov Meadow" (2020)

Kozhukhovskaya line:

"Kosino" (2020)

"Lukhmanovskaya" (2019)

"Nekrasovka" (2019)

« Nizhegorodskaya street"(2020)

"Okskaya Street" (2020)

MOSCOW, September 10. /TASS/. Passenger traffic opened today on the Moscow Central Circle (MCC, formerly MKR): 26 stations are available to citizens, from 11 of which you can go to the capital’s metro lines, from 5 to commuter train stops.

Muscovites explored the new land line with interest, the correspondent found out. TASS, having driven a full circle on the MCC.

“The ring passes through 26 districts of Moscow, where about 2 million people live. 30% of them live within walking distance from MCC stations. The above-ground metro will come to six districts for the first time; about 600 thousand Muscovites live there,” said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow on transport issues Maxim Liksutov on the eve of the start of train traffic on the ring.

The swallows have flown

At 14:00 the first train, the red and gray Lastochka, arrives at the Luzhniki platform. The next station is "Kutuzovo" - announced by the director of the People's Museum of the Moscow Metro, Konstantin Cherkassky. “The start of traffic on the Moscow Circular Railway took place on July 19, 1908 at the Serebryany Bor station. Initially, the traffic was passenger, but then it did not take root,” Cherkassky’s voice takes us back to the past, when Moscow still fit inside that road, and therefore it was called district and no other.

More than a century later, passengers returned to the Moscow Circular Railway, now the Moscow Central Circle. Today, a full circle on the MCC took 82 minutes, the average travel time between stations was 3 minutes, and the interval between trains was 5-10 minutes. On trains comfortable temperature, the information boards indicate the current time, the air temperature inside the cabin, and the name of the station. Stations and transfers are announced in Russian and English; on the train you can charge your phone or read a special issue of the My Metro newspaper dedicated to the MCC.

It seems that the carriage is comfortable for everyone: families with strollers and dogs, pensioners, young people, passengers with scooters and bicycles. An hour after the opening of traffic along the ring, there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall in the carriage. Passengers exchange impressions, ask each other about tickets, transfer times, and study small maps that are handed out at the entrance to stations.

“Look, we live on Novokhokhlovskaya, and I’m going to work on Leninsky Prospekt. I’m driving through the Third Ring Road, the journey takes about an hour, or even an hour and a half. But if you leave the car and go here to Gagarin Square, it’s only a minute It will take 20 in total,” the husband says to his wife. The couple decided to take a ride around the ring with their three daughters and little dog Knopka.

Transplant and transplant are different

The transition from the Gagarin Square MCC station to the Leninsky Prospekt station is warm: you don’t need to go out into the street from the platform, the entrance to the metro is located right there. There are four more such transfers based on the “dry feet” principle: at the Cherkizovskaya, Kutuzovskaya, Vladykino and Mezhdunarodnaya metro stations. They will only take a couple of minutes. But at other stations, transferring to the metro or commuter trains takes longer.

From the Shelepikha station you can transfer to the Testovskaya railway station of the Belarusian direction, the transition takes 7 minutes, by the way, the MCC map indicates 9 minutes. True, there are no signs visible; you have to ask the MCC employees for directions. Fans of skyscrapers will love the transition - the Moscow City International Business Center is very close and clearly visible.

There are no turnstiles at Testovskaya; you can buy a train ticket at the ticket office, but it is located on the platform opposite the entrance. The return journey to Shelepikha took only 5 minutes. Local residents will most likely not be bothered by the lack of signs. This is true.

The first stage of the Moscow Central Circle will take place on September 10. The online publication site answered the most important questions about the new type of urban transport.

What is it?

The Moscow Central Circle is a network that connects the metro and radial lines of suburban railways. It used to be called the Moscow Ring Railway. The MCC runs near the Third Ring Road in the southeast and west of the city and in the middle between the Third Transport Ring and the Moscow Ring Road in the north of the capital.

The main task of the road is to shorten the path from one point remote from the city center to another. According to experts, the launch of the railway should reduce travel time by an average of 20 minutes, relieve congestion on the Circle Subway Line by 15 percent, and the city’s central stations by 20 percent.

How many stations will open on the MCC?

The ring includes 31 stations, each of which provides transfers to other types of public transport. 17 stations will be connected to 11 metro lines, 10 to radial railway lines.

At the first stage, 26 stations will be available to passengers, reports the press service of the Moscow Construction Complex, citing Deputy Mayor for Urban Development Policy Marat Khusnullin. The rest will begin work before the end of the year.

Until 2018, the connection between MCC stations and metro stations, radial railway lines and surface urban transport will gradually improve.

Photo: MCC press center in the Moscow metro

Where can I transfer from the MCC?

In total, with the launch of the MCC, Muscovites and guests of the capital can make more than 350 transfers, and travel time when moving around the capital will be reduced by three times.

Passengers will be able to freely change trains when traveling on the following routes: Metro – MCC – Metro; Metro – MCC; MCC – Metro – Monorail; Monorail – Metro – MCC – Metro.

There are also transfers from trains to buses, trolleybuses and trams. The surface transport schedule will be adjusted to the MCC schedule.

The intervals of ground transport routes serving the ring have been approximately 10 minutes since September 8. In the future, they are planned to be reduced to 6–8 minutes, so that passengers can almost immediately transfer from the MCC to ground transport.

For more than four thousand ground transport stops, territory maps have been updated, and 15 stops now have stations on the new ring.

It will also be possible to get to the new railway line by personal transport: special parking lots will be installed at 13 stops.

How to navigate the MCC?

In total, several versions of the MCC scheme have been prepared. On one of them, it is plotted on a map of the city with the designation of suburban railway lines, as well as metro lines, including the Third Interchange Circuit under construction.

In the second, the MCC map is included in the currently used metro map and is indicated there as the 14th metro line. In total, 50 thousand new schemes will be posted in the subway. The updated maps will also contain information about how long it will take to transfer from the metro station to the MCC station.

The ring stations themselves are equipped with navigation panels in Russian and English languages. Braille will be installed for visually impaired passengers. Also at each station there will be boards with train arrival times. Several of them will have “Live Communication” counters.

Where can I find detailed information about the MCC?

A section dedicated to the Moscow Central Circle has appeared on the official website of the capital's metro.

The new page contains information about the history of the creation of the MCC and the modern Lastochka trains running around the ring. Also, site visitors can familiarize themselves with the map of transfers from the metro to the MCC and select convenient routes.